The SuperDeep FUNGAL INFECTION Explained | Why are we driven to dig really deep holes in the planet?

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you know it's been a while since we last checked  on russia i don't know what they've been up to okay so nothing good then in the deep dig  site known as the kola super deep borehole   the russians would do what russians do best and  run across something that likely they should have   never messed with in the first place really  can't blame them the u.s does it all the time   it's really just kind of a human trait to i don't  know we just kind of screw around and finding out   his divine as they continue to dig past a 6 000  meter mark they would ultimately make it to 12   262 meters or roughly about eight miles in  freedom units in our universe they would stop   there because of the heat but the actual story is  they found something down there at first wholly   unsure about what to do they would bring in more  help when people started acting strangely but this   would do very little to mitigate the issue as  time passed anna fedrova which i'm pretty sure   i pronounced that right would begin to understand  just what was down there and also get the concept   that if this ever escapes the human race is pretty  much completely boned so in today's episode we'll   be discussing the findings of the movie super  deep as well as how it affects humans where does   it come from and how it got trapped down there and  ultimately why humans were never really meant to   be dwarves digging in the landscape because do  you want an old god because that's how you get   an old god also i just wanted to add i literally  got unsubscribed from this channel on my other   channel which is pretty hilarious so if you want  to check that out and see if it happened to you   it probably did support is always  appreciated otherwise let's get to it   but first this episode is sponsored by upside so  i just drove across the country from like denver   to atlanta and i don't know if you've seen  the gas prices but holy sweet god that was   a terrible idea but you know what actually made  it 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just a media studio not suspicious at all   just enjoy the movie what do you mean where did  the 20 million rubles come from although i gotta   give it to the russians lately they seem to be the  only ones with interesting film ideas so a doctor   approaches a man in a bed who's not doing so hot  and she texts his temp actually he's doing really   hot because he's burning up he goes to inject  him with a vaccine and as she does then he starts   bleeding everywhere and just sort of flatlines out  other doctors coming to assist but i'm guessing   massive hemorrhages all over the body leading  to exsanguination there really is no coming   back from that unless you just start replacing  lost blood but they have none of that on hand   apparently and he flatlines permanently so now we  meet anna fedrova she is writing a report on the   vaccine being total crap that she just created  discussing how her colleague ran it on himself   and just completely bypassed animal testing which  is always a good idea also i know you can't hear   it but this has been translated into english and  i don't know if they hired a bunch of youtubers   to read the lines but it all sounds extremely  disjointed like the sentences absolutely do not   translate in emphasis at all if you haven't  seen it you gotta watch it but it's like someone   slamming on the breaks literally mid-sentence  sometimes moving on she's being sad because   well her colleague just dropped and she suggests  that the vaccine program needs to be shut down   permanently she's apparently making the vaccine  that everyone will need very soon but isn't   actually told anything about it and then she sort  of mentions how she should have run it on herself   which okay but that would have totally like taken  you out too then a man tells her don't worry bro   we've got plenty of meat suits to test on so it's  all gonna be okay meanwhile at a christmas party   but wait it's actually a new year's party everyone  seems really awake for being the slate and now me   officially being 30 i don't even care if i stay  up for new year's like i don't know how they're   doing it but then anna gets a call on the phone it  turns out the communist party was inside the house   the whole time and stupid jokes aside someone on  the phone tells her it's time to get to business   new year new chance to accidentally exterminate  the entire human race am i right there was an   incident at the cola super deep borehole there's  apparently a research lab and they need her to   come in to examine an unknown disease and  just like that she's off with a bunch of   russian soldiers to the arctic borehole as they  land people are boarding a bus quadrupeds are   barking and in general it looks pretty cold but  the soldiers get ready as they spot a scientist   coming towards a helicopter soldiers on the other  side then take some pot shots landing them but the   guy gets back up rather easily as he continues to  approach he pulls out the old concussive baseball   and detonates it in his hand then we get the  absolute most real version of what tinnitus   sounds like which is panic inducing as whenever  my tinnitus starts freaking out that's exactly   what it sounds like thank you i hate it but  everyone managed to survive the explosion   except for obviously the scientist and they go and  check on the scientists who is now just a pile of   meat now actually he's pretty much just a puddle  anna goes to secure a sample from the meat pile   where she meets sergi and i know his name isn't  sergi it's sergey you asked her where she's from   because he recognizes the accent and that'll  be the running theme here next we meet hitman   the guy from hitman you'll see in a minute and i'm  literally gonna call him hitman or maybe agent 47   i haven't decided yet also when they are standing  there talking you can literally see the shadows   of their face that doesn't match the area that  they're standing in so it makes me think of like   the 60s movies and how they just stood in front  of a green screen so anna says that they need to   examine the people on the bus upon entering you  have one guy that just kind of wants to go home   and is talking crap to everybody and then another  guy who seems really freaked out and says that   everyone needs to leave she tests everyone and  they all come back lean but they warn her what's   underground is literal hell which actually yeah  it is you'll see later so we now meet peter he's   simply a nerd who doesn't properly wear his jacket  because it's easier to do that for some reason as   they drive into earth's borehole they have a nice  chat with another doctor who's talking about the   hippocratic oath and how they're required to not  do any harm acting suspicious and i hope this guy   doesn't try to like you know sink the facility or  anything to save humanity and again now you can   see what i'm talking about inside the van the guy  does look like the dude from hitman so the doctor   puts in the wrong code a few times to make a point  for some reason the elevator will fall if they   mess it up three times because why not also you'll  learn this is the most unreliable elevator in the   world peter and anna talk about the differences  between a microbiologist and epidemiologist which   if you didn't know microbiologists study the  organism itself and learn about that independent   of outside influence or at least that's what i was  typically tasked with whereas an epidemiologist   are like disease detectives looking for what  caused the outbreak and how to prevent it from   spreading to do that you also need to learn  about the organism but the details aren't as   deep i guess you could probably say that your  main goal is to stop it although to be honest   with you there's a ton of crossover because as  you learn about something your brain naturally   drifts towards okay well how do we stop it that or  i should take up probably being an epidemiologist   in the future because that's what i always thought  which who knows you know youtube's not forever so   as they descend it begins to get very cold as  they have entered the permafrost layer but as   they descend they are speeding up which is not  ideal because something is wrong the doctor gets   up and depressurizes the cabin and puts on a mask  leaving everyone to just sort of go unconscious   i don't really understand how he depressurized  it when they're underground there must have been   a reason but you would think the pressure would be  greater down there so he then repressurizes it and   everyone eventually wakes back up and now the hunt  begins for dr humanity agent 47 checks to see if   the key was still in the elevator but it's missing  and that's when the rest of the soldiers then fan   out to go find the doctor you know the doctor if  he did want to save his own skin could just tell   everybody oh i hit the wrong button my bad but as  they move through they enter one room with a man   named nikolai and a woman named kira basically  an engineer and a doctor agent 47 awkwardly   stands near a collage as anna takes samples of the  water and then runs tests on nikolai and kira they   appear not infected so okay as anna sits there  the doctor comes out of the elevator right and   then tries to tell her about what's happening as  she totally narks on him and then we hear him take   some lead and then do the wilhelm scream which  was actually pretty hilarious but as he was able   to head down the elevator that means they don't  have the elevator so soldiers begin then trying to   break down the door with writing all over it about  demons and hells in there and all that good stuff   and then they find written in latin insatiable  hunger now if dead spaces taught me anything you   never want to open those doors but they do because  of course and then send a few soldiers down into   the area known as sahara it's 200 degrees celsius  which comes out to almost 400 degrees fahrenheit   also nikolai says don't get yourself fried with  the others yeah that's how long the pause was it   was bizarre again the translation is hilarious  so as they turn to leave well they are sealed   in without protection which uh you might guess  also isn't ideal the door opens up to reveal   a woman has hoofed it up the tunnel she appears  disheveled and i mean she did just walk through a   literal oven to get there so as she sits there she  is shivering but doesn't remember much they check   her temperature and see that she has a severe  fever as they undo the back of her gown they see   that she is completely infected with something it  apparently doesn't hurt but it looks really gross   they take a sample from her and check it under the  microscope as she looks she realizes that it's a   cellular parasite of some kind it spreads quickly  but it appears to be a mold which now the patient   is having the mold go through her body lighting  up the skin red and it goes on to say the mold   and fungi are some of the most understudied form  of life which arguably yes as they go to check   on the patient she's not looking too good anna  goes to get help leaving kira in there to watch   the patient which i think bugs her later because  it's like well you'll see what happens anyways   nikolai now gets the lift started and kyra sees  olga standing in the window so things are about   to kick off in the worst way possible her hand  begins twisting and breaking which seems kind of   painful and then she begins running into the glass  head first to break out pegarov starts screaming   to fall back on the radio to sergey as the doctor  comes over to the intercom talking about how he's   gonna bring the whole place down meanwhile anna  is having straight up hallucinations so that's   not good definitely not a sign of things to come  as the doctor then detonates the fuses in the   facility to depressurize it nikolai then crushes  a pepsi can because it's pepsi and also i guess   to demonstrate what's going on and what's gonna  happen to them once this whole place depressurizes   sergey wants to head down to get his men but agent  47 tells him that they're going up and that's an   order anna and sergey then head in to get olga  and kira but find the room is covered in mold   they find the window has been broken and then find  olga on the floor who's still alive as the mold   has taken over her meat suit and she's half melted  her eyes then glaze over a minute later as they   grab a sample and sergey takes a mold shot to the  face then that continues to just fill up the room   as anna goes and grabs a gas mask so that she can  breathe without being infected as she approaches   oh look it's kira she mentions how her body  isn't responding normally her nervous system is   compromised and her muscles keep making her walk  along without her actually wanting to and that   she's extremely cold she then has her chest burst  open with stalks as she attacks anna anna trips   and then literally starts tripping like straight  tripping man and hallucinating about falling   she sees her colleague as the fire suppression  system appears to start working she grabs the   extinguisher and cools off the area to get rid of  the mold having nikolai spray her with co2 to get   rid of any mold that may be on her clothes i'm  guessing she was running out of air in that mask   because she rips it off and starts breathing  heavily and now goes to sergey to see if he's   infected which of course he is he knows it anna  knows it and the mold knows it 47 now confronts   peter about the fungus he suggests it's like  cordyceps pretty much the last of us right well   this is all about to get very familiar peter says  the fungus wants everyone there to return to the   nest so it can infect all of humanity and now anna  has it figured out the fungus cannot survive in a   cold environment it's controlling humans telling  them that they are cold because it can just barely   survive in our bodies but it still can definitely  survive outside of the body the mold quickly   crystallizes and expires anna suggests that they  send a biological team to take this thing out as   it's too complex for the group that they have anna  also blames herself for all of this i'm not really   sure why and 47 talks about how they're in a war  and that they need military dominance before their   nation falls apart because if it does and they  don't have that dominance then all of this was for   nothing they plan on taking sergey to moscow in a  hazmat suit seeing as he's the sample so they get   ready to leave agarov then calls sergey telling  him that they are meeting up in the tunnel so an   argument breaks out as to what they're supposed  to do because they're right behind the door peter   then shuts the door opening the tunnel as a few  of the soldiers enter the tunnel which ah yes very   good said more into the meat grinder well we hear  squelching in the distance as sergey's infection   is also looking worse and then we hear lead being  thrown around the tunnel but like deeply in the   tunnel nikolai says that they need to close the  door and then the soldiers come back dragging   the sergeant as 47 questions who they were taking  pot shots at they didn't really know but it was   apparently big as they help the sergeant another  soldier begins walking up oh lord he's got an arm   off he goes walking down the tunnel looking back  he then decides to create another mouth lower on   his neck for extra air as he knows what's back  there and he's not too keen on hanging out with   him the door then closes as the sergeant cries  in the corner talking about the attack he says   it knows that they are there and you can hear  something on the other side of the door but you   can't but i could sergey continues to look worse  they now nope out of there as the creature breaks   the door and inside the complex squelching and  screaming god i hate that word they now get to   the elevators nikolai attempts to get it running  sergey says that he can feel his infection taking   hold as he's beginning to morb old meme but it  still checks out which also completely unrelated   i said oof in a youtube comment like back in 2021  and some dude was like oh imagine king oofy 202   needless to say i'm i'm absolutely stunned  by people's inability to read dates not when   things were posted but back on track they decide  to leave sergey behind as he's changing too fast   sorry asks anna if she's from yugoslavia to which  she says she'll answer when she gets back and he's   turned into a fungus man or something so boarding  the worst elevator of our time they go further   down into the facility which i thought they were  trying to get out but i guess not i mean it does   make sense later i suppose but as they descend oh  well we look at that once again the elevator sucks   and begins breaking apart so here's the thing  the engineer is doing something with the wires   right but can't get it to stop so anna makes her  way over and pulls the emergency brake saving all   of them why the engineer wouldn't think of this as  well beyond me and how did she know how to do that   well that's beyond my pay grade as 47 walks in he  finds spent casings and also that the entire place   has frozen over apparently the cooling system  is malfunctioning really bad [ __ ] light lights   a flare to reveal that on the wall pretty much  everyone who is down there is fused together which   is exactly what the doctor was trying to stop from  getting out the recording goes on to say that the   mold is fusing the bodies together for warmth  and energy but this one on the wall still got   too cold as it's negative 15 degrees or 5 degrees  fahrenheit and as a result the normal human   metabolism was not able to keep the mold warm  enough the doctor also sabotaged the cooling suits   so they can't go outside to find the doctor's key  agent 47 now decides that he will go out and get   that key he tells anna to ask for the general  when she gets to the surface as he will take   care of her and it tells everyone left that they  need to keep quiet about what's down here peter is   looking dejected because he's a giant nerd who's  worried about being a great scientist he starts to   panic that maybe the soviet government would just  leave him there which i mean it's not the most   unbelievable thing anna then checks the watch and  realizes that 47 has been gone way too long also   he's the colonel i i know i gotta tell you he's  actually the colonel which is why he was able to   order people around but 47 is better she puts on  a gas mask and then heads out immediately stopping   because it's pretty freaking hot down there in  fact it is said that the rocks and the bore hole   at this depth were more like plastic instead  of rocks walking across the bridge he finds 47   crawling but he's basically done at this point as  his ocular cavities are ruined and he's burning   she grabs the key from him and begins her painful  trek back across the bridge before ripping off her   mask so she can see revealing the worst sunburn  i've ever seen meanwhile the mold is upset at her   presence or maybe happy at her presence and begins  turning red she's able to make it back inside   and in great pain basically her outer layer of  skin is cooked so at this point peter completely   loses his mind and pops nikolai in the lake peter  goes on about how everyone will know him and they   won't think he's a dork anymore and maybe a woman  might actually kiss him someday you know standard   scientist stuff and as they all head back to the  elevator but big scary monster thing is still   in the room somewhere upstairs peter orders  nikolai to go the man he just put lead in his   leg but he can't so anna decides to go she ends up  spotting a lead dispenser in the elevator grabbing   it as peter walks up because he decided to follow  her even though she was supposed to basically be   the bait she asked where nikolai is and he's like  oh you should go check to see if he's still alive   and as he does this the thing then just falls on  him absorbing him into the pile we see a bunch of   screaming faces as everyone literally is just  connected to this meat machine anna completely   nopes out of there like anyone would this thing  is aware of where she just ran it begins tracking   her as it enters the room in a style almost like  really reminiscent of the last of us two where   you find the rat king also you can but you can't  but in the movie you can hear everyone who's a   part of this thing still consciously there and an  incredible amount of pain which is a major bummer   i'm gonna go ahead and guess that's why one of the  soldiers gave himself a new mouth so as anna runs   into the freezer to hide it's a horror movie so it  wouldn't be complete without someone ditching as   much clothing as possible she drinks some of that  good russian vodka and then dumps ice water on   herself which burns really bad if you have a burn  by the way and she's like 99 burned so i think she   did this to prevent infection because it doesn't  like to be actually on anything cold or possibly   lower her outside body temperature tremors 2  style so the creature wouldn't notice her not   really sure which or how she actually figured that  out so she gets underneath the creature and then   grabs the key from peter and then heads outside to  the elevator she finds nikolai who's having issues   with the blood loss but as they hobble along  the creature bursts through the wall to begin   the hunt once again we see one of these guys has  like chicken wings arms which is also reminiscent   of the gtfo male sleepers as they get into the  elevator it does this thing where it literally   pushes out an entire human spine to try to reach  anna who doesn't attempt to roll out of the way i   can't say that i would do the same just straight  up do a barrel roll but they're able to get out   of there before they turn around and spot sergey  who well you know he's not actually looking too   good but he still has some functionality mentally  captain key's style he's essentially completely   fused to the center pillar he begins talking to  anna as he coughs up spores as this thing is in   his lungs he tells her to do something because  this is honestly probably worse than meeting her   end so she elects to drop the elevator nikolai is  like no bro i'm not meeting my end down here which   is kind of a reasonable response i mean honestly  anna has been playing it fast and loose the whole   time with her life since like her partner dropped  she grabs the key as nikolai grabs the key also   which activates sergey's almonds she tries kicking  but as he goes for the old air deprival method   sergey has reached full activation and hits  nikolai through the neck with sort of like his   radius or what was left of his radius and ulnar  bone taking him out in the process sergey tells   anna to crash the elevator as she kisses him but  he's pretty much gone at this point and leaking   lots of spores as the elevator continues to ascend  she realizes that she just infected herself like   a complete putts with the mold taking over she  attempts to turn off the elevator but it's already   up too high and continues she attempts to put  in the wrong code just in it crashing but she's   grabbed and pulled out before the elevator can  fall bro why didn't you just type one like a bunch   of times three times over no idea so the elevator  falls and she's brought into the van to be taken   to the surface while in there she's able to grab  the spicy egg from a soldier and exits out of the   van to basically reenact what the scientist did  earlier they try to tell her to calm down which is   about the last thing you want to do and it appears  they then knock her out with an injection before   she can pull the pen and count to what so with new  information comes new ideas and new explanations   one of the greatest inventions that humans are at  least one of not like the greatest but one of the   greatest inventions that humans have come up with  has to be the electron microscope this machine has   made it possible to look at things as tiny as a  virus in a very large way shown detailed rendering   of cells and in general has opened up our species  eyes to the micro universe that exists all around   us in the way the compound microscope never  could and because of this it's time we learned   what could actually happen to your meat suit  when it gets jacked with you still at the helm   our bodies are complex machines if everything  doesn't work together just so or something   influences certain actions and their operations  then that can completely alter how everything   operates further downstream now how are these two  things related to one another well because now we   have the capability to explore and understand the  actual pathophysiology of a disease in a way like   never before not only in ourselves through things  like sample taking but through other animals and   how diseases specifically affect them which would  have some merit concerning our own bodies but to   understand how this mold is afflicting humanity  which i guarantee is not in the way that you   think it is we must first quantify the actual  symptoms of this disease as it takes hold within   the homo sapiens race the first thing to happen to  a person is the initial exposure once exposed the   mold will enter the usual pathways that being the  respiratory system it appears as though the mold   does not have the capability of entering the body  through the skin as this remains a viable barrier   barring likely some massive wound but even still  a person would likely succumb before the infection   spread far enough to convert them although  likely they would just be turned into pure   energy or essentially biomass for the mold at that  point upon getting into the oral or nasal passages   it would then spread to the lungs now typically  when a fungus or mold enters the lung the immune   system is primed and ready and already patrolling  the area to specifically stop this i mean think   about it your lungs are dark warm and moist the  perfect breeding ground for mold to grow without   the immunity in this area your lungs would be  overwhelmed in days which as you might guess if we   were all like this that would be the extinction of  our species in fact everybody always thinks like   aliens and stuff would have to come down and fight  us for earth but all they would really have to do   is basically just release something into our  atmosphere that would suppress the lungs innate   immunity and we would just drop in a few days  that has nothing to do with anything but this   is a science fiction science channel anyhow once  in the lungs one of two things would happen either   the innate immunity would be overcome as this is  a mold and the body has never really encountered   it before something is released that suppresses  the local immunity i believe it to be the latter   over the former cordyceps for instance is known  in some ways to soothe the immune system response   with a bidirectional modulator that will not  only calm but in other ways can also boost the   immune system in this scenario however it appears  to just suppress the immune response once this is   done the cells would no longer attack the incoming  mold spores and any great capacity and as a result   they're free to move deeper into the lungs this  all happens very quickly as when anna is exposed   to the spores from sergey minutes later she  already has the mold bioluminescence moving   through her body via the circulatory system it  is possible she was infected earlier but there is   no clear point that you could look at and suggest  that this happened the hallucinations experienced   do not seem to track with any other person who  was infected and likely could just be a result of   the trauma that she experienced once entering the  lungs they would then move into the alveolar sacs   and from there they would have a straight shot  in the capillaries then to the pulmonary veins   using this highway they were quickly pumped around  the body where the infection would move into the   musculature of the person as well as potentially  the brain however the brain itself may be spared   in some capacity at least at the beginning due to  the blood-brain barrier being in place this would   make it difficult for the cordyceps within the  bloodstream to actually cross over into the neural   area however regardless of the brain's resistance  at first the infection would still hijack the body   despite host intervention or i suppose lack  of host intervention as the mold spreads the   immune system would likely become more and more  suppressed to this ancient cordyceps influence on   the macrophages and t cells in general based  on what we have seen this would allow it to   rapidly spread as seen when anna looks under the  microscope using the body's tissues as fuel it   would ultimately find its way into the musculature  of a person prior to finding itself into the brain   and this is important to understanding not only  its infection routes but how we even know that   it might be cordyceps in the first place to take  you back there's an idea that cordyceps infects   the brain and controls the body but again with  newfound information comes new ideas utilizing   electron microscopes we've actually found that  cordyceps doesn't so much take over the neurons   as it does the actual musculature within ant  jaws when they are forced to leave the nest   and then bite onto a leaf high up to spread the  spores of cordyceps a muscle tissue sample was   taken to find that the cordyceps filaments were  actually penetrating the muscle itself and not the   neuromuscular junctions which relays information  from the brain this is huge as it suggests   the muscles are having a material secreted into  them causing the muscles to contract but the brain   is still functional the cordyceps is just at the  wheel how this translates in importance is when we   hear kira say before she begins the attack stating  her nervous system was compromised and her muscles   are forcing her to walk means that her brain is  still functional she is talking understanding that   something is up with her body but unable actually  influence control sort of like an electrical shock   causing your muscles to seize up or a cramp your  brain is still technically in control but the   muscle is operating independently because of this  we can assume like with this information gathered   from the muscles within ant jaws so too is the  cordyceps moving into the body and sending out   filaments into the muscles of humans on a massive  scale leaving the neuromuscular junctions in place   and functional but seizing this control the  horrible part about this means that your sensory   neurons are still quite intact which means when  olga's fingers break yep she probably definitely   felt that when kyra has filaments break through  her chest she also feels that when the giant meat   monster shows up and everyone is screaming it's  likely because their nervous systems are linked in   some capacity so if anybody feels any pain at all  it is transferred to all of them and considering   the state of their bodies imagine just exposed wet  muscle being walked on with like the weight of 10   people it's probably incredibly painful ultimately  however the brain would likely be in a state of   shock as the cordyceps really doesn't appear to  be overly interested in the actual neurological   functions of humans more with just their muscle  every person you've seen trying to return home   so to speak may be compelled to do so but more  likely it's just the cordyceps controlling the   muscle however i do believe at a certain point for  the corceps to compel the person to return home   it would need to become acquainted with the  central nervous system and if you'd like to know   more about how this may be possible i've actually  covered the four stages of infection concerning   the cordyceps in the last of us videos which are  pretty extensive so if you'd like to watch those   i will post i think the first one at the end of  this video so then you can just watch them all do   whatever you want to do but to keep this succinct  the overall process would as you've seen require   fusion of many different people which historically  is not what an independent multicellular organism   wants to do look no further than an organ  transplant for proof of that i believe this   is another supporting fact when it comes to  it being cordyceps again due to the cordyceps   natural ability to subdue the human immune system  this would be step one towards creating the meat   machine with the immune system in a calm state  another person nearby could begin the process   of fusing with another without the host's immune  system attacking that other person as this can   even be inspired by something as simple as a  blood transfusion we see the fungus will begin   breaking down the integument system sending out  filaments which would then link up with another   person nearby drawing them closer together once  this happens considering the fungus ability to   alter the physiology of a person bone would be  snapped ligaments torn and muscle would take on   a new shape that would then start connecting  to another host skeletal system and again as   you might imagine that's pretty painful once the  process is complete this would give the mold the   ability to exist as a sort of platform running  through the body with several brains attached   and likely internal organs as well because  they are still able to scream sergey's case   because he was alone we see in the early stages  where the mold will actually fuse a person to   the wall and have branching mycelium reach out  looking for other colonies of mold in which they   can link up as then they will begin drawing the  bodies together clearly this has the capability   to create a giant meatball in central park that  would likely look like what we could all see if   humanity was consumed and i really hope you've  seen that graphic cause actually matt can you   put that up on the screen yeah see you're a part  of this meatball if this gets out thanks russia   but lastly i bet you're asking yourself what is  this even doing down there in the first place   you aren't well we're gonna be nerding out on  this channel so uh let's wrap that up before we   finish this thing out a long time ago earth was  a pretty warm place so warm that even places like   antarctica had rainforests that actually then  were snowed out and it looks like it is today   there's an entire continent that we can't even  use it kind of sucks but specifically with the   cola borehole and where it's located it's next to  the norwegian sea as you might guess it's pretty   cold so what did we have there well we'll have  to go all the way back to pangaea and prior to   it breaking up and this was actually an area of  earth or at least an area of land mass that was   way further south than it is now almost residing  near the tropic of capricorn because of this   it would have been likely considerably warmer  than it is today and as a result this cordyceps   may have done better in this area than it would  currently over time as pangaea broke apart any   cordyceps on the surface that was able to survive  would have found itself struggling more and more   as the climate shifted to be colder now typically  an adaptive response would have kicked in but this   didn't seem to happen with this specific straight  of cordyceps other strains survive which we see   today the cordyceps and superdeep however would  retreat underground towards the warmth where   it would ultimately move so deep that the air  temperature would rise to 200 degrees celsius   once here it's unclear how it obtained nutrients  but it was likely due to the brittleness of the   rocks or at least because they were in a softer  state the quarter steps may have actually been   able to extract minerals and nutrients from the  surrounding rocks more readily which is why that   cavern may actually be cleared out as it's eating  everything but ultimately the cordyceps adapted   to this environment which also don't forget  we do have extremophiles that live near ocean   hydrothermal vents right now where the water can  regularly reach over 700 degrees fahrenheit which   comes out to 371 degrees celsius so a paltry 200  degrees celsius would be completely survivable to   a species that was adapted to it but because the  temperature is so high upon infecting humans the   mold would have some difficulty being just warm  enough to survive it's almost like humans entering   the area where the mold lifts sure we can survive  in it for a time but it's not comfortable the mold   would feel the same way likely living within our  bodies and subsequently this would make us feel   cold as the mold does appear to have control  over specifically the hypothalamus which controls   the body's thermostat and this is why i believe  there is some interaction with the brain possibly   indirectly at first as the hypothalamus receives  information from temperature sensitive receptors   in the skin and circulatory system in which  considering the mold is cold and also subduing   the immune system would indicate that it's not the  immune system spiking the body temperature due to   the infection but that it's actually the mold  screwing with these cells and receptors telling   the brain to crank up the heat in order to warm  the mold it can do this by secreting substances   that affect the nerves themselves ultimately i do  not believe the mold to be sentient or anything it   is simply doing what life does wanting to survive  and as such any stimuli in the area which would be   human activity is noted and infected in order  to spread the colony from here the mold would   control the bodies but not with conscious  thought instead with something as comparable   as to breathing automatically which by the way  you're breathing manually now because at first   you really don't have to think about it you just  do it same with the mold it doesn't think about  
Channel: Roanoke Gaming
Views: 642,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the superdeep review, the superdeep mold monster, the superdeep fungal infection, the superdeep ending, the superdeep monster, the superdeep parasite, the superdeep movie, horror movies, the superdeep trailer, the superdeep trailer 2021, the super deep movie explored, Roanoke Gaming, movie recap, movie recaps, superdeep monsters, superdeep, superdeep movie, superdeep borehole, superdeep trailer, the superdeep movie recap, horror stories
Id: 6CgEKLzxIuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 52sec (1852 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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