Israeli Movement to See Temple Rebuilt in Jerusalem | Jerusalem Dateline - September 26, 2023

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[Applause] this week on a special edition of Jerusalem Dateline Israel comes through a standstill on the holiest day of the year and a quest to find the missing Ark of the Covenant is it closer than we think plus we take you inside a growing movement to rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem and show you how new technology is revealing the Lost faces of the Bible all this and more this week on Jerusalem Dateline hello and welcome to this edition of Jerusalem Dateline I'm Chris Mitchell for Jews the holiest day of the year is Yom Kippur the day of atonement and repentance and the way Israel observes that day is unique in all the world Yom Kippur the day of atonement is the culmination of the ten days of awe which are the 10 days that separate Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur these are heavy heavy days of repentance and reflection and and seeking God's face as we prepare to go stand before him in a state of fasting and a state of humility on the day of Yom Kippur here in Israel on Yom Kippur the nation comes through a standstill the streets are empty public transportation ends television broadcasting stops and for one day of the year in all the earth a country stops to seek the god of the Bible during the ten days of awe Jews greet one another with the Hebrew expression which means may you have a good inscription in The Book of Life on Yom Kippur they believe the book is closed for the year so they pray and fast it's a 25 hour fast so the fast starts the evening prior to the day and then we fast all throughout the day and it it's observed through solemn prayer beautiful liturgical songs that go up to before God we speak words of Prayer of repentance during the day the Book of Jonah is read in the synagogue Jonah is a symbol of repentance Jonas symbolizes oftentimes our own actions you know doubting God disobeying God going the opposite way of what God has called us to do when he's called us to call others to repentance and to build his kingdom on Yom Kippur Jews also recite a special prayer called the vadui the vadui is the central prayer of confession and for forgiveness of the Jewish people on Yom Kippur and it's a prayer that they pray not only behalf on behalf of themselves but on behalf of all the Jewish people around the world the vadui contains a loud section said corporately in a quiet section Prayed by the individual one thing that we learned from the Jewish people something quite important especially about Yom Kippur that it's not enough to say you're sorry you have to confess say you're sorry and then at the same time take practical steps to change your behavior it says in the Book of Leviticus and the Lord spoke to Moses saying also the tenth day of the seventh month shall be the day of atonement it shall be a holy convocation for you you shall afflict your souls and offer an offering made by fire to the Lord and you shall do no work on that same day for it is the day of atonement to make atonement for you before the Lord your God well the Bible speaks about Yom Kippur in terms of it being a great day of Judgment of us standing before God so it's considered like the day of judgment the gates of judgment are open and Hashem is judging our souls in terms of our right actions and our wrong actions we ask Hashem for forgiveness and he gives us his forgiveness we seek his face and he is there his Mercy is every day and it's true particularly on that day [Applause] during bible times Yom Kippur was the only day of the year when the high priest could enter the holy of holies the most sacred room in the temple hidden inside was the Ark of the Covenant which contained The Ten Commandments God gave to Moses today no one knows where the ark is some claim it is far away as Ethiopia or Ireland but one Explorer believes it Lies Beneath a giant rock at judaism's holiest sight take a look [Applause] researcher and author Harry moskoff took CBN News through the Western Wall tunnels up to the rare parts of the Temple Mount and into the chambers surrounding judaism's holiest sight his book The Ark report Chronicles his two-decade quest to find the legendary icon so here we are approaching three artists he says one theory is that it was taken out of the temple and carried to Jericho 18 miles away this is in Jeremiah that some of the vessels of the temple were exited sort of escaped as it were through this area the destruction of the first temple but Moscow took us to the spot where he believes the ark lies this particular section of the Western Wall is really fascinating actually because this Stone is 570 tons Moscow believes a key clue lies behind this giant rock and says high-tech search tools give Credence to his theory two years ago there were tests done by the University of Nebraska sonar tests Etc uh using electromagnetic uh waves they actually found what's called a storage space across from here so actually there was a purpose for putting this giant Stone this massive slab here one of the reasons in my opinion is to protect whatever it is on the other side and according to my theory of the Ark actually was buried by Kings rosea I think it was uh 568 BC in back of these uh Boulder these massive stones in fact underneath the Temple Mount like dozens of underground tunnels and Chambers back then 150 years ago Charles Warren went in actually did a survey nothing's really been done for political purpose is obviously unfortunately since then since then no it's been allowed to even put a shovel nothing yeah but uh basically they were the ones that surveyed the whole area and they were the ones who picked out the titles Etc they couldn't find the ark but maybe it wasn't Time Warren a British Explorer documented those tunnels at the request of Queen Victoria just one of many throughout history looking for the ark when people like the Crusaders and the Knights Templar even the Palestine exploration fund which was originally commissioned by Queen Victoria came over the centuries to look for the ark what they were looking for was a golden box with the staves but what they really should be looking for is a room they could have been right up against the wall on the other side of the wall is the ark Moscow says the original holy of holies had another chamber directly below it actually the blueprint itself of the first temple a chamber should be built exactly the same holy of holy is exactly the same level of Holiness as the one right above it it was set up right from the beginning to house the ark with a golden floor and everything that's how Solomon built it instructed so the ark itself could go down right it could go down do you feel like there's a time when the ark itself when the time is right will be revealed I do timing is incredibly important incredibly significant obviously it's a it's a groundbreaking game-changing biblical type of Discovery my personal opinion is that when it does happen it won't be in a clandestine way where we're sneaking through these tunnels you know what I mean and we're bringing it out under cover of Darkness it'll be a great occasion it'll bring the Messiah it'll be something that's all bases will really rejoice it Moscow credits Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark for the renewed interest there are some things that got right about the you know the power of the Ark Etc there's destructive forces should get in the wrong hands and it knows where it is so to speak it suddenly became a thing you know oh what is the Ark of the Covenant you know what is that oh yeah it sort of put it into the face of the public and maybe that was its best success I loved it personally you know it's Hollywood what do you think is the main takeaway people need to know about the Ark of the Covenant it's a real thing just like it did 2700 years ago it still exists today it's got the broken tablets the Moses uh crashed down there at Mount Sinai and the second tablets it really does exist we're really going to see it hopefully In Our Lifetime again it is a catalyst for the Messiah to come until it is revealed the Ark of the Covenant built by Moses in the wilderness will continue to Fascinate the world [Music] coming up the destruction of the second temple in 70 A.D sent shock waves throughout the Jewish world [Music] the key element of biblical prophecy involving the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth building a third Temple in Jerusalem now there's a movement in Israel to make it happen and it was made possible when Israel captured the Temple Mount during The Six Day War in 1967. [Applause] on June 7 1967 Israeli Brigade Commander motigor made an announcement the Jews had waited to hear for some 2 000 years retaking this ground was important for a number of reasons for one it's where King Solomon built the first Jewish temple after the Babylonians destroyed it zerubbabel laid the foundation stone for a second temple that was later expanded by King Herod it fell at the hands of the Romans in 70 A.D when Commander Gore declared that the Temple Mount was back in Jewish hands it rekindled hope for a long-awaited third Temple the Six-Day War was a miracle of biblical proportions and was a cataclysmic opening of a of a new era for for Israel and for the whole world Rabbi Heim Richmond of the temple Institute is dedicated to rebuilding the Jewish temple he sees the time since the Six Day War as a prophetic shift it would be hard I think not to see what's happened in the past 50 years as a tremendous jump start a tremendous fast forward it's it's um it's more than prophetic it's like a kiss from Heaven you know it's like a Divine kiss it's an intimate brush with the reality of God's compassion and love uh and he keeps his promises The Institute shares a key connection to the battle for Jerusalem its founder Rabbi Israel Ariel served with the 55th paratrooper Brigade that captured the Temple Mount after the victory a Jordanian guide gave them a remarkable tour his job was to carry the company machine gun it's a very beautiful photograph of that he actually the first night of the liberation of Jerusalem he was given the task of guarding over the spot of the Dome of the Rock which of course we believe is the holy of holies the story though that he told us is that the soldiers were on the temple mounts and it was just like the first hour or so and they were approached by a Jordanian fellow in western dress who explained that he was the official tour guide for the Jordanian Parliament and he offered to take the soldiers and show them the sights on the Temple Mount and uh he takes the soldiers you know the rabbi there and he says well this is exactly where the sanctuary stood this is where the the altar stood and then this is where the menorah stood it tells him all these things about the history of the Holy Temple finally the rabbi asked him why are you telling us all this and he said well we have tradition from our fathers they from their fathers that one day the Jews would wage a war and Conquer this mountain and rebuild the Holy Temple and I assume that you're starting tomorrow I want this to be my part my partner helping you what was their reaction to that story well gosh I guess I guess they were pretty surprised but the bottom line is in hindsight it doesn't look like we were ready 50 years later that's changed with the temple Institute preparing Blueprints and Gathering official Temple elements such as the Priestly garments Richmond is also dispelling myths above the temple on today's digital loudspeaker YouTube let's start at the beginning what was the Holy Temple really all about all of this means talk of rebuilding the temple is no longer considered a fringe idea today there is a Lobby in the knesset of how many members of knesset that are constantly speaking about Jewish rights to pray on the Temple Mount they were members of knesset that actually talk about the rebuilding of the Holy Temple do you understand that 20 years ago these people wouldn't have been given a moment on Prime Time television in Israel to say these things they would have been laughed out so a few years ago this was considered Fringe zealots lunatics peculiar today it's mainstream one of those members is Yehuda Glick ten years ago there was not a single member of knesset who was sent the Temple Mount today we have 20 of the things that McLaughlin members who are interested in sending Temple Mount preying on the Temple Mount and are part in the battle for the Redemption of the Temple Mount and for bringing the Temple mount back into the center of the next next step in the Redemption process Richmond sees the temple Through The Eyes of the prophet Isaiah who wrote three thousand years ago that God's house would be a house of prayer for all nations it means basically that there's a God in the world and that The Best Is Yet To Come and that we are so connected to him and to each other and to that purpose and to all humanity and it's just a wonderful privilege to be here with you today to be looking out over Jerusalem and to realize that we're living in probably the most important time in history if you believe in the god of Israel and you see his hand on his people and you understand the tremendous uh changes that have gone on over the years you see that the one who brought us this far isn't finished and will keep his promises Chris Mitchell CBN News the Temple Mount Jerusalem up next could this be the remains of King David's Palace archaeologists give us an up close look when we come back [Music] was the Bible's King David man or myth that's the question excavators are trying to answer through biblical archeology here's a look back at a story about what could be the remains of King David's Palace CBN News correspondent Julie Stahl takes us to where the digging took place [Applause] about 20 miles outside of Jerusalem archaeologists found the best example yet of a fortified City in Judah from the time of King David identified with Biblical Shah a rhyme the city overlooked the valley of Ilah where David killed Goliath before we excavated here there was many debate about King David if his historical figure or not and if he indeed has a kingdom in 45 cities Hebrew University archaeologist Professor yossi garfinkel told us even though David is famous in the Bible no evidence from his time as king had been found in Hebron or Jerusalem so people start asking well maybe it's on mythology maybe it's only his stories maybe he never existed or if he existed it was just a Bedouin Sheikh living in a tent but no real Kingdom no real fortified cities that changed seven years ago when the excavations here began and after one and two or three seasons it turned out that we have a big city here which was heavily fortified some of the stone here are up to eight tone this is not a small village this is a real important stronghold not everyone shares this excitement it some archaeologists caution that the site might have belonged to other kingdoms many believe there is no actual proof that King David existed but garfinkel is convinced they found a one thousand square meter Palace at the center of the site it had an excellent view from the Mediterranean Sea to the Hebron mountains in Jerusalem another building would have been used to store taxes how do you collect taxes in Antiquity people did not have salaries so you don't have income tax like today but people were agriculturalists so everybody had to donate some of their product wheat barley legumes and so on and so forth and these were stored in big storage room in storage house and in a central building there were no pig bones found at the site showing that people followed the biblical commandment against eating pork garfinkel said all the discoveries add up and it's different from the Philistine from the Canaanite or from the Kingdom of Israel so our conclusion that this city is from the time of King David the Dig here at kirbet kayafa will soon be finished as archaeologists move on to look for more answers at another excavation site this area is going to be developed into a national park to develop the place to be a tourist area and people from Israel and abroad tourists can come and see the landscape can see the only place in the world where you can see a city from the time of King David Julie Stahl CBN News curbet caiapha Israel [Music] up next incredible technology is revealing the Lost faces of the Bible's biggest characters [Music] thank you for watching Jerusalem bayline we're committed to providing you with unbiased reporting from the Holy Land through weekly broadcast podcasts and online media our vision is to reach Millions around the globe with the true story of what's happening in Israel and the Middle East all from a Biblical and prophetic perspective this is a big vision and is only made possible by the generous support of people like you call us toll free at 1-800-700-7000 or go to Jerusalem Dateline and make a donation that will help spread the light of truth about Israel throughout the world [Music] look like or a man who might have known Jesus take a look at how Science and Technology have teamed up to create a glimpse of people from the time of the Bible this is the skull of a man who lived in Galilee during the time of Jesus and might actually have heard his Sermon on the Mount this was a Philistine woman who may have known Delilah from the time of Samson and this is how they could have looked they appeared in the National Geographic documentaries lost faces of the Bible you do see facial reconstructions of ancient people Iceman from Europe or Egyptian mummies but you never see biblical faces you never see people from the holy land from Israel when human bones are found in Israel Jewish religious activists usually insist they be reburied immediately so to work with skulls is rare we realize that modern technology has given us a opportunity to do in Israel what has been done elsewhere namely to bring ancient faces back to life using criminal investigation techniques filmmaker Simca jacobovici Anthropologist Israel hershkovitz and their team reconstructed four ancient faces to flesh out stories from the Bible they want to tell the story of the Jewish people in the Galilee so and I use it and I use the facial reconstruction to look at the story and from from a different angle the other players a Canaanite baby placed in a jar and buried under a house might have been a child sacrifice and a six thousand year old Hunter shows life from the world of Jacob and Esau or Cain and Abel experts began by loading a CAT scan of the real skulls into a computer an artist fills in any postmortem damage like this missing eye socket a 3D copier prints layers of the digital image as glue on successive layers of fine powder forensic artist Victoria lywood gives the skull cast a face what comes out is amazing so essentially what you're doing is you're going feature by feature and developing each one of those according to the studies and then what you get at the end of it is an approximation of the person you're after lywood says she doesn't anticipate the way the face will look you just work it and you see what you get at the end of it and I was surprised when I saw the man who knew Jesus I thought you know let me check my measurements because this kind of looks like something that you would see maybe from the Bible or something like this at the same time another forensic artist worked on a digital reconstruction much the same as animation is done today his Man From Galilee was similar but different herskovitz says he hopes these reconstructions will help young people understand the value of History if you want to have a future a better future we have to learn know about the past I'm hoping that through the vehicle of this modern CSI type forensic reconstruction people will actually get excited again about turning to the Bible and reading these these stories that are really the lifeblood of Western Civilization [Music] that really brings the Bible to life well that's all for this edition of Jerusalem Dateline thanks for joining us remember you can follow us on Facebook Twitter Instagram and YouTube and you can also access CBN content through our CBN News and other CBN apps and don't forget to sign up for our email blasts so you can continue to receive all of our exciting CBN content I'm Chris Mitchell we'll see you next time on Jerusalem Dateline thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: CBN News
Views: 1,152,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: @JlemDateline, Ark, CBN Israel, CBN News App,, Chris Mitchell, Christian Broadcasting Network, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Dateline, JerusalemDatelineEpisodes, Julie Stahl, QuickStart, Yom Kippur, archaeology, cbn, fast, holiday, prayer, cbn news, christian news, christian tv, christian stories, faith, faith news, faith stories, inspirational stories, news today, today's headlines, quick news, quickstart podcast, us news, international news, cbn digital, september 26 2023
Id: jjlf8LXF70k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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