The Ten Items We Took on Season 4 of Alone !

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how's it going everybody my name is Dave Whipple and you're watching Busch piratical today I'm here with Brooke my wife also known as girl in the woods we're going to go through our 10 items that we took out to Vancouver Island not alone season 4 stay tuned alright let's get into what we took and why we took it and whether or not we take it again and if it was a great ingenious idea or if it was completely stupid let's start with the let's start with dork susan goreck this is a Gorp substitute this is something in the bag this is old cranberries and it calls in the Predators in the area so you've got to feed them and make them go away Daisy loves Cranbourne the Corp we took out was actually peanuts raisins and chocolate chips chocolate shark chocolate chips well you're right terrible in brazier junk man there's like a thousand years old so yeah we each got to take two and a half pounds of rations as that's one of the things you could choose so that was definitely both something we both wanted to take so we each took the same thing we each took the Gorp there was a lot of different choices you could take pemmican or beef jerky or flour or there was lots of choices but hindsight but I think the Gorp was the perfect choice it was perfect and why was it perfect when you're starving you want so many different things but Gorp it will give you a flavor of three things you get the protein from the peanuts and the salt raisins are just something sweet and the benefit of the raisins this after a while the peanuts in the bag all the salt came off and landed on the raisin so you had like this sweet and salty raisin which was just amazing I'm sure the raisins got some kind of carbohydrates and so does it yeah definitely like nothing in nature that's good for carbohydrates out there nothing you're just eaten protein when you eat and then of course the chocolate chip was amazing to have just let that little piece of chocolate melt on your tongue it was really really nice having chocolate Ella Tara was pretty special it got down towards the end where we'd eat our raisins and thirds and our chocolate chip and take a couple minutes to eat hot chocolate chip and it's such a treat couple times a day just a little tiny pile of that and you could have a little bite of each one and uh you know the funny thing about it is like people like I take beef jerky here I'd take pemmican it was a two pound bag that we took I could pound two pounds of beef jerky on the way to get more beef jerky it had never lasted and it would have just been redundant because we had all the proteins all the stuff we had to eat was all protein anyway we didn't have anything else and jerky would have just been more protein yeah it was an amazing amazing thing to have Dave once we got together of course our time together didn't start until date nine so after that he was kind of like in charge of the bag of Gorp for whatever reason and it was like Pavlov out there every time I'd hear that plastic I would just be like oh it's time for just a little you know tiny handful of whatever maybe a couple raisins maybe a peanut maybe a chocolate chip but it was such a big deal and I was pretty proud of us that we made our Gorp combined last 40 days which was an incredibly long time for such a small amount of food and I think the reason I ended up with the Gorp in like my possession is because we had a mouseketool so it ended up going in my backpack he was heartbreaking but something that can last for 40 days and every day you have a couple little bites of something that you could never find in nature I know I did was the perfect choice in my opinion totally I would not have changed that choice it was the perfect choice I would still stand by that to this day you want to add anything on the Gorp this smoke is not going to remove the cameras just to fix the smoke problem and now they smokes going that way move on to the rest of the gear we took this coffee pot this beauty right there now we picked this coffee pot up at a yard sale several years ago for two dollars and it's probably from the 40s it's very heavy-duty aluminum it's probably the most solid 2 quart pot that you're gonna find because it's you know it's 50 60 years old and as far as what we thought of that what was your impression of this pot I mean this was such a lifesaver to have a pot we were blessed with a nice Creek nice Creek coming right out of the mountain fresh water we never even boiled it but by nature we boiled it for tea every day anyway but we drink right out of the stream it's coming right out of the mountain so we got to have tea every single day and we only had this pot for tea we did not put any food in there and when it's so cold and you're just needing something hot to drink having a dedicated vessel just for tea not only is a pot like this a little bit different because it doesn't have a bail but we didn't we we never hang anything over a fire we just chuck it in the coals next to the fire but it's got a bakelite handle never burned it's just a you know it's got a percolator unit that goes in it you know it's a coffee pot we didn't take the percolator no now we need to take the percolator but the pot this is probably an heirloom quality pot we'll pass down to our kids it's that nice of an old pot of tea absolutely we got some pine needle tea going in here right now some white pine needle teeth out there we drink hemlock tea every day at least one whole pot and this is the bottom of the barrel so it's got can you grab my coat oh it's got a lot of junk in the bottom but not every item we picked with a great choice but this pot was this is the pan we chose to take our idea was we'd keep our food and our beverage is separate by having a frying pan and having a pot that way you're not you know cooking fish guts in the same thing that you're trying to drink warm liquids out of all day and the pan the pan was a dollar it came from a flea market now one of the things alone they only let you bring a steel pan you can't bring anything out so of course you get into the ocean environment and it's gonna get really rusty although we did treat it before we left we seasoned it there's virtually no way to keep this from rusting out on the ocean no overall thoughts on the pan we both agree we would not choose this again it was it had a couple of utilitarian purposes I used it for scooping beach gravel when I made both of our fireplaces it was also good to use as a catch when we were shaving wood to start fires with you get a big pile of shavings and then hit it with a Ferro rod yeah at the end of our stay this was basically where I kept all of our fire starter stuff all of the shavings it was under our bunks and every time we would start a fire you just pull this out and there's your stuff but as a one item to take along with you it definitely wasn't worth taking a pan to do what we ended up doing with the pan and also it's because we cooked every single fish that we caught right over the fire yeah you can put it in kind of a vessel and that it really is such a great inefficient way to catch to cook your fish so we just didn't need the Pam hindsight what would you have taken in place of the fan oh I totally would have taken a Leatherman Leatherman would have been really nice if you if you wanted to stay with the same idea ah two pots I can see two pots you could do a fish soup that's always cooking along with your grilled fish you know like a fish guts OOP fish head soup but that frying pan if it was a stainless steel pan it probably would have got used more but it didn't take any time to get it to rust and there's no way to keep it maintained in that environment it wasn't the best idea I remember cooking limpets and some periwinkles gunnels and some guns here and what you end up doing is you get that not nice fishy flavor with just a little flavor of rust and its really unappealing the unappetizing so it didn't take us long to not use this pan it was a gross meal it was a gross meal but we you know for scooping things and moving material I mean it is something that was sturdy and you can use it for that makes a decent shovel yeah alright let's talk about our tarps we each chose a white tarp and white on purpose we took five items we could pick beyond a knife a sleeping bag and a feral rod between the two of us so we each got five choices we each chose one tarp so we took two tarps and as two of our ten items that we could pick I with choosing a white tarp and choosing two of them we were going into a rain forest I mean the biggest thing you've got going against you as the the dampness the wetness you have to keep dry and knowing that we were going to have two tarps I love you too it was huge we actually used one for our shelter and even so importantly we had like this dedicated our other white tarp we dedicated to an area to cut all of our wood and I mean we cut wood we cut wood and we cut more wood so having a place to get out of the rain and cut all your wood for the day we take that I get fine get out of there Daisy get back there where the cranberries are hippie why white well the fact of the matter is a white tarp yeah there's no there's nothing else okay why white psychologically white is superior to every other tarp in the world if you're under a green tarp you basically have this green pall cast upon everything it's like being seasick without being seasick Brown is almost black it's you know it's gonna make everything you do inside that much more dreary because the light is gonna be so poor but with white it's just like daylight underneath the tarp and it made all the difference there's not even and there's not even a plan B it's a white tarp or nothing if you've got a choice how do we know that white is so effective like that that's because all of our time spent in Alaska we've spent a ton of time living in white Waltons law if you've ever been in an army green wall tent you know the stark difference between having all that natural daylight around you and just having feeling like you're in a cave huge difference to your mental stability and that was going to be a big deal out there it's keeping your brain from ingesting itself from imploding so the white tarp was the one of the best decisions we made yeah if you're working on something everybody knows somebody that's got a garage that's just a dungeon it's super dark you go in there's a little light you can't see anything and it's a miserable place to work now imagine if you were working inside of a green house that's all clear and it's just like daylight but inside that's the same thing you get with a white tarp when you take your area that you're in 12 14 16 hours a day and you make it just as bright as it is outside it was so pleasant it was so wonderful it's there's just there is no other option oh it's white tarp or Emmy imagine pliat being under a blue tarp I mean greens bad and brown is like you're just in a dungeon but blue oh my goodness yeah it's just depressing all right next thing we brought is fishing line and hooks and we found that all the fish out there really did better on a smaller hook larger hooks that seemed to be use a smallmouth fish even the bigger fish they're a smaller mountain fish there's nothing out there that's like a pike that could swallow a softball you know the small hooks seem to work the best one of the things too was the fact that you can't bring any spectrum or spiderwire or anything out there so it's just monofilament so we brought and you can bring as many different sizes as you want but it's a 300 yard limit we brought a 20 pound test a 10 pound test and a 50 pound test yep this is the fishing pole for better lack of a term that Dave carved for me out there and what we would do is just wind it on you just need something that will wrap around that so when you throw it out just kind of comes off the end of the the fishing pole here I don't know what you call this and we had two different types of weights we the biggest problem out there was we're fishing off the rocks and the rocks are covered in barnacles so it's totally always catching our snags and braking line creating one yeah cutting our line grabbing the hooks or losing hooks and it's crushing to loose hooks out there because you just have 25 hooks and that's one thing we found really quick right off the bat after you start losing a few hooks the first day you're like this is gonna be this is going to be the the problem so we kind of had to figure out a way to work around that and we'll get to that in another video yeah this is worked out so good I would say that the the 20 pound test it worked great for rigging up sinker rigs the 50 pound test was our go-to line it was strong enough to straighten the hook out before it broke so the benefit of a thick heavy line like that was pretty obvious the 10 pound test it didn't do jack it really had no value whatsoever we couldn't find anything to do it was too light it broke too easy it was a bad idea next thing we decided to bring was an obvious choice again for us which is the axe and Dave is he has restored and read on so many axes this is really his lane I'm gonna let him tell you about the axe I've talked about this axe on my channel lots of times but the thought behind the axe is just as important is the axe itself what we wanted to do out there and what we were able to do is we wanted to have indoor fire something that where we can have a fire inside that means a lot of cut firewood and that means a lot of split firewood this is very popular to have a small Swedish acts that super thin and razor-sharp which in my personal opinion is pretty much a carpenters tool it's not really a forest tool regardless of what people call it an axe like this that's a full size 3 and 1/2 pound axe that you can split big rounds with this opens up the world to you as far as fire processing can you do fine carving with it we don't do fine carving with an axe anything and I'm sorry for stepping on people's toes on that but that's just the fact the knives we took poor fur if we needed to carve anything which we generally didn't but the axe having an axe that can split six cords of firewood for your winter supply of wood that's what you want in my opinion in that situation because it opens the world up to you of what you can do with this tool a small a small light razor sharp axe well it's good for hewing and like like if you're making a totem pole it'd be perfect something sharp that penetrates really well that's a more of a carpenters tool perfect but if you need to split around that big you're never gonna do it with a little light duty you know forest hatchet what this is is peace of mind this is a tool that is going to really be effective keeping you warm that's a huge huge deal absolutely it seems to be the popular thing to have a very small very light very thin razor sharp axe and honestly what you use an axe for at least in our situation 99% of the time was splitting wood if I needed to fell a tree with this axe I could fall a tree very easy with this axe and you did you lots and lots but the duty that this axe got put to more than anything else was splitting firewood you almost can't have the conversation about an axe without talking about a saw they complement each other they're there peanut butter and jelly and this is the song that we took now this saw is just like the saw I grew up with and probably just like to saw you grew up Willie it is the perfect size it's so sturdy it feels like it's not ever going to break and another super super reliable to it we just did not want to be without there's a lot of saws out there there's a lot of folding saws people are really passionate about their saws and we just like the old-school bow saw and I was so satisfied with this saw out there and sweep we cut cords of wood with this not only building our cabin but you know processing firewood and we to think that you could rely on this blade and this saw every single day for your warmth for your ability to stay out there I I would not pick any other saw and what this is a five dollar saw yeah if you if you get the gist of our our gear taste here we get a lot of second-hand gear we get a lot of old gear but we feel really confident in that gear in and this is definitely one of those one of those choices this ax head I bought at a yard sale for four dollars I think handle cost me $12 the handle is worth more dollars and cents wise than the head is but this is a got to be a hundred-year-old X this is what our grandparents used build the country with its just plenty good for us the bow saw we got this at a yard sale I think it was five bucks we put a new blade on it but yes actually we didn't know we built blade we took what it was in such good shape that's right right we actually took the blade that this came from from a yard sale and it's an old saw it was a good sharp blade it's I still use that bow so I loved it wouldn't choose another saw one thing to mention on that is the longer we were there these tools the importance of these two tools came into such focus because if we were to break either one of them it would have been a deal breaker it would have totally been a deal breaker having that little cabin with a little fireplace area it gave us indoor heat it gave us a place to get dry and get warm and to cook and it was the center of our universe out there and without a saw getting manageable size firewood with an axe would have met 10 times the work and vice versa if you broke the axe most of that wood that was out there was too wet to burn in a full round it had to be split and it would have it would have really changed the whole dynamic everything these two tools became so important that it's good to keep that in mind before you go out that these an ax and a saw they go together just perfectly and I wouldn't leave home without either one of them no all right our last item came as a bit of a surprise to say the least to most people and we thought maybe we'd break the internet with this one we chose a bar soap for our 10th item so whose idea was that that was one of those things that when you're looking at the list they give you these are the items and the lists on the internet you know one's a toothbrush and ones no it wasn't the toothbrush ones like a hairbrush and yeah there's some goofy stuff you know filler items that nobody picked and in that list this there's soap dental floss is one of them you pick dental floss but in that Lister soap and no of course nobody's ever given soap a thought and we'd looked at lists over a hundred times and it started to really you know come to my psyche you know what having a bar of soap that's a game-changer mentally we have we've spent a lot of time in the bush we have built we're going on our fourth place that we're building right now in Alaska and always while we have built we live in campers we live in tents we we do it the hard way and that means you don't have running water you don't have all the amenities that you would be accustomed to having and you kind of learn to live with that rustic life but as soon as you can get cleaned up and that might be just a kettle bath which we've taken hundreds and thousands of cattle baths which is just a pot of water on the stove warmed up and you basically just kind of sponge yourself off and wash off and you wash your hair and it feels like you're back to day one if we're fishing a fish camp and you're out there for a week in the wilderness whatever you get cleaned up and you just feel like it's a brand-new day psychologically that's just it's just a huge boost that's one of the places that the whole concept for soap came from we hadn't really given much thought when we were looking at the list but for years and years at our fish camp in Minto Flats Alaska I would keep a bar of soap in my tackle box and it just became so important you know you got to stroke gas and oil on your hands and fish guts and you know you're out there sitting by a fire so you're covered in smoke and your hands they got a crust on them and you just feel like garbage by day four or so and we know this is gonna be pretty much the same thing but out there you get that soap out of the tackle box leaned over the boat washed your hands off wash your face or go out in the middle of the lake and scoop up a big thing of water take a bath right and go back to camp and literally you're happy to be back at camp you're not thinking man I'd sure like to go somewhere and get a shower when Dave arrived at Camp after hiking for nine days he was right if you know what I mean I didn't even know I could smell that way I mean it was bad and the thought that we could in the and I will say too that the the bar of soap that we took was kind of an all-purpose soap you could wash your hair you could wash your body I mean so we not only did those two things but we also washed our clothes yep and so there was like three amazing things you could do with this bar of soap and really those days that we got cleaned up I mean in washing your clothes just it was it was such a mental boost and those are the things that you really need out there to stay because everything else everything's telling you to go home every day you want to go home you want to be warm you want to eat you want to be clean and here's one step closer to one of those things absolutely if you go out there and it's day after day after day fish guts and smoke and you know sweat and whatnot you get this big giant running calendar of days where you feel gross and nasty they added up but with a bar soap you know every five or six days you get cleaned up clean your clothes up and it's just a fresh start you don't feel like you've been out there for months on end you feel like you've been out there for a week now you're cleaned up and it's it's enjoyable again and the soap I would do it again totally two thumbs up I would take it again for sure absolutely that's a shocker to a lot of people and that's our ten items we each got to take five and couple of those were duplicates but uh everything except the pan I would do again when it comes to the items we each got to take as Givens we took a sleeping bag I've got a review of the bag I took which is a British military bag brooke has a review of the wiggies bag that she took post those links below if you guys want to check out those videos we had a half inch by 6 inch feral rod and it just makes good sense it takes a piteous Ferro rod you can get your hands on - just to know that you've never gonna wear it out we've got to take a knife that was a gimme I took a condor wood law which I still haven't cleaned up yet this thing is this thing is has seen it's its day it is this is one nasty knife still I've got to clean it up but this was a blank that Dave ordered and then he put the scales on it's a flamed maple and then I made the sheath and kept track of the days with tick marks on my sheath and I think you did the same thing yep and so we've got a smaller type knife and was contrasted by a bigger knife and we did that on purpose yeah absolutely the knife I took was a condor Hudson Bay both of these knives we kind of bought for this purpose as opposed to taking something that we already had or like okay we want a small knife we want it to be easy to sharpen we want a large knife we want that to be easy to sharpen there's no sense of taking two small knives or two bolos or whatever so we just we bought a couple of knives that we thought fit the bill and very happy with both of them very happy we use exclusively for cleaning all of our fish the bigger knife we did a lot of 'but awning of our smaller stuff inside it made a good machete too right it also worked good as a hatchet anything that you needed to just chop on kind of a good go-between between a knife and a hatchet so yeah having one of each but there's the big question if you can only take one which are 8-1 are you gonna take we were blessed because we could have one of each and I will say at one point Dave thought he lost his knife and that's a good story for another video that's three for another video but I think I would definitely I for me personally this is the knife I would have taken even if I went alone I wouldn't take a big knife what's your thoughts I'll say the same thing I'm a guy that likes a just a regular small modest sized knife taking a big knife I will say I found a million uses for a big knife and I'm not a carver I'm not a guy that sits around in Whittle so I don't really care about making spoons or sore whatnot but having something to chop with I found a million times I was reaching for this knife to chop and I would take my knife again - so there you go one thing I'll say on that - I would be happy with a knife the size of the one Brooke has and it also has a good point it's got a nice sharp point to it where this knife it's just kind of got a big blah point and you do that you do need a good point having something like a stitching awl something that's solid with a razor sharp point would be very helpful so if you had a big knife or the point or a small knife that's it guys there's our 10 items plus our you know our give me which were the knives the clothes on our back the Ferro rod and sleeping bag now that's that's that's the gear we took with us you know I think it's funny when you you take a look at the gear we took and really break it down to what it was we took a five-dollar bow saw we took a twelve dollar old axe we took a $2.00 coffeepot all the fishing line proper came in under about seven bucks it's all Eagle Claw monofilament from Walmart the chirps cost about 50 bucks each off of ebay and they also were a fire retardant yep type of tarp - they're a little bit more expensive but really heavy-duty those were twelve by twelve right yes twelve by twelve twelve by twelve tarp so two of those the Gorp whatever the cost of though that would be I know what was the Gorp probably probably 10 or 12 bucks apiece yeah for your tube it was 2 pounds each just four pounds of two and a half pounds two and a half pounds two and a half pounds each so we had five pounds of Gorp that lasted us 40 days a Brooke had a good sleeping bag the bag I took was was military but it was it was also a good bag but that's a one place that I would probably say not to cut corners definitely you know you want to be warm at night you want to be cozy a cheap sleeping bag that's not the place although my bag it was like I think $200 my wiggies bag I mean it really is quite affordable in the world of you with my bag overall in the world of expedition level sleeping bags 200 bucks is a drop in the bucket yeah but we could have bought all the rest of our stuff ten times over for 200 bucks because there really is a place to spend money on outdoor gear and there's a place where you don't need to spend money and that's a video for another time yes the tarp still absolutely not a place to cut corners on your tarp any tarp is better than no tarp but a good tarp in the color that you want which is white for us you don't really find a white tarp at your neighborhood hardware store so I had to go online for that one but really pretty pretty cheap secondhand gear for the most part yeah the tarps were definitely something we had it to do over again not even a question same tarps spend the money for him sleeping bags were they were good I think the sleep meds pray the most expensive thing we took good bags are worth money well guys that's gonna do it for us I am a girl in the woods I'm bushed right I'm not push for it I never say that you don't say your bush forever no the channel is called bush radical okay I call you bush radical that's just weird okay all right so hey guys that's gonna do it for me this is girl in the woods and thank you to my guest bush radical also known as Dave Whipple my honey this will be 20 years this year for us 20 years 20 years of beauty years 22 years of being together oh yeah thank you guys so much for watching Bush radical my name is Dave Whipple and my lovely wife Brooke Whipple be radical that's all right hey you guys that's hey guys that's gonna do it for me thanks for joining me today if you like this video give it a thumbs up love to hear your comments below on what Tana I'd love to hear your comments below and what items you would take if you got to go on the show alone and as always if this is your first time here I'd love to have you subscribe hit that button alright guys girl in the woods alright guys thanks for joining me see you next time that's not my normal outtake oh you blew it yeah hey guys this girl in the woods until next she gone alright guys see you next time peace out thank you guys so much for watching push for addict oh my name is Dave Whipple and this is my beautiful wife Brooke Oh were you putting at the dog now it's boy do you good thanks for watching be radically see you soon what what are you doing she wants more cranberries she loves me more what we need to do is you take your dog and you stop her in your backpack so when you get where you're going you got your doggy once your toes deep just saw the funds grown you gonna get you is there anything you want to recover no I think some of it dried down too long oh yeah pop I'm gonna I'm gonna chop it way down I'm gonna probably take most [Music] you
Channel: Bushradical
Views: 155,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dave Whipple, Brooke Whipple, Alone seaon 4, ten items, ten items Alone, Bushradical, Girl in the woods, Alone on History, Vancouver island, Vancouver island BC, history channel's Alone, The ten Items we took on ALONE, Alone 10 items
Id: 2xur4wUdeKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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