The SUPERCHARGED Bow Is AMAZING! - Minecraft Dungeons: Ep 1

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it was a time of great adventure and danger oh my gosh she's adorable he's Kim I'm immature wanders the land seeking a new home oh he found I was hatred driven by rage against those who wronged him he wandered blind to whatever end there's until at long last the illage around something that would change him forever the old of dominance oh my goodness this is crazy corrupted by evil driven by vengeance the arch illa Germain all bow before him and if they did not bow they oh my goodness this is Loki crazy leeches braided the land what happens a banner the purity of heart me mediums me pick me pick me me I'll do it then I'll do it oh that's that guy up well pick me I'm ready put me in coach put me in a goat I had no idea what this game was about now I'm so I could fly it minecraft dungeons beta has been released to certain people and luckily thanks to my very good friend favor my saver or Elan he was able to get me a key so thanks a lot you're amazing I have not been keeping up with any of them you know the news or anything about this game so I have no idea what this game is about I know it was released and I know this is supposed to be Minecraft 2.0 not not Minecraft 2.0 but like another the next minecraft game right and so I think it's supposed to be something completely different but also I don't know I have no idea so I'd love to go on this adventure with you guys and if you guys are excited as I am and you want to see more minecraft dungeons on this channel please you got to share the love you got to hit that like button subscribe if you're not subscribed and turn on notifications to you guys to be notified every time I post on this channel which by the way is daily for those of you that didn't know alright so I get to select my character now I can play as Mario guys this is the Mario DLC so so far I kind of like that guy that guy looks kind of cool but let's see I wonder you don't be so cool as if you could import your own skin that would be cool I like that guy he'll just be normal Steve that's actually really cool let's see so far oh I kind of like this guy I think this guy's the most me out of all of them so we're traveling to the squid coast I'm actually really excited about this guys this is super super amazing now please keep in mind that this game is indeed in its beta beta stage no doubt this is the work of the evil arch imager and his minions it's not good they sweep across the land like rather than a scourge subjugating or destroyers rule apart this is a time for heroes like yourself me make haste the villagers have need of you ok I'm ready I'm down let's do this put me in coach I'm skipping let's do this ok wait so I click where I want to go all right so ok so that's how I walk okay this is really fun all right what's over here hello how do i attack oh so you just click on them okay that's actually pretty simple I can get behind that can I pick up these arrows I cannot all right well these guys don't stand a chance against me okay put me ain't got boom this guy's crazy I like how they drop emeralds what's over here is there like hidden hidden secrets can I turn the camera at all oh no I can't drink one of my potions I have no idea what that it I don't know idea what the point of it is but this is genuinely so far an amazing game alright let's head up over listen this way instead no that goes over the bridge I don't want to head over the bridge yet maybe there's something over here there is indeed literally nothing over there I have wasted my time but that's okay because we're on a quest of oh yo shoot the skeleton okay so how do i sow arrows so how do i swap use your move so I can write it so I can right-click on them to shoot them okay but you only have a limited amount so you have to be careful with how many you use what's that I think it wants me to go this way so oh oh dodging left and right okay so I want to make sure I try to shoot the skeleton because I don't want him to bother me can I oh so basically he can just suck up emeralds as well so you don't have to like get around to spooky spots to stuff get out of my face oh I got shot okay so right now get up alright we're fine you know we're just doing our thing we're just battling all the way through oh my gosh that guy's really fast those guys really fast oh my goodness that's so many in rows I'm rich alright we have to secure the inner gate we're running in Oh supplies sweet got some bread it's gonna it's gonna heal me cool oh it just gives you a generation for a little bit that is really neat okay I love how this is this bear is obviously this is its own game but it's also just Minecraft and I don't know the way they've done this so far is really interesting I like this a lot this is definitely how you make like oh oh oh oh SpaghettiOs what's happening Oh to get them get them survived the ambush yeah I'm fine I'm fine I hello I have so many arrows I feel like I could just take advantage of that I have literally so many areas there we go I leveled up cool enchantment pointer and how do I use it oh I can I can roll okay wait wait time out I got a firework here oh okay so I press I and there's my inventory so I leveled up so select an item of your gear that you want to enchant probably my sword right so I can level up our fire aspect thundering freezing or what what about the bow so I can do poison cloud supercharged Ike I don't know do I want to have a bow and arrow do I want to have my sword now the basically when it comes down to is how often am I gonna have arrows how often am I gonna be able to just like attack people right so I feel like I fire acid it could be thundering is also really cool freezing fire aspect I kind of like thundering whatsoever wait so deals two damage it has a 30% - oh so 30% chance what's the fire sets mobs will fire for three seconds three damage per second deals two damage fire inspector seems that seems way better fire inspector seems way better oh no I did my breath I didn't mean to put on fire aspect but I guess that's fine it wanted me to okay so I've equip did I think use the artifact now is oh so it's equipped I can press one okay you can blast multiple enemies in a singular with this part of powerful artifact okay well let's find out I think it's gonna make me use it just a second well there goes my artifact whoopsies how I tricked an agenda not mean to take damage that's very saddening it's okay oh how do we get over there oh I just rolled over there I didn't even mean to do that oh that was a lot of money so you can actually roll over cliffs can I fall off if I just walk towards it no so it's not gonna let me fall off if I don't want which is amazing now let's go all right take that zombie - that Oh fire s Peck that's right because I fight fire icepicks I'm I guess I'm okay I go with fire aspect I guess I like eventually doesn't matter because I'm gonna level up and get all these things in anyways but I guess like that starting thing is kind of important I hope I have the ability to respec which will allow me to change up how I want to play what's this victory to need to miscarriages but don't fret they're still out there somewhere waiting for a hero to find them okay so now we just gotta go rescue the villagers you know what that's pretty good and I'm okay with that all right we're just traveling to the camp all right let's do this all right 20 arrows hit mobs defeated so I miss some I miss him chests okay so I missed some stuff which wasn't great but I'm gonna get a chest it looks like he looks kind of scary all right what do we got what are we gonna get oh do I have to click on it oh I did and we got a fishing rod the trusty companion of any true adventurer the fishing rod is useful for more than just fishing cool so is it my inventory now so it's a 5 second cooldown we can't we can't change the difficulty I'd like to plan a harder difficulty but looks like we're going to creeper woods as our next mission so start mission gear an artifact power one to eight let's do this so now we're going to a different part of the jungle - creeper woods I'm actually really excited about this game because I can play it with all of my friends so if you know some people that you want me to play this game with please let me know you can tweet me out or comment down below whatever it is you guys want and let's see I'd love to play this game with saver this would be a lot alleges decree all free folk on our enemies of the illegitimate somewhere in these woods a caravan is transporting the village of prison we gotta save over in far-off lands or na and stop the energy that is a lot of bad guys all right well okay we gotta help him out guys all right let's do this I'm gonna get ready okay my characters ready I'm ready we just had a camp set up with all these bad guys but that's okay let's do this I'm so ready to just annihilate these zombies I have 60 arrows so we definitely want to all right we got I don't trust zombies that drop pork so that's okay all right oh we're just going to town on these guys they don't stand a chance let's go all right accuracy I don't even need arrows okay arrows we don't need arrows at all look at that let's go this game is amazing it's so satisfying to just swing in hit zombies I'm not gonna lie when I first realized that you just had to click on zombies I was a little disappointed it didn't seem that like it seemed that interesting but honestly it's done really really well I got a shadow form okay so I'm invisible I don't think they can see me not that it really matters Oh crit let's go wait I wonder so zombies don't see you and you come out of invisibility if you like spook them and you do extra damage kind of like fall out okay oh the fire actually ended up oh that zombie almost hit me all right let's go this way I feel like exploring a good thing in this game oh wait I can oh you can just go in water why wouldn't you be able to go in water whoa this is weird I feel like I just like skipped a large part of the game oh my gosh there's so many zombies here oh my goodness I'm surrounded the poor zombies they don't stand a chance let's get him huh oh there's our zombie okay so we are not a zombie a villager we saved a villager all right so he's cool we saved a village or at least I gotta use wait wait can I just go fishing let's see it let's wait so if I what so if I put my mouse here why is he why is he wait I don't get it why is he going this way does he go which way he's pointing what no why is the fishing rod only go that direction oh you know what I just realized what if we okay what if we run them around in circles and then we apply this the bow and arrow and then BOOM holy cow that's so cool it has kind of a long cooldown but that's amazing oh we got the shadow broom we can sneak up on some zombies now or skeletons or whatever it is all right here we come I'm coming for you baddies yeah Oh Wolf's armor awesome we got some armor all right well let's see if we can equip it all right we got wolf armor oh man I'm a hunter of the night now I have some I don't know what my armor does but we do have it now which is pretty awesome thank you sir I will take that let's go oh there's some creeper stuff up there I wonder because this is kind of like an open exploration thing not like super open world but there's definitely multiple paths that you can take so it's definitely like oh what's this swiftness program oh I'm so fast boy look at me I'm fast as heck let's go yeah I'm Sonic boys I have no idea where I'm going I feel like I'm really just I just beat up that cow for no reason I found a treasure chest so I got some hunters armor I kind of want to put on the hunters on there ten arrows 30 range damage I definitely want the wolf cuz the wolf is more about just melee damage in general right I kind of like that bar so we can I wonder where I'm going oh my goodness that is a very big drop-off I wonder if I keep my armor throughout that like the game like if I get armor I wonder if it just stays all right this is definitely time to use that okay there we go oh so it like randomly latches on and pulls the guy towards you I actually love that fishing rod that's really cool so now you can like combo people as well you can be like huh I don't I want I really don't like that I can't change the camera angle the camera angles kind of I mean the camera angles kind of important right hopefully we can up and find the caravan cuz I don't wonder we find the caravan we're gonna be oh no there's creepers uh-oh SpaghettiOs I'm not ready to find a creeper I'm not going near a creeper I'm not dealing with that I'm just gonna show them to the bow and arrow and be done with it I'm not I'm just gonna shoot it with a program that's I'm not dealing with that no sir Bob Rooney okay all right what happens so he dies in one hit which is actually very useful oh I got more wolf armor so I wonder if eventually my armor kind of goes back like it's bad you know what I'm saying oh my gosh there's so many creepers oh I didn't mean to do that I did not mean to do that oh this is bad this is bad Oh take them all out okay you got my swiftness potion or my shadow form okay here we go so I can I just like latch onto this guy now I wonder why like so you have to like latch on to but like look I miss but I hit him that time I what I don't know that's kind of strange I'm still trying to figure out the mechanics of the fishing girl I'm definitely doing something wrong but either way it's going pretty well all right we got uh-oh it froze oh no did the game crash I hope not oh there we go it was just like you have to keep in mind guys this game is still in beta so there's still you know working on some bugs and everything but honestly for a beta game this is incredibly polished and just really fun to play no you're gonna get out of my face there we go I'm losing HP for sure let's use a healing potion oh my goodness that guy almost got me so you can use a healing potion I guess it's timed I'm definitely not taking advantage I have so many arrows let's I'm gonna swap over to the hunters gear because it increases how many arrows I have and also just increases my arrow damage in general I mean come on guys I have 200 arrows I have enough arrows to just clean house here and if they one-shot it like what does it matter look at this and you can shoot so fast as well arrows are definitely I got TNT oh my goodness why do I have it on oh you can throw away okay that's amazing I genuinely cannot tell you how much I love this game all right oh my gosh that guy's so tanky we leveled up okay I want to level up we got an enchantment point lets you put it into her bony room so supercharged poison cloud definitely supercharged right so shard shot deal more damage and have more pushback increase damage definitely that so can I charge so I can I can charge shots now and that gives them more pushback that's I like that a lot I like the ability to charge up to just deal extra damage I don't really care about poison clouds like why poison clouds is important I want my arrows to just do what's it I wonder what's in here so I can't go in there that pig is mine I see the pig there I'm not going in there because I don't want to spook the piggy you know I don't think I roll enough I definitely where is oh so there's my - okay so there so I have a pretty decent the range on that is crazy sorry piggy I'm not letting that pig get away okay Oh swiftness all right see they just spider so I'm not really worried about spiders these guys are trying to web me get out of my face you guys don't have nuttin on me here I'll take the Apple I don't think there's any point - but oh no I don't like all these spiders I don't like all these spiders one bit they're everywhere I don't like spiders I don't like spiders one bit get out of my face ah okay we're never mind those guys are all we needs we got em all oh there's your treasure chest give me something good I don't know what the point of us of emeralds are yet I have 62 of them can I click on them oh man there's a lot of guys here Oh what am i doing bye-bye that went really well okay there we go Oh No ah I'm rooted I can't go anywhere I mean I guess it doesn't matter if I get rooted because I kind of just destroy them anyways oh I'm not free the villagers all right feeling lost wait so how do I open up my how do i is it tab yeah so tab is my map so wait oh it looks like I have to come down this way oh no it's all these guys okay Oh what was that guy about to like blow up um get them out of my face all right I got you villager rotten save yourself or help me help your other villager friends but it looks like you're just gonna save yourself because you're mean like that I keep attacking the cows I think they're gonna give me food oh strength potion oh I have a strength closer new guys are so done you guys are so done now that I have a strength for 20 seconds all right I gotta go and take advantage of wait why is it right of the flowers to secure what is all the way over here can I go up this way it looks like you cannot go up that way now that is upsetting what's over here I have all of these questions all these things that I want to go explore and do oh supplies nice I wonder if strength definitely doesn't increase everything there we go all right we have another villager here looks like there's one more villager that we need to go pick up which is gonna be more than fine oh we got him let's go all right looks like all villagers have been saved so they want us to run up this way home this game definitely rewards you for like adventuring oh no there's still a villager up there that's okay I can come and pick omote arrows arrow Ponder's and arrow bundles I think you have too many arrows I think arrows are too overpowered I could I mean this could just be the beginning part of the game and it becomes much much harder and errors become more scarce but right now I can use arrows for literally anything and eating and I can just I wonder if that guy hits me if looking 15d explodes on my head cuz I'd be a little longer I'm holding off too I'm holding the TTT here the TNT op for the perfect moment even when there's a lot of bad guys there's normally a lot of spiders here I don't like Oh everything kind of it seems like everything dies very easily nope no sir I don't even need to use the TNT right now oh I found a tarnish oh I got a new I picked up a boat wait I already had a boat though 20 to 60 range damage what's this one oh but this bow isn't levelled up so I want to have my bow cuz my bow is levelled up okay oh I went the wrong way what why did I go the wrong way I didn't want to go the wrong way so leveling up actually doesn't matter because I'm just I'm just using it on my starting gear for the most part which makes sense and I forgot like I could put it on my armor but we all know that there's no way I'm gonna put it on my orange did I go the wrong way I'm kind of embarrassed if I went the wrong way all right shut up okay I'm so sneaky now Oh get out get out get out okay I kind of ended up wasting that TNT TNT is kind of hard to use it lasts a while this is a pretty fast paced game TNT is more of like a you throw it and just oh oh I got an axe I wonder if an axe is gonna be any better let's take a look at the axe alright let's take a look what is the X do um spin attack move sturdy at 10 to 16 that's 13 to 21 let's put on the axe let's see how this works so it's definitely a lot slower but it looks like there's a small chance I can have a spin attack move which makes me go around into this huge AoE circle and besides it just does a lot more damage in general there we go oh go go go all right we got to keep pushing forward oh we're surrounded get them oh there we go I love the supercharger pegs see you guys oh man this games fun I am honestly I love this game remember guys if you want to see more than oh my gosh there's so much lava and scariness everywhere right now what's happening oh we're not dealing we're not dealing with this we're not dealing with this no sir oh my gosh there's so many guys here alright I got a heal up let's go Oh keep battling okay come on let me go grab this alright keep paddling and we're gonna go up oh we got it all we got them all we're all good victory is ours yes oh yeah I love the narrator honestly this game is absolutely amazing everyone and I think that's where we're gonna be ending off this episode if you guys enjoy and you want to see more of minecraft dungeons want me to play with friends or you want me to just continue this adventure make sure to hit that like button subscribe internal notifications thanks for watching everyone and I'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye everybody wahoo
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 191,732
Rating: 4.9431896 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Dungeons, Minecraft Dungeons playthrough, minecraft dungeons full, minecraft dungeons episode 1, minecraft, dungeons, dungeon minecraft, dungeon crawler, mojang, mojang dungeon, Xbox Game, PlayStation 4, Switch, Xbox One, Minecraft Dungeons Switch, Minecraft Dungeons PlayStation, Minecraft Dungeons Xbox, Minecraft Dungeons series, Tewtiy, Mobile game, iphone game, minecraft 2, new minecraft game, second minecraft, Grian, Grian minecraft dungeons, Grian minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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