SUNG JIN WOO vs. KANG & The RUTHLESS Scene Not Shown After | SOLO LEVELING Cut Content

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s versus Kang was definitely a nice bit of action most would call the highlight of the episode but there was actually something crazier which should have come after I was personally curious to see whether the anime would include it or not but unfortunately it looks like they decided not to whether it be because the scene was too dark or simply due to not enough time in the episode the scene in question was one which emphasized the part of s that died that day it was a ruthless moment that I think paints a better picture of who s is becoming right now so as I talk about that and the extra details from the fight I hope you'll enjoy hearing what was left out from this amazing episode and if you did consider leaving a like or even subscribing now I know some of you probably missed it from last video but allow me to introduce you once again to mugan a new brand myself and a few others have been tirelessly working on and what it does is create higher quality anime inspired fashion clothing that's catered specifically towards the series we like our first drop is the level up collection and for the next three weeks it'll be available on this site here we've got the hunter tea the Wrath tea and the most popular strongest tea all 100% cotton and oversized for that boxy Street Wear look The Guild hoodie which is a more comfy heavy fit then the mukan hat which will be a core part of every collection they're all pieces I'm personally proud to finally unveil to you and it's the first step we're taking towards what I hope is something bigger so if you want to support us and the possibility of future collections for all the other anime I talk about you can use the link in the description to pre-order yours today for anyone who follows us on Instagram I'll also be giving away a shirt every Sunday on stream until the collection is finished so be sure to follow us there for that and any new updates but anyway episode 9 you've been hiding your skills covering chapters 29 to 34 of the Mana and chapters 31 to35 of the web novel it was even before s leveled that he could handle these goblins but the way he did here with both ease and fluidity was a clear difference between his old self and what he was now he had tried to hide said Difference by minimizing his power but even that wasn't enough for the others to not take notice of him so when Jui did inevitably ask how he got so much stronger the only answer son could give was that he'd been running a lot Mr s knew that it had to be more than that but he knew well before this that something was different about s s also wasn't the only person Mr song had taken notice of since in the Mana Jui was displaying the complete opposite of s she was trembling in fear in the face of what were essentially the weakest monsters a bad look for sure considering how high ranked she was it was a clear indication her trauma went deep and if it continued to be something she couldn't handle then retirement was unfortunately the only option available to her now a minor setback that came with fighting these weakest monsters was the fact that they didn't even provide experience anymore no matter how many s fought and how many he killed he unfortunately wouldn't be able to level up from them they were simply too weak to provide any value whatsoever this led sun to consider leaving the association since if all raids were just going to be more of this then what point would there be to continue doing them he no longer needed to rely on the association to take care of his mother so if the experience was elsewhere and money no longer a problem leaving the association would just give him more freedom to level up the way that he wanted it was a thought he would contemplate as he ventured deeper into the dungeon fast forward to after the group said split and it was in the monel where we got a bit more insight into the way Kang perceived everything he had essentially compared goblins to children and aced the two as equals since to him both were nothing more than pesky insects in fact humans in general were just a lower subspecies to him he would then ask if the criminals were capable of killing children the same way they killed these goblins and to No Surprise all of them just said yes the thing is I think the purpose of having Kang agree with them on this was to show he treated life the same way that these criminals did they were just as useless to him as the lives of all the monsters he's killed they would then have this cool panel leading into the reveal of how he planned to do the cover up and that would lead into the next scene with Kim what's interesting to note about Kim is that in the novels his entire presence was pretty much removed from it there was no emotional reflection or tragic death but instead just a brief scene where Sun found his body after killing Kang this is completely different to the Mana since it was here they really leaned into the more dramatic side of things in fact I had actually found Kim's reflection to be a lot more serious here since you could sense he truly believed himself to be a disgrace for what he did this was highlighted even more so during his death since in addition to throwing the scene of him and his daughter right here in the moment the way it's read and the way it Scrolls down leads to one of the best artistic reveals in the series so far what I mean is that this scene which was shown as filler in the last episode was used here as buildup to add to Kim's tragedy the conversation has no visuals so it leaves everything to the imagination then out of nowhere the speech bubbles start to turn red this goes down longer and longer than that red which was just a small Trail in the beginning is now a giant pool of blood leading to Kim's body it's an amazing reveal which I know they tried to emulate in the anime but this was something that only the manwa could do I found Kim's apology to be a lot more emotional in the monw 2 because in addition to songs seeming truly desperate Kim's genuine apology was accentuated by a smile showing he meant it he couldn't bow his head because he knew he'd die if he did but despite all that he was still able to muster out a smile and demonstrate his remorse anyway I think it was this combined with the mana's more detailed Expressions that made me more emotionally invested when I was reading it that's not to say the anime didn't do it well either but I had to give props to the Mana for making full use of the medium it's on switching back to the details from the novel now though there was a massive difference in the way Kang had tried to ambush them here in the manwa he had attacked immediately but in the novel Kang would make it seem like it was him who had screamed out for help he was covered in blood kneeling on the ground yelling at Su into the others to watch out for the criminals he had essentially made it seem like they jumped him then collapsed on the ground right there to feain an injury this of course LED Jui to run straight to him since while yes she was definitely traumatized as someone who took pride as a b rank healer that responsibility to others triumphed over everything even if there were enemies around and the situation was dangerous Jui would always run to heal those who needed it thus the reason she took the risk with Kang this was exactly what Kang was hoping for though since Jui was after all the only person on the same level as him you see he knew taking out the lower ranks would be easy so the safest and best option for him was to get Jui first with a surprise attack so right as she would enter within his range that's when Kang would jump from his position and try to grab her throat he would thrust a magically empowered hand straight towards her only for it to be stopped right before it could reach its Target naturally such a feat was definitely impressive but as soon as Kang saw it was from an association Hunter his sadistic smile quickly changed to a frown what he thought was about to be some decent competition was nothing more than a hunter who at most could possibly be the C rank such was the reputation when you worked for the association like this Kang would then throw a punch to try and get sun to let go but that too would be dodged and lead to their first back in and forth with each other an impressive display of Trades neither song nor ji could keep track of for Mr song this wasn't the same e- ranker he remembered since in just the blink of an eye s was now going blow for blow with the B ranker as for Kang this was an exciting turn of events he was fully intrigued by he had no idea the association had such high ranking Hunters working for it he did investigate every Hunter participating in the raid with him but none were supposed to be as powerful as s was so when s revealed he was nothing but a KNE ranker that very Revelation was akin to a slap in the face for King what I mean is that for someone who'd never lost in speed to any of his fellow B ranks to do so to an e- rank was just unfathomable he wasn't at the point where he was losing just yet but even the idea of an e- rank keeping up was just as unbelievable to him especially one that worked for the association since the hunters who did were always the weakest this would lead to Kang's conclusion of Reawakening and for that he felt he was just lucky to him it was nothing but an unfortunate turn of events he felt he should have charged more money for this brings us to the flashback with the person who hired him and the initial offer was actually 2 billion w a sum more than enough to take care of the criminals but not so much to deal with the other Hunters too so if Kang was to take care of these criminals then the hunters with him would have to be taken care of as well it was a job he had asked for an extra billion to complete had he known there was going to be a reawakened hunter joining him though then Kang felt he should have asked for more money s was no longer an easy target like all of the other Hunters present that being the case Kang had actually tried to avoid a direct confrontation with s in both the novel and the Mana he had made it seem like he was just trying to kill the criminals and offered to let them go if they promis not to say anything this was preceded by a few statements which attempted to paint him like the good guy and it was all in hopes it would get them to let their guard down of course this was just so he could take care of them one by one later so these words were nothing more than empty promises and lip service in obvious lies s immediately picked up on since the expression on Kang's face made it evident he was never going to let any of them live so once it became clear a fight was inevitable that's when Kang would activate his stealth skill a trump card he believed would provide instant victory since there was no way Sun could react to a Target that was invisible what Kang failed to realize though was that this decisive attack was exactly what s had been waiting for you see this entire time s was actually hoping to test the trigger for the Emergency Quest he wanted to see what conditions would result in its appearance and in order to do that he needed Kang to strike first so by denying Kang's offer then acting a little panicked s had manipulated Kang into jumping straight into a killing blow exactly what he wanted since now he'll get a reward for doing all this yes Kang stealth was a bit of a surprise for him but after focusing his senses and concentrating on his surroundings Sun could easily detect Kang's presence even with his eyes closed it was another perk of having raised his perception stat before this was only to determine whether he should run from an enemy or not but now he discovered he could use it for this it was actually the determining factor in Sun's Victory here had it not been leveled up then s knew he would have lost to Kang immediately in any case the fight would proceed pretty much as we saw but once again the novels removed any part making it seem like s was losing he simply used Dash to keep up in speed then blood lust to gain the edge and assure his victory the anime portrays this effect particularly well since the way the novel describes it is as if Kang had been submerged in water his body felt heavy and he couldn't move the way he wanted to anymore such were the effects of a 50% decrease to all his attributes Kang knew his only hope was an allout attack the next time s charged at him but this too was a move sung predicted from him he knew Kang would be panicked and resort to a last ditch and as such threw his body into a deciding blow too the difference between him and Kang though was that because s was anticipating this kind of Counterattack he knew to dodge first then put everything into finishing the fight after resulting in him just barely missing Kang's dagger then following it up with that stab to the chest like how we saw in the anime the post fight had much less dialogue since Kang died relatively quickly but there was something he whispered to S right before he did die we don't know what it is until later but it's it's something that ties to the Grim scene coming up shortly before that though I just want to talk about what it is s meant when he said part of him died and to me I think it was something like his Compassion or pity since we know the system needs him to be stronger perhaps part of that is removing any bit of sentiment which it likely sees as a weakness I mean he's clearly not as bothered by killing as he was before and I'm sure that feeling is going to be all but gone the stronger he gets as s said it himself he feels like something's destroyed within him every time he gets stronger now as if to emphasize that very statement after dismissing the others and proceeding to the Boss s would come across one of the prisoners still tied up his presence was One S had detected before he had even fought Kang and it was only confirmed when Kang himself mentioned he had left him there apparently he was waiting to kill him in the most painful way possible but it was before he could that Kim and the others would show up this was the final thing Kang whispered before he died and it was pretty much a message passing on his job to s in the manwa the prisoners vocal cords had been cut but in the novel he was capable of talking just fine enough that when s had asked if he remembered the girl he assaulted rather than denying it or pretending to not know anything the criminal would instead just say which one I don't know if it was the Panic or the situation he found himself in but the criminal had zero sense to think about why it was sun was asking him this he was instead more focused on getting untied and was stolen a panic from the potential of K getting him so when the criminal turned back to ask if s was related to one of the victims Not only was this even more stupid than not denying he did it but it also confirmed his crime wasn't just limited to one victim he had just admitted to s that he was a monster who used his powers to violate multiple women this was all s needed to hear so after gagging him again and dragging him away from the entrance it was then that the prisoner realized what it was s had in store for him by the time the two were at the boss room entrance the The Prisoner who was only just acting all aggressive was now trembling in fear graveling in his own piss reason being that the enemies of the boss room weren't just these weak goblins anymore they were an enhanced version of goblins called hobgoblins the type that were known for their love of human organs so the criminal knew exactly what it was awaiting him in there and for Su it was a fitting end to a person so disgusting he simply watched as the struggling prisoner got eaten alive right in front of him eventually his Focus shifted to something a bit more important since behind all the Carnage was the boss watching all its minions it was sitting alone on the other side of the room undefended as the other hob goblins devoured their food s used Dash to appear right in front of it and before the boss could even know what was happening it had already lost its head and been defeated Sun's plan of using the prisoner as bait had worked he was able to take care of the boss without any risk to himself whatsoever the rest of the hob goblins were killed just as easily and by the time all were dead s had leveled up twice he was level 27 and on his way to level 30 now it turns out hobgoblins give way more XP than goblins since their difference in strength is actually quite noticeable in fact if a low-level Squad had spent the entire raid fighting only these weak goblins then the leap and strength of the boss here might have been fatal to them had they gone in expecting more of the same then that sudden Spike and difficulty would have been a nasty surprise for sure it was yet another indication you could never predict what could happen in the dungeon the only absolute in the world of hunters was a power strong enough to overcome all this chaos so whether it be magic beasts or Hunters themselves s knew he needed to continue obtaining power to protect himself both himself and the people he cared for now s would wait until the last minute before exiting the Dungeon Because while it was to make sure every essence core was obtained he didn't want the association going into to investigate anything there was a chance that if they did they could have found out what happened to the other Survivor so with that leaving only three Witnesses the rest was a matter of everyone getting their story straight luckily for them the person who hired Kang had turned himself into the police he had waited for confirmation that Kang did his job then confessed to everything immediately after the client was the president of a massive company so that explains why he was able to afford so much the rest was pretty much as we saw so that's everything you missed from episode 9 if you enjoyed hearing all these details then feel free to leave a like since they really do help help the video you can also comment your rating if you want to be part of the weekly any news Community tab now don't forget the level up collection is only available for 3 weeks so if you want to secure your mugan shirt hoodie or hat then be sure to do so before we archive The Collection forever not only does it help to support the channel but it'll directly support making more incredible collections just like this one but anyway as always thank you so much for watching and if you enjoyed this type of anime content then you already know what to do so until next time oh
Channel: AniNews
Views: 130,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aninews, ani news, solo leveling, solo leveling anime, solo leveling episode 9, sung vs kang, sung jin woo, solo leveling episode 10, solo leveling cut content, solo leveling manhwa, solo leveling manga, solo leveling explained, kang vs sung, sung vs hunter, sung power, solo leveling skipped content, solo leveling ep 9, solo leveling ep 10, anime, power fantasy anime, jin woo, sung jinwoo, aninews anime, aninews cut content, jinwoo, sung jin woo power, solo leveling op
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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