The Story of The Evolution of the Elves [Lore]

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Hi @Nobbel87 ! Can you please make a video about the difference between the elves ? Sindorei, kaldorei, rendorei.... etc. Love your videos ! Thank you. “Pam pam pam pam” The evolution of the elves is something we discussed many times on stream and always the list seems to be incomplete so thank you very much for the suggestion, I’ll do my best to list all of them and see what exactly happened with the elves. If you think I missed any then by all means let me know in the comments down below. The elves evolution tree all starts with the Dark Trolls and it’s unexplained where the Dark Trolls came from. What we do know is that they found their way to the Well of Eternity, a fount of arcane magical powers which the keepers had created to patch the wound left behind by ripping out the old god Y’sjaarh. Mesmerized by their discovery, the dark trolls settled along the well of eternitity’s shores. Over generations, the energies radiating from the lake suffused the trolls’ flesh and bones, elevating their forms to match their graceful spirits. They transformed into highly intelligent and virtually immortal beings. These former trolls gradually abandoned their ancient heritage and traditions. The tribe’s mystics began worshipping the moon goddess, ELune, who they believed was bound to the Well of Eternity itself. They claimed that the diety slumbered within the fount’s depths during daylight hours. The former trolls also discovered the name ‘Kalimdor’ and other titan-forged words from communing with Elune and investigating strange artifacts scattered around the Well’s periphery. Influenced by this newfound language, they called themselves kaldorei – children of the stars or night elves. The well of eternity gave them great power and in turn they build up a massive empire. Within their society there was some difference between the elves. Some were more powerful, wealthier or had a bigger influence and they called themselves the Highborne or quel'dorei, meaning "children of noble birth in Darnassian". Among the highborne we have their Queen Azshara with her advisor Xavius that were researching the depths and powers of the well eventually making contact with Sargeras and the burning Legion. Thye decided to use the fount of power to create a massive portal and bring the legion into the world. Not all the elves were down with Azshara’s plans so a resistance rose up, the war of the Ancients played out in which the druid Malfurion takes out Xavius. His spirit is picked up by Sargeras who isn’t exactly pleased with his failure. The spirit is tortured for a while until the lord of the legion decides to get some use out of the elf and transformed him into the first of the Satyr. I have decided that there is a place for you. I have looked into the darkness within you and found that which once pleased me. I make it the core of what you are to become and in doing so make you a far superior servant than you were. You must be reshaped. The legs bent back at the knee and ended in cloven hooves. Like the legs, his arms and hands were covered in a thick fur, and his fingers were long and clawed. He felt his face mold differently and sensed the bent horns sprouting from his forehead. He’s send back to Azeroth where Xavius the Satyr then goes around transforming others, luring them in with promises of power. With great effort and sacrifice it’s possible to restore them to their original form as shown in ashanvale, while others have been turned into so called Crystal Satyrs or those that stuck with xavius as he became the nightmare lord, shadow satyrs. While some night elves rose up to form a resistance against their queen, others decided to hide themselves away. With the use of the eye of aman’thul these highborne night elves had created the Nightwell, a source of power which allowed them to shield their city and keep them safe. Centuries would pass without moonlight or sunlight. They turned to the nightwell to sustain them which evolved them into the nightborne also known as the shal'dorei. When cut off from from their source of power, from the well, like being banished from the city is not really healthy for them. First they’ll turn into a nightfallen, desperatly searching for any source of magic to sustain themselves. With the fruit of an arcan’dor tree this state is reversable and many years ago we had nightborne exiles that found their way to such a tree with its caretaker Valewalker Farodin. He took pity on them, gifted them with a tree and for a time it sustained them and they were safe. That would not last as the arcan’dor became unstable and died. In a flash of wild magic, the elves bodies were twisted turning them into the fal’dorei. When we come around we give it another go and we do make a stable tree. With the fruit we can cure the nightfallen from their nightwell addiction. But those that are unable too, that fall further down become Withered. At the moment there’s no coming back from that and the once proud nightborne will have lost all of what they once were, being driven by a maddening hunger and haunted by memories of the past. “That nightfallen dude final moment” During the expansion Legion we saw Elisande lowering the shield and actually teaming up with the demons with some amongst their people embracing the fel. This turned their eyes green and their skin became lighter with a green taint, they’re known as the Felborne. The fel has the power to cure the nightfallen, but it will keep them hungering for more power. Now back in the past, Queen Azshara would lose the war of the ancients and the well of eternity was destroyed. The sundering of the land took place too which her palace was flooded with water and in her most desperate hour, voices called out. There is a will become more than you ever were....we can help...You will be more than you have ever been, the voices promised, and when th etime comes, for what we grant will serve us well... The old gods offered her a deal, she accepted and the queen as well as those with her were transformed into the Naga. A fleece of scales shimmered over their skin. Tails thrashed against the currents. The males more thickly buit some even hulking forms while the females resemble more the kaldorei from whom they came, their faces fair, even beautiful with some having snakes in their hair...Many years later some amongst the naga would decide to ally themselves with the Burning Legion, embracing the powers of the fel and they became Felrage Naga. 700 years after the war of the ancients, remnants of the satyr and demons still left behind would not stop their fighting and the war of the satyr played out. During this, some of the night elf druids decided to play around with their feral pack form, something forbidden by their teacher Malfurion. It was unstable, even he himself could not control it, but they wouldn’t listen and lost themselves to the beast. They attempted a ritual to try and control their pack form with the Scythe of Elune, but rather then control it it transformed them completely into the Worgen that we know today. Salvation was impossible so Malfurion was forced to use the scythe of Elune to banish these worgen to the Emerald Dream. Shapeshifting is not uncommon amongst the night elf druids and although they still remain night elves, their bodies can change with their time spend in the Emerald Dream. Take Malfurion for example. He has Antlers growing from his head, a blessing of Cenarius, while some night elves are born with these antlers like Broll Bearmantle. Something which they saw as a sign of great abilities, of being able to do great deeds. Malfurion also has elements from the birds, cats and bears. The druids of the flame are similar to regular druids, only loyal to Ragnaros the Firelord and empowered by him. They look pretty similar, except...they’re on fire. Another that underwent transformation was Illidan Stormrage only he became more demonic over time with Horns instead of antlers, demon wings instead of regular wings and hooves instead of bear paws. His eyes were burned out by Sargeras, but while teaching his demon hunter ways to other night elves and blood elves, they too shower similar transformation, gouging their own eyes out at the truth of the world. The truth of the Burning Legion. Once the war of the ancients was over, night elves were not keen on magic and they decided to make it punishable by death. Some amongst the highborne that had stepped away from their queen and joined the resistance, they refused to give up what they saw as their birthright and since there were so many of them, they decided to banish them rather then execute them all. Lead by Dath’remar sunstrider, they took a vial of water from the original well of eternity and set out to create their new kingdom of Quel’thelas. After being exiled from the well of eternity, the highborne began to feel the effects of aging and disease. Their skin had even lost its violet hue, and they had begun to shrink in stature. The highborne feared that the effects would only worsen over time but luckily they were able to find a place to call home and they made a new well, named the sunwell. After making their well, the highborne abandoned their traditional worship of the moon, instead taking their strength from the sun. In time, they would be known as the High Elves or the quel'dorei which means high elves in Thalassian. The high elves would chill in their kingdom for quite some time until the rise of the scourge and Arthas returning home as a death knight. He set out to resurrect Kel’thuzad using the powers of the sunwell to do so, which corrupted the fount of power and Quel’thelas was sacked. Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider was not home during the attack, but when he returned he declared that they had to put this misery behind them. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian... as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin'dorei! For Quel'Thalas!” “The sindorei cheer” Sin’dorei means children of the blood in Thalassian but more then just their name changed, their whole way of life did. Arthas’ actions had corrupted their fount of power and their leaders had no other choice but to destroy it. They had become quite addicted to their sunwell and being cut off from it, you see a pattern here amongst the elves? Being cut off from it did not really feel great. They learned how to drain magic from objects and creatures, even fel magic was absorbed which turned their eyes green. Some amongst them refused to follow this path and they were kicked out of their city, while others went a little too far with their addiction losing themselves completely and becoming Wretched. Some amongst the blood elves joined their prince Kael’thas Sunstrider in the quest of claiming vengeance for what arthas had done to their kingdom. In Northrend they tried to stop him from merging with Ne’r zhul, but they failed, too which a large portion of their forces followed Illidan back to Outland but some of them remained behind. Scattered across the frozen wastes they were picked off one by one, but they would not go down without a fight. One amongst them, Lana’thel, wielded the mighty blade quel’delar yet not even that blade of legend was able to hold its ground against Frostmourne. Arthas took her life and chose her to serve him in undeath as queen of the San’layn, the Darkfallen, a vampiric race of elves. During the Burning Crusade we discovered that Prince Kael’thas had allied himself with the Legion and some amongst his people, his most loyal followers were rewarded by Kil’jaeden with the gift of demon blood. On top of the green eyes they now displayed various demonic features like horns, wings and unnatural skin and hair colors. Kael’thas himself would also undergo quite a physical transformation, after they brought him back to life with a crystal in his chest, but I don’t think this is considered an actual elf evolution, just a one of case. After the events of the Burning Crusade the blood elves sunwell would be restored with the core of a naaru wich infused their well with a bit of holy power. We always knew that their fel corruption which turned their eyes green would vanish over time making them seem like high elves again. With their well having a touch of holy, instead of going back to blue, their eyes will turn yellow. From a gameplay perspective this is just a smart way to keep the races distinct from eachother while also giving it a lore reason. Holy would not be the path for all of them though as magister Umbric and his followers started to research and dive further into the void. They were exiled for their studies, but this wouldn’t stop them. Their journey followed the research of Dark’han Drathir all the way to Telogrus Rift right into a trap set by Nether-Prince Durzaan. Thankfully Alleria Windrunner, former high elf that had already found her own way into the void was there to save them, prevent them from falling completely to the maddening whispers of the void. She will show them the way of controlling these dark powers shunned by most and the ren’dorei or Void Elves would join her and the alliance. Taking down quel’thelas did not happen without opposition from the elves. Sylvanas Windrunner got under Arthas’ skin so much that he decided to turn her into a banshee and enslave her to his will. She would find her oppertunity to break free and recover her body becoming a dark ranger with others following her lead. Interestingly enough we hear from Dark Ranger Velonara that it was Sylvanas herself who pulled her back from beyond and damned her soul into her service something that lines up with the information from the warcraft RPG. And I think that’s just about all the elf evolutions that we have but like I said I might have missed a few...I really did my best. As a final note we do have half breeds, elves mixing with other races or specificly one race, humans. A well known example would be Arator the Redeemer, the son of the human Turalyon and the High Elf now void elf Alleria windrunner. High elf Vereesa windrunner got together with the human mage rhonin and they had twin sons called Galadin and Giramar. Sylvanas Windrunner got together with Nathanos and had zombie babies...ow wait that didn’t happen yet did it right the first Guardian Alodi was also said to be a half elf, but we have no idea who his parents were. Thank you very much for making the requests was a lot of fun to sit down and make the list. As always thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaaaaaaand until time guys...see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 284,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, World of Warcraft, Elves, Evolution, Dark Troll, Night elf, High Borne, High Elf, Blood Elf, San'layn, Lich King, Northrend, kael'thas, Void elf, Alleria, Turalyon, Army of the Light, Legion, Wretched, Nightborne, Suramar, Thalyssra, Horde, Alliance, Dalaran, Kirin Tor, Jaina
Id: qA8sPOrq3uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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