The Hidden Meaning of The Wizard of Oz: An Esoteric Allegory ~ A Shunyamurti Film Night Introduction

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well tonight we're going to see what is called the most-watched movie of all time and it's a film that definitely pushes the boundaries of the portrayal of higher truth in film goes beyond even Frankenstein and Dracula which portrayed the lower truth of the fall of the ego but in this film we are seeing the path to enlightenment and liberation the path to non duality and non-duality in Christian terms is equivalent to salvation in the film of course is The Wizard of Oz how many have seen The Wizard of Oz pretty much everyone okay but you haven't seen it like you're gonna see it tonight no so today I took notes two too many and if it this gets boring I want you to start booing or throw apples and I will leave the stage and let you see the film but you might find it useful and the reason is that the author a man named Lyman frank baum who was born in 1856 and was a very extraordinary being in the u.s. at that time he actually lived in Kansas when he was writing this in 1890 he he he was a druidic theosophist he was actually a member of the Theosophical society led by Madame Blavatsky and and he comes from scots-irish ancestry was very tuned into the druids and of course the 2id Donnan as the worshipers of the goddess this worship and this understanding of the nature of the goddess was embedded in the film as well as the the understanding of the Advaita path which was also embedded in Theosophical and druidic thought and so we have we have a man who's very informed about higher consciousness who is writing this story for children ostensibly but frankly I don't think so even though I think children will enjoy it and there have been many different levels of interpretation of this film as I noticed when I went online today many of them are stuck on the political level and one who interpret this as a communist or labor oriented attract and want to to deal with it in some cases as a feminist tract but although and it's true he was where he was married to a woman named Maude what was your last name Maude gone I think yeah Maude gauge what gone was was married to to the Irish poet Yeats Maude gage who was the daughter of a famous suffragists and and so that kind of political activity was going on in his life and he was also not only politically active but active in theater and travelled around the u.s. as a performer and director and then a writer and he ended up writing 14oz novels so this was just the first and the story was continued but the first one contains I think the entirety of the message and the film is different than the original book that he wrote and includes some of the elements of his later writings and comments on Oz in it I think the film was made in 1939 so the film opens on a barren country road very desolate scene and we see Dorothy running along the road with Toto beside her and she is obviously frightened she's in a scared state and so right away we have the framing of the film's message dorothy represents consciousness on the run okay this is very important what is she running away from it turns out she's running away from the judgement of a woman who claims that that her dog Toto bit her and and will need to be destroyed okay so there's a judgment that is pending against Dorothy and Toto right so this is a very important point because we have to understand the film as a dream and therefore in a dream all characters representing aspects of the self this means that Dorothy is plagued by a self judgment that is disturbing her peace okay it's not a judgment of another even though the woman miss Gulch who turns out later to be the evil witch is is seemingly external but that which is an internal super-ego figure that is attacking her right okay why what is the judgment about in this case it the judgment is against her loyalty - her dog Toto because she is allowing Toto to trespass on her property chase her cat and come into her garden and make a mess etc etc and so what she's being judged for is her loyalty to Toto now this is very interesting because Toto is the central character of the film not Dorothy why the word Dorothy by the way means Doron Theo's it comes from the Greek which means a gift of God okay but Toto is God literally Toto toto right Toto in Spanish but total totality the whole the absolute Toto represents signifies the absolute which is a very interesting thing the sins you know Toto Toto is not perfect I mean I don't think I'm biased when I say he's a rather scraggly and and small and not a very handsome animal but what he is is a cairn terrier okay this is very interesting a cairn terrier the word cairn comes from Scotland and it's a word for a memorial megalith Terrier the word for terrier it comes from Tara the earth so where he is representing the ground of being and yet it is a memorial megalith to something in the past or something other than what is being signified so toto is representing the fact that the absolute however it appears in the physical plane cannot appear in with perfection there is no perfection in the relative plane even though toto is perfect in the absolute plane but Toto as we will see in the as the film unfolds he is unchanging whether there in Kansas or there in another realm that isn't Kansas anymore toto is the same of the other characters change so toto represents Dorothy's loyalty to the absolute and the the important thing I think about Terriers is they are fearless and and of course this Terrier is very well trained and he is the intuitive guide who never fails to know the right way to go the right thing to do the right way out of the trap and he guides Dorothy all through her journey of being tested at a soul level during this film as she develops and and pursues her self-realization so Toto guides her but Toto is already there he doesn't need to grow he doesn't need to change he doesn't need to do anything he's literally along for the ride because she has given her love to Toto Toto can never be captured by any one witch or evil beings of any kind he will always escape he can only be captured by love and so he's captured by Dorothy's love her love is divine love okay so in the beginning when we see Dorothy running home scared she's totally full of herself and her problem which is this judgement and she approaches her parental figures who are not actually her parents they're her Aunt Em and her Uncle Henry I hope I'm not ruining the film for everyone but you've all seen it so I don't think it even matters but what does that represent it means that these are parent figures but Dorothy has already reached a level of emotional maturity where she has cut the umbilical cord with the mother and the father is not the one she is dependent upon to get the name of the father from she has that installed and although she has a sentimental attachment to Aunt Em she is not stuck she is not in one of those mother child dyads that can't be broken in the unconscious that's the source of most pathology in the ego so she's already in a state of relative freedom but she's full of herself and her problem which is this self judgment about herself for being too prynt for wanting something that nobody else seems to care about know about or having have any interest in finding out about she is alone she is dealing with aloneness she's dealing with the the the trial of individuation that is causing her to have a different frame of reference than everyone else in her life no one can understand her as professor Marvel will guess later on in the film and so she comes and interrupts the two parent figures whose incubator has broken and their chickens are in danger of dying and they're counting their chicks and trying to save them she is too busy with her problem but very soon she will be the one who saves all the celestial chicks who will be the munchkins when she ends up in this other land okay so although she can't function on this plane to be of much use in the practical world of work she is very useful even though accidentally in killing witches and negative problems in the the realm of empyrion so Dorothy reveals to them that she's in trouble miss Gulch is has tried to hurt toto but but failed toto can't be hurt even though people will try and but they don't think anything of it they do not take her seriously she's a child she is not recognized for who she is and what she knows and how far she has developed spiritually she then meets the three workers in in the field and the one who will be the coward lion is bullying the one who will be the Scarecrow and Dorothy interacts with this future scarecrow and the Scarecrow guy criticizes her for not having brains because she is taking Toto through Miss gulches garden why doesn't she walk home another way and and he accuses her of of not of not having and using her brains and then he says at the end of this little interaction her head ain't made of straw you know well of course it's his head that will later be made of straw but this signifier head of straw unites them he projects the signifier on her and it is his own signifier and this unification of a shared signifier is a let's say a an exchange of a token of the currency of love because there's a deep understanding between them and that is because they are both wacko and head of straw in this case this this signifier means a kind of crazy wisdom that means we know about something others don't know about which is real - so she has a different kind of whacko strategy because he is kind of an idiot on the the phenomenal plane hits hitting his finger with his own hammer etc dude doing things that are obviously a negative sort of clowning but her wacko strategy is that she wants to learn how to be a wizard she wants to become a magician she wants to know about the divine powers that transcend the ego so then she has the scene of falling into the pigsty the future Lion Man saves her and tells her to have courage of course he is the one who really lacks the courage and then the future Tin Man shows up and says they build a statue to him and he will soon be a statue because you can't move he's going to be rusted and so everyone presents themselves in real one in the same way that they will be in real - but with an entirely different meaning and entirely different depth of implication when they finally get to Oz so the auntie em says go away sit somewhere where you won't get into trouble and then she Dorothy goes into a reverie state and said hmm I wonder if I could ever find a place where there is no trouble all right where is a place where there is no trouble well it could only be a world governed by divine love in which everything is beautiful and perfect and there are no negative projections no judgments no conflicts between people she wants a world of magic in a world of love and then of course she goes into her main song somewhere over the rainbow in which he invokes this magical realm of real - and and of course in half of the song she's singing to toto and Toto of course is already there and he's you know saying okay let's do it babe I'm ready you know and and so the the song is is the kind of invocation of what is now about to become real and so the message of the the film is dare to dream the highest possible dream because whatever you dream will become you reality you can make it your reality your mind is that powerful trust it and therefore don't let your mind project negativity because that will become the world you live in hello everyone really wants to live over the rainbow so why I live in Tartarus went for the same price you can be in Oz okay so this this this reverie the song of course is interrupted immediately ah it's not that easy the witch shows up and she has come now with an actual legal complaint that she was bitten by Toto she wants him destroyed she's going to take him away and and take custody and and have him killed by by legal execution so of course Dorothy turns to the parents and says what are you gonna do about this you can't let her take toto and they said well but it's the law we can't go against the law and and they prove that they are weak so in that moment Dorothy realizes all adults are either evil or a weak and so at that point she gives up on the phenomenal realm of real one and she says no way am I going to live in this world and she of course decides to leave home Toto escapes from the Witch and and the two of them leave again now they're on the road but this time they're they're running away not so much from the judgment but from the disappointment in the the incapacity of of the the law to support truth and goodness and right and anti em at some point turn it turns to the witch and tries to argue with her but says as a Christian woman I can't say what I want to say to you I can't say the truth so what we see here is now the impotence of Christianity itself that religion no longer gives power to anyone to transcend the jurisdictional law of the phenomenal plane with the spiritual law and that was the whole point of Christ's teaching and his willingness to be crucified he did break the law but he broke the law for a higher purpose and if you're not willing to break the law because there's a higher law then you're lost in this world so Dorothy and Toto are on the road and almost immediately Dorothy receives magic help because she has taken the risk she's risking everything in separating from the family system psychologically and the world of the social system as well she finds professor Marvel but her one problem is she is still emotionally attached to Aunt Em and so when the professor tests her he puts on his his his fortune tellers hat and he tells her that he is from the lineage of Isis the Egyptian goddess right we have goddess worship again he is someone who is in this line of magic that comes from the the druidic and Egyptian sources in the ancient world and he is the one who will show up later of course as the wizard and when he tests her by saying oh he sees auntie I'm suffering maybe she's dying because of sadness at the loss of Dorothy Dorothee weakens and she goes back so in other words she wasn't ready to make a complete cut so here we have two weaknesses in Dorothy one is the emotional attachment that keeps her in a week child state rather than claiming true and full adulthood and then there is this second sense of guilt that is the the witch's judgment in this interaction with professor Marvel Marvel and Toto hit it off very well Marvel shares his hot dog with Toto and he says it's it's among dogs so you know we all share things together so what this means is that they are resonant with one another professor Marvel even though he's going to turn out to seemingly be a fake wizard he is acting in the service of the absolute okay so it's important that we see that because later on that will be the key to understanding what Dorothy really learned from The Wizard but she learns here in this scene because of her attachment to Aunt Em that she cannot escape physically from the family system she must learn to escape it psychologically and spiritually if she tries to leave prematurely on a physical level she will internalize it and remain trapped in a sense of dependency so it's important that that the that professor Marvel did create a friendship with her and a connection to the goddess and remember Madame Blavatsky's magnum opus is a book called Isis unveiled and the whole teaching of theosophy is really aimed at bringing out the truth about the nature of the goddess whom Dorothy is a fledgling avatar of without knowing it so Dorothy goes back and of course she immediately falls into a stormy depression she yearns for the greater reality but she she didn't have the strength to go for it and so now she suffers from emotional vertigo and this shows up as a tornado and this this tornado as it approaches the house causes everyone else to go into the basement and she is locked out so she she is forced then to continue her separation from the family system and the tornado then signifies the event of the transcendence of the ego it is the awakening of the upper death Drive so the soul is now you able to use the tornado to spiral upward into real - but she has to deal with her fear her helplessness and her alone naseeha Stu come to accept her situation that no one can go with her from the old world into where she needs to discover her real self at this moment she is hit by an imploding window it's very important that she's knocked out by a window it is the window literally into another world and then she looks through the window and her life passes before her eyes just like someone who has died or has a near-death experience and she sees all the people in her life and she sees the witch and and she sees the whole the whole story that has led to this moment and so her ego in a way has passed out it's not dead but she is she is in a near death understanding and realization of what ego death is it is the souls knowledge of the ego and the significance of its egoic life in the larger frame of reference of the soul and the supreme self and she realizes her life was all the dream but she's horrified by it and she must now destroy her inner witch super-ego before it tears apart her soul so her house goes up and then it lands the landing means she now has her mission clear to her and in the landing she doesn't know where she's landed but suddenly there is silence the noise of the film stops and that means she's an inner silence and now she is present she's awake she's aware and when she opens the door of the house for the first time she's in a world that's in full living color before that the world was not even black and white sepia tinged it was a very boring drab brown color there was no no color energy or life in her existence now she sees the life with a heightened consciousness and it's a magical world and and clearly she she has discovered a realm that that is completely new and unprecedented and would be unbelievable except for the fact that she's there it's real it is real - it's not a dream in the sense of a hallucination it's more real than real one and she will learn that her house has accidentally or somehow landed on the bad witch of the east and has kilter so she discovers she has landed in Munchkinland which is the land of the child ego this enables her to see that everyone in her life is really a child and not a real adult there aren't any real adults in her world but these children are innocent and and in their innocence they are able to express the beauty of an immature consciousness that has not yet been filled with self judgement guilt and shame etc and so she returns to her own innocent child's state prior to self judgment and she is the hero thus begins the hero's journey she's literally the the national hero of Munchkinland and where we are not in Kansas tariqa anymore we are not in real one we are in this land that's the equivalent of the hobbits in the Tolkien trilogy but we are in a land where she will not be able to stay because she has committed the crime of killing the witch even though it's not a crime to the Munchkins its liberation it's a crime to another witch her sister who will show up soon but before that the Good Witch of the North Glinda shows up she comes in a purple orb like an alien spaceship and she lands and she describes the the reality of what magic power is and she reports represents the goddess the archetypal self and she's afraid of nothing Dorothy denies being a witch that's the first question that Glinda asks her are you a good witch or a bad witch and she says I don't know I'm not a witch of course she is a witch but she doesn't know it yet and she has told that indeed she has come from a star and her whole old life narrative including the killing of this witch that was her judgment about herself that has in fact been killed because look what she was believing in turns out to be real see there the world is magic and and so therefore she is able to take on the power and the ruby slippers of the Dead which Munchkinland is celebrating the end of evil the end of the rule of Kali right the witch's Kali so it means the end of Kali Yuga but as we see it was a premature celebration because of which has a sister who is not yet done with putting her through tests and and creating great anxiety for her so the Glinda tells Dorothy she has to get out of Oz she just got there but she's got to get out why because she's in danger of the witch that wants to kill her and Glinda cannot fully protect her she's on her own even though there will be some protection but she is not allowed to trust that she has to begin to depend entirely on her own internal resources but how do you get out of Oz without going back into real one and the ego you've got to keep going up so now she finds the spiral again it's the upper death Drive but now at the soul level of its functioning and that's the yellow brick road and so now she's on the road to liberation which has to pass through Emerald City where she will meet the wizard who will give her the information she needs to get to real 3 so of course the path of gold clearly means that there's a reference to the Golden Age and to the golden light and to the gold of the avataric consciousness but if she's going to get what she needs and not be waylaid on this path she's going to have to pass a number of important tests and she will need allies so although it's a single road she comes to a crossroad where again she cannot make a decision which is the right way to go which means that her her mental powers are not sufficient her mind is not strong enough she needs to have Gianna she needs to have an intuitive understanding of what is the accurate move in every given situation and so she meets the Scarecrow who is her animus her first animus figure who represents mind of course its mind in the absence thereof he can't think he's got a head of straw but that also represents the fact that the highest level of thought is no thought it's instantaneous knowing without thinking but it has to go through a symbolic mastery of thought so if you cannot think you also cannot transcend thought so now she recognizes that through the Scarecrow she must get an awakened booty that can discern the truth and function as a gianni but the the Scarecrow has no backbone in fact he has no bones he can't stand up he has no strength this means that mind power alone is not enough you can have all the intelligence in the world at the symbolic level and it will not get you to liberation but it's a good start and so then they go on having passed this test and they come to an apple tree with a toucan in it something that you rarely see even in Costa Rica and these it turns out these apple trees are not very friendly and they start insulting her and and and and the Scarecrow and are very nasty but in their nastiness they throw apples at her they won't give them to her but they will throw the matter as weapons she and the Scarecrow gladly picked them up and eat them and are nourished by them okay very important passing of a test when people insults you use that don't be hurt by it be nourished by it there is more good information in an insult than in a compliment okay so this is the first important wisdom that she gains and as a result of passing that test she finds herself at the feet of the Tin Man who is stuck he is rusted into immobility and of course he's the one who wants a heart but to want a heart means to want to understand the hearts of others that's really the meaning of having a heart it's empathy it's compassion it's the ability to get what is really going on that will never be spoken in words or put into symbolic form that can only be known between the lines without words the wisdom of the heart has a kind of knowledge that's much deeper than anything that can be formulated in language and so by saving the Tin Man she is able to then have this ability to awaken her feeling function then later of course she meets the Cowardly Lion and puts him in his place and the desire for courage for fearlessness then is added to her motivation for getting to meeting the wizard next comes the test of the field of poppies and the which puts this field in front of them that they will have to through to get to Emerald City and of course Poppy's do I think represent opium and they represent all psychedelic substances and what they what is being said here is this will give you only an imaginary form of ego death and liberation don't fall for it if you fall for what you get out of ayahuasca or out of opium or cocaine or heroin or LSD or five Meo DMT or whatever it is that is the the thing that made you feel like you had a window on the infinite and the real don't believe it it's an inflation of the imaginary function of consciousness and it will let you down and you'll find that no matter how many of these trips you take you're still in your ego when all is said and done so what happens is the glinda drops snow on them I would say snow represents real one death and what is being given here as a warning if you fall for the opium you're going to to end up overdosing or having some total misunderstanding of reality your ego will act out in a way that will cause you to do some very bad karma misunderstanding yourself having an inflated idea that you are God and that that can lead to a total failure of the of reaching liberation on the path and so it is that warning of the coldness of the snow that that awakens them and then they can pass through onto Emerald City so you have to attain ego deaths without any props and it can't be something temporary or situational it has to be permanent and it has to be complete without any trace of ego remaining so they end up in Emerald City in Emerald City of course is the Emerald Isle it's Ireland and everyone's in green and they're all leprechauns or other magical druidic kinds of beings and and they are they are in in the magic land of a particular sort which is this this land of the of the worship of the goddess the the one who plays the wizard also plays many other roles he is a shapeshifter shape-shifting is one of the things that the wizard does in order to be able to awaken Dorothy before they go in all the way into Emerald City however the witch makes another appearance and she writes in the sky the words Surrender Dorothy now this is very important a message indeed if Dorothy will surrender to the wizard as being a representative of God and follow what is commanded to have complete the tests she will reach liberation but if she surrenders to fear to the witch then of course she will lose so there is the test - what are you surrendered okay so as they are eventually invited in to meet the wizard the they are all overcome by insecurity and when they finally get into the presence of the wizard he asked them twice who are you okay the famous question Who am I well they can't really answer the question and her answer is I'm Dorothy the small and meek so here she falls back into her ego she falls back into a false modesty a humility that is not up to the task of receiving power and so therefore although the humility is is good etiquette it nonetheless is not sufficient to gain her the reward that she's seeking and therefore they have to pass through a test to prove their worthiness which is to acquire the broomstick of the Wicked Witch which will mean they have to kill her to get it no doubt on the way to to the Wicked Witch in the evil forests they encounter paranormal forces that they call spooks so it is a fact that on this path at some point sooner or later you will have to deal with the paranormal all right and you mustn't be afraid of it but it will show up and it will show up in ways that will can be frightening if you do not have the knowledge and the faith in the perfection of reality and of the the truth of non-duality they are attacked by an army of evil flying monkeys these are kind of the inverse of the army of Hahnemann's monkeys in the Ramayana and and Dorothy is captured and taken to the evil witch they don't care about the others but they want Dorothy or that which ones Dorothy and Toto of course so the witch tries to negotiate by saying we'll save Toto for you if you give us the slippers but it turns out she can't take off the slippers even though she agrees to do the trade they have their own electromagnetic defense shield the the slippers have a power that she does not yet have so we could say it's a dissociated part of her soul that has not yet been integrated into her consciousness but it's already functioning anyway her three helpers rise to the occasion they overpower enemy troops they impersonate the enemy to get inside the castle I think this is another important teaching that you must use your own understanding of evil the evil that's in you in order to understand how to outwit external evil and evil that appears in the dream field and therefore you turn bad karma into good karma eventually in the struggle with the witch who will try to set the scarecrow on fire again Dorothy takes a bucket of water to save him and accidentally hits the witch and it turns out voilá water is all it took to cause her to melt away but I would say this is holy water it has been made holy because it is used in order to save life in Dorothy's holy love for these these parts of the the self and her fearlessness and so that which is actually baptized and included in this energy field of goodness and she can no longer hold on to her beautiful evil nature so they go back they have the broomstick they've done the deed and the wizard breaks his promise now this is very important the wizard has to break his promise to them and and of course he's doing this in the service of revealing to them that they should not depend on his recognition they need to realize they have the power within themselves and they don't need an external wizard to give it to them and so this wizard is kind enough to give them that teaching Dorothy the the course Toto unveils the truth pulls across the veil that shows that he's just like them he's a human he's not this big wizard in the sky and and Dorothy then accuses him of being a bad man but she's wrong and he says to her I'm not a bad man I'm just a bad wizard I'm a good man and indeed he is and his way of being a good wizard is to be a bad wizard this is a very important teaching the wizard at some point has to fail you in a way that will cause you to claim your own power because otherwise you'll be dependent on the wizard for the rest of your life and the wizard doesn't really want that he wants you to become a wizard but for you to become a wizard you have to understand you are already the same as the wizard so the wizard does give them what they came for which is the recognition of the big other which comes in the form of the Diploma and the metal and the testimonial etc but it is done with a kind of irony and which one realizes that there is no big other big other doesn't exist but if you want some some symbolic form that is the proof that you have completed your tests and you have come out with with the power to - to liberate yourself then so be it and the wizard says here he is authorized by e pluribus unum very important point one out of many in other words non-duality is his author is a he's in non-duality and because he's in non-duality he's authorized to recognize them for how far they come he has an understanding of their relationship to non-duality and the fact that this this complex this being who comes as four beings in one is actually already the totality toto is there and and there is completion so what the the lesson that the wizard is giving is that all of reality is staged it is a play it is a play for your benefit and the only way that you get benefit from the play is realizing you have no enemies but you also have no one that you should feel either inferior to or superior to the ego makes the mistake of judging some people negatively the ego is disappointed in some people this is a very bad mistake because in the play it is necessary for you to be disappointed in order for you to recognize that your primary disappointment is always in yourself for the failure of your own ego and you would much rather project your disappointment on someone else so as not to have to face that but it's only in the recognition that imperfection is the way that the world appears and you cannot be perfect not even toto you cannot be perfect except by the transcendence of the imperfect ego and the realization that you are the non-dual totality that's in its wholeness in its love in its integral nature of mutual enhancement mutual liberation of the whole through love perfection does appear but it is never the property of any individual being so the self appears as the radiant sameness that is the blissful perfection of the truth this everyone now is satisfied the three animus figures have signifiers that satisfy them but Dorothy requires a different treatment she must go it alone so the the wizard says he will take her back to earth but Toto makes sure she gets out of the air the hot-air balloon and he goes alone the balloon by the way says State Fair his state is fair and his mantra is ohm aha and so he goes back to the ohm but she cannot go back with him she has to have her own aha and that AHA is the realization that she has the power through the ruby slippers that she is wearing that it that she has earned that does belong to her that proved that she is a witch she has the power to return to the world that she left behind but to realize it as the integration of real one two and three as a single non dual whole that's why she says and I think the most important sentence that she speaks in the film which makes no sense at all from a logical perspective within duality if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again I won't look any further than my own backyard because if it isn't there I never really lost it to begin with okay so what she's saying is she's going back to her backyard but not because her backyard has the goodness and the the infinite beauty and perfection she's looking for no it's because it isn't there and it isn't there because it's in her she has never lost it but not she as an ego she as the realization of the oneself that is the perfection that once real one is seen with that perfection that is home ok oz is not home oz is a transit realm a Bardo state you have to pass through but she returns home to the absolute that can appear only as the relative and she's back with her relatives but she's back with them realizing that all the people in real one are the same ones as in real - and toto representing real 3 is the unifying factor that has enabled the successful completion of the quest and she realizes that the signifier eye has no signified except the absolute the whole the total and so she has realized the mind that is no mind and the truth that is presented as fiction and she is the avatar of that eternal home from which we have all come I hope that was useful I only got one boo so I'll assume that that I passed maybe this test but how many feel that this was useful in seeing the film ok so I didn't ruin it for you did I I hope not but I think there's a tremendous amount of wisdom as you see in the film and that there's a good reason why it is returned to over and over again does anyone I want to say anything before I flee the scene thank you mm-hmm okay did you want to say anything Dorothy yeah it's the reverse of it though because because this tree is actually nourishing them to return to non-duality thank you yes you didn't talk about the lion well I did a little bit well I think he represents at one level the lack of courage that compensates by bullying right but that has within it a desire not to create fear but love and so it's this torn understanding of do you have to defend your territory and look angry and mean in order to defend yourself in life or can you come out of the closet as as one who is a being of love and acceptance and forgiveness and mercy and who doesn't need to play the game of power struggles and so it is in that realization of fearless courage to face everything but but non-violently that that is the let's say the apotheosis of courage that enables him to finally gain his triple cross right which means that that godhood in real one two and three yeah like you mentioned the guys that it explains true meaning of device mmm well remember Glinda the only time Glinda doesn't come to protect them is when she's with the witch Dorothy cannot depend on on the the good witch to help her when she's dealing with the negative which she has to do this on her own in the same way that the wizard isn't gonna help her get back to Kansas she she has to do all of this so the the goddess is the inner divine feminine that is now married to the the divine masculine she is now whole she has gone beyond femininity because these three animus figures that are complexes within herself have now been integrated and so she has both the masculine and feminine powers and capacities and she has reached the state of detachment where she is fearless of death and of loss and of loneliness etc so the she now has the luxury of love because there is no longer fear or desire and so that that I would say is the meaning of the goddess when when that the feminine psychology of love over the power of the male ego or even the divine masculine that is based on a much more let's say theoretical level of symbolic truth the it has to be fleshed out with divine love that is capable of dreaming a new world and she has proven her capacity in dreaming and remember dreaming is the essence of the work of Don Juan and that whole series of the Don Juan books the Mexican shaman so so we have her becoming the ultimate shamanic master and that's really what the the God is now representing okay no okay I know it also to get home she had to tap her the most three times yeah I would say then that Trinity shows up a lot and then do you know why and why well again Emerald City is Ireland Ireland is Aria land this goes back to the whole Orion the noble race she has become Noble spiritually royal and so she is now able to bring that spiritual royalty back into the ordinary world and redeemed the world in a new way if I had directed the film I would have had it turn into Technicolor in Kansas when she's back and wakes up from the trance to show that the three worlds are now one so they didn't do that but that would be how I would have interpreted it and one if I mean even more famous perhaps I'm mistaken but at least for myself then the movie in itself is the song that somewhere over the rainbow they've we've had done a recent one that they're singing metros and in a kind of Hawaiian style with anime and so on and I think it's it's fascinating to see how this song has touched so many generations I'm sure how would you explain that is it because it depicts this yearning that we all have in our hearts to find this yes paradise is such you go I would say I would say it depicts the purity of heart that has the courage to dare to yearn for heaven on earth and the the power to make it a reality and so this this song is her assertion of the truth of God consciousness that will conquer Maya and and her assertion of that then brings about the realization of that truth so yes I think it's the ultimate inspiring song that says stay in the purity of divine love don't believe you have to become a nasty capitalist to make it in the world don't believe you have to sell out your values don't believe you you have to function as an ego don't believe you have to live in duality with judgments about others and about yourself go for it you are perfect the world is perfect you just need to open your third eye and see it and and you will be over the rainbow and and the world will have no more glitches no more troubles everything will be beautiful and so it is I think that ultimate affirmation that we are not stuck with a Kali Yuga we have dreamed it and it is easy to get out of it but we have to have the courage to redream the world to do that and here's the real point that I think is the key saving your own soul is saving the world it's not that oh I have to choose one or the other and oh I'm not interested in saving the world I just want to save myself no saving yourself is perceiving all in God consciousness perceiving everyone as a manifestation of the oneself you are saving the world through your perception of others as already liberated that itself is liberating them because you are dreaming everyone in the highest possible way and therefore you will be dreamed back in the highest possible way that's all that's how yoga really is so why not start seeing that now because it is the truth don't see the ego mask see the real of beauty infinite beauty and wisdom behind it in the ugliest ego and the world will become a pair yes so the going back to the song over the rainbow there's also seems to this paradoxical understanding that you'll have to go into the unknown because you don't know what's over the rainbow mm-hmm yet there is a what you're saying is that there is a reed reaming that's happening you're in the unknown that's right so the unknown is what allows the URI dreamish to happen yeah sure and you you know life would be no fun if you knew in advance what was going to happen so of course you have to not know that's the thrill that's the test but if you have faith that you are actually the one dreaming this and there is love for yourself the world will turn out to be a benevolent dream no matter how horrific it might look at the superficial level you're actually always being protected and taken care of even if it looks like horrible things have happened to you that's not the case in every moment the best possible thing is going to happen to you if you understand its real significance even if it means you've gone psychotic even if it means you've been injured or you've something some really bad karma seemingly has happened it's actually all good fortune if you see it accurately and take advantage of what this new situation offers a by seeing it in the deepest possible dimension okay that's our our test and our our challenge yes then I'm gonna move along and and let you see the picture thank you all namaste [Music] you
Channel: Sat Yoga Institute
Views: 18,655
Rating: 4.8827162 out of 5
Keywords: shunyamurti, spiritual teacher, sat yoga, ashram costa rica, spiritual retreat costa rica, silent retreat costa rica, meditation teacher costa rica, eckhart tolle, Wayne Dyer, Ramana Maharshi, Mooji, Meister Eckhart, Tara Brach, Jaggi Vasudev, Sadhguru, Ram Dass, Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Timothy Leary, Carl Jung, nonduality teaching, Advaita Vedanta, ego death, science and nonduality, Theosophical Society, Wizard of Oz, Madame Blavatsky, secret meaning, hidden meaning
Id: oWi5fF-lhpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 45sec (4005 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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