The Time Sung Jin Woo Abused His Power To Farm Levels | SOLO LEVELING Episode 4 Cut Content

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one of the biggest differences between the anime monoa and web novel is the state of mind in which s Janu finds himself in his level of pow is generally the same but there's a distinct way in which he chooses to approach combat in each of them the anime and monoa has some struggle and be a bit more cautious whereas in the novel The instance dungeon was nothing more than a cakewalk a simple XP farm in which he was literally spawn trapping so if you want to see Sun's gamer moves and the more fleshed out methods he chose to level up here stick around as we'll go through all the changes the anime made let's get started episode 4 I got to get stronger covering chapters 13 to 16 from the web novel and chapters 14 to 17 from the Mana to start things out right here at the entrance of the instance dungeon with Sun's initial plan being to Simply check out the dungeon then leave the fact it trapped him inside made him Panic not that short-lived shock we got in the anime but instead straight up Terror as he screamed and punched the invisible wall in front of him the whole thing was far beyond what he had originally planned for because what he expected to find was a gator secret entrance somewhere not this significantly worse scenario in which he couldn't even Escape anymore it's when he finally commits to the challenge ahead of him that the first major difference is with the goblins if you read the Mona or read the books you'd know that these goblins weren't an enemy inherent to the dungeon the reason I think the anime decided to include them then was because as the enemy we've seen Sun fight and lose to twice before they serve as this Bas level marker for Sun's starting point they're the only enemy we know he can sort of handle and it's that knowledge that makes his fight with them a good indicator of how strong he's become so far so by seeing him fight and defeat them easily now we know at the very least that sun is stronger and more competent than he was before now it's his first encounter with the wolf that that's when we get to that first major difference in s's state of mind I was talking about you see in the manwa and Anime s was a bit more passive and let enemies get the jump on him but it was in the novels that he did the opposite he could sense that something was stalking him and though he didn't know exactly where it was he knew from experience it was waiting for an opportunity an opportunity Sun would give by faking an opening then immediately revers by swinging his sword right as the lyan jumped out one shotting the beast in a swift reflex that impressed even himself that's another difference from the Mona and Anime but as IID mentioned last video The Sword was something s was already aware of he had equipped the weapon as soon as he entered and was ready to use it straight from the get-go two more lyans would then jump out right after the first and despite Sun's sword being stuck just like in the anime Sun had no problem abandoning it so he could swing his fist instead unlike how the lyans were able to withstand it in the anime though that single punch was enough to onot it too exploding its head the moment his fist made impact with it now you may be wondering how that was even possible but the core reason behind it is because in the novels the lyans names were white they weren't red to show that they were significant L stronger but instead immediately waited to indicate that they were already weaker than S so though the anime and the novel had the same strength stat for S it seems the power of the Likens they were facing was different the anime is obviously being a little bit harder and the novels being somewhat easier that's not to Discount the confidence and experience s had displayed while fighting them in the novels though but there was a much more gradual progression towards that confidence in the anime as for the Mana it was here that they decided to keep strength at 20 in the beginning a decision I think makes the most sense for when s was actually struggling since to have his strength at 30 would mean he should really be one-shotting them what I mean is that a strength of 30 plus doesn't properly reflect the power of someone who's level two as s determined himself his glass Cannon strength build placed his power more akin to someone who was level 20 so what do you get when a level two hunts with the strength of a level 20 in the beginner area well that's what s believed to be power leveling he' effectively tripled his power stat and was now abusing that power to farm levels here to say his actual power was tripled from what it was initially though wasn't entirely accurate since S Felt he was even stronger than that you see back at the hospital he tested the difference between one or two points but now that that strength had increased three-fold he knew for sure the amount it was increasing each time wasn't linear to him it felt like it was more of an exponential boost in power a level of growth that only got faster the farther along you were so with that being the only explanation for his newly acquired destructive power s also figured his significant boost in speed was because of the strength attribute too what he initially thought was all agility in actuality had nothing to do with agility his strength was increasing his muscles and that in turn was also making him faster so what exactly does the agility stat do then well that's something s knew he'd have to use points to find out uh pricey wasn't willing to pay since why bother when strength already does what he thought agility did of course he could always find out just by leveling so that was his plan to figure out what all his attributes did sure the increase to them would be marginal at the beginning but over time he knew eventually a difference would be felt now s was pretty disappointed that there weren't any Essence Stones since for many the whole point of being a hunter was to gather these Essence stones to him it just felt wrong to walk away empty-handed from a hunt like this it was the first indicator this dungeon was fundamentally different from a gate luckily they did give him drops instead but with no context on what the gold they were sold for was worth Sun could only hope that their value would eventually add up to something better he was the type of player to gather anything and everything no matter how invaluable it was in fact he had even become a bit sad when he realized 20 gold was left on the table from that lyan who head he punched off that disappointment didn't last very long though as when he turned around to find 20 more lyans his face lit up at the thought of how much gold he was about to get he was ecstatic to see so many more mobs waiting to get farmed by him a stark contrast from the nervous anxiety s proceeded within the anime whereas he was happy for a fair fight and challenge there in the novel s's greed shown through as all he could think about was what he could gain from them so this would constitute the entirety of the dungeon's first floor and by the end s had gone up to level seven his stats had gone up to what you see here and the only drops he got were the ones we saw in the anime s surprisingly didn't suffer from that Gamer's hoarding mentality though and was able to sell his entire stash minus the teleportation Stone granting him a total Bank of 1,60 gold now it's in the monoa that sun sword was pretty beat up at this point and that would lead into the reasoning behind why he chose not to fight with weapons anymore you see before he'd once spent $350 on a dagger and while it definitely made hunting a whole lot easier for him it unfortunately broke while fighting the boss his total gains were only three Essence Stones worth of money that day so with that being only about $240 the money he spent far exceeded the money he'd earned a costly lesson that made him never want to buy a weapon again thus the reason from that point on he only fought with his fists now to add a bit more clarity to the notion this wasn't something s understood there was less uncertainty in the fact he was being manipulated the way this dungeon worked exactly like a video game made him positive something or someone had created it for him it was a for sure indicator that some unknown being was controlling him so unlike how sun was just speculating that some higher power wanted him there in the monwa he knew this was exactly where they wanted him to be he was aware he was upon in someone else's game yet continued anyway since this was the only path to power it's here the novels really fles out the next part because there was a lot of focus on what Sun had done to level up some more he had essentially refined the process into a basic spawn trap system he discovered the dungeon respawned its monsters on the timer and it was about the time he took to clear the monsters on the second floor that the lens on the first would be back and waiting for him so it was once Sun found out he could just go back and forth between the first and second floor that he would continuously Farm all monsters within until his level stopped Rising it was an 8 Hour grind in which he had gotten so familiar with that he could now easily predict where the monsters were going to attack him from since they would always respawn in the exact same place every cycle made him more familiar with where each and all of them would come from turning his grind into a mundane farming route just short of Spawn camping it's an approach that kind of trivializes the trials and tribulations of the first dungeon but still would have been fun to see him make his way to that point the Mana does show it to some capacity but not to the extent that he's repeating the process multiple times over it was after this that sun was now at level 15 and with his agility stat now at a massive 24 he could finally discern what it was that this attribute did for him it didn't increase physical speed like how he thought but instead sped up his vision which in turn made it seem like enemies were slower so with each and every time he looped through the dungeon the creatures he fought gradually became slower to him eventually getting to the point where all of them moved in what seemed like slow motion to him it was as if time itself had slowed down this made it easier to dodge incoming attacks and that in turn allowed for more opportunity to Counterattack it had created a larger window in which he could attack and his enemies couldn't a new found phenomenon that certainly made him feel more agile this disparity only got larger the more he leveled and by the time he had peaked at level 15 Sun had come to realize his own movements made himself seem faster to the enemies too so with his strength increasing his Speed and Agility making him see things faster together they were a double positive that worked both for him and against his enemies a nice bit of synergy that made combat easier the next attribute s had started to take note of was the way perception made the boss on the third floor seem increasingly dangerous at first it was only this minor tingling then the more he leveled and the more perception increased the more that emanating sense of danger started to feel stronger perception didn't just provide some sort of spidey sense though since as he descended from the second floor down to the third despite very little light making things visible Sun could see just fine likely because of perception too he believed it went to improve his eyesight as well it was when s finally made it down and encountered the boss that the whole thing was a lot shorter than it was in the anime the snake got one surprise attack which shattered s's sword then after that it was pretty much game over all s had to do was hone his agility and focus on his Target then maneuver himself in a way that would allow him to grab hold of it it was a simple task that required only one Dodge to do so the rest of which was just a matter of strength with almost 50 points now amplifying his power crushing kasa's skull wasn't a matter of if but rather when there was no doubt in Sun's mind on whether he could penetrate its armor or not the only thing s was thinking about while doing this was a bunch of wha ifs for the path he took to get here he wondered if things would have been different had he not power leveled or focused everything on strength he wondered whether he could have handled the boss if he didn't grind first beforehand fortunately that didn't really matter anymore as the opportunities s saw were the ones he took a series of cautious decisions that now left him at level 17 of course no one really hunted a boss just for experience points so what s was looking forward to the most was the item drops he was excited to see what loot he would get from the snake he just defeated both were the same as what we saw but the Venom wasn't a 35% decrease in strength but instead just a 35 Point decrease that may seem like a lot right now but at the later levels when sun has say over 100 strength a 35p point decrease won't be as much of a debuff as it would be now to use that that potion now would be to deplete pretty much all his strength s would then exit the dungeon and that would wrap up his intense 9-hour level grind the reason he still carried his sword is because broken items like that can't be stored in inventory anymore now for a bit more context on the military's involvement with Gates they're usually only ever called in when a dungeon break occurs those don't really happen very often anymore but there are times when a gate would spawn somewhere hidden and go unnoticed rare occasions that call for the milary to be sent in first mainly to protect the citizens and buy time for their escape the other reason is to buy time for the hunters to get there but with civilians being the highest priority the military was the Willing sacrifice standing between them and the Monsters Noble meat Shields who knew their weapons were ineffective yet proudly defended their fellow countrymen regardless so when the soldier who saw s thanked him for his service s honestly felt it should have been the other way around he was surprised to hear gratitude from a person whose life was was most at risk here either way it was only natural to appreciate their shared goal of protecting the people it's when s is finally led to where the boss fight is that the situation is shown to be a lot more dire what I mean is that with the party wipe being all but inevitable the tank knew that he would have to be the one to do something his shield was cracking and the healing just not coming in anymore so if any of them were going to make it out alive there was only one option left for him to choose from and that was to stay behind while letting everyone else flee he decided that no one else should have to die and he alone would buy time so that everyone else could live hoping that in the time it took for the Golem to defeat him another higher ranked Hunter would be able to make it here so it was right as this tank was about to give the order that Sun's sword wouldn't just shatter the Golem's defenses but instead straight up One-Shot it and explode its head only the tank was close enough to see it happen though so everyone else who was doing damage naturally thought it was them providing the finishing blow to it it was it was a mistaken belief that brought with it the misconception that the S and Stones should be theirs but that wasn't an argument s wanted to get into right now he didn't have proof that he was the one who slated and even if he did he would have to reveal how an e- rank like him became so powerful it was a cost that simply wasn't worth the price of a d rank Essence Stone to him this unique ability was something far more valuable so with that bringing us to the end of the episode that's pretty much everything we missed from episode 4 a different look into how s approached his leveling and a more detailed overview into how he's adapting to everything so if you liked what you saw and want to see more then be sure to leave a like and let me know in the comments now before I go a huge thanks to my members and to those supporting through Super Chat your direct support is always very much appreciated but anyway as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time ciao
Channel: AniNews
Views: 170,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling, solo leveling episode 4, solo leveling episode 5, solo leveling anime, aninews, solo leveling cut content, anime, sung jin woo, sung jin woo solo leveling, sung jin woo power, sung jin woo level, aninews solo leveling, ani news solo leveling, solo leveling new episode, jin woo, solo leveling skipped content, sung jinwoo, solo leveling power, solo leveling explained, solo leveling op, solo leveling ed, anime op, solo leveling review, solo leveling boss
Id: _Gc36HwfMrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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