The Time Lee Haney & Dorian Yates Almost Fought

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so at this point Arnold has come here he has won his from Austria it's still not an international sport it's still mainly us we der is running the whole thing you come out here was your first mr. ole with Haney when Haney was was their first one where you stood on those things I was first mr. Olympia how was that experience for you standing next to a knee well there's another funny story I was telling my friend the other day so it comes to mind so Lehane is mr. olympia when I'm when I'm starting out right so this is the guy I'm looking at is mr. Olympia Plus is a family man and you know he's big I saw him guest pose in England its inspiration big guy so I'm a fan basically but now I'm gonna go compete against him so I realized I can't be a fan anymore man I got to get a little bit ruthless here yeah it's changed my mind right maybe I can beat this guy maybe I'm better than him why not sure he doesn't train as hard as you so you know this process is going on until I'm like got into a mine space where I'm gonna go and I'm gonna try and beat this guy know if I won't but I'm gonna give my best shot and I'm going there with this positive attitude I'm not gonna there there's a fan boy so I already was in that frame of mind and you know when I compete and very focused almost like quiet aggressiveness so as a guy in New York telling my story which I found out later was total [ __ ] right well he told me the story and is the only guy I knew at this point I don't know many people in American bodybuilding community so there's this gym owner in New York that was my contact right and he knew everybody know all the people in it I didn't know anybody so he's telling me stuff I'm believing him she was like you got to watch out for Haney on stage he's a bully I say what do you mean oh you know you try to intimidate you he'll bang into you a little bit he might tread on your toe or something and I just want to like bully you and on the stage we're like what he's not doing that [ __ ] to me now I'm getting all psyched up and everything so I've gone to mr. Olympia my first mr. Olympia right I'm psyched I'm on a stage and there's a call-out it's just me and Haney which is unusual two guys right so it's obvious this is a showdown right for first and second so I'll start to walk out and Lee's give me the you know friendly smile I'll give him a stone face then I've walked out and you know you're coming and going this kind of relaxed semi relaxed pose so I went into the semi relaxed pose a nun purpose I properly banned my elbow into him yeah and he must have but what the hell is this crazy this on video like I don't know if you get video over the fridge though he might get that way yeah you might get that yeah so I banged into him and I did it a couple of times to learn to let him know you know and then in the pose down Lee Haena does this pose where he brings out his arms like this and I was behind and I know who kind of got me out of corner of his eye he clipped me with his with his knuckle I think it was like okay I have some back you know and then I was yours and yours afterwards I sat down with him and got a chance you know we don't see each other that often was at a show and I got a chance to sit down and talk one-on-one and likely I need to talk to about something it's like what's that well I I kind of need to apologize for something as a what so did you remember and you know that Olympia and I came and I'm banging and listen it's like yeah I thought you wanted to fight me or something that he said this yeah I'm like yeah well this happened and you know as a [ __ ] story and I'm young and I'm psyched up and I'm sorry because this is just a gentleman is the yeah I knew he was a very cool man gentleman so the story was totally [ __ ] but I took it on board the sick story I loved it I loved the fact that the guy from New York told you this was he like your agent or manager or no do you want it to be but it's just like I'll [ __ ] not a guy you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 376,936
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Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, dorian yates, dorian yates interview, lee haney, dorian yates lee haney story
Id: qv0JpAs9pMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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