The Rarest Chances in TDS

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I've been playing Roblox Tower Defense Simulator for years and between playing the events opening crates making videos there's been some odd things that have happened in this video I want to focus on the strangest and most uncommon events in TDS from Bugs and glitches to unlikely odds to meeting developers now I want to start off with the highest odds chance things the Rarity in this first occurrence is about 99 opening the badges menu a placeholder badge May briefly flash into place depending on your internet speed this may be for like a millisecond or it's straight it may let you just scroll through this the perks of having bad Wi-Fi this is the strength in numbers badge and the funny part is it's actually unreleased being one of a whole series of accomplishment badges originally planned to be added around the hardcore update still overall just a small thing and not all that rare next though this event has like both zero percent and 100 Rarity bear with me here this looks like I'm just opening a crate right I mean you can do this easily just spend some coins get a random skin gambling except there's not really a skin in this animation you do get to keep the item now this one is a bit deceiving I've never had this occur naturally yet there is a way to guarantee it basically by just resetting your character as you open a crate some pretty weird stuff will happen such as the aforementioned non-existent model a skin appearing and then disappearing or ducky Melton the studio classified character name tags appearing for a tenth of a second over the developer statues and in older builds of the game things got even weirder you can see in this video took a year ago that there's no camera movement and eerily the paintball or skin iron boxed has no face which is actually genuinely kind of creepy as is this standard TDS footage in the lobby with no user interface recently this has occurred to me multiple times and I'd give it about a 10 chance in my case this occurred just after I left the fluid wastelands game and for some reason things just didn't load in I couldn't actually play the game the matchmaking statues were locked into these power stances I guess which made me feel a lot better honestly this is our first foray into TDS glitches which can also extend into gameplay most times the actual mechanics of towers and zombies are pretty unshakeable in TDS but I have had a few rounds where they behaved very strangely maybe like five seriously broken games in total and considering I've played over 1300 games across two accounts that's about a 0.0038 chance yeah pretty big jump player for starters there's this hardcore game I recorded over a year ago where the zombies all bunched up into one overlapping group and caused me to lose the game near the end of 202a2 I recorded the weirdest game I've ever played where the zombies all spawned not exactly where they're supposed to be my Towers were still able to damage them but visually they appeared completely off the path in the center of the map there's zombies in the walls there's zombies in the walls there's zombies in the walls I started taking some damage in way 16. I don't know exactly what from where I noticed the Shadow and slow bosses had spawned in in and where for some reason floating over the water it made for some cool footage but did leave me to lose the game I've had a few other glitchy gameplay moments but this was by far the most broken I've seen tds's actual gameplay and it was an incredibly rare round yep at least I actually got to play the game whereas with this next occurrence okay let me set a stage quickly I was playing a game with souls and accidentally closed the game while joining yet when I reopened TDS I had the option to use the rejoin feature curious I did and when I joined I got placed in this game I had no money no Towers although I hadn't equipped any anyways and there was no map or anything just an empty Skybox which didn't let me spawn in I tried picking a difficulty but it wouldn't even let me start the game and I left this is the only time I've seen this technically leaving the odds at about 0.0007 but I would think it's almost certainly possible to replicate which is why it's not quite as rare as the next glitch this also occurred to me while I was recording for a video I went to turn off my name tag for this shot something toggled probably hundreds of times and it didn't go away I thought I'd like misclicked or something and it wasn't until I turned my camera that I realized yeah the name tag became fixed in place almost like a 3D decal or something what's even weirder is that by changing the camera angle I was able to change the position of the tag and by moving my character I can even leave my name behind when I re-equipped it again though it went back to normal making me think it might have had something to do with where I was positioned on the map maybe it also could have been affected by the emote I was using my internet or some other stuff I mean depending on the variables this might be like a one percent chance or a 0.0001 chance I'm not really sure as despite a fair bit of trying I couldn't replicate this next there's a rarer events of a more simplistic nature specifically finding the developers in-game now as with any other random person playing the game there's a million factors that affect whether or not you'll encounter someone and if you consider TDS currently as a daily average player base of 12 000 people and the the developers typically aren't playing the game your odds are getting pretty close to 0.00001 the same percentage of people who are subscribed uh and in my time playing I've only encountered developers three times kind of one of which was not simple luck as bear or next year joined my game and we got massive Fallen W the other time is a bit more complex this is beef chocolates developer of tower Blitz and evade however he was also a developer for TDS before moving on to those other projects and in the game of tower Blitz just under two years ago which is why the frame rate here sucks I randomly got in the game with him and this guy a cyberpunk fan shout out he used admin commands to spawn in the final boss and then every other boss in the game we lost obviously although we did earn these 45 tickets which I think was actually kind of a lot obviously this didn't take place in the game itself but I consider it at least TDS adjacent finally I have this clip of below natural and rescue takes that I've used in a few videos but you might notice that kind of just looks like a default Roblox Studio place with character avatars loaded in and while I haven't ran into them in the actual game on October 29th 2022 TGs publicly released a little matchmaking PVP test game it had these two statues and that's pretty much it despite my joining being 10 minutes after the announcement I coincidentally ended up in the game with below in Razz they both tested the matchmaking script and left to other lobbies epic meeting the developers video uh but you know they're just people they're just chilling finally there's one more Rarity the quote-unquote infinite Exp glitch 0.000 chance because it doesn't work basically while recording this video the 24 hour challenge the Fallen badge where the EXP bonus two times for no apparent reason my thought at the time was that I must have had something to do with this semi-convoluted way I joined the game Left during the mode selection and joined back however I also didn't test it further this time because a I was still recording for the video and B it's really annoying to do you need to make a new account and win molten to get one chance to test it in theory this could be the most impactful of these occurrences if it was infinitely chainable so for this video I decided to try to figure this out I made a new account carried myself to a multi when using my phone claimed the EXP got to level 3 joined an elevator game with someone else laughed while loading rejoined and to my surprise I hit Level 5. it had actually duplicated the EXP which I thought was really really weird like if the method was so convoluted why would it instantly work on the version of the game over a year newer so I tested this again on another alt account this time just claim the EXP and then rejoining the game and yeah apparently you just always get the EXP reward twice how did no one know about this what or maybe the developers have known and just having the care to fix it since it only really benefits the player but I mean this whole time I thought I'd found a really rare glitch but no I am not that guy maybe there is some potential for abusing this but the step to test it is really annoying and when rejoining for a 3 time it never gave me more exp so I think it might be capped it too comment down below if you've had any of these things happen to you or if you've seen some even weirder glitches subscribe leave a like and thanks for watching
Channel: propellars
Views: 717,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N7bWosL5MvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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