The Tabernacle Experience Part 1 | Dr. David Hamilton

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all right okay praise the lord praise the lord everybody could we all stand all over this house this morning hallelujah it's so good to see you in the house of the lord today it's the day the lord hath made why don't we just clap our hands unto the lord right now and give him the praise that he deserves hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we want to open up with prayer this morning and i'm sure that you have have needs that are represented in this congregation i want us to continue to remember brother jesse waldman in prayer brother and sister hood in prayer the bartow family the passing of brother bartow's father we want to remember them in prayer and just a host of other needs that i'm sure that are represented today and if you have a need why don't you lift that hand toward the heavens right now we're going to go before him right now lord in the name of jesus we come humbly before you and god we ask god that you would not only hear our prayers but but would answer our prayers according to the power that you possess today work through us this morning work through the lives of men and women in this place prepare our hearts for what you're about to do in the name of jesus we pray and everybody say amen hallelujah hallelujah why don't you turn around and wave at someone and let them know you're glad to see them in the house of the lord today hallelujah if you are a guest today if you're a guest today at the sanctuary we are so honored that you're here and this handclap is just for you we welcome you i could not think of a better place to be than right here in the house of the lord in the house of the lord to begin our service and before i turn brother hamilton loose because i want him to have all of the time that he needs i would like our ushers to come right now we're going to receive our sunday morning tithing offerings and we are going to receive those of you that are prepared to return your she's for christ's pledge this is the date that we have set aside uh to receive the final offering for our seas for christ campaign i want to say thank you to all of the men and women who helped our golf tournament yesterday what a tremendous success it was it was it was an awesome day of fun and fellowship and uh every record was broken we had 22 teams and 37 host sponsors so it was a great success and it will greatly put us toward our goal for she's for christ hallelujah if you have prepared your tithing offerings and cheese for christ would you take them out right now and just just hold them and we're going to pray a prayer over them before we march and give hallelujah lord i thank you for the privilege i thank you for the privilege of being able to give and return unto you from the resources you have blessed us with you have given us favor you have given us wisdom and understanding beyond our years and god i'm asking that you would multiply press down shaken together run over lord what we have sacrificed and what we are giving unto you for the cause of missions lord let our let our funds god provide transportation to a family to a missionary family on foreign soil and let them carry the gospel around the world in jesus name we pray everybody say amen why don't you right now march and give is unto the lord in jesus name you are turning in a an envelope please make sure your name is on that envelope that would be great hallelujah thank you for giving unto the lord today hallelujah as you remain standing i want to give you a uh a brief overview of what the next few services will hold today's lesson uh of course it's at eleven o'clock and then tonight uh we will meet here in the sanctuary at five o'clock everybody say five o'clock we will uh start promptly at five o'clock and uh please make sure that you're here because we're going to kick him off let brother hamilton have full liberty at five o'clock and then monday tuesday wednesday everybody say monday tuesday wednesday seven o'clock each evening seven o'clock each evening after you've now seen what i have talked about over the last several weeks you now see it i'm sure you're in awe and you're gonna take a gander through and you're gonna you have the liberty to walk up and look uh through what uh has been so elegantly placed in our midst uh please get on the phone send someone a text and email and let them know what is here at the sanctuary this is for many your first time to be here and you're going to be in for a treat as the pattern of the tabernacle comes alive in each and every heart it is such an honor today to have with us brother david hamilton from the mobile alabama area a a man among men in the field in which god has allowed him to gain knowledge wisdom and understanding and the ability to have all of that and then translate that into our hearts you are in for a treat today would you make welcome for the very first time at sanctuary community church in this location in this building we welcome you brother hamilton bless us today in jesus name god bless all of you you may be seated you know i have been teaching since 92 the tabernacle how many years has that been 92 figured out 92 28 years i don't know what it is but uh it don't happen to me always but for some reason i'm nervous um and it may be i'm in a different place and maybe i'm overwhelmed maybe that's it i'm just overwhelmed with what i see and it's just my hats off to you that have worked so diligently to to do what's been done here and you that probably continue to give to support the furtherance of what's happening here pastor and sister brett my hat's off you just the leadership is it shows for itself your your leadership and your vision and for that i am so so thankful just a beautiful state-of-the-art building and i've been interested what herzl has been doing the congregation here uh been a little over a year ago i was passing through on 65 i was going to milwaukee with an ark of the covenant a church one of our churches in milwaukee purchased an ark of the covenant from mishkan galleries and so i was delivering that and i thought you know i've got to just take a few minutes drive down and see the new facility here and i was hoping i would connect with a pastor while i was here but i don't remember what he was busy doing but didn't connect so i just drove through the parking lot walked up i actually said a prayer as i stood at the front door and i pray that god will bless and supply the financial need of what it takes to not just build this but to continually to support and pay whatever notes are what utilities probably doubled or tripled from what you were doing so it's just a lot of cost and my prayer was god bless this congregation with the ability to do what's got to be done to continue the work that's here i'm so impressed when the pastor talked to me how long ago was that you asked me to come back to i believe it was last year some the end of last year and as the time grew closer for me to come we set a date and as we begin to get closer to the time i began to seek the lord for coming back to heart soul i to be honest with you i'm feeling better now butterflies are going um i sought the lord and here's the way i prayed i said in the lord i've been to hearthstone twice already if i remember right and they have heard the lessons of the tabernacle many of them twice how many has been here both times i've been in hartsville you've been here both times some of you how many was here uh the last time i was here but wasn't here the first time good to see all of you again thank thank you for your faithfulness and you're the ones that i was concerned about i said lord these people has heard the tabernacle and they've heard the subjects of it that i teach on this and i i said uh and i was probably being selfish in that i didn't want to come without impressing you with something new and the lord checked my spirit and i'm just going to have to be honest with you this morning i was i was approaching the lord i said the lord i don't know if i would be this way but i might be one that would say oh i've heard the tabernacle i don't you know it's not uh why should i go back or a third time and hear this and and that's the way i was thinking i might would feel and the lord prompt my spirit and it's for our heart soul it's for this church the lord gave me some verses of scripture can i read them to you for this congregation i did give it to multimedia and this is going to be the psalms 27 and i want to read a few verses of scripture here and when i began to and when the lord prompted me to read these verses he seemed to highlight the first three verses the it seemed like the first verse when i read it jumped out as a verse that dealt with what is the present then the second verse seemed to deal with what was and then the third verse seemed to deal with what is to come whether that's significant or not you be the judge let me read this first verse this is the verse that deals with what is the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life whom shall i be afraid now the next verse is the was when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat on my flesh they stumbled and fell there's the laws what is to come though a host should encamp i'm going to finish that but let me preface it by this i don't know if any of us has ever experienced a year like we have since the first of this year and here is something the lord put in my spirit we have been so focused on taking care of the physical man you've got your mask i've got mine in my pocket or in my over there maybe in my case or you've got it in your car you know you've got your mask close by how many has got your mask close by and we've been so busy the last months focusing on the physical man and the lord said some of us have never fought the enemy more in our life than we have fought him the last few months spiritually some of you have fought the devil in warfare just to keep your head above water living for god and here is what the lord said it is simply because we have been too focused on the personal man and we have forgot to take care of the spiritual man now that's what the lord's talking to me about so when i was reading this david is writing what is what was and now he's saying what is to come though a host should encamp against me my heart shall not fear the war should rise against me and this will i be confident what is it david david said one thing everybody say one thing david said one thing i desired of the lord and i will seek after it that i may dwell in the house of the lord oh not just for a moment all of the days of my life to behold the beauty of the lord to inquire in his temple i thought david's son solomon built the temple so what is david referring to there was no temple when david was writing this david was referring to something he knew about and he goes on to write for in how many beliefs were in a time of trouble and i don't know where brother jones set or if he's still with us okay but i was listening to what he was saying in the prayer room uh as he was teaching and he referred to the issues that we're facing right now everybody say the time of trouble and he's writing here for in the time of trouble shall he hide me please understand just because we have god with us and in us does not mean that we are not vulnerable to the attack of this virus and if for whatever reason if you come down with this virus don't question god's business why did you let this happen to me god knows what's best for all of us what is important david said for in the time of trouble shall he hide me in his pavilion and brother pitt i looked up that pavilion that word and it's translated a sukkah or a booth or a tent and in ancient biblical times these eastern kings had these courts or a pavilion in their court and no one had access to that pavilion without permission and it takes my mind back to leave this verse up takes my mind back to psalm 65 verse 4 blessed is the man whom the lord chooses to approach unto thee that he may bless them and to them that dwell in the courts and he will be satisfied with the goodness of his house even his holy temple i'm going back to my reading for in the time of trouble shall he hide me in his pavilion in the secret of his what class in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me and he shall set me upon a rock now shall my head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me therefore will i offer wear in his sacrifices of joy i will sing yea i will sing praises these are the verses the lord brought to my spirit when i was concerned about you and you hearing the tabernacle a second time or a third time the lord said this there are principles about my house there are principles about my tabernacle and you that were with me year what's it been four years ago and you remember and i'll still do that while i'm here this time i like to ask you where is god's house oh good students let me ask you again where is god's house and god is in these scriptures are saying there are principles of my house if we've got it in our spirit about the principles of the tabernacle it's going to be these principles that's going to hold us in these times of uncertainty and throughout this end time matthew 24 says that you want to know what the signs of the end times are and it goes down and he said there shall be pestilence and earthquakes and divers played my goodness was it last week we had a little earthquake down in brewton what much a three point something down in brewton we are living in and you've heard it i don't want to be repetitious with everybody we are living in these uncertain times but i firmly believe i'm back in hartsville i'm back at the sanctuary to remind you what i've taught you before there is important teachings in the tabernacle that's going to establish us and hold us so what we are going to do what we are going to do the next few classes in the next few days i'm going to begin to remind you again what you heard is still the word of god and it's still what's going to hold me if you've come to hear something new this is not going to be the place but if you're hungry for a refreshing a direction to get us refocused more on just keeping ourself sanitized that we begin to sanitize the spiritual man that we put a mask on the spiritual man that we learn how to step back from evil with a spiritual man and the only way i can do that is to take us back to the most written subject in the bible the tabernacle are you all right with this no more butterflies not nervous now i'm it's good some people want to know well why did we study the tabernacle well several reasons how many beliefs and i i know i know you do but for sake of the fact and the visual how many believes it's the word of god how many believes it is the word of a god from genesis all the way to revelations i have met i have met people not many i would say probably in my 28 years of teaching the tabernacle i may have come across two people at different times that their attitude was this and i'm trying to find this page there's a page that separates the old testament from the new testament the way they come across and i may be totally wrong the way they come across it was seemed like they believed that all this old testament was for the jewish people and then everything from this page that separates the two testaments forward we call the new testament is for us gentile believers i don't believe that i believe all scripture is given by inspiration everyone say all scripture i believe that is from genesis to revelation as far as i'm concerned you could take this page that separates the two and tear that out there is no division here there are threads that go all the way from genesis to revelation you remember that i said this when i was here before it is so tied together with threads from one testament to the other that if i pull a thread in genesis it's going to pucker in revelation tied together so god wrote more about the subject of the tabernacle in this old testament why did he spend so much time there are no less than 50 chapters that deal with this subject the priesthood the offerings all this boring stuff you get into when you're reading exodus and especially leviticus dealing with the rituals of purity and all of that and 50 chapters that deal with this why would god write that much about this subject in order to understand god deals in three dimensions there is the heavenly dimension there is the spiritual dimension and there is the earthly dimension in order to reach this heavenly dimension god explains it in spiritual terms but in order to understand the spiritual terms god brings it to where we are to earthly terms aren't you glad god brings it to our level aren't you glad the creator of the universe stepped down to where we are put on a robe of flesh died for mankind came to where i was that i might be brought up to where i was to another level to where he is but god came down to where we are and god said i want to dwell among you multimedia give me slide one let look at this for a moment slide one is going to be of the tabernacle in the center of the court and all of the tents surrounding it that can't stretch for 12 miles there were two and a half to three million that camped around this structure called the tabernacle when i see that slide here's what i i see and here's what i think about the god of the glory world said i'm going to come down and i'm going to become a tent dweller among tent dwellers you see i'm away from my notes but i want to follow the direction god is leading me um pastor this is too way too soon to read this verse of scripture but i think it's the right time and i think it's number one and i'm we're not going to read it one two three you know that way but for this is the right verse for now give us and that's exodus 25 and 8 9. read that for us give a scripture and verse listen to this 25 verses 8 and 9. and let them make me a sanctuary that i may dwell among them stop right there in a moment notice how he worded this let them make me a sanctuary now if i'd have written that pastor i would have written it go back to that uh first slide a moment then i'm going to run you back and forth here but if i'd have written that i would have said let them make me a sanctuary that i may dwell in it that's not what he said go back to the verse notice what he said and let them make me a sanctuary and read that again pastor that i may dwell among them notice the difference here now i'm in this room with you right but what if i do this now i'm among you right there is a difference god was looking for something to get in where is god's house god was looking for something to get in and god said i'm not looking for a tent to get in i want to get in among the people and let them make me a sanctuary that i don't want to just get in a tent i want to get right the big middle of where they are oh if we ever needed god to get in the big middle of us we need the kind of glory of god to come down on the house and let them make me a sanctuary that i may dwell not in it but i want to get into something in order for me to dwell among them this house cannot be built any way they want a building this house has to be built the way i want it built and that is the reason the very next verse says verse number 9 pastor of that first reading says according to all that i show thee notice according to all not just part of it all everybody say all oh say all all i am called to teach i do teach by repetition as you well know i do have you to repeat uh a word or a phrase or a portion of what i'm saying maybe one time that time i had you to repeat it at least twice maybe three times and it's not because i'm running out of something to say i'm driving it home according to all everybody say oh that's not just part of what i'm telling you all everybody say all right oh according to all that i show thee how after the pattern of the tabernacle everybody say the pattern the pattern read on and the pattern of all the instruments thereof even so shall you make it they were the ones to build it but god was the architect of it your builder contractor for this building i'm sure you had plans drawn that was a big cost just to get your plans drawn where they were approved by the city and had an architect seal on it your contractor though good he was could not take your plans and build this building how he wanted to build it it had to be according to the plan if there was a change then he had to get that change approved structurally approved that that might be the case god has given us the plan for the house where is god's house and god said in order to understand this heavenly sanctuary i'm going to help you to fulfill it in the spiritual realm see what i'm doing this heavenly realm we can't reach that so god's bringing it down to the second level the spiritual then god is saying you know i'm going to define it a little better i'm going to bring it down to earthly terms and i'm going to call it a house i'm going to call it a tabernacle i'm going to write more about this house than any other subject in my word i'm going to put earthly terms dealing with this house go back to that picture again number one and i'm going to describe it as an earthly building and it was an earthly building and what the lord is saying if you can understand this earthly building how it was built why it was built how they approached my presence starting at the altar making their way in if you can understand this earthly terms then you're going to be easier and more able and capable of fulfilling it on the spiritual level that's the reason jesus said if i tell you earthly things and you don't believe how shall you believe if i tell you heavenly things you want this but you don't understand this and you won't get here until you take this to the spiritual level and i'm going to use these earthly terms because we as people god made us like we are we learn by what we see hear smell taste and feel that's how we learn and god wants us to learn and understand what kind of house god will dwell on pardon my repetition where is god's house i want everybody to do it where is god's house and god is saying no i don't want that i don't choose to dwell in tabernacles by made by hands but i will design my own house i'm looking for something to get in i want to move inside and i'm going to design it problem was man when adam sinned it separated man from god but it didn't alter the desire of god for the fellowship with man and god said i'm going to redeem man and i'm going to show man how he can come back to my presence but there's an order coming to my presence did you know there is a verse of scripture and all of my talking here this morning is so out of order the way i usually bring it up and the when i bring it out but there is a verse of scripture in romans 1 and 20. talks about invisible things pastor when uh is up on the screen here i want you to read uh romans 1 and 20. when i say um invisible someone give me a definition for invisible you can't say it good any other definition how many would have said the same thing can't see it and that's as good of definition as you're going to get so refer to that for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world everybody say invisible things say things i can't see keep reading are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made let's get it clear here he is talking about invisible things and i think you said it's something you can't see right but this verse said here for the invisible things are clearly seen now what are you talking about keep on reading how do we see invisible things even being understood by the things that are made now he's explaining how we see invisible things i don't know if i've done this here i don't know how new or old this visual is i'm going to show you something invisible and you're going to see it bear with me a moment i hope you and the outer wings can see this i mean he's having trouble seeing this can you see what i've got over here barely you're shaking your head you just don't want to move okay i say it good enough and not have to move if you can't see you may hey let me just mention this in our classes you might i know this is where you normally set you may want to come in because my visuals are going to be here it's very difficult in our classes to get the visual now you'll see the slide but if i have a visual in my hand sometimes you may not be able to see it um what do you see right here class the word the word yes the word you see this the word i i feel that so it's definitely tangible and visible now if i do this give me a moment here and let me figure out how i do this if i do this now i have removed this visible this is the visible now what do you see no no no you don't see the word up there do you how many degrees i can't see the word anymore you don't know what i'm wanting you to do do you say you're afraid to do anything i want you to say yeah i could still see the how many can still see the word no you don't i have what you was looking at right here are you following me right now this is the visible you are seeing the invisible read that verse again pastor for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen stop everybody say invisible i can put my hands through it it's not there invisible but he said they are clearly seen how being understood by the things that are made stop right there the only way you're able to see this invisible is your eye is looking at the visible but the visible the visible is revealing the invisible i'm feeling the presence of the lord up in here god said i want you to understand what you can't see everybody say the heavenly you can't see that but the lord said i'm going to bring it down to earthly terms and i'm going to make these earthly things visible called the tabernacle and if you can begin to look at what is seen somewhere in the midst of that there's going to be a revelation of the invisible what is not seen and even though the word is not there it is clearly seen how many agrees with me clearly see well god desires for you to know him i want you to know me i want you to have fellowship with me and the only way i can get you focused everybody stay focused we are looking we tend to look at things out here and god is saying i'm going to give you the subject of the tabernacle and i'm just going to take this subject and i'm going to make it visible because what this is going to do is going to begin to reveal the invisible you understood that you understand where i'm going here so what i plan to do this week this evening in our classes i'm going to take the boring visible things that god told moses to build and i'm going to i brought some of them here what i don't have we'll use slides in an attempt to show you this visible with the hopes that after each lesson uh each class that you go beyond what you don't see and begin to get a revelation of what you don't see take this what you see and it become a revelation of what you don't see you know and i and you read that in that first reading that you said let them make me a sanctuary that i may dwell you remember among them god wants to get in something god said i'm going to write more scripture about this house than any other subject it's up to you to make it according to all everybody say all all that i show thee after the pattern of the tabernacle and he repeats it again and the pattern of all anybody know what this is it may be the same one i had before at least it's an envelope that holds a pattern would you would you agree with me that we use patterns to make things buy right you agree with that do you agree that a pattern is an outline of something yeah we agree with that let me ask you this do you wear patterns and i'm going to reestablish what i taught you a few years ago it's probably been four years since i was here let me re-establish this we use a pattern to make something buy if i ask this class of students what do you do with a pattern you say you make something by it is that's good enough without going in the technical terms we make something by it so if i ask you what is this class you would say and what do you do with a pattern do you wear the pattern what do you do with the pattern thank you thanks for bearing with my repetition here the bible said and go back to slide one again the bible said that this tabernacle was a pattern everybody say a pattern everybody say it is an outline and this is this outline this pattern is an outline of something you see an outline here you've got to have a visible tangible something in order to make an outline a pattern is an outline the image of something is the exact lightness i'm trying to remember the verse of scripture multimedia um i didn't give you this i'm trying to remember did i give and i don't think i did i'm looking for it bear with me this is how unorganized i may appear right now colossians 1 and 15. i jotted this verse down and i told her i would give her a chance if i just threw a scripture out there colossians 1 15 said this read it pastor it's up on the screen here who is the image of the invisible god speaking of jesus christ jesus christ is the very likeness or the very image of god the tabernacle was only an outline of him but was not the very image of him just the outline of him read that again and i want to go to another verse who is the image of the invisible god how many know that god is invisible can you see the invisible so god said in order for you to see the invisible i'm going to roll myself in flesh and i'm going to become a tabernacle and i'm going to walk down to where you are and you're going to be able to see the invisible god oh i can run i can shout the invisible god is right here god said i'll roll myself in a tent and when i put on a visible if you look beyond that what you say to what you can't see it's going to be a revelation of who i am what about reading number four i'm hoping that's hebrews 10 hebrews 8 and 5 8 and 5 is that who served unto them that's what i want to read who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things talking about the tabernacle the old testament it served unto the example and shadow everybody say shadow shadow the old testament was a shadow of something to come it served read on as moses was admonished of god when he was about to make the tabernacle for see saith he that thou make all things according to the pattern showed to thee in the mount it served what is an example somebody give me a definition example would be a what representation representation okay um an example is a basic example that clears it up didn't it how many knows what an example is the law that's good the law served as an illustration or an example of something to come read for me ready for me number 11. that's the one i really want to go to for the law having a shadow of good things to come everybody say the law having a shadow the law of heaven this old testament was not the shadow what what to do with my bible well there it is this this old testament was not a shadow this old testament had a shadow for the law having a shadow of something that was coming go on and read and not the very image of the things the law was only an outline of what was coming not the image of it but oh when jesus stepped on the scene he became the very image of what we're looking for the law having the shadow of something come and you'll remember this example from years ago give me that slide number one again slide number one if i could and this this is wonderful but if i had a ladder and i would probably need about a obviously a 16-foot ladder to reach up to where that projector is right there if i held this up in front of the light of that projector to shine it down on the screen it would look like um give me slide 4a let me see if that's the one i want 4a it would look like this right here you understand what i'm doing here since i can't do that i'm going to do this read that verse again for the law having free for the law having a shadow of good things to come would you agree a shadow is an outline of something if i could get up on this ladder and go up there and wave my hand and you see this outline of my hand i would ask the question is that my hand on the wall and you would say no it's an outline of my hand so the law had this outline of something that was coming this was the very image of the thing to come that was just the outline of what was coming and the lord is saying to understand the outline or the image i'm going to show you the out you understand what i'm saying here i'm trying to say it i don't want to lead you to the point here and the labor get to that's a good one too the law having a shadow an outline jesus is saying if you want to understand who i am i'm going to give you this literal house call the tabernacle the tabernacle is an outline of who i am everybody say a pattern a pattern think of something um do you do you cut the pattern to fit the fabric or do you cut the fabric to fit the pattern do we agree with that you cut the fabric to fit the pattern okay with that being understood let me approach it this way do you cut the pattern to fit the material or do you cut the material to fit the pattern in order in order to fit the pattern we've got to go back and open up the pattern and see what the pattern is giving us an outline of we are not going to be measured god's not going to take you and measure you by me god's not going to take you in measure by her or take you and measure by him we don't measure ourselves among ourselves but ephesians talks about till we come to the measure of the statute of the fourth this is what we're measured by right there i want to measure up don't you and when i start changing this book where the book looks good on me we're fooling with the pattern now more than ever in this crazy world that we're in now it's got a lot crazier since i was here four years ago and the lord has sent me back to heart so to the sanctuary to remind you in this crazy time that we're in there is nothing more important than going back getting your house in order yes sir everybody say the house in order you know where is the house if i'm going to get the house in order the house when it's in order is going to look like that right there in order to look like that right there we've got to open it and we've got to start measuring by that now with that being said i need come here young brett uh how about uh this young lady right here would you help me yeah you will hey you take come stand right up here take that hold that you come up here you take this one brother jones there you are come here and help me my friend thank you so much i was listening to you in the prayer room i was listening to you come on up here you take this one stand up there with these kids remember when we was that young you remember when we was this young uh come here young man right here right yeah on the front come here you hold this one get a little closer together here hold that piece of fabric up come on over here brother jones hold those fabrics up um your fabric is different than his fabric no matter how you would like your fabric to be his fabric or like his fabric it won't ever be that is not the way that fabric was made okay same way with you uh ugly fabric very ugly you know i there's there's no there's no rhyme or reason why i picked these fabrics other than i found them in a salvation army and that's the way they were it's just for the visual ugly fabric probably something from the 80s polished cotton i think they probably called it maybe made curtains or pillows or something ugly but no matter no matter that is the way this fabric's made it won't ever change i might you might even take spray paint spray it but it's really not going to change the fabric your fabric my goodness i have no idea what you do with that make a school uniform i don't know uh bert i i have no idea what you do with that ugly and and but regardless this fabric will never be like his fabric or his fabric this is just the way it's made for the jones this has got to be the worst of all of them i have no idea what what is it yeah and probably make a quilt out of it that's about all i can see you could do with this one regardless it will never be like these fabrics here that is just the way this fabric's made again i'm repeating your fabric will never be like hers hers will never be like yours same way all the way down the line there is a difference in fabrics okay god made every one of you different and our problem is this we spend too much time trying to get this fabric like that fabric we want all of the fabrics to be the same that's not going to happen get it into your mind it's not going to happen even though the fabrics are all different we can cut every one of them by the same pattern that is what we need to focus on it's the pattern and not the fabric thank you ladies and gentlemen thank you you understand what i meant by that and the lord is saying we are not measuring ourselves among ourselves but i'm going to give you the outline of what you're going to measure up to and i'm going to bring this to a close for this morning ezekiel 43 and verse 10. pastor read that this is my mandate from the lord when i was here before you'll remember this one read that for me thou son of man show the house to the house of israel that they may be ashamed of their iniquities and let them measure the pattern my mandate from the lord is simply this first of all where is god's house my mandate from the lord is simply thou son of man show the house to the house i wanted you to say that thou of man show the house where is the house when i say show the house i want you to say to the house say it again show the house show the house where is god's house and they'll son of man show the house to the house and let them measure the what we're not trying to get you like her or trying to get you like him or them and over here no we're showing this house so you can measure up this is an outline of jesus christ and when we stand before god all of us are going to stand before god go back to that one slide with a shadow that's 4a or whatever the other one was for a moment when we stand before god god's going to take your house and god's going to lay you on the house and god's going to see if we've been cutting the pattern to fit the fabric or cutting the fabric to fit the pattern we're trying to measure up to that outline and god has sent me back to say measure the pattern show the house to the house and let them measure the pattern read on pastor thou son of man so we're going back to the reading they'll son of man show the house to the house and let them measure the pattern read on that they may be ashamed of their iniquities give our reading and let them measure the pattern you know verse number 11 and if they be ashamed of all they have done show them the form of the house and the fashion there when i first read that it didn't dawn on me i just thought form is just another word for fashion but i come to understand the form of something is the outline of something the fashion is the materials that go into making up the outline in other words show them the outline and the materials that go into making up the outline show them the form of the house and the fashion thereof read on and the going out thereof and the coming in thereof and all the forms thereof how many forms all everybody say all here's that all again show them all the forms read and all the ordinances thereof and all the forms thereof and all the laws thereof and write it in their sight that they may keep the whole form thereof and all the ordinances thereof and do them everybody say do them do them show you this house all the ordinances all the laws all the forms write it in your sight wow that you may not only keep it but he closed it by saying and do them everybody say do them this is not something that we just study and say oh wow that was wonderful this is who we are and we want to measure up to how god's going to make how many is ready to be measured up and the bible said and this is this is where i'm closing and the bible said and let them measure the pattern i am not here to measure you i'm not here to say you're doing it great did a great job with this structure but i hope our spiritual house is as beautiful and i hope our spiritual house is that was the word i used earlier about this facility i forget state of the art i hope our spiritual house is the state of the art and the only way to do that is to help you now i'm not here to measure you i'm here to show this house to this house equip you with a way to correctly measure your own house when i finish with a lesson students i want you to be able to take your house and lay it on the house and see if you measure up i'm not here it's not my place now there are some preachers god has called them to set the church in order i think personally that's more the position of a pastor in some cases there there's times that god sends other ministries by to augment what the pastor is doing i'm not saying i'm not here to set you straight but i could tell it looks pretty good to me but you know your house i would not be here if there was not a reason for me you've been too focused on your natural man the last few months you've been too focused on your natural man and god's saying let's focus on the spiritual man measure the spiritual man you remember jesus was dealing with people which he always did and some of the scribes and pharisees asked them do your disciples pay taxes and as jesus often did he took an earthly visual call for an earthly visual he called he you remember he said bring me a coin they brought him a coin and he held wasn't this but it just for lack of a better visual he held a coin up and he showed them the coin he asked them whose image and whose inscription is on this coin you remember this story right and when he asked them whose image and inscription was on the coin they said okay so caesar's what was on the coin and whose image was on the coin caesar's what was on the coin and because caesar's image was on the coin he said to do what render to caesar because caesar's image is on it render to caesar because his image is on it what it's a caesar now he goes into the spiritual and then he said and then to and unto god that which is god's right when god created man god created him in his own in his own what image because caesar's image is on the coin give it to him but oh wherever you find my image where is god's house wherever you find me i like behind of a heart wherever you find my image that's my house where is god's house i am sent back to hartsell to show the house to the house in the midst of all this coven mess and all of this junk that's going on so we can get refocused on what's most important and that's setting the house in order how many is going to be with me oh i'm looking forward to it pastor we're going to take the visible and it's going to reveal the invisible wow what a magnificent display and just description of the house of god there's no way you can add anything to this five o'clock tonight how many are going to do your best to be here at five o'clock tonight i've seen hands all over this house be here we're going to let brother hamilton start it out five o'clock just about right on the dot we're going to let him get started and uh this could go on for hours just teaching the word of god but as you're dismissed there are several of our elders that are going to begin to dismiss themselves and get a little head start on us why don't we stand all over this house my my mama i learned so many different things today and it i i'm just like i say mind blown at the at the word and the revelation that's flowing in this house today as i've said in our earlier uh in our 10 o'clock uh service feel free to walk on the platform if you do have small children uh please uh strictly supervise them so that they don't fall or knock something over themselves being heard or any of the reproductions that are here uh be damaged but feel free to come around take pictures and we look forward to seeing you at five o'clock father we thank you for the revelation of the word the pattern of the tabernacle we are showing the house to the house so that we can be measured by you and your word be with us join us back together again today at five o'clock in jesus name we pray amen invite someone to come with you tonight it's going to be a great evening i believe you're talking on the priests garments tonight the priest be talking on the high priest and the garments tonight will be the focal message tonight you don't want to miss this it's going to be life-changing god bless you you
Channel: Sanctuary Community Church Hartselle
Views: 135
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: oML7zxY-frE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 43sec (4363 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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