Should You Skip ALL Game Cutscenes??

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so earlier you were talking about you know completing anime completing shows just yeah yeah just just so you can put it on like your list or whatever yeah so would you like have you ever like watched anime or shows at like 1.5 speed or two-time speed absolutely not that's good that's tough okay good yeah any of you do that no no no you're not psychopaths yeah do people do that i've done that i've done that i've brought or won that for what show huh you can do it for brotherhood i've actually done it for like a lot of shows most mostly mostly so because it is my job right so i have to let this release because i do it and it's better you drop the episode or you watch it in 1.5 there are some okay there are some shows there are some shows where you're just like i i i kind of like i know what kind of show this is going to be but i need to consume it in order to like review it right and and so instead of watching it at normal speed i'm just like just to make sure i'm going to watch this show at 1.5 or 2 speed just to make sure that it's actually the show that i think it's going to be and 99 percent so they're all like probably like that you have no idea how quickly i can read subtitles now because of this right like i literally like it's osmosis right now whenever i watch subtitles it's [Laughter] sheer disbelief what why did i agree to be on this someone's watching this at one point oh god have you watched any like any youtube videos at one point five speed are you just like yeah i'm a firm believer that you shouldn't watch videos in the one point five streams i can't i physically can't there are occasionally some youtubers you can you're just not trying hard enough there are some youtubers when you put them to 1.5 they sound like they're talking at a normal speed yeah which is that's when i need it yeah because i'm like please i need you to oh actually no there there is one youtuber that is a friend of ours that i watch at 1.5 speed uh sorry john a super match but you know but you just talk so slow dude but like john john's someone who i ca like i you need to watch at normal speed because like his his pace like it it brings like the immersion and the mood he's trying to set yeah but you shouldn't brutalize but something but sometimes i'm just like what else is something you need to watch at its own pace all things i don't deal with every john video but like sometimes where he drops like he's like when he's like 50 minute like videos i'm just like i really want to watch it but i just don't have the time right now so i'll just i'll just like i'll do 1.25 you know just like a little bit faster so i can just get it through it a little bit faster i am the type of person where if i'm what listening like someone let's say someone's put like puts up like a song from a movie or something yeah yeah and it's even so slightly because sometimes it's pitched wrong because it's like either for copyright or something like just it's like one half note because of the speed yeah i'm like i can't watch this it distracts me so much yes this is not right this isn't right yeah yeah 1.5 or two times no i've never seen a person look more disgusting please never even say that to me what are you you're going to say something next to piss me off what's next yeah i mean like are you the type of guy where you watch something and you need to like i kind of like how can i say this you can't can you watch something casually like in the background or do you need to be like sitting down paying attention making sure that you are in like the mood and the zone into i have to be watching full attention because i'm the same yeah because i have a lot of friends in the animation industry right and they're like i watched this show while doing you know drawing or doing work and yeah so you didn't watch it then so you didn't really watch it you heard a podcast version of it yeah like i i get like doing that with like music for example exactly right because it's like you know it's there's nothing visual you're only just using your styles but like you know or like with music videos for example right but it's like with something like a movie or a tv series especially when it's anime where it's like you know subbed for instance yeah you have to watch it fully because it's a visual show like it's it's yeah exactly again you're just watching the podcast version yeah like a podcast i can listen to while i'm doing something that's what it's for right yeah but yeah if you say you watched a show and you were doing something else the entire time yeah i'm like okay so you you didn't really so you didn't watch it yeah but now i'm like would i rather someone watch a show half paying attention or through double speed i don't know what's worse we found the bigger evil i don't know so in double speed yeah you're watching it entirely though no you're you're not no no okay okay i am watching inside you're also doing something no no no no no no no no no i i can't do that i can't do that i can't do that like if the reason i put it on 1.5 or two times speed is because i cannot watch something casually like i would love to be able to you know watch anime and be able to like write about it um stuff my job and also be able to like do something else especially if it's like a [ __ ] show but like i'm the type of guy who who needs to pay attention and i need to be watching it but sometimes there are just there's like a lot of [ __ ] out there man there's a lot of mediocrity out there sometimes i just want to get through get through like the mediocre shows so i can movies and i'm like no no you can't drop them what like what double standards no no it's it's it's it's it's because talking about anime is my job right it's because like i i need to i need to watch it in order to have like the informed opinion that i want to and you know sometimes there is a certain show that gets better i'm just surprised you can consume it at two times sweet why because it's like are you a big video game guy do you play a lot of video games uh not as much as i used to but i do so what's the opinion on uh escaping cutscenes on the on your first play uh yeah absolutely not i skipped like old cutscenes [Laughter] i'm also four sectors so you're just like boring boring i don't want to just skip to the gameplay yeah that's exactly what he did you don't know what's going on jump jump jump a lot of the time yeah we're gonna have our first guest which one's worse give me the cutscenes at least he's watching i love the thanos stream of like when you get to the end boss and like you took everything from me i don't even know who you are that's literally him playing every single video game oh boy what are some of your favorite video games because they keep [ __ ] talking let me guess are you a kingdom hearts fan oh no really well you're a disney fan though uh yeah but i like good games i played one one is bad i played chain of memories i played two i played three point four 358 over two days unfortunately that one's terrible socks here i haven't played anything past that yeah i think they're like i like i actually like chain of memories really yeah that's the one that's weird but it has like kind of deck building in it so i i like that right right right um but uh and i wouldn't call myself a kingdom hearts fan though right i didn't play past a certain point um what are some games that you do like them uh i love paper mario yeah yeah i love bioshock uh okay final fantasy nine uh is my favorite one uh i like seven a lot too um i mean i grew up with a lot of nintendo stuff so yeah mario i love i do love good jrpgs like you know i love like persona 5 dragon quest 11. hell yeah i've been trying to get him to play personally i've i've been scared i've been scared aren't you a voice actor why are you skipping the cutscene i'm like hey i just because i do it doesn't mean i want to watch the cutscene because a game for me is just i just want to play i don't wanna i don't wanna story nonsense connor what if everyone in the you voice in the game is everyone's skipped all your dialogues i wouldn't mind they have the right they have the right to do it you don't have the right they have the right it's only the second time only the second only on replays are you allowed that's that's uh oh boy i i i when i stream games i try not to do it but sometimes i have like reflex to do it and then i'm so sorry chad i didn't mean to do that it's just he's not sorry he's not sorry yeah yeah no i uh i have a let's play channel and we're doing uh paper mario and my co-host my good friend jay was like skipping through the dialogue and i was like you gotta [ __ ] stop you got it and we do it like months in advance and so like when they came out all the comments were like stop skipping through the dialogue and i was like i was right especially paper mario because the dye looks so challenging i know it's so charming right i'm like i'm gonna kill it i'm absolutely gonna kiss you we should never do a let's play no no absolutely not oh unless like [Music] yeah do you find that if you're voicing something does that enhance the experience for you does that like mean that you can't watch it or you can't play it anymore like um it doesn't really have any effect effect for me like i actually have not played any of the games i'm in oh really yeah is that is that out of pure coincidence or coincidence okay uh i think the one that just got announced today fire emblem warriors three hopes right that one i probably will play because i actually uh like you like flying i love three houses that i'm gonna play and i love musso games yeah um you should ask about his fire experience i played three houses yeah he completed it one route well he completed one route and then he and then he dropped it did you watch the cutscenes i was confused a lot of the time you know with like because there's a whole i'll spoil it for three houses i'll give you like three seconds yeah so you know how there's like a big betrayal yeah i was like really confused at like one point because i was like wait why am i fighting because i skipped the cutscenes i just like the strategy elements of the the gameplay i thought that was fun so for you they're like i just like these non-descript anime chess pieces to move around yep i don't know what any of them why why they're here or what they're doing but they go slash slash i like it i felt like i learned the character through the combat styles you know like because a lot of them their combat styles reflect their character i think um uh but there was also like the part when i went to school and i was so [ __ ] bored oh you would have hate persona 5 yeah it was like it was like i do this amazing gameplay section where i was like damn that was damn these guys said these things are throwing hands dude and then i go back to this school i gotta talk to people for like 40 minutes and fish that's literally that's so [ __ ] boring why are you making me do this let me let me just play the gameplay you are playing the game talking to the characters playing the game yeah the game that's part of the game do you like characters or or plots i do i do see for me it's like i love stories in movies in video games i just want that pure gameplay that's all i want from games he has goopy goblin gamer brain i yeah so that's why the majority games i play uh like competitive games if i wasn't streaming i wouldn't do any of these like i would never played inscription but i'm so glad i did inscription was so fun what's the description oh my god is this amazing uh indie game by uh uh who's it called the guys made a bunch of other amazing guys yeah i don't remember the names he's a really talented game dev uh and it's it's how would you describe description i actually uh didn't finish it because uh but from it's basically like an escape room combined with like a deck building game like you're in like a creepiest like cabin and you're locked in and then like you're trying to advance through this game of like cards like right and um like you slowly start unlocking things yeah yeah yeah the gameplay and the the visual style completely changes three times wow see i don't actually don't know that part oh okay no that's okay yeah yeah it's really cool is it does it have a story oh yeah and uh i mean i i had to read the story and i had to pay attention yeah i enjoyed that story though but i think it's good if i give it a shot i'll do it but if i was playing it alone i wouldn't do it and i'd have that i'd have it so you have to force yourself to play story based games on stream otherwise you are going to skip the story yeah most definitely yeah remember remember when we were trying to get him to play 13 sentinels oh that sounds like a nightmare that would be a nightmare oh no i remember we we said yeah connor you should play 13 sentinels i think on a podcast he said yeah oh can i just skip the cut scenes and i'm like that game is all cut attorney uh i have never been interested in ace attorney i know why no yeah the style never appealed to me it's a good game yeah yeah i liked um or like duncan roberts but you skipped all the cutscenes yeah so for you it was just like a [ __ ] it was like a brain age game it was a brain age game and something there's a hat guy who goes and you're like who's that guy what's his deal i don't know i don't know it's it's weird because it doesn't take away any of my enjoyment yeah like i still well i'm happy for you i liked three houses i had a fun time i just wish i could skip a lot of more stuff easier you know [Music] i liked it though i love the the cool like gameplay i'm just gonna find out oh yeah also i i only smell food i don't actually what i do is i only i chew it up and spit it out i don't swallow it i don't know just swallow food yeah yeah yeah i just want it i just put it in my mouth and swallow it i don't even buy it so why do people flavor food you know who needs to cook chicken breast on season when i go swimming i only put my oboz in there i bathe my feet and later i don't know yeah i mean uh what are some other games that uh i've played that i enjoyed that i skipped all the cartoons did you what about metal gear revengeance because i feel like okay that that was like you couldn't like this it wouldn't even like even if i wanted to i couldn't press the skip button it was so enthralling like all those cut scenes were just like orgasmic that was a good game but it was like a five-hour game it was 10 hours off slow okay yeah but also i mean that was so funny that was a movie that was a movie with quick time events yeah yeah yeah so i mean i mean that's like a lot of kojima that's most kojima games no i have not however you know that cutscenes are also like little movies in a game this was just purely a movie with occasional button pressing it's like if it's like if your dvd kept freezing it well like like to me like to me when i get to the gut like the cutscene and everything like that like i feel like it's the feeling you get when you get to the cutscene or the story portions in the video game is like different from watching a movie because like i feel like i earned it you know you know like i feel like progressing through a video game story is so much more satisfying than progressing through a movie story right because like you watch a movie and you're just there to enjoy the story with a video game if it's like there's immersion yeah like there's the merger you really feel like damn i [ __ ] earned this story man it feels good for me it's like i don't know what it's going on with my my brain but if it's just like a normal game where it's like oh if i can like one attempt everything then i don't feel like i've earned it i'm like yeah just did it first time easy because because to me to me like there are some games that i i i have a hard time finishing games right because i get through like the gameplay loop i enjoy that and then it's like you get to like that 60 to 70 percent and it kind of i feel that yeah yeah and then it kind of just becomes the same all over again except you have 30 of the game left to play right if there is not a story i am not finishing that game or if i'm not investing in that story there is no way i'll like i i get that i get that yeah and you find that with especially a lot of jrpgs where i like because jrpgs are so long you get to kind of near end game and then that's when that's when it you hit like a wall it's also it's also that thing with jrpgs where it's like you get to that like 60 70 part and then you're like oh you know you get busy or whatever right yeah uh these guys know but i've never played uh like blue dragon oh uh a little bit but i never got far that was i watched it i've never even played that no what made you watch all the cutscenes and that and not literally every other game you've ever so you know when you're at that age where you can only have like three games yeah a year and then you're like well gotta get my mileage out so you like milked it you're like all right i'll watch these cut scenes i need more hours to fill it so that i don't have to go beg my mom for another game
Channel: Trash Taste Highlights
Views: 153,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Taste, Trash, TrashTaste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Highlights, Trash Taste Highlights
Id: XNpPKdo2P6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 11 2022
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