The Third Temple is Already Here (But People Don’t See It)

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the Third Temple the Third Temple the Third Temple the third temple building a third Temple in Jerusalem Christian you show that the temple has been hidden in plain sight and you prove it through scriptures that I didn't notice before archaeology and historical records please explain sure so the Bible talks about a temple being rebuilt in the last days this is something that Christians have been looking for and thinking about for a really long time in fact I I found somebody writing named John Lightfoot in the 1600s you know wondering where was the temple going to be so you know it's it's been a long understanding that hey it seems like these Bible verses are saying that someday Israel would become a nation again someday they would come back to the land someday they would rebuild a Temple and so you know the the um motivation for looking is really because of the Bible pointing Us in that direction right and for me too it was looking for the temple was because of something that I saw in scripture and so I was thinking about the end times and just interested in in general and um I came across the verse in Ezekiel 44 veres 1 to2 it says and I looked at the Gate of the outer Sanctuary that faces East and it was shut and it will remain shut because the Lord the god of Israel has entered by it and therefore it will remain shut and I'm like oh that looks like the Golden Gate it's all walled up like that seems like that fits prophecy um and then I'm listening to some people talking about it rabbis and going oh no no but that's not the real gate that's just a later gate that was rebuilt and it actually rebuilt in the wrong place because in the days of the temple that gate was in front directly in front of the temple and I'm like really because it's fulfilling prophecy or sounds like it's fulfilling prophecy um and so that started me on this quest to kind of then go well why isn't it the real gate and you know kind of mattered where the temple was if they're going to rebuild it because the everybody for the um well actually there's a lot of views about where the Temple's located but the dominant view is that it was formerly located where the Dome of the Rock is and so truly if the Dome of the Rock You Know needed to be taken down in order to build a temple that's kind of a problem um and you know anybody can look at that and go yeah that would be a hard one to solved um and and I didn't really care if that's the answer I believe God can you know bring it about supernaturally if he said he's going to do it then that's fine I don't have a problem with that but what I did have a problem with was some of the evidence that as I dug you know the reasons that people said we know for sure it was here or somebody said it was over there um they didn't make sense to me so I I kind of wanted to look um into that further and um you know if if after doing that project of you know just kind of thinking about it I had said oh you know what they'll never know until they can do some archaeological digs on the Temple Mount because really the the the reason this is kind of state of mystery um is because on the Temple Mount nobody's allowed to do any excavation um ironically there is actually one group The the Muslim walk that that that is now in control of the Temple Mount they've had bulldozers up there they've done all kinds of not archaeological excavation but actually just changing it um and trying to throw away evidence of um of the Jewish presence that was on there makes sense so um so it's a you know a huge double standard but if if it was allowed to do um archaeological investigation probably this would already be solved but people are trying to make inferential arguments from the evidence that we do know um and one person says this one person says that uh and so that's created a lot of confusion it's hundreds of years um of people trying to argue it back and forth and it's a little funny that you know an engineer from South Dakota was you know is going to weigh in on that and and bring shed light on the subject yeah I have to just stop you because you know in looking um at your book um it was amazing I I almost felt like I was on an archaeological Expedition and but and then going through the historical records and scriptures again that you know went over my head it's it's pretty amazing so keep going yeah no thank you so but it's really it's the it was the Bible that that drove me right it was the testimony of scripture that said hey you know what I think man's testimony is wrong on this subject and that's a huge you know thing like it our source of Truth as a as a Believer as a Christian um and and for Jews too um is the Bible like that is God's truth given to men and we can't um you know minimize the importance of that and we certainly don't want to elevate you know man's Wisdom and man's testimony above what God's word says and so again when I saw this gate that was looked like it was fulfilling prophecy and it says the Lord God had entered by it you're like when's that oh Palm Sunday when Jesus came into the temple came down riding on a donkey from the Mount of Olives and he comes into the temple he came in by this East Gate and um and so it's like oh yes so Jesus entered by the gate now it's been shut I wanted to know like how long has it been shut right where does that and you so you look back in history it it keeps telling um accounts of that gate but always the gate is shut there were in um times that occasionally they would open it um but it would still then go back and stay shut and so you know because it's it's um kept shut that you know just because it's open once and for some special event doesn't mean it's it's breaking the prophecy I don't think right some people might go oh no see that just proves it like uh it's basically been shut for 2,000 years here so you know um there it is so and then because it was in front of the temple then that started me on this thinking about landmarks and um you know that that really could there be some landmarks left from the temple that the the the idea is that no the temple was totally destroyed everything not one stone was left on another everything was taken down um and so therefore there are no landmarks and everybody can just make up whatever inferential argument assumptive argument they want and speculate oh it could be here it could be there but that that kind of argument well fine we could argue that until the cows come home but what if we could find real uh landmarks then that would be different um and I started looking at the L at the East Gate and I thought that seems to me like a landmark then if the gate was in front of the temple and the gate is fulfilling prophecy I bet you that's the gate and that's one Landmark but how did we know where the temple was in the first place and um that comes from uh 2 Chronicles 3:1 and it says that Solomon built the temple um on the threshing floor of Aruna the one that had been shown by his father David um and David had made a census it um it created a plague the angel of the Lord was was um killing people David looks up sees the angel of the Lord and he stops and he stops over this place he goes um it's the threshing floor of Aruna and he makes a sacrifice there and and the Lord tells him that this is going to be the place you know to build him a house yeah I was I was I was amazed of that scripture that you brought up because I it never dawned on me about the threshing floor yes so so this is the the key you know and it's that that's how Solomon knew where the temple was it's how David knew where the temple was supposed to be from God um but it's like what's a threshing floor and a thr in floor is a place where they they thresh the grain that's where they separate the wheat from the chaff and the stalks the the heads of the wheat from the stocks and they need a big flat area and um the best threshing floors are solid Stone because if you do it in the dirt you're also picking up dirt right you can do it in a flat area but you get contaminants so you really want um like bedrock and this is in the time of when David is living in the city of David and he says he looks up um and he sees a place so a threshing floor is something that they they do near the fields and it's done outside of the city like you don't throw all this grain and chaff and everything up in the air right next to where you've lived if anybody's like cut wood um to make you know do some carpentry or something you don't do that in your living room right you do that out in the garage because you're gonna have sawdust everywhere um and it's basically the same thing all that was done outside the city um so so we're looking for someplace outside the city of David and up from there and if actually if you look that's the Temple Mount area mount Mariah is up above um the city of David and you can see but it had to be someplace that um there was land and a big flat area in the ancient past because when David's looking up there there's no Temple Mount he's looking at just open land and a place where there were fields and and kind of a farm um and you're looking for Bedrock all right so is there any place like that in the Temple Mount and I will tell you that none of the things that have people have proposed for the Temple Mount none of them do they show you oh here's the threshing floor even though the threshing floor is the primary way that we locate the temple it's just like uh well you know probably the threshing floor was lost right right and I hear I hear other people saying oh no it's in the city of David which you're going to go through some of the you know you're going to go through some of the objections yep but go on absolutely and that's why but how we know that it was outside the city of David is because that's where David lived and then when he found this threshing floor he actually bought the land everything in the city of David he had already conquered he already owned so he's buying something outside of what he already has something near the city of David but that still belongs to uh the jebusites and and this must be something that he you know somebody who was honorable that he basically let stay and you know was was still working with their Community but he hadn't you know um run them off and and you had that in Israel when Israel became a nation um a lot of the uh Palestinians Arabs that were living in um Israel fought against Israel like they turned around they joined Arab the Arab Invasion from um uh sorry from Jordan and from Egypt and from Syria they turned on their neighbors and they attacked them well or or they just fled and and they were going to like move out they were told hey leave we're going to come in we're going to kill them and then you can you can come back and take your you know take your spot back um but the people who stayed people who didn't fight Israel that's why you have millions of of Arabs living in Israel today because you had a whole bunch of people that no they they defended um they either stayed out of it or they didn't participate or they actually helped defend their country and they still live there in peace they Israeli citizens no problem so you go back in time there were jebusites that fought against David but obviously there were some that were just they stayed out of it they didn't fight and they were left there because um Jerusalem was a jebusite City Jerusalem it was Salem in the days of melchisedek so this place of the city of David ALS also goes back to the time of Abraham that's the other way we know that mount Mariah was there Mount Mariah was not inside the City of Salem where melchisedek lived it was nearby but it was outside of that of that place you know wow it's knowing that sort of that history um from the Bible that tells us about the land that helps us kind of understand and Orient ourselves in the in the geography all right so where's a big flat open spot and on the Temple Mount platform where the Dome of the Rock rests there is a big flat piece of bedrock and it's under this place called The Dome of the spirits and people look at it like yeah so what because it looks like a giant Paving Stone it's just part of the platform and so it just looks nondescript it doesn't look like anything special but it's over 10 feet in diameter it's perfectly flat um and then it also is Pock marked strangely all over the top of the surface and um you know that that's the kind of thing that can happen when you drag a a threshing Sledge which has all these little Flintstones um poking out of it and you've done that a bunch of times you can sort of Chip the surface of the Rock and there's a testimony from 33 333 ad by the Bordeaux Pilgrim who who goes to the Temple Mount And he says oh yeah there's a um there's a place here that's close to two statues of hadrien where and and the Jews go there to this this perforated Rock and they moan and they bewail them you know some themselves and they tear the robes and then they depart and it's like huh where's a rock like that um and this this piece of Bedrock fits that description and not only that but it's because it's incorporated into the platform so this is where you know sometimes like an engineer perspective helps so I look at that piece of bedrock and I go huh how did a piece of Bedrock get perfectly level with this giant platform that was man-made well it didn't happen by accident so it they they didn't accidentally level it to the Bedrock they used the Bedrock of that flat level spot as the datm as the reference point for building the whole floor and this is something that Builders when they they build a floor they need a reference point that they use to to level out the rest of the the whole rest of the floor and so because it's Incorporated in the floor you can just deduce logically that that was the point that they used to build this entire floor and there's one piece of bedrock in that that is Under the Dome of the Rock it's called The alaka Stone and that sticks up out of the platform so if you came and just saw this platform the one that looks special um is this Stone Under the Dome of the Rock because it's Giant and it's prominently you know near the middle and it sticks up and so people look at that and go oh that must have been where the temple was and that's actually what happened when the Muslims came in um in the 600s and they um they were actually surrounding they were made a Siege on Jerusalem they didn't conquer it but actually they basically negotiated a peace and they said okay fine we'll surrender if you know you'll leave Jerusalem as it is and we'll give you a part of Jerusalem you can have the Temple Mount because we don't do anything there anyway the the byzantines had turned it into a trash dump which shouldn't have done because that's still God's place um but but there was a lot of animosity between Christians and Jews in that time so that was kind of you know that became the Jewish spot and so you know it was it wasn't you know they were it was almost intentionally kind of desecrated um so they gave it to the Muslims the Muslims come in and they go oh look that looks like a special feature sticking up out of the out of the platform but what what what I think it was is who built that platform that I think the platform was already there um and I think that platform was built by Emperor hadrien who was the first person to come and build something on the temple Mountain after the city of Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD and he built a temple to Jupiter um and so that the that Big Stone was left there as a Cornerstone for the temple that he built and so that there you go you have a platform you have a big Central Stone not perfectly centered but just offset for like a Cornerstone of a building that was centered in the in the structure um and then you have this other piece of Bedrock that was actually the where the holy of holies was um right so you and you also explained in your book that um that uh with the Dome of the Rock that that was not the same as the threshing floor Under the Dome of the spirits it was totally different yes thank you and so the other big Point anybody can see when they look at that Big Stone is it's not flat right I mean it's not even close to flat so it couldn't be a threshing floor if it's not flat it it wasn't a threshing flooor if it wasn't a threshing floor it wasn't the side of the temple yeah and I also found it interesting that you T said that there's are um like wine presses or like around Israel that yes yep so so the other question is is is threshing floors are often um larger than the flat area of Bedrock that's that's Under the Dome of the spirits even up to maybe 50 feet in diameter this is a little over 10t in diameter Under the Dome of the spirits so how can reconcile that um well for one there are um Gideon threshed uh grain in a wine press which was even smaller um six or seven feet in diameter and also the piece of Bedrock that we're seeing now is just what's left you know that the temple was destroyed two times it was made with giant Stones those were tumbled completely down um so as you think about that they just used the flattest piece of Bedrock that remained from the threshing floor so if it was severely damaged in certain spots well you would just chip that part out and then you would keep the part that was usable for you as a reference and so it's probably smaller today than it was in the past just because we know of the destructions that have happened and now it's built on top of so so none of those are are disqualifying yes there's some basic you know you have to deduce that you have to assume that it could have been even larger than the past that's not it's no big stretch again when you remember no this place was totally destroyed two times and then they came and they they obviously chipped the um the Bedrock to fit stones into it so you can also see that they've cut um that piece of bedrock in order to you know perfectly incorporate a floor to it so it was definitely larger than it is now right so that's that's not a there's no stretch it's just a simple Sherlock Holmes deduction you look at that and you go oh yeah that must have been the way it was right um but you found the real threshing floor and that that's what like you said other people other no one was looking for that but that is a requirement according to scripture to know where the temple is yes and and and that really when you looked at that and then it was then there was another piece um so so you have something that looks like a threshing floor H and you have something that looks like a gate from the first temple the Golden Gate it matches prophecy um and then I kept looking looking at that Golden Gate looking at the history of of the people who had visited Jerusalem in the past they keep mentioning it um there's the Penza Pilgrim in 570 ad who says oh I was coming from the Mount of Olives and I was entering into the gate that goes into Jerusalem which today would be where the Lion's gate is um and he says and right next to that was a um a gate to the temple and it and it was the gate beautiful and it's in tablature you know is still there or or basically the frame of it is still there and um and so you go whoa the pen program reported that the Gate of the temple was right next to and if you go there the Lion's gate you look to the left there's the Golden Gate wow and so so wait what period of time was that again that so this is 570 ad um this is long before other people have said that it was built for example for Emperor Heracles um but you have you know 100 years before well not 100 50 60 years before that you have a a report talking about the gate before Jerusalem actually Jerusalem was attacked they took um what the the byzantines at the time believed was the a remnant of the Cross of Christ and Emperor Heracles went and attacked um the Persians and and and got them to give it back and he brought it in and and there was a triumphal entry and he actually it says that he entered that gate but when he came they made him Dismount and go in humility through the gate because that is the gate that Jesus had entered Jerusalem by and so for for two reasons one you have an earlier report um of the gate that that even precedes Heracles but also how could that be a new gate and Heracles time built for him if they told him to Dismount because that was the gate Jesus entered yeah and and I find it also interesting too that you were saying like people try to Discount the Golden Gate because um because it's suppos the relationship between the threshing floor the temple and the gate uh explain that and then why and but why they think the Dome of the Rock should be it right yeah so they they look at the gate so from the um from an archaeological perspective you can make the argument though that this is the real gate in fact there's an archaeologist lean retm um who wrote a book called The Quest and this is this is it it's one of the sort of big books on the the temple he believes that the Dome of the Rock was where the temple is located but he looks at the East Gate he's been inside of it inside there are two megalithic gate posts um one's 11 feet tall the other one's like 15 feet tall they're six feet wide four feet deep like they're the size of the stones at Stonehenge so for people that kind of think about these are massive gate posts um and they're in line with the outer East wall which is the oldest part everybody body agrees that that's definitely part of the original Temple even in the first temple period um and and and they're at the level of the of the courses of the stone so it's it's the original it's the original gate and and he even makes that statement he says you know it's the only place this is the only possible location for the ancient shushan gate or the the outer East Gate of the second temple period but he says but you know probably it wasn't that that gate was probably never actually in line with the temple that's his argument but if you read the rabbis and the mishna and the talmid it was in line with temple so I go who's who's whose authority do I believe on um on the alignment of the Temple Gates right I believe the the Jewish tradition and the mission of their oral you know tradition more than someone who just you know doesn't think the evidence lines up and so concludes that the temp that the rabbis must be wrong and then also if you if you read about the Ezekiel Temple it's a future Temple um but but the gates are clearly in line in the description of the Ezekiel Temple and people go well that's a future Temple so that's that still doesn't count but they forget that all the temples that were built were made or a model of the Heavenly Temple so they were always copying this heavenly design which means you're not changing you know to whichever design you want you're you're always following the same pattern yeah so yeah you know I'm sorry to interrupt you but Christian yeah I found that interesting that in that scripture it was saying that it has to face it you know so that the gate has to face the temple yeah I mean that again went over my head also so yeah I'll keep going yeah there I mean there's small details but but they but they're they're coming they're backed up by scripture which is kind of my reference like if if I think something's true I'm looking for a witness in Scripture so um you know whenever we look at there's there's always people saying one thing and someone saying another thing and you have to wait that evidence and you have to decide which testimony is reliable um and then but when it comes to scripture that's different like scripture for me always has a higher testimony than man's testimony and then once we look at scripture I don't pick which scripture I like the best all scripture has equal weight so then when we think about scripture we have to then make our understanding has to fit all of scripture not just the parts that seem to fit our idea right so so if I'm presented with something that doesn't seem to fit my idea but it's in scripture then oops now I have to re you know readjust but if I get something from from some man's opinion and it doesn't match scripture that's different I assume they probably made a mistake and I'll start go looking for you know what what mistake they might have made right um absolutely and you're going to go through even some more objections that people have said and um but anyway if you like what you're hearing with Christian and please subscribe to my channel because he has amazing things and my other guests have amazing information and you need to also see Christian's other interview that we did but keep going yes all right so but both of these really there's a lot of evidence to show the Golden Gate's real it's a first temple Landmark the the threshing floor is the threshing floor it's the only possible place that's ever been identified that really could be a threshing floor and then I'm like hm those are in line right which is what you would expect but but I thought what's the probability of that happening by accident and that's something that I don't think anybody had ever tried to calculate or think about before and so when I looked at the probability of of the the threshing floor where it's located compared to the to the Golden Gate um it was a .7% chance that that was an accident or a 99 93% chance that it was definitely not an accident right and you go whoa wait a sec 99.93% chance that these this alignment and this positioning is is not coincidental um that's a lock I have two um two landmarks that go back to you know before the temple was built or or to the first temple in the case of the the East Gate and and you can show that they weren't destroyed in fact even Josephus this is a big thing that people miss when in the description of all the destruction that happened on the temple it says all the gates were destroyed except two and then it says which afterward they burnt with fire and so people go oh see the southern gate and the he wouldn't have said that the east gate and the south gate were spared um if they were totally destroyed soone like the other ones but burning by fire yes causes damage but there's stone gates it's Stone it's not wood you know so yeah and and later um the actually the 10th Legion so this is now now we'll start going into objections um a lot of people will say that the the 10th um Legion was stationed in Jerusalem and that that the Temple Mount is where they were stationed and that means that it was a Roman Fort and not the Temple Mount and and that's it's just it's it's wrong um I'm I'm sorry I know people hold that um but if if I'll I'll tell you why but it's been um it's been presented as but it's it's kind of a little Switcheroo that's been played um the the scriptures tell us that in the time of Jesus before the temple was destroyed it hosted a cohort which is a tent of allegion it's like 600 men a legion is like 6,000 troops and so that's that's a lot of men and um and they did camp in Jerusalem which that's true but they did it after the destruction of the temple so before the destruction of the temple there were 600 and that's confirmed in scripture Josephus is the only one who's who who accidentally says that the Fortress Antonia held a legion um and so people go see it's proof but we have the scriptures that correct josephus's mistake and you can you know it's easy to say cohort Legion get confused so it's not hard to um I can understand how Josephus may have um misspoken in his account but but I don't believe the scriptures can be mistaken or mispe and so when they say there was always a cohort there was a cohort in Jerusalem um then we know it was a cohort not a legion and there's another reason we know there wasn't a legion in Jerusalem before the destruction and that's because Legions were tracked in Roman records so they actually have you know historic reports of where the legions were at different times um and and there wasn't a legion the only reason they sent Legions is when they needed to suppress um a Revolt so you only had a cohort to maintain peace and the people got out of line then they brought in the Legion or Legions the case of Jerusalem I think it was besieged by by multiple Legions um but but that's just it's super important to to one go no it was always a cohort beforehand and then after it was destroyed the 10th Legion was left in Jerusalem that that's in um josephus's account and they camped at the Temple Mount um because it was still kind of semi fortified and and we know this because archaeology um archaeological digs around the Temple Mount and and in that material um so when they they bulldozed a bunch of material out illegally out of the Temple Mount and they just don't outside and that kind of messed up um getting you know things in the right layers but there was still a bunch of material from the Temple mount that people could sift through and look at so the Temple Mount sifting project is this huge project that has been sifting through and finding um the little bits of evidence that were in that dirt that was dug out of the Temple Mount and in there they found a whole bunch of tiles and other evidence from the tenth Legion and so yes we know that's where they camped it also helps you figure out um josephus's account when he says some of the walls and Towers were left to show what a great City Jerusalem was we know that oh that's around the Temple Mount and that's why we still have this Temple Mount there because people argue also that the Temple Mount was built later um and it wasn't actually part of the temple but when you look at it it the biggest evidence to refute that it was built later or even built by the Romans um in particular the Roman legion is if anyone has been to Jerusalem and they've seen the giant Stones the giant ashler stones of the Temple Mount they would know that that's wrong particularly if they've gone down in the tunnels below the Western Wall and they've seen the the great western stone which is 40 feet long it's 10 feet tall 6 to8 feet deep it's like 300 tons um no Roman legion it if you go to Mada actually you can see where the Roman legion also camped against Mada and they piled up a bunch of rocks in fact that's still there once you get up on top of the Mada you can look down and you can see where the Roman legion camped and they built up just piles of stones into a square into a rectangle um but to make a protective area for them you know to defend at night but that's the kind of stuff they did yes they they created an area about the size of the Temple Mount but they didn't go and do this amazing quaring and and giant megalithic stones that you know are are so beautiful and so perfect like the ones that you have the Temple mount that they just didn't do that and and so it's like the Temple Mount itself is a wonder of the ancient world an unrecognized wonder of the Ancient World um I'll be you know admittedly nobody calls it a wonder of the ancient world it's not one of the Seven Wonders but if you compare that Temple mount to the other SE Seven Wonders of the World it it's I would put it at the top actually yeah um the temple mountain is larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza and in the volume of the construction that that they use to to um go around Mount Mariah and build it up it's just unbelievable so and and I I really I hope people forgive me for all this you know there's so many little points on this and I hope it's not overwhelming with this many details um that you know it's like what about this what about that there there's all the evidence is laid out sort of systematically in the book um that's also available to download free on my website so anybody can just pull that up and and kind of go through if you want to know exactly any of the references specifically for these points where did I find that how do I know this everything is cited every little detail you know that that is a kind of a piece of evidence I'll I'll note so people can find it um but another thing that that I think people hadn't noticed before talking about the Eastgate you know and and is it really the the original Landmark could even be the first temple which is a you know when you start thinking about this is a first Temple um Landmark uh in the in the account of Nehemiah rebuilding the the Jerusalem the first time and repairing the walls and the gates the only gate that that wasn't mentioned as needing repair was the East Gate it mentions The Keeper of the Eastgate helping to do repairs on other parts of the wall but it doesn't talk about you know the keeper of the Eastgate repaired the East Gate um and you go huh why not well because probably wasn't damaged right so you know yeah that was an amazing point so it's just you know like it really the the the track Rec for that gate goes all the way basically back to Nehemiah it's it's a first Temple Gate it is the original gate there's there's again some archaeologists have recognized it um and that's another reason why you know it wasn't the Romans right that this wasn't a Roman Fort it's like no that gate is is the original is the original gate um another thing that people complain about um as as far as or have been told about um is that there wasn't a source of water and that there had to be a source of water um for the temple sacrifices which is true they needed water um but that the only source of that water was the G is the gon spring or was the gon spring and and that's located what in the city of in the city of David yep and and that water kind of flows down towards the pool of salom and and stuff like that but um again it's it's they're they good Det s but they're misleading and they they send people off in the wrong direction um the the water uh that was needed one was needed year round the gon spring actually doesn't flow year round so that's another thing that people didn't didn't know it's seasonal and it has abs and flows um but also there's an aqueduct and there's this place called the pools of Solomon and it's debated about how old those really are I think actually they the pool pools of Solomon are the pools of Solomon um but it there's an amazing Aqueduct that goes from there miles away and brings that water to Jerusalem and and it brings it in and there's two Aqueduct sources one is the lower Aqueduct and you can actually see the remnants of it across from the Temple mount on Mount Zion over in the Jewish quarter and it came from that mountain over across the land bridge that went to the Temple Mount and it fed the Temple mount and then there's an upper spring or an upper Aqueduct uh that came around the north side of the temple um up from the Damascus gate which is a higher in elevation and flow down towards the Temple Mount they haven't excavated all that area so they don't know exactly but there's another Aqueduct source that could have fed the temple um Mount from the north coming in from the Damascus gate so there's one that's over across and then people well yes but that level is below the level of the Temple Mount so therefore you know maybe that they they argue even that the temple must have been lower than the present day um platform for the Dome of the Rock and to which I answer well that water was used to feed the systemns that are underneath Temple Mount and there's literally like millions of gallons of holding capacity of water underneath the temple Mountain wow it's riddled with underneath there the Bedrock is riddled with with these SNS and and it's an incredible amount of water for just you know people concentrated why would it be concentrated at the Temple Mount um because you used it for for sacrifices right it wasn't that's not where they had all the water for the residents of Jerusalem you know um it was for for temple service and then people will say well but but they couldn't use sistern water it had to be living water because they needed to be flowing water and and that kind of thing and and cisterns are stagnant well actually those sisters were not stagnant um those sists operated like mikas they had continuous freshwater running in and water running out and all the sisters were Conn are connected so they had they haven't found all of them but but they found a lot of the connections between sisters so that you had continuous running water into and out of into and out of into and out of all the way down flows out of the Temple Mount and then flowed down um South towards the city of David it they they filled their own Mikvah um with it that are below the uh below there for washing and so they just kept a they bring spring water from miles away they flow it through these aqueducts they flow it into the ssts and they had this continuous freshwater um Source they were actually making these little Lakes I mean it's ingenious um when when you people look at that and really think about how sophisticated their system for maintaining fresh water drinkable water was it's just it's stunning um but the the real kicker is is that um let's see I forget which one oh missam uh 5.4 um actually says in in the recording that the practices and and the things that they did on the Temple mount that they had a wheel um in the in one of the buildings that they raised water from the systemns that they could deliver to the Courtyard for use in the temple so people say oh no they didn't use that sistern water like it's in the so I'm sorry but the Jewish practice says they Ed the water from those sisters um so again it's there there was water we can see the whole network the missioner records that's exactly what they did um so there's no need to talk about the city of David was the only source of water you had a source of fresh water on the Temple mount in fact you know um millions of gallons of water and it's it's it's solved oh also the the level of the aqueduct um that's across the even the lower Aqueduct is high enough to fill the ssts so it wouldn't reach the surface of the Temple Mount but it it was high enough to fill the cisters that are below the Temple Mount and it says they use the wheel so you know you can talk about like uh some way that that they're bringing water up from um from below and bringing it to the surface so there you go yeah well you with an being an engineer I mean you must really totally find it totally fascinating how this was all done um yeah yeah just to figure it out just to go hey is this is this true because yeah fine if if if the evidence refutes this idea and you've got better evidence somewhere else but but it's not just not the case um and and scripture also says that once they finish the temple that they brought the ark up from the city of David and put it in the Temple Mount I mean put it in the temple and then when you so if you look and you're at the temple Mountain you look down there's the city of David down below and so it's just it fits the scripture it's very easy to say oh look um there you know there it is you can go up to the Temple Mount um it it fits all the all the requirements that are in scripture all the descriptions that we have um but but really um you know as far as like those those giant Stones nobody but um but the Jews built those um built that Temple Mount I mean it's just yeah yeah now another thing that you talked about you about the weathering of the Golden Gate can you explain that yeah so another thing you know they're just rational like I I like to have multiple Witnesses so so people will see that when I'm making an argument for some of these things I'm looking at it a lot of different directions another one is hey look here's the Golden Gate does it look like the stone is as old as some other similar carved Stone features that are from you know at least the second temple period And across the kidon Valley from the Temple Mount there are some tombs and stone monuments absalon's pillar and some people call it the tomb of Zachariah um you know there's they have a lot of different names through history but but they're two iconic um tombs that are completely carved out of stone out of the out of the Bedrock I mean they're just amazing they're beautiful they are um and the weathering of those is you know very similar to the kind of weathering that you see at the Golden Gate so I'm like why do you think this Golden Gate is isn't old look at some of these other things it it matches so it's like a ration rational check right does does that seem to make sense and so I I just try to look at all these different aspects and and see you know did the things line up does it confirm um you know what we expect or not um and uh there's another idea that people talk about um that the temple was actually near the Ala fountain that is in between the aloa mosque on the furthest south and the Dome of the Rock and and that's really a water level argument too they say you know that in order to feed the temple with fresh water at the surface level which is an assumption um that the temple would had been lowered down and the only place it could have been lowered down is in between um the aloa mosque and the Dome of the Rock and um if that was was true then fine that would be a good assumption but there's two massive problems with that one the southern part of the Temple Mount is all in the area that we know there was no Mount that's all the builtup area from the that was leveled off by the by making the Temple Mount platform that was all where they added material so it was a steep Hillside everything to the south of the end of the um Dome of the Rock platform that it's on basically was was a hillside so there was no threshing floor there if there was no threshing floor there then there was no Temple there it's just it's as simple as that like you know um there's there's just so many cases like uh this is most of the people for the city of David they'll they'll look at this book um by Ernest Martin the temples uh that Jerusalem forgot and it just you know that's a lot of material it's actually thicker than my book you know I just put the case together here right um which is this is amazing yes but but but it's but it's wrong it just it misconstrues the evidence and creates this this false case that the temple was in the city of David and it just it wasn't or some people will put it a little further south there's another um this is called the uh Jerusalem Temple Mount myth and this is the myth um it just it it creates this this idea and it's taken in a lot of people there's a lot of information there but it's misconstrued it just doesn't add up and it's like a slide of hand um you know trick like I I talk about uh the in the book there's I give an example of David Copperfield once he did this this trick where he made the Statue of Liberty disappear and it was like wow did he do that and turns out he had everybody in a big giant stage that turned very very slowly um and so while he's entertaining them he's actually flipping them around 180 degrees and so then he pulls down the curtain that's behind him and voila the Statue of Liberty has disappeared right but all he's done is turn him around and so some of these cases yes they're presenting they're going to the right sources but they're just misinterpreting them and flipping them to make it say the opposite of what it of what it really should be understood to be right and it it's I I don't know the only way you can sort that out is by going to the original sources yourself which is what I did I just I got the you know if somebody said that this book said that then I'd go get that Source myself and I'd read and see what they said and I just you know in the majority of the case where someone was claiming something that I thought went against what the Bible was indicating to me or you know what the solid evidence that I was looking at usually I would go all right let me go check their source and I would dig into the source and I would find oh no they they flipped it around right and they misused what what was there to to make it look like what they're saying was correct and you know I I don't know that people you know sometimes we have unconscious bias that you know I don't want to say that people do this on purpose necessarily um but unconsciously we just want to see what we want to see and and I'm you know anybody who's who's heard something different they're looking at me and they're going oh that's what you did and like well I mean then look at my evidence so so that's my thing if you think I got it wrong here's all the evidence that I laid out right and and I try to make it so that anybody can check and verify what I've said absolutely and I mean there's just a lot more objections and way more information in the book historical record words that were like oh okay amazing okay so do you think the temple has to be rebuilt in order for the sacrifice so explain that yeah so that's the so what the so what is um you know where does it really matter you know why are we all concerned about where the temple really was or where it really wasn't um and and again you're back to the Bible because the Bible gives us this idea that it would be rebuilt in the last days that something significant would happen there in the last days there would be an abomination of desolation that would Mark that the return of the Lord is is you know imminent um and and is you know definitely there's a countdown of 1290 days from the halting of the sacrifice and the uh the abomination of desolation that we we look to for the the return of the Lord and so you know if that's what we're looking for then we want to know where was it what is what is needed and the longer I've studied the this subject in order to try to figure out the temple The more I've realized that the temple is there the Temple Mount is is this place where the disciples met when they said they went into the temple and they were teaching and and they were um you know witnessing with people and they were you know trying to convince them that Jesus was the Messiah where did that happened it happened on the Temple Mount that's there today that's what they said they went to the temple they weren't all going into you know the place where the the um the showbread is and you have the manora you know the holy place that that's the only priest could go in there it was the outer courts is where they were they were meeting and that's where they were interacting with people and all of that stuff is is still there so you know that's the amazing thing in fact even um where it says that the disciples went um and they saw a crippled man and they said you know go gold silver we don't have but you know what we have get up and and walk and they healed him after um in in the time after Jesus had ascended into heaven um and before the temple was destroyed before people were kicked out of Jerusalem that happened in this in this Portico Solomon's colonade so even in the first century we had Solomon's colonade we had this this beautiful gate and that that's the southern gate that um Josephus mentions was spared and was and destroyed and it's walled up but today it's known as the double gate or the holda gate and that's so people can still go there and and like oh that's that's the entrance that went up from the southern steps of the Temple Mount and it went in through a tunnel and up a a ramp or stairs um and went into the Temple Mount area that's where they were meeting that's where they were talking that's when they said they went to the temple that's you can still see the place yeah so so people are waiting for this Temple to be like a whole gigantic Temple just to all of a sudden be built um in order to have like the red heer sacrifice or or to H or the abomination of desolation they're they're waiting for this and we're a lot then closer than people think then we we could be like I I I don't want people to understand me to say there's no way the temple is going to be rebuilt absolutely there still could be and and it might be a tabernacle and not a temple um you know which would be which would be a simple thing to do too but I it's just it's important important for us to not um constrain the problem with with something that we assume but it's not true right so then as I look at it I go uh it's the temple area is there we all know that that's the Temple Mount it's in the name everybody knows that like when we Ascend in fact anybody who's been fortunate enough to be able to go onto the Temple Mount you get there you just know it's a special it just you know I don't know it just this is the place Ezekiel says this is the place where where God chose to place his throne and The Souls of his feet and and they're like oh yeah but that's like no that's coming it's always been the place that he chose and in the millennial Reign it'll be from there like that that place is the special place that he chose and as a Believer like my spirit you know fine say it's in my head I can feel it right so I can too when I when I've gone there right even if people say it's in my head but you know I felt the presence of the Lord there so yeah it just it it really is it's special even the Western Wall is special too um you know people are praying there that is you know part of the wall of the temple but but really where the action was right was on the Temple Mount that's where that's where Jesus walked around and and said to the disciples do you see all these buildings I tell you not one stone will be left on another they will all be thrown down he's talking about the things that were up there he's he's not far away you know looking at the whole Temple Mount that's another thing that people say Temple Mount can't be the temple because it's still standing and Jesus said all those stones will be thrown down and like yeah but he said that look at the context he's on the Temple Mount when he's saying it and he's looking around at the buildings and surely all every single one of those was flattened and torn down not one stone of of those you know second temple buildings was left standing but the Temple Mount is still there the place where all that was was what what that was built up on top of um it's 36 Acres I mean that that that place you look at those stones you know Jesus wasn't saying that they're going to come and pull down these 500 ton Stones you know that are on the ground beneath us that are you know took him 20 years and 150,000 men um to build right so yeah yeah now that was another very interesting point in your book can you give your website and tell people again how they can either um we'll have it in in the description too and a link um where they can either buy it or they can get the free pdf um yeah yeah the end times end times ban B ran like the the bans who who checked Paul and you can find you'll find the book on there you can the PDF is on there you can just download it um you can also get it on Amazon um and a few bookstores maybe you know you'll find it but they probably have to order it because you know I'm not super well known um Christian can you there's people who um are watching and they don't know Jesus so they don't I mean they're like kind of curious and everything and there's some who are saying I really would like to really know him personally so could them in a prayer yeah so why are we looking for all of this it's because we believe it signals the return of Jesus Christ who who was who he was a you know a a carpenter who lived in Galilee 2,000 years ago who changed the world who fulfilled prophecy that that God himself would you know come among men Emmanuel um means god with us that and and Jesus said you know when he was talking about himself he he basically declared himself to be God and you're likewhat yes he said look why do you as to see the father anyone who has seen me has seen the father um so in fact why was he crucified because he he said I and the father are one you know but but he also did miracles to demonstrate that he wasn't just you know just a man he said if you don't believe me at least believe in miracles so it was this guy who you know was God incarnate born 2,000 years ago if that wasn't true um he wouldn't have changed the world there's a lot of people who have said made all kinds of crazy claims but only Jesus Christ Changed History like why do we have Western Civilization because of Jesus Christ um he changed the the whole history of humanity is is now marked in time by the birth of Jesus Christ so we're looking for this guy who who who came a thousand years ago why did he I'm 2,000 years ago why did he come to redeem us for our from our sin and um you know are you a good person you might be a good person but have you done some bad things have you you know have you done some things that you know are wrong the things you know have you lied have you stolen um you know have you uh you know Dishonored your parents have you um blasphemed God there are a lot of things that that we all know that when we start thinking like um yeah I I'm I know I'm not perfect but that's being perfect is what God requires sin separates us from God for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life we're looking for this king who who made a way for us to be reconciled with God for our sins to be forgiven and separated and and he promised that anyone who believes in him right should not perish but have everlasting life that if we believe in our heart that God that Jesus is Lord um and confess with our mouth that God raised him from the dead we will be saved so that's our hope this we're looking for the return of of somebody who's forgiven us for our sins who's made a way for us to be reconciled to the father and and knowing that that we're going to follow him um we're going to obey his commands we we we put sin behind us um and we want to have a relationship with him which says is free and open to all by faith and simply reading his word and praying and talking how do I talk and pray to God he's he's God he's everywhere he knows everything he can hear you he can hear me he's watching he can hear us all at the same time because that's that's who the creator of the universe is so he's someone that anybody can reach out to at any time in your darkest spot Lord help me you know um and if we want to know more more about him it's in his word um it's in the Bible this is this is the book that tells us you can start in John or Matthew one of the gospels to find out who is Jesus but it's but how do we know him we simply reach out and ask him so we can we can say a prayer I'll say a prayer right now um but how do we know Jesus we just simply ask he's available you know he's out there he's listening um but it takes faith it takes a true um desire in our heart to want to repent and turn from our sin and follow him and so just say Lord I know I've done a lot of things wrong I've know I've broken your laws and I've I've sinned and and I'm sorry please forgive me and teach me a better way help me to to know you let me have your your spirit I pray that you would come and and indwell me open my eyes and help me to follow you send people into my ways help me find a church um help send people who can help disciple me and teach me the right way and help me to know your word um help me to get a Bible if you don't have a Bible um and and show me the right way that I can follow you it's Amen um it's it's really simple there's no special prayer like you you might find all kinds of ways it's not a magic you know Talisman it's not something that you say that is going to it's just a decision it's just a decision to go you know what yes I want to know who Jesus is and I want to follow him I believe him that he's going to save me and so then I I go and I read his words and I and I keep learning and and seeking that's that's what changed my life I mean you know it's it's not something that you know I did once and I go oh good I got my get out of jail free card um it Jesus expects us to actually follow him if we believe him then that our life has to start um demonstrating that that doesn't mean we don't make mistakes it doesn't mean we don't still sin but when we do we we repent we ask his help to to to do better and over time your life definitely changes I'm a different man because I I believe in God and because he uh as I've followed him his he's enabled me to be different so yep the yep the same with me and sometimes people will pray that prayer and they won't feel anything but then all of a sudden interesting things will start going on all of a sudden you're going to meet a Christian or or or you're just the Lord will start showing you different things and you're like oh my goodness he really is speaking to me and or sometimes you will have a dramatic encounter but either way he is changing you and he gives you the power to change and I'll tell you there's um Amazing Power also in worshiping him just thanking him uh when you just thank him for who he is and what he's done in your life I mean whether you knew him or not before he still loved you I mean he died on the tree and for you he died on the cross for you and he's your sacrifice so here he loves you and you have no idea how many times he spared your life where he sent angels to guard you in all your ways I mean I'm from New York you can't even imagine what kind of be I had crazy people after me in New York City and when I think of how the Lord spared my life uh it's very amazing but that that's a long story yeah so no for sure I I shouldn't be here either so yeah I totally understand well Christian thank you so much I'm so excited and we will definitely be having you back on so thank you yeah appreciate it LA Marzulli made an Endtime discovery that no one was ever supposed to see click the video to watch now
Channel: Janie DuVall
Views: 310,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: end times, prophecy, last days, Janie DuVall, Christian Widener, Temple Mount, faith, Bible Prophecy, America, United States, Israel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 5sec (3725 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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