Return to Oz is an Absolute Nightmare
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: In Praise of Shadows
Views: 860,741
Rating: 4.9146352 out of 5
Id: dnXjqhzbY1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 25sec (2125 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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Freaked the SHIT out of me when I was a kid. Had nightmares about the wheelers and pumpkin head. Creepy af. Even more so when you realise it was all in Dorothy's head as a way to cope with being locked up and tortured in a mental hospital.
This was one of my favorite movies as a kid!
The scene with the disembodied heads yelling as Dorothy runs past them still creeps me out.
Everything in that movie is creepy. Including everything that isn't meant to be.
There's few movies that capture what a nightmare is like, but this one is up there. It just has such a strange tone.
That was the second movie I watched when I got Disney+. It still makes me feel as uneasy as it did when I was a kid.
If Mombi ainโt scary enough for a kid, the Wheelers were some freaky ass shit.
I remember Fairuza Balk on a kids' tv show here in the UK; in the scene where the sofa drops, she wasn't told when it would happen so she'd always be surprised.
One of my favorite fantasy films. Wonderfully creepy.