The Story of Tirion Fordring - Part 2 of 2 [Lore]

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Hello everyone! last week we began the story of tirion talking about his path to becoming a paladin, his excomunication and exile for saving eitrigs life to Darion Mograine calling him back to action. Darion made the ultimate sacrifce to save light’s hope chappel, now firmyl in the hands of kel’thuzad and the Lich King. Trouble for the future, first Tirion has his own son to worry about. His father might been branded a traitor and exiled, but Taelan never let go of his love for his father. THe letter left behind stays with him into adulthood and when he follows in Tirion’s footsteps, becomes a paladin of the silverhand himself, Tirion makes sure to be there, disguised and hidden, amazingly proud of what Taelan had accomplished. As he had hoped, he took his place as lord of Mardenholde, but in a cruel twist of fate, joined the ranks of the scarlet crusade, even became their highlord. Not the best organisation to be part of, not with someone like balnazzar pulling the strings behind the scenes. Heroes of both the alliance and the horde are asked to help tirion out. To remind Taelan of what it is to be noble and honorable. A questline that I loved redoing on classic, and many others did as well considering the amazing rewards it gives. To pull on his heart string and make him remember, we need to collect a few things. Taelan’s hammer, a toy given to him by tirion on his birthday. A miniature war hammer, an exact replica of his own. Karandra had told him that Tirion had died and taken him to a false grave at the Undercroft, where Taelen burried the hammer along with his memory – forever. A Symbol of lost honor; left behind in northdale where taelen had thrown the standard of the order and renounced all that he had known. The boy held out for as long as he could, but with Uther decimated and uncertainty about where or not the order still lived...his honor was left upon the blood soaked ground of Northdale and we retrieve it. And finally Of Love and Family; a painting, a moment in time in which Tirion felt a bond of love and family that he would never know again. A visit to Caer Darrow where an artist painted his family, a painting we must retrieve and then, with an illusion hiding us from the eyes of the other scarlets, we deliver the mementos to taelan. For so long, he has been a puppet of the Grand Crusader, but no more. It has been decades, yet the memories of my father; those precious memories, they are what have kept me alive. I have dreams, stranger. In these dreams my father is with me. He stands proudly at my side as I am inducted into the Order. We battle legion of Scourge, side by side. We bring honor to the Alliance, to Lordaeron. I want not to dream anymore. Take me to him and we try, but leaving the scarlet crusade isn’t that easy. Despite his beautiful dreams, Grand Inquisitor Isillien is waiting for him and slays the child of Tirion. Just moments before his father reaches him, could finally hold him in his arms again. Retribution is swiftly passed down upon these vile scarlets. Look what they did to my boy. Too long have I sat idle, gripped in this haze...this malaise, lamenting what could have been....what should have been. Your death will not have been in vain, Taelan. A new Order is born on this Order which will dedicate itself to extinguishing the evil that plagues this world. An evil that cannot hide behind politics and pleasantries. This I promise...This I vow.... And we all know how serious Tirion takes his vows, his honor. He takes his place as Highlord of the new Order of the Silver Hand. Meanwhile in Northrend our old friend the Lich King has woken up and the one that caused so much damage to the lands of Lordaeron returns. The Lich King sets his eyes on Light’s Hope Chappel, despite knowing full well that this is holy land. No matter, he will sacrifice any of his forces, any of his death knights to draw out Tirion Fordring. Ending the threat before he could take a prominent role in defending Azeroth from the new war against the Scourge. Here we see the return of Darion Mograine, in a cruel twist of fate now used to attack the chappel he gave his life for to defend... Stand down death knights we’ve lost Have you learned nothing boy? You have become all that your father fought against. Like that coward arthas, you allowed yourself to be consumed by the darkness. Feeding upon the misery of those youve tortured and killed. Your master knows what lies beneath the chappel. that’s why he dares not show his face. He send you and your death knights to meet their doom darion. Save your breath old man, it might be the last you’ll ever draw. My son. Father! My dear beautiful boy. What is... Father you have returned. Youve been gone a long time father, i thought. Nothing could have kept me away from here darion, not from my home and family. Father i wish to join you in the war against the undead. I want to fight, I can sit idle no longer. My son, there will come a day when you will command the ashbringer and with it, meet out justice across the land. YOu will bring pride to our people and lordaeron will be a better place because of you. But my son, that day is not today. DO not forget. Touching. He is mine now. You...Betrayed me. You betrayed us all monster. Face the might of mograine! Pethatic. Youre a damned monster Arthas. You were right Fordring, I did send them in to die. Their lives are meaningless. But yours... GASP APPOCALYPS! That day is not today. Tirion! CATCH ARTHAS! What is this! Your end. Impossible. This isn’t over. When next we meet, it won’t be on holy ground paladin. LICH KING OUT Rise Darion and listen. We have all been witness to a terrible tragedy. The blood of good men has been shed upon this soil. HOnorable knights slain defending their lives and while such thigns can never be forgotten, we must remain vigilant in our cause. The Lich King must answer for what he has done and must not be allowed to cause further destruction in our world. On this day i call for au nion. The argent dawn and the order of the silver hadn will come together as one. We will succeed where so many before us have failed. We will take the fight to arthas and we will tear down the walls of icecrown. The argent crusade comes for you arthas! And so did the knights of the ebon blade as they stepped away from the Lich King and rejoined either the alliance or the horde with a letter of introduction provided by Tirion. As you can imagine, having death knights stroll into your capital is a bit of a shock, but Tirion’s words carry weight. He even adds a little personal sidenote for the one to the horde saying. Give Eitrigg my regards and please inform him that I could use a good orc by my side in Northrend - with your permission, of course. So our journey went to the cold heart of Northrend, Tirion and now purified Ashbringer on our side. They actually nearly lost this powerful artifact, thinking it would be better to have it travel without the wielder as it would make tirion too much of a target. Not too worry though, adventurers are here to save the day and reunite them. Then in Icecrown, Highlord Tirion Fordring leads the assault into scourge’s main territory slowly but surely claiming more ground for the warriors of light. As we follow the quest line, we encounter a young child named Matthias Lehner who shows us what the lich king has done with his time. How he battled with Illidan, how he resurrected the mighty blue dragon Sindragosa and a whole brood of blue dragons. He explained that after his battle with Illidan, Arthas realised what was holding him back. He was still human, he could still feel, he could still bleed. He still had a heart so the first thing that he did when he became king was carve out his heart and toss it down a pit. Adventurers accidently touched it without realising what it was and Arthas surely wouldn’t leave it unguarded again. We bring this information to Tirion who was already informed by his scouts that the cult of the damned were bearing an artifact, taking it to the cathedral of darkness. He now realises that this might be arthas’s own heart, a thing containing the last bit of his humanity. As long as such an artifact exists, there is a chance that Arthas Menethil can become a man again. Disguised as cultists, we enter the cathedral, but the Lich King is not easily fooled. He immediatly recognises us for who we are and is not surprised to find us there. The Highlord realises that only shadows from the past remain and that there’s nothing of Arthas left to redeem. He has seen the truth for himself and with a mighty charge he brings the Ashbringer down, destroying the heart, yet knocking himself out in the process. The Lich King is about to make the old man pay for that, but we’re lucky enough to have the knights of the ebon blade on our side. They get us out of there and while some might see this mission as a failure, Tirion does not. It confirms what he needed to know. There is no Arthas Menethil anymore – there is only the Lich King... so it’s time to hold a little tournament and find out who are ready and who are worthy to join the argent crusade in their final assault upon icecrown citadel. The lich king was holding most of his remaining forces there, almost daring his enemies to storm the frozen throne. Garrosh and varian were eager to see the lich king destroyed, but neither one of them gave the order to attack. Tirion had sent word to both leaders, warning them to hold back, He believed that a full, overwhelming assault was exactly what the lich king wanted. He was prepared to absorb heavy losses in a ground assault because he knew the scourge would inflict heavy losses in return. Every one of the living who died in battle would rise again as a minion of the lich king. Tirion believed there was only one way to conquer icecrown; a small, surgical strike force could punch a hole in the citadels defenses and fight its way to the lich king. To that end, tirion called upon azeroths champions to prove themselves worthy of this crucial mission... the argent tournament was born. “You have heard the call of the argent crusade and you have boldly answered.” Heroes of the Alliance and Horde are pitched against the fiercest dangers Northrend had to offer, like the Northrend beassts, Lord Jaraxxus, the twin val’kyr and even our own champions as per usual the alliance and horde can’t get along. “I will allow it, fight with honor!” “Show them no mercy horde champions. Lok’tar ogar.” “Glory to the alliance.” “A shallow and tragic victory. Who but the lich king could benefit from such foolishness.” “You will have your challenge fordring.” “Arthas, you are hopelessly outnumberd. Lay down frostmourne and i will grant you a just death.” “HEHEHEHEHEHE THe nerubians build an empire beneath the frozen wastes of northrend. An empire that you so foolishly build your structures upon. My empire! The souls of your fallen champions will be mine fordring.” Still we emerge victorious and with the troops selected, with the path mostly cleared, it is time to knock on the door and let the lich king know that the light’s justice has been awakened. “Rise up argent crusaders the hour of justice has come! CHEER CHEER” “Thousands more bound within this blade and they cry out for release.” KNOCK KNOCK KNOCKING ON THE LICH KINGS DOOOOOOOR “Look now to your defenses my son for the champions of justice gather at your gates.” Oeeee look at all the pretty things arthas has made, this raid is going to be so much fun. Thats a vampire, and thats a saurfang oeeeeeeeeeeee “LEt them come, frostmourne hungers!” KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP The heroes battled their way through the endless army of the lich king, taking down his most powerful forces until they finally reached the top. Exhausted, battered and enraged...just as the lich king had planned. The Lich King yells: So the Light's vaunted justice has finally arrived? Shall I lay down Frostmourne and throw myself at your mercy, Fordring? Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: We'll grant you a swift death, Arthas. More than can be said for the thousands you've tortured and slain. The Lich King yells: You'll learn of that first hand. When my work is complete, you will beg for mercy -- and I will deny you. Your anguished cries will be testament to my unbridled power... Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: So be it. Champions, attack! The Lich King yells: I'll keep you alive to witness the end, Fordring. I would not want the Light's greatest champion to miss seeing this wretched world remade in my image. His true prize now stood before him; the most powerful heroes of azeroth. if they fell, he would raise them into undeath and wield them as weapons against he living. The fate of the world rested upon this single moment.The full fury of the lich king crashed down upon azeroths champions while Tirion was trapped in a block of ice. Several of their souls were ripped into frostmourne, but even that did not stop them. The champions trapped in the cursed blade fougth on, stirring the other spirits inside to action. But despite their valor and heroism, the champions could not prevail. The Lich King yells: You trained them well, Fordring. You delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known... right into my hands - exactly as I intended! You shall be rewarded for your unwitting sacrifice. The Lich King yells: Watch now as I raise them from the dead to become masters of the Scourge. They will shroud this world in chaos and destruction. Azeroth's fall will come at their hands -- and you will be the first to die. The Lich King yells: I delight in the irony. Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: LIGHT GRANT ME ONE FINAL BLESSING! GIVE ME THE STRENGTH... TO SHATTER THESE BONDS! Light responds, LETS GET THAT BACON SMACK FROSTMOURNE SHATTERED The Lich King yells: Impossible... Highlord Tirion Fordring yells: No more, Arthas! No more lives will be consumed by your hatred! And once more, when he needed it most, Tirion’s conviction was rewarded with the Light’s Blessing. Retribution for all those poor souls slain, taken, mutilated or hurt.... Arthas the Lich King was brought low but There must always be a Lich King. Ow snap well couldn’t you have told me before this moment? We could have gotten someone else to do this. Do i really have to? The crown totally doesnt match my transmog...It is pretty powerful though, +10 strength...sweet! Tirion: The weight of such a burden... it must be mine, for there is no other - Bolvar: You hold a grim destiny in your hands, brother, but it is not your own! Tirion: Bolvar! By all that is holy... Bolvar: The dragon's flame sealed my fate. The world of the living can no longer comfort me. Place the crown upon my head Tirion. Forever more, I will be the jailer of the Damned. Tirion: No, old friend. I cannot. Bolvar: Do it Tirion! You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill. This last act of service is mine. Well damn oke ninjalooter, here you go. Tirion: You will not be forgotten, brother. Bolvar: I MUST be forgotten, Tirion! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of fear, they must never know what was done here today. Bolvar Fordragon who was there at the wrathgate and had enjoyed torture from the Lich King until we reached him, now takes on the destiny to be the jailer of the damned. And while he told Tirion that the world had to forget about him, quite a few people found out that there was a new lich king in town. From the novel Wolfheart we learned that Varian and Jaina knew. Sylvanas traveled to the top of icecrown herself so she knew. Darion and the death knights worked together with Bolvar during legion, mages going after felo’melorn had a run in with Bolvar. Point being, quite a lot of people knew of his fate despite the request to TIrion to keep it a secret. All the same, with victory secured in Northrend, the highlord return to his old home and took it back from the remaining scarlets. A hermit no more, he didn’t do a whole late after that. Pretty much just thanked heroes for helping them out during the cataclysm. With the scourge being kept under control, they’re working hard on regrowing and rebuild the lands of lordaeron but there are other threats then the undead that want to claim the world. Threats like the Burning Legion with their biggest invasion as of yet during the expansion legion. “There across the chasm, guldan! He has tirion.” “All da horde, get ta thrall!” “Tirion!” “Gul’dan, you will pay for this.” “Stay back, it’s a trap. The Light will protect me.” “Giggle, you fool! you stand before the temple of a god. Your pitiful light cannot reach you here. How fortunate that your friends have arrived just in time to watch you die!” KROSUS POPS IN “Destroy him.” “The Light...will...AAAA AHHHGHHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGHG” The colossal doom lord Krosus burns through Tirion’s holy protection. Not even his conviction was enough to stand up against the onslaught and while a lot of people think this is where Tirion died, that’s not actually true... although perhaps it would have been better if he had... Tirion has survived the events on the broken shore and has now spend weeks in the care of the Burning Legion. Retribution paladins, during their legion artifact questline, track down the high lord’s location and fighti their way to him. “The sundering of this one’s soul has been....taxing. But he will be ours soon.” No! The Light burns in my heart...I will never surrender! You will suffer for a thousand lifetimes. By the light... No! The Ashbringer...must not... Tirion. By all that is holy...what have they done to you? I’ll break Tirion free. You must find the Ashbringer while there’s still time. It’s none other then Balnazzar, the same dreadlord that took over for Dathrohan, corrupted their organisation, created the scarlet crusade that placed a little trap for us. “Ah, the light’s greatest champion has arrived to claim the holy Ashbringer and lay waste to my kin. They say only the pure can wield the highblade. Come champion. Claim your destiny Fly in - sparkly ashbringer – pick it up This is mine...this is my ashbringer now. Thank you! I’ve been waiting for you, paladin. Know that I will rip the soul from your flesh and make your body my own. I will turn you into a weapon of the Legion. I will use your hollow shell to corrupt and destroy everything you have ever loved, piece by piece. Noww, kneel. Kneel before your new master. Give me the shatter these bonds... Cast unbreakable will, COMING FOR YA You can not fight my will. You are mine. Very well. This will be a fine test. You think this is over, paladin? Our journey together has just begun... “Our journey has just begun young prince” Nobbel, you must come quickly. Tirion called for you by name. I fear he does not have long for this world. Hurry! Nobbel....come closer... You must...wield the must...stop the legion... You must become...the aaaashhbringer. Highlord Tirion Fordring’s last light fades. You will be missed, brother. Highlord Tirion Fordring has passed away and the weapon, the title, the destiny of the Ashbringer has been passed on to the champion to keep its legacy going. Paladins from all of the world gather at Light’s Hope Chappel to join the ceremony and say a final good bye before Tirion is to put to rest amongst the ancients heroes of the light. But not a peaceful rest as the death knight order hall has teamed up with the Lich King to fight against the Burning Legion. They’re on a mission to reform the four horseman.... LK: “Without a leader, there will be no unity among the four. The time has come for the Ebon Blade to return to Light’s Hope. The body of the great Tirion Fordring rests beneath the chapel. Go now, and do what must be done.” Darion: “Tirion Fordring was one of the greatest champions this world has known! If we do this...there will be a price to pay. I will obey, Deathlord. But know this...Should we go through with this, there will be no turning back.” The fourth and final horseman, the one that will lead them all into battle has been chosen by the Lich King to be Tirion Fordring. Darion and the death knights were send over to Light’s Hope before. It seems like history is about to repeat itself only now Tirion will be unable to defend himself. Darion: “Tirion’s body rests below us in the Hall of Champions. We will join you shortly, Deathlord” Maxwell: “You will not succeed, Darion. The Light will not allow it!” It’s Lady Liadrin holding down the fort as we fight her in the hall of champions. it seems like the highlord, the leader of the paladin order hall is out questing elsewhere, possibly fighting the Legion, but Liadrin is not the final line of defense... Darion: “Without monsters there can be no heroes. The time has come, Deathlord. Tirion Fordring awaits. At last, the four horsemen shall have their leader. What is this?! No! I will not allow the Ebon Blade to Fall. The death gate, take it! The light itself did not abandon tirion, protected one of its greatest champions and Darion heroicly sacrifices himself to get their forces out of there. You’d imagine that Bolvar the Lich King would know that Lights hope is out of the reach of death or perhaps he did as this event pushes Darion himself to take up the reins and becomes their leader. For Tirion however, his spirit has passed on into the shadowlands and one can only wonder where he ended up. We know that somewhere in the Legion period the machine of death got broken and all souls are send directly to the maw, regardless of where they belong. If that wasn’t the case quite yet, then someone like Tirion Fordring would most likely end up in Bastion as he lived a life in service to others. A man with unquestionable honor and devotion to the orders he belonged to. The light was his companion through the good times and the bad. A life of struggle and hardship, but he carried it all and then some, carried it to great victories over darkness. Hopefully you all enjoyed our deep dive into the story of Tirion Fordring. I had a ton of fun making this video but for now thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaand until next time....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 80,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Tirion, Fordring, Classic, World of Warcraft, Lich King, Scourge, Kel'thuzad, Light's Hope, Plaguelands, Hearthglen, Scarlet Crusade, Son, Knights of the silver hand, Ebon Blade, Darion, Mograine, Ashbringer, Northrend, Howling Fjord, Argent Tournament, Icecrown, Terenas, Legion, Broken Shore, Krosus, Paladin, Order Hall, Death Knight, Horse man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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