The HIDDEN Fire Emblem Engage Stats You're Missing Out On.

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have you ever found yourself in a precarious hit rate situation where the only way out was a shaky 60 hit rate on Ivy or else you need to restart or burn a use of your dragon time Crystal what about trying to mitigate your avoid and trying to bank on a 30 hit rate on enemies but for some reason you just got hit like three times ever try stacking your critical hit rate to the high 70s only to miss and get hit back completely ruining your strategy what about the ultra cursed scenario where you're deep into a chapter and get credit by an enemy when their crit rate was only a measly five or seven percent the common theme Here is that relying on shaky percentiles is all too common in Fire Emblem sure there are instances where we need to rely on Lady Luck for the outcome we want but what if I told you that there's a secret or rather not properly explained mechanic in engage that would help you fix up all four of these issues well here's your answer support boosts your clothes don't hang like they're weighted wait a minute there's something hard under those clothes so you did have a secret those are my abs while it may seem like a oh well duh support boosts how is this a secret well it's because number one people generally know that something is going on in combat due to the C to a bubbles floating on top of the characters but the game doesn't really explain what they do in the moment number two support boosts in this game do not behave like they did in three houses and are actually closer to how they worked in the Affinity era of the GBA Intelius games they actually work somewhat differently from those games anyway meaning that engage support boosts our unique system altogether the reason why proper setup with support boosts are so vital in engage is that the swings in hit avoid Dodge and critical rates can be huge from 10 to 40 avoid 15 to 40 hit 5 to 25 Dodge and even 3 to 30 critical in my experience support boosts are so underlooked that they may as well be Secrets which is crazy because the applications of optimal support boosts for gameplay can make or break sequences in chapters regardless of difficulty you've probably benefited from support boosts in combat without even realizing it the user experience weirdly took a step back from three houses supports when it comes to viewing these boosts on one hand you can open up what support level each character has with each other on the Fly which is nice but you don't have any support boost notification in the combat forecast at all you can hit the minus button to get the full stat menu on the character then check out what rates are being boosted but all you can tell are the boosted rates themselves not where they're coming from you can also hit the X in the mini menu here but again you're not getting the information on who it's from you instead need to make the connection that oh my B support with alira is giving me 10 hit 5 avoid and three crit but the game won't tell you about their support type and much less how the system differs from the character-based support boosts from three houses today we find out exactly what's going on with engage's way of supports spoiler warning because supports are directly linked to characters in the game this video will contain play able roster spoilers if you don't care about being spoiled or already know about the cast then keep watching otherwise you have been warned without getting too deep into a history lesson supports in this game work similarly to the Affinity system of the GBA intellius games where each Affinity denoted a certain combination of stat boosts as seen here this system was left behind since shadow dragon and ever since support boosts were character based rather than categorized in affinities like this instead of Elemental affinities engage has very self-explanatory names for what these types of support boosts do we have a grand total of six types balanced hit critical avoid Dodge and default for each type 6 to 7 units in the roster will have a certain one alir is a balanced type meaning they provide a bit of everything to their Partners ATA is a Dodge type meaning her supports will focus mainly on Dodge boosting so on and so forth now I'm sure you've noticed down there mavier is oddly placed in the default support type indeed in game he will only provide provide his partners with plus 10 hit no matter the support I genuinely think this was an oversight that has yet to be patched in game there is no justifiable reason for him to be categorized as an NPC so let's hope for the best that our lad mavier gets out of default hell so now that we can see the support bonuses on paper how are these applied in battle support bonuses are triggered by standing adjacent to the partner you're trying to boost meaning the highest amount of boosts you can stack is four at once but in practice visually if you surround yourself with four allies that all support you you can only attack an enemy in range for example the limitation here is that not only can you only stack four boosts at once support boosts are further separated by the fact that the character needs to be able to have supports with the other character first alir can of course support everyone and therefore give out their balanced boosts to anyone and receive any type back a leader can also S rank anyone in the game male or female the other characters like diamond for example is limited by their supports if he wants to stack as much crit on him as you could the most you can get is 12 extra crit alongside the other boosts those allies provide which is still high assuming a used sake Getsu Tamara and alir evidently this makes some characters do potentially really well with proper support support Ivy has a pretty abysmal 30 dexterity growth as a lint worm which can make a lot of her hit rates on her tomes really annoyingly shaky however she supports with Alquist zelkov and Pinette three meta-relevant characters that can bolster her hit rate up to 60 points which is actually huge even just coupling her with alir and zelkov boosts it by 30 points alone another example would be mitigating the minus Dodge that some weapon engravements like Erica's give -20 Dodge puts any user of Erica's refine at risk of crit rates floating around the low tens but you could patch up that Dodge penalty someone like Lyndon can quite literally get to 100 crit thanks to his support boosts being rich in critical type Boucher Hall and John give him 12 extra crit and a leader could provide an extra three for 15. some personal skills are further emphasized by how supports work too Chloe for example can get an added plus two damage during combat on top of the plus 6 critical if Tamira is adjacent to her and a male Ally Rosado is -20 and gold Mary's -20 respective avoid and hit debuff on male enemies during combat can pair well with hit rate Buffs and avoid raid Buffs respectively finally because of Marin's balanced typing she can not only Boost Plus 5 hit and avoid two female allies within two spaces but if those allies are adjacent to her she would be giving the balanced bonuses on top of that finally lucina's skill dual support grants a bonus to avoid that increases with the unit's support level with adjacent allies capping at 90. you can force a literal zero percent hit rate really easily for someone with this skill while simultaneously stacking a void type boosts it's important to understand that while the potential to stack these boosted rates is there it will be difficult to constantly trigger all three supports at any given time since it's dependent on being adjacent that said even small swings in these raids can make or break a round of Combat lowdex Characters need hit rate to boost help low luck and minus Dodge engraved users would like the Dodge raid boosts Speedy characters would enjoy further assistance from avoid boosts and crit rate Specialists would like the crit boosts if you find yourself in a situation where you're thinking about these exact scenarios use the power of support boost stacking they're in the game to make these exact kinds of differences and that will do it for today's guide I think support boosts are fun to plan with and I hope that my graphic will help anyone who's looking for a quick reference to who gives what boost if you found this guide helpful if you learned something or if you're feeling generous please consider leaving a like on this video as it does help boost this video in searches and helps to show up in people's recommended tab let me know Down Below in the comments what you thought of this guide as well and finally if you haven't subscribed yet but you've been seeing my content in your recommended tab for a while Please Subscribe there is more engaged guides to come soon thanks for watching do [Music] oh
Channel: Faerghast
Views: 57,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fire Emblem Engage, FE17, Fire Emblem, FE Engage, Engage, Alear, Veyle, Alfred, Timerra, Diamant, Ivy, Emblems, fire emblem support conversations
Id: -j6Ec9EPXvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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