The Strongest Weapon in Enter the Gungeon

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ladies and gentlemen we're going for our first Victory with the bullet and I only have one thing to say why not us why not now get that camera out of here you piece of Peace look we can win this you know we've never won with the bullet what would what would stop us it's not our skill it's not our skill because we're dialed all the time it may be just the six inches in front of us why not us why not now but here's the thing this is oh we need we need we need to bait him here Ultra boom boom you can't you cannot tell me we're not dialed chat so as we preface this run I know a lot of people are have a lot of questions after this run and if you're watching this Live on YouTube you're gonna have to wait for the video we're gonna be doing a chat plus Daniel beats a Rubik's Cube there's a lot of mystery around it but I believe it's gonna be the hardest challenge we ever take on like Melania 7 799 cuphead Platinum I think those are all gonna pale in comparison to this because it's an exercise an exercise in logic communication diligence man this character is good huh when this character's a shrine to a forgotten bullet who laid down his arms will you [Music] okay Rubik's Cube is a constant molecule I mean let's just start it up right why in chat if you've ever completed a Rubik's Cube and in chat if no I just want to know what we're working with here 54 of chat has completed a Rubik's Cube I'm not gonna lie I wish it were a little bit higher than that but you know what we'll take it I don't know man sometimes like as a kid a Rubik's Cube looks like an amazing toy that when you beat it it's gonna unlock and there's gonna be like the best candy in the world in it and then you realize you can just take the stickers off and you're like oh and then you're like oh this as a kid it took me like one day to figure out a Rubik's Cube is just homework in Disguise you know it's not Rubik's BM it's just like I've never physically seen a Rubik's Cube solved in front of my eyes and like the only time I've seen it done is like well I'm just gonna call what it is super sweat Lords like do it on you know Conan O'Brien in like 10 seconds and I'm like how my brain doesn't even work that fast let alone my hands 10 seconds is slow really what's the world record we're not chat we're not doing the world record don't worry about it no one wants to watch someone solve a Rubik's Cube slowly Huggy Bear you may be you may have just signed up for that all right if we go hit list we're gonna solve the Rubik's Cube if not we're gonna end up a little short [Music] wow this this gun leaves a little bit to be desired okay do not take the yet I thought that was very close Chad you could say that you can hit me with a GB in chat good blank GB that was a GB Who you gonna call not the GBS Who you gonna call a double o b what do they say in that song Not Who you gonna call not the GBS Who you gonna call we just got hit in the knees here we go all right we're in trouble now [Music] so this is this is where the bullet does not shine huh when he's face to face against his brother Joffrey all right now now we just start we're entering in Peak suffer core we're gonna leave to Chester it's amazing Dan's trying to do two things I've already done beat gungeon and solve a Rubik's Cube Johnny pickle says why not break chess johnny pickles I would say why not type that in chat 30 seconds earlier so I could have broken the chess I do appreciate your front seating I just wish it were a little more timely like when you show up to a first date you don't show up late my roommate is going on a bowling first date tonight better or worse than coffee eight billion times better friendly competition you can you can order drinks or coffee if you want you can get a nice meal you know like a typically bowling alleys are known for their fine cuisine Burgers served on paper plates yeah sometimes bowling places have arcades yeah I mean like look bowling you know you're gonna have some some Marty's next to you getting a pitcher of beer it's it's good good banter fodder bowling is only fun at a similar experience level do they have a handicap in Bowling like they do in golf any caps are only used in leagues nail gun me you can raise the bumpers no that's like that's little kid stuff just you give them a couple pins you know be like hey I bowled a 300 twice I'll give you a five PIN handy what's a little brother about Chad five pin handicap maybe don't annihilate your date on the first attempt wait how did you get that most importantly how did you get that bowling date and don't open chest before the boss I'm with you look at that we're even hitting him when he's going in the Barney hole what is what does that even mean we didn't who said that [Music] all right we have to win this run chat we can't be throwing Pace out the window quote 117 open that donut hole kid we didn't say any of this you can't just you can't just add a quote to the quote bot if we don't say it no we don't we don't we don't lose an omelette show me when you lose the omelet I'll show you when we don't lose that omelette [Music] what the heck what the heck [Music] swamps do we get any bonus for that all right looks like we gotta go spend some monies we can't really Gamba we can't really oh you know what it's you know who it's gonna be it's gonna be Kirby your points please this this thing will be good against Kirby Right all right how did we not take D there how did we not take D there I'll tell you why this is the Run that's why watch for the bouncies watch for the bouncies give me that Emerald Dwarven armor set in World of Warcraft vanilla or else they still have those chat do you think that's hard to get there was an emerald set istically it was really bad but it was that was the dream I think it was like level 30 back in the day empty they still have that it was Emerald would be in a little bit of trouble put me out of there kid do they still have it chat they still have the emerald armor it's from vanilla yeah I played I played wow when it came out my head what do you think I am some kind of noob I played every good MMO that came out World of Warcraft was the last one I played and any good MMO that came out before that and I've never played Star Wars Galaxies but we did go hitless against blabula wait Chet is is there still is there still emerald armor from the vanilla Warcraft break chest yo kirosana you look like someone who wants to be VIP for 24 hours oh mapa um what is that up Arrow chat Synergy room should we wait until we we get more Synergy I mean more items for us synergistic porpoises [Music] we have to get an H up on this floor oh this this has penetration and it eats bullets since when does this eat bullets all right synergistic porpoises would be a good band name Macho brace unlocked a perfect match that'll really get your gear humming your majesty dual wielding dual wielding dual wielding peace oh man we want to save that why is this why is this sword called blasphemy oh because it's melee in a gungeon game I get it um Chad this is not a weird Flex this is not a weird flex but I'm just being honest like I know like it's the current medics it's not current events but it's like TR trendy to like dunk on Twitch I'm just gonna tell you this right now I got an email about a month ago it was a yeah it was a group email it was sent out to maybe like 50 however many twitch ambassadors there are I got an email from Daniel Clancy and it wasn't like a it wasn't like a a marketing email it was from Daniel himself and I responded and I said I'll paraphrase I said hey I've been on Twitch for over a decade and it has been an amazing run and has allowed me to provide for my family I said some long lines is like please keep it going and then I said something else but you would call it unbased I said I must be I said I'd listen this is how I feel I'd rather take a haircut than see twitch go away this is the Run let's get it so that's what I said and I said that like two weeks ago I got an email back back from Daniel last night he says let's talk at twitchcon I'm just gonna tell you this Chad you can dunk on Twitch as much as you want I never got an email from Emmett cheer who's willing to to listen you know sure twitch isn't perfect you know Ethan what's your address the Horn of Gondor we we're gonna have to use it chat we need it for for thieving should we wait will there be another vendor on the next floor then let's sit then let's wait to double steal on the next floor because we need to steal for Pace Picante all right it's our time why is she getting so closer Chad the other day my oldest son asked me about the story of Medusa and I didn't really know the story I just know if you look at her you turn to Stone because we were playing one of the old King's quests what is the story of Medusa he's like how did she turn into that and I didn't have the answer is there like a um is there like a story of Medusa like is it in The Iliad or Odyssey or something hold on she's so ugly it hurts I actually thought she was pretty right but you're just not supposed to look at her come on couple couple days cup of goose we got we got a lot of blanks all right what is what is her story from what is her story from story is not little brother friendly well just hit me with the tldr it's just having a really bad hair day thank you Dirk thanks for the one year I don't know how to turn that down chat poison had relations with Medusa in another Temple and she got punished and made her look that way holy Wowie um should we open so is there like uh is there like um a cliff notes Medusa story we could read actually you know let's go back and sell this blender real quick you know like I want like is there like you know like sometimes a modern day stories you know where they make the stories like actually readable not like a kid's version like a Normie version I don't remember exactly but it's useful Chad don't say any aim don't say any aim wolves corn I said don't say any aim if that's not any aim who won the last Counter-Strike GO Championship an American team [Music] I knew you would I just knew you would what is it trash this is not good trash Cannon is this is not bad it's this is this is serviceable this is serviceable if I played in a DND before I played DND once one time on Twitch for a one-off back in probably 2013 and you will never find it not that it was bad but I just don't know where it is it was with a now defunct uh gaming group I'm not going to tell you the name of the gaming group but if I see it in chat I'll tell you I bet you can find it Jake's two games I bet you can't not team unity team unity got turned into sausage during hunting season mixed in with some deer some venison we stand in front of him I I need we've never stolen with the Horn of Gandhi um I would have gone or should we we should probably take the key first huh do I play sports I do use it in front of him Leave Me Alone Now flip a table oh is it one of these things oh I get it it like if you do something random something good happens oh this should be a dub get away from me get away from me or you're gonna go wait I'm gonna go opposite wherever you go I go opposite oh we're trapped anything you can do I can do better squeaks is a theater kid no he's not yes he is no he's not guess he is no he's not here we go here we go here we go here we go the bullets never die anything you can do squeaks can really squeaks it he can squeaks anything even a date no we can't here we go Martin double Kimmy save some room for later Augustus wait we can still buy stuff could we steal something else from them too how come he's not mad at us could we steal from this guy we need to steal because we need it for Pace Picante yo we don't care about the item we just need it for Pace so when you're cursed you get moored red Marty's right Chad I don't I never wiggle in this game what do you mean I don't wiggle in this game no Wiggles red Marty's dropped more money so you want to be cursed it's like an Isaac people people this guy just out here rolling and has Dan got the one achievement for a lot of curse I believe so yo there's varis deferens get him I I don't want to see one little brother in chat we've already explained the Laura varus deference reference I guarantee they can so it's not little brother say last name deferens I mean do not Google that Kimi Horn of Gondor me sell this back to him [Laughter] all right we need we needed that for Pace you may say that wasn't a wise move fine but we needed it for Pace thank you peace we have three billies don't be afraid to be blank punch him wasta [Music] John McEnroe and Pete Weber tourmaline bobbles you we knew that was you okay don't don't give up the farm don't give up the farm don't give up the farm that's cause a porpoise is crossing the road Chad don't don't say my points don't say my points in chat we needed that one angry bullets let's go win this thing Dan checked the elevator man please what's because you said please I will okay we need four of those that's good to know I didn't know that thank you the bullets pass is incredibly difficult are you maiming we don't need it we don't need incredibly difficult we need incredibly easy because we haven't had a win in ages now I'm not talking about the Stars citizenship manufacturer you piece good shot what's happening we're burning we're burning what is this gun what is this gun your majesty so what do we have to do how long do we keep it I don't think we have to take fire d I just think we have to be cursed lit [Music] okay let's go let's go let them know who you're rapping holy room clear light me on fire let's go baby just hold it but [Music] holy Magmar oh we're out go J dabs what's good you peace okay we can't no bad d man good news is we'll be able to buy some health right that's the good news we'll be able to buy some health theoretically Light Me Up Light Me Up there we go give me the good gun get animated here we go get animated oh it was almost opened fire in here but should we yo we should steal six chamber that's more d right steal it all right mommy should we buy Full Metal Jacket or no [Music] there we go oh go El scorcho just in time all right Chad we got this don't be afraid to be there's Varys there's two Varys yo yo get me hot give me hot give me hot give me hot otta no let's get more hotter oh [Music] so it changes every time huh you don't know but we should take that into the boss fight huh the condition is just get a little scorcho that's the condition a little scorcher like this just a little tiny scorcher is this the best gun in the game it has to be there's no way low scorcher It's gotta be the best gun in the game all right what do we want to use here chat oh get a priest scorcher pre-scorcha pre-scorch look at how many blanks we have so many pre-scorcha go go go go go can we Scorch in here [Music] it's almost worth burning a blank here how do you feel about this gun at the Reel at the Rio we're real in the at the real real real real in the at the real bad gun what do you want to use what do you want to use oh we have Full Metal Jacket Genie [Music] where's our Genie Eugene poppers penguins here we go baby oh we got so some at the Rio and the real real can we get hit is that the real whoever said to use Genie you don't like us [Music] did we get hit yet or no did we get hit are you sure we got hit [Music] I don't think we got hit Chad I don't think we got hit for the armor go we only had two awful awful gun for the heart will help me help me I don't know I'm just out here just at the wheel help me Chad lamp is lamp is a t lamp is a t [Music] if you like lamp you also like God of War lamp has three bullets look no damage don't forget to try and beat the pass not bullet heck walk around heck puddle thank you Dazzle when did you become a gungeon aficionado asked it's gonna be rough and we've never seen this this is new tech still not a win man we have not winning probably 15 runs [Music] indubitably my young men only you could save us when I aim and fire it stabs me in the head reflect the magic perhaps you can succeed where I've missed my true it's wood wait we we have to use melee what do you mean OMG it's Zelda L what's lttp what is lttp this is so epic I have Goosebumps what is what I don't have any Goosebumps what am I looking at right now how do you know this is Zelda I still look like Zelda the spell is almost over soon my quick draw Master Rises the bulletkin will be fired by his will the usurper Robert Baratheon will come back and this is ping pong pay attention did I go hit him what do I do no how do you know wait for pink orb how do you how do you know how do you know to do that if I don't want to just go give him a few whacks I thought you said this was hard chat because SNES you don't do this in Link to the Past it's Joe ever you don't do this in Link to the Past no you don't you fight Ganon in the end not the emperor from Star Wars I play Wii tennis too you piece he squeaks it no more squeaks no more squeaks huh no more squeaks so please stay back what all right is that the end more this doesn't happen in Zelda Bill Gary is this a normal fight now hey this is true Pig Ganon do we fight him normal Pig Ganon can we fight them normal Mealy uh oh how are we supposed to hit Pig I get what we don't have any guns no way he beats us on the first attempt pimmette him that someone pin that pin that pin it lord of the pigs wait for our moment to be great he does there's no opening there's no opening he just he's just eating all the slop there is an opening and it's real dolphy mcpatterson that's our Winnie when he Circle shoots that's when you got to get in there Circle shoots get in this is doable it's doable we gotta we gotta get in the the circle of trust in in the circle of trust out of out of Circle of trust [Music] Canada can't be in the circle of greed in the circle of trust out of the circle of trust it's gonna take forever circle of trusta [Music] we did get some Pace we did get some Pace who knew Zelda 2 was inside of gungeon you finally get to fight Pig Ganon unlike all the modern day Zelda games when you when you fight the guy from Smash It doesn't even look like a pig anymore we're getting close though
Channel: Dan Gheesling
Views: 43,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enter the gungeon first look at, enter the gungeon 2023, enter the gungeon gameplay, enter the gungeon lets play, enter the gungeon walkthorugh, enter the gungeon secret, enter the gungeon tips, enter the gungeon secret weapons, enter the gungeon weapon unlocks, enter the gungeon bosses
Id: i8ekFVmE5NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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