How to Roleplay a Priest - WoW Lore

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Oh guys this don't movies and welcome to yet another World of Warcraft role-playing guide now in this video I will be talking about the priest what it is how it works and I will give you all the different ways that you can be a priest so in my opinion this is like the most complex classes it varies pretty much from race to race and priest and the same thing as for example in the troll the knight elven or the human society so without further ado but just get into it in the previous cultural play Belden guided did the light was pretty much the centerpiece it was pretty much everything for that class and many would think that it is the same for the priests and that they're all about the light but they're just all these different branches and ways different races can be priests or are considered priests in their society and it's not really the same thing as being a priest in a one society and being a priest in the other place I tried to do something with the specs but essentially a night elf or a troll or a human cast a light and they call upon the same powers in the game and they have some specs but it really doesn't do much but in the lore it is actually quite different and there are a lot of drastic changes and that is what I'll try to give you in this video but just as in the last one I would suggest that you watch my light video even though as I said it isn't like the main thing it is still a huge part of being a priest because there is a lot of light priest so if you understand what the light is in detail you should probably understand this guide better so what is a priest it is definitely a lot more than you might think a lot of people have this idea that the priest is this super moral character that would never ever do anything wrong but as I said the priests are very very complex so I'll try to simplify it for you as much as I can now the two big things with the priests are the light and the shadow and they're very very poorly explained currently but just try to see it as the opposites like a good analogy of this would be if you have your hand and it's towards the light there's like the light shining on your hand on your palm and why everything is like all bright and shiny well below that everything is like dark and there is a shadow so there that is like the yin and the yang those are like the opposites and it is considered that the light in the shadow or like the main energy in the entire universe not just the world on Azeroth because we have the trained eye who practice the light and the naaru who are most likely on other worlds as well so it is a thing that is true the entire universe even though we don't really know how big the Warcraft universe is now the best way to explain it is that there has to be a balance between the light and the shadow and that is pretty much what the priests do and it did very much like the Druids who like keep the balance of the nature that's why you have the priests who kind of keep the balance of the world if you could say it like that so just as the priests can heal they can also damage and it is also said that the shadow priests at times could even rival or even be stronger than the users of fel magic such as the warlocks and the users of the arcane magic such as the mages now I can't really explain this university as a lot of races are very very specific so that is why I'll try to cover as many important races as possible because with other classes there is a few differences but here it's just like stupid-ass exchanges so let's just get into the races the first would obviously be the humans because even though they're not really dead important when it comes to the light in the entire universe scheme they're kind of the signature priests race and they have been since Warcraft 1 and they've been practicing the powers of the light and humans are kind of connected to this Church of the light which is very unique compared to the other races now I explained in my light lore video on how the entire life thing works but I'll try to explain it here briefly if you don't take care to watch like a 6 7 minute video so pretty much the light follows a user who believes it and he doesn't really have to be right in what he's doing but as long as he fully believes in himself and if he really used it what he is doing is right even though it might not be right in someone else's eyes the light will follow him so that is pretty much what the light is in a general sense and that is something that all the followers of the light go by and they couldn't really get their powers otherwise but the humans are a bit unique to the other life practicing races because of their church system which is actually quite similar to the world religion that we have in the real world and it start of Warcraft the humans believed in like this sort of a God instead of the entirety revolving around an energy that is all around the universe but it is said that the entire God think is kind of in that calm now as you might have guessed the priest set a big thing in the human society and they are there to educate people about the light and show them the ways of the light and they also actually take action as priests and you can see them on the battlefield healing the wounded or even actually doing damage now a lot of people ask me this question and in my parenting RPG I explained the difference between a human priest and human paladin or just a priest and a paladin and pretty much a paladin is a mix between a warrior and the priest while a priest is someone who is just more of a caster and doesn't really prefer like the close quarters combat now of course this does not mean that the priests are super weak compared to the paladins it just means that they here with different ways of utilizing the light and sometimes Belden's can be very useful which is why they form the order because they needed someone who can fight directly on the front but sometimes priests can also be very useful much more useful than the pal next to the humans you have the three races that aren't really that important in the whole priest seeking if you can actually call it that and you have the dwarves the gnomes and the blood elves and the gnomes are the least important along with the goblins and the priests are very there among the lines because they aren't really like this race that is very strong when it comes to religion but they do utilize the lighter devices they can use for healing or even doing damage now as I mentioned you also have the goblins who are very very similar to the gnomes and there really isn't anything special when it comes to them because they're not like these huge believers and they like to like negotiate just like you have the gnome shamans I mean they're not like these earth creatures that believe in the Earth Mother and the power of the other they just kind of use the power just like they use the light for their own cause now the dwarves on the other hand they do belong to the Church of the light in storyand and they were taught by the humans and it is actually said that the normals most likely guarded from the waters because human salted waters and the nose are also there so they kind of got a bit from that and Atwater's compared to the gnomes of the goblins they're a bit more serious but there really isn't anything crazy about them and they're not really DS Lite fanatics that see the light is a big part of their society and they're currently focusing a lot more on data Titanic origin and the fact that they're the earthen and the dared L to protect the world so the light is kind of there but it isn't really like the integral part of their society and next to them you have the blood elves who will all start the ways of the light by the humans and they also aren't really major believers because the started they were very much of the humans before the entire destruction of growth alas but even then a lot of them saw the light is a magic they could abuse just like they were abusing arcane or other types of magic now later down the line the light has forsaken them or they have forsaken the light after the entire population was almost destroyed and they found a way to use the light again by severing the powers of the caption ro that was delivered by kiotas but currently since the Burning Crusade they're kind of going back to their old ways or you can even say those are the new ways because they're starting to see the light for what it really is and they're starting to see the light like the humans or the Draenei although the opinions are still quite split and there are still battles that abuse the light well there's also believers and that is mainly on the places that aren't really these huge believers but next to the humans you have the Draenei who as I said in my paladin RP guide video they are the most accurate when it comes to the ways of the light because they understand it a lot better than the humans and they keep in practicing the light for thousands and thousands of years and they were taught to directly by the Naro while they were traveling shot universe trying to search for home at another considered to be the creatures of pure light some people even consider them to be light gods and they were taught directly by them so they hear a lot better view of the light even though even we don't really know what the light is like we're getting some hints now in water Draenor but we don't really know too much about the light and what we do know I explained in my light lore video so I would say the priests are a big thing just like the Pelton within the Dreaming society because the light is a big part of their society and that is mainly with our tradition light priests now I'm going to go to the different races that I said here drastic changes starting with the Night Elves now the night rose I complete the completely different story and they believe in a loon which is a bit of a confusing topic I also made a video on hood if you want to learn more about curler and about all the speculations that are going about her but pretty much she is the mother of scenarios and the moon goddess at the Night Elves warship she's like their main God and it is not really certain what she really is there's so many speculations about her a lot of people think she might even be a Laura or that she might be a Naru but wanting a certain and that is that she actually exists because scholar believers can actually draw up on three powers and which have actually seen that in the past and the Lord she is considered to be both the light and the shadows meaning that she can heal but she can also deal damage against her enemies and you can see in the game that the knight elven Prospectus the light but they don't really consider the light to be anything like they don't really see the light there's like this big energy and even refused to believe in it even when the lens show them some of the proof that we have and the night elven society is a matriarchal societies so the females are usually priestesses and warriors while we have the males for many droids although recently that started to change you can see like male priests and female droids but not all night elf priests believe in alone and see her as the main god and there are many different branches and many of the other night elves see other ancient such as golden and some even see the evil satyrs as the gods which can be a possibility for you to roleplay something different or try to roleplay like an evil character now also another race that could fit in this group could be the worgen although not fully I mean they're not really worshipping alone but they were taught by the night elves the ways of the priests which is why they can only be priests in our beldon's Knesset itself or split apart from other factions and they were never really this super religious faction even though they actually had like light churches in canals they had pagans and they also had harvest witches which practice basic Druidism so they wouldn't really like a light society like the rest of the humans are and now the commands are infected by curse which is highly related to the Night Elves and a lot of them reside in the Nasus which suggests that they might be taught by the knight elven priests why well they might have also hit some priesthood at new traditional ways of the light so it doesn't mean that all of the worgen priests are taught by the Night Elves and they're probably like priests of the light that we had before like your name priests human priests but it is highly speculated that a lot of the worgen priests currently are quite related to the night'll now another day similar to the night oohs could be the Torrens who only really recently got the playable priests and the main reason for them is because the Turin kind of learn more about their past because they practice Druidism and they had all this stuff in the past but they didn't really check that history and they forgot about a lot of the stuff but now they're learning more about their chu'lak tradition and history so they're trying to worship both eyes of the ultimate that are pretty much the moon and the Sun and the Turin just like the night elves see a loon as something and they see her as the moon which is one eye of the earth mother while the Night Elves worship it fully and you have the Torrens that now worship the Sun as well so the torrent buildings in the priest Romania giuse-san droids and they're quite similar to the Lego droids and it really isn't anything crazy to them so for wise you don't really cast the powers of the light like the humans would do or the Draenei and they're kind of quite similar to the knight Alvin please now a race that is completely different from all these races are the trolls and the trolls you're just nothing to do with the light and they're kind of the biggest Christmas representation in the game because you can cast light spells in the game as a troll and usually the priest did you actually playing the game lore wise would be like witch doctors hexes or law priests and how to get their powers is from the lower which are these ancient spirits that the troll Watership and it is like a huge thing in their society like their society is just based on the laws and depending on the law they worship their powers very so there are certain dark laws that require cannibalism or sacrifice in order to give their casters their powers well they're also not so evil laws it only requires certain rituals and worships in order to grant the caster their power so you pretty much have your hands-free to just search the currently known laws that trolls worship and just adjust your role-playing style according and also our spells because spells from different laughter's are not the same it really depends on which lawyer worship the spells that you cast and the trolls definitely do not cast the powders of the light just like the humans or the Draenei and the last days I'm going to cover like this videos already taking so long and those are the four se caen now this is something a lot of people always ask me in the Q&A is and I have answered it a couple of times and it is how the undead priests work now most of the current Forsaken were ones mainly humans and they practice the ways of the light and there were many actual priests that died and turned into the Forsaken but ever since they died the light has abandoned them so almost all the Forsaken priests a shadow priest now and did a part of a cult called the cult of the Forgotten shadow and the entire cult of the shadow thing started after the first water when human priests started studying the orc shadow casters in order to counter them and their forces but soon enough she got so obsessed with that that she started preaching about the balance of the life in the shadow and she got a bit more of a deeper understanding of the light and with those studies the Forsaken managed to practice their old ways at the light even in their undead so they aren't necessarily evil although they can kind of turn evil with that path now another thing to note is that the Forsaken can also be holy priests and they can practice the light but it is very very there as it actually hurts them and even if someone like a human priest healed like a forsaken they would still feel the pain so it is definitely not something they can comfortably do which is why most of them it is order to the shadow ways of the priests and it is all here for this role think I thanks for watching and do leave your suggestions on what you would like to see I already covered all the races on how to roleplay them and now I covered the big part of the classes as well but I will finish them eventually so feel free to leave your comments and what you would like to see next also do leave your feedback on what you would like to see on the channel in general and don't forget to like this video if it helped you out and also subscribe is it easy up so the channel and keeps all these videos going and thanks all to take your time I drove a day to watch this video and see you next time
Channel: Doronsmovies
Views: 70,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow lore, warcraft lore, lore, warcraft, world of warcraft, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), Warcraft (Fictional Universe), wow roleplay, wow how to roleplay, how to roleplay a priest, priest roleplay, wow priest lore, forsaken priest, undead priest, undead holy priest, troll priest, witch doctor, witch doctor roleplay, tauren priest lore, light lore, wow shadow lore, wow rp, warcraft roleplay
Id: VfSytRETya4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2015
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