How to let your clients pay for Elementor Pro, Crocoblock and Security - Maintenance packages

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okay so why would you pay for things like elementor pro and croco block with your own money if you can let your clients pay for that so in this video i want to show you how you can convince your clients to pay for all of that software which you can also use for your own websites or site projects and this is great because this means that you don't have to worry about the money aspect of those essential software pieces so let's just get started with this video so what i do is i sell monthly maintenance packages to all of my clients which they cannot refuse and i've been getting a lot of questions about my maintenance package so this is what i do i just make sure that every new client that comes into my business and wants to work with me because that is their decision they're gonna pay at least 10 dollars a month just to cover the cost of a few software tools on top of elementor pro and croco block which i mainly use on all the websites right now i also have a paid security plugin which i will tell you which one it is in this video but that package is what i give them for that 10 a month and by the way there's no domain and hosting in that package and before i'm gonna tell you what's inside of it and why this is so great for your clients and for you what i did before this is i had a 20 monthly maintenance package but i made that optional so when i created my offer uh and it was like hey this website is gonna cost you three thousand and then there's an optional maintenance package but then the people already see that big number right that they're gonna pay for the design and building of the website and then they don't want any more additional costs which is understandable of course so that's why like half of the people refused that optional 20 package so then i was like hey i'm still making a profit here but i still don't like this so what about this i'm gonna make it a little bit cheaper so that it's still a great deal for them i'm gonna show you the numbers in a minute but then i'm gonna make it mandatory so that they cannot refuse it so right now my offer looks like this first you have the price of the website that you're gonna pay for the design and building the whole thing in elementor and then there's a mandatory ten dollar monthly package that they cannot refuse and then there's an optional ten dollar package so an add-on for some extra services so in this way i can still make twenty dollars a month with a client and i also make sure that i always cover my costs and to make things easy for myself i send them an invoice once a year because back then i did it every month but that's a lot of work for administration which i didn't like so now i'm just gonna send one invoice a year super easy also for them it's super nice so let's break down the cost and let's see why this is a win-win situation for you and your clients and by the way all the links to the websites that i'm going to show you right now are in the description of this video so why would a client pay you 10 a month well i just explain it to them like this like i get paid to design and build the website that is why you pay me but why should i pay for all the software for years after we're done with the project right it doesn't make any sense so they should pay to keep their website running in the same way as i think that they should pay for their own hosting it's their domain it's their website it's their emails but that's just how i see this business it's their business and yes i have made the decision to work with elementor and that will give you monthly costs for them and if they don't want to work with me that's okay they can also find somebody else who will do it for free and who will pay for their elementor pro subscriptions for years it's not smart in my opinion so i get paid for the design and building the website and if they want everything to run i'm gonna use the software that i prefer and that will give them monthly costs so let's say that they have to pay for it themselves elementor pro for their one website that is 49 per year that's around four dollars per month croco block i as you guys know i use that on almost all the websites let's say that they're gonna just pay it for one website for their website that's 130 per year that's around 11 per month then you have a few options for security plugins first of all you have wordfence that is the biggest security plugin on wordpress which i don't use because it's absolutely expensive for one license you're gonna pay 99 per year that's around eight dollars the one that i use is similarly priced but for one website is it's 80 per year again all the links to these pages are in the description and then if your client wants backups there are actually three options for that so i'm not going to include that in here because that could also be an argument of your client that for example a company like manage wp you have free backups monthly free backup so that should not be an argument here so we're just talking about elementor pro croco block and security so if your client had to pay for this themselves that's already 22 a month and you are offering this exact same package for 10 a month is that a great deal yes for them it's a no-brainer because why would you have to pay for their elementor subscription for years makes no sense to me and yes i know with my old model i still made a made a profit but now i just want to be sure i just don't want to lose any money all right and every client want their website safely secured so a free security plugin is not enough i have an upcoming video about that uh it went horribly wrong with one of my clients it was an absolute mess so that's why i'm now on paid security plugins because security is is important i found out um and elementor pro of course is needed and a lot of times croco block is also needed for websites that are a little bit more advanced so the clients are better off buying your 10 package than paying for it themselves so now how are you gonna make a profit and i already think that you know what i'm gonna say here but what you of course gonna do is buy packages that have unlimited websites because as you can see right here one website costs this and then unlimited cost this so within a few clients you're making a profit here elementor of course has changed their pricing model but still with this package you're still going to make a profit and then wordfence that is just so expensive guys if you have 10 clients as you can see right here i'm going to put it at 10. you're going to pay this this is ridiculous if you have 20 clients you're gonna pay this even with the discount so my advice is to pay for the second uh uh biggest wordpress security plugins that there is and that is items right wordfence is the most downloaded one but it also slows down your website a bit i've heard so this one is lighter and it has an unlimited package as you can see right here for 1.99 and yes i know what you're thinking there is even a better deal for croco block which is the lifetime option which a lot of you guys already have bought which is amazing by the way there's also a discount if you didn't know that that's not what this video is about but there is a discount uh code on the level and pixels website which you can find right here but it only works via my affiliate link that is not a trick to get commissions that is just how croco block has built it but let's just assume that you pay for the yearly package you pay for yearly elementor pro 25 website and you pay for items pro or premium how do you call it with unlimited websites that means that you're gonna pay 663 dollars in your first year to have all the software for your clients and for your own website by the way so that means that if you charge ten dollars a month times 12 months times six clients you are already making a profit here so after six clients you're making a profit which is great because six clients is very doable even in your first year and this is excluding the profit that you make by designing and building the website right this is only for the maintenance packages and only for the minimum maintenance packages right because if you sell a lot of twenty dollar packages you're already making a great profit here let's go back to the ten dollars a month and let's say that you have 20 clients after i don't know two years that means that you already have twenty four hundred dollars per year that you get and with that money you can even pay for the whole adobe suite and and your for your accounting software and and uh maybe for some other things that you want so you see this is this is a great trick this is a great trick to be profitable in your business pretty fast and ten dollars it's not even that much you can even start at 20 because i've been getting some comments from people be like hey reno 10 is really cheap yes i know i know but that's the whole deal you want to make your clients accept it and i know that it's mandatory but you also don't want to make it super expensive because then maybe they're going to work with somebody else right you also want to make it a little bit attractive so i think that this is a great balance i'm never going to lose money because after six clients i'm already making a profit and for them it's a cheap package that's a win-win for me and yes i know we're talking about the 25 website licenses but like i said before after six websites we're already making a profit so if we're at 20 you can easily pay for this you can actually already pay for their studio plan where you will get super fast support so like i said before it still makes sense it's more expensive but it still makes sense but now as you guys know i've also said that i update the website for my clients so how do i do this now now this is only part of the optional package so for the 10 i'm not gonna do anything this is just to cover the cost and for twenty dollars so for the extra ten dollars a month my clients are gonna get updates this is great because if they don't accept updates problems can occur on the website which oftentimes are easily fixable by just updating everything but i can charge them and i can send them an invoice because then the website is broken and i need to fix it again so if you don't like that you can also choose to update all the websites for the 10 package i don't like to do that because i think it's fair that you're getting paid a little bit more for your work even though it's so simple uh in manage wp for example if you go to overview you can see that i need to update quite a few plugins on all of my client websites and if i don't do this then problems can occur so for this 20 a month i update their websites so that takes a little bit of work so what i do is i update them and i click on the website i click on the main pages and see if everything still works and of course i also click the optimize button over here to keep the websites clean and to make this 20 package a little bit more interesting for my clients i do two two more things the first one is that i buy the uptime monitor and this is what i've been doing now for a few projects i bought the uptime monitor it's like 0.8 dollars per month and if the website goes down for a minute then manage wp is gonna send you an email oh by the way for the new people that don't know what manage wp is i have a video on this which i will link in the card in the description below so when the website goes down i get a message first because the last thing that you want is that your client found finds out that the website is down faster than you right you want to be the first to know if the website is is down then you can fix it before the client even notice it so that is something that i buy for that 20 dollars i think that that's a great investment because it keeps a relationship with your client better and a lot of clients also like this that they know that their webmaster right as a lot of clients call me their webmaster can fix the issue when it occurs i mean they're running their business right i'm the website guy in their eyes i mean i am i guess so this is also great for them and for me and then the second thing that i also buy is the automatic client report so for the free version of manage wp you have to do the client reports manually i don't want to do that anymore it's every month i have to go in and create a report and send it manually just for uh i think it was also around one dollar per month you will have automated reports and in that report as you can see you can set it to monthly at a certain time at a certain date in a certain language you can even let this plugin wait for your confirmation when the website is down i mean how cool is that so in the report you can set the data to your language to the last 30 days and you can check a few of those boxes for example the updates which you can also automate by the way which is something i found out in managed wp so you can automate the updates so you don't have to do the updates manually every month super cool the backups clients wants to see like if is there a backup right uptime monitor did we go down this month great analytics you can connect it to your google analytics so they will see their analytics from the last 30 days super nice feature you can upload your logo as you can see right here your colors and you can preview the report to see if everything looks the way you want it so this is an example and by the way this is this is in my dutch language but you can also set it up in english they can see that there has been updates they can see that there's a backup the uptime on the website and like i said the analytics and this is also a nice service for them because for a client uh paying 10 a month to get a report of their website every month with analytics can be worth the money for them and for you it's completely automated the only thing you have to do is accept that you're making one dollar per month less profit but it's completely automated right so i just spent two dollars a month on these features within manage wp for my clients but they have paid the ten dollars extra so the only thing i have to do is go in update the plugins from here with one click check if the website is still live and the report is sent automatically the backups are made automatically and if you want you can even automate the plugins updates as you can see right here but i've been testing this so i don't know if this works yet i'm i've just been testing it let's say in two years you will have 20 clients times let's say that half of your clients are convinced with your uh upper package so the average sale that you're making per month is fifteen dollars times twelve months that's already three thousand and six hundred dollars per year just from those packages and again we're not talking about the profit you're gonna make by designing and building because those costs are a separate story you can easily pay for the paid version of adobe xd or figma because as you guys know adobe xd is free so if you like to design first before you start an elementor which you guys know i love to do i always recommend because i it makes your process and your products so much better you can even buy the paid version of adobe xd if you want to or figma because figma is actually not free well it is free but you can only do three projects uh as you can see right here which is not a lot in xd you can do unlimited projects but you can't share prototypes but there are limitations on both tools of course and you could even argue that if you're starting out that you don't even have to buy croco block you can just start with elementor pro and then i recommend using a a security plugin because if something goes wrong you will have to do a lot of work you have to find somebody who can fix everything and that's why i recommend paying for a paid security plug-in i just found wordfence too expensive unbelievable so that's why i use items and i've been using that on a lot of websites now i will make a separate video on items when i have a lot more experience with it but since i've used it i've not had any new problems but again i will make a separate video about that so i really hope that this video gave you some confidence that starting a web design business is very profitable if you just charge your clients for those simple packages it makes sense for them and it makes sense for you and even with elementor pro croco block and a security plugin you will get profit after six clients that is super doable alright guys if you have any questions or feedback then leave them down below in the comments and then i hopefully will see you in another video on living with pixels [Music] you
Channel: LivingWithPixels
Views: 46,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: livingwithpixels, living with pixels, livingwithpixels maintenance package, livingwithpixels maintenance, maintenance package, wordpress maintenance, wordpress managewp, wordpress subscription, elementor pro pricing, crocoblock pricing, ithemes pro pricing, ithemes pro, ithemes premium, security plugin, good security plugin, wordpress security, wordpress management, wordpress wordfence, wordpress updates, managewp wordpress
Id: K2KHiFY46oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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