The Thundermans Return Cast Reacts to Set After 6 Years [Extended Cut]

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I'm home hi guys oh my gosh this is crazy God they they I mean they recreated it perfectly it's it's wow welcome to to day one of the Thunderman's return I knew they were going to recreate these sets as closely as possible cuz it's been 6 years since we wrapped the show and everything was gone they had to build most of this from scratch but they did an incredible job it really feels just like the old [Music] set what's going on like old times like nothing even changed I could literally time travel back to when we were 16 remember when Kira fell down the stairs shut oh my God that was awesome it happened just like this she was coming down and I think he just like fell like over the rails you know what's funny hit the ground I don't remember falling down these stairs I remember felling down those stairs which means I probably fell down both we had most of our most of our stuff was in here yeah this whole bit Max that's for later says who me now Let It Go suit yourself I remember being like 16 just being like so cool and like putting my chair back and my feet up thinking I was like so sick you know what I mean I don't know why I have slightly less of a fondness for this set and I think it's because whenever we were on this set there were like live animals or like something going on it's also because it's a really narrow set I feel like blocking tended to be harder or like I was on a harness or this was a big piece of of staging right here too like everything was like oh colossal was always like behind here oh that's why it was because I was always uncomfortable cuz I had tight jeans and we were like ducking yeah we were always ducking behind this or like falling over this I I just remembered why I didn't like this set cuz this is where the Thunder band was for that whole episode that we were trapped in a car for a we should we get more cast members out here who is it oh my oh my God it looks the same oh my God check it out what's going on oh my gosh so pretty this is so weird yeah we're stay over here go go take it in okay oh my it like smells the same it smells like oh my God dang I'm like this is a this is like a time capsule memories coming flooding back yeah wow jeez even the kitchen god wow I'm like I'm like shaking who is it come in the boy say coula what's up bro how you doing what what's up how are you good to see you good to see you man oh wow no that was like my reaction I was like here we are wow wow this is something else isn't it there's actually something underneath the cushions are different too I think you wow they have the hatch open to the max ler woo B in the hole someone's over here what door hello from the sky yeah we got the penguin we got the penguin um should we go put him in a spot let's do it it's weird how emotionally attached I feel to this thing and there Professor poly puff will stay now it's the set good boy who could that possibly be we're running out of family members is it a big one or a little one it's a little one oh my gosh oh my god do you remember this at all what's going on W it's so much like smaller cuz I was so much shorter yeah it look a little bit smaller now ratio wise cuz you're big now does it all feel small this is so cool yeah you like it surpris pack it's pretty sweet it's like nothing ever changed hello who might it be who is it Mom and Dad oh my goodness hi how you doing good I left my wallet in here hi you guys exactly the same really is Dad good job setting this up yeah was all did you guys just do this now night and I remember did how are you good to see you go I'm so glad that we're back do you know how many people mention the garbage episode really yeah yeah what were the garbage piled up oh that was a Goodall than that's right that's [Applause] right so guys this this is where we used to wait before we went out for intros in our live tapings we would all kind of hang out right here Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder we were 14 not comp deep in there and we would do it like before the love show we would teach it to guest stars yes t t h t h u n d e r t t h t h u n d e r t g h t h n d e r [Applause] I really don't want to do any I just want to keep doing this for a month like this was this was home like this literally felt like home when we would walk in and like you know obviously it's not a real house but it felt it felt like it was like well no I got the texts from like my first crush that became my first boyfriend around that table and Jack was like why are you smiling at your phone and like every time I smile at my phone I hear him making fun of me and like I when I graduated high school I ran down the hallway you know and when I got into college I was sitting in the lirer and like all of our real life memories are here it really is like going back to your childhood home we all do kind of still fit in these it feels right you know it definitely feels right we're back you should get this this is sick we should have had this this is like all along right in front of the audience like this is sick this is likea
Channel: Kira Kosarin
Views: 3,004,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: knWSEt8dm1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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