The Surprising Science Behind Breatharianism - Fact or Fiction?

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but do you think any human has ever lived where they had no water and no food or do you think it's more of a there's 300 calories a day do you think it's possible a human could live 60 years with nothing um hello my friends and welcome to the breath cast on take a deep breath my name is Mike Mayer I'm going to be a host and breath coach and oh my God have I got a podcast for you today um so you might have heard the word breathtarian or breatharian or bretharianism um in short this uh mystical weird thing around people that claim to live on light and air and sounds crazy right um so I got to interview P.A strobinger who did the uh documentary in the beginning there was light and the link is down below and he spent a decade of his life fascinated by this subject and so um if you haven't seen it yet I'm going to link to the video on my main Channel where we go deep into this and we've got lots of lovely clips and clips on the podcast master and clips from the documentary and this is the conversation that me and uh Peter Arthur the director had this is the full unedited conversation and this guy went all around the world he went to find different people that were claiming this um that they could live on light in there and he went really deep and he went deep into the science while he interviewed loads of doctors loads of scientists and so this on the surface sounds freaking mental and you think is there any anything here very very skeptical and then as you start to pick under the surface I don't understand half of the site it's talking about calorific Theory and photosynthesis in humans and other bits and I have a very very limited understanding of this but you just get the sense that there could be something here and it may not be as Extreme as there's no food no water for the rest of your life it could be I'll be able to survive for an extended period of time in the right conditions with very little um and I think that's the Nuance anyway we're going to get deep into that in this podcast I'm so excited to share this with you I've been sitting on this one for a while because I really wanted to to do it justice so if you haven't seen the video on Main finally out I'll link to that at the end and be sure to check out the actual documentary because it's a beautiful documentary it's about 10 15 years old now and it's it's it hasn't aged you know it's really interesting in what it talks about so I hope you enjoy um just a couple of couple of quick messages from me before we get stuck into the actual uh conversation itself and it takes two seconds and if you could go onto iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review a five-star review or whatever star you think is is relevant um and however you found this podcast uh maybe somebody recommends it to you or you found it in Google search maybe there's somebody else that could benefit from learning about breathing we obviously don't always go down the world of breatharianism we often speak about functional breathing how to improve your breathing how to increase energy and focus and so maybe there's something in your life that could benefit from hearing some of these podcasts or maybe you've got a crazy friend like me that really finds it interesting about breathtarianism so this is a bit more left field this one but yeah if you could leave us a review that would be ace if you could share the podcast that'd be really appreciated and then just the final message from me is I am taking on a couple of clients at the minute so if you're interested in working one-on-one with me um you can apply the link is down below I do ask that if anybody's serious about taking on a one-to-one six-week intensive uh program with me you need to commit to 22 minutes worth of breath work a day which sounds that easy but when you're a couple of weeks in it's it takes a real commitment and I work with people to increase energy and performance and focus I work with athletes I work people that are trying to reduce stress and anxiety people are trying to live the best life and they know that the breath can help them do that so if you're interested you can apply below if you'll have a chat with me first see if it's a good fit for you you're welcome to do so I've had some incredible results with clients before we've really helped athletes get into the top kind of echelons of their individual sports um I've had people that have suffered with anxiety their entire life and then we give them a coping strategy of tools and techniques to not only reduce stress but build up their resilience to stress as well and I've worked with busy entrepreneurs to help them increase the energy and focus and make sure that that station burnout is really far away and they've got plenty of room to to build that resilience so many benefits to the breath you already know that you're listening to this and watching this podcast we don't go down the breathtarian route so I'm not going to ask you to stop eating or drinking and that actually leads me on to an important Point here as well I think it's covered in the documentary uh in this podcast which is do not try this we are not recommending this people die when they don't eat and drink so this is purely an investigative kind of breath journalist's view into what's the art of the possible bit like if we were talking about telekinesis or something along those lines you know we're just looking at like what's out there what's possible really interesting bit Joe rogan-esque this one so so don't do it and anything you want to do in terms of Lifestyle Changes speak to your doctor first anyway I can't wait to share this with you I've been waiting so long so please enjoy this podcast and I would bloody love for you if you're watching on YouTube and you can watch on YouTube if you're listening to this put some comments down below and let me know is it anything you'd accept as it's been possible in humans potential to do this or do you think there's just no chance there's absolutely no chance you need two and a half thousand calories a day that's it there's no wiggle room so I'd love to just get your thoughts because I'm I'm really like Curious by this and like you know what's what's possible what's the art of the possible with with us human beings because I think there's still so much we don't know which is really cool so anyway here is my unedited conversation with Pierre strabenga the director and creator of the beautiful wonderful documentary in the beginning there was light cheers foreign I am super excited about having this conversation um Peter Arthur can I say thank you so much first of all for giving us your time I know the audience are going to really enjoy this how are you first of all hey there wonderful thanks for for inviting me it's I'm really excited because that's an interesting uh part of the whole breatharianism thing breathing of course yeah I first heard about something to do with sun gazing a couple of years ago and then people explain to me oh you need to be barefoot when you do this and I think we were just speaking before we hit record about Wim Hof and I think he does some some guys I can't wait to to get stuck in but I just wanted to say first of all I really enjoyed your film I think I had covered actually and so I'm sitting downstairs on the sofa and I'm just looking for something to occupy my time I want to watch something I don't want to watch just normal Netflix so I I signed up to Gaia or Gaya I'm not sure how they they pronounce it and I was like you know anything that has the word breath or something in there I'm straight away into it and so when I saw in the beginning there was light I was like right this is exactly what I need to see um and it was very very interesting and really beautifully made film so it's a big thank you for putting that out there I'm sure it was a a lot of work how long did it take you of interest to do it all I started um with the research first private research in the year 2000 because I I met a meditation teacher one where I learned meditation and from other students I heard do you know that this guy doesn't eat and I thought what and because I saw a documentary a few years before about the Swiss National Saint Nicholas Fleur and you know I thought this is a Catholic myth the whole not eating thing and then suddenly I I met this man and I asked him if this is true and he said yes he did this process and he didn't eat for more than a year and he was just drinking water and and so this was the and I thought how how should this be possible I mean if this is true uh why aren't there dozens of universities doing research why isn't this big headlines in the news and so this what was the reason why I started first private research and and I signed up to news groups and read a lot of book and so and it got more more interesting and uh you know I'm a filmmaker and I I studied at the at the film Academy in in Vienna and then in 2005 I thought you know and on the internet I can prove myself anything you know because of course there's a lot of evidence that this is all nonsense if you Google this and uh with question you go on the internet you you get the answers so I was confused because with all the information I got I saw this is a phenomenon a phenomenon you have all over the world in in all cultures you find it in China in a Tibet in in Europe you know there are a lot of saints claiming that they didn't eat or stories about and in 2005 I I thought you know I want first 10 information and that was the reason when I I started traveling the world and when whenever I I heard of an experiment or from a person who claimed uh um to be breatharian then I went there and uh the filming um need five years and we were editing two years it's so this was really a a a project of love and and personal interest so yeah the the was a lot of time uh I needed a lot of time making this movie and we filmed 200 hours of footage and we edited out these 90 minutes so there is a lot of um uh subtext in it uh and I think the reason why the film worked so well because in Austria it was the in the in Austrian Cinemas it was the most um seen the most successful uh a feature documentary in 2010 and it was huge in in Austrian television when when it aired in 2013 we had more views than Harry Potter and it also that there was a huge discussion as well I have to say because this is highly controversial this topic and uh yeah the the film I mean now it's it did it was published in 2010 and now it's 2022 and we are still talking about it you know I I still get a lot of interview requests and I'm saying this film doesn't get old because uh behind there is a phenomenon that that has nothing to do with uh modern esoterics or something like that this is an uh phenomenon known for thousands of years and of course I have to say be careful because it was especially in the 90s uh there was a esoteric fashion in in doing this and this can be dangerous and people died and so don't try it don't don't do it but behind this phenomenon um is a deeper truth and I was interested in that so that was really the the [Music] the topic I was I was researching what is Life Energy what is uh the soul or what is our mind because during the research I I found that so many things I I thought that uh uh that are true turned out to be not true like what what is matter uh you know in in school do we all learned the model of Niels Bohr where where you have the the the electron circling around uh the center of the atom the protons into neutrons and I mean this this atom model of Niels Bohr is outdated since 1926 I think but we still have it in our physics books and I interviewed a lot of physics for for this movie not all of them are are in the film but if you like a Nobel Prize Laureate and they they say what what is matter uh I mean there's this famous quote of Max Planck the founder of modern physics and he says what what is what is matter and he says as a physician who who researched his whole life about matter he can say there is no matter as such behind matter there is uh an intelligent mind and this mind is the Matrix of all matter because actually uh matter is vibrating energy and there is another [Music] physics uh I think David Bohm he said uh matter is Frozen light and if you understand that that matter is the the solidness of matter is is an illusion of our senses then all these crazy things become more and more conceivable so this was very long uh research for me and and I I came about a lot of crazy stuff during research and we we had to edit out a lot of it because it became too much but this subtext is in there and when there is a message in my film then it's the message to to question the materialistic worldview so this worldview saying that our mind our soul is evolving out of matter our our brain activity and there is isn't more than our mid computer and our mind and our soul is evolving from there so the big question is is consciousness is there Consciousness apart from matter for example and what is Life Energy because I also found it very interesting that the question what makes uh what brings that matter to life is still an unsolved question you know modern science cannot produce one single living cell out of that matter so life energy is still one of the biggest mysteries and we have in in in the Eastern traditions we we have names for it like Chi and India for Life Energy or piranha in in India and in this tradition like breatharianism also is called living on Prana or in in China a breatharianism is called which means without bread through tree so you take the the Life Energy directly and so in in in in all in in German for example it's called means protherianism is called that means uh uh living from light but it has nothing to do or not so much to do with the scientific light like the electromagnetic wave spectrum but it's more the light of Life Meaning Life Energy so it's all about life energy and it seems that this life energy is is connected a lot to breathing so that's one one way and and that's the connection and probably that's also the reason why it's called in in English potherianism yeah well that's what I was going to ask you actually so could you just maybe walk us through just a high level breatharianism for somebody that's never heard that term before what does that what does that mean and I know that's a really loaded question because there's so much to it but a very simple level if you could just talk us through the definition of that so uh it means that there are people who eat very little or nothing at all we have to say from a scientific standpoint we don't know to what extreme this works we also only he is stories when it comes to very long times like in my film I have this this Yogi who claims that he he did not eat and drink for decades of course we have no scientific proof but there are scientific studies uh searching into this and the the longest study is on Hira ratan manik he he didn't eat for uh 410 days I think but he was drinking so drinking but a zero calorie diet he lost 19 kilos during this time during this 410 days so that's not the the proof for absolute of being able to live of of zero calories but it shows that there is a lot more possible than uh science thought before and it was very interesting for me to see that our energy balance is is a big mystery you know most people who say this is completely nonsense and that's that's a completely stupid are a card in in this classic model of a caloric Theory so that we are nothing more than combustion engines so we take fuel in in form of of nutrition and then we take in oxygen and then it's burned and that's calories and energy that's actually an an outdated idea from the uh 18th century and whenever and of course there's some truth to it uh of of course uh that there are calories and uh there there is option oxygen we take in and and carbon dioxide we we breathe out but when when you look deeper into it uh whoever tried to to lose weight with the caloric Theory sees it doesn't work because uh there are people who can eat a lot and and don't gain weight and and others eat little and and still gain weight so uh there are a lot of Unsolved question in this uh questions in this and in in the in the 20th century uh in in 1972 I think there there was an article in nature so nature the most renowned scientific channel in the world and uh the article was called how much food does man require and the the the basic answer was we don't know because it differs from person to person and from situation to situation yeah and uh there was uh 10 years later Dr Paul Webb he he created uh calorimeters for NASA because when you go to to space of course you you need to know exactly how much oxygen you need how much carbon dioxide you create how much food you need and so on so uh he he measured very exactly when it came to the human energy balance and and he said the the better the measurements uh the the the bigger are the unsolved amounts of energy so he called this actually unmeasured energy when you compare direct and indirect calorimetry so when you look how much oxygen you breathe in and how much carbon dioxide you breathe out you can calculate um theoretical amount of energy produced by this combustion and this should be the exact so so if we are really a combustion engine this amount should be exactly the same as the amount I'd reduce in form of heat and what I work and what is excreted by by waste products and so on and when you measure this with with a really good scientific methods you see that there are huge amounts of energy so in so Dr Paul Paul Webb found out that up to uh one fourth of the energy produced in in humans you cannot uh explain calorically completely normal people so not growtharians but completely normal people this goes in in both directions and in other people it it's exactly the same and it it seemed that caloric theory is is like discussion curve so caloric Theory fits for a lot of people more or less but the further you go out on this curve the the higher are the deviations and the fewer individuals you found uh find and it seems that these these breatharians uh they they have a very high amount of this unmeasured energy you you cannot account for calorically so from a scientific uh standpoint we don't know to what extreme these goes we only have stories about these people and as I said the longest study is 410 days and here at the money lost 19 kilos so so that only shows that he he lived on very very little but when you go deeper into this you'll find that uh the reason why these breatharians often underperform in in these uh scientific studies is that they are held indoors and in in 2013 I was contacted by Professor Pollock from the University of Washington and he is specialized in in biophysics and uh he he works with water and he described a force face of water so besides uh ice liquid water and Vapor he found a fourth uh phase of water a liquid crystal in form of water and that is our body water so we we are actually bubbles of this forced face of water and he found out that this forced face of water uh is able to absorb energy they actually were able to create a water battery just uh existing out of liquid water and this forced face of water and he said because he contacted me because he wanted to watch my film and afterwards he said very interesting and and he thinks he he has an explanation how this could work and one answer seems to be this Force face of water that is able to absorb energy and he said uh that this forced face of water has a negative charge and for example when you go into the woods or in nature you have a lot of negatively charged ions right in contrary to indoors you have a lot of positively charged ions also also the Earth for example is negatively charged that's the reason that there is this earthing movement you you have now and there is also scientific proof that when you are charged with this negative charge of the earth that you you are getting a lot healthier and a lot of illnesses chronic illnesses disappear and it seems that this contact with with nature is actually charging you and uh that was for example also something that a few people you saw it in my film said there was for example this uh bigu master in China and the wooden mountains and and he said you should not practice spigu so the Chinese word for protharianism you should not practice speaku in the cities because the tree fields are not ordered there and uh you do not find a lot of negatively charged uh ions and but by then I I didn't understand what he was telling me I mean I understood this chaotic Chi fields that was conceivable for me but I didn't know what he meant with this negatively charged ions and a few years later when I got this input from Professor Pollock I suddenly understood it what he meant because it seems that this this uh negative charge from nature is is actually charging the body there's another guy in my film this Alpine Yogi I don't know if if you remember he said when he goes to the city to Vienna he he needs a few liters of soy milk in the evening but when he's in nature he can live fully adjusted by water and air uh it it it sounded he said this in very simple words yeah uh with this scientific background I I then got from Professor [ __ ] I I could understand it better and it seems that that uh probably there are a lot of Nobel prizes in the next decades uh in involved in this there are a lot of Unsolved Mysteries and and we don't know exactly what's happening there but um one reason why these people do not perform uh in the same way as in our natural surroundings is because there are just different circumstances there it's like you know if if you want to uh prove that sailing works and you put the Sailing Boat in an indoor pool where is no wind it just doesn't work so uh yeah I I do not know exactly what's what's going on but what I see is that there is a lot more possible than we thought in the past and that this classical idea that we are nothing more than combustion engines just isn't true it just doesn't hold up to to reality and that's also the reason why why the specialists in my film I was very surprised because I interviewed a lot of doctors and when I showed them these these studies of of these breatharians I I thought you know they will say I'm completely crazy and of course they said this doesn't fit in our classical models and also but they they were surprisingly open and uh by then I didn't understand it but when I looked into the research and that this classical caloric Theory doesn't hold up to to the scientific measure measurements I understood why they were a little open to this idea that we are not just living by calories this is so interesting do you do you think that uh the quality of the light in our life has a role to play in terms of like for example right now I'm covered in fake artificial light so absolutely absolutely I mean in in perhaps you remember this this uh researcher about bio photons Fritz i.pop it's it's in in the end you know it's it's my film is really really dense it's all we're going to ask people do you remember I need to watch it I think two or three more times yeah I I know people who watched it 50 times because it's it's really so so good there's a lot in there it's good and and uh a lot of things I can just touch on the surface but biophotons is a very weak light emission you find in all living cells and when the cell dies this light emission disappears and that there also when you go on the internet for example you see when when uh sperm when when uh the the the the sperm goes into the egg cell and the human axle you you have like a a light explosion uh you use you see this this light just um with with a special uh cameras it's it's very it's a very very weak light emission but it's there that's not disputed so uh biofotons uh are real but what is the big question of what's the reason of for the Spire photons and then Skeptics say this is an epiphenamine so this is there but it has no reason but uh the the bio Photon researchers say that at this slide this weak light is the carrier of information it the carrier of coherent information like or ordered information and this ordered information is coming from the Sun so the sun is sending out this coherent information it's stored in in plants and indirectly in in meat and when we eat food plants and and the animals we take this light out of the out of the food and free time that pops says in my film when you look for example at the chemical formula of sugar when when when when you look what's what's the matter in there then this this matter is is uh divided into water and carbon dioxide both leaves the body what stays is the light so of course you have a material processes involved in the whole thing but the interesting thing is the information yeah that's that's what uh what I said before that uh the the matter in our body is not interesting it's like in the Bible it's dust the interesting thing is the information and here we come again to to the question what is consciousness directly after that pop in my film we we go to The Institute of noetic Sciences to the Consciousness researcher Dean Reign and he he says what is consciousness Consciousness is um ordering principle and if this ordering principle leaves the body it quickly falls apart so it seems that that Life Energy is a a subtle form of energy combined with information and this this light seems to be this this weak light radiation seems to be uh a link like this light a light of life but it's not in not the strength of this light is important but the order in there the the coherent information and uh that seems to be a link to the to these ideas of tree and Prana and uh that you you you cannot really really measure but uh I don't know if you uh know this name he was a student of Sigmund Freud okay and and uh later on uh he he went into uh the the research what's what's the energy of our emotions and he he also did research on sexuality and he was actually the first scientist to uh deal with Life Energy he called it Oregon and actually he he found a blind spot in in science and and when you look after uh up to the story of Wilhelm gai it's really interesting because he he he came he was an Austria Austrian actually and when the Nazis came his books were burned because he was a Jew then he he went to the United States in the land of the free and his books were burned again in the end of the 50s because uh this this idea was so strange this Oregon energy that people just didn't understand it and the biophoton research actually is a follow-up of this organ energy but they they they they never called it organ because it was so controversial and uh Wilhelm had a very uh a very sad fate so uh this this idea of of Life Energy seems to be a blind spot and then ayurvedic doctor once said to me uh it's understandable that uh classical science and and classical medicine doesn't understand this idea of of Life Energy and and all these energetic processes because when we when we look at the history of classical medicine they they learn from dissecting corpses so this this was the big taboo they they broke dissecting corpses and learn how the mechanical parts of the body's work but they because you you cannot learn from a dead body Life Energy so they always had a problem and the Eastern medical Traditions always learned from the living bodies so it actually there it was able to dissect uh corpses oh interesting and uh yeah he said that's the reason why I obeyed uh and and classical um uh traditional Chinese medicine know so much about this uh energetic uh processes and classical medicine has a big problem with it and you know when you go to the hardcore Skeptics they say like acupuncture is just Placebo and meridians do not exist and all that stuff because it's true you know you you cannot measure uh this tree this Prana with classical methods it's just not possible but we still live also we have no actual explanation yeah that's really interesting about the dissection that makes a lot of sense actually um we I'd love to get your thoughts on Plants being plants we eat being grown under artificial lights um light waves in terms of red light therapy as well I think that was developed by NASA I have a red light therapy device that I use on my my shoulders I don't know if you have any thoughts or anything about those two areas yeah uh I mean what I said before Professor Pollock said this that uh the the infrared infrared radiation for example is charging our body water and our our body water and and now we we are not going to some esoteric spiritual stuff that's actually something you can measure and as I told they they made this water battery so he he said that's also the reason why if you're going to the sauna uh that's so so fine because your body is is charged and [Music] um yeah I'm I'm convinced uh that there will be a and and it's still still happening for example when you when you look at organic food I I remember about 20 30 years when when I I went to the shop and and bought organically grown food um most people said you know that's completely nonsense and you cannot measure that stuff nowadays we we see that Organic Grown food has uh a higher percentage of secondary plant how do you call that in English it's not vitamins it's uh nutrients polyphenols and all that stuff yeah so in organically grown food you have a higher percentage and I'm absolutely convinced that there is so much more to Natural to Nature than we know for now uh that I I always recommend as much nature as as possible in In Living in in food whatever because often we just don't know why it works but just because science at the moment has no explanation for it doesn't this doesn't mean anything I mean you're during my my research I found out I did not know before that uh like 96 of all matter and energy in the universe are dark energy and dark matter so that's not black holes somewhere but that's also in us and around us and there is this saying in physics about dark matter we know nothing and about Dark Energy we know less than nothing so uh modern science is dealing with four percent of reality and within these four percent we still have two theories quantum theory and relativity theory that are cannot be combined so not even in this four percent we we we know a lot we don't know what is Life Energy and and and so on and there are is 96 we we know nearly nothing at all I mean sometimes they catch a neutrino or something but we know nothing and so when somebody says this doesn't work because uh science says uh it has no theory for for it then I say this means absolutely nothing so what I want to say is if something works for you or for me and science has no explanation for it it doesn't matter that's okay if it works yes that that's the only important thing and I came across so many incredible things where there is even scientific evidence or at least scientific indications like telepathy or psychokinesis or whatever I mean there is a lot of scientific research about that that shows it it exists I mean even the the the U.S military worked with remote viewing and psychic spies and all that stuff but because academic science has no explanation for it it's a big Taboo in in Academia but everybody has sometimes I mean we we spoke about your your experiences with a holotropic breathing yes so no but nobody can explain these things but you know as soon as you experience it you know it's true yeah and everything else is just stories uh that's what I really find exciting is like I always say I stood this I still believe in magic and Magic not to diminish what it is but it's like there's stuff out there we don't understand and and that's so exciting because if if we knew everything then what a boring world that we live in and and the book I mentioned before we hit record the the breath book um so the the subtitle is called the new science of a lost art and I just think it's wonderful for all these sort of things we're talking about even earthing you know which you briefly mentioned on this thing around we've removed ourselves from the planet the only animal that doesn't touch the planets anymore and actually all the benefits and all the disadvantages of that is is staggering I'm Keen to I I want to ask you this question where do you sit on the scale of breatharianism is a is a thing an actual thing that we can all do or some of us can do or I'm not sure where are you on that scale because I I started that documentary kind of going this is not real and then I left I left it going Hmm this could be real that's how I finished it yeah so um I think it's important to understand that we are all breatharians meaning that we are all living to a certain extent on this non-material Life Energy some more some less that that's what I explained before if you if you look at the human energy balance then there's not just black and white and in the whole breatharian discussion it mostly happens between black and white you know eating three meals a day and and uh eating after caloric Theory and eating nothing there is so many much in between and of that I'm absolutely convinced yeah if it's possible to eat for decades nothing at all and drink nothing at all I don't know you know perhaps it's it's possible I I I I I think it's it's a possibility but I don't know I don't know I only would know it if I would do it myself and I can tell you I I eat I I do intermittent fasting and experience experimented a lot with with fasting and and eating and uh so that I know and I also experience that um even after after a week of fasting I had a lot of energy but there is our our psyche is a lot involved and the whole thing and so if you ask me is breatharianism real yes it's real in the way that we are all living to a certain extent on light on on this Light of Life yeah that's beautiful so and you you mentioned the kind of the curve earlier and you've got most people kind of sitting in that calorific middle bit so do you think that there's a possibility that there's only a select percentage of the population that can go to the extreme ends of of the breatharianism or do you think it's within all of us to maybe get there in the right conditions actually I'm I'm quite sure that it's that way in in in um China they they they have these three steps of beagle so you know bigu without bread beagle food tree without bread and they they say there's this absolute pigu no eating at all no drinking there the next step is just drinking and the third step and that's actually most preferred breatharians I came across they actually left of two 300 calories a day so eating a little uh vegetable or nuts or something like that that's the the big amount of preparions you you find in the world I only came across two people who really claimed themselves they don't eat at all that's proladiani and encinated baranova and um there is actually I also interviewed a a Russian doctor she she's not in the film but she she wrote this book we eat ourselves to death Dr Galina shatalova she was uh the head physician for the Russian cosmonauts and and she made Extreme experiments with uh people giving them very very little calories and it was interesting to see for her that in in these uh long walks through the deserts the people who who got very very little calories and drink they they outperformed the the people who who ate the the normal amount of calories and she wrote this book we read ourselves to death and she says we eat too much we we eat too much and we eat too much of the wrong calories she says that uh we we only should eat three to four hundred calories a day but the right calories and that's also a thing you know a a glass of Coca-Cola and and an apple can have the same amount of calories but there's a huge difference when it comes to the nutritional value value so this this Focus just on calories doesn't make a sense and there is actually quite a lot of literal literature about that um yes but what I wanted to say is that in in the Chinese tradition when it comes to do they say there is also a part of inherited tree we could translate this with chains or whatever okay yeah you bring them something with you and of course everybody can learn keyboard or playing basketball but not everybody becomes a world-class piano player or a world-class basketball player so I think it's like in every other part it's actually the same as in in in all these supernatural phenomena because there was a study in in in in the the U.S military had this Stargate project where they worked with psychic uh spies and remote viewing and in the 90s a big part of of This research material was Declassified and there was a um scientific publication from Professor Arts about that and she said everybody for example has to a certain extent uh the possibility for remote viewing and for for uh how do you call it psychic uh psychic viewing yeah I'm not I'm thinking telekinesis but it's not telekinesis I know what you mean in most people uh so she said what they found out is that it's much easier to find High talented persons than to try to uh uh to to teach this to to normal people because there are people who have a very high talent for this and uh it just needs too too much time to to learn this for normal people so I think this is like in in every other part there is talent but you also can learn it it makes sense yeah yeah and and is there a any correlation you saw with where you are on the planet and the quality of the sunshine would be better so for example here in the UK you know the step you know you know what our weather's like it's terrible here it's cloudy 80 of the of the year but in India obviously it's a lot more Sunny isn't it there so I wonder if that also plays a factor in anything you saw uh not necessarily because uh they're for example in the wooden mountains there were also monks that that left in cave bigu monks that lifts the lifting caves and it made sense when uh when uh Professor Pollock told me about the the Earth Energy so these people take the energy the ordered energy from from the earth so it seems to be not so much about visible light uh okay because if that's all going into the Earth isn't it anyway the Earth's absorbing that every day exactly exactly okay that's interesting and uh I mean some gazing is is also a lot about it's it's an open eye meditation so you use the the Sun as a meditation object as as your focus and yes of course the direct sun lies probably also uh will have an an effect because I think in 2014 there was published a study that showed that a light can directly used by mitochondria so by our cell plants energy plants to to to create energy that that was denied for for centuries because they always said you know there is no human photosynthesis and actually it it seems that there is something like human photosynthesis to a certain extent yeah that's interesting you know I think it was in um the earthing documentary um that there was a sick child and they dug a hole and they put the child in the in the in the in the ground not to bury them but to help them heal and then to absorb the energy yes yeah yes he just reminded me of that again that's interesting yeah exactly yeah I mean you said that we we are the only animal that's completely isolated yeah from from the earth we we have these sneakers with uh rubber yeah and then we all always insulating isolated from from the earth so that's probably the most important reason why we should go barefoot normally they they said it's it's like to for acupuncture or something like the most important reason seems to be to absorb the the Earth Energy yeah yeah absolutely I I it's sad isn't it we live in a society where if I walk down the street with no shoes on it looks a bit strange but actually it's probably one of the most natural things you could do I'm interested to talk a little bit if you don't mind about the intermittent fasting if we have a few minutes because I know you you mentioned that you you've done some work there as well I'm always Keen did you did you look at anything to do with um the Islamic uh religion and their their um fasting periods and if that has any benefits on their overall health I mean you have this in practically all religions and I I remember when I I did research in in the 2000 years uh most doctors said to me thing is nonsense and it it's uh if if it's not bad at least it doesn't help anything and it was very interesting when in in 2016 then uh the Nobel Prize for autofachi was given then suddenly the World opened because now you you had an explanation why fasting is healthy and actually you know I mean Auto Factory is one reason why fasting is is so good there meanwhile we we also have the sertrains and all that stuff but Auto Factory actually is how the body body cells are getting rid of waste materials and uh you you you you the best way to to increase Auto Factory is fasting so after uh 12 hours the body cells if you do not eat so after 12 hours of fasting the body slowly starts to to increase this this Auto Factory processes and then the body cells get rid of of all these waste products that create Alzheimer disease cancer and so on they did studies with uh mice and they they started with uh how do you call it waste oh uh like like rats no no uh these these uh small fungus oh okay not sure the name though so they they they did studies with a lot of organisms okay first and they saw again and again and again you know if if you let these organisms fast then they live longer yeah and that that's the reason why the book I I wrote about it mist and fasting is called the Fountain of Youth effect we we actually will publish it in English in in June probably okay cool on Amazon because uh it's like a a fountain of youth for for for the body if if you do this because in in the past the the classical nutritional science said you you should eat uh whenever you are awake you you should eat little but all the time a little and it turned out that's not true because you need these These Times of of fasting and this is now backed up also with the Circadian rhythm this was Nobel Prize 2017 so the big difference between machines and organisms is that organisms live in in Cycles so you you have being awake and sleeping you have eating and fasting and it's important that we we have that the body has these Cycles because uh we are not machines a machine needs fuel all the times and then the question engines you know we always needs fuels and burns it but we work completely different we as living organisms we we need these rhythms we need rhythm interesting and the the idea of intermittent intermittent fasting addresses uh this this rhythm of eating and fasting and in in in in in our in our books we wrote three books about intermittent fasting we we say it's it's very important that it goes easily because we have um most people when they think about fasting they they think it's difficult and and hard and we say enjoy both enjoy the fasting and enjoy the eating because fasting especially if you do it for such short periods it's it's really wonderful because you you feel light and if you have a perspective on it from the side that you are getting cleaned up uh that that your body cells can relax and then suddenly uh your mind opens up for this idea and then it it works easier because uh often I mean food has of course a physical nourishing aspect but it also has a psychological nourishing aspect and so we we also have to address this psychological nourishing aspect and that's a reason why we combine it with meditation and that's also something I I realized most breatharians have some sort of spiritual meditative routine because it seems that that you create order in yourself that you do not have to fill up from the outside with with addiction because it it seems that I mean also with the with alcoholics it works best when you do meditation yeah Anonymous alcoholics they also have this meditation uh technique involved because and I know this myself best because I have a very high addiction potential and it's a meditation really was the thing that that helped me most because yeah it seems that this is this Inner Light this inner order you create yeah we have both we we get order from the outside by by Nature by food but we also created from from the inside the Indian tradition they call this Kundalini energy during meditation this Kundalini energy is is awakened and of course breath work as well helps to create this Orchard or this this order and and Prana and Chi said it's uh breath is also the carrier of tree and and Prana and this this Rhythm also is of course a meditative aspect I mean the the most basic meditation method is breath observation because this is really something you from from our first breath to the last you always have something to watch and to observe because it's always changing and yeah breath observation is really wonderful um meditation yeah breath awareness is one of my favorite yeah just just seeing what checking in with yourself just a couple of practical bits about the intermittent fast I'm curious to get your thoughts on what what's a good eating window in terms of time and um what are some of the uh uh misinformation about breaking autophagy's because I hear like oh you can have black coffee you can have lemon juice but I don't know if that's breaking autophagy or not so I'd love to get your thoughts on yeah yeah yeah so concerning the time window um when it comes to to the scientific research it's said that 16 hours are like a minimum amount but of course it's uh important what did you eat last and what did you do in this 16 hours for example if you do Sports it's said half an hour of sports it's two hours of waste waiting so if you do a lot of sports 14 hours also will be good but the longer uh the better but when it comes to Auto veggie but in our books we we recommend for a regular intermittent fasting um a rhythm uh within 24 hours so that there are different intermittent fasting regimes but we recommend uh one within 24 hours like 16 8 or 18 6 and the reason for that is the Circadian rhythm that's that's the Nobel Prize 2017 uh when they they research the the inner time circles because all all um organisms on Earth are organized within 24 hours of the sunlight so uh our our cells have like a time schedule uh that's around 24 hours and it's easier if you uh go with this 24-hour Circle so eating once a day makes it a lot easier and it's from from my experience when when you work uh the whole day then it can be very uh um like um you know you you you need something uh that gives you Joy after a long work day and that's that's eating yeah and that was what what I said it has to be easy if if intermittent fasting should make sense you it's not something you do for a few weeks but you do it for the whole life and if you want to do it for the whole life it has to be easy because it will not work so you you should first look what's easier for you to skip the breakfast or uh dinner canceling yeah and you you start with because there are naturally people evening people and morning people and for example I'm I'm an evening person and I I never liked breakfast and I I just did it because everybody said you know breakfast is is the most important meal of the day and it's very easy for me to to skip breakfast and uh so these These are ours I like a present you know it's very easy for for me to to let's get a breakfast that said um it's also the way that you should not you should at least wait two to four hours before going to bed because when when you have high blood sugar and a lot of insulin then all these hormones that help your your body cells to to repair and to to relax like a human growth hormone and glucagon and all that stuff uh they are not produced so for example if you want to lose weight it's best dinner canceling so the the longer you you stop eating before going to bed the better but it has to be easy so it does not work if you you need joy and and uh and then it will work for a few weeks but not forever so and in my experience um you you you you you can learn this you know uh I always keep breakfast and I always keep my 16 hours but uh on some days it's easy for me to skip uh dinner as well so just I eat once a day so then it's not 16 8 but uh 24. and you you can uh also work with the drinks you know I work a lot with with tea I also I have my special t uh plans with there's like ashwagandha and green coffee and all that stuff they they they help you to reduce hunger and great dopamine and um so with with tea you you can support yourself and in the tea there are also uh substances that are very good for the body like uh in ashwagandha you you you ashwagandha helps you to to create this ansim uh telomeras that helps you to protect protects the telomeres okay it's like the Beijing countdown and uh yeah tea is really something uh that's very underestimated all these substances in you have in plants and these secondary plant products uh they they are researched in the last years and they have no calories but and they were a very stable to heat and so you have like a soup of this wonderful substances but it has no calories and it helps you to do easier fasting and so for me tea is a wonderful help to to get through these fasting times with joy oh wow okay and what about Bulletproof Coffee butter coffee is that is that any good or not um I mean when it comes to to autophagy uh no because you have a lot of fat in there but black coffee for example yes okay black coffee uh it's like tea but black coffee too much black coffee is for other reasons not good because I think you should you can drink up to four it said up to four cups of coffee are okay but coffee of course helps you black coffee he helps you a lot through the fasting cycle because it also creates dopamine I mean that's the reason why why we love coffee but it's not for the taste it's dopamine yeah yeah but when it comes to autophagy uh yeah it's wonderful actually the the there are substances in in the coffee that help you to to increase or to factory but even better than black coffee is the green coffee because it has the chlorogenic acids in there that um boosts autophagy and and weight losing even more but uh as you said black coffee is good when it comes to to lemon juice uh when you drink too much lemon juice of course you have sugar in it there's not good but if it's just a few drops of lemon juice then it's okay because it's hardly it's it's just taste and taste is okay okay interesting good to know um I just want to I I'm so much I've enjoyed this conversation uh Peter Arthur thank you so much is there anything we haven't covered that you wanted to to touch on um I mean there there is a a lot um yet do you publish the the URL where people can watch absolutely so down below they can click on the links to go to your website and and to the documentary yes so on on light the you also find a lot of Articles uh where you find the links we we spoke about like these uh these studies uh about uh these articles in nature and all that stuff so if somebody's interested in in that stuff and and all the controversy about the the breatharian studies and that stuff you find a lot uh a lot there and yeah probably if you want to check out my my intermittent fasting book it will come out in in June or July on Amazon Amazon the the Fountain of Youth effect yeah wonderful I will uh yeah maybe we can we can touch base and do something a bit close to the time if you want so you think it's June that's coming out okay so we can we can link to that when it comes out as well no problem at all okay so I guess just to close then I think you've kind of answered this but do you think any human has ever lived where they had no water and no food or do you think it's more of a there's 300 calories a day do you think it's possible a human could live 60 years with nothing um I I think it can be okay interesting you know yeah yeah it's possible yeah what what I said before if you go into physics and you see that that matter is is just vibrating energy then these things going through walls eating nothing at all it suddenly opens up for everything but I I I do not I do not know but yes for me it's it's conceivable with all this crazy stuff I came across and all these stories yeah I I think it's it's it's conceivable but I don't know you know I don't I don't have proof no of course I just wanted to understand your thoughts and yeah um that that makes me very excited as well because again I love the idea of this unknown and this magic and this stuff been out there so so thank you so much um people you can you can watch the documentary The Links down below um and Peter Arthur thank you so much for your time it was a real pleasure it was a big enjoyment thank you thank you great foreign
Channel: Breathcast with Mike Maher
Views: 11,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breatharian, breatharian diet, breatharianism, sun gazing, intermitment fasting, no food or water, is breathtarianism a scam?, in the beginning their was light, mike maher, take a deep breath, tadb, breathcast, breath diet, podcast
Id: Gzk9Y-T3VWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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