The Temple Mount Secrets: An Archaeological Goldmine

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today we're going to ascend the Temple Mount that's insane we actually made it through and we're going to climb the famous Eastern Gate wow this is amazing we had no idea that this was even possible and we've never seen anyone else ever climb it before wow and in addition after meeting the adorable Temple Mount cat we're going to pass by a gigantic mountain of debris that looks like just a pile of rubble but in fact it is the remains of an illegal excavations that contain Treasure of archaeological artifacts from the time of King Solomon I can't even imagine how old this is but before we get there we're going to have to go through a crowd like we've never seen before in our lives because we had no idea that today is Jerusalem day a day which is very likely to cause serious civil unrest on Temple mount okay so this video is going to be very different from the rest of our videos because we do not want to write any scripts or make any big editing production out of this what we want to do is simply show you what we found and what went on so somehow we made it to Jerusalem on Jerusalem day we didn't know it's going to be Jerusalem day but it is and there's about a million people here well I don't know if it's a million but definitely it feels like it and what better way to do this than our unscripted Series where we take you on a journey with us through raw footage and xero theatrics well maybe just a little theatrics so here we are with our friends Jeremy and Jocelyn going through Jerusalem on a beautiful day but we had no idea that today is actually the Jerusalem day [Music] this is the day that commemorates the reunification of East Jerusalem with West Jerusalem this is following The Six Day War so it's a very political day it can be seen in this amazing event but at the same time it causes a lot of turmoil in Jerusalem between the Israeli citizens and Palestinians who live in East Jerusalem everybody we know says you don't go to Jerusalem on Jerusalem day but we had no idea and this is when our friends arrived here and so here we are and we're going to make another video about Jerusalem day that is entirely different but in this video we're gonna Focus what happened on Temple Mount so as we are coming to the Temple Mount area we're seeing this giant line we realize it's going to take a while until we able to enter it and as I'm passing through this line I'm noticing this person standing here and speaking to somebody and it is no one else but you the Glick so I'm 132. he chose Zion and he desire that entity is thrown that's our that's our quote you would have liked he's a politician and activist so he does a lot of stuff that pertain to expanding Jewish access to the Temple Mount but Android and I just want to steer away from politics in our videos but it was still interesting to see him here on Jerusalem Day first in line to ascend the Temple Mount regardless Rhoda and I and our friends are all the way somewhere in the back of the line and it's gonna take us about 45 minutes or to an hour of wait time until we're able to enter [Music] [Applause] and after waiting for about an hour we're finally able to pass through and start the Ascension that's insane we actually made it through [Music] so there is an actual dress code for the Temple Mount that's right women should cover their knees and shoulders so Rhoda brought a shawl while men must wear long pants and t-shirts at the very least that's why Jeremy and I purchased long baggy pants these black ones in Jerusalem Market for like 15 shackles they're really cheap it was like five dollars this is for Ben right what are we doing wait I'm gonna do like a new kids dance once we go in there not more dancing this officer did not seem to be very excited about our dancing but we totally get it they have to keep order here so we had to dial it down and you know some people might be watching this and saying you know it's not appropriate to dance as you go up to the Temple Mount you should be serious but you know when we read the Bible think about King David who was dancing as he was bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem and all the joy that followed that think about all of the Israelites in the Old Testament who would come year after year to give their tithing and it says you shall spend that money for whatever your heart desires for oxen sheep wine a similar drink or whatever your heart desires you shall eat there before the Lord your God and you shall rejoice you and your household can you imagine this is probably one of the largest parties ever done in the history of humanity just think of all the hundreds of thousands of people flocking into Jerusalem and having an amazing time yeah this is a whole different subject dieting but can you imagine churches today saying hey you want a tide take that money and spend in whatever your heart desires and speaking of spending on whatever your heart desires on you don't really need to buy pants like we did because at the entrance they provide you with clothing not acceptable these become some more covered that she said you need this card now we thought that Rhoda had enough clothing on her but apparently the guards at the entrance said no you still have to put another shawl on top so it was a double Shoal for Rhoda man for you as well take clothing not acceptable man but here's the catch men and women get the same skirt here's another time when we came here and I did not have long pants and I did not buy any so they gave me this long skirt for men and it might look funny to the Western world but the reality is that this type of robes have been worn by men for thousands of years in fact some cultures they still wear them today so this never had made more sense to me as now gird up your loin so in the Bible it says that Elijah gird up his loins and outrun Ahab and then also God says Joe gird up your loins and I'll ask like a man and now one King's 18 Elijah girded up his loins and ran fast way ahead of Ahab in other words girden up his loins help them run faster and I finally got to experience this for myself I can barely move it further than this so I gotta gird up my loins and then I can run it is very difficult to walk fast in this skirt let alone run which is impossible and believe me I have tried most women know this obviously but I've never experienced this in my life until today so the only way to walk fast or run is to lift up the robe and secure it to the waste which in other words is gird up the loins and uh and that's why Peter says gird up the loins of your mind so that you may understand what I don't remember what he said I need your house so Peter actually says therefore gird up the loins of your mind be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ this is so amazing because Peter is basically just saying a metaphor he's saying remove whatever robe or a veil that you have over your mind that prevents you from fully resting upon the grace of Jesus Christ and this is just so marvelous because the whole chapter there and the whole context what Peter is saying is that we're eternally secure in the salvation of Yeshua it was a marvelous reminder for me and wrote that those who put their trust in Yeshua should have no doubt in their salvation we can fully rest upon his grace what a promise what a life and what a God once again we have only 25 minutes like last time so right there we're going to it as we were going through the temple Mount there is noticeable tension the tension between the Jews and the Palestinians you can see the Jews dancing outside the gates wanting to enter the temple but they cannot without going through the special security which we just went through but the way it is so long I said why do we have to wear this and he said so we can tell we can recognize you yeah that you're our tourist and not part of this foreign how amazing it is to be up here I mean this is where they believe that the first and the second temple stood this is so significant this would also be where Abraham was about to sacrifice his son Isaac and also be the same location that David bought from arauna the jebusite the threshing floor in the story after God brought judgment on Israelites it is fascinating if this is the spot it's amazing wow so this is Dome of the Rock inside of it there's will go in hopefully there's a side of it there is a rock where believe the ark once stood and the temples to the right above this and there's a new theory that has some great archaeological evidence that the actual Temple was slightly over there okay so some of you might say wait a second this is not with a Temple Mount stood this is where Fort Antonius stood and the Temple Mount was a bit lower than this area was in the city of David now that is a famous theory that has been grown in the past recent years however Rhoda and I have not yet had the chance to make a deeper research on it we've done some research from the surface it's an interesting Theory but we have not dug deeper into it there's still so much evidence supporting that it happened here this is the Temple Mount however we do plan on making a video about the other locations sometime in the future but before we do we wanted to ask you guys what do you think do you think Temple Mount is here or do you think the temple stood below it in the city of David let us know what you think in the comments below and also like And subscribe to this video so that we can produce more content like this and make this video in the future according to your suggestions good girl what are your political inclinations up here so friendly Are You The Peacemaker okay all right it's ow don't bite me and no go out there okay I've been waiting to return to this spot for a few years because a friend of mine said that he noticed that there are arches right here that could be the original arches or entryways into the rooms of the instrument players potentially what if so according to the Bible there would be the Levites who would work and serve at the temple and fill all kinds of positions one of them were the instrument players so one theory is what of those arches right here they are the rooms for the instrument just like the Bible says there it is this is very interesting can you imagine going into those rooms Excavating obviously it's not possible right now they'll probably like start a World War III but um just imagine what kind of treasure we can find in those rooms somebody's got to get some permission from everybody here to go in there and see what's inside that would just be amazing next we're going to the Eastern Gate however before we get there we're going to pass through this backyard with a lot of debris it kind of looks all sporadic and just weird but it is actually not just trash what this is is a mountain of treasure yes it doesn't look like it but here's what happened a few decades ago the Temple Mount Authority decided to make another entrance to the Temple Mount and so they started digging the ground but that is illegal because nobody's supposed to dig where there's archeology and just throw stuff away but they've done it anyway and so it was kind of a legal operation and it was stopped eventually by the court and by the Israel authorities and by archaeologists it was a big story but then something ironic happened the attempt to legally excavate and do an entrance kind of turned into a blessing because the workers took all this trash and they put it into dumps outside a Temple Mount and also here on the Temple Mount and the dump that was outside of Temple Mount is now no longer in the authority of the Temple Mount Administration instead it's now in the land of Israel and so archaeologists took that pile of debris and they started Excavating it and they're finding artifacts from the first temple period and from the second temple period it is an unbelievable pile of archaeological treasure can you imagine how much treasure is in here just imagine like all those rocks just broken so if you bring a metal detector here you immediately start finding Roman coins coins from time of David with like priest's names and things and that's what we see right here and if you maybe just get closer you might be able to spot something from like King Solomon's time maybe a little step or marble piece that he stood on or or even more exciting a little piece of marble that Jesus would have stood on when he walked here it's kind of cool and fascinating to see my goodness look at all this I can't even imagine how old this is look at this marble how old is this it could be from the second time period okay so think about this this is the Eastern Gate and this is where the prince will walk through the Eastern Gate and until he comes it will be shot it says and so they did shut it and on the other side is the graveyard uh tombs so yeah I will go there yeah and that's the valley I'm going to check what's out there finally we make it to the Eastern Gate but this time we're not just gonna look at the Eastern Gate but they've noticed that there's a walkway on its side that leads you onto steps steps that take you on top of it to the Eastern Gate wall it would be so cool if we can get up there and take a look we had no idea that this is even possible to get up there wow this is amazing we had no idea that you could go up those steps this is very very exciting and as far as we know I've never seen anyone else do this before okay this is dangerous it can follow oh careful don't go don't go there sweetheart you can you can careful wires and stuff yeah after we got home but this is really incredible look at the decorated Stone in the wall obviously it came from another place and was reused in the ottoman times to build the stop section of the wall but it is just fun to think that this Stone was originally used somewhere else and who knows maybe even part of the original wall or the temple this is very sketchy please do not come up here there are no railings there's no safety net there's nothing if you slip if you step on the wrong Pebble you're going down 30 feet onto rocks please don't come here yep right next to the church or behind it is regarding is this the valley here then yeah we're going there next you see the grades oh wow you might be thinking well it's not a good example it's you're up there and telling us not to go well we took the risk we filmed it so that you can see it through our lens and not have to take the same risks this is amazing would you like to come I know you can come and oh yeah and I can maybe protect you here just in case something there you go and there was this lady that also wanted to take pictures but I stayed up there holding on to the pole and making sure the other hand is ready to catch her in case she trips on one of the wires and falls down okay so we are standing on top of the Eastern Gate this is the Golden Gate It is believed that this is the gate that the Messiah will go through when he returns in the future you can learn a lot more about it from our video we've done about the Temple Mount it's called Untold archeology of the Temple Mount rare footage make sure to check it out a lot of fascinating information in there but this time we were just excited to be able to go on top of the Eastern Gate and look down and see some of the artifacts that was a cool treat Kitty and a big cat down there he's following it yeah he's hiding down there so let's try to exit that gate because then we'll be straight by uh Lionsgate Okay so we've only been given one hour to be on Temple malbe because like most of that hour spent on standing in line we were only able to be here for a few minutes and now it's time to leave but usually you have to leave from about the Justin gate to the one you enter because there are many gays to Temple Mount but those are mostly for Muslims anybody who is non-muslim can only enter through one gate and then leave through the next one but we were so far from that gate and we were kind of running out of time and we were supposed to leave already so what we've done instead this time is depart from the closest gate to us which is the Lions Gate so we thought if they stop us and tell us to go all the way back we'll do it but at least we're trying to be respectful to the time they've given us and leave as soon as possible very good do the heart because so thankfully it worked there was no issues we were able to depart from a different gate all the way on the other side of the Temple mount yeah but later wait where do we go from right there Lion's gate we hope you've enjoyed this video and it was a blessing to you this day was one of the most exciting days we've had in Jerusalem and we can't wait to show you more footage from Jerusalem in the weeks to come until then may God bless you and like always and The Best Is Yet To Come foreign
Channel: Sergio & Rhoda in Israel
Views: 175,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sergio and Rhoda, Israel, Travel, Bible, Travel in Israel, Israel Tour, SR, S&R, Biblical Tour, Tours in Israel, Tour in Israel
Id: MHiXq0srWZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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