Forbidden footage of actual location of Red Sea Crossing & Mt. Sinai

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[Music] and welcome back to Shabbat Night Live we are continuing with our guests we have a ton of great things to talk about with Kevin Fischer Kevin you are the president of Ark discovery international your website is Ark obviously we're going to talk about Ark things coming up because a covenant Noah's Ark and we've talked about Sodom and Gomorrah in our last episode today we're going to be talking mainly about in this section the Red Sea crossing something that's close to Michael's heart we've got a photo of it behind us and you have a video you'd like to share with us and you're going to tell us what's going on there yes before we start the video we have a map here of the Sinai Peninsula okay where the children of Israel they left Egypt proper which would be over in the Cairo area for instance and they traveled east across the Sinai and then they were told to turn south which that brought them down through the wadi water through the mountains and then the white water emptied out onto this large beach that we see on the east side of the Sinai Peninsula the western western edge of the Gulf of Aqaba and that is nueva that's new wave on that's where we're headed to that's the Red Sea crossing site so in our video here we're going to go down to new weibo from two different directions well first out here in Cairo and then from there we'll head over to new weibo and then in the second part of the video we'll be heading down from a lot Israel down to the wave bone so here we're starting out in Cairo and we're driving through the city here you can see it's quite large you see the minarets and so forth in the background so you're literally going to take us to Sinai in your dress yeah alright this is great this is the route we're going to actually travel almost the route that the children Israel took crossing the Sinai and going over to the Red Sea crossing here in the background you can see a large ancient castle there in Cairo of course they have a lot of history compared to the United States as hundreds and hundreds of thousands idly thousands of years there and so there's a mosque that we're driving by our taxis taking us to our hotel at this point but again more this large ancient castle there and so the next morning from atop our hotel we're looking down on the streets there in Cairo and you can see the old world and the new world together we see this donkey cart next to the traffic zooming by and much like what you see in Jerusalem it older yells a new city yeah that's right so the de poor and I am in the rich you know also so from here we're going to be taking a look across the city from this vantage point you can look across the city here and atop these type of condos they have their apartments a lot of locals would bring animals on top of the rooftop why did why study now chickens and goats okay so on top of these apartments you can look down and see goats and chickens and you can hear them here you are in a city and you can hear you know chickens and goats so here you can see a goat here on top of the building past you're on the rooftops yes well you know the from trash a lot of these ghosts they feed them trash so go crash they end up with milk and meat you know if they slaughter the animal lovely but yeah exactly right and so from here we're going to look south and in the distance as we zoom in we can see the Pyramids at Giza the Great Pyramid hmm and so forth right here next to the city it's quite amazing as you can see the pyramid is right next to the city that is a way to site yeah so a lot of history here going back and so we're headed south we could see the bent pyramid in the distance we've got our taxi taking us down to the Step Pyramid and there it is this is a pyramid that Joseph built why why thought and a National Geographic they mentioned some inscriptions along the Nile River where I mentioned that in hotep had saved his country from a seven-year famine mmm so does that sound kind of like Joseph that is a little familiar yes so in hotel built this pyramid is considered the first and oldest pyramid in Egypt Wow he built it for his king zoser but at his complex are some underground vertical silos which held grain you know during the seven years of plenty they had to store the grain someplace so a great place to store it would be underground where it's cooler you know the grain would last longer and so at this complex here or series of underground vertical silos now they had to bring the grain up and so there's one exit point for these silos and this is the exit point where they would go down and get the first grain out the first grain that went in came out first first-in first-out and so they went down these steps and carried the grain up and you know bags of grain so joseph was able to save his country was the ancient ancient death before date system yes exactly so this made you know Egypt very rich the sale of the grain so in our graphic again here the map we're going to go across the Sinai and we're going to turn south and go through the mountains to the Red Sea crossing site that's our destination but Solomon seaport was on the northern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba at at lat according to first Kings 926 and a term this body of water has Yasu for the Red Sea that is the body of water we're heading over to the Gulf of Aqaba and as we're heading east out of Cairo we're taking our taxi and we encounter the Suez Canal that we've all heard of and along the way here we have to go underneath the Suez Canal there's a tunnel going underneath the Suez it's over a mile in length that's one way of going through the waters on Drive yeah so yeah so our drivers taking us through the tunnel here and we've got an abbreviated video segment of it as we enter and it's a quite nice but it is a small little two-lane tell but then we come out the other side after driving over a mile and we have just left Africa and we're now in Asia and we're going to go across the Sinai Peninsula similar to the route of the children of Israel took and I'll be at night on asphalt yes right along the way we saw this truck in front of us that said I love Jesus of course we're in a Muslim country but we thought that was interesting that's very gutsy yeah I was right and so we've been through some checkpoints on the way going through you ever question about your video along the way by those in the checkpoints well usually our driver would tell us to put the cameras down okay yeah ice quick yeah right you want to be hauled off to jail no so along the way you see the all the flat terrain you know this would enable them to travel more quickly across the Sinai they want to get out of Dodge as fast as possible and three million people in coalition yes yes so again we're taking video different segments along the way again you see the flat terrain as we're heading further east and again this may be a area where we kind of headed south and again you see a really flat area will the children of Israel would a journey through here they were never suspected they would be entangled in the desert as the word says encountering an ell why he was here after he asked this I'm sure a lot of the men that knew the area when they turn south they became concerned you know where's Moses taking us right but well as Michael Rood points out in his video a new way but in the beach you're pretty much cornered you've got yes you know wilderness to one direction and armies to the other yes right right and so in this area we're getting closer to the wadi litter that goes through a mountains again the flat nice terrain and here's the beginning of the wadi witters it's a wider area but you see the mountains on the right and the left and plenty of room through here it's a nice generous wide area you almost wonder if they thought it's great we're going to be hidden in here and that's that's going to be a good thing yes but that was not okay they found out later yeah it came to a stop so here's the wadi we're going to travel through to get to the large beach there and this is where it will exit later this is from Google Earth can you imagine getting millions of people through there that would have been a scene if it came tight at some point but in the distance we see the mountain will head to later in our next segment Mount Sinai over in Saudi Arabia but to see the orientation of the crossing site to the Mount Sinai and this graphic here so here we are we're going through the wadi wood sir you see the mountains this is a nice wide area that we stopped and it's still fairly passable here yes they're not looked like a threat at all right but as it gets narrow you can see here it's much narrower and things were a bit congested there is nothing there I mean no wonder they were concerned there's no food there's no water yes just a bunch of rock and rock though and you can't go you can't take your wagons over top of these mountains yeah look how steep this is we have to remember there's no asphalt in that day I mean there's no smooth road there feeling every bump there yes likely twisting ankles trying to get away so fast exactly and so whining our way through the scenario area it gets more and more narrow here we make a turn to a narrow spot and I think we may pan up at some point and you can see how steep these large mountains are so it says in X is 14 they're tangled in the land the wilderness have to shut them in so excellence is telling us they're going through the wadi whitter they feel all shut in their entangled you know the winding their way through these narrow mountains and for those who argue a different crossing point that verse would not make sense right where are the gravies literally entangled yes and you can see how steep it is very steep there we sought up there and again very narrow you're not going to go over top of these mountains but Josephus said for there was on each side original mountains that terminated at the sea which were impassable by reason of the roughness and obstructed their flight so again he is agreeing with what the Bible is saying about the mountains and it with more detail they have further pretty terminating at the sea and here we're getting closer to the exit point closer to the beach we'll have come to a stop and the distance or the end of the mountains and this is the end of the wadi with her you can see here where it's washed out recently now have you wondered as you are approaching this where did that fire come down and separate the Egyptians will I see evidence of it really yes okay so that to you so here we're getting closer to the exit point of the wadi and the distance is the beach and past that we can see in the distance now the water of the Gulf of Aqaba now there's something on that beach modern if they're not there some kind of there's a building area so we'll see that yes so there's the wadi we travel through we're now at the beach at nuevo and now we're going to show you the second way to get to the beach and this would be from Israel if here's a lot it's Saturday evening the days even is ending and the next morning we're going to head out through the Israeli exit point and then go over into the Egyptian border station here and so that the table gateway and we had our driver waiting for us ready to take us we're heading south about 50 miles heading down to Norway bow and [Music] this is the Israeli way this is from Israel yeah okay you can get to it from Israel and on the Left we can see the waters of the Gulf of Aqaba so I'm here in the back seat you see the water oh there it is there yep on the left the Gulf of Aqaba that is the yong-su for red sea spoken of in the Bible there is the Pharaohs Island built in 11th century by the Crusaders I guess they were controlling movement through the area mm-hmm it's very interesting Castle and here Egypt things are poor compared to Israel but a lot of vacant buildings lot of unemployed but we're continuing to head south going with this video shot Abe this was November of 2016 okay so this is after all the unrest in the Arab Spring yes and all the rest of it yes and then there's new wave oh jutting out into the water five miles long three miles across so it's large enough to hold three million people that is larger than what imagine seeing the photos you have an aerial view in the background there is the water water we came out of head out onto the beach here this is from our hotel and you can see water which are right there so this is what - the buildings of course this is what the Israelites saw yeah they look back injections coming some have called this bhai Roth mouth of the hole or Canyon which is you know say so it's a major point to make note of because you're exiting the mountains so there may be pea higher off and then here is sunrise next morning hmm you can see the beautiful mountains over there Saudi Arabia and the Sun coming up over the mountains so very interesting it's nice to be right there at the Red Sea crossing here we're panning across you can see the mountains of Saudi Arabia so that's where they are going but they have no idea how they're going to get how they're gonna do pageants being on that beach looking at that saying Moses what have you done no wonder they thought that we're good right but of course Moses had full faith in God that God would do something he didn't know exactly what that so here we are taking a look heading best viewing to the north our guide wanted us to come to his house for breakfast he had his goats out front jasio goes to eat the trash and so our driver here on the left we're here at nuevo so can people go out there like you did as on some kind of tour or just as something an anomaly that you did and happen to find a driver who is willing to do it well I don't know of any tours going there you know formal tours but it's mainly individuals that are going we had to go through like six checkpoints to get to the spot that you've got to be dedicated you've got to have a reason for going again and there's so much military there on the weights and what in the way but it can turn off a lot of visitors tourists I think and that's what one of the hotel owners said so here our guide was giving some tea and then we headed out from here we're going to head over to the pillar that marks the spot there ah okay new wave oh and you can see the poor area of town to bed Reubens living now this this is the the pillar that has been eroded over time not the ones that the Saudis found on the other side which is pretty much intact right this would be the Egyptian pillar we're heading toward and it was found lying in the water here we see it in the distance next to the road in the center of the video oh there is erected there yeah yeah okay so Ron Wyatt showed it to the authorities in 1978 the Israelis were occupying the Sinai Peninsula he showed it to them they brought it back from the water's edge and set it up in concrete which was very nice so today you can go there and stand beside this pillar and that's all thanks to Ron Wyatt oh yeah essentially and Solomon who erected it to start with Garcia so you know so the matching column on a Saudi Arabian side had Hebrew riding on it still when Ron founded in 1984 it said Solomon say Rho Yahweh death ms room which means each of water edom so this was a marker marking the Red Sea crossing spot until someone has made their own markings on yeah unfortunately but modern graffiti but solemn Seaport alive was fifty miles to the north their modern day a lot and so Solomon this was his area this was his neighborhood so four hundred years after the fact he had these coloman columns erected to mark the spot in the Red Sea crossing he knew full well where this event took place that must have been passed down from family to family yeah sure so it's a 16-foot red granite Venetian style column beautiful and there's obviously no writing on there that's all been washed off the backside of has been eroded away it doesn't look this nice and that's where probably some writing was hmm but that is it that's a solid piece of granite that's not like a sodom and gomorrah limestone that we saw this is right it's very solid red granite it's very beautiful so from here we can get a look at where this is in relation to the water is set back the waters a couple hundred yards away and this is the beach here essentially this is the crossing area right here well the water actually opened up Wow yes it's amazing to stand here now is there a definite place on the other side that we can match up as to where from the beach the column that was cut down in Saudi Arabia the base of it still there okay so if you if you line these up is 13 miles across the water mmm yes so we're traveling through the local Bedouin village here but up to the north before we head down to the crossing site up to the north is migdal or fortress that is at the narrowest point where the water and mountains come together is this fortress I imagine it was designed to limit the travelers going up and down to the beach they're heading north or south and so this was some type of Egyptian fortress designed to control movement through the area and inside the fort here they had a nice well dug that would serve the soldiers here in a nice fort and so some of the locals were following us in here and they were showing us this well that the soldiers were they used some kids sitting precariously oh yeah yeah I'm going to pray they might fall in there and so we can look down and we can see a little bit of the water and so that would have served them so this was probably Migdal and now we're getting ready to head back south to the actual crossing site and here you can see the beach where the waters opened up we're standing at the exact spot Wow yes and the mountains of Saudi Arabia in the distance did your knees get weak sitting there was it is it an awesome day to be all over edible yes to be there and so in the foreground right in front of us here is a melted beach where the sand and the stones were literally melted together like concrete really this is not loose sand this is a melted beach which the pillar of fire created when it stood here so separating the Egyptian army yeah fleeing Israelite yeah so again this is more evidence you know that confirms the location higher goodness now how did you find out about that I heard about it and then I saw it myself you know so here it is you see this rock is just infused in with the sand and a little rocks there and this is all hardened this is like concrete that is amazing here stepping on it it's very solid this is a different area how did the locals explain this I asked the look of the hotel owner was here with us that we know and he says I've never seen this before you know he's in his hotels in a different area but you know he was amazed at what he saw so there you have it inside there yeah lit right and so a piece of it was broken off for us to look at and you can see up close here all the little rocks and the sand they're melted together Wow by the pillar fire and this goes on for some ways this isn't just one little spot and so Rawai it went scuba diving out there and various things have been found in the water you can see a human femur bone that is coral encrusted which would be something you would expect and on the left here we see a normal one on the right you see the coral encrusted femur from one of the soldiers on the top left you see a human ribcage stuck in the coral now what about people who say oh this is just this is table coral it's a it's not because it has metal in it so here's a horse's hoof it's shriveled up when they took it out of the water it shriveled up so again we have horse parts human parts what are we seeing here whether it is coral and so this is coral standing on an axle it has a raised Center hub with spokes going outwards here's another round chariot with a raised Center hub and then spokes going out and it's got a round shape to it again it's covered in Coral some people say that these are just modern shipwrecks some people have said that but again this agrees totally with the design of the chariot wheels the race center hub and using metal detectors there is metal in the center there are spokes going out this is a four spoke wheel with three spokes left four spoke wheels six spoke wheels and a spoke wheels are found here in voice using the metal detector like he's demonstrating here all the hubs here contain metal and that is the design of the egyptian chariot wheel if a metal center hub now here is a gold plated wheel there were 600 choice chariots using the excess we're told so you would expect to find 1200 chariot wheels here with gold and this one is specialist gold plated and two or three of these were found by mr. Wyatt hmm now we see a more shallow area where the Red Sea crossing took place is shallower here compared to the north and compared to the south it's still deep it has to be a deep area is 2,800 feet deep but that gives you a 4 percent grade which is manageable over in Saudi Arabia you see the remains of the pillar that was found there on the saudi arabian side it was cut down by the saudi authorities they had Hebrew writing on it we don't know where it is but they're in the Saudi waters the Vika Ponton went scuba diving and she found this beautiful chariot wheel in the Saudi Arabian waters so you have chariot parts on the Egyptian side chariot parts on the saudi arabian side so it's another crossing site they couldn't go that's what the critics would say but you know the evidence is here it's real so we rented the boat and went out with a rove remote operated vehicle had a 100-foot tether and so we were going to do some little inspecting ourself it was a submarine camera yes okay you ours and we didn't have days and weeks to do this we had a few hours and rented a nice boat here to take off we headed down toward the south end of the beach we're headed to that area and you can see the waters extending over to Saudi Arabia in the distance and so we stopped by the Saudi authorities like Leonard male sometimes they do yes I suspect you to come over and see what you're up to but so now we're in the approximate area and we're going to we're going to throw the drone into the water for you closest to what which land is that were supposed to eat suppose you saw tonight excuse me Sinai okay Nestle oh so we're getting it ready for another launching here so here's the camera it's got three propellers and it's giving us a live feed back up to the boat and so that day we were able to see something I looked round but we couldn't confirm that it was a chariot wheel so here we're launching it and then here's an instant replay on board the Rove the Rose videoing this so down in the water so where you are is not that deep where you are right here right also is laugh at DPS and so you can see some coral parts here but again coral doesn't grow on sand there seems to be absent Azure laughing yes so obviously there has to be something down there yeah but this area's very remote I wouldn't imagine that it's you know pieces from human for modern humans because why would they be there there's nothing there yes so some of these objects here may be from the you know the Pharaohs armory we can't tell for sure this is fascinating so we have the video from the Red Sea cross and thank you for showing us your your trip down there after the break we are going to come back and talk about Mount Sinai what's on the other side of the Red Sea crossing so we look forward to that for more than 20 years ron wyatt's spent his life and his life savings on researching and finding the real Mount Sinai Sodom and Gomorrha Noah's Ark and the Ark of the Covenant discovered the amazing truth of Ron White's discovery in a special series from a rude awakening international led archaeology discovered special guest Kevin Fischer walks you through rediscovery in detail including his personal verification that the site's wrong light found feet if you could see the four major discoveries when there was our courts economist on our Sodom and Gomorrah those invisible things right now you can order this fascinating series on DVD and blu-ray you'll get all four episodes as the on Shabbat Nightline it's not for us God has a climate for it's not for us the forces should try to bring it out is really funny they know it's there order ad archeology discovered order online or Vikon and welcome back if you decided to support our ministry thank you very much for doing so you can donate any time by going to a rude awakening dot TV or triple eight seven six six thirty six ten again thank you very much now but with Kevin Fischer from Ark Discovery International and we meant to get into something before the break and that was Kadesh Barnea we're going to talk a little bit about that and then get into Mount Sinai but tell us about tell us about Kadesh Barnea this is the second location where Moses struck the rock okay hold on hold on second look wait in the yes second location yes add about well the first location was a mass sinai okay was told to strike the rock which he did split the water came out well they moved over to Kadesh Barnea area and he was told to speak to the rock but instead out of basically anger he struck the rock and the water came out and so there's a area about 30 miles southwest of the Dead Sea that Mister wife found he believes is the Kadesh Barnea site we can see a large amount of water erosion coming down the base of the mountain right there so to get to the site you have to drive out and it desert there drive down some rocky roads and in this first image here we're getting out of our rental vehicle or Avis I'm sorry Avis but going down these little rough roads and we finally got to a stop we couldn't go any further and so you walk about two miles through the desert to get to this mountainous area okay in the distance is the area we'll be taking a look at but you can see it's rather flat out here this would have been kind of the area where the children of Israel with a camped plenty of level area here and then this is a site where the water aeration is exist someone standing here to the right of this individual is the site we'll be taking a look at where there's a most water erosion but this is the site where Moses struck the rock now in the next slide here we can see a large amount of erosion coming down the mountain it's ready to weigh over this rock I mean these are large cutouts in the rock caused by a lot of water this isn't a trickle of water but a real gully washer coming down here constantly eroding away the rock into channels there's actually large channels here as deep of 6 feet going down and in the distance here in the left with an introvert individuals next to the stone that is a baffle rock stone they call it where it was approximately six feet deep there the channel that was being cut out and the children of Israel stuck this rock down in the channel to force the water out to spread out the water oh sickly like a dam is the ally yeah okay so here you can see the eroded areas these are holes there yeah these are deep apparently there have been a light recent rain here and this particular case when we were there and again you can see more of the eroded areas of the rock more evidence of a large amount of water creating these dig channels coming down and here we're looking down down the side of the rock here more of the deep channels so is this recognized by anyone as being this site it's not officially recognized again this is this is one of the discoveries that's not recognized by the majority and the next slide here we see the deep channel about six feet deep or the baffle rock was placed in here Oh strategically placed it's a wedge shaped rock for straight down in there and then here's the back side of it you can see again oh that is a massive stone yes even Savannah is very large and it's wedged vertically in there like it was placed by the human hand some way or another yeah so and just above this we'll take a look to the right of this but again you can see the baffle rock and then where the water would have run downhill out into the encampment to to give refreshing water to the children of Israel now have there been any artifacts found out there like some pottery and things well Ron why I did find some pottery grinding mill stone hmm out there so artifacts have been found in this camp mmit area so regardless of what you want to believe people did live there at the end point evidence yes and using Ron's subsurface interface radar and gold detecting equipment he did find an area where you're skinning a reading for gold this is one of the people could have been buried in that encampment area also this may be so they wore their gold and so this is a cemetery after they're dead or buried they were they were yes yeah so some yes some were buried with their gold so again it's a distant view we can see way out in the valley there and just above this site above where the battle rock is we can see an area and this spot this is probably 40 feet from the battle rock and this area here disappears to been the area of the source of the water that was coming out and here you can see the exact hole appears that water was shooting out of this hole and running downhill and you can see the water here the rocks here have been warm smooth but so that's the Cadis Barnea that Ron Y believes is the real site of the event or where Moses sent the second striking of the second a different location yes interesting all right all right well we're going to get into Mount Sinai now we have another interesting presentation here Kevin so I tell us about Mount Sinai so this is a photo taken in Saudi Arabia looking back across over to Egypt this would be a sunset photo you can see the nice palm trees here in the foreground but some people are probably asking why are you over in Saudi Arabia the reason we're in Saudi Arabia as we can see on the map here is because the Red Sea crossing that we saw earlier is found at the new wave of beach the Sinai Peninsula and it's in the Gulf of Aqaba and Midian is where Mount Sinai should be Midian is in Saudi Arabia near the mountain here Mount Sinai all maps there historically accurate will show mid in over here in this area of Saudi Arabia Midian is where Moses fled to to escape the punishment of killing the Egyptian and forty years later he was at the mountain of God and because you will worship Me on this mountain yes he was to bring the children of Israel back to this mountain the pillar the fire incident with the burning bush so he was admitting at that point and he was to bring the people back to that location so we want to be looking in Saudi Arabia so you know I find interesting too is even though you know Ron Wyatt and Michael Rudin others say it's here they're not the only ones you have on your website some other quotes from some very knowledgeable and notable female for example doctor Roy Newton he's a professor of professor of Biblical Archaeology says the visible evidence is quite overwhelming that the location of the true Mount Sinai has been discovered in Saudi Arabia yes Hershel shanks you mentioned Hershel shanks to me when we were talking before the program he says Jabal al lawz is most likely the site from mount sinai and then dr. Dean Mackenzie who is a professor emeritus at the University of Oregon says the evidence points to northwest Saudi Arabia as the location of the actual mountainside yes so there are foot authorities out there they're agreeing yes this is the correct mountain and this is the place where Ron he crossed the border in 1984 on foot from Jordan into Saudi Arabia heinous sons and they walked through the desert was very strenuous hike for them and that's when he was taken prisoner supposedly you know being accused of being Israeli spy but why why found this mountain there and he asked the locals and the local said Jebel Musa henna hmm or the mountain of Moses is here and so you've got a local tradition out there yes this is the mountain of Moses and of course they do respect Moses the Muslims too now there's two names they're double outlaws and jiggle I'm Musa the table Musa henna they call it a mountain and Moses okay yes what does what they call we're talking about the same place yes same place same guest Jaguar laws yes and so here is the beach on the Saudi Arabian side of the crossing site there where the Israelites came over yes from Nueva and that's where we saw in a previous segment where the chariot wheel was found ah okay so in these waters here so this is a continuation of the crossing site and so from the beach area you can also see the where the column was cut down the column that had the writing on it death ms room Pharaoh Yahweh Solomon mmm water so this was a column marking the spot for the Red Sea crossing the authorities cut it down and took it someplace we don't know where it is and we you know what's interesting there are two columns and people might say oh well that's just each culture had their own had their own traditions of raising columns for this and that but these are matching columns they're the same granite yes they're from opposite sides of the crossing site strategically placed and then you have the chariot parts in these same waters you know they were placed there on purpose you know for a reason pillars were used in ancient times to mark places or events and so you know we can trust these columns in this particular case Solomon seaport was just to the north he knew this area what was going on here so in our next slide here we can see Tim Mahoney in the foreground and in the background you can see the split rock the first split wrong okay we went for the second one back to the first one here and of course Tim Mahoney he is with the website patterns of evidence dong by putting together a documentary on this and the Red Sea crossing but you can see in the distance the split rock on top of a 300-foot tall Hill the split rock is 50 feet and height is very prominent rock now numbers 2011 and Moses lifted up his hand with his rod he smote the rock twice and the water came out abundantly and a congregation drink and their beasts also so God provided for them he gave them provision and water for a million people yes and probably several million yes animal probably three no three million people yeah plus their livestock so some people have been able to make it over there the country is closed you cannot get a tourist visa so to give it to the country is very difficult and then getting out to the site you have to have permits usually just to get to that area but here you can see the split rock where you can see a large amount of water aeration a large amount of water erosion coming down from the rock and the foreground here you can see channels being cut into the rock the water has eroded the wall the rock to smooth surface here and this is the rock that in modern Western times that Jim and Penny called well I mean the Bedouins have always known this is this is here but this is where been Jim Andy Caldwell discovered this one yes after Ron discovered the mountain Jim a penny went out there and they also found this rock but so very very large rock the split in the rock is so large you can actually walk through it you know a large amount of water erosion inside the rock itself here you can see how it stands out prominently above the peak there and so here you can see the split in the rock where a person can walk through it my god split it sure split and then the water erosion coming up out of there spewing up it created more space probably in the rock or roading it away and you can see water erosion coming too from the rock yeah and even if you saw this and you were a skeptic and said well that rock has always been split it's just it's a natural outcropping and that erosion is wind erosion well you're not going to have wind erosion slowing down in a pattern similar to what water would create yes this is definitely water erosion coming down again this is a desert area very little rainfall at all out here and yet all this water aeration you can see on the rocks coming down from this giant split rock so God did provide water for them lovingly even though they were impatient and rebellious kind of like this I guess like a car do we all yeah so in our next slide you can see Ross Patterson he's standing next to the split there in the rock now those who are not familiar with Ross Patterson yeah who is he in relationship with a friend of mine in New Zealand who also promotes wrong wives work over here at presentations and he was able to make it out there and so our next slide we could see the ultra jehova nissi in the foreground and in the background we could see this split rock once again standing up very prominent rock in the background and so this is an altar of sunshine and in the Bible yes this altar so again this is matching the biblical account once again and there's also some circular rock formations I don't know if they held the bottoms of the tents down or something that you see some round rock formations little children of Israel were encamped yes area that's similar to what we find in North America with the Cherokee Indians and sites across the country that in certain areas where they would camp there's these circles where their tents work okay yeah different lines out here yeah sure yeah so over on the other side of the mountain is the front of Mount Sinai and you can see in the distance the blackened peak mmm of the mountain once again the Bible says that the mountain was a smoke it was on fire and so the mountain top here is on is blackened when you walk up to the top of the mountain people have you turn the stone over the top of is black the bottom of it is brown really so there's evidence that it was burned on top and the natural color is on the bottom and it's brown now that answers a question I was going to ask you've already answered it because I have heard a secondary theory that this is just a different type of rock it's a black rock that happens to have this just this line a right at a certain point near the peak yeah but that's not the case yeah this is a burned mountaintop hmm because underneath it you know they just Brown material so it's actually a day hike to make it to the top of the mountain and to make it back down you'll strenuous block but people have been up there and they've seen the blackened burn and that is the tallest mountain in the area it is the upper two-thirds of Saudi Arabia is the tallest of mountains and that's another clue that ancient historians have said that it was a tallest mountains and Midian and that's what it is here it is from Josephus we were just looking at that now so Josephus said that Mount Sinai was the highest of mountains in the city of median which is just outside of Alba yes all by restricting miles to the south okay and all that is were jealous from some maps you'll see the name Jethro next to all Bob and the caves of Moses are there also at all baud you know and also a Fido said that same Mount Sinai was located east of the Sinai Peninsula and south of Palestine which reports it again in the eyes in it again we're in the correct location so you have all these ancient historians identifying the site and you have the Bible saying Mount Sinai in Arabia Galatians 4 so it's pretty incredible it's been lost for so many millennia and yet here it is coming out in near the end of time for a demonstration of truth for mankind so Exodus 19 and Mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire and the smoke thereof ascended as a smoke of a furnace and the whole mount quaked greatly my friend Aronson was out there around 2003 with Tim Mahoney and again you can see the black and peak in the background and at the base of the mountain we'll see a little bit later is a remains of an altar once again fitting the biblical account you can see a guardhouse and the right edge of this photo they put a fence around the front of the mountain and a guardhouse a sign telling people to stay away this archaeological area so the Saudi authorities are recognizing this as an archaeological site well I haven't put that much effort into it they know yes they know darn well where it is sure and then another photo here from a distance for the back to the mountain you can see again the encampment area and the left side of photo in the distance that's an area where life is cave is and here in the very center of the photo is Elijah's cave it's in a shadow it's kind of the very center of the photo here oh yeah yeah you can see it there yeah and he Elijah arose he did eat and drink and went in the strength of that meat 40 days and 40 nights and to Horeb the Mount of God and he came through there into a cave and lodged there first Kings 19 how many people would catch onto that this is the same because we hear of Elijah's cave but we normally you wouldn't tie the two together you wouldn't stop at Mount Horeb oh yes that's right that's this is the same place it's funny that it's just all in the right area everything matches here you know the biblical account and this is taken from inside the cave and we're looking out into the valley below this is quite a photograph here Wow now that is there in the photo you can see the that's the Saudi government's buildings actually those are better than buildings alain delon in the far distance but just in front of that toward the mountain a little bit is the fence fencing they put up obey it and Saudi authorities yeah to keep people out and there's all kinds of things down there there's a there's even a modified Corral of types there is guy Mane's of an altar remains of pillars at the base of the mountain here's another photo of the cave it's not real deep but nevertheless it is something to provide shelter from the rain and so forth now Google Earth you can look about 20 miles southwest of here and you can see Elam even which is where there were 12 wells and 70 palm trees were told if you go there today there's still 12 wells at the site so this is no doubt Elam yes so this is again confirmation we're in the right area and and it's on the right trail it's on the way is it not yes it is right and so we're back at Mount Sinai again and Ross Patterson is pointing to a spot in the distance this is where the Golden Calf incident took place hmm we're going to see that shortly but this will give you an idea of how Moses is coming down the mountain and he could have seen the dancing in any of the apostasy taking place and of course his anger became hot righteous indignation against the apostasy of the people and x2 is 32 and it came to pass as soon as he came nigh into the camp that he saw the calf and the dancing and Moses anger waxed hot and he cast the tables out of his hands and break them beneath the mount so that's what he saw here we can see this is an aerial view of the large rocks where the golden calf was placed on top of this the Saudi authorities they have placed the fence around this once again and there's a sign saying this is an archaeological area stay out and the clue is that there are paintings on the side that are not indicative of that area are that's right you've been there I guess I've seen photograph okay yeah so here we are this is a closer shot of it and on the sides of this as you say there are inscriptions of the APUs pool and so forth on the side of this from Egypt so they came from Egypt their custom to the student Egyptian bold designs and so forth and here Ross's next to one of them and that is not native to that area right Levy Saudi locals you know do not draw this type of Egyptian drawing on the rocks you know in their area so this is something brought over from Egypt these designs and so forth so and it Ross's next to some other carvings here more bulls and calves you see a camel and so forth so a lot more scriptures here showing people were here and again is tied back to Egypt now how long ago was is that you could get that close to this because you can't do that anymore right you can't get a tourist beads you got to be get some sort of special permission from the government you can't just send in an application for tourist be so you get to get a special permit and that's extremely different you would have to hop the fence now to to get this kind of photograph yes to get inside some of these areas you can go around the fence some of them have but there of course you're not damaging anything you know they're keeping everything pristine so here's some more drawings losses next to this is out in the encampment area so this is not at the altar itself they're more of these these are yeah these are a little bit away from the actual Golden Calf fault altar these right here okay yeah and then this is dr. Kim who was out there out there twelve times he worked for the Saudi prints and he found numerous drawings out here also he also found these artifacts incredible amount of pottery and so forth and encampment area and he was with me a personal physician today was okay one of the princes or the others wrinkled yes and then he found if you can see here the arrows pointing to a menorah Wow found a scription of a menorah where it was actually made there about Sinai the only the golden candlestick mm-hmm so this is where it was made and this is the oldest image ever of the menorah or golden candlestick and again he bent there even if you were to argue that what would a Hebrew inscription be doing in the middle of a Muslim Arab exactly yeah this is showing the Jewish roots of these drawings out there and of the people that were there and the oh I found this millstone in the encampment area once again in evidence are the people occupying and this would have been used with manna grinding up the manna so this is you know mana stone so to speak Wow absolutely amazing well you know we're going to have to cut it short Kevin but you know what we're going to come back we're going to come back because we have a lot more to talk about we've covered several very interesting fascinating topic topic so far we're going to come back next episode with the Ark of the Covenant so we'll talk to you more about that and in the meantime thank you for watching please support this program you are our only means of support there are no corporate sponsors you make it happen so why go online to a rude awakening dot TV slash give and you can give there or give us a call at triple eight seven six six thirty six ten until then next week we will see you Shalom and we'll be back with more of Kevin Fischer [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: A Rood Awakening!
Views: 694,847
Rating: 4.7932615 out of 5
Keywords: A Rood Awakening, Michael Rood, Hebrew Roots, Hebraic Roots, Torah, Atheist, Christian, Church, Exodus, jesus, yeshua, moses, ark of the covenant found, archaeology, wyatt museum, ron wyatt, anthropology, biblical archaeology, Sinai, genesis, hebrew, antichrist, tribulation, catholic, noahs ark, david kim, sda, the ten commandments, Egypt, Saudi arabia, Israel, israelites
Id: 8y-uiccIiSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2017
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