The Threefold Work of the Holy Spirit | Jonathan Shuttlesworth

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[Music] the following broadcast is brought to you by the friends and partners of revival ministries international [Music] [Music] I want to talk to you about the threefold work of the Holy Spirit before I pray for you Acts chapter one verse four once when Jesus was eating with him he commanded them don't leave Jerusalem until the father sends you the gift he promised as I told you before John baptized with water but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit then he told what will happen when you're baptized with the Holy Spirit verse 8 and you will receive power and when I will receive power you will receive power after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you and you'll be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere in Jerusalem throughout Judea in Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth chapter 2 verse 1 on the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place suddenly there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty wind storm and it filled the house where they were meeting then what looked like flames our tongues of fire appeared and settled on everyone and everyone present it was a everyone present so how could anyone get a doctrine that this was for the 12 apostles everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave them utterance at that time there were devout Jews from every nation living in Jerusalem when they heard the loud noise they came running and were bewildered to hear their own languages being spoken by the believers they were completely amazed how can this be these people are all from Galilee in the that yet we hear them speaking in our own native languages here we are and then it lists all the places there from about 14 for the sake of time and we all hear them speaking in our own languages about the wonderful things God has done they stood there amazed and perplexed what can this mean they asked each other but others in the crowd ridiculed them saying they're just drunk that's all then Peter stepped forward with the 11 of their apostles and shouted to the crowd listen carefully all of you fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem make no mistake about it these people are not drunk like you suppose people don't get drunk by 9 o'clock in the morning Peter had never been to Daytona Beach on spring break lol no what you see was predicted long ago by the Prophet Joel in the last days saith God what days are we in right now that's right and if Peter quoted this kicked off the last days then we're not in the last days we're in the final minutes of the last days before Jesus calls his church out of the earth this is what God said he would do in the last days God says I will not I'll try I will pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters will prophesy your young men will see visions your old men will dream dreams in those days I will pour out my spirit on all my servants men and women alike and they will prophesy and I will cause wonders in the heavens above signs on the earth below blood fire and clouds of smoke the Sun will become dark and the moon will turn blood-red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved you believe it can you say aloud amen you can take your seats very quickly before I pray the three-fold work of the Holy Ghost that if you don't have this you're in for a rough life who's that can you can you make it to heaven without following that command everybody say command that command that Jesus gave it was not a suggestion it was not if a few of you would like to stay behind in the upper room then feel free you might enjoy that he said listen guys don't do anything until you receive that which the father promised for John baptized with but the same way that John baptize you in water I'm going to baptize you in the Holy Spirit and you will receive power say that again I will receive power so the baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Jesus is essentially a baptism of power many people know the Bible they know that the Bible is right you know you talk to people that got saved even in America you really hear somebody doesn't say I always believed in God I always thought there was something there but it's not doing anything to impact their life but Jesus gave this gift the baptism in the Holy Spirit that gives or induce equips the believer with power and there's three way that Punkt three ways that power operates number one power to you everybody say to me most of you have heard me tell this before but III tell it pretty often because it had a pretty major impact on my life at eight years old my parents sent me up to change for a bet we live during outside of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania actually in the same town where we own an office now amazing to think back in 1988 when the Lord called me in the ministry in that town that that building that was owned by a financial group would end up getting turned over to God is an amazing God but I've been over to pick up my pajamas and looked up and there was an angel on the other side of the bed and the angel said Jonathan God has reserved you for this last period of time to be an evangelist took all men and women that are now in darkness into the light for soon it will be eternally too late do you understand and I said yes with the speech impediment because eight sounds in the alphabet I could not say correctly some I couldn't say at all and so two days a week at recess when my friends went out to play street hockey dodgeball or whatever I stayed in for 40 minutes of speech therapy trying to say Sally sold seashells by the seashore it was so frustrated the 8 sounds corrected and so I bring that up because when God called me to preach I didn't have the natural capacity to preach you can't speak publicly for a living if you can't speak privately for free and so when God called me I didn't even have the ability to do that but after God touched me after that encounter that therapist never made any progress as you can see now I don't have any problems saying any sounds and then beyond that I had had two non-surgical procedures done on my legs my bones in my legs were crooked how much of a change did God doing me I'll tell you it was enough that when I preached back in my hometown in 2013 an old lady with white hair came to the altar at the end of the service and said Jonathan you probably don't remember me I was your preschool teacher where are the braces that were on your legs I said they're back in hell with my speech impediment return to sender just because the devil sends you a package doesn't mean you have to keep it you can tell the FedEx man to go take it back I'm not taking anything from Hell but I am taking everything from heaven and this is kind of subject but I'll tell you just just that happening to me has given me great faith that any time a mother comes up to me with a five-year-old or three-year-old or eight year old or ten year old and says Jonathan they told me this this and this about my son I can't even pretend to act concern that they'll get upset sometimes because as they're telling me these major problems I'll just start laughing my son has a speech impediment and then he has bone problems and I'll just start laughing and say what are you laughing at this is serious no it's actually a lot less serious than you think because that son you're home with those problems was me 30 years ago but look what Jesus did not by might not by power not by human effort or ability but by my spirit says the Lord so you look at Peter here the first change the Holy Spirit does is in you he changes you or he doesn't change - you ever say to me Peter Peter could not confess Christ before three girls at a campfire then all of a sudden where did he get the boldness that there's 3000 plus men and they're mocking them not not like a crowd sitting wanting to hear the Bible people send these guys are lunatics and Peter with no microphone no bullhorn no invitation steps forward and arrest crowd with his work you know how hard it is to quiet down 300 people let alone three thousand-plus and you don't have a sound system you talk about a supernatural boldness that the Saint Peter that before he was filled with the Holy Spirit could now step up and say listen to me you men of Galilee minute Jerusalem some of you are saying that we're drunk but it's not true people don't get drunk this early in the morning you're actually witnessing the fulfillment of what Joel said and by the time he gets about halfway through his sermon that crowd of mockers the Bible says they were now pricked in their hearts and said brothers what should we do Peter and said well you know just try to start going to church one he said each of you must repent of your sin and turn to God for the remission of sin and the Bible says that day 3,000 men were added to the church by that change that took place to Peter where the devil had saddled him with the inability to be boat he was weak but when the Holy Spirit comes he doesn't change to you that the weaknesses whether it's sickness or disease whether it's an addiction how many you saw killer from Hawaii give his testimony you know a new killer when I see him testify it's all I can do not to just cry for seven minutes because I preached in Hawaii for years and he worked for the hotel there down at the beach I would invite him every year well hey why don't you come to the meetings tonight while I'm here I'm preaching three nights and I don't think so man but we're glad you're here thanks for inviting me he was far from God actually when he got saved all of the income that he took was a legal income he had to walk away from everything cockfights and drug sales that was how he did everything he was far gone so now to see him that wouldn't even come to church and now he done not only is he not bound by drugs not only is he not bound by sin that now we'll go into a section 8 housing neighborhood and start speaking with that same fire that was on Peter that's on me that gotta put on you today and arrest them Jesus Christ and change the Holy Ghost hasn't changed there's nothing the devil has tied you up with that the fire of the Holy Ghost will set you free today hallelujah hallelujah you know I'll tell you the best example of it that you can see they tied Sampson up with new ropes but hallelujah but when the Spirit of the Lord came upon him the ropes fell off it was they fell off he didn't break the ropes the Bible says the ropes fell off as if they were burnt by fire the Bible says in the book of Proverbs a man sins are like ropes that catch and hold him and he's not free to do what he wants but when the Spirit of God came on Samson those things that the enemy had bound him with they were consumed by an invisible fire you listen to me in this house every person that says I battled drug addiction I can't get free I better depression I battle thoughts of suicide those things are real and those things are wrapped around your life but when the Spirit of God falls upon you those ropes fall off as if they were burned by fire you are not leaving here bound you are leaving here free by the power of the Holy Ghost everybody say the Holy Spirit does something to me hallelujah where I just was in Europe you know you started preaching this stuff people start believing it this lady from Amsterdam came with her husband when I was getting ready to walk out the door and said we just got an ultrasound I'm nine weeks pregnant and they said the baby's been dead for the last three weeks would you pray I got ready to pray and I felt it like a volcano come out of my it I put my hand on her belly I said child live in Jesus name I said not just praise God on the way home I got a message on Instagram at 7:00 in the morning she said I wasn't feeling pains I was feeling little kicks and movement she said I feel joy bubbling out of the inside of me listen because this isn't some kind of little teeny power the Bible says it's thus if the same spirit the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead if it dwells in you he shall quicken your mortal body it is a life-giving overflowing superabundant Spirit of God that he wants you to have today everybody say change to me then the Bible says that that Holy Spirit doesn't change in you when it comes on me and Sonny so first the ropes fall off straighten your legs out make your tongue to speak and then it comes praise God the Holy Spirit comes on the inside to abide and that's where people you don't kind of leave it or ignore it but it's worth mentioning the joy of having the Holy Spirit abide only inside of you where you have sweet fellowship with the Spirit of God when God's you know if you ever hang around worldly people which I make a point to because it's hard to win people to the Lord if you don't but when you hang around them you realize they don't have peace they don't have blessing they don't have things that we take for granted but because God the Bible says we've not received the world spirit or a spirit of fear unto bondage we've received God's Spirit and when you have God's Spirit there's a difference I said when you have God's Spirit there's a difference one of the main turn to Psalm 1 I probably read this every time I preach but the more I read it the more I like it Psalm 1 someone one two three thank you Jesus is right he's awesome someone one two three man I feel good hallelujah praise God gonna be a good day at the river [Applause] someone one-two-three over joys everybody say the joy oh the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked or stand around with sinners or join in with mockers but their delight is in the law of the Lord meditating on it day and night they are like trees planted along the riverbank in every season they bear fruit their leaves never wither and whatsoever they do it shall prosper but not the wicked they're like worthless chaff scattered by the wind they will be condemned at the time of judgment sinners will have no place among the godly for the for the Lord watches over the paths of the godly but the path of the wicked leads to destruction I would say and I would consider myself an expert because I've lived in this country for 38 years that the thing the devil tries to confuse or cloud the mind of people when they become Christians is that and you'll hear them say it in church how many of you know we're all sinners you know any church is just the congregation of sinners even the pastor's a sinner one guy put on Twitter a couple of weeks ago that's like a big ministry because the devil wants you to think that you have to have the same expectation in this life that a sinner has but if there's one thing the Bible teaches it's that when you get saved you have come off of the broad way that leads to hell and now you walk a different path and once I walk a different path that's right I would love to see somebody show me in the Bible how you could make any argument for somebody given their whole life to God and their life going down you're not gonna see that anywhere in the Bible the Bible says he takes the beggar from the dunghill and sets him among princes hallelujah when I got hooked up with Jesus I wasn't free speaking had a lot of money and then I went down no I was speech impaired disability in my legs all kinds of problems and as I've stayed with God God will never bring you backwards god always needs forward so when the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you it sets you apart from the world I want you to say this so you can hear it and I want you to say it so the devil can hear it lift your right hand up to God and say this I'm not like everybody else I'm not gonna live like everybody else I'm not wicked I am righteous I'm not cursed I am blessed in Jesus name if you believe it shout Amen like thunder hallelujah hallelujah so when the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit lives on the inside of you he starts that the Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 towards the end of the chapter then he starts to reveal things from God's Spirit to your spirit so you started so what is he what what is he what is he revealed to you the Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11 I know the plan I have for you says the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a glorious future if you if you ever hang around unsaved people you'll find out that they are bound specifically to fear of an uncertain future and fear of death there's people that have hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank that have to take a pill to go to sleep because they're worried about losing it all as well they should because the sinner has no guarantee of ever of anything but everything that we have a hope in is not just some random hope it is backed by the efficacy of God's Word in someone you read it the first song the Bible says if you make a decision to not listen to the advice of the wicked or stand with sinners or go where they go and listen to what they listen to and say what they say but now you're blessed and the Bible tells you what happens when you're blessed the Bible says in every season you will bear forth fruit your lease will never wither and whatsoever you do it shall prosper I don't have time to read it today but Psalm 91 tells you the opposite of what you hear all through life and even in some churches how many of you know we could die at any time our tomorrow's not promised but no my tomorrow's not promised because the rapture could happen and in case of that event I'm getting up out of here but in lieu of the rapture there is no devil if all the Devils all the witches all the everybody made it their business to take me out when you're hooked up with God there is no power in Hell that can steal your tomorrow you have a blessed hump and a blessed future somebody said I have a blessed future yeah I want to I may have told the story before I feel like telling it again I want to go see our baseball team in the city I live the Pittsburgh Pirates play and when I got there I got there early because I don't like getting up during the game sat down before the national anthem and had my food and then as we were getting ready to do the national anthem before that they said tonight is stand up to cancer night so they said I want everybody to stand to your feet which I said c-diff I'm just in the habit of just do the opposite of what the world does and you go to heaven amen just like CNN was saying we need to have less children so I got my wife pregnant to have another child amen whatever the devil tells you not to do do the other thing twice praise the Lord I said praise the Lord so I'd like everybody to stand to your feet tonight stand up to cancer night well they're free to do what they want and they said underneath your seat is a sign and on that sign it said stand up to cancer and we've left the name blank with a pen write the name of somebody you know who's been affected by cancer so everybody did and then they said now we want you to hold that sign up and we want everyone this is that God's honest truth they said we want everybody to declare this either me or someone I know will be affected by cancer in my lifetime man when they when they said that I'm telling you I had been out on the road for 50 straight days preaching 2 times a day I didn't even have energy to get it upset so I know it wasn't me that was upset it was my spirit that was troubled because the Bible says by the fruit of a man's lips will his belly be satisfied death and life are in the power of the so is it interesting that preachers like me in your power take heat and flak for trying to get people to believe the word and speak that but the world has no problem getting people to speak sickness and disease and death and problems I mean you'll hear people this week you know anyway till your kids turn 14 oh you ate the condom they're always speaking negative so you would think that people would be smart enough to say I'm not saying that but no like a big chorus from hell everybody 30,000 people at PNC Park held up their signs and like a big chorus either me or someone I know will be affected by cancer in my lifetime well let me tell you something I'm not just hoping to not have cancer turn to Exodus chapter 15 I'll show you what the Bible says Exodus 15 the people were thirsty there in the desert looking for water praise God verse 24 Exodus 15 24 then the people complained and turned against Moses what are we going to drink they demanded so Moses crying out to the Lord for help and the Lord showed him a piece of wood Moses threw it into the water and this made the water good to drink it was there at Marah that the Lord set before them the following decree as a standard to test their faithfulness to him don't miss this Exodus 15:26 this is God speaking God doesn't lie these aren't encouraging phrases to get you through the day this is God's guarantee to those that serve Him with all their heart hallelujah he said if you will listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do everybody say do not just believe in it it's doing it and do what is right in his sight obeying his commands and keeping all his decrees then I will not allow you to suffer any of the diseases that you saw come on the pagans for I am the Lord who heals you so I want you to notice something here and say if you serve me when you get sick I'll heal you he said if you serve me notice what happened first there was they finally find water people start to drink it and it's disgusting it's got pond scum on it it's got virus and bacteria well you know if you go to a public pool and a kid goes number two in the pool the way they clean the pool is not taking a piece of wood and throwing it into the pool so this was not a natural cleaning this was a supernatural cleaning that this disgusting water that was too bitter to drink God showed Moses a piece of wood DL mu D the great Baptist pastor from Chicago said that that wood represented a type of the cross and when Moses took the wood and threw it into the water all the scum all the virus and bacteria cleared out of the water and the water was sweet to drink but God wasn't done he said you see how I did that to the water now I tell you this if you will serve me if you'll serve only me the same way I cleared all that junk out of the pond I won't allow any of the diseases that came on the Egyptians to ever come on you for I am the Lord that healeth thee flip over a couple more chapters Exodus 23 Exodus 23 25 here it is again X is 23 25 you must serve only the Lord your God and bush they serve only the Lord that's right that's why it's Sunday morning I'm not some worth of Buccaneers Jersey on or a race jersey on I'm not having a brunch with a couple of what wined addicted women talking about the affairs of life I am found in the house of God because God is my god I mean you can say the same thing shout aloud amen you must serve only the Lord your God and if you do and I do and you do I will bless your bread and your water and I will protect you from illness not heal you when you get sick I will protect the illness it won't stand in your presence there will be no miscarry Jews or infertility in your land for and I will give you long full lives we got a call when my wife was six weeks pregnant lady called us up the week before Christmas just so you know the the yolk sac didn't form correctly in your body and so usually when this happens it's a miscarriage well if I didn't know what the what God told me in exodus out of got nervous but i just said when she called him you know what a demonic thing to say so she said so take more vitamin B and you should be just just so you know your yolk sac looks a little irregular and usually that leads to miscarriage when my wife told me that we just lifted our hands and said thank you Father that they must have got the wrong number because I know what your word says your word not always says you'll keep illness you said we're to multiply and you won't allow us to drop the fruit before its time thank you that your word is true let God be true and every man be a liar God will keep his word God will keep his word God is to faithful to fail and it won't start with you I said hallelujah say it again I'm not like everybody else and so there it is again I will protect if you serve me I'll bless your bread and water do you know all the stuff that they're putting in the food yep I can't I don't have time you know how much medication you'd be on if you're trying to make sure you were always getting that chicken that you're serving me can I have a list of how often you let it out to exercise you know I'm sure I'm sure there's a plan to put stuff in the food to reduce the population from 7 billion to 1 billion but you know what that's why we bless the food before we eat it so we say father whatever plan Nestle has whatever plan the bilderbergs have to lower the population not only is it not going to lower the children of God we will increase and multiply and possess the land hallelujah so anyway back to Pittsburgh so there's no unison that's what's in my spirit now stand up and declare this if either me or someone I know is gonna be affected by cancer in their lifetime when they got done saying that he was so demonic all those people don't know any better just saying what they're told to say when they sat back down I stood up and I yelled man oh yeah every head snapped around I said not just so the devil could hear me neither me nor anybody I know will be affected by cancer in my lifetime I live in this world but I'm not of this world I am called out ekklesia filled with the Holy Ghost in power and I'm telling you if you think I'm exaggerating you've never been anywhere with me now I yield it out so the devil could honey don't drew me in with them I'm not on this earth to get cancer I'm on this earth to destroy cancer by the blood of Jesus Christ and I sat back down and the old guy next to me with a white beard already on his second beer turned to me and said would you say and I told with a fire in mind I said I said nah me don't put that junk on me I said I said not me neither me nor anybody I know is gonna get cancer he went he went just like that with his beer I like your way better me too hey I got one Trump turned around I'm looking to get a couple sober people turned around did you live in this world but you're not like this world God has his hand all in your life go ahead take 15 seconds clap your hands on the phone and give him a mighty shouter brave shout hallelujah you can be seated I hear the sounds of the armies of the Lord we live in this world but we're not subject to the bondage bears of this world we've been raised together with Christ shout hallelujah so number one I said all that to say this God's Spirit does something to you but then God's Spirit does something in you what is it it testifies that you have a different future cancer doesn't get to pick when I die I said cancer doesn't get to pick when I die with long life hey boss a long life how many of you know we could die at any time speak for yourself keep saying that you'll be dead by Thursday I say the opposite I will live and not die that I may declare the goodness of the Lord while I'm getting the land of living so the Bible says God's Spirit will testify to our spirit so why how come I stayed seated and said because there's another spirit in me listen now that doesn't apply to you I'm a child of God I have a long life hallelujah my dad meet like four thousand I mean you hear my dad was here red-haired evangelist looks like he should be guarding a pot of gold in Killarney Ireland or summer you know my dad's first year in the ministry he made right around 4,000 I'm not sucking net income I'm talking about total income like you preached two weeks of meetings and they give you a honey glazed ham or a can of green beans from a farm four thousand dollars with my mom and me in tow when if I had a fever there was no praying called the doctor we didn't have enough money to make the long-distance call to the doctor no money for the ambulance ride no insurance and I'm telling my dad is my sister dead is he dead no you saw him 60 years old preach strong just got back from Pakistan doing 10 different cities hallelujah this stuff works quit hanging around people that put doubt in your mind about it and start hanging around with people that believe that God is who he said he is God spirit testified to me that no that doesn't apply to you so number one God's Spirit will tell you no you have a future Paul was of singing in prison because he thought he was gonna be executed the next day Paul was praising God in prison because the Lord had already told him you must go to Rome and speak before Caesar so he knows however for this thing ends it doesn't end here because I'm not done yet and I tell every man and woman in the sound of my voice you're not done yet God's not through with you God will open doors for you this year to advance and do what God's called you to do what God does to you such you're free then what he does in you you have fellowship with God he testifies that these things are so and I'll give you a second one he blesses you when you receive the Holy Spirit you become like a magnet for blessing where's that in the Bible glad you asked Psalm 23 5 thou unknown is my head with oil my cup of blessing runneth over your cup will run over the rest of this year in the name of Jesus Christ I said your cup will run over the rest of this year in the name of Jesus Christ he's getting ready to go preach in Boston and the Lord spoke to me call your grandmother and ask her what the greatest miracle she ever did for your grandfather in her in 50 years of ministry us I called her no one knew this story it had died with her if the Lord didn't trigger me in the obviously wanted it to live on so I said grandma what's the greatest miracle God ever did for you and Grandpa 50 years you guys were preaching well this might sound like a small miracle to some people but it was big for us at the time she said she said we woke up one morning they had no income from preaching they just preached on the street at a Bible College and believe you know just trust God so she said I woke up there was no food for breakfast so she said I got ready to pray and all of a sudden what the Bible say trouble chases sinner's blessings pursue the righteous she said before I could even get one word out I saw chickens marching down a hill they're living in West Virginia towards our house twenty-one chickens so you know not normally chickens aren't on the move they keep him in a pen so she said I watched him they were walking in a straight line came down the hill on our property took a turn in all 21 when in the shed so she said I fought him in the shed to see what they were doing all 21 chickens laid an egg she said I gathered all the eggs in a basket then the chickens went back up the hill she said I followed him up the hill they all went back about a quarter mile up the hill to the pen they came from and my grandma's super honest she knocked on the door lady answered hey can I help you she said your chickens got loose and they laid eggs on my property I wanted to know if you'd like them though he said those can't be our chickens my husband hates those chickens ever since he's bottom they've never laid one egg my grandma said my grandmother told her we don't even own chickens she said I promise you they're yours she said if they and then on your property and keep them for the rest of the time that my grandparents lived there those chickens every time every time they started to get low on eggs the chickens would come back down the hill go in the shed and lay eggs and leaf my grandmother never had to clean up after she never had to feed them she never had to build a pant just collect the blessing hallelujah and I tell you in the name of Jesus if all you've known this struggle when God anoints your head with oil trouble doesn't find its way to you the blessing of God will come without your permission all you have to do is receive it somebody shout hallelujah I'll tell you another one I was actually with one of the guys of course my grandmother still laughs and then a guy they went to Bible College with just turned 89 and they were both in school at this time signed Bible Institute in East Providence Rhode Island they ran out of food for the whole Bible College couple three hundred kids and the lady that started the school said let's pray so they prayed and a student the power of God came on it and he stood up and gave a message from the Lord he said thus saith the Lord go set the table and give thanks for the food so they pray Lord provide food so God said if you believe I'm gonna provide it go set the table go sit down me and say the prayer ahead of time as they finish blessing the food this is 1952 a man comes in 1952 it's snowing in Rhode Island and his 18-wheeler crashed like capsized and he said he comes in and doesn't know anything he said listen my 18-wheeler crashed on your property he said I just called headquarters they can't the 50s well they can't send anybody down for me for at least three days til the blizzard clears they said he said I'm gonna lose an entire 18-wheeler shipment of potatoes would could you use an 18-wheeler full of potatoes so they start rejoicing they eat like Irish people for the next 30 days they had potatoes every way you could have them did you know when the man that owned that potato company in a rooster county main herd would happen he wasn't a Christian but he heard that his truck wrecked on a Bible College campus and that they had been out of food and the food came right in time he even thought that must be God so every year he would send them a year supply of potatoes from the potato farm for free listen my dad went to that school my grandparents went in the 50s my dad and my mom went there in the 70s and I went 1998 to 2002 he was still doing it 50 years later from that company the miracle that provided for my grandparents was still providing from my parents and I was still eating from that miracle I'm gonna tell you something right now listen me I'm gonna tell you something right now and I'm not saying it to fill time many of you all you know is what it's like for a hardship to come you to try your hardest and nothing work out I'm gonna tell you the same way God turn the tide and lack and insufficiency turned to fifty year supply of potatoes that bless them that bless their children and bless their grandchildren you're not under a curse from today you are blessed and that blessing will affect your children and your children's children even to the fourth generation if you receive it put those hands together one more time and give God a mighty shout come on take 15 good seconds and give God the greatest praise you've ever given anybody say it again so the devil can you say I'm not under a curse I am blessed now lift both hands where you're seated and just begin to think God out of your mouth oh you sound good doesn't sound like a Sunday morning Church in America sounds like a revival hallelujah I hear the sound of this last day army of God hallelujah you'll never be defeated you'll never give up and quit he that began a good work in you shall bring it to completion in Jesus name everybody say the Holy Spirit does something to you say the Holy Spirit does something in you lastly the Holy Spirit does something through you Luke 10 17 through 19 the disciples came back joyfully reporting to Jesus Lord even demons obey when we use your name jesus replied demons so their boss Satan gets thrown out of heaven like lightning and behold everybody said behold I give unto you authority and per se authority over all the power of the devil let me tell you authorities better to have than power if you're in charge of the shipping yard in Tampa I'd rather you want power to stop the ship or would your edges go like this like the cops were doing last night at the hotel I stayed at downtown the Lightning we're just getting out there the streets blocked off those cuffs didn't have to physically hold the cars back let's go like that and everybody listen that's authority that's better and Jesus said behold I give unto you authority over how much of the power of the devil oh I only got a C in math but even I can understand that answer me this riddle if I bake you a pie and I cut it into eight slices and I give you all eight slices how much is left for me yeah none so if all powers been given to us authority over all the power of the devil then what are all these charismatic Saul ways focused on demons and principalities and strongholds some of the people on Twitter that are charismatic focus more on demons than Satanists do today we're gonna learn about this demon today we're gonna learn about this demon why don't you start focusing instead of focusing on the negative wavelength well you realize that the greater one lives on the inside of you and that he that lives in you is greater than every demon spirit that lives in the world authority over all the power of the devil ever say Authority if you meet people that aren't saved or Christians that don't have the Holy Ghost they don't have authority they just Oh God God or they just expect for things to go wrong but there's an authority that comes when you have the Holy Spirit or even if you hang around people that have the Holy Spirit por ejemplo my daughter Camilla was home alone with me is one of the first times my daughter my wife left her home just me and her and she went out to run some errands I don't even know she was two and a half yet we were two and a half she just had a diaper on and she wanted food and you know at that point now she's in school but at that point her and her Anna dollars were with me in every meeting two times a day so I mean she had only been and this kind of thing so she she comes up to me playing video games and she said PAH and again how I ended up with PAH my wife's Puerto Rican I thought maybe I'd be poppy and then I always said that somehow I became Paul like I'm 1837 Kentucky she just came in from doing the chores I saw earlier she has just said just that a diaper on one hand on her hip she said PAH I said yes you get me a yogurt in Jesus name I I said Camila okay come here Camila I'm not a devil I'm your dad you can just say please she had been watching but you know what I didn't end up getting her the yogurt so it makes you wonder I said you don't have to command me I'm your father but she had heard that so much just saying everything in Jesus I'll tell you another funny one with her brother Ed's here in the second row he knows the guy I'm talking about name's Carlos Reyes I went over his house I went to Bible College with him and it was Camila was about two years old now think she's just been in services like the kind you've been in her whole life so they have a dog she's 2 years old very short the dog charges at her it was a nice dog it wasn't gonna attack her but it's running full speed and you know when you're that little you can't blame her being afraid well instead of running or like defending herself she went like this be pill like in other words be filled with the Holy Spirit thinking she could get it to fall over hallelujah because if you hang around with powerless people you won't have it either but if you start spending time with people that heal the sick cast out devils and by Dominion remind the devil that 2,000 years ago he got his butt kicked on the cross of Calvary that authority will start to operate in you and you will put the devil on the run can you say Amen everybody say authority well dudes my jacket I'm just gonna use it for an illustration everybody say authority over all the power of the devil there's a great Puerto Rican evangelist named GJ Avila that just went to heaven a couple years ago I think he was not 91-92 had major miracles well Adonis my wife her parents are driving a couple days before Christmas and their car hits a pothole and their little boy Jose at three years old the pothole was so jarring it opened the back door and ejected him so he hits his head 25 miles an hour 30 miles an hour at 3 years old and as swelling on the brain the whole thing they rushed him into the ICU and hook him up to full life-support nothing's working so nobody in my wife's family is a Christian but they all know this guy GJ Avila everybody in Puerto Rico knew because he shook the island so my my father-in-law though he wasn't saved at the time he's a big guy he's still a big guy his mechanic big hands so he comes back to see GJ before the surface and like you know nobody's keeping him out he's coming so he comes through and he says GJ I need you to leave this meeting and come pray for my son or he's gonna die GJ Avila everybody say Authority GJ Avila very calmly said I can't come there's people here that I have to preach to but then took his handkerchief out of his suit took goya olive oil poured it over the cloth and said rub this on your son's body and your son will live and so my father-in-law went with the prophetic instruction comes in to the hospital pushes my mother-in-law out of the way and starts rubbing this cloth over Jose's basically lifeless body breathing machine feeding machine the whole thing and my you know they so didn't know about the things of God my mother-in-law told me I thought she he was doing Santeria like witchcraft and so I said I've been they go this is no time to do that stuff and he held her off with one hand and finished you and what GJ told him to do and so then he just left kid doesn't look any different and so the doctors come in and tell my mother-in-law hey he's not responding we're gonna have to pull the plug you know they need the hospital bed and so my mother-in-law convinces them my sisters are coming down from Boston would you wait till tomorrow morning they'll be here in the middle of the night and I'd like them to be able to say bye to him one more time when he's alive so gave her till 8:00 in the morning so they all come in at 6:00 in the morning to say their final goodbyes walk down the hall walk around the corner come in the room and Jose's sitting up eating cereal with all the tubes unplugged and says hi mom and waves and he's about 41 or 42 today you know what that lets you do you know that lets you know the Holy Spirit doesn't just set you free and the Holy Spirit doesn't just abide in you the Bible says he gives us weapons for our warfare the Bible says for this reason was the son of God made manifest that he might destroy everybody say destroy destroy the work of the devil so I want you to notice something just like Jesus gjf Allah didn't say all sorry to hear that Lord comfort them no Gigi Avila understood that there was also this why I wanted to close with this that there's also a work of the holy spirit to destroy the thing that's trying to destroy you what's trying to break apart your marriage we know it's not God the Bible says let no man tear apart what God has joined together what works to divide homes what works to destroy children what's behind heroin addiction what's behind depression and suicide what's behind cancer and infirmity if you read the Bible it's not God there wasn't any in the Garden of Eden there's other many hospitals in heaven for this devil king the gospel in one verse John 10:10 the thief came but not for to kill to steal and to destroy but I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly but wait first John 3:8 for this reason was the son of God made manifest that he might destroy everybody say destroy yeah that's a that's a strong word not comfort in the storm he destroys the storm that part of the work of the Holy Spirit is when you identify the force of darkness that's looking to take you out you can speak to that thing in the name of Jesus like telling your father to go get your yogurt you can say you foul-mouth it that's trying to stand in my way I'm not gonna climb you I'm not gonna back up I command you to be uprooted and cast into the sea and Jesus said your command will be obeyed there are listen there are people all over this room if I could sit down with you one on one and I can't that's why God does a big gathering so you can knock out a bunch at once but if we could talk together you could tell me a horror story of what's gone wrong the last year or 3 years or 15 years where it's been you getting your head swept around in one area of life two areas of life and it seems like no matter what you do you can't get free I want to tell you before I head to Europe that no matter what the devil's done to you there's nothing that devil has done to you or your children or your family that God won't do something about it before 1 o'clock this afternoon because Jesus Christ has it changed he's the same yesterday today and forever and the power of the Holy Ghost is the same today than it was in the book of Acts you're only one prayer away from a miracle you're only one prayer away from the hand of God blowing you up out of the pit and setting your feet on the rock to stay if you can testify that the God we're talking about is a miracle working God go ahead and testify with your hands and with your shout let God know that you know he's a miracle working God come on take 15 good seconds and you've got all your gun hallelujah hallelujah stand on your feet everybody he's a miracle working God well you just wait on his time his times now find me any place where Jesus told a crippled person to wait on his time where he told the blind man wait on my time no as soon as you're ready you're gonna find out God's been ready for a long time but he already paid the price he already paid the price for your total freedom from every oppression of the devil 2000 years ago who does the devil think he is I said who does the devil think he is to defy God's plan for your life you think you can come here when your alarm went off and you felt like hitting the snooze button and you put your flesh under subjection and said no I'm coming to church I'm gonna honor the house of God God never calls people to worship Him without a blessing in mind for them I'm gonna tell you there's people like my brother-in-law Jose that the truth is there not only in bondage you're actually at the point of death Jesus is going to deliver you today and like my friend killer sitting there somebody that you wondered if they could even get saved if they'd ever even listened and now they're carrying power there's going to be people that come out of this meeting that people are gonna have trouble coming to grips with the fact that you're even a Christian let alone that the fact that there's a fire burning on the outside of you and a fire burning on the inside of you that makes the lame to walk that makes the blind to see that opens prison doors and frees your generation from every oppression of the devil if that sounds like you let your amen be the loudest every bible college to lift your hands all over this room you won't have some little ministry you won't speak some little message the same way you've obeyed God to come to Tampa God will begin to open doors for you then when you leave this school you will become a tear to the gates of Hell hallelujah you're gonna do great things there will be no small people that come out of this room God is enough this is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel that in the last days saith God this lady right here black dress come in here never Goods over yo it's you quickly right there's fine if both hands close both eyes today begins a turning point in your life no longer subject to bondage you'll deliver people out of bondage not by might not by power but by my spirit says the Lord hallelujah you're free you're free from every oppression of the devil you're free there's many people here right now the truth is the devil has already hit you with his best shot and it wasn't even enough to keep you out of church so what are you worried about you're coming out of this room to terrorize the gates of Hell from now to when Jesus comes so I'll just tell you congratulations congratulations on the greatest ear you've ever had in Jesus name hallelujah bow your head and close your eyes if you're here and you've never received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you can't put it off one more hour you must be born again you have to be saved I'm heading the Europe in just a couple hours because I don't want anybody from Amsterdam to go to hell and I also at least equally don't want any good old Tampa Florida Americans that believe in God you can even come to church say because you don't believe in God you know there's a God but it's not enough to know there's a God you have to have a relationship with him and you can only have a relationship by coming through the door of his son Jesus Christ sometimes when people get attacked they get discouraged they think what's the use of serving God what's the use of going to church and some of you fall into that category you've done things and are in the process of doing things that you know are sin that the Bible says is wicked that no one will enter the kingdom of God that practices these things what America celebrates is condemned in the Word of God you can't sleep around and go to heaven you can't drink and get drunk and go to heaven you can't let your temper dominate you and go to heaven the Bible calls things sin and says without holiness no man will see God that's why before Jesus gave the gift of the Holy Spirit he died on the cross and shed his blood so that you could because God will only pour his spirit into clean vessels I want to ask you something right now are you clean if you stood before God right now to give an account for your life are you living a pure and holy life or have you let sin come in and become a part of your lifestyle if you fall into that second group I'm not bringing up to make you feel bad I'll bring it up so you can get rid of it instead of it getting rid of you that you can make a clean start with God today and say I'm through with the devil I'm through livin away that America tells me to live I'm gonna live my life according to the Bible I'm gonna serve God with all my heart if you'll make that decision today you're gonna find what the thief on the cross found out that God doesn't hold anything you've done against you as soon as you draw near to him he'll draw very near to you but you have to make the move behold I stand at the door and knock Revelation chapter 3 If any man hears my voice and opens the door I will come in you have to open the door you won't kick it down and he's knocking right now don't leave this room on your way to hell go to lunch today with a huge smile on your face with the joy that all your sins are forgiven and all your iniquities are blotted out and you've been made a new creature if you're here in the sound of my voice you say Jonathan that's me I've never given my life to Jesus Christ publicly or second group I once did but I fell away I realized today I've fallen away from my first love but I'm not ending today that way I'm coming back to Jesus and for the rest of my life March 31st 2019 will be my new birthday the day I said goodbye to the devil and the day I looked up with the nail-scarred hands of Jesus Christ if you fall into either of those groups and you need to receive Christ today I want you to quickly put your hand up and wave it at me and we'll pray right now I see you I see you keep it up put it up high put it up boldly I see you I see awesome anybody else before we pray god bless you I'm gonna call you to this altar in about 60 seconds we don't do this to embarrass you this isn't this church's idea the Bible says come out from the crowd be separate touch not the unclean thing and I will be your God and you will be my people jesus said if you confess me before men I'll confess you before my father that's in heaven when I was growing up in church they just said just lift your hand there I see that hand God sees that hand and them doing that for 30 years camouflage altar calls produced a generation of camouflage Christians that are nervous to pray before they eat at work work a job for 20 years and nobody even knows they go to church those days are over God is looking for you with boldness to say I'm not interested in what the crowd thinks I make us stand to serve God and when you draw near to him by doing that he'll meet you at this altar right now everyone that lifted a head or if you didn't lift a hand but God's wrestling with your heart and you know you need to be here I want you to come and join me at the altar right now come now come right now today's your day come now [Music] [Applause] hallelujah god bless you as you come this is your day Jesus loves you Jesus love you keep coming halleluja halleluja [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you Lord Jesus [Music] they're gonna sing it one more time anyone else gods rush them with your heart come to the altar right now square things away with God once it flew [Music] god bless you sir god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] leave both hands to the Lord where you're at right now I'm gonna lead you in a prayer just to give you the words to say because some people have never prayed so I'll give you what to say but make it your own prayer from your heart this isn't just like a little recital to staff to me you're talking to a living God and even as you're praying God will begin to do the work take out your old heart and put in a new heart amen congratulations ahead of time feels good to do the right thing I want you to say this nice and loud to your heavenly Father say this Heavenly Father I've come forward today to give you my life forgive me of all my sins wash me in your blood I believe in my heart you raised Jesus from the dead I confess with my mouth Jesus Christ is king of kings lord of lords and my Savior come into my heart Lord Jesus fill me with your power where I was weak give me your strength in Jesus name I'll say this world I am saved I am a Christian God is my father my sins are forgiven I'm on my way to heaven I will not turn back in Jesus name Amen lift both hands to the Lord and close both eyes let me pray for you look at the Lord touching people already father I thank you for all my new brothers and sisters that you've received into your kingdom today I thank you that everything that's from their past life everything they don't want to have anymore I thank you it falls off them forever today every depression every physical malady blood disorder blood disease liver failure organ failure cancer I thank you that nothing that's not of you can remain in their body I thank you for healing them from their head to their feet I thank you that a new life begins right now in Jesus name thank you for new lungs thank you for a new mind thank you for new bones thank you that nothing from today will ever be the same in Jesus name thank you for watching today on YouTube please press the subscribe button and also the notification button and like and get the word out watch
Channel: Rodney Howard-Browne
Views: 25,688
Rating: 4.8433933 out of 5
Keywords: Rodney Howard-Browne, River Church, River at Tampa Bay Church, Souls, Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, Christian, Revival, Healing, Salvation, baptism, power, upper room, healing, witnesses, Pentecost, flames, fire, tongues, utterance, not drunk as you suppose, new wine, last days, prophecy, visions, dreams, heaven, wonders, Fire, blessings, freedom, anointing, authority, Jonathan shuttlesworth
Id: E7F1viM_CAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 48sec (3888 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2019
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