The Tale Of Judy Alvarez | Cyberpunk 2077 Lore

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[Music] within the 2020s humanity became obsessed with new forms of technology that were coming out of all of the corporations trying to make their profits and capitalize on being the next best thing during this time one piece of technology came to light known as the brain dance which would allow people to capture their memories and more allowing them to hear things in the surroundings use heat scans to see temperatures of the area and also a full 360 of the location they were in as this technology grew in popularity the opinion on it split into two categories those who saw the technology as a new revelation and those who saw it simply as a threat to society and businesses some of those who saw it as the next best thing felt it was a way to further humanity and it would bring an end to unnecessary conflict bringing about Mutual understanding and respect to one another simply due to the fact that you could see from someone's point of view on what had happened in legal battles this would be perfect as you could see the whole event from start to finish but on the other hand others just saw this as another form of addiction bringing about more isolation and societal Division and even an identity crisis with some people believing they had experienced things in their life when actually they had just lived in a BD for too long but despite the polarizing views both were right in a way and within the decades that followed BDS became the societal Norm with thousands selling worldwide displaying things that were glamorous and fun like music videos and even more barbaric things such as live crucifixions with some individuals wanting to experience death in first person this rise in the technology allowed for a new job to come to light that being in the form of brain dance techies and editors and for one Judy Alvarez this would become her life as she would become renowned for being one of the best techies and editors within night City playing around with all the subtle details of all of the BDS she could get her hands on now working for the marks life was to change for her within year of 2077 with a lot of dark moments challenging her throughout so who is Judy Alvarez what is her backstory how did she get involved with the mocks and where is she now well in today's video we will be exploring one of the most popular characters within 2077's night City this is the story of one of the best brain dance techies within night City this is the story of the moxes Judy Alvarez oh [Music] the world was in the decade of the 2050s and Judy Alvarez was born within the small rural outskirt town of Laguna Bend just outside of the heart of night City sadly for Judy her father was never present within her developing years meaning she was only raised by her mother but unfortunately once again this was not to last long as Judy would also gone to lose her mother when she was just a child leaving her completely on her own with none of her parents left now living with her grandparents she would be raised by them however it was quite clear that Judy did care deeply for her mother and that she must have been a good parent because even in her later years Judy still carries a picture of her around at all times but as Judy has said before that was a long time ago and unfortunately her full memory of her has now gone with the only thing left being just that one photo whilst living with her grandparents under their care her grandfather was one of the first to embrace the world of the brain dance being a fully trained techie and with his vast knowledge went on to teach Judy everything he knew about the industry and Technology not only that but he would also go on to tell Judy a vast array of stories from his life and his career which Judy absolutely loved hearing on a regular basis on the flip side however her grandmother anara was a bit more feisty with a very high temperament towards her husband and everything else something that Judy saw on a regular basis and something that Judy herself seemingly inherited but life wasn't completely isolated for Judy as she lived with her grandparents in fact a lot of the time within her hometown Judy would indeed hang out with the other kids but then playing street hockey on Rollerblades or a game they would name as maxtac and psychos but whilst Judy wanted to make friends with this group of kids a lot of them would laugh at her and mock her for not having parents and being from a poor household but Judy was hurt by these comments would hold her head up high and try to ignore them on a regular basis taking herself to places like Flo's Diner to go and eat their tasty Burgers although saying that it was the only place they could eat within the town so whether the food was actually good or not was HUD judge there was however one person Judy constantly had her eye on during this time and that was one girl named Jenny Chapman Jenny Chapman was renowned for going around town with her toy doll and Judy had noticed this and around the year of 2057 Judo begun to steal Jenny's doll as Judy thought they were stupid and only losers would play with them but Judy had other intentions by doing this and that was to ultimately get Jenny's attention and for her to finally notice her to do this Judy would propose that she would actively try and help her to find the missing doll but sadly in the end neither of those things happened and Jenny would continue to not know or really care for who Judy was only one other thing within her town really was of interest to Judy and that was the church centered right in the middle of it all Judy wasn't really religious in any sense but she still went to the church on a regular basis because she was intrigued by the way the building looked always believing it looked too old and out of place compared to all of the other buildings around it at one point in their childhood Judy snuck into the church when no one was around and stood at the main altar wondering what went through the mind of the priest that stood there when he looked up at his congregation sitting waiting for him to speak it made Judy question what people thought about and if it was possible to read the minds of others to get to know them fully and what they get up to on a regular basis after a while contemplating all of that Judy then went on to scream at the top of her lungs to see what the Acoustics were like but the echo of the building returned her scream and because of it it scared Judy as she ran out of the church believing it was all of the guilt she felt for having a crush on Jenny and after screaming it out it had bounced back to hit her the decade had now ended and it was now the 2060s and Judy's hometown of Laguna Bend had now been bought out by the NC Dam limited around the year of 2062 with this new purchase of the land through a lot of force the residents were thrown out of the area and forced into homelessness as the corporations had new plans to transform this whole area and region into a reservoir but before all of this the residents formed into groups of protesters with many of the residents still remaining within their homes during the many months refusing to move for this Corporation but eventually they were outed from their homes by the law and the corpose troops for giudiano grandparents they were forced into finding a new place to live within night City this time as they were going to find an apartment in the heart of the Metropolis for a while this worked for them however Judy's grandparents knew what they liked and liked what they knew and the fast-paced brutal nature of night city was not sitting right with them they absolutely hated everything that was around them and could not bear to live there anymore after a couple of years living in the small apartment Judy's grandparents knowing she was old enough to look after herself left the apartment and the city as a whole to find a place that suited their needs and was Karma as a place here they would go on to move north to Oregon saying their goodbyes to Judy who remained in her night City Apartment at just the age of 16 years old Judy was embracing life living within the city the neon lights Shone bright opportunity was around every corner and her skills she had learned from her grandfather were coming in handy however it didn't take long before Judy unexpectedly met with the ncpd in an unfortunate circumstance where she was convicted and detained for stealing a city fire truck Judy hadn't in fact stolen this truck and had only found it in her travels abandoned within a scrapyard when finding this fire truck Judy would go on to use this as an opportunity to fix it up and potentially use it for herself and after half a year she had made good progress however by that point the police had found her with the vehicle and thus arrested her for stealing it and trying to hide the evidence a few years went past and Judy tried to sue the law Force for what she had thought was in unlawful juvenile arrest Judy was adamant she had a claim and immediately sought out a lawyer to hit back at the city council and get just compensation from the years she had been trapped by the ncpd unfortunately for Judy the lawyer she contacted dismissed her case saying that it was an extremely difficult one to win and honestly in the end it was not worth the trouble with the council seemingly working against her and even a lawyer she was willing to pay not looking like she fully believed her Judy dropped her claim and tried desperately to get back on with her regular life within the fast-paced night City the decade was now the 2070s and Judy was finally using her skills that her grandfather had taught her back in her home in Laguna Bend as she would go on to become a brain dance technician at the doll house within Japan Town known as clouds whilst here Judy would go on to develop relationships with the dolls including Evelyn Parker Tom Caldera and Michael maida with Miko later becoming her lover working together Judy would help maiko jump up the ranks pretty quickly by tweaking the stats on her Dolce also hoping that would make things better for the both of them in the long run but life within clouds didn't seem to be working out well for Judy as a few months on she would go on to leave the dollhouse and seek out work within another place within night City that needed her skills as a brain dance technician and editor here she would go on to find work at Lizzy's bar as just that their honorable BD technician and editor and when joining their Workforce would also become part of their small gang within night city named the MOX Judy felt the mocks fit her world perfectly with them she could help improve the lives of night workers and those less fortunate who were living on the streets and make life better for everyone within night city as she set up her workstation within the basement of the bar Judy would continue to work with her dull contacts within clouds especially Evelyn Parker who she regarded as her best friend as well as her lover maiko but with all that said things had changed between the two as Michael had found herself Rising the ranks at rapid Pace gaining a good promotion since this promotion their relationship had started to become far more difficult as communication had become limited with Mico not really allowed to talk to Judy about companies secrets and in general how business was really going but regardless of this Judy would continue to visit Miko within the offices of clouds every opportunity she could get but jealousy was creeping in for Judy as she became envious of how much time Micah was spending around other girls at clouds with Judy even telling Michael how she felt about the whole situation but after letting it all out Studio would get over those feelings as she just hoped that she could spend some quality time with maiko and putting her worries to one side for a while after this Judy felt her relationship was improving but that was to come all falling down when one day security stopped Judy from getting into Michael's office throwing her out of the clouds building Judy would go home where she would text Miko about what had just happened Michael replied to try and desperately to excuse herself saying it was due to procedures but quickly it became clear to Judy that maiko was the one who called Security in the first place just before Judy had turned up to see her Judy mad with rage started yelling at Miko for why she had done these actions but Mico tried to cool her down because if she took this too personally this would not end well for her and trouble would follow her for Michael she had to keep up some semblance of professionalism stating that she did not want to lose her position that had taken her so long to achieve as well as all the hardships she had endured during her time there as the argument got more and more heated Micah would go on to stay that this was to help their relationship and nothing more this was done as she was thinking about their future together and could not understand why Judy was so upset by this whole thing but for Judy things were at the worst they had ever been for her but for maiko or maiko was doing just fine but with all this fighting it became quite clear to Judy that both of their World Views had changed dramatically and it was clear that this was not going to work out for these two individuals and if this was to continue Judy would just be left behind Micah was clearly out for Glory and power and that became evident to Judy who felt stupid that she hadn't seen this sooner and now coming to her senses Judy now only wanted one thing and that was that maiko would be chewed up by the world of night City and spat out and when that inevitably happened maybe just then a part of her old self would come back and would be all that was left of her on that day if it did happen maybe Judy could be friends with her once again my cohoever still believed everything was fine stating to Judy that she needed time to cool down before they next spoke but Judy knew there was no coming back from that for her it was officially over as a few weeks passed Judy demanded that maiko come to her apartment and take back her clothes but for my coach she didn't care about them or the situation and instead just told Judy to get rid of them herself but after saying all that Marco did want to go and see Judy within her apartment to talk things out as she felt things had fallen apart too fast and they could be resolved as this was just simply all a big misunderstanding things didn't need to end that way but Judy wasn't having any of this they had talked about everything they needed to and Judy saw who Michael really was they had nothing else to talk about Judy knew full well that Michael was going to do what she did best and that was creating false promises that definitely wouldn't work Michael angry that Judy was unwilling to talk about this stated to her that she could just toss her clothes out of the window for all she cared and if there were any left with her apartment she could just take them to the people on the streets and give them out to the people that needed them but Judy just simply stated that she would just rather burn them the year was now 2077 and maiko and Judy's relationship was fully at an end Judy had now isolated herself for a while and focused most of her time working on her BDS in the basement of Lizzie's bar helping the mocks at every opportunity she could and then retiring to her apartment on her own to continue the regular cycle but after a long time of no communication Evelyn finally reached out to Judy once again with Evelyn asking her if she was still cooped up within Susie Q the leader of the mox's basement and on top of that asked if she was still seeing maiko Judy responded to this message stating that one of those things was true but not specifying which one it was the conversation quickly shifted during this however as Evelyn stated she needed her for an important favor Evelyn had acquired a virtue in her travels and needed it scrolled through to acquire its information and as Judy was the best in the business wanted her to be the one who could do it for her if Judy were to accept this favor Evelyn promised that she could have a life that would be free of Work and Judy could finally focus on her art with all of that stated to Judy Evelyn asked to meet with her asking where she could find her with Judy simply replying within Susie Q's basement heading to Lizzy's bar Judy and Evelyn would sit at the bar itself talking to one another about what had been going on in the Years prior and also waiting for Evelyn's contact to finally appear as her contact did make an appearance Judy got up and went down to her equipment within the basement and waited for the two to come down so they could begin their work Judy would go on to eventually meet with Evelyn's contact V and would teach them the ways of BD editing utilizing all of her incredible equipment to explore the audio tracks infrared tracks and the 360 exploration eventually the three as well as the Netrunner t-bug were able to view Evelyn's virtue she had captured during her time within the kombeki plaza Penthouse and with all of that information V could continue their mission trying to raid the arasaka corporation and stealing the precious artifact known as the Relic for Judy this was a worrying gig for her as she knew whatever those two were up to it only brought trouble to her doorstep and if they continued down this path all of them including t-bug would end up dead Evelyn stated that everything was going to be fine and that no one was going to come looking for her Judy reluctantly accepted this however just to make sure when creating V's profile she would make sure that any information going out there would never link back to Judy allowing her to continue on with everything she did within her safe haven of the Lizzy's bar basement for V and Evelyn however the heist was an utter failure with arasaka on high alerts searching for them accusing the ones involved within the heist being the ones who killed Cebu arasaka this wasn't true as it was in fact his own son uranobu but that didn't matter for V Evelyn and the fixer known as Dexter Deshawn arasaka was on during this Evelyn would be cyber attacked and brutally abused eventually being sold to the scavs who would abuse her body and tamper with her cybernetics V luckily surviving but now living within the dying body helped Judy to go on to find Evelyn and rescue her from her horrible barbaric fate and took her back to Judy's to rest up and hopefully get better but sadly despite now being safe in the arms of Judy in her apartment Evelyn would commit suicide was taken a bath in Judy's tub after remembering everything she had experienced and finding it all far too much to handle Judy immediately contacted V who had helped her find Evelyn in the first place and got them to come round to help her with the body moving Evelyn to the bed to allow her to look more dignified Judy desperately tried to call the police to get them to come down and grab the body but the police were in no rush to come down telling Judy to just wait mad with rage by this response Judy stated that she would commit a crime to speed them up and quickly hung up on them knowing it was point after this tragic event for Judy she now had a new plan and that was to go back to clouds and speak to their unofficial manager about Evelyn's fate as well as the club's current status and ultimately confront Evelyn's rapists and The Man Who Sold her to the terrifying brutal Ripper duck known as fingers this man would be Oswald Forest a henchman of the Tiger Claws and the formal manager of clouds with all of this information it was time for Judy to go and see her ex Miko about how they could run the club of clouds for themselves offering her a role in all of this after coming face to face with Forest Judy V and maiko as well as the cloud dolls Tom and Roxanne joined together within Judy's apartment to discuss plans of taking out hiromi Sato the owner of the club and with him gone they could finally take over clouds from the Tiger Claws and own it for themselves however Miko had other plans and that was to take out Sato take ownership of the club but still keep the Tiger Claws as protection this did not sit well with Judy however as the MOX had a bad past with the Tiger Claws faction and siding with them might not have gone down well with the people that took her in in the first place at Lizzie's bar in the end Judy's path would be shaped by the help of her new friend of V with their help she could go on to take over the whole of clouds by challenging the leaders of the Tiger Claws as well as Miko who sought out the leadership for herself or the turn their back on duty and side with maiko and her deal taking the club for herself and keeping it under the protection of the tiger cause on top of that if V were to be loyal to Judy a great relationship could be forged between the two one that was built up through a lot of trust and respect where Judy could seek Solace through them maybe a chance for Judy to form a loyal relationship that could last for years unlike her previous one with the power hungry maiko or at least a good relationship where they could share what they're up to on a regular basis if V and Judy got together after all of the events they both shared the two would be seen having breakfast together on a video message with Judy outright stating that she is happy for the first time in her life however if the two were not to come together in a romantic relationship Judy would use this opportunity to travel the country to go and see different cities all over from Seattle to Boston and to embrace the independence she had earned after years of living in the stressful World Of Night City in the end though regardless of what happens to Judy she will be forever known as one of the best BD techies and editors within night City who has become a legendary team member of Lizzy's bar and the Gang of the mocks without her help V could not have gone down the path they went down and has helped them in more ways than one from a tough childhood to a tough time within night City the world is now her oyster and what she does in the years to come is up to her but it's quite clear that she still has a passion to make a difference helping people along the way especially night workers and Dolls what the future holds for her only time can tell but through the help of v and their friendship Judy has finally opened up to what happens within our past and how that has shaped her into who she is today and maybe now she can Embrace everything she has gone through and become a legend wherever she ends up but for now this has been the story of one of the best brain dance techies and editors within nice city known only as Judy Alvarez [Music] thank you
Channel: WiseFish
Views: 63,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cyberpunk 2077 judy, judy alvarez, cyberpunk judy, cyberpunk 2077 braindance, cyberpunk judy lore, wisefish cyberpunk lore, cyberpunk lore, night city lore, braindance lore cyberpunk, cyberpunk 2077 edgerunner update, cyberpunk 2077 phantom liberty, cyberpunk romance, judy alvarez ending, judy alvarez romance ending, judy alvarez cyberpunk 2077, judy alvarez questline, cyberpunk judy storyline, cyberpunk 2077 judy love story, cyberpunk 2077 judy ending
Id: p6g1bxb00Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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