Alaska road trip disaster!

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[Music] how's it going everybody my name is Dave Whipple and you're watching Busch radical you ever see this shot before me too about I don't know 20 times no I've taken this trip from Michigan to Alaska or Alaska Michigan it's always a great trip lots of time just to unwind and shut your brain off and it's such a special road trip I think it's the best road trip on this side of the planet it always starts just like this me and the dog in the escort oh yeah I'm gonna get up there open up the cabin get to work for the summer doing concrete work shooting a lot of videos for you guys stay tuned we'll see you on the road more than everybody day two already and that didn't even shoot any film yesterday why is that I was already like four o'clock by the time I left rain the whole trip one much to see these he's like to drive sometimes I just sleep in the back seat and she drives but we always end up at McDonald's don't we not bad the north shore of Lake Superior it seems like I always stop here even last night in the middle of the night after being a road zombie for you know 12 hours poking along through the hills here I'm like oh I know where I'm at this is such a nice little spot to stop because it's it's tucked right off the road and there's hardly any warning for it and if you don't know it's here you you don't know it's here lots of wolfs around here [Applause] same car same dog same coffee filter [Applause] mmm-hmm our getting somewhere [Music] coffee's almost undies she's ready she likes her coffee same coffeepot same Coleman stove I get started every morning just like this actually I do pretty much a good cup of coffee oh my goodness that's good so it's one o'clock in the afternoon on Sunday may something Daisy and I stopped on just this pipeline pull off somewhere in the middle of Western Ontario take a look it's nothing but sand and Jack Pines that was a nice nap a nice place to stop middle of nowhere just get back on the road [Applause] you it's the first thing in the morning on day three and I just had a deer come through my windshield Daisy and I are on the Trans Canadian Highway hello hello oh my goodness oh my goodness that's way worse than I thought it was Wow hello hello oh my goodness Easy's okay that's good my hat my hand is done better could be worse I could be the deer [Applause] thank you yeah that's literally all windshield hey on the side one yeah I will fix that no Howard told I like oh sure he might you might what like Drano showy and white wood heaters windows huh well you can't put a little a bow it easy more to fix it up so here's the aftermath Daisy and I are we drove two miles down the road to the next little town we got a motel room and making some phone calls stop run bad way here [Music] Wow almost to the middle of Canada - you can also see there's a bald spot on my tire ready to lock it up the deer come out of the median and I caught it right in front of me and it was just it was so fast like all deer accidents are so I'm gonna see if I can make things a little better maybe I can pop that roof out just a fuzz that would help things along when are the window guys comes and gets me [Music] I didn't think that work [Music] I feel better about life already because I can kind of see it's possible now maybe to another windshield in there see if I can get it a little bit better I think I was gonna work [Music] I have my own hydraulic press evidently honestly it's not there [Music] well I managed to get most of that crush section out I think what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to pull the visor clips I'm gonna try to get these two dents out and get that straightened up a bit then I can actually imagine a windshield going in here well if you've watched this channel before you know I always travel with tools what's the best tool for this job and axe I think I think that's close to as good as I can get it I'll wait for that little vacuum that the hotel alone me to charge up I'll try to finish back this thing else we'll make it work well I think now what I need to do is take a better look at my hand I got a pretty good cut now and it didn't equip bleeding I really wasn't worried too bad about it but my grip so I'm out there with a good grip and always hurt so I don't know if there's something in there I need to clean it up find out could've been a lot worse could at that deer in my lap the other thing too is it could have got glass in my eyes the last every word I believe is anything in there well thank the Lord for that could have been much worse the deer died Daisy and I are sitting here in hotel room vacuuming out the car so it could have been much worse I do say I would much rather prefer to be out on the road driving with a fresh cup of coffee and sitting here waiting for I did call the repair guy I know there's a guy down the road and the one of the first responders gave me his number and I called this guy and I told him you know it's Bert it's pretty messed up he's like he's like if so you just need a windshield Mike yeah the roofs pretty messed up he's like a snow big deal he says I'm used to MacGyver and stuff but this is this is the guy I need to talk to you but uh hopefully he'll be I'd be able to get me on my way without going backwards financially like a gazillion dollars I don't know what stuff costs around here a lot of close calls over the years on this road and farther up into Canada that's the first one that uh you know place I was going fast enough I to swerve done that grippy Road I might have rolled the car maybe I don't know I'll take a shower take a nap so what do you do after you hit a deer on the trans Canadian Highway you get a motel room and you make some phone calls I think I got the right guy I was a fella named Dwayne and he stopped by the other day and he's the guy around here to get stuff done and he's supposed to be out here sometime early today and do a windshield job for me I don't know what that's gonna cost me and it's a canadian-american you know I don't know what parts are up here but very thankful but I'm not on the side of the highway sorting out glass out of my clothes like I was last night but I tell you I really could use a shot back because a car is littered with glass and right now that kind of concerns me more than anything my list of concerns right now are the glass in the car temporarily fixing the back window because it's gonna need some kind of help find in the rear view driver's side mirror and got a couple really worn spots on the front tire what I've locked it right up so I must have slid 50 feet we'll see what happens this morning [Music] there's Daisy and her new buddy Milo [Applause] so I've spent the last two evenings here in the middle of Saskatchewan just outside of the town of Whitewood and staying at the residence of Duane Tosh away and his family they've really taken fantastic care of me just went over and above and right now we're about ready to watch these guys throw the new windshield in hopefully in a in an hour or two we can start making progress north again everybody here in Saskatchewan has been absolutely fantastic mat lots of great people [Music] that's a thing of beauty Dwayne thank you so much after seeing the carnage from the deer accident I never would have assumed the window would go back in there oh but Dwayne got it perfect it's better than it ever was well not really but so what you're saying is you can't see daylight when you look through the inside yeah I got that covered already the back window I'm really surprised I didn't lose my driver's window cuz it scarred up I loved it was hope sore from extra glass or what it was but Oh model bays that it did not go man that's beautiful what do you think Twain fantastic where can people contact you in Saskatchewan if they need a repair oh wait a second I've got it right here daco customs and repairs going ash way and there's the phone number if anybody's broke down on the highway like somebody I know close this two got to talk to we'll do our best to get you going in a hurry fantastic well Dave thanks for choosing us to get you going again I know we've done it reasonably priced but if anybody out there falls in need of a mechanic on on the road we'll do our best to get you off we do specialize in Cummins conversions however we do have the ability to do a lot of macgyvering techniques too to keep you going justice probably seen on Dave's car thanks for keeping us in mind on your way through Saskatchewan that that for now so there is an amazing example of not only Canadian ingenuity but also Canadian hospitality Duane and his wife and family put me up for two nights in their little campground right there on their property and straighten the roof of the car back out I've got a fresh new windshield I'm headed to Saskatoon to pick up the rear window and I'm just blessed I'm very blessed I thank the Lord for running into people like that because the world's full of a mixed bag of people and you hardly ever find ones that good and it seems like every time I have a problem in Canada I run into the best people chance I don't think so thank you lord well here we are at about 1:30 in the afternoon a lot of beautiful sunny saskatchewan thursday on the side of highway 11 i'm gonna give you guys just a quick view of this place cuz we've been here before this is one of my favorite places to stop it's an abandoned rest area there's no facilities there's nothing there's jersey barriers and a gate in front but you can pull in here and have the whole place to yourself about two hours up the road is Saskatoon so the guys got my windshield in this morning and everything is good the only issue is the back window was the wrong window so I actually have to get to Saskatoon before five o'clock to pick up the right back window and it's already ordered it's supposed to be sitting there for me I just need to get it that being said I'm about two hours away it's but one o'clock so I should hit saskatoon by 3:00 or 3:30 I should be fine but if I don't get to there if I don't get to the window place by 5:00 o'clock I'm gonna have to spend another night and I don't want to do that at all so I'll talk to you guys later I'm heading to Saskatoon two years ago I stopped at this very rest up raid before I blew a head gasket on the way into Edmonton I'm hoping on this trip my bad luck has already run its course because I don't want anymore the head gasket was it was bad but a rough repair and two windows and a mirror I've had all the trouble in Canada I want to have so cross my fingers keep rolling morning everybody it's about 10 o'clock in the morning on day 7 and we're almost to Dawson Creek Dawson Creek is right in the edge of British Columbia and it's pretty much the the very beginning of the alkane highway and from there it's just one road all the way up and now I always look forward to getting to that point because I don't feel like I feel like if I got stranded out there for some reason you know it's a much more homey feeling the area down the plains you're pretty out of sorts so looking forward to that Daisy and I stopped here pretty much every year it's a little campground across the street there's a Waystation bar right here at the campground there's a bathroom there's a couple campsites right off the highway but a great place to stretch your legs Daisy doesn't know it but when we roll into Dawson Creek this morning we're gonna get McDonald's big giant coffee maybe some Egg McMuffins it's gonna rock now they finally made it into the mountains and we're really looking at some smoky whether there's forest fires everywhere everything looks kind of misty and shrouded it's just smoke with rotary now to the top of the highest passes on the highway steamboats summit kids apparently noticed how sparsely I've been filming so far after the deer accident in Saskatchewan which by the way I was not running a camera when I hit the deer but barely finished my first cup of coffee for the morning I've been just kind of overwhelmed with the sheer hiccups on this trip so I've just been kicking along trying to knock down two miles I need to get to Fairbanks in one piece and I don't want to spend any more time than absolutely necessary lots of driving stopped for some lunch she seems like Daisy and I stopped your last trip well here's something interesting there's the roof of the car remember what it looked like about five days ago I'm kind of amazed it could be fixed really happy that it can be fixed so let's try this nice Kanna chunk light tuna and water salsa con queso my kids would be freaking out be like that's disgusting maybe it is don't know yeah I got high hopes you're like a tuna melt sandwich kind of the same idea kind of you notice this trip has went pretty fast as far as couple minutes ago we were in Ontario and we hit a deer and we spent four days in Saskatchewan I've kind of just been pretty happy to get back on the road stopping has not been an option of course the other thing is a buddy of mine is coming up flying into Fairbanks here in just a couple days and him and I are gonna do sufficient I kind of need to be there to pick him up from the airport let's see how this is it's pretty much exactly what you think of me it's not bad face like tuna and cheese dip but good there are so many things that you can film on this Highway on this trip but very seldom you get a night like this where the sky's getting pink and it's rain and the mountains are layered and forest fire smoke that's an amazing picture it looks like something Bob Ross would have done just fantastic all the sceneries just kind of materializes out of the smoke and you can see the layers in the distance that's a great way to end today here's an interesting resident Stone Mountain muncho lake liard hot springs this is a stone mountain sheep Daisy doesn't really care for him but I think he's pretty awesome [Music] he said just about enough huh hey check that out that's awesome give him a break days he jumped up on a barrier she wants to get that sheep in the worst way that sheep would knock you flat and how is that for an end to a magnificent day in the mountains [Music] that's just amazing Sun going down looks absolutely huge [Music] there's a nice-looking bear he's a black bear but he's pretty Brown seen a few of them on this trip daizy's all about bears you finally finally I made it to Fairbanks after seven and a half days on the road driving up my Hill to my place with my dog and we've made it through Canada see how nice this windshield is other than the box well there you go that's my trip for 2019 from Michigan to Alaska across Canada probably one of the more of eventful trips I've had three days stranded in Saskatchewan a new windshield a new back window a Jimmy rigged mirror that I had to replace car-deer accident on the expressway in the middle of nowhere I'd like to say hi to my friends Ken and Judy chan who I did not get to visit because I came through their town in the dead of night after being delayed for three days if you guys would like to see a more in-depth more picturesque version of this trip check out the links down in the description and you can see last year's trip and the the series I shot to your previous lots of wildlife lots of scenery a better version of this video thank you guys so much for watching Busch radical my name's Dave Whipple and be radical I see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Bushradical
Views: 223,474
Rating: 4.9104981 out of 5
Keywords: Alska road trip, road trip, bushradical road trip, Alaska, Alaska highway, Alaska highway trip, Milepost, Trans Canadian highway, Yellowhead highway
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019
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