Valley of the Shadow of Death — JERUSALEM

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yeah it was right there do you see that Hill that's Akama where Judas hung himself let's look for capitals on the pillar right here W there it is so that one guarantees goes down I think this one too but this is so crazy s there's like a burnt ash layer here we're literally seeing some distraction layer from the time of David see so much Pary you could be touching a 3,000 year old look at the building it's just on the Rock that's a and what is in there guys let's go stop like a or C they har we took this way up but there's another way if you want to continue little bit another the zigzag and that goes by the Sanol yeah there are the in there so right now we're walking here with our friends from Florida through Jerusalem doing an unscripted video and then s we bump into Rob Rob Rob from Dublin Ireland and then da from L from laia yesterday in na are we thinking about you guys you were in Naz yesterday you were in Naz yesterday you guys I said it would be nice to meet you guys made in Jerusalem that is so cool and you said you have a YouTube channel well no I do but very smart it's it's well it's my favorite Bible verse Matthew 11293 and you said you're not the Lord You're you're a Believer and you love Jesus you Sav me wow this is amazing it's so amazing to meet people who love the Lord and come here because they're in love with the word and it's just always encouragement for me and Roa it's a pleasure meeting you brother it's a pleasure meeting you sometimes you wonder like hey is this like the message getting down is anybody seeing or stuff like and then you have stuff like that that happens okay cool that's a good Bo to do more yeah is this zaras is this one I this doesn't have an entrance either and I think they say this is Zarah John the Baptist father bar right I think so that's what they say I think so but they don't open them up see I think they do they did they did excavation we need to go into the records a lot of this was done in the' 60s '70s and British mandat and the problem if they open them up there's going to be like people are just going to put somewh when they just sit there and start uh lighting fires and um so the cave that Jesus would have been in I mean the Cave the tomb be he in a in a cave and H in the Rock tell you what's [Applause] called there this one the seventh lot fell toir found this incription look you can read it [Music] sh the description was discovered by the French archaeologist Louis felan D soli in 1854 this is hey yeah at the front of the burial cave above the capitals on the pillars there is an hashian era inscription carved in the stone the incription is written in square Hebrew script and demonstrates that those buried in the cave belong to a Priestly family identified in from the Bible sons of YF Ben o the some letters are different from Modern Hebrew but most of it we can read the 17th lot fell to hazir Sons of hazir Sons of hazir right here Sons ofir which is like hazir like a pig so the inscription where is the was found above the capitals on the pillars let's look for capitals on the pillar right here W there it is there it is wow yeah we've never seen that before that is that is this is more than 2,000 years old somebody chiseled that up there more than 2,000 years old ago and somebody who's mentioned in the Bible is was buried here uh from the Priestly family somebody from the Bible so somebody was buried here was buried here just about before time of Jesus and I wonder if somebody who was buried here somebody who was buried here was buried at the time of hash manans which would be like right before Jesus and that's who was buried there or they knew that who is buried here was from like you know the time of the Bible the Chronicles and they just inscribed it during the hashan period because the script here the Hebrew is hashian probably and that's and the excavation so they know the time this was carved but not this is amazing so this was been here in the time of Jesus so is this one of those places where they actually know like you can tell because there's an inscription there's an incription in Hebrew they actually know this is really what this was but for that to be true this would have to been in sichu and if it wasn't in sichu then what it was inscribed later right I no that's just my argument I archist probably know better and that's why they have it here but always come with everything with a little bit of a grain of salt yeah so our choice is go up these stairs which is pretty easy and then SE of David or go down and there's another zigzag which is which is hard she just pic the harder one you just picked the harder oneck let's go the hard way you guys want an adventure I like this explanation of Inu is basically that if they dig and they find soil and all the pottery and coins and they date a certain age let's say okay let's say they date the first century ad and everything points that this dirt was untouched since first century because everything they find inside the dirt points the first century but then they as then cover the dirt they find an artifact in the dirt let's say like an inscription on a on a stone now they know that inscription was written at that period because everything in that soil was you know um dating to that period so it's like in sichu still in the ground in place as it was left back then still in there um you should probably look at the proper description of this word but but that's the concept yeah yeah it was right there do you see that Hill that bare Hill Baron Hill see that bar hill the trees yeah yeah that's AK dama that's sakama where Judas hung himself the field of blood I no josa wanted Adventure so let's give her some Adventure there it is that's the one we took yep and there's city of David yeah this is it but we can then go from up there yeah we could there a way there is a way yeah that's the way this is the way this is the way like Alles oh look at that look look look there's one these are hardworking ants look at that yeah there's a bath right here that were destroyed I don't know very cool yeah that's it do we continue that way so that one guarantees goes down I think this one too but it's faster no this is better that's better but it's slightly goes back we go there but this one could come out there you want to go this way let's do it sure there's a cat follow the cat kitty hi we've seen more cats yeah we'll check ourselves oh careful yeah yeah definitely goes down even though those guys up there tried to warn us they said something oh my good I think they said snakes oh they did ow ow is there anybody wearing shorts yes sir give me buddy yeah yeah there is a path there is a path I think we'll be just fine feel like this is only for the locals Oh my legs are burning are yours burning not yet this is literally wow look it up there we keep walking yeah we are almost down there but I think this is you sure honey I feel like over here sweetheart no it's there yeah I think you're right this is but be careful THS huge Thorns they've been around are you guys enjoying this totally awesome oh the Beast are sharp ah horns ah that was that was probably a better road we did it guys B check yourself always check for ticks I think we're good oh look at this you scraped there yeah you did yeah they were pretty bad that that seaal healing yeah look at the building it's just on the Rock it's like you want like an example I said if you want to see an example of a house built on the Rock there it is so the path the path you chose was way better the why not white it was like a field of thorns nothing but Thorns I liked it yeah that doesn't look deep though where up there yeah wow this is the valley where Hezekiah Burns all the um ASAT and the bow worship things isn't it honey yes yes like somewhere we're in the gon Valley and then it merges down there with the valley of um what's the other one shadow of the death no the other one so this is Kon and the other one oh what is the other one called g g some construction genius look at those pillars over there near the rock because there's now that's a cool C there's [Music] more that is very cool isn't it amazing all right now we need to get to the city of David I think somewhere up there stairs yeah that's oh it's a this is a tomb wow that was a sar sarcophagus inside [Music] yeah okay guys so so just so you know we are in San neighborhood now this is yeah you don't want to go that way that's where when I went last time and almost got killed but this road should lead us to the city of David our last stop for the day wow of construction wow there ancient structures up there too yeah it's every everywh this is so much cooler yeah Water trip in perfect weather today to do this wonderful it's a water tank it's a l one is this couch waa okay we're so close to City of David you know this could be like first century stuff I mean uh the first century and it said David was on his couch there's a locked this looks very much like the Rocks what would have been from K period David time look it there the wall this looks very much like and there the wall do you see the wall yeah you see these wow I mean we can't know for sure without checking some archaeological records and surveys but this looks way older than Roman time to me and what is in there [Applause] guys this is the city of David let me see inside oh inside we're going to be there now in a minute yeah I mean David would have been here theist walls wonderful wow baby where do you find that's a rim I think you could be touching a 3,000 year old rim of a pot yeah a rim yeah I think it's a rim looks like one cuz it has the edge go for it so this is so crazy so this wall is we're right by the city of David and we're just passing by and we just found this right here this is a rim of some sort and there's like a burnt ash layer here you could see the bottom layer there where it is it's like darker do you see this right here yeah down there yeah looks darker looks like there is some ash here may Des if it is just newly exposed by The Rains and some wind we're literally seeing some distraction layer from the time of David we see so much Pary sticking out of the wall there too that was a cool stuff wow we never I don't think we've ever taken the stairs from the bottom no we never taken these look at that one in the middle of around so Nazareth a lot of it looks just like that without minus the caves cuz we don't have that many but like the structures just people on top of each other they go up so it would be like a guy who builds for all his [Music] they so this is David's house or not David's house that sign up there they found pots that had the incription wow cool okay who's got the ticket there we go thank you just I was going to tell you that's your chance too late oh this is the water one right both so this is the water one and the dry one oh see where you going with this okay we're going to go deep down now look at all this is ball I think is this one of the figurines I used to worship these are figurines that um false gods [Music] mhm czy this is so surreal that you guys are here oh almost fell down look how here down there somewhere was it what was here where Solomon was anointed king I think there's going to be um like a poster with explanation here look at that it's is this for real could be real you guys look how deep this is oh my goodness I think we're going to be going down there yeah I think we're going to get down there they going to be walking down there soon Canaanite fortification wow so imagine the Israelites coming here they're seeing Jerusalem and all these people dweller dwelling here and the city that is heavily fortified and it's look look at the size of this wall how wide it is giant rocks how even St them up like this wow so that's the dry tunnel that we will most likely take and at least come take a look at the beginning of the wet one I'll turn on the flashlight let's go yeah it's a lot of fun and you walk like this for um half a mile yeah half a mile or half a have a kilometer and uh it's cold but you get used to it that get 500 m so the crazy part is one team of hezekiah's people started digging from here and another team start digging from The Other Side of the Mountain half a mile away and they met in the middle how how's possible how did they do it well they think they would use like Hamas on top and with sound direct them they would hit on top of sound that listen do go soon I don't know is this just a live stream it's a live stream there there is an actual stream of water this isn't like on the ground stream no on the ground stream on the ground stream what say you a it's nice with water yeah very similar well this one is a little yeah yeah yeah because you're going to get to toll Parts there too yeah yeah oh look at that and this one has lights yeah so why did they do two different tles there were two different color there were two different so this is Canaanite okay other one Israelite I'm amazed at your memory good job and the canite one R been first yeah that's the water one no this is the Canaanite that one is Hezekiah dog and yeah chiseled by hand so Hezekiah was besieged and they did the tunnel so they won't lose the water and they won't have the famine during The Siege wasn't that was why he dug it and so to protect the people of the city yeah he he was quite a engineer yeah he did a lot in the city of Jerusalem it was one of the good King Kings too good King oh look there's a yeah a little water go a little water stream right guys do you see the water in the walls and these uh beams are not I don't remember no no so the other one probably only white too yes yeah with no light with no lights and a lot of sections are like I have to walk like this yeah like you saw right there but some of them are as high as this okay and some are higher even yeah still amaz at your memory which is interesting cuz I don't like being confined in little places M but these are unless you are with me unless you oh wow really well actually sometimes you to ADV that's it that was short that's it yo yo oh okay going to practice my gymnastics skills here what happened there so they say this is a dry one it's not really dry that was really fast the other one she said 25 minut yes oh yeah so how do we get to the pool of sh do we to see it I don't know anymore maybe we have to take the other one to get to pool of shal I think so yeah the other one so we don't get to see the poom without with a car we can stop there but it's okay you can't do everything in one day no we can go to pill we can we can we can we go out here and then you cross the road and we get to see the king tombs if we did the wet tunnel wouldn't be able to see the king tombs great choice perfect and you were making Jos and my friends feel so bad see this is actually a great route NE maybe we'll get there still something yes
Channel: Sergio & Rhoda in Israel
Views: 736,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sergio and Rhoda, Israel, Travel, Bible, Travel in Israel, Israel Tour, SR, S&R, Biblical Tour, Tours in Israel, Tour in Israel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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