The Tire Slayer, A 1,200HP Gobbling Monster

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[Music] friends [Music] what's up we're back good morning alonzo's ideas have sell so this is a coffee cable we use that an actual v10 engine that kind of blew up a little bit and uh we should sell it ten thousand dollars for this table go on the site and buy it put the headers and everything i know you know that you know that's what i was thinking about doing a table over there doing a full engine and transmission with like a turbo kit on it too and just putting glass over it and then like make plans for a [ __ ] tree hug so yeah this is the lobby we of course when we originally moved in we started from the workshop and have been working from the workshop this way and lately we get a lot of clients coming in we're like told jason like can you finally just get this place done jason uh our jdm is a sick ass fabric here and made this for us uh we have a couple blown engines um so what we're gonna do is we're gonna the next one we're gonna make is for um 458 destroyer uh i'm gonna make him a cool like ucs that should be race there something cool there it says like buy sheet b race four four f stop what's up four four kind of a walk through you're not going with him right you're staying right we have to go why don't you have to go too because i have to talk to ben and get everything situated for customs you guys are just holding it today we've been trying to do this for months and we'll be back by like one [Music] what do you want to do because i get anxiety without you guys here just call me all day uh we came out badass huh the only thing at the corners oh don't let big head anywhere near it look at this he runs here that's that's eye level oh yeah but still we have to fix those corners maybe we can just put the little plastics over it that's what we ordered oh really yeah because you know hand pieces hey completely hey you know what a long john idea we'll do a full engine with transmission and turbo kit all the whole way for a table like like an actual table yeah that's tight and then we get the cabinets and put all the all the pistons and rods like the drawer handles damn you guys are creative i would never think of stuff like that did you see what showed up out front no the purple come on purple pearl nah where is that car i leave you guys with one job hey where's my purple purple you guys ready for this one highest layer incorporated is that it trademark so look what showed up so this car belongs to a 458 destroyer now he did buy it from uh damon from dde he did purchase from them as you guys know we originally did the turbo kit for it for damon it was a lot of fun it was a lot of fun working with those dudes damon is a true car enthusiast like he sends it yeah i'll give it to the guy he's cool as hell um so damon was done with it and then he sold it to 458 destroyer um kind of just sat around at 4 5 8. he uh re-wrapped it um and then um you know as as time has gone on you know when we were into this car it was like one of the first cars we put motec in it's just a stage one damon just wanted something you know to do donuts and do stuff so and as you guys know if you guys don't follow 458 destroyer do follow him he is freaking wild the guy is like go crazy with everything that's just his mentality right so um he didn't send it back because if there's anything wrong with it or nothing along the designs it's just he just wants to go crazy with it he wants ethanol he wants big turbos he wants to do you know top fuel burnout so we're just gonna you know do the modern stuff that we do and apply it to the car as you guys know as time goes on technology changes things change development changes so we're just gonna get it up the bar that's it there's nothing wrong with it um like i said it was a lot of fun back then um it was it was cool it was cool so what we're gonna do is dude look at those tires you can tell damon had his last uh he does donuts i don't know he's crazy with donuts so guys this is pretty dope at our old shop we had two buildings and it must have been 20 feet wide and he was 20 feet wide then there was like dumpsters so he was like even limited to space and he'd sit there and just go in circles that's talent i can't do that kind of um but yeah so we're gonna let's go for a drive first see how it drives see what it does pull some logs i'm gonna definitely change the turbo kit um definitely change the turbo holy moly yeah all right well this should be fine let's roll this guy uh we we own this car now so we're just dialing it and getting perfect before we list it for sale but i had johnny do some stuff with it fast i hit it once that's scary so usually is i i have multiple maps i have it in like honestly full kill mode all the time so bro nothing literally gets it bloody fans looking for the best himself you know we all kind of dressed to say mom jogger it's the sheepy way anyways uh gonna take a drive to where you guys going newport long beach to the docks to go drop off this car and another white re they're going to ship to dubai so they're going to take a drive to go take those cars drop them off they're going to get in go on those big boats and head over to dubai so in under three weeks there'll be two more sheepy cars roaming the streets of dubai i've been playing with this all weekend yo i'm like you know it's been some time if you back when if you've been following us for a while i was like i've been i get it it's internet racing but whatever you want to call the draghi essentially justifies how quick these cars are dyno numbers i again i don't we we've lately started posting the dyno numbers and i'm comfortable posting them because our numbers back it up with draggies but when you got all these shops that post all these wow dyno numbers and your cars don't do well then kind of wack but it's been a minute since i've personally driven cars at chasing dragon numbers now when going quick in the draggy number and i will i will be very transparent about it you just don't floor it and expect it to run the same there's a lot of factors that come into place conditions tire temperature tire pressure intake air temps um road that you're on there's so many factors and with our history of drag racing we don't you don't build a race car and say hey that car went 8-1 and expect it to go 8-1 everywhere you have to adjust the vehicle based off the conditions so that's something that i've done my entire career when i said drag race professionally crew chief of the drag race team so i apply the same thing to these cars now so if i run a three one in this car i can't sell it and give it to you like cart it's gonna go three one it's capable of going three ones if the conditions are met and you properly can adjust based off the condition so what night was it saturday night my girlfriend and i had a babysitter so like ah let's go out date night and the conditions were good it was it was like 70 degrees sun was going down so that means the roads had a lot of heat in them still saying hey i'll be back i'm gonna go i'm gonna go do some 6130s and she's like do i want to go with i'm like i don't think you should i don't think you're gonna like this i wish i would have had the in-car video because this car is on a 18-inch rim it's on a toyo proxy rr so these tires with a lot of temperature in them dead hook the trick to these cars is all e.t so on the hit if it spins the the run is going to go to [ __ ] okay it's not gonna run what you would want it run uh so i put some heat in it i hit it with her in the car and she just freaks out um so she was in the car with me and uh the condition was right i got it to hook um and we ran a three one five we'll drop the video here with her filming um a couple things that i want to in and i'm not trying to come up with excuses a lot of people like oh he could have run this it could have done this a lot of error in that hit if you actually notice the end of the hit um it cuts now the draggy says it cut like right at 129 however in the log it was at 124 it did a full cup um at 110 it began to pull power and at 124 it fully just cut the car now why that happened was it was clutch protection um the clutch got too warm it started to slip at 110 the ecu started pulling timing to get it to be happy by the time we hit 124 it noticed that it's not going to be happy and it just cut me out it was clutch protection so with all that air plus it's a passenger in the car going 315 i'm 100 confident it'll go a high 2-9 with me alone in the car after making the adjustments for the clutch protection now you guys must understand that is very very very very quick for streetcar that is not something that is very easy to do either today's conditions are nice so i'm gonna wait hopefully the sun comes out and then tonight um i can go to mexico i'm gonna get another hit in with this and i got clay's car i gotta test so clay smith as you guys all know uh clay smith um build some interesting cars it happens to own a pretty cool business called 12 volt solutions give them a follow they actually make uh remote starts for all these new cars pretty dope you know which is a cool feature to have especially when you live in the core cold conditions like right now we got fall coming and winter coming like it's getting chilly here like i hate getting in a cold car so give them a follow buy yourself an electric remote start and uh enjoy the product so yeah cool car happy with it brand new build um but it's for sale don't expect it to run at 290 with you driving though i mean you can you just you got to learn how to do it um let's take some rides there we're going to ride along for now let's jump in that it's warm [Applause] alex hey alex i'm a huge fan of the vlog it's been fun to follow along and see your hustle the last years i don't just watch the car content i appreciate the behind the scenes look at an entrepreneur building in his business i really love the podcast too and even watch the spanish episodes when you upload them 458 destroyer was kind enough to let me drive the tire slayer for the last month now i know that i absolutely need a cb built v10 in my life what an incredible car to drive 50 000 miles of neglect and abuse quote-unquote torture from dde and this thing is still a monster even though you guys do way bigger builds than this setup i think it it this is a testament to the quality of your work looking forward to throwing the turbos off the roof of the sheepy headquarters uh here's some tequila to celebrate the occasion the art is from one of my favorite mexican restaurants at s-e-n-k-o-e-o-n-e on ig jake jake thank you so so much for this this made my morning this is kind of that makes me appreciate the stuff that i do is it really raining jeez this is dope look at that dude jake thanks so much i'm not a tequila fan but we happen to be building a bar for our clients when they do come in the lobby so what we're to do is anybody that sends us any sort of alcohol or tequila um we're going to go ahead and write who it's from we're going to put it in the lobby so when customers come like hey this was from this guy and he sent it on this date and kind of just build uh start a new thing i know in the past we um everybody used to ship us uh tapatio this anybody that ships there's any alcoholic rubbish is going to go in our bar in our main lobby and we'll put your name on it thanks dude appreciate you see how this thing drives i remember when johnny man cobra installed the steering wheel and all this all this dry carbon damn dude this car brings back so many memories great memories by the way a lot of good times you know the internet always likes to try to stir up [ __ ] like oh david and alex had a falling out like why don't you guys [ __ ] focus on like the positives in life and all the good you know what adults are adults and misunderstandings happen but no still blows the tire off probably doesn't help that we have ball tires on the boat the car has both tires the dash marks 104 312 kilometers this car has a lot of history i don't remember but i think we did when you would put this car in launch mode it would turn dc off so that he could do burnouts i forget let's figure it out should we try it it does it [Music] [Applause] all right i'm gonna have too much fun with this thing however don't [ __ ] try to judge me i'm not the best at this [ __ ] i don't know how to do donuts i'm gonna learn how to do doughnuts in this i gotta ask 458 destroyer if he's okay with it so we'll call him and ask him if he's cool with it going to learn how to do donuts and what better car to learn to do donuts in the actual powerslide right things like the donut king of the world now we have our draggy i'm going to put it in clay's car don't mind my target popcorn for me stop i'm gonna let it warm up a little bit go take the police car out and see what that [ __ ] done all right lovely purple so on i noticed in the comments people called it barney who called barney that barney so that's a badass blind let's go put some heat in the tires uh get up temperature and then um lower the tire pressure and uh do a hit i was getting nervous about this funny noises when it's backing up i haven't stopped i've driven hundreds of these cars but then again clay always installs gadgets on this car god damn it's annoying so it's a reverse camera i need a tire pressure gauge though which happens to be already play this annoying sound really there's my snap-on guy all right guys king rip off that likes always i mean the radials always feel a little a little rough but it feels pretty good let's move it that's 3-5-0 blowing the tire off with uh the boost turned down not a bad way to get the jitters i don't know monday morning let's go ahead and pull the gas station i'll review the vlog it's the first shakedown hit god damn it like blew the tire off and just lifted the entire car and i break lose it in third uh ahead with the downfall to a radio is if the surface is not completely smooth um if it's not completely smooth it um you could feel it like you got to wheel it so i'm sure you saw there i'm wheeling it but the thing is if i feel it's a good pass like it blew the tire off it hazed it but it still ran a good number yeah i went a 3-3-0 i'm blowing the tire off with the passenger i'm going to stay in it because i'll just get a lock but how you feeling you feel it everywhere you're feeling your whole body yeah yeah it's probably like 1300 but it's blowing the tire off um you know put some heat to it no need to abuse it i did three solid back back to back pulls go back in the shot review that it's all fine overlook the entire car this is normally what we do with every car we just put them through a beating in our hands before we ship them off like granted things don't happen you know it's it's building cars uh if you build three cars a year and your three doesn't break it oh i don't we don't break cars i guess if you build three a year but um we i still put them in testing um i do all the testing myself so 60 to 130 to the cars make sure they're quick normal traffic um some idle adjustments which will change depending on like area as well sometimes we have to remote and adjust the idle for customers nothing too crazy um then just dial in the boost control for them at multiple settings this car is strong so at the wrap of this flag entire slayer is back plays matt currigan is fastest i'm gonna detail this puppy and send it to tesla oklahoma catch you guys in all seriousness uh it's always cool to like see what other people do in their gadgets uh remote starts dope for many reasons right and then not to mention they also have an app so if you download the app when you do it on your car um you can do it off your uh phone so let's see if this works [Music] make sure you get a system all you guys i mean who cares if you have a civic or whatever you have 12 volt solutions enter sheepy as a discount going to get 50 gotta do it gotta support the guys that build cool you can turn it off with it too all right i got work to do
Channel: Sheepey Race
Views: 106,091
Rating: 4.9596128 out of 5
Id: ri2woZsw1AE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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