Dorian Yates Opens Up About Steroid & Growth Hormone

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at what point did you start experiencing with steroids and additional drugs before my first competition because I knew the guys I was competing against we're using steroids I'm like this is you know this is this is part of the game right and if you're going to compete without steroids you're going to be at a great disadvantage not impossible maybe if you're genetically much more gifted than the other guys well that's see my first competition wasn't with the Federation it was a local competition mr. Birmingham and I won that while I was natural and the guy that placed second and third I you know I knew them so I knew they were using steroids and I was still able to beat them and I dieted for like a week naturally yeah and natural but when I went to the Federation and it was a different standard then I I started about 12 weeks before a competition would you start off what was the first thing it was so so little to what people use now but still it was dramatic because the first time I ever touched anything first thing I ever took was dinoball okay 20 milligrams a day of dinoball I took that for six weeks and then I switched over to him at one prima ball and shot a week and a little bit of anabolic 15 milligrams or something that's kind of like bikini girls use that now and the Primo was like pre competition stuff yeah it was not too really good no that was when I was you know I did a little bit to build up and then then I came down with a diet got it and that was in pretty good shape I diet for like seven weeks or something when did you really because even when you went against Lee Haney when you get on when you got on stage and you look at you you look good yeah you look like this guy can win but you took it to a whole different level so at what point did you kind of a take your game up and experience with the next level I was just using steroids up to that point so the next level was growth hormone which was very expensive and not that available but now I got second in the mr. Olympia so now I got income and I got contacts and I decided let's let's try the growth hormone I'm sure that my competitors are already using or some of them so I started with that and like enabled me to go to another level over the next few years
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 530,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, dorian yates, dorian yates interview
Id: tHtUZf63Gms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 24sec (144 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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