The Story of Vanny & Vanessa Explained (Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach Theory)

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hey guys Barbara Mike here and in today's video we've returned to the world of Five Nights at Freddy's security breach to take an in-depth look at the story of Vanessa and her glitch trap controlled altar Vani this story charts several games and while I touched on elements of vany's tragic tale during my security breach story explained video I wanted to give my overall thoughts and theories as to her exact timeline and how events unfolded in full so sit back relax and let's investigate the Twisted story of how vany came to be [Music] Our Story begins a few years ago with the launch of vr-based game FNAF help wanted this game within a game seemed fairly innocent on the surface a virtual reality themed collection of mini-games from the original FNAF series created by Scott corfin however a library of secret cassette tapes have been hidden inside the game for players to unlock these were voiced by a mysterious woman who worked as a beta tester on help wanted and revealed some troubling Revelations as to why the game existed in the first place they lied to us they lied to all of us they told us that the whole point of this VR game was to undo the bad PR Don by a rogue indie game developer who supposedly made up a bunch of crazy stories that tarnished the brand but that's not true at all those indie games were designed to conceal and make light of what happened this isn't just an attempt to Rebrand it's an elaborate cover-up a campaign to discredit everything Fazbear entertainment sent to developers of help wanted scrap parts from various animatronics used in their pizzerias over the years including circuit boards to scan into the game code to help with the AI pathfinding unfortunately this had some dangerous repercussions a creepy glitching character resembling a rabbit started to appear to beta testers after these parts were scanned in one tester named Jeremy became a very different person following interactions with this glitch developing an unhealthy addiction to the game and complaining of nightmares Jeremy complained of nightmares when he came in this morning he doesn't even jump anymore nothing scares him he just stands there like he's talking to someone sometimes he rocks from side to side we were told to leave him alone this glitch was the digital ghost of Siri's villain William Afton the cruel inventor of the various animatronics used by Fazbear entertainment who ended up murdering many children who visited restaurant locations over the years Afton haunted by The Souls of his victims became trapped inside a spring Bonnie suit and fused with it now a vile animatronic Terror himself in the form of springtrap he later transferred to a different animatronic Endo known as scrap trap and while in this form was defeated by his son Michael and business partner Henry Emily burning in a fire that sent him straight to an animatronic hell where he would be forever tormented by The Souls of his victims or at least that was the plan you see when Fazbear entertainment handed over circuit boards used in animatronics William Afton had previously haunted search as springtrap his Remnant was able to attach to the Gamecock code and open a portal of sorts through this portal Afton escaped his private hell and entered a third host taking on the form of Twitchy unintended game character glitch trap this malicious entity began latching on to all areas of Help Wanted game files infecting them and taking control like a highly Advanced Computer malware this game is some kind of malicious code in it that we haven't been able to fully contain or even understand for that matter it was just junk circuit boards and things like that look pretty old somehow though there was usable code on some of it seemed to take hold by itself things started changing but then he started appearing the voice of the beta tester on these tapes tried to warn her successor of glitch trap and how to wipe him from the game files before he managed to corrupt the minds of any more players enter Vanessa a new employee at Fazbear entertainment who landed a job as a beta tester for Help Wanted with the release of security breach we finally have enough evidence to conclude that we are in fact playing as Vanessa during the events of help wanted the game revealing how by following the guidance of tape girl Vanessa attempted to isolate and Destroy glitch trap But ultimately failed and fell under his control hello you don't know me I had created a series of logs for you documenting the troubled development of this VR game that you're now testing now I fear that those logs are being used as a trojan horse there is a way to kill it it wants to escape to escape through someone plugged into this game following tape girl's guidance Vanessa attempted to destroy glitch trap but her mind was not strong enough to keep afton's ghost in the machine at Bay and so glitch trap ended up imprisoning Vanessa within the game files however this was not a physical prison but rather a prisoner for mind this is reflected in 8-bit minigame princess quest which reveals how the longer Vanessa spent to miss digital prison the more influenced glitch trap gained over her mind this is represented in various events such as when she collected up the Vani mask symbolizing her complete subservience to her new master a conversation we can hear upon wearing the mask during DLC curse of dread bear yes I hear you I know there's no miscommunication I understand yes I have it I made it myself I think you would like it [Music] no no one suspects anything don't worry I'll be ready and I won't let you down it will be fun Vanessa also transferred glitch trap inside a plushie and again this is experienced during the princess Quest mini game this symbolizes Vanessa transferring glitch trap into Fazbear Entertainment Security Systems allowing him to finally Escape his prison within the Help Wanted game files [Music] after glitch trap took control of Vanessa her mind was split into two separate states one her regular human State as Vanessa and the other a glitch trap controlled altar known as Vani these two states are separated during the story of FNAF security breach with Vanessa appearing as a security guard and Vani as a sadistic Dancing Rabbit you're in big trouble this is not the night to be wasting my time so you are going to wait right there and lost and found until your parents or the police arrive d how did Vanessa and her glitch trap alter infiltrate the pizza Plex and set the events of security breach in motion what happened between this current timeline and the story told him for enough Help Wanted several years ago well there are a handful of resources available to Adis in our investigation these come in the form of emails from augmented reality title FNAF special delivery and audio logs discoverable during our security breach playthrough these audio logs come in the form of CDs which archive conversations recorded between Vanessa her Ulta Vani and a number of different therapists working on behalf of Fazbear entertainment after falling under glitch trap's influence Vanessa finished up her work as a beta tester for Help Wanted and moved onto the special delivery initiative this allowing players to send out animatronics to each other's homes in the form of a mobile AR experience emails found within this game chart conversations Vanessa had with a man named Lewis these conversations reveal some peculiarities in Vanessa's internet history she researched various torture techniques and ordered Rabbit costumes and rubber masks she seemed at times zoned out and fixated on her computer screen researching compliance in human subjects Vanessa also scanned in the circuit board containing the glitch trap virus and spread it to Fazbear security systems as noted in this email on screen now this data is corroborated by conversations held between the Nessa and her therapist what issue I've been doing my job I come in and sit at my desk and do my work yes yes of course you do your performance reviews are good but a routine check of your online history has revealed that you've spent quite a bit of time with someone in an encrypted conversation sometimes I talk with Lewis he's in the marketing department he's nice I guess yes I see Lewis here but there's someone else FASFA entertainment mandated Vanessa seek therapy due to her behavior in the workplace and so glitch trap did everything he could to ensure she would never be cured if the therapy worked and shook Vanessa loose of his mind control then William Afton would remain forever trapped inside his digital prison so Afton influenced Vanessa to lie about having an abusive childhood where Father Bill made her lie about her mother in a custody battle Vanessa said this led to something very bad happening to her mother and left her traumatized for life I feel like I know your dad too you do right your dad's name was Bill your dad made you follow instructions didn't he I try to do what I'm supposed to do I'm talking about the custody battle between your mum and your dad your dad didn't play Affair did he he used to make your mum look bad in court he manipulated you it wasn't your fault I know your mum after she lost the custody case I was supposed to be now what's interesting about this fake story is that it all ties into William afton's own dark family history the father in the story is called Bill and Bill is short for William Bill's wife ends up doing something terrible to herself after Bill manipulated his children to lie about her in court we know something happened to William afton's wife causing her to leave him a single parent as hinted at by the cryptic TV show we watch in between nights in FNAF sister location glad you suck wait was that a vampire joke that was so lame Clara like I haven't heard that a million times okay well how's this I'm taking the car the joke's on you it's a rental well the joke's on you I set the thermostat to 90 before I left good I like it warm good because I also set the house on fire oh the humanity when will the Heartbreak end we even listened to Vanessa's recordings within a room themed around for one found in Sister location coincidence I think not so the story often fabricated in Vanessa's mind and then had Fanny relate the therapist is in part the story of William's own family life but in Vanessa's therapy it is used as a fabrication to throw the therapist off glitch trap scent and explain why Vanessa is acting so strangely in the workplace in reality after doing a little digging one of her doctors discovers the truth when I guess what I found out when I looked into the tragedy of your past all that stuff about your parents none of what you said in your file about your parents was true the truth is you have great parents a great childhood why did you lie when all else failed and Vanessa's therapist started making progress or poking around into her communication with glitch trap via encrypted emails more drastic action was taken Vanessa's therapist started going missing and even ended up dead apparently I'm the fourth therapist you've had and apparently all three of your former therapists have gone missing I don't want to scare you but I have to tell you that one of them was found dead that doesn't seem to upset you well then I guess I'll go ahead and tell you that the woman's body was pretty messed up it looked like it was mangled by a Machinery with the cause of that death machine related it seems Vani used the special delivery service to send out killer animatronics infected by the Glitch trap virus to the homes of the NASA's therapists removing them as a threat once and for all [Music] glitch trap has been using Vanessa to infiltrate Fazbear entertainment software systems and communicating with her via encrypted emails only she could understand but to what end well this is where we catch up to present day and the events of FNAF security breach in the NASA's audio logs we hear her therapists make mention of how she moved to a new location I understand you'll be transferring to a different location soon I'll be sorry to see you go I think we've been making progress don't you I'm needed somewhere else now this location was the newly built Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex an establishment built over afton's final resting place for pizzeria he burned inside all those years ago this made for megaplex an ideal location for the third phase of afton's diabolical plan to transfer him from a trapped soul in Fazbear systems to a physical entity within an animatronic host once more in order to achieve this glitch trap he used Vani to hack for pizza Plex security protocols and infect everything including the Glam Rock animatronics with his malware code do you know a place called Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex well the techs are convinced that you've hacked into their system many times although I'll admit I don't see any proof here but apparently the hacks are causing all kinds of problems the texts have been struggling to fix some serious glitches with the robots I'm not sure what exactly is wrong except that it's making the robots more eerie than entertaining apparently the glitch extended beyond the robots it went system-wide it began infecting all the machines and when the techs traced the glitch back to its origin it led them to you Bonnie achieved these hacks on her employer's systems by setting up secret rooms around the pizza Plex where she could work out of sights of a watchful eye of a technician's monitoring the security breach she also used a scrambling signal within her mask to prevent animatronics from seeing her allowing Vani to operate in relative safety at all times vanny then took control of Glam Rock Freddy to forge a path through the ruins of the burns Pizzeria where using afton's engineering knowledge she was able to reassemble springtrap and begin at the resurrection process I know what this is I have been here before she brought me here I found myself for the first time when I cleared the path I did not want to but I had no choice there were also reports of children going missing and it is logical to conclude Vani was the culprits Behind These kidnappings using Remnant extracted from these missing children to assist in the return of William afton's soul to the physical world and help him gain immortality this has always been the Mad scientists end game [Music] everything was going smoothly for Afton until a proverbial wrench was thrown in the works in the form of a Lost Child Gregory in order to continue maintaining control over Vanessa princess Quest arcade machines were created no one knew where these games had come from or why and despite being unplugged they never powered down it was as if they were haunted by a paranormal entity and of course this was indeed the case however Gregory discovers that by playing through each game in sequence he is able to retrace Vanessa's digital footprint and navigate through the events of help wanted that led to her imprisonment and subsequent servitude to glitch trap this leads to the final arcade cabinet hidden within one of vany's secret rooms and within this game Gregory is able to locate the door glitch trap locked the unfortunate beta tester behind and finally unlock it this resulting in the freeing of Vanessa's mind and her separation from The Afton controlled altar Fanny with Vanessa now free she is able to return to normality and with Freddie's help Gregory defeats Afton before he can properly return from the grave and he is once again consumed by the ghosts of his prior victims Vani disappears with him and Vanessa is free seemingly befriending Gregory and of two living happily ever after and with that we come to the end of this investigation into the origins of Vanessa and Vani I hope this video made these characters and their story a little easier to understand and that you found this video both entertaining and informative if you did then remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video thank you [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 1,832,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's security breach, fnaf security breach, fnaf security breach gameplay, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro fnaf, fnaf security breach freddy, fnaf, fnaf security breach secrets, fnaf sb animatronics explained, five nights at freddy's security breach explained, fnaf vanny explained, fnaf vanessa explained, fnaf vanny vanessa, fnaf security breach theory, fnaf security breach game theory, fnaf glitchtrap, fnaf sb vanny ending, fnaf sb theories
Id: 180V3-79Tpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 01 2022
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