SUNG JIN WOO vs. IGRIS – How This Impossible Fight Was Really Won | SOLO LEVELING Ep. 11 Cut Content

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it's not an understatement to say that s Janu got pretty lucky here for the first time since the double dungeon he unfortunately found himself confronted by an opponent considerably more powerful than him like Not only was ras' strength leagues Beyond his own but by son's own admission so to was his agility and defenses there wasn't a single element in which s thought he could beat igris how was it that he was still able to come out on top then well that was a bit in part to s's Ingenuity and another due to ig's confidence it was a sequence of events we didn't get to see in the anime but one that explains how it is s was able to pull through here so as we go through everything the anime left out from the fight we'll also take a look at the interesting details from the scenes leading up to it an in-depth look that I hope will make this already amazing episode a bit more enjoyable before we get started though have you ever wanted to play as rare Asaka in open world MMO RPG well now you can in today's sponsor Tower of fantasy with their new Evangelion cross over both Ray and ASA can be unlocked and played in their own Ava Focus story missions so in addition to being able to use both these iconic characters to discover the world fight bosses and team up with others version 3.7 brings with it some pretty epic looking similar crumb centered around them I mean just take a look at this gameplay of ao1 fighting right in front of me they really made the most out of evangelion's iconic Mech suits combine this with a new skin showcasing Ray in something a bit more Exquisite and what do you get is an event perfect for both both old and new players so whether you're new to the game or want to come back to the diverse open world unique customization and fluid traversal mechanics version 3.7 will have something for everyone they've even got these brand new tools to explore with all you got to do is click the link down in the description then after you've downloaded the game you can start playing for free today there will be a whole bunch of rewards including some pretty awesome Ian gallion themed Cosmetics so be sure to use the link down below to check that out but now let's get back to the video episode 11 a knight who defends an empty Throne covering chapters 38 to 41 from the Mana and chapters 45 to 49 from the web novel something I'm sure we often forget about sun is just how little he really knows about video games I mean we saw he was unfamiliar with how to navigate the system but that's something that I'm sure almost anyone would struggle with when he was confronted with the concept of the job change Quest though that was a topic he felt he needed to do a bit of research on like he knew it had something to do with furthering his build but the full extent of what it meant was completely oblivious to him so as he searched online through the various wickies of video games s became enthralled by the numerous benefits a class advancement came with from new skills to class quests and even class specific weapons everything he saw made him excited to complete his own job change sure he was fearful of the dangers that could possibly rest within such a quest but the rewards he knew he'd get eclipsed any sort of anxiety so for now he could only focus on the potential Bounty awaiting him this is fairly standard behavior for s in general but I find it comedic that a system designed to be identical to a video game is being used by someone who's never played one it makes it all the more impressive when s comes up with all these ingenious ways to game the system one particular one that wasn't mentioned in the anime was the plan sun came up with to essentially level check himself since his main goal was to conquer the demon Castle he wanted to make sure he could handle more red name monsters like the ser where could he go to find other red name monsters like that then well the only other place he could think of was the penalty zone so before s would commit himself to attempting the demon Castle again he decided he would first make a trip back to the Penalty Zone if he could kill the centipedes there without any hassle whatsoever then s would be certain he could handle the demon Castle it was a decent plan that involved him intentionally avoiding the daily quest in the monw anime he treats it more like an accident but in the novel it was a deliberate choice to gain XP and verify his power a slight change in context that fully highlights the difference between novel sung and anime song to flesh out s's decision in the anime even more though missing his dailies was never actually an option for him he was fully intent on doing them after the job quest was done he believed he could finish the job quest in only a few hours and was planning to go back home then do his dailies after it was only after he realized the job quest might actually make him Miss said dailies that the benefits of going to the penal penalty Zone started to become apparent it was a thought he had never considered until forced to think about returning to the Penalty zone so for Su in the anime it's more of an accidental thing that happens by chance whereas in the novel s's Journey to the Penalty zone is exactly what he wants it's a clear depiction of the different levels of Desire s has towards getting more powerful now s's searching the wikies did come with a bit of negatives too since in the comments of each there were always people complaining there were those who expressed disdain after having chosen the wrong class this planted the idea that s might end up in the wrong class himself and it made him think that his build might somehow end up useless for it fortunately such a worry was very minimal since s was confident he'd be given the assassin class from the skills he used to the weapons he fought with there wasn't a doubt in his mind that he would get anything other than assassin it just wouldn't make sense considering everything he's built into so far so as he planned for that and the various encounters awaiting him inside s would accept the quest and initiate the creation of it the reason why I say creation is because the prompt he saw after accepting it was that a dungeon was being created specifically for him it was as if the system was loading up its own version of a legacy dungeon one that as we saw based many of its enemies off opponent s has fought before the implications of such a message reinforce the idea of someone behind the system and that's only further supported through the various Clues from later on in the episode the good luck was the first bit of emotion the system had had ever displayed before and it was an anomaly song was sure to take notice of the other clue was the face we saw when the gate was being created but that could also just be an artistic Choice relating back to the Statue from episode 1 either way s was intrigued by the way the system decided to treat this job change Quest it was fundamentally different in both Form and Function since the portal that appeared was unlike any of the ones made during the instant dungeons in fact the more sun examined the way this portal was created the more he came to realize it was a gate being made right in front of him not only did its creation resemble the same phenomenon which occurred when Gates appeared but its very shape and Aura matched to Natural Gates as well he was genuinely surprised to see that the system had just manufactured an artificial gate right in front of him it was as if it was trying to replicate the real world methods in which Sun had been leveling with so if this was in fact a Bonafide gate with all its properties then s was curious to know whether other Hunters could enter it as well unfortunately no one was around to test that with so it was a thought that would remain unanswered until the next Quest formed gate now the quest itself was adapted damn near perfectly but there were a few Minor Details worth mentioning leading up to the agis fight the first is the minimal lighting which failed to illuminate the interior the Torches made a path somewhat visible but because the light didn't extend to any of the walls Sun assumed he was just in a cave of some sorts it had created this dreary atmosphere in which his only method of sight was via perception it was when sun had killed the first night that he had actually looked inside the armor to find the entire thing empty there wasn't any dark liquid like how we saw in the anime but instead just an empty husk as if the foe he fought was nothing but a moving set of armor it was after killing three of them that too surprisingly dropped some sort of loot for him it was the highest drop rate for loot he had ever seen not to mention the most effective since the drops he usually got were garbage so this breastplate added 7 more per to his physical damage reduction C and it could only be used effectively if his strength was over 80 if it wasn't then he'd become over encumbered and his movement slowed a mechanic that would serve as indication for ig's strength later since the ability to move so fast with his armor made it clear his strength was at the very least over 82 now Sun could only assume the better loot was because he was fighting humanoid monsters since in a video game setting it just made sense for humans to be carrying more than say bugs or Monsters like just the idea of gold being dropped in a pouch was unheard of until now for him s did also try to pick up other things in order to sell them later but anything that wasn't a drop like the weapons the knights were using was immediately rusted then turned to dust it seemed those items abided by the same non-transferable rules as his did making it so anything that wasn't a drop item was unobtainable it was as s delved deeper into the dungeon that the more enemies he encountered the more he realized they were based off his own experiences in the manwa he had found a few extra extra ways to take care of the knights while the Mage was an opponent he immediately recognized as the one from hang's group in fact the instant s sensed a collection of Mana Gathering behind him he had already taken steps to get behind the person casting it he wasn't so naive as to let himself get hit by the same attack twice a move that showcased just how much he'd learned so far this was 2 hours into the quest then another three would bring him up to that 66 fatigue level if he was to gain four more then a noticeable debuff would start to slow both his mind and body so of course Sun wanted to sleep in order to try and take advantage of his inherent recovery skill but anytime he would the dungeon would just spawn even more monsters it would seem a core trial of this Quest was to complete it without any sort of recovery whatsoever that didn't mean s couldn't reduce his fatigue though since the counter for that would just decrease naturally over time so long as he managed who he fought in when he fought them he found he was able to keep his fatigue fixed at around the 40s level so it was after a total of 6 hours had passed that sun had finally made it to the boss room his fatigue was sitting at a nice 43 his level now at 45 and his build fully kitted with drops acquired from the enemy SE fought the one that's most important to highlight out of all of them is the highle knights Gauntlet which applied something in addition to physical damage reduction you see not only did it provide 3 more per in the way of reducing incoming damage but it also came with this ability that protected his hands from injury I'm not sure if this meant his hands were immune to all incoming damage but it is the reason he was able to catch arris's sword here if not for the additional effect these gauntlets came with there was no way s would have been able to win like this it's a fairly important attribute that I'm surprised the anime didn't include in any case when it comes to comparing the actual fight of Sun versus igris if we're talking about the Mana the fight was pretty much perfect the action was captured panel for panel and the intensity of it all was equal to her even better than the Mana like seeing Sun get dribbled like a basketball just made it all the more clear how outmatched he was the novel paints a slightly different story though since while yesi was still getting tossed around like a volleyball There's an actual explanation for how s was able to land this critical hit here you see the fight in the novel was nothing but hands from the very beginning s knew he wasn't going to be able to pierce arris's armor so rather than try and fail like how he knew he would he instead initiated with fists right from the get-go the first Clash had igis actually trying but after seeing how we s was in comparison to him that's when he began to act a lot more confident Sun could tell that igis was way stronger too because in addition to his strength being leagues above his own both his agility and vitality seemed better too no matter what he tried Sun couldn't seem to get the best of igis anywhere so as igis and S both came to the same conclusion igis would just nonchalantly walk up to S after having tossed him he would casually approach S as if he was Dio then release an unrelenting series of punches with without any regard for his own defenses what I mean is that despite Sun still somehow Landing punches they were so ineffective that igis didn't even feel the need to dodge them he would simply tank whatever punch s through head on then continue his own attacks as if to say he wasn't even faced by him this is an important sequence of events to take note of because when we get to the part where sun is sitting at the throne the Counterattack he planned relied solely on this it took advantage of that blow for blow mentality igis just displayed for him and used it to guarantee an attack of his own so Sun would catch egas' sword using the additional effect of the gauntlet then counter with a punch exactly like all the other punches he through this led igis to think a punch was all it was so while he was expecting to proceed with blow for blow like before Sun would catch him by surprise and produce his dagger the instant before actually making impact with him he knew igis wouldn't Dodge if a punch was what he led with and that intern allowed him to get a free hit straight to one of ig's weak points so what igis thought was going to be a weak blunt attack he could continue to tank was instead of piercing blow straight into one of his eye sockets he never considered that sun might switch up his attack right in the middle of it plus even if he did the amount of time s gave to react to it was infantism it was a clever play that took advantage of everything Sun had observed so far so with that turning the tides of the battle s would use tenacity to tank the shock wave of smashing igis into the wall then crit his face over and over until the fight was over a hard-fought battle he definitely shouldn't have won but pulled through nonetheless with a bit of luck and intellect if you're wondering how it is s new his dagger would disappear after igis grabbed it well that's because he had tested the property with jinho in the previous episode just like how I mentioned in my last video any item that says it's non-transferable will disappear if ever in the hands of someone that isn't sung it's a property unique to the system that makes s's inventory his the rest of the episode leads us into the actual job Quest and that's a place that will be good to pick up starting next episode so if you liked hearing more about this epic fight between s and igis or just like knowing more about solo leveling in general consider leaving a like and letting me know down in the comments they really do help the video to do better if you want to support the channel even more then you can also check out the level up collection down below it'll be available for one more week then after that it'll be gone forever so if you want to secure one of these amazing pieces of clothing then feel free to check them out with the project mugan link down in the description but anyway as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time CIA
Channel: AniNews
Views: 275,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aninews, solo leveling, jin woo vs igris, sung jin woo vs igris, solo leveling episode 11, solo leveling episode 12, solo leveling anime, jin woo, solo leveling cut content, ani news, sung jin woo vs, aninews solo leveling, igris, sung vs igris, sung jin woo battle, solo leveling sung jin woo, solo leveling ep 11, solo leveling finale, solo leveling season 2, jin woo vs knight, solo leveling review, solo leveling reaction, solo leveling op, sung jin woo fight
Id: AzoCbqax9rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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