Zovaal, The Jailer│Lore│World of Warcraft

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you trespass in my domain mortal no matter where you hide i will find you you will yield to death your soul is mine the end is upon you zoval the banished one the dark one the jailer one of the least intimidating bad guys in warcraft lore sometimes whatever you want to call him but is he really a bad guy or is he just misunderstood or is his entire story arc based on retconned information that the writers came up with halfway through bfa anyways this video will detail the story of zoval but to talk about so of all we really need to mention the eternal ones the eternal ones are comprised of arkhan chirrestia ruler of the kyrian the winter queen ruler of the night fae sardinathrus ruler of the ventier the primus ruler of the necrolords and zoval the original arbiter now the arbiter's main purpose is to judge souls who die and are sent to the shadowlands to then redistribute them amongst the different realms now the eternal ones make up what is called the pantheon of death now they have been described as titan-like although ian as acostas has described the jailer as titan plus plus level here's the words exactly now how did zoval exactly turn into the antagonist of today's wow of shadowlands well each of the eternal ones guarded a sigil that had untold power and duvall pretty much saw the sigils and wanted all the power for himself so he tried to forcefully take them but he was defeated four on one didn't work out too well for him so a sigil was stripped from him and used to construct a new arbiter that's why he has the gaping hole in his chest now due to this betrayal the primus of maldraxis used domination magic to bound zoval to the maw so he could never leave this is sort of how he dubbed the name the jailer in fact the magic of the heart of the forest with an art willed was used to imprison zoval in the mall now with zaval trapped inside the maw he wasn't sorry for what he did no he only became more angry and malicious zoval allied himself with like-minded individuals such as denathrius another eternal one and the original loa of death mazala danathor danatharis wanted unlimited power and believes oval had grown strong enough within the ma to know how to acquire this power therefore denatharis just gave his sigil to zoval then there's zaloa muzala now mozalla made a pact with the titanic keeper odin mazzala took one of odin's eyes so odin could peer into the shadowlands to see what all the hubbub was about this actually allowed odin to create the first valkyr the valkyrie of lights which imitated the kyrian these are of course in contrast to the scourge valky era which served arthas now since mazzala and zoval are buddy buddy he essentially gave zaval odin's eye which allowed him to transform it into the eye of the jailer this allowed zoval to see all that happened within the maw at any given moment muzala also allied with helya who was the first valkyr and brought her to the jailer's rule now while all this was going on the primus became suspicious since he noticed the jailer's power sort of spilling out of the maw so he left maldraxis to investigate what was going on but he left a message behind in his absence the message was to the other eternal ones which essentially stated to uh let them know that they needed to keep their guard up and to not allow soval to reach the sepulcher now let's pause a minute the sepulcher was a mysterious location that hit secrets of the first ones and the first ones are pretty much the greatest beings in the entire everything more than the old gods titans the light and the void more than shadowlands itself the first ones were in fact the architects of orabose and zovall couldn't reach it or bad things would happen of course and the primus believed that if zoval acquired all the sigils that he would be able to reach it anyway supremus traveled to corthia and gave a sigil to the attendants there the attendants are led by the arbiter herself as mentioned before now he did this because he was about to go into the eye of the beast no pun intended he traveled to the mall to see what was up so ball comes out of nowhere and kimbo slices the premise it went something like that the jailer then jailed the primus literally he also stripped him of all of his memories turning him into the rune carver the jailer then tapped into the rune carver's mind to create untold armor and weapons for his mossworn army one of these armor and weapons just so happened to be frostborn in the helm of domination the jailer wanted to use these pieces as a vessel to essentially establish himself in the world of azeroth the reason he chose azeroth was because he sensed that there was a secret there that the first ones hid away the nathrezim also known as the dreadlords which just so happened to actually be created by sirenatharis we have now found out acquired the helm of domination and frostbourne and boundner's will spirit to it it was actually technically kil'jaeden who bound a spirit to it i don't know if that knowledge was retconned or not but anyways that transformed him into the first lich king i made a video detailing the adventures of the lich king which expands on all this and how it played out but pretty much none of the lich kings ner'zhul arthas or bolvar really listened to the jailer and kind of did their own thing then if we take a look at the lore detailed in the edge of night book which took place between wrath of lich king and cataclysm we see sylvanas windrunner travel to the top of icecrown citadel and jumped off plummeting to her death committing suicide he did this because arthas had been killed and she found no purpose in living anymore because she hated arthas not due to any uncontrollable love or anything now what she did this she appeared within the shadowlands this was originally said to be the void but don't worry the writers let us know now that it was the shadowlands zoval then sent valkyr to encircle sylvanas and ally with her this was since the scourge valkyr lived through arthas but since he's dead they needed a new leader and hollowed to the caller took sylvanas place within the shadowlands and the rest of the valkyr traveled with sylvanas back to the plane of the living one of the things that was mentioned to sylvanas when she was in the shadowlands was that she promised to acquire the helm of domination from the false king bolvar this then solidified or pact with the jailer now we can fast forward all the way to legion so during the burning legion's third assault upon azeroth the arbiter fell dormant for whatever reason i don't know i guess she was sleepy and this allowed for all the dying souls from there forward to actually funnel into the maw instead of being distributed amongst the other realms this gave zoval more power and the other covenants less power because they had no one to drain their anima from during this assault upon azeroth from the burning legion vol'jin the current leader of the horde was killed by getting stabbed in the back by demon and on his deathbed mozallah whispered to vol'jin to make sylvanas warchief of the horde sylvanas then tirade killing as many people as she could to then be sent to the maw to fuels of all we also got big mama loon who plays a role in all this because when sylvanas torched teldrassil elune came in and said hey dead idols i'm sorry you're all you know dead and stuff but you need to go to shadowlands arden wheeled specifically because my sister the winter queen you may have heard of her well she's starving amanda so she needs to use your dead souls to fuel her selflessness not knowing that the machine of death was broken subsequently sending all the knight of souls to the mall what a bit now we're in shadowlands territory zoval had his sights set on azeroth and her soul because he believed it to be the key to the first ones sylvanas then bites bolvar atop the frozen throne whoops him and grabs alma domination and rips the thing in half destroying the veil between shadowland and the world of the living you then have the jailer's moss horn swoop and take anduin wren jaina proudmoore thrall and ben bloodhoof and dropped them right in the maw the jailer specifically honed in on anduin because he believed he needed a mortal with a hero qualities to gain entrance into bastion to grab the sigil of the kyren the knights of the ebb and blade along with the heroes of azeroth and a quick last-minute volunteer by tyrande whisperwind leapt into the maw to save the leaders of azeroth tyrande just wanted sylvanas dead for bernie retreat they then met up with jaina thrall and anduin the jailer threw bane off a cliff because he didn't really see him as worthy but they met up with him as well they fought their way to the eroded waystone of the first ones to try and escape them all it started to react with the champions of azeroth which surprised the jailer but he sent his minions to take them all out anduin used the light to fend off the jailers minions while the champions of azeroth escaped to oribos the jailer then claimed anduin thrall jaina and bane and brought them into tour ghast to be tortured the adventurers of azeroth now called the mall walkers reached the seat of the premise within maltrexus and found the premise's warning about zovale reaching the sepulcher sylvanas found this out and told the jailer to which he brushed off and said well it would be dealt with later on saturday nathan proclaimed that he has been working with the jailer and he's been sending large amounts of anima that he's been storing to the maw to power the jailer back at orbos bolivar was able to peer into tour gas using the remains of the helm of domination this allowed the adventurers to travel into tour guests and rescue bane jaina anthral and safely bring them back to orbos but no signs of anduin were discovered the jailer then went to construct a new weapon to pretty much demonize anduin with sylvanas asked the jailer to leave anduin to her but he was pretty much like nah then the adventurers gathered a raid to storm castle nathria and defeat sired nathrius imprisoning him within his blade ramornia salvanus then approached the jailer once more about this asking how they'll recover denathrius the jailer responded by saying that every soul has a purpose and danathrius had served his their new weapon kingsmore had been constructed and finished sylvanas took it to an imprisoned anduin and used it to control him so now he serves the jailer with how strong the jailer was at this point he was able to just summon portals at will and he peered into korthya looking for the premise's sigil now with anduin controlled by the jailer he sent him into bastion to elysian hold to retrieve the kyrie institute as anduin approached kyrestia she sensed the jailer's presence and demanded the jailer to release anduin andu and then stabbed the first sworn and the chest extracting her sigil then pieced out back to tour gas to give it to the jailer his eyes were now set on arden wield he sends his mom's warrant to attack it which was led by sylvanus while all the covenants rushed to defend it tyrondo whisperwind confronted sylvanas during this battle and revealed that she killed the thanos blightcaller which ultimately surprised salvanus the covenants were successful in pushing the moss horn out of the force but not until anduin made his way to the heart of the force and stole the winter queen's sigil right out from under her the jailer's forces then immediately assaulted orbos to take the arbiter sigil but the knights of the ebon blade along with the covenant's forces there pushed them out the mall walkers and the covenants then began an assault into the maw stationed in corthia the mall walkers were able to defeat the eye of the jailer with the help of odin's valkyrie and it retreated into tour gas premier which was the primus assistant antagalon who was the leader of the attendance there and corthium retrieved the premise of sigil within a secret vault before the moss one could find it it had a grey magic tangled upon it that the premise locked it with unknowing that the rune carver was in fact the primus himself the mall walkers and the primus assistant took it to the roon carver to try and untangle the magic after taking a look at it to the rune carver's memories were restored and he turned back into the primus the jailer immediately notices and appeared within the rune carver's cavern the premise in the jailer began to fight while the mall walkers and her mirror fell off the mossward anduin that shows up out of nowhere where he used the king's sworn to extract the previous sigil from him and give it to zoval he now had every sigil except his own then he poofed out of there now with everything going good with the jailer the primus then warned all the covenant leaders that they should forge new sigils since the mall walkers had to travel into the sanctum of domination and in case that failed this allowed for a contingency plan so the mall walkers did just that fought their way through the sanctum of domination until they reached the top where sylvanas windrunner was now sylvanas was able to stall long enough with her erroneously long 15 minute fight to allow the maw to envelop orbos which allowed for zoval to retrieve his last sigil from the arbiter that filled the hole in his chest and he gained a full set of armor he then chained jaina thrall and bolvar while savannah's yelled to zavall that they had everything that they needed zoval then revealed his actual plan which wasn't to break the machine of death and give everyone free will as sylvanas had believed but instead created his own reality where everyone served him this reminded sylvanas of similar statements that arthas made towards her when he was the lich king she then told them that she would serve no one zoeva had petty on sylvanas in this moment but as repayments he gave sylvanas her fragment of life back which was stolen from her many years ago when she was a high elf and was stabbed by arthas with frostmourne severing her soul into two the jailer saw no use in sylvanas anymore as she collapsed on the ground so we chained the champions and made his way through a giant glowy portal along with anduin then the portal closed behind them so zoval story from beginning to end all around within the last two years this lore story is a bit different from my other ones as there wasn't shadowlands lore and warcraft it was all justin wow but you can you know tell me what you think in the comments below um do you like the story or not i guess okay that was a bit of a rhetorical question but anyways guys if you had all enjoyed this video then feel free to leave a like to consult this channel for more videos like this and i will see you guys in the next video real high
Channel: Calooseeus
Views: 1,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, warcraft trailer, legion, warcraft legion, wow, warcraft gameplay, warcraft movie, warcraft movie trailer, warcraft 2, warcraft 3, world of warcraft battle for azeroth, blizzcon, leaked, cinematic, glitch, hack, warcraft full movie, reaction, react, expansion, prediction, death, fun game, mount, new, WTF, hunter, pet, difficult, guide, Battle for Azeroth, bfa, shadowlands, the jailer, zovaal, pantheon of death, eternitys end, the sepulcher
Id: otr5N0s6n0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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