I've Never Felt So Bad For Angelica Pickles...

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[Music] Angelica Pickles is a character that have always had mixed feelings towards being that she's generally the antagonist of the Rugrats the primary feeling was always usually some flavor of dislike more often than not she's the one who tends to C problems for pretty much everyone else in the show if not causing problems for someone she's likely making an effort to manipulate someone in some sort of way don't get me wrong I don't hate her as a character but like her or not you got to admit that she's almost always portrayed as an aggressor or an instigator of some sort the thing is though every once in a while the writers would come up with a story that would paint Angelica in a different light and as a result the negative perception of her would be softened even just slightly whether it be a plot that makes you feel bad for Angelica or one that leaves you feeling sentimental for the fact that she's always been there for the baby since day one the end result would usually be a slightly less resentful feeling towards Angelica you guys are my best friends we are really yeah and even though I was always mean to you and broke your toys the truth is deep down I like you too I really like you go Angelica I wish you weren't moving away me too I'm going to miss you guys so much realizing that underneath that hard and abrasive outer shell is a little girl with sensitive feelings would more or less feel like a breath of fresh air at times we're all so used to seeing Angelica being a bully or acting a fool time and time again so when the moment came that she would show some appreciation for the babies and break down those walls of anger it always tended to be a really sweet moment these moments would be used so tactfully throughout the series in a way that allowed the writers of the show to further shape our perceptions and feelings towards Angelica this is something that not only applied during the original run of Rugrats but also continued into its spin-off series all grown up it would be an effective use of plotting that the show's writers would always keep in their back pocket because in all reality it would usually result in a pretty good episode in all grown up the kind of hostility that Angelica brings to the table would definitely change from what it was in the original show whereas in the original Rugrats it would come in the form of Angelica trying to scare the babies take something she wanted from them or get them in some form of trouble all grown up with C Angelica still being rude yet drastically less than she was in the original Rugrats it was a more watered down mild flavor of rude that generally focused around her thinking she's better than the Rugrats crew mainly because she's older than them along with that though came a change to the episodes that would tend to soften our perceptions of her they would still exist of course however with the show being more focused around the drama of being a pre-teen they would come with a drastically different presentation than we had been accustomed to however that isn't always a bad thing though and that's why today on our nostalgic walk down memory lane we're going to check out an episode of all grownup that really changed how I look at Angelica as a character but first I just want to say thank you so much for clicking on this video and for being a part of my YouTube journey I also want to give a huge shout out and thank you to one of my fans on YouTube by the name of sage arter they've been following my YouTube Journey for a long time now and always have positive thoughts to share in the comments of my videos and that's something that I personally value a ton on top of that though Sage arter is the one who commented suggesting that I cover this episode which is what brings you and I to where we are today so of course thank you so much for your support sage arter and for your recommendation to check out this episode today we are looking at none other than the season 1 episode Lucky [Music] 13 hey me and the Dillman are finally on the radar of life cuz our cousin's a teenager as Angelica continues to walk through the halls of her school everyone is in complete awe of how cool she is now that she's a teenager just then she's awakened from her Daydream by one of the popular girls walking up and interrupting her I'm really sorry but this table's reserved for the 13 and overcrowd plus you're kind of sitting in my chair not like your name's on it Savannah wow and a gold too oh well in a few days I'll be 13 and have my own cool table and who knows might be the new hot spot as Angelica prepares to walk away she reminds the girls that some of them haven't RSVP for her birthday party yet she tells them that there's going to be cell phones with unlimited minutes in the gift bags which has two of the three girls just completely in awe meanwhile Savannah is none too thrilled after that we cut to Angelica walking down the hall with Susie and Harold taking on a 13er before you are one is like opening an umbrella indoors while walking under a ladder as you break a mirror which drop when you open that dumb umbrella the minute I'm 13 Savannah and I will be equals especially after my party or as I prefer to call it the new gold standard later on after school we cut over to Angelica's house where her mother is asking Angelica if she has any idea how Tommy Chucky Phil Lil Dill and Kimmy's invitations got stuck behind the refrigerator Charlotte is very quick to connect the dots that Angelica did it because she clearly doesn't want them at her party and she tells them that she has to invite them however Angelica argues calling them dweebs whose idea of fun is smelling each other's socks you never know where a dweeb a someone may end up today a sock snipper tomorrow president of the New York Stock Exchange Angelica's mother then continues to tell her about all of the activities that she paid to have at the party such as porpus rides pedicures and even a psychic doing palm readings Angelica says that's even more reasons as to why she doesn't want Tommy and his friends there but despite her please Charlotte doesn't budge just like that we cut on over to the next day at school here here here and here sorry they're late and stepped on nothing says I want you at my party like a big footprint of course if you already have other plans I'll understand uh for instance Lil starts to read the long list of things that Angelica presents for them to do instead of coming to her birthday party when Angelica points out that bossy and flossy the two-headed cow is going to be appearing at the county fair they are all sold and happy about it because none of them really wanted to go to her birthday party anyways I'm going to be a teenager and and you guys aren't I'd love to say it's been great knowing you but why lie now when you see me in passing remember to look the other way I'm on to bigger better and older things so basically shamal Shamel pretty much well nothing's going to keep me away there's porpus rides they talk you know no way I'm missing what could be the most meaningful conversation of my life after that we cut on over to Susie and Harold who are shopping in a clothes store for Angelica's birthday present as they shop and Savannah end up accidentally bumping into one another I'm a little obsessed with finding the perfect dress for my party your party really hope you can make it ooh that dress wants me as much as I want it you're invited to my soon to be annual annual spring bash this Saturday uh-oh the date at the realization that Savannah is planning a party for the same day of Angelica's birthday party the two of them head straight to Angelica's house to tell her with a tub of ice cream in hand they ring the doorbell and Angelica answers holding a handful of invitations from people who all said no they sit Angelica down in the living room and suszie puts it on Harold to deliver the bad news what now don't go all crazy Angelica you still have a bunch of yeses hello hello oh hi Amanda what you already said oh yeah whatever Amanda said she couldn't risk turning Savannah down as the phone continues to ring with other people calling to cancel we cut on over to dei's house where Charlotte is sitting at her kitchen table just crying her eyes out she tells Dee all about how she had to move oceans to get the porposes scheduled to appear and that there's no way they could possibly reschedule as she continues crying about the fact that nobody is coming to Angelica's party Tommy Chucky and Phil overhear the conversation well cold no one's going to Angelica's party that's porpose for are you guys hanging outside the kitchen Angelica's party is kind of guest light SN more oneon-one time for me and my blo hole Buddies B says that it serves Angelica right for always being so bossy but Tommy on the other hand feels really bad for Angelica the two end up butting heads slightly and it's decided that the group will take a vote whether or not to go to Angelica's party no no we get it we're here for the girls votes anyway no thanks for giving it some thought Okay Chucky You're My Last Hope seeing as I foresee this party is considerable potential damage to my self-esteem I feel I have no choice but to vote no Tommy feels bummed about how none of his friends want to go and he tells them that regardless of their answers he still has to go because he's her cousin as they continue to talk about it we cut on over to Angelica in her bed eating ice cream while crying as Susie and Harold try to comfort her Susie suggests that Angelica could simply ask Savannah to change the date of her party but Angelica calls her crazy saying that there's no way she's going to come crawling to Savannah and ask her to do something like that as soon as those words leave her lips though we cut right on over to the next day at school where we see Angelica doing exactly what she said she wouldn't do we do have a problem don't we I mean we wouldn't want to force anyone to choose it's like we think the same by the way I I love how your ey Shadow matches your Bell Buckle oh thanks anyway because I know how much your party means to you I'll certainly see what I can do you're the best Savannah after that interaction we see Angelica sitting all by herself and planning her birthday when Tommy walks up to talk to her look we're cousins and even though we've had our ups and downs and downs and downs I don't want you to be alone at your party so here it is I'll be there dear little cousin I'll hardly be alone as Savannah is changing the date of her party but because it was so sweet and pointless of you to offer to come I'll be sure to mail you a piece of cake Tommy excitedly walks up to his friends letting them know that he's off the hook since the party is back on happy that he can now accompany them to meet the two-headed cow after that we cut on over to the lunchroom where Angelica is talking with Susie and Harold about how excited she is that her party's back on so what day did Savannah move her party to she didn't say did I tell you there's going to be an ice sculpture of me carved from the actual iceberg that sank the Titanic well what exactly did she say that she'd see what she could do Susie and Harold point out that Savannah saying that she'd see what she can do absolutely does not mean that she's going to be moving her party for sure Angelica argues with them though saying that they had this total teen communication that they just don't understand because they're pre-teen still just then though Savannah walks up with her friends and Angelica asks her to tell Susie and Harold what date that she moved her party to oh my gosh didn't I tell you I really tried to move things around but no luck sorry but you said that I'd see what I could do and I did bye-bye Angelica is stunned by this as she drops her lunch tray and runs right out of the room crying her eyes out after that Tommy and his friends who are sitting nearby over here Savannah talking to her friends I don't understand why she actually thought I'd change the date doesn't she know I planned it for that day on purpose I know it sounds mean but Angelica did break a major rule by assuming she'd be popular before proven it's a hard lesson but it's for her own good in the long run she'll thank me I can't believe it someone actually out meaned Angelica the group of friends ends up feeling mixed about what's happening to Angelica on one hand Tommy feels bad for Angelica and wants to do something to help her meanwhile Phil feels like it's not their problem to worry about and he'd rather just stay out of it I got to do something Angelica isn't even my cousin and I feel like doing something too I guess she's been in our Liv so long she's kind of like an evil Annoying cousin to all of us just then Savannah gets up and walks out of the lunchroom Tommy looks at her and when he sees the character on the back of her jacket he gets an idea of just how they might be able to help Angelica a savannah oh my gosh you're a Senor jumping beir too isn't it the cutest thing when he does the Mexican hat dance around his own tiny sombrero uh-huh Tommy goes on and on about how Senor jumping bean is the world's cutest Chihuahua as Savannah shows him the horde of Collectibles she has in her locker Shrine devoted to the rambunctious pup Tommy then pulls out a ticket for the exclusive VIP after hours book signing for senior jumping bean at a local pet store and I'm a VIP how come I didn't get one did I say VIP I meant V VIP anyway the thing of it is I can't go my father's having an ankle toy they're dissolving Tommy offers Savannah his ticket to the event saying that she's the only other huge senior jumping bean fan that he knows of she happily takes it saying that she was going to have a party that day but she's just going to have to cancel it I can't believe you're giving this to a total stranger truth I'm not a teenager but someday I will be and I hope that someone of your popularity and eternal coolness Will Remember Me Not only are you a fellow Senor jumping bananiac but you're a first class Kiss up thanks after Savannah leaves Phil walks up asking if it worked and Tommy is happy to tell him that it did thanks to his smarts and Phil's Home printing press after that we cut to the day of Angelica's party we see the whole yard decked out and decorated as Angelica is talking to Harold and Susie saying that she can't believe they made her go through with this they try to calm her down saying that you never know some people might show up I'll tell you what I know hey Angelica happy birthday oh yeah thanks no one is going to show up at this party and you want to know why yeah hi how are you I'll tell you why it's because I you were saying it's because they all came to their senses we see Angelica talking to Susie and Harold explaining to them that everyone came because they recognize her equal popularity status with Savannah but Susie corrects her saying that Kimmy told her that Tommy and his friends pulled some strings to get Savannah to cancel her party Tommy get over here now bossy's the real cow floss's just a fake cow head well then get over here as soon as Phil stops crying as the party continues we see everyone having a blast and enjoying their time there a little while later Tommy and his friends show up and Angelica approaches them telling them that she knows what they did for her and that she wanted them here so that she could thank them we see Chucky and Phil walk off to enjoy the party as Angelica talks to Tommy some more Senor jumping bean huh there was no book signing at the pet store it was just free flea dip day I found out he's your cousin and you put him up to this in order to steal all my friends away from my party in a minute fake book signing H it's sneaking underhanded backstabbing something I'd normally do but amazingly didn't well I want my friends back we then see Savannah walking around Angelica's party telling everyone that the party at her place is back on however everyone there seems to be having such a great time that they don't want to leave no matter how much Savannah tries hyping up her party and convincing people to go nobody really seems to care well since your part's a bust you probably don't have anything better to do so if you want to stay won't kick you out thanks my stting would give this party and Edge we see Charlotte getting everyone's attention saying that the precourse of the first course of their eight course meal is about to be served so everyone starts taking their seats Savannah goes to sit by Angelica but she stops Savannah saying that those seats are taken by some cool kids is she playing at us or I have something hanging out of my nose oh we scan on Angelica's coolar get up there it's just that our long history together compelled us to act but our history is me yelling at you guys and that got us right [Music] here this episode is one that really gives me such a mix a bag of confusing feelings first of all I feel so sorry for Angelica in this episode I will admit it feels weird to feel bad for her about all this though like she's been so mean to pretty much everyone around her for her entire life especially Tommy and his friends she's been targeting them and treating them like garbage for so long now even in this episode she treats them as if they're less than she is you think that seeing Angelica finally get a taste of her own medicine would be somewhat satisfying however it just straight up wasn't seeing Angelica getting singled out and being treated so badly by Savannah really just made me feel awful for Angelica and more than anything it made me strongly dislike Savannah it all makes sense though in this episode Tommy breaks it down in a very interesting way when they're all sitting at the table after hearing Savannah talk about about how she did this on purpose Tommy makes a comment about how it's one thing to diss on someone who you're related to and it's a whole different thing to be dissed on by an outsider now this right here tracks and makes perfect sense I completely see where he's coming from and why he'd connect those dots however there's a whole other layer on top of all this that adds to the complexity of it sure Savannah is an outsider and by Tommy's logic it isn't okay for her to diss Angelica but even further we have to take into account Savannah's reasoning for doing this to Angelica for Savannah in her mind Angelica needs to be taught a lesson for quote assuming she'd be popular before proving now first of all there seems to be some weird air about this show in which it seems like it's just generally assumed that you can't be popular until you're a teenager which obviously anyone who's ever been to public school knows that's a load of garbage age has absolutely nothing to do with popularity and it's odd that all of the teenagers in the show act like they're so above everyone who isn't 13 yet however Savannah specifically sees herself as the popularity police she has a specific table that she sits at claiming that it's only for teenagers which is funny because like it's just her and two other girls I mean statistically speaking having that small of a friend group would actually make you pretty unpopular but regardless of that she acts like just because she's that age it means that she gets to dictate who is and isn't popular then of course when Angelica made even one single insinuation that she's going to be popular when she turns 13 Savannah took it upon herself as the judge jury and executioner of popularity to penalize Angelica for even thinking such a thing and setting in motion a chain of events that will essentially make it so Ang will never get to be popular then of course the icing on the cake Savannah putting a spin on it saying that Angelica will thank her for that one day like first of all okay Savannah whatever you need to tell yourself to help you sleep better at night but furthermore what are you even saying like someday Angelica will just wise up and say geez Savannah thank you so much for ruining my 13th birthday party I thought I was so cool and boy did you fix my wagon and set me straight I just can't handle it Savannah's logic here is complete nonsense and no matter how many excuses she puts on her actions it doesn't negate from the fact that she's just a bad person in general but with that all being taken into account it makes sense why the feelings brought on by this episode are so confusing it'd be one thing for Tommy and his friends to pull a prank on Angelica for her birthday because a she's family and B she's had such a long and extensive history of doing bad things to them but for Savannah to go as far as she did simply just because Angelica insinuated that she's going to be popular when she's a teenager too was just completely uncalled for if anything I'd say that there's a high likelihood that Savannah wanted to ruin Angelica's party because she's worried that Angelica might be right about her popularity by this point in the series we don't know all too much about savann other than the fact that she's a supposedly popular 13-year-old who's obsessed with senior jumping we don't know about her home life or anything like that however we do know a ton about Angelica and her life Angelica dresses like a popular girl acts like a popular girl and definitely has an attitude as big as her ego but one big thing she does have in her favor for popularity is money now don't get me wrong money definitely is not what defines someone as popular in everyday adult life but for children they are easily en hammered with shiny and expensive things Angelica being spoiled by her Filthy Rich parents leaves her in a position where she can afford to throw this huge massive party that all these kids are going to go crazy for which would in turn make her possibly more popular than Savannah is so with that being said it doesn't take that extreme of a stretch of the mind to think that maybe Savannah might actually be jealous of Angelica deep down inside and sure maybe that was confirmed later on in the series however I definitely need to Circle back and reaffirm the fact that at this point in the series we don't know what Savannah's life is like sure maybe her family is filthy rich too and her party was going to be just as extravagant as Angelica's but we don't know that for sure one thing we do know for sure though is just how rude spiteful and manipulative that Savannah is throughout this one we see her being rude to Angelica about where she was sitting in the lunchroom we see her cunningly plan a party on the same day as Angelica party out of spite and we see her put on a very kind and manipulative tone to Angelica's face all the meanwhile like just her talking throughout this episode you can hear just how fake she is and the hidden malice behind the tone that she's trying to portray Savannah on all levels feels like a very calculated kind of bully she's very self-aware of how she is where her intentions are and exactly how people around her are perceiving her on top of that though anah seems like she's a complete control freak she's so used to being able to get what she wants and manipulating people with her popularity that when she gets that taken away from her she tends to lose her composure we see that happen specifically in the end when she arrives at Angelica's party she confronts Angelica all heated and demands that she gets her friends back like she has any control whatsoever over where these people go and what they do Savannah as a character is one that I really just can't stand and all in all I feel like Tommy hit the nail on the head when he said in shock that someone out meaned Angelica I'm not surprised that she did either like Angelica as a person isn't very subtle she's Brash and in your face if she's mad at you you're going to know it because she isn't going to hide it you can take Angelica at face value for the most part and it's not exactly hard to predict her next move or tell if she's lying Savannah on the other hand is a full-blown wolf in sheep's clothing and unfortunately she has the wool pulled over the eyes of everyone around her like even her two friends were surprised when they heard that she had planned her party for the same day as Angelica's on purpose the look on their faces when she told them that really said it all however after she explained herself and her skewed perception that she's doing Angelica a favor her friends are completely on board and not questioning Savannah's motives that right there is a clear Testament to just how manipulative she is and how good she is at smooth talking these easily manipulated middle schoolers I do have to point out for a second though just how similar Angelica and Savannah are in a lot of ways first of all the two look oddly similar just look at Savannah's face shape compared to Angelica then we take into account they're pretty much the same height they both wear similar eye makeup like in all reality the only difference between these two looks wise is the different hair and the way they dress out side of looks though their personalities are very similar both think really highly of themselves looking down upon others both can be very mean-spirited however one big key difference is that Savannah tries to hide that side of her and put on this innocent popular girl mask meanwhile Angelica is very upfront about how she is with Angelica you get what you get but with that in mind though it makes sense that these two girls would butt heads automatically they're a little too similar to one another with very strong personalities for them to be able to get along well it's Ain to two big muscular testosterone filled A-list celebrities co-starring in the same movie together of course they're going to butt heads and fight for dominance in this case though instead of beefy movie stars we're talking about bigheaded children I do have to say though as far as these kids go it's ridiculous how much Angelica romanticizes the idea of becoming a teenager in the beginning scene to this one before the intro rolls we see her daydreaming about her riding in a convertible with her friends and breaking up with her boyfriend via a conversation on her cell phone then when the episode starts we see her continue to daydream about it feeling like she's basically going to be an A-list celebrity as soon as she turn turns 13 it's like she has this idea that the second you become a teenager something just clicks and all of a sudden you Skyrocket in importance this right here does a good job of conveying just how important this birthday is to Angelica and how high of hopes she has for her birthday party but on top of that it highlights the childhood innocence of looking forward to growing up I remember being a kid and just thinking about how excited I was to become an adult I remember thinking about how cool it would be to get to stay home and chill instead of going to school I think honestly a lot of us as kids have been there however that mindset comes along with an eventual huge wakeup call at some point you graduate from high school and hit the real world and you realize it isn't all chilling and hanging out at home instead of being at school it's a lot of working long hours just to make 's meet and doing adult things like paying bills and waking up at the crack of dawn to get to your job when you're a kid though all you know is going to school and doing the same thing day in and day out so at that point in life moving past School seems like a light at the end of the tunnel but more often than not we realize that when we reach that end of the tunnel we're met with the entrance of a lot bigger and scarier tunnel ahead on a bit of a brighter note though I definitely want to point out that I'm glad Phil came around and ended up helping Tommy and his friends with making things right for Angelica that must have been a really hard thing to do especially on the heels of the way that Angelica has treated them for their entire lives they're so used to Angelica being mean to them and pulling pranks on them and trying to coax them into bad situations at this point they just expect that kind of stuff from her when you're so used to someone being like that towards you it's hard to find even the slightest bit of want to help them in their time of need the thing is though they are good people and as much as Phil hated the idea of helping her he did it because at his core he's a good person and good people take the high road and do the right thing speaking of good people though I have to take a sec to touch on Tommy and his acts throughout this one Tommy really is such a great person and he has a good head on his shoulders throughout this episode he's literally the only one who didn't second guess helping Angelica Phil Lil Kimmy and Chucky all said no originally but Tommy was dead set on being there for her no matter what he was even willing to sacrifice a fun day with his friends in order to try to make Angelica's birthday even slightly better regardless of Angelica being his lifelong bully he still cares for her inside and he didn't want her to be sad and alone on her birthday he's a very selfless person and it shows it just kind of sucks that Angelica doesn't show much appreciation for that fact at all when Tommy approaches her at school and kindly says that he's going to be there for her because literally no one was going to her party she throws it right back in his face and offers to mail him a piece of cake under the impression that Savannah was actually going to change the date of her party of course at the end of the episode she ends up being thankful for him and appreciates what him and his friends did for her but again it took them jumping through some serious Hoops for her to finally give in and give them just a little bit of Credit One can't help but wonder where Angelica gets this kind of mindset from but it doesn't take much thought to realize just where it stems from without a doubt it's her parents her dad has always been a pushover and just lets her walk all over him meanwhile her mom doesn't exactly set the best example either I definitely have to take a sec to point out how distraught that Charlotte was about Savannah's party being the same day as Angelica's she was in dei's kitchen full-blown crying L her eyes out harder than Angelica was at first glance I saw this and part of me assumed that she was upset about how all this is going to be a huge waste of money because no one is coming to the party but this episode makes it pretty clear that money isn't really the root of the issue Charlotte and Drew have plenty of money and odds are they could probably afford to outright buy those purposes if they really wanted to for Charlotte all of this upset over the party was centered around her own ego and cont confidence in a sense Charlotte lives vicariously through Angelica we've watched her raise Angelica from a little kid stressing The Importance of Being Cutthroat and doing whatever it takes to come out on top now that Angelica is growing up and Charlotte is getting older though she relies heavy on Angelica being popular and achieving her goals to find her own importance as a mother to Charlotte Angelica being popular and having this big successful party means her own success if the party is a flop that means in Charlotte's mind that she's failed then of course in comparing the two their reactions to the leadup to the party not going so well were very similar both were being very dramatic and completely distraught over it however Angelica is the only one who really has a good reason to feel that way like it was her birthday party after all but with that being said we can definitely see where Angelica gets a lot of her mindsets and tendencies from but what do you think did this episode make you feel bad for Angelica 2o let me know in the comments down below I always love seeing your guys' feedback of course massive shout out with so many thanks to my patrons especially those of you in the true '90s kids tier I'm so lucky to have your support and I hope you know that I genuinely appreciate it more than words could ever say if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to drop a like and give a little bit of praise to the algorithm and hopes that it pushes this one to everyone else and as always thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: DuskTillShawn
Views: 115,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aEFxwsekHYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2024
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