The Syrian King Of The North by Keith Malcomson

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praise god we're turning to daniel chapter 11 and this is part 12 of our daniel series uh we're continuing with our series the heavens rule and if you haven't been with us up to this point you've lost a lot of ground we pray that we won't lose you uh tonight in this message and we pray that the lord will speak to you but we're going to daniel chapter 11 daniel chapter 11 and this is part 12 of our series such a vital series that we've already dealt with in uh the book of daniel and i believe it's for this hour for this time in church history it's a remarkable point in history that we have come to read in daniel chapter 11 and verse one i'm only going to read four verses here you've read the chapter before you came into the meeting and i i'd ask that you read it again afterwards but some of yous who have read this chapter will be glad that i'm not going to read the whole chapter here and you'll be worried about what i'm going to preach and teach from it but daniel chapter 11 and verse 1 also i in the first year of darius the maid even i stood to confirm and to strengthen him and now will i show thee the truth behold there shall stand up yet three kings in persia and the fourth shall be far richer than they all and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of gracia and a mighty king shall stand up that shall rule with great dominion and do according to his will and when he shall stand up his kingdom shall be broken and should be divided towards the four winds of heaven and not to his posterity nor according to his dominion which he ruled for his kingdom should be plucked up even for others beside these we're here tonight in this message part 12 of our series but we're dealing with daniel 11. this is my message titled tonight an unusual title but if you understand this chapter you'll understand why i give it this title the syrian king of the north that's my message here tonight please pray with me as we come to this bible study father we pray that you'd make this chapter applicable that you'd open it up that you'd make it us to understand it that you'd make it simple that you make it clear that you'd make us to stand in all tonight concerning bible prophecy don't let it be a hidden thing or a covered thing but father i pray that you'd even dissolve every false teaching that would surround bible prophecy that you'd set aside and scrap nor god all the theories of men as we consider what the holy spirit teaches us in this precious prophecy my god will you even astound us and shock us tonight will you open up this chapter that we might stand in awe of the god of prophecy the god of history and the god that rules from heaven we submit ourselves tonight we believe in your divine authority we believe that you're in control we believe that you're working in history we believe that there's prophecies that are going to be fulfilled in our day and we're praying for these prophecies to come to pass we're praying for your church to prosper in this hour we're praying oh god that you bring your plans concerning israel and jerusalem to pass in a way that's going to shock the nations of the world in jesus mighty name amen amen god bless you welcome to this bible study here tonight as we begin again another message my message the syrian king of the north don't let the title scare you don't let the contents of this chapter scare you it is a remarkable prophecy in the bible in fact i'll go as far as to say this is one of the most detailed and remarkable prophecies of the bible yet i have no doubt it is one of the most neglected one of the most obscure one of the most satisfied and maybe one of the most unpreached prophecies in all of the bible yet it is the most detailed prophecy in the entire bible as we said last week in our message beginning in chapter 10 through the chapter 12 we have the fourth and last vision of daniel the prophet we saw in daniel chapter 10 concerning the spiritual warfare behind the events of history we say in chapter 10 that the curtain was drawn back and we saw a warfare in heaven as well as a man called daniel on the earth praying he was praying for god's will to be done as he is praying in the city of babylon we we saw that the angels of heaven are literally involved in a spiritual warfare it says here um we're looking at daniel 11 but if you go back to the previous chapter and to the end of chapter 10 to the end of what we dealt with before listen to what it says in verse 21 and this is the angel gabriel i believe speaking to daniel but i will show thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth and there is none that holdeth with me in these things but michael your prince notice how chapter 10 finishes and chapter 11 begins don't separate them there's no chapter separation it is all one vision chapter 11 is a continuation of chapter 10 and what we have there is the angel saying that he's going to reveal things concerning the scripture of truth what he is revealing is biblical it is biblical prophecy it is scripture opened up that is revealing what is going to happen in in in the future that's what bible prophecy is it is history revealed before it happens and there's only one that can reveal history before it happens and it is god himself chapter 10 actually ends with this angel speaking and again he is speaking at the beginning of chapter 11. please follow with me as we open this message tonight first one also i this is the angel speaking to daniel and he says also i in the first year of darius the maid even i stood up to confirm him and to strengthen him now i want you to notice that this fourth vision of daniel that begins in at the beginning of chapter 10 is given in the third year of cyrus's reign that's very important for you to note here so this entire vision chapter 10 11 12 is given in the third year of cyrus's reign but at the opening of chapter 11 look what he says here he refers to the first year of darius the maid and we know that sarah cyrus and darius um reigned together and that cyrus put um darius over the city of babylon they were ruling together and cyrus actually gave darius power over the city of babylon but notice here what the angel is saying he is revealing the fourth vision to daniel in in these three chapters but he refers back two years previous and he said two years ago nanura's first one also i in the first year of darius the maid he is talking to daniel about two years previous and he said back there two years ago even i stood to confirm and to strengthen him she realized two years before this this angel had stood up to strengthen darius the mead now why did he do that two years before why is it that this angel is now telling daniel two years ago i stood up and i strengthened this physical king do you know why because the plan of god the purpose of god and the prophecies of god were actually in danger do you remember two years before we are taken back to the event of daniel being cast into the den of lads that's what happened two years previously two years previously there was a conspiracy in darius's kingdom in the city of babylon against daniel the prophet it was actually there to stop the jews to remove daniel from a position of influence and to in fact manipulate darius this new great ruler to stop the plan of god but do you know what it was actually the prince of the power of persia in other words a spiritual angel a fallen angel that was working behind the events and this angel tells daniel two years ago i stood up to strengthen this king darius the mead i actually stood up to strengthen them if i hadn't have strengthened them if i hadn't have confirmed them history would have played out very very differently but you know what behind the events of that conspiracy against daniel there were spiritual forces of god at work and i want to assure you that's what's happening in our day and generation it may seem the enemy is against us there is a conspiracy against the church of this generation but i assure you the angels of god stand up to affect the politics of this hour and generation what do we read about in daniel chapter 6 but in the land's den an angel from the lord was sent to close the mouths of the alliance and they could not touch daniel and we knew the next morning darius the maid come rushing in and he was so glad to see daniel alive the conspiracy was broken daniel went free and the men that were trying to destroy him got thrown in the den of lance do you see what would have happened here without this angel of the lord standing up in answer to daniel's prayers if he hadn't shut the land's mouth if he hadn't have worked upon darius to meet everything would have happened very differently also that same year a decree was issued by cyrus concerning the rebuilding of the temple in jerusalem now here no i'm bringing you to this fourth vision now two years later the work of god is it's a standstill daniel is hearing us and he's threatened but you know what this angel's saying did i not stand up two years ago to strengthen the king to bring about the plan of god to bring forth the prophecies of god don't you realize saints that the angels of heaven are actually acting in world politics that might be very hard for us to believe and understand but i promise you in this wicked evil hour in this year when we see so much happening the angels of god go forth to make sure bible prophecy is going to be fulfilled absolutely accurately you see this angel is now focused upon now he wants daniel to see the bigger picture there is something greater behind political events historic events behind the commands of kings even god is working sending his angels to bring about his will it also says previously in chapter 10 and verse 20 and now will i return to fight with the prince of persia there is a warfare that is actually going on it's been going on for two years now in daniel's life and he says and when i have gone forth lo the prince of gracia shall come it's going to still be 200 years before greece arises it's going to be 200 years before the prince of grace or an angel a fallen angel sent from hell is going to come and try to affect the new empire of grace and to stop the plan of god this is what's being revealed to daniel that in 200 years time the devil is going to stop god's plan but you know what this same angel that was there to stand on behalf of daniel and to send back the people to jerusalem again he says in 200 years i'll be here in this battle to make sure that that prince of gracia doesn't affect the first king of grace isn't this remarkable that our god the god we pray to the god who answers our prayers the one who watches over the church in this generation he has always worked throughout church history do you think god has finished working in this hour absolutely not i assure you god is revealing something to us here to encourage us in our day and generation it may seem like in that hour israel will not survive god's plan is going to be wrecked bible prophecy cannot be fulfilled but you know god will work but he's looking for a praying people in this hour let me bring you to this chapter and this fourth vision of daniel this remarkable prophecy and can i give you a a a remarkable insight to this prophecy that is being revealed to daniel it is an hour of warfare but god is revealing his plan and his purpose i believe that this is a dark hour an evil hour but if you listen closely enough and study the scripture god is going to reveal his divine plan to you and you through your prayers are going to be a vital part of it in daniel chapter 11 from verse 1 through to verse 35 we actually have a period of 365 years in 35 short verses we have 835 accurate predictions involving nations kings and events that actually means there's about four details per verse over the next 35 verses this is one of the most detailed and accurate prophecies that have already been fulfilled in history that we find in the bible this chapter is a remarkable chapter if i was to go verse by verse and i'm tempted to do it if you don't watch out tonight i'll just go through verse by verse prophecy by prophecy and keep you here through to midnight but i don't want to do that tonight because i want you to understand this chapter i don't want you just to receive facts i want to stand back and i want you to stand with me and i want to show you the overall chapter this prophecy that extends through 365 years and that's only the first 35 verses there's more after that but i want to take you through the season and show you why god has given this prophecy only at the end of the prophecy do you realize why god gives such a detailed prophecy most of yous aren't interested in this historically most of you won't know much about it but i assure you it is connected all that i'm going to cover in a 365 year period has a very important message for a short seven-year period that's just ahead of us not far ahead and it's going to be accomplished i believe in our generation or the young generation that's arising now all of those old fulfilled prophecies actually have a message to teach us what is just about to happen in our world in certain nations in certain areas and with certain persons and if you understand history you'll understand the future i assure you that a good historian becomes a prophet i'm fully convinced that whether out there in that world or in the church someone who knows bible prophet or bible history becomes a prophet all the old testament prophets were historians they knew their history being they had studied history every single one of them they had a remarkable insight into what god done in the past and you know what that was used of god for them to speak concerning the future let me bring you to this prophecy tonight and i've got four points i want to give you here tonight if we manage it my first point the rise of grace the rise of grace we're gonna begin looking here in verse 2 read with me in this first point the rise of grace remember this is 200 years before the rise of grace now the angel is revealing to daniel the process in history so that greece will be the next empire to arise on the world scene it won't happen for 200 years and yet god is revealing it to daniel and he's going to give the details of how it is going to happen and the area of where it's going to happen look at verse 2 and now will i show thee the truth this is what the angels saying behold there shall stand up yet three kings in persia in other words he's saying after the king that's in place now there's gonna be another three yet three kings in persia when the angel is speaking to daniel here cyrus the great is the king of persia he is the first king of the middle persian empire but the angel is now giving a prophecy to daniel and saying after cyrus there's going to be another three kings arise you see he wants to show him something and to teach him something of what's going to come do you realize jews although daniel never lived to see all of this happen there we're going to be jews our bible believers living in every single generation who are going to read this and recognize it they would be able to look in future history and find out be encouraged in their generation that prophecy was actually coming to pass and it says there's going to be three kings that arise up after cyrus who were they first of all was his son can be sass the second one was another young man who only reigned for about eight months his name was smurdus the third one was darius the great he was the third one but look at the prophecy three kings are gonna rise up in persia count them well we've just counted them the the third one was darius the great then he goes further in verse two and the fourth shall be far richer than they all who was this fourth persian king to arise after cyrus it was xerxes the great he was a remarkable king and you know what history tells us he was the richest persian king that ever sat on the throne isn't that what daniel all this time before is prophesying king by king what's gonna happen but that fourth king he prophesized here is gonna be richer than all of them that come before him do you know that xerxes was had the single largest hoard of gold in the world he was the richest persian king that sat on the throne he taxed all the nations that he ruled over and and even began to create his own tongues he stole the idea from one of the turkish nations and this was the first empire that had its own points that it began to publish across the entire empire with his head upon it it also says here that this king that's going to be the richest that by his strength and through his riches notice it it talks about his strength and his riches he's going to be a uniquely strong and a rich king he'll be the richest king and the strongest of the kings there's a prophecy here about him and it's very important what's my first point the rise of grace you may say what's this got to do with grace it's going to arise in a hundred in 200 years why are we receiving a prophecy about a persian king that's going to reign in 50 years do this watch and you will see what happens who was xerxes he is the king depicted in the book of esther he became the king who married esther and she became the one that stood by his side it's a remarkable story what we're reading about here it says by his strength through his riches notice what's going to happen he shall stir up all against the realm of gracia this is 50 years after daniel is receiving this revelation there's no way he could have known this or predicted this gracia was not a nation yet it had more than a hundred different kings scattered across it small tribes peoples city-states they all fought one another they had the same language the same culture and yet none of them could agree together it was city against city they were the most um unified people on the mediterranean and yet here's a prophecy that this fourth richest king the richest of all the persian kings he is gonna take all of his great wealth and he's literally going to use that wealth to stir up everybody against gracia who could ever have prophesied this or imagined it and the prophecy says that this uh fourth king who was xerxes is going to use his great wealth to stir up all of his forces and all of his army against gracia do you know just a couple of months ago or three months ago on christmas night candace went to bed early and i was just sitting there flicking through the channel i was up in the north and usually i'm not in a situation with access to television it was christmas night there was nothing on all of it was rubbish and trash and i was flicking through and i came to the history channel all of a sudden i'm studying this for this entire series i'm reading through daniel 11 and that night christmas night talk about providence as i stopped on the history channel here came this entire two hour history military documentary about xerxes stirring up his entire empire the richest king the strongest king stirring up his entire empire against gracia as i sat there i think candace walked through the room a couple of times i i hardly saw her um i i was so fascinated by this i went this is the lord in this this is the lord sitting before me one small verse one small verse in my bible predicted beforehand and i'm watching a two-hour documentary of everything xerxes done and throwing it against gracia utterly amazing do you know that xerxes raised an army of at least 500 000 some say a million others say 200 000. so i'll go for the middle way and say 500 000. he stirred up an army of 500 000 men they were well trained he prepared himself very carefully and he marched his way across present-day turkey when he reached the water to go across to grace if he marched around it would take him a year do you know what he done he he bought up all of these sailing ships and he built a bridge right across in the greece saint this was prophesied to daniel beforehand no greece was in utter disunity and xerxes knew he had marched down through the nation without much opposition at all have any of you ever heard of the story of the 300 spartans that defended grace this is when it actually happened xerxes brought his great army into greece into macedonia and began marching down through the nation but there were 300 spartans that decided to make their stand at the pass of sir mobility and they stood there 300 of them they had several thousand other soldiers help them for a time who then escaped and these 300 soldiers stood in the gap for three days it was a narrow pass and the entire force of xerxes army marching against them i i mean you couldn't see the end of his army but here's 300 dedicated greek soldiers do you realize prophecy is being outworked do you realize something is happening here that's going to lead to the rise of grace this is not natural events there were spiritual powers going on behind it now those 300 spartans were eventually beaten and destroyed by xerxes armies going through the mountains and coming in behind them and they're defeated but those three days actually saved grace next was um the battle of sil amis it was the greatest sea battle in world history xerxes sent his safely it was a massive military um sea fleet and this was going to be the greatest battle on the seas that had ever happened do you know what happened you know who won the greeks only had a small fleet of boats but xerxes had this massive army do you know who won it was the greeks do you realize what a shocking thing that xerxes was actually defeated this is about esther chapter one this is when it actually happens in the books in the streets of so ma almis the greeks triumphed allu the persians came and burnt the temple at athens in not one event the greeks would never forget what happened spartans joined with athenians in fact christian knighted together for the first time ever in its his history and stood as a grecian people together it had never happened before it was remarkable that god was using us to prepare the next empire xerxes didn't realize what he was doing but god is working in all of this xerxes pulled back his forces discouraged disappointed that he would be defeated and greece carried on for the next hundred years with many small civil wars until it was united under uh king philip who was father of alexander the great saints i'm telling you of something remarkable here and daniel's prophecy it now jumps from that event the stirring up against gracia by xerxes it's very important you understand this because the very next verse jumps a hundred and fifty years it doesn't bother mentioning another persian king none of them again came against greece none of them had the wealth xerxes none of them had the military power of cersei xerxes alone had that position and you know what something was gonna happen thirty 150 later that was stirred by that attack of xerxes look with me at verse three now we go a hundred and fifty years later verse three and a mighty king and a mighty king sean you know who that is alexander the great alexander the great 150 years later do you realize all this was revealed to daniel in advance looking down through the corridors of time don't you know our god is in control you wonder if he sees you and understands your battles and understands what's going on in your heart you maybe say lord do you see what is happening i assure you our god knows everything he sees everything his hand is working in this generation and so we see a mighty king shall stop dominion and do according to his will this master the great he stood up greatly he stood up this great man and he according to when he shall stand up his kingdom shall be broken and should be divided to the four winds of heaven do you see again what it's talking here this great prophecy about daniel again there was a spiritual warfare going on concerning alexander and god's plan in the nations this great king rose up and in a short period of 12 years he conquered the entire known world he actually in the history books tell us that about 3 30 p.m on the 11th of june in the year 323 he died in the city of babylon of a fever he had his whole future ahead of him he had many plans to conquer many other regions but look at this victorious young man he died unexpectedly at the height of his power only 10 years after his campaign to conquer the entire world utterly remarkable daniel knew that 200 years before daniel was given the inside details the accurate prophecy 200 years concerning grecia how would it it would rise to power about its first king that would lead it to triumph what a remarkable thing here but notice in verse 4 what else it says he'll he'll be broken cut off in other words suddenly killed he'll suddenly die at the very height of his power and his kingdom shall be divided to the four winds of heaven we know that that happened remember the leopard with four heads it represented these four regions remember the four notable ones the four winds of heaven show that alexander's grecian empire will be split in four do you know when alexander died there was about 25 years of war there were four civil wars between four of the regions and it finally took 40 years before the entire the four regions of the grecian empire settled settle down with their uh line of leaders over them daniel knew this 200 years before but when alexander died there was a ferocious civil war for power look what else is told to daniel here and not to his posterity in other words his own children will not rule no one of his bloodline is going to rule over those four regions when alexander died he had a half brother who actually was mentally he had a four year old son who was born to a persian mother and in fact she was his concubine his name was hercules young four-year-old hercules but it wasn't a legal marriage neither was he chosen to be the heir by alexander and again he alexander had three wives but they weren't greek none of them were greek one of them roxanne was pregnant with his child when he died and they had to wait for this child to be born do you know all of these heirs were killed there was no seed of alexander the great high unlikely three wives one concubine a half brother all of these family members but none of your children are gonna reign you know what that kingdom is gonna be divided up and so it was divided up since i'm showing you something and i'm taking you somewhere you might say what in all the world is this prophecy about where is malcolmson taking us here and i'm only getting started here tonight but i'm showing you in this first point there was a prophecy and it was very important about the rise of the grecian empire then how it would be split into four now in my second point we we go to just two of those regions point two wars between the kings of the north and the south that's my second point not only the rise of the grecian empire but now we're gonna concentrate we've already covered four verses we've got the rest to cover now from verse 5 through to verse 35 there are there are only two of the regions of the grecian empire dealt with the northern region and the southern region so from verse 5 to verse 35 it concentrates on two of the regions either side of the small nation of israel the the northern region is to the north of israel the southern region is to the south of israel in fact in these next verses the word north is mentioned eight times the word south is mentioned 11 times we begin to read here in verse 5 about the king of the north and the king of the south all the way through the verse 35 since i'm showing you a prophecy that's going to lead us into the last days and there's going to be some important information here that's going to affect the last days just ahead of us if you understand what i say in this prophecy if you begin to see it in your mind you are going to understand what's going to happen in world events in world politics and a world leadership in this generation everything is being prepared and i assure you daniel was shown it accurately just as he was about the rise of the grecian empire he moves on and he gets another revelation here concerning these two regions and the wars that are gonna take place between them first of all there's the king of the north and second of all there's the king of the south and israel is caught between them sometimes the king of the north would rule over israel then other times the king of the south would rule over israel and in fact at the time just uh before verse 5 jerusalem changed hands about six times in a short period of time war was going to rage around the small nation of israel so from verse 5 to verse 35 we have another period of a hundred and sixty two years this goes all through the third and the second centuries if i was to go through this verse by verse you wouldn't be blamed if you would think it was a tedious list of names dates battles marriages political intrigue and you'd be saying what has this got to do with the lord jesus christ you know the holy spirit has given us chapters like this do you know this chapter is very important and i believe it's going to take on a great importance in our day in generation it's not just boring details why is it that the holy spirit is now forgetting about two of the regions and just dealing with two and he's specifically gonna concentrate in upon the king of the north that's going to be very important and he's going to trace the king of the north right down to the very last days do you know in this period of 162 years there's over a hundred prophecies in this short period of time it's remarkable but it's very selective there are certain things missed out let me give you an example between verse 5 and verse 6 is a gap of 30 years it's jumped over without mention and yet over the next 162 years there's a hundred prophecies concerning the king of the north the king of the south this nation called the northern kingdom and this nation called the southern kingdom do you know that in there was in the second century or third century after christ there was a a pagan author a writer called pro prophery he was a backslidden christian but a practicing pagan you know when people turn against christ in the gospel they become very violent if they were once a christian they become very antagonistic well this pagan philosopher settled on the island of solis and salicyli and wrote 15 volumes against christianity against the church in volume 12 he wrote entirely against the book of daniel and daniel's prophecy and in that 12th volume he dealt with daniel chapter 11. remember he's trying to discredit the bible he's trying to discredit the history in prophecy he began to write and he said i believe daniel 11 was only history written after the events it wasn't prophecy written in the days of daniel and you know the number one reason why he believed that from verse 5 to verse 35 it had to be written afterwards and not before do you know his number one reason against it he said it is too accurate in fact in his volume trying to disprove daniel and the bible he went through this prophecy every person every event and he was able to trace it accurately over a period of 162 years and he come to conclusion this prophecy is so absolutely accurate it cannot be prophecy it is history out of the mouth of a pagan skeptic this prophecy is absolutely accurate now i've got you worried that you think i'm gonna go into every verse here i'm not i'm not i'm gonna give you the overall someday we'll teach and preach this but i won't do it tonight but in verse 5 it begins to deal with the first king of the south and the first king of the north let me explain what is happening here in this prophecy and then let me lead you to where it's taken us in verse five there's a prophecy about the first king of the south and he's mentioned there his name is ptolemy the first of egypt he was a cousin of alexander and he was the first king of the south this is one of the four regions of the grecian empire that after the 25 to 40 years of warfare it arose as a a great empire in its own self and verse 8 it's spoken about as egypt in the year 305 ptolemy actually took the title of king for himself and he became the the king of the south that's very important and he ruled out of the city of alexandria in all of these four regions they kept the greek language they kept the greek culture they kept the greek learning and yet they ruled over egypt over turkey over grace over syria that's what they've done but ptolemy actually started a dynasty that would reign for 300 years right down to the very last heir of the throne before rome conquered them that was cleopatra she was the very last queen of this egyptian region of the grecian empire do you know she had no egyptian blood on her right down to the days of augustus when augustus the emperor took over egypt she was the last one of that ptolemy line down through all of those centuries and yet this prophecy follows that line from generation to generation pulling our key prophecies do you know who the king of the south is it is the king of egypt this southern region now just keep that in mind for a second the second area that is dealt with in this prophecy all through these years is the king of the north that's what he's called who was the king of the north that was the king of syria he's called seleucis the first he was the very first one and you know what he established also a family line that would reign over the syrian empire his kingdom was called the seleucian kingdom and it was established initially in the city of babylon in the year 312 bc about several years later in the year 305 he built a new city 35 miles away north of babylon and this became his new capital he called it seleucia on the tigris a few years later he built another capital called antioch north of jerusalem this was his third capital babylon solution now antioch where the apostle paul would later be born now here this is why i'm summarizing because i don't want to lose you in all of these verses over a period of 167 years we trace the southern kingdom and the northern kingdom their wars their marriages and their political intrigue you know why god the holy ghost is trying to lead us to a certain bit of information that's going to be absolutely vital for us to understand as we begin to trace down through this we have fascinating bits of information down through these two nations how they fought together let me give you just one of the portions here that is utterly fascinating from verse 10 to verse 19 there was a king called antiochus iii or antiochus the great it was his son who was later called antiochus that we dealt with before who is a type of the antichrist he antiochus is third become the greatest syrian king now when i talk about syria i'm not talking about present day syria and it's very important you know where syria is ancient syria was made up of iraq and present-day syria flowed in a great arch and it became a great empire today if you joined syria with iran you've got ancient syria and this is going to be important for what i tell you next week i am going to show you where antichrist is going to arise i'm going to show you what his nationality is you see this entire chapter of 11 is leading us down to a teaching about the last king of the north the last syrian king that's going to arise in the very last days who we know as the little horn that's why this prophecy is so important that's why all of this prophecy is being laid out here you know why it's going to show us exactly in detail and if i don't put this in place you'll never understand what i'm going to teach you next week i'm going to teach you details about antichrist his nationality his geography wars he is going to fight things he is going to do things that are going to happen since it's taught in the bible therefore we teach it do you understand now you see earlier in daniel 7 we seen with that four beasts the roman beast the reviving of the political roman based that the little horn is going to rise up out of room politically we saw in chapter 7 where or what political system what it's going to look like how we recognize it how it's going to be made manifest in the earth there's going to be 10 kings over that roman base that is the system antichrist is going to come out of well here in daniel chapter 11. we have all of this information all of this detail all of this accurate prediction all of this laid out over all these hundreds of years why is it being laid out to show you where the antichrist is going to actually arise now from verse 10 to verse 19 we have just one of these northern kings these syrian kings anti-august iii in this detailed prophecy from verse 10 to verse 9 we actually have a prophecy concerning his final defeat by egypt his conquest of israel and then his final defeat by rome do you know as well what we have in this prophecy and it's contained here in daniel chapter 11 that he gave his daughter cleopatra this is why i'm not going into all of this do you know how many seleucias you you have all these seleucian kings all named the same you have all the ptolemy kings named the same you don't just have one cleopatra you'll have seven of them arise over the history of all of this if i went through all of this you would be so punch drunk with names details you wouldn't know who's who this is why i'm trying to simplify it for you but antiochus iii do you know what he done he actually took his daughter cleopatra in marriage to a seven-year-old king of egypt and we have a prophecy about it daniel is given a prophecy about this syrian king who will arise and he's going to give his daughter cleopatra to marry the king of the south do you know the rosetta stone some of yous may know that the rosetta stone was a stone found about 200 years ago there were three languages on it and that became the key to unlock ancient languages do you know what's written on the rosetta stone it was in three languages the exact same thing and it opened up the whole ancient world all of ancient history on that rosetta stone is the story how antiochus iii gave his daughter to marry the king of the south it was prophesied to daniel in daniel 11 it is found inscribed the story on the rosetta stone and here we have it that's only one of the things let me take you to my third point the king of the north the king of the north we now move to the sun of antiochus iii it's a remarkable story we've already seen him in daniel chapter 8. his name also was called antiochus look with me at verse 21 and in his estate shall stand up a vile person to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom but he shall come in peaceably that's how he's actually gonna come in there's a detailed prophecy here we've already seen antiochus epiphanes in daniel chapter eight we've seen him called the little horn he is a picture a type and a shadow of antichrist there are many details in his life which foreshadow what the antichrist is going to do i believe antichrist will arise in the same region there's going to be great similarities concerning geography and nationality to this antiochus this little horn that arose in that era you see the little horn of daniel 7 is the antichrist the little horn of daniel chapter 8 was antiochus in daniel chapter 9 we read of a prince who was going to come from a people who were syrian and here in daniel chapter 11 we read about one again detailed in prophecy who is going to stand up and he's a vile person and you know what we say about him he's going to be a king of the north he is a syrian king he comes from a certain line he comes from a certain area above israel that encompasses the nation of syria and the nation of iraq do you know what the minute in world history over the past 30 years iraq has been left in ruins now within the past 10 years syria has been left in ruins these two areas are the ancient syrian empire syria and iraq and they're left in ruins do you know what i believe we're going to see a rising up and i'll show you further next week in this but this little horn this antiochus is going to rise up and what happened with him is going to happen again in the last days he says a vile person daniel is told shall stand up out of the syrian kingdom this northern region and to whom they shall give and to whom they shall not give the honor of the kingdom in other words he was not next in line he was the second son of his father he was not next in line for the throne at all he was actually held as a hostage in the city of rome by the roman empire his father antiochus iii ruled over the whole northern syrian empire and young antiochus would never rule it wasn't his destiny and yet bible prophecy marked him out and what would happen it said that the kingdom shouldn't have been given to him but he's going to gain it how is he going to gain it peaceably not in a war not in a battle but he's going to attain the kingdom through flattery i believe the same way antiochus come in so antichrist will arise on the world scene the kingdom is not his but he'll gain it by flattery when antiochus was a prisoner in athens after being a prisoner in rome he received word one day that his brother had been murdered the king of the syrian empire had been murdered this is also prophesied in verse 20 that this would actually happen so lucas the fourth was murdered now what is going to happen do you realize at this time antiochus iv returned to his nation and he said that he would stand as guardian as as for his young nephew who was also called antiochus but he had him killed also the other um son demetrius was in rome as a captive he married his brother's wife who is also his sister and he bore children to her do you know what he named himself he called himself antiochus epiphanes meaning god manifest and we looked at this in daniel chapter eight he wanted to be worshipped as a god everybody nicknamed him antiochus a pulmonaries which meant madman not god manifest but he was a madman he was unhinged he actually wanted to be worshiped as god and as the only king he said over the syrian empire all the small countries under our power there's only going to be one king one religion one culture one language everything is going to merge in society religion is gonna merge with politics is gonna merge with social culture and society and he began to merge the whole thing you know how antiochus came in he came in with flatteries he literally came in with flatteries he began to bribe the people he began to prepare the ground he didn't gain it by an army but he gained it by bribing nations kings leaders even the roman empire we have an old document where he talked to the roman authorities and he flattered them and said i'll do anything you say i'll give you anything that you want but he was going to gain the power he killed his nephew to gain the power he married his sister to gain the power what a wicked man he was a vile man an immoral man an idolatrous man and you know what this was the man that was gonna attempt to annihilate the nation of israel to stamp our judaism to merge all religions into one religion where he alone would be worshiped he wanted the greek culture to go everywhere he wanted to dominate everything he didn't want anything else to exist apart from his own culture and his own religion it says in verse 22 and with the arms of the flood shall they be overflown from before him and shall be broken ye also the prince of the covenant he once he gained power he was gonna raise up a great army that's what the flood is that's what the overflown flood is it is the arms it is a military force that he's gonna rise up and he's gonna begin to march do you realize there's an accurate prophecy in this next verse about antiochus how he would attack the king of egypt the king of the south how he would then invade israel and triumph over israel in verse 22 when it talks about the prince of the covenant it's talking about the high priest in jerusalem it's talking about how he would destroy him or how he would remove him how he would invade the nation of egypt in the year 170. antiochus invaded egypt two of his nephews were fighting for the egyptian throne both of them were ptolemy's and yet they were antiochus's nephews they were fighting you know what he done he came in with flattery he came in to sign deals with them he came in to say that he was going to help them but you know what he wanted to conquer egypt and make it part of syria make it a large empire in the middle east that he could be triumphant when he was actually down there it says in verse 23 and after the league made he he shall work deceitfully he shall come up and shall become strong with a small people and he shall enter in peaceably even upon the flatteries uh the fattest places of the province and he shall do that which his fathers have not done nor his father's fathers he shall scatter among them the prey the spoil and the riches you know he took the wealth of the nations and he redistributed it antiochus was known for going into regions meeting told strangers people of influence and he would share his wealth with them his father never done that none of his father's ever done that it was utterly unique what he began to do he made deals he made covenants he made um deals with certain nations and he brought in all of his power and influence by peace by flattery aren't we seeing a picture of the rise of the antichrist in the last days he gained a great army he stored up great wealth but he began to distribute it he was notorious for spreading his wealth around those to gain power to gain influence to gain notoriety and also says in verse 25 and he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with the great army this was his second invasion of egypt or the king of the south he stirred up a great army and came down against the king of the south and he invaded it but at the time he invaded and he was going to win and he was going to triumph the roman army landed with their great fleet of ships and actually stopped him in his tracks the roman ambassador came to antiochus and he drew a circle around him in the sand and he says i want you to draw back leave egypt alone go home and he says you know what you're gonna make a decision before you step out of this circle well antiochus said okay i'll do it and he stepped out but notice what happens next in verse 26 yay they that feed of the portions of his meat shall destroy him and his army shall overflow and many shall fall down and be slain and both these king's hearts shall do mischief and they shall speak lies at one table both of them sat down at the table and made a league together but they were lying to one another but it shall not prosper the deals are making for it is yet for the end and shall be at the time appointed it says that after this and shall he return to islam with great riches and his heart shall be against the holy covenant and shall do exploits and return to his own people and at the time appointed he shall return and come towards the south but it shall not be as the former or is the latter in verse 30 it says for the ships of him shall come against them that's the roman fleet of ships therefore he shall be grieved and return and shall have indignation against the holy covenant so shall he do and he shall even return and have intelligence with them that forsake the holy covenant do you know what happened here this is a prophecy given to daniel about antiochus epiphanes and what's going to happen when he's trying to destroy egypt making deals concerning what's going to happen this fleet of ships of him the word him means the mediterranean the isles of the mediterranean are the islands to the west this great fleet of ships landed and stopped him in his tracks he got so angry that when he left egypt after the roman soldiers of him stopping him with their great fleet of ships he turned back and didn't get egypt but he stopped in israel with vengeance he had intelligence against the holy covenant and verse 31 it says and arms shall stand in his part and he shall pollute the sanctuary of his strength he's going to go into that temple and he shall take away the daily sacrifice and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate do you realize what antiochus done he was turned back and he goes into the land of israel into the temple and he puts up the abomination of desolation he stops the sacrifice and he begins to massacre the people as we dealt with in daniel chapter 11 and verse 32 and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt with flatteries this was in the year one six seven do you know many of the jews that compromised they wanted greek culture they wanted to be like this world they moved away from the bible this antiochus this little horn this type and shadow of the coming antichrist he actually entered into a covenant with them with flatteries these compromisers amongst god's people you know what i believe there's going to be a lot of compromise in this hour there is an antichrist spirit of foot and you're go don't be shocked at how you see many churches begin to compromise with abortion lgbt with legislation that's wrong do not be surprised what begins to happen in our generation do you know what happened when the abomination of desolation stood in israel in jerusalem yes there were compromisers there were those who entered into a covenant with antiochus but there were all the others who rose up against it we have the books of first and second maccabees that give us the history of what happened in those days there was a priest of the line of zadok called matathias he had four five godly sons and his oldest son was called the hammer and you'll see why in a second this mathematius fled jerusalem and went into the hills when he seen the abomination of desolation you see he'd read the book of daniel he knew about the abomination of desolation he knew what was coming that persecution of the jews were about to begin as soon as he seen antiochus but the abomination of desolation he ran with his family for the hills and he went this is it this is the great persecutor we have read daniel chapter 8 and this is the hour we have read daniel chapter 11. this is him that daniel prophesied about isn't the bible a remarkable book that it predicts the future well matathias fled and in his little village eventually the influence of this reached it an ambassador from the the syrian kingdom of antioch eventually reached his village came into his village set up an idol and said we want all of yous to worship at it there was one jew stepped forward and began to worship at it and matthew mata tyus couldn't take any more he drew a sword out stepped forward and killed the compromising jew next he killed the official that had come to the village and he raised up a rebellion this was the beginning of the maccabean revolt it was raised up by a godly family when you begin to read about this family they were spiritual they were on fire for god they believed in bible prophecy and because they knew daniel's prophecy they knew what was happening in their our hour do you know they read a very specific prophecy for them you see daniel 11 is about antiochus the abomination of desolation it was going to be fulfilled in history but it had a very clear message to a certain group of people in that hour let me close with this tonight daniel chapter 11 and the second half of verse 32 you see daniel was given a prophecy for god's people in the hour when the abomination of desolation would be set up verse 32 but the people that do know their god shall be strong and do exploits as these maccabeans read daniel they saw prophecy from all of those centuries before by daniel for them that people that do know their god shall be strong do you know what these maccabean said we want to know god we know the scriptures we knew the bible prophecies and they were strong in their knowledge of god and it was them who were going to rise up in that hour and lead a revolt they were going to stand righteous they weren't going to compromise they would never worship this false god they would never submit the written scriptures they were going to preach they were going to guard their families they were going to rise up against this abomination of desolation they were going to do exploits in their generation it's remarkable that these men could read daniel's prophecy they discerned they are they lived in they came to understand the hour that they were living in they saw the rise of the king of the north they saw his actions they could read it in daniel 11 and they said this is the hour this is where we're living in bible prophecy and they said you know what we know what we're to do we that know god are going to be strong and do great exploits we're going to do heroic works we're going to act in faith we're going to love the word of god verse 33 and they that understand among the people shall instruct many those who understand that such an hour are going to teach many there's a teaching ministry there is a preaching ministry when you begin to see the signs come to pass it's time to preach since it's time to be strong it's time to do great exploits in this hour and generation don't you see bible prophecy coming to pass don't you see the stage being set for the last fulfilling of bible prophecy aren't we meant to be strong in our god aren't we to understand those who understand the nasa are going to instruct it says then of these that instruct many yet they shall fall by the sword and by flame by captivity and by spoil on many days what a remarkable prophecy the maccabeans were told yes you're going to rise and do exploits but you know what many of you a great many of you are going to die you're going to suffer your wives your children your family are gonna suffer but you know what in the midst that you're gonna teach many verse 34 and when they shall fall they shall be open with a little help but many shall cleave to them with flatteries and some of them of understanding shall fall to try them and to purge them and to make them white even until the time of the end because it is yet for a time appointed since this is remarkable what happened and if we can't learn from history we'll never know what's going to happen in our day if we can't look back and interpret bible history we'll never look back forward and interpret bible prophecy i am showing you something here remarkable and we're going to continue on this next week and we're going to see we're going to bring it right up this chapter 11 it begins tracing through the medo persian empire the grecian empire down to antiochus and then it's going to jump to the very last days the end of the end and this is my fourth and final point as i close the last king of the north we're going to look at it next week in verse 34 it says that all these things that happened to the maccabeans will continue even to the time of the end because it is yet for a time appointed you know these last verses of this chapter have never been fulfilled they never happened in history no not once antiochus did not fulfill them antiochus is three things he is a shadow of the antichrist in other words when you look at him you begin to see something of the common antichrist the last king of the north he is also an anti-type in other words there's things here in this prophecy about antiochus that are yet to be fulfilled and thirdly it's a prophecy there is a prophecy here that is yet to be fulfilled in antiochus we see a type an anti type a shadow and a prophecy of what's going to happen at the very end of time and i believe the book of daniel we will will be discovered by many jews there's going to be jews converted during the great tribulation i believe when they see the antichrist come in with flatteries begin to gain power sign a seven year covenant with compromised jews there's going to be many jews many israelis that begin to discern they are that they live in when they see the abomination of desolation spoken about by daniel that jesus said again would happen in the last days they're going to flee to the hills like the maccabean's done they're going to say this is the hour and it's time for us to know our god to be strong to do exploits and to teach many concerning the hour that we live in this is all going to be our plate one more time at the end of time do you realize how god is absolutely in control of world history do you hear me tonight as we close god is absolutely in control of your life why are you afraid right now when we are at the very brink of the fulfilling of all bible prophecy and god is going to have a people like daniel who are going to pray who are going to understand who are going to preach who are going to teach and i believe that's why we're teaching on this tonight let's bow our heads and pray father help us lord god so many details so many facts don't let this be lost tonight lord lord god even amidst the inability of the preacher nor god help us to understand what the theme the central truth what the lesson of this chapter is it's showing us what is just about to happen in the last days and father you've always had a people in every generation you've always had a people who know you you've always had a people who become strong in the knowledge of you and people who are going to do great exploits great heroic works of faith and that people are going to teach many in an hour of darkness not people many of them are gonna fall but it's to test the hearts to try them many are gonna flatter them and stick to them but to betray them but i ask of you god prepare us to be a people who can see a far off who know the hour that we live in in jesus mighty name there's just preparation for next week i'm sorry it's detailed i'm i'm sorry if i lose you in this message here i'm sorry if it's not as exciting as preaching about christ crucified but you know what it is the teaching of the holy spirit and it lays the foundation for me to actually teach you next week concerning what's going to happen in the last days god bless you here
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Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Keith Malcomson
Id: kPBzXCuqoQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 14sec (4754 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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