The Story of Splatoon

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[Music] what even is splits in what are these with kids and why are these shooting each other splatoon is a team-based third-person shooter released by Nintendo in 2015 for the Wii U with the following sequel being released two years later for the Nintendo switch the main premise of the game is very simple you take control of an inkling or an outgoing and use a variety of weapons loaded with colored ink your goal is to use these weapons and try to cover the ground as much as possible or complete an objective while also defending yourselves from other enemies many of the weapons include shooters rollers chargers and many others and can differ in game there are several game modes in splatoon the two main ones being regular battle and ranked battle in regular battle there is only one rule set called turf war and rank battle which consists of four different rule sets outside of the regular game modes include a co-op mode called salmon run and two single-player campaign modes one of which was a paid DLC called the octo expansion splatoon and its sequel have both received consistent updates with new weapons and stages coming out which kept the game going strong the splatoon series has sold over 10 million copies with splatoon 2 alone selling over 7 million making it one of the best Nintendo switch games to date with all the success what was actually going on behind Nintendo and the developers of splatoon what changes did they make to both games and how did those changes make it 1 Nintendo's best in over two years this video will go through the history and the development of splatoon and how Nintendo made this game to what it is today [Music] [Music] [Laughter] splatoon's development can be traced all the way back to mid 2013 just months after the Wii U was released and by that time it was a failing console that sold about three million units Hisashi Nogami a director of the Animal Crossing series gathered for other members of the Nintendo Entertainment analysis and development or EAD to create a brand-new game for the system that was different from mainstream Nintendo games there were several game ideas that were created in the span of six months but one idea was finally chosen even though Nogami is credited as the main producer of splatoon the original concept was actually created by Shintaro sato he made this prototype as shown here in the game you took control of a piece of tofu shooting ink at other tofu and covered turf in an arena the concept was very simple as the game had no color or any other features and the tofu themselves had noses to see which way they were facing these noses would also should being the idea was sent to Nintendo as a four versus four online multiplayer prototype in which Nintendo approved allowing the team to further develop the game there are many ideas for characters to be put in the new game including the use of Super Mario characters in which the development team refused because they wanted to make more fitting characters while still giving a fresh new IP for Nintendo rabbits were also chosen as the main characters but when the game was shown off to Nintendo it really made people have mixed thoughts some people liked the game others were very confused and had the same reactions with stuff like okay why would you put rabbits in a game it literally makes no sense at all and they don't shoot any ink the rabbit concept was scrapped in favor of a squid because the team wanted the character that made sense in terms of the environment and gameplay mechanics co-director Tsubasa sakaguchi and Yusuke Amano originally wanted the squid character but didn't want a squid slash human hybrid because they believed that it wouldn't sell at one point Shigeru Miyamoto had this to say I don't understand what do you want to do there's no appeal to this game fast forward to January of 14 the co-directors noticed that they can make the character switch between a squid and a human opening up more ideas for splatoon Sakaguchi was obsessed over the details that he made his own slime and counted it on the desk to create the swimming sound of the squid scene more sketches and concept art of the squid / human hybrid were made and they finally got their own name ink wings the team started on making the models for the Inklings starting out for the inkling girl and eventually the boy they also wanted to gain to make use of the Wii U gamepad's since not a lot of first party games actually utilized it it takes advantage of game pads motion controls alongside analog controls it displays the map and allows you to super jump to teammates by touching the screen later in the development the team worked on more features for the game and after that Nintendo was finally going to show it off to the world [Music] On June 10th 2014 Nintendo released the first trailer of splatoon during e3 at the time the game was only about 10% complete even urgent underpass had incomplete areas that were covered with placeholders in the trailer alongside that there are only four stages that were revealed the a fermented urgent under past whoa I warehouse Erewhon the mall and salt spray trick there are only three weapons the game thus far shot splat roller and splat charger Nintendo later held a playable demo at the event which was only limited to 13 underpass in this fire shot the only mode that was playable was turf war the main rule set for splatoon in turf war two teams of four battle for turf by covering the stage in their own ink for a duration of three minutes in that amount of time you the player has to cover the map with your colored ink as much as possible while also trying to splat the other team once the three minutes are up a referee cat named Judd will calculate how much of this stage is covered in each team's ink the team with the highest percentage wins the round if you either win or lose you can get ranked from 1st to 8th place depending on how much point you get the more points you gain the higher you rank up this is also in the final game but it split between the two teams and there is no ranking platoon was well-received when it was initially filled with many praising it for the gameplay ideas that stood out from many other shooters shortly after Nintendo would tell players about splatoon while also giving out information about the Inklings and here are some great examples everyone should know that Inklings can't swim or survive in water Nintendo's explanation on this was that Inklings had no bones and they are made up of ink ink wings are also very well known for being very fashionable and like to be seen wearing the freshest gear many gear brands were first revealed and these brands had their own specific styles and abilities in-game a lot of these facts came from Nintendo's social media accounts respectively and continued to update everyone on November 2014 a few months after e3 splatoon single-player campaign mode was revealed for the first time in the Nintendo Direct the new enemies hours shown were evil octopi that formed an army called the octarians but to no avail the main story was in yet some bosses such as the octave stamp was shown and other enemies such as art doings indifferent octarians one thing I did notice from the trailer and the final version was that you could actually have five wives instead of three in the single-player mode for a few months then then they didn't really announce anything big for splatoon but players were still being updated with information about the game 2015 was a big year for Nintendo as they confirmed that they were developing a brand new console codenamed the NX which would later become the Nintendo switch splatoon's development was still being worked on and many people got more heid about the game on April 1st 2015 then the other revealed a lot for splatoon including a new mode called rank mode it is very similar to turf war where you battle with three other players but it introduced a ranking system these bells can last for five minutes and seven three minute long turf wars and it can be shorter or longer depending on the outcome of the game the first rule said that was showing was splat zones this wasn't supposed to be released on launch day but would be released at a later unspecified date and this mode players must attempt to cover one or two zones in ink according to the splatoon wiki it says what the team has covered 75% of a zone in their ink that zone is captured by the team while the zones have been captured by a team that team is in control of the zones and with their respective countdown clock begins to count down from 100 if the opposing team must try to capture the zones in the same manner after five minutes the team who remains in control of the zones and gets their countdown clock Louis wins a match if the team's clock reaches zero the game ends instantly as a knockout win for the winning team overtime starts if the losing team is still in control of the objective when the match is regular time is up each rule set has their own overtime rules and they work the same around the same time Nintendo announced amiibo based on the Inklings when you transfer the data from the amiibo to the game you will need to complete a challenge in order to receive special gear splatoon also has a local multiplayer mode called the Bal dojo in which you and another player have to pop the most balloons as possible two people have to be on the same console one using the gamepad in its screen while the other is using the Wii U pro controller or pretty much any other controller that that's compatible with the Wii U sub in special weapons can be obtained by grabbing a can special these can be found by breaking open crates found in various areas around each stage may was the biggest month for splatoon s intend to release a direct specifically made for that game on May 7th this video is a full dev explanation of splatoon and what was to come for the game in the future the video starts off talking about information about the Inklings like who they are and what they do for a living just like real squids increase can alter their appearance such as skin tone and eye color and they can also change in color every time during a match also if you are in squid form it makes your inkling go faster and jump farther I know this was mentioned before in the squid research lab but the direct kind of summarizes it the first portion of the video talks about surf war which I've already discussed earlier but to recap we know what's in terrible because you mentioned it just a few minutes ago just let's get a portable for swimming after a match is done you're awarded points and in-game currency based on your performance and the more points you get it means that you will level up faster vibe is an indicator of the winning streaks of players and online battles shown both in the lobby and the waiting room before a match the vibe meter is a title and a number of flags winning battles add one flag and losses removed flags depending on the meters current level the first bow stage that was shown was ocean underpass now completed from the e3 beta version this stage has divided walls that make the player go through a path other obstacles include grates and stairs that the player can also pass through the next stage is Salisbury rigged one of only three stages in the entire series to not have rotational symmetry this means that each team has a different view from their spawn base this also means that each spawn point can be accessible to other teams there are two elevators located in the middle of the map to quickly move from the bottom area to the top area at the end of the top area there is a rotating crane which can be accessed by these boxes black-bellied skatepark is a stage based around a skatepark it features large ramps hills and wide-open areas in the center there is a central tower a large petalled structure that can only be accessed by climbing vertical paths of ink it is effective but a vulnerable place to control the center area of that stage the spawn area is a narrow hallway with a single slope leading down in front of the spots is a open area with multiple paths leading away and a large crate for last-ditch defences the only way to this level is through a large ramp forcing players to walk up in their vulnerable humanoid forms why warehouse is a close-quarters stage featuring obstacles such as crates and boxes and other features such as conveyor belts the final stage that was shown was arowana mall this stage is an era battlefield that is set in an outdoor mall it features two lower sections and one race section in the center of the map that connects the lower sections the only way for one team to get to the air side of the map is going through the center in the center of the stage is an area connected by two large ramps at the bottom of each side these are the first five stages available at launch but Nintendo plan to release more in the future in each mode there are two stages and it rotates every four hours after those four hours were up an announcement was made this announcement will also boot all players of the lobby after they finish their current match one thing that was also added in the stages for the Recon mode recon is a single-player mode that allows players to explore any stage from the current rotation there is no music and you can hear background noise present and nobody is on the opposing team as you're the only member of your team later on we get to see in Campos Plaza and the booyah base this is how you buy gear and weapons for your English there are four shops in the plaza and each sell weapons headgear clothing and shoes respectively weapons Shore also known as ammonites is owned by Sheldon the head gear store also known as cooler heads is owned by Annie and Moe the clothing store aka jelly fresh is owned by Joanne's oh and finally the shoe store also known as shrimp Kicks is owned by Krusty Shan there are many weapons and weapon types in the game and a lot of them differ in range fire rate etc the three main weapon types in splatoon are shooters rollers and chargers shooters are guns that fire small blobs of ink very quickly rollers spread ink over large areas and can be flung mid-air Chargers are similar to snipers and they have a build up time that leads to a powerful blast that can spot enemies from a long range each weapon also had a sub weapon and special weapon as part of their kit the sub weapon is a secondary weapon and except more ink than the mean weapon and is often not used as the main method of inking the environment subs are launched by using the Arbonne and can be thrown or placed on the ground such weapons include the splat bomb suction bomb burst bomb seeker Inc mine disruptor point sensors splash wall sprinkler and the squid beacon special weapons are very powerful but they can only be used for a short time special weapons are available by filling the special gauge through inkling the ground once a player has a special weapon ready it creates a unique effect they will give off sparks the tentacles on their head will become brightly colored and glowing bubbles will form on the top of their head like boiling water and they will appear to be caught in a strong wind even though they are completely still once a special weapon is ready clicking the right stick will activate it different special weapons need different amounts of turf ain´t to fully charge for balancing the list of specials include the bomb rush which is using a certain sub weapon repeatedly without consuming ink for a brief period of time the bubbler echolocator strike which uses the Wii U gamepad to launch Zuka killer whale and the Kraken gear abilities are special attributes that are placed on wearable gear in splatoon each piece of gear has a specific main ability which cannot be changed all gear has 1 2 3 slots of secondary abilities also known as subs which are weaker versions of the main abilities around 3/10 the number of secondary abilities that can be present on a single piece of gear depends on the rarity or amount of stars of the gear the more stars there are the more secondary ability slots it comes with there are many abilities and they can differ in game you can also get abilities by leveling up after a match Inklings are known to wear fashionable gear and there are many brands created for their Styles gear can be purchased through the shops or by ordering them through spike spike can also give you extra slots or re-roll abilities using super sea snails or 30,000 in cash the next part of the Dirac talks about the story mode for splatoon called octo valley it starts off by introducing us to captain cuttlefish and the main character agent 3 you are supposed to complete levels to rescue the great savage which had been stolen by the octarians an evil octopus army there are many features in the stages such as propellers geysers sponges in Braille Canon's but i won't be talking more about this until we're on the video now I get to now we'll get to the best the best part of the video to those who don't know who the squid sisters are they're a group consisting of Callie and Marie and yes I finally said her name right so you can stop you can stop you can stop with a comment the squid sisters are sadly not sisters but cousins and they host inkopolis News which announces events and updates in game including stage rotation and also host splatfest spike Fez is a special event in which you choose between two teams and fight in turf war for super sea snails by gain points while you're increasing your splatfest title players are awarded the snails based on their splatfest style they have earned players on the winning team can earn more super sea snails than those on the losing team the clothing section of the equipt screen will also become locked and all players are forced to wear the splatfest tee which changes in color and designed based on our chosen team flat fest lasts for 24 hours during which time the region involved was isolated and splatfest players could only face-off against players from their own region the first flashes was set to start from June 20th to the 21st with the theme of dogs vs. cats none of those events happened regularly so Nintendo had to announce them I mentioned earlier that ranked bells would not be released on the launch but an unspecified date Nintendo said that you had to be level 10 in order to gain access to the rank modes but it wouldn't be unlocked unless enough players reached that level compared to regular battle wins and losses are counted towards players ranks which are used for matchmaking and ranks range from C minus to a plus Nintendo also announced amiibo based on the game when you transferred its data from the amiibo to the game you will need to complete a challenge in order to receive special gear and minigames but why are the mini-games you ask these mini games can be played before a match on the gamepad there's one game that is default and that is squid jump the earth we are only unlocked after completing the challenges eventually splatoon would be supported with free updates that added new gear stages weapons and modes the stage that were to come out where camp triggerfish kelp dome and bluefin Depot but there are more stages that were planed and would be announced in future updates to rank modes such as tower control and Rainmaker were announced I won't get into these rules that's until later since they talk very little about them the first major update first Thun was known as version 2.0 and was set to be released on August 2015 just two months after launch the update contained the mode that allows groups of up to four friends to participate together in a ranked battle with other squads another mode allows groups of two to eight friends to play together in custom matches where host selects the mode and stage he's would later become squad battle and private battle respectively players can boast me versus splatoon community from the mailbox in the inkopolis plaza either with attacks or drawing both of which were created on the gamepad drawings appeared as a graffiti or on billboards in the plaza in various stages and both drawings and text posts appeared over the Inklings in the plaza when approached when zoom in or seen examining another inkling with the a button the player could yeah a post by pressing the Y button before the direct ends Nintendo announces the splatoon global test-fire a special demo event for the game that ran from May 8th to the 9th and 23rd it allowed players to compete in turf war battles at scheduled times ahead of the release of splatoon due to problems the event was extended to run for two hours instead of one during the event Nintendo did a live stream where members of the squid research club played using special gear that no one can actually use players who pre-ordered the game from the demo received special gear that can be used in the final version the exclusive test-fire gear was not present in the data of splatoon at launch but was later added in an update before you started the match you were able to customize your inkling and enter tutorial area where you popped balloons and get used to the game's controls the only stages in the test-fire were solve a rig and y warehouse while the only weapons with splash a junior spire shot splat roller and splat charger the direct ends soon after this announcement and we wait for the release of splatoon splatoon launched on the 28th of May in Japan in the 29th for other regions it became the fastest-selling Wii U game during that week on launch the game received positive reviews with an average around 80% many people also criticized the game for not having voice chat and a little number of stages and modes which would be later added in future updates others compared to game tunes titles such as Jet Set Radio Super Mario Sunshine and the blob because of its aesthetic once you start up splatoon you get to customize your inkling and do a tutorial on the controls afterwards you start the game and be greeted with cow in Marie the first news report that they mentioned is that The Grates a fish is missing but what is the greates a fish is an electric catfish that circling around in compost our powering the city is believed that the culprit could be going to a UFO that crashed earlier outside of the city this is the only information we have because you have to go to this sketchy walking drainpipe or this old looking squid lives splatoon story mode takes place in octave alley where the octarians with the old squid you meet is Captain cuttlefish the leader of the squid beaks will tune and the veteran of the great turf war which happened about a hundred years prior to splatoon's events after the war the Inklings made a victory and the octarians were forced to live in underground domes over time the domes were running out of energy which founded the octarians to steal all the sap fish you have to take back every regular zapfish before obtaining the great zapfish you think control of agent 3 the new member of the squid beaks platoon who come to quip with a hero suit along with a hero shot talked to valet split along five different worlds or areas with different bosses each level is accessed through a tea kettle which must be spotted in order to open once you begin a level your goal is to spot every enemy that you see once they get spotted you will collect power eggs small orange fish eggs that are used for upgrading weapons and other equipment armor can also be obtained in stages to give the player extra protection once you reach the end you will need to destroy the barrier that covers the zapfish and obtain it there are some extras you can obtain such as the second Scrolls which give a backstory on the wharfs platoon and the aforementioned gray turf war these can be difficult to find the first time but if you are careful you can be able to find them once you collected every zapfish in the area you get to complete the boss level these bosses come in three different phases and get more difficult each time second Scrolls found in each boss stage will unlock further weapons in ammonites that are available to purchase once the appropriate level requirement is met after each boss you get to progress into a new area with more stages and harder bosses after completing every stage the final boss we face is VG Octavia the leader of the octarians compared to the other bosses this final boss comes in five phases during the first phase DJ Octavia will send out two octo or P dough's if you watch the hands of DJ Octavio carefully you'll be able to see which one will punch you as it will Rumble to dink on it until reverses back into GJ Octavio as soon as it fires it is in range one three times and a large octopus shaped missile is revealed if you shoot your ink at this it is going to punch you back repeat this two more times and will take you to the next phase with a launch pad during the second phase DJ Octavio will now throw both fists at once as well as using a variation of the killer whale which is smaller than the one used in multiplayer matches you must use the propeller lifts to get to the other platforms to guess closely did you have Kavya to fight him shoot the fists back at him six times and he will release the missile once you send the missile into the machine three times another launch pad will appear during the third phase bombs will be thrown and will spawn octocopter x' and octo bombers if they match hit the platform remember these platforms are invisible and must be ain't to continue in the next two phases the amount of enemies increased and DJ Octavio becomes really aggressive only one enemy spawning bomb is fired at a time spawning a twin Tikal octo trooper and large amounts of Akhter PTO's are fired over time there are ink rails connecting each platform the file missile requires fast movement as it is at its quickest speak once you reverse the missile three times the G Octavia will eject from the machine and shooting your ink at him will thrust him back into the machine ending the battle after the boss you will be awarded with a full replica of the hero suit and a set of authoring gear to use in battles the staff credits are automatically played after a special segment of inkopolis news following DJ Octavius defeat during the credits staff names and various pieces of art can be revealed by Inc which changes colour over time also fun fact if you finish the final boss there's like these really creepy sounds I is something I miss it's spooky it's a spooky spooky sound that's spooky it's scary scaring me [Laughter] On June 1st short we have to release rainbow and live in splatoon with splats those being the first mode following tower control month later on July 1st and rain maker on August 15 in tower control two teams of four fight to control the tower it moves through a stage on a predetermined path that start and ends at checkpoints that are located in the same mirrored spots near each of the team spaces the tower starts at the center of the path and when a player arrives on top of it it begins moving on a rail toward enemy territory if the player is standing on the tower falls off the platform and gets spotted after a short amount of time the tower rule begins moving back to its original position the tower only moves when players are on top of it and although it is unknowable the more players that are riding the faster it goes in Rainmaker both teams compete to grab the Rainmaker once you get it the goal is superior to the other team space so as soon as the battle begins you have to grab the Rainmaker its guard by shield though so you need to destroy it first once you grab it head for the other team space and be quick about it because if you run out of time or get spotted the Rainmaker will be dropped and shield will reactivate the Rainmaker is very heavy so you can't super jump while carrying it and your teammates will have to watch your back the Rainmaker can also shoot ink like an ink suka so you can clear a path the closer you get to the enemy base while holding the Rainmaker the lower your goal distance will drop and if the battle ends without anyone carrying the Rainmaker to the goal the team with the lowest goal distance will win and a lot of stages during a ranked battle their layouts would change for the ruleset and uses overtime Nintendo would release patch updates which made balances to certain weapons by either buffing or nerfing them stages and weapons were also added around this time period as post-release content usually not part of patch updates even though they are confirmed for that specific update interestingly most additional content was already in splatoon waiting to be unlocked by Nintendo port mackerel was the first post release stage that came out the same day as splat zones June 1st this stage is a shipping yard filled with multiple containers and moving forklifts that ride back and forth across all three lanes it includes main corridors such as ones around the large colored boxes and crates a few days later on June 5th a certain weapon called the ink brush was this roller class weapon is a paintbrush that travels in the highest speed and leaves the most narrow trail of ink On June 10th kelp dome was released the stage is shaped like a large square with rounded edges it includes a variety of paths and ramps / uh ninka boat glass containers in which various plants grow great walkways are also found above the central area and some of its connecting paths allowing players to Inc turf from above on the ceiling there is a glass dome that covers the entire round garden bluefin Depot was released on June 20th and consists of four different levels the uppermost which can be accessed by the enemy team through graded walkways the lowest level is divided by a body of water and requires going through the third level to switch parts Mori Towers was released on July 11th and consists of two large towers connected by a series of ram it has to spawn points and opposite towers being together in the center through the network of ramps although the large amount of ramps provides an easy way to eat turf players may also jump from Bram to ramp for a quick route to the center yam triggerfish was released on July 24th and consists of a series of bridges over water george area near the team spawn along with a shelter that can only be accessed via graded pathway in turf war both bases at camp triggerfish have a set of flood gates that open and close for yatta CLE usually at the last minute of the gates are down it's easier for the other teams to enter on August 5th splatoon received its first major update version 2.0 point zero it introduced squad battle and private battle which were both revealed during the direct prior to release in squad battle two or four people can join the same team in the rank valve there are three types of squads quad squad tri squad and twin squad if the squad is comprised of two players another twin squad will join a team in battle if the squad is comprised of three players it will be treated as a quad squad but the disadvantage of possibly facing actual quad squads however if they are matched against a quad squad the tri squad members are given a quicker respawn card that allows players to set up custom matches between friends the hosts can create even battle such as a 1v1 over for before or uneven battle such as a 1 V for 3 V 2 they can also choose what stage and game-mode for the other players there only be a maximum of four players in each team however also battle points cash or love experience are not rewarded for private battles squadron prior bells can also be protected by a four digit password allowing the Creator to limit it to just invited friends also have you heard about this Easter Egg you can do in the password screen many new changes were added such as stage way outs and progression caps the maximum level was increased from well 22 over 50 and rank players can cap to an S or an S plus rank though squad battles didn't allow this also when the players rank changes in the rank battle they'll be returned back to the lobby new music tracks and 45 pieces of gear were added including a set of gear in collaboration with the manga and anime series eco Musume or squid girl a story about a young squid girl that emerges from the ocean it makes sense gates it's this is how spittoon God's idea this was the first update that changed the layout of urgent underpass which went through major changes in all modes this included allowing more turf to be inked by opening up walls and cutting trees the current stages also went through changes as well albeit very minor changes to new weapon types were revealed and released during this update these include the s' washer and the splat wing this washer is a bucket of being that can be swung to cover turf and spot enemies in the straight line the path of the ink can be adjusted to strike enemies behind walls or on above high surfaces and it's strong enough to spot enemies in only two shots the splat wing is a Gatling gun style weapon capable of firing bursts of ink with high range low damage and a fast rate of fire there are similar to chargers and that they must charge for a short time to increase effectiveness however unlike chargers flat Wings only have two levels of charge the first level increases the range in firing duration while the second is faster to charge and increases the firing duration even further but has no effect on range a small updates after 2.0 point O with only B weapon adjustments changes to certain stages and bug fixes different weapons would also come out during this period with stages usually coming out a few days or weeks after said update more stages were being added to the game after 2.0 point oh and the first stage was flounder Heights released the day after that update on August 6 flounder Heights is a map set in an apartment complex with many high vantage points and low corner base areas the large amount of walls in the height of the buildings are what makes the stage so large the center of father Heights contains two towers connected by a graded bridge this is where most of the splatting occurs as the only way to get through the other side of the map is going over the towers or through the alley beneath the bridge to alleys also separate each team space from the central towers which each consists of one tree for cover however head bridge was released on September 18th and is a structure that is under construction the stage is split between two layers at the bottom and top the top layer contains a great bridge that runs through the map and many other platforms while the bottom layer is below the bridge providing cover from players across the stage from here players can work on covering the ground and attacking the players above them November 13th splatoon received its second major update version 2.3 point 0 now this update was another big one that fix more bugs adjusted weapons and matchmaking and added 42 pieces of gear and a new stage museum they'll fund the funds the funds the funds know the though of fun so now I can't say I can't say I won't say it this is a stage that takes place in the courtyard of an art museum it features five retain displays which can be inked to reach a variety of high vantage point in low-lying areas directly infirm the spawn is a small rotating platform with four spokes that spend counterclockwise without stopping continuing to move forward weeds to large displays with three spokes that rotate a third of the way before stopping for five seconds when stopped they align perfectly with a rotating platform in the center of the stage mahi mahi resort was released on December 4th 2015 this stage contains platforms located in a squid shaped swimming pool next to a large hotel halfway through the battle more turf becomes available as the water level recedes there are three high platforms in the center providing higher points to attack from and can be used as an easy way to quickly reach the enemy space at the beginning of a match two towers become visible once the water lowers providing a little more cover from the attacks in the place to attack from the second to last stage was Piranha pit released on December 29th this quarry consists of the main spawn areas center and side areas the right side we see a pathway that drops down three levels before reaching the center further right leads to a platform that we'd suit a smaller section with a ramp and a path leading to the center the front of the spawn point drops down with a conveyor belt leading directly to the center the final stage to come out for splatoon was anchovy games released on January 22nd 2016 the stage is reminiscent of a game design studio which is likely the inspiration for its name this stage utilizes the propeller from octave a lay in the form of fans when the fans are repeatedly spotted with ink they cause a portion of the land underneath them to rise if they are not supplied for a short amount of time they will go back to their original positions splatfest power was a feature introduced in version 2.6 point 0 splatoon as a way of tracking player skills from splatfest replacing the vibe meter while splatfest matchmaking was previously based on play styles players were then matched based on similar splatfest power level it was initially determined by one's rank and may rise or fall depending on how well someone did in a battle the next update was Sheldon's pix volume 1 released on April 13th Sheldon's pix is a set of Ries khun's of existing weapons with new substance specials Nintendo would also release a second volume on June 8 new amiibo based on the squid sisters were revealed on April 30th and release on July 8th they can be used to unlock exclusive in-game concerts including two exclusive solo songs one for each member using either via amiibo causes the plaza to take on the appearance during a splatfest and the player becomes color adapter and wearing a splatfest see for whichever squid sister was used during the concert no buildings can be entered nor can jug be talked to oh by the way this was a real concert that happened yes I know it's inkling language but but it's art okay it's perfect enjoy 22nd the final splatfest was commenced with the theme of Kali versus marine Nintendo also released solo music videos from each of the squid sisters Cod goes out is basically a very calm song I would consider listening to during an editing session mobile rush wash sounds like one of those anime openings at watch the victory of splatfest went to Murray and people believe that splatoon was going to die due to the lack of updates and the end of splatfest but this wasn't the end for Nintendo will that people know that this last flatfish would be very significant in the future during this time Nintendo was already working on a sequel now there really isn't a lot of information we know about splatoon sequel during its development days Nogami stated publicly that work began around the same time splatoon still had updates and post release content he said this during an interview we were doing fundamental technical research as we worked on the updates for splatoon so there isn't a clear cut off one however development on splatoon too began in earnest from around October 2015 a straight comparison isn't really possible but I say that the development period was about the same as for the first game during the time period Nintendo worked on improving what splatoon had and tried to incorporate them into a new sequel this new game won't be released on the Wii U but on the new project from Nintendo bnx weeks and rumors of this console have been going around the internet for over a year with many speculations on what it is and its capabilities the team tried to keep the same game properties and main controls from the Wii U even on the Wii U you can't see two displays at once when playing on the console you are moving your head back and forth nintendo essentially replaced it with button controls for the NX also Tsubasa's sakaguchi was not involved as being director of the game even though he played a big role for creating the Inklings on October 20th 2016 Nintendo announced their newest console the Nintendo switch this was a very advanced machine as it combined a home console with the convenience of a handheld device and it had bare performance and graphics in the Wii U the controllers were two separate controllers called the joi cons and can be attached to the console alongside a grip the sway was a response to Nintendo's financial losses back in 2014 caused by the poor sales of the Wii U and market competition from mobile gaming but the Nintendo switch isn't the main focus of this video because later on in the trailer there's an eSports team preparing for a tournament and if you look closely you can see the first glimpse of splatoon - gameplay set in a new stage this only appears for a short amount of time boy tells us that Nintendo is teasing a sequel to the game in the actual tournament we get to see the new Inklings for the new splatoon they had different hairstyles and more clothes variety this also hinted that splatoon was also becoming a competitive eSports title as ESL hosted a splatoon tournament back in August 2016 Nintendo didn't confirm the game or any of the other games as being in development at the time or while people didn't know what splatoon tube was as it wasn't officially confirmed and no other information was given besides the new Inklings and weapons there were also many fake rumors and leaks that were debunked immediately since the company was still very secretive about the games that were to come out but Nintendo announced that that presentation of the console would be released on January of 2017 On January 13th 2017 Nintendo finally presented the switch for the first time and revealed the sequel of splatoon also known as splatoon - the trailer starts off by revealing the brand-new Inklings with new hairstyles in gear it appears that the player can change hairstyles to their liking and have a variety of different looks the new weapons were also shown including a new weapon type the Dooleys despite Louie's ink from both the player's hands as a result - recta khals are displayed and each recta co also acts as its own so an obstruction of one Dewey does not inhibit the shots of another the splat duties also feature a unique roll mechanic passing B while firing causes the player to quickly roll in the movement direction leaving a small cone of ink the player then enters a crowd for a short duration while crouched the players reticles are merged and the shots are concentrated at one point however walking is disabled roles can be used up to two times consecutively before the player must stand against the splat roller also looks to have an upgrade when you're in the air and press the Zr button it now swings vertically this vertical swipe specialty is long range it's used we can close combat but very successful to long-range opponents now with the vertical swipe players have one more option new subs and specials were revealed including the curling bomb 10 missiles ain't jet splashdown stingray and ink storm more stages were revealed for the aim the reef muscle forged Fitness starfish main stage which by the way had a sunset mode that was eventually scrapped from the final game and more eight hours which is returning from the first platoon now in Inked rails from octave Ali during the end of a match two Jets are shown with a little judge as part of the other team while the normal judge is part of the main team also super jumping to teammates is done by pressing the X button controller this also made the B button for jumping the end of the trailer consists of the new inkopolis Osnes in Copley Square featuring a small urgent and many jellyfish octarians were also shown Krusty Shawn apparently owns a food truck and wait why is Marie by herself yes that's right Marie is the only squid sister left in splatoon now people were quick to assume that the last pot that had something to do with Kelly missing and many theories are going around and surprisingly they were very accurate to what actually happens in the story nintendo plans will be splatoon too in summer of 2017 not confirming an exact date and over the next month Nintendo held events for people to try out the switch and upcoming games here is a video of me playing splatoon in the beta version of the reef at that point the game was very incomplete with many speculating new features that would come out for the game by the time it releases in February of 2017 no Gally was interviewed by firm itsu about what would be coming to spittoon 2 while the game was still in development he mentioned that the game takes place two years after the originals will tune with new features coming to the game this included the reasoning for adding new subs and specials alongside new weapon types latina 2 would also take advantage of the new features of the switch such as the motion controls an HD Rumble he left out many things about certain clips such as the story mode and crusty Shawn's food truck which he claimed was still being researched as the same trend with the first Platoon Nintendo updated players about the new upcoming features through the squid research lab and their respective social media accounts for example Nintendo revealed a new spectator mode for private battle this allows up to two people to spectate the other eight players by moving their camera around the match private battle will also have ten slots for players with the extra two for spectating purposes on March 24th through the 26th Nintendo the splatoon to global test-fire which allowed players to compete in turf war matches during certain times when you started the game at the right time you get to complete a tutorial on the new controls afterwards you can go into a game this was the first time the reef got upgrade from the original beta as there was a much larger bridge in the smaller wooden one from before there's also another stage that appeared in the demo that was muscle forged Fitness and the weapons that you can only use for the splat dewey's spar shot spot roller and SWAT charger all equipped with the new substance specials on April 12 Nintendo released a new direct with more information about splatoon - this is the first Nintendo Direct after the release of the switch a month prior on March 3rd the presentation starts off with some sort of job listing for a company Inklings are shown with uniform type gear which is meant for this certain job it also says something about using power eggs the ones only found in October lay the footage of the video looks like it was taken straight for the 1980s which is no adverse use of VHS effects it is later revealed that splatoon too would receive its next game mode a co-op multiplayer mode called salmon run in this mode for including super jump to an island and have to collect power eggs by splatting salmonids and goin eggs from boss salmonids golden eggs are special eggs that spawn when a boss salmon 8 is defeated most of them drop three golden eggs and you can only obtain one after taking the egg you have to go to a basket to put it when you are spotted a life saver appears at your last position for a few seconds another teammate has to ink it to revive you now this direct doesn't mention that much about salmon runs but says that it's an occupation with rewards in the next part Nintendo revealed new amiibo based on splatoon - Inklings when transferred you can save gear to it and you can swap with sets anytime you can also take photos with your amiibo and change the camera angle and poses and you can post the photos to Twitter or Facebook from the Nintendo switch now compared to the original splatoon this does not include challenges but includes new gear and is compatible with the original amiibo the last part of the presentation concludes with a release day of splatoon - which would be July 21st 2017 with the amiibo coming out the same day [Music] [Applause] on April 27th Nintendo released the squid sisters stories a prologue of splatoon to Splott and the answer to why Marie was the only one in the trailer while Kylie went missing after the last splatfest calimary still lived in the first apartment they rented upon moving between Cobb was they were always together but after releasing their soul recordings they started to spend more time apart with each passing day when Marie was alone she wondered how Kelly felt after losing to splatfest and thought she was jealous of her victory Callie then gets a call from her manager saying that her recording session was the wait for someone else she goes home to find out that Marie was also gone and was worried about her Kelly a waiter found Marie at a cafe with crusty Sean and the two start chatting together Marie had been a bit shy when they had moved to inkopolis after all Kelly couldn't remember the last time she'd seen Marie talking so cheerfully with anyone besides her over time to Swit sister started to bond more by going shopping an arrow on the mall eating and chatting together he shared stories of crusty Shawn leaving his job at the shoe store to look for new opportunities and a new job after talking more and more the sisters head home together during the next stay Marie was packing up to go back to Cal Marin County a place she lived in as a child she had invited Kao to join her but she was busy that day so Marie went by herself she hadn't come home in quite some time and her parents were overjoyed to see her she was asked about Callie but she was also struck by the realization that she didn't know what Callie was doing at all the next day Marie was waiting at the station for Callie's arrival when the train pulled in though Callie wasn't on board the next train she wasn't in there either so Marie cut her trip short and returned to in Cowboys on the first rain of the day she hated to leave her parents so suddenly but couldn't shake feeling worried about Callie when she went home Callie wasn't even there Marie later arrived in October where Kathryn cuttlefishes shack was completely deserted the shock itself was undisturbed but the snow globe that had stood beside it was a shattered wreck with pieces of glass that littered the landscape Callie was nowhere to be found and the scene failed to offer up any clues with a heavy heart Marie went back to inkopolis the city was buzzing with unbelievable news the great zapfish has disappeared again her worried for Kelly over child everything and before long the citizens of inkopolis would begin to know as Kelly's absence just as captain codfish has done before she would need to enlist a brave recruit to help investigate the depths of the octarians underground base thanks to her fame though her II stood out like a sore technical in inkopolis you had to keep the number of people who knew about the new act Aryan threat to a minimum secrecy and discretion were after all of the utmost importance when it came to the operations of the squid beaks platoon word on the street was that all the freshest Inklings were hanging out and battling for turf in a new part of town surely she could find someone there with a perfect blend of talent and bravery during this task her mind made up and Marie's set her sights on the new center of squid kid culture in capo square on May 17th Nintendo revealed a new trailer for the single-player mode in splatoon - the video starts off with an inkling girl walking across inkopolis square she later zooms in to Murray with an umbrella standing on the drainpipe similar to her captain cuttlefish is usually located in the 1st platoon as the inkling goes down the drainpipe you are greeted by Murray and octo Canyon the secondary home for the octarians this new mode is known as hero mode and incorporates more mechanics in October such as different weapon types ride rails in Ferrer's and bounce pass new octarians enemies and bosses are shown and looked to be more difficult on June 2nd Nintendo confirmed that rank bells would come back to splatoon - during a segment called splat chat through their YouTube channel this was in preparation of the splatoon - inkling Invitational a tournament for the game during e3 2017 in this video the members of Nintendo treehouse stated that major changes have been made to all three rule sets in splat zones there is a new indicator that shows the player exactly how much of the zone has been captured in tower control there are now multiple checkpoints on the path rather than the ones at the team spaces when the tower reaches a checkpoint it will stop for a brief period of time before continuing on as normal the tower also no longer gains a general speed boost from having multiple players riding on it instead the number of players only affects the speed that the checkpoints are beaten in Rainmaker the weapon was changed to fire a ball of ink rather than sukkah it also resets the center of the stage after popping the shield and not picking it up for 15 seconds it will not reset when it is located at the center of the stage on July 6 Nintendo released a new direct made for splatoon - which told players about the game and what was to come in the following period after release the video is similar to the 2015 one as it talks about Inklings and their daily lives spawning each other in turf war two years have passed and Inklings are adopting new trends by trying out unique hairstyles and new leg wear which is customised when you start the game you probably know where this is going because of that splatoon direct from way back a couple years prior now to recap turf war for those who forgot the theme we already know that tutorials it's just a feeling like an hour of his let me do it again turf war nothing has really changed since it works the same as in the original splatoon in this mode two teams of four battle against each other to cover the most turf in their colored ink with their weapons the ball goes on for three minutes in which during a time period the player has to rank up the most points and turf for their team if a team has covered more than half the stage the opposing team will have a danger indicator showing that they are losing in terms of the turf that is covered once the three minutes are up to referee cats named Judd and Lil Jon both calculate the amount of turf covered in the stage for each team the team who covers more than the opposing team wins the round and bonus points are given to the player which is used for leveling up next part of the direct talks about in gamla Square a new part of town that is much larger and more busy than inkopolis plaza the weapons clothing shoes and headgear are sold at the Galleria located on the left side in this new game almost all store owners are replaced by new ones the headgear store called headspace is on my flow increment ye old cloth shop the clothing store which is owned by Alfonso a jellyfish that can only speak ancient inkling language shallow fresh a store owned by bisque a literal heipiess who works cloud goggles and finally ammonites the weapon shop owned by Sheldon which now includes the ability for the player to skip his long talk about weapons because he talks too much and no one wants to listen the weapon served the same function as in the first game albeit with different looks subs and specials range hasn't changed that much but different weapons will have short medium or long range depending on the type and brand in splatoon - there are more weapon types in the game such as the new Dewey's but most of the weapons act the same as before shooters still work the same as they're used to fire short bursts of ink rollers now have the function to be flung in mid air for longer attacks this is called vertical swing Chargers haven't changed much except for a new feature called stored charge which keeps a charge for a short amount of time before firing it the same functions go for splatling slashers and blasters as they haven't changed much the new duties are to separate weapons that can be used by player with two recta coasts displaying as a result and each wrecked achill acts on its own so when the obstruction of one Dewey does not inhibit the shots of the other the splat toys feature a unique role mechanic pressing V while firing causes the player to quickly roll in the movement direction leaving behind a small cone of ink this is called the dodge roll the player then enters a crouch for a short duration of time and while crouched the players reticles are merged and shots are concentrated on one point however walking is disabled thought roles can be used up to two times consecutively before the player must stand again new weapon variants are also shown such as the clash Buster a rapid fire blaster the flings a roller a heavy / long-range roller the goo tuber a charger that can store charges for a very long time and the dab will do is a lightweight variant of the Dooleys which lets the player perform quicker dodge roles and do more damage but has shorter range and a shorter roll distance sub weapons still work the same as they consume more ink and is not used as the main method for battles the splat bomb suction bomb burst bomb Inc mine point sensors splash wall sprinkler and squid beacon will all return for splatoon - alongside new ones these included the auto bomb toxic mist which is very similar to disruptor and the curling bomb the special weapons have received a revamp with Brad new ones replacing the old ones with the exception of the bomb rush which has been rebranded to the bomb launcher with a different look but the same function the list of specials include the teller missiles which locate and briefly track opponents and fire a set of homing missiles per opponent dies locked onto the Stingray allows the player to fire a continuous laser that shoots through walls when unused the player can see silhouettes of opponents on the map as if the ability known as thermal ink was active mostly for ease of targeting then the player can continue to fire the ink jet allows the player to fly about in the air and shoot ink projectiles enemies the jet will also be betray of ink which comes out of the Jets exhaust which can also splat other enemies when the special is finished the player will super jump back to the location where they have activated the ink jet the splashdown strikes the ground with a heavy force causing an ink explosion around them using it on the ground will cause the player to jump up with a short delay but it can also be used from the air or during a super jump the ink storm creates a rain cloud of ink the rain cloud gradually drifts above the map and sprinkles the ground and ink ink armor increases the defense of you and your teammates to protect themselves from the opposing team and finally the baller allows players to move quickly and block incoming damage taken while inking the ground as they move and also allows them to walk up walls if zr is pressed or time has run out the ball explodes covering the surrounding area in ink the bar being ain´t results in a shrinking eventually disappearing instead the player using it to take damage in splatoon to Nintendo plan to release eight stages at launch as opposed to 5 in the first game the reef is apposite is built below ground surrounded with shops and is very similar to urgent underpass it features many wide-open areas with separate high and low levels the spawn point isn't accessible to the enemy team and includes a path which allows easy access to the far left and right sides of the map notably there is a stone bridge at the center of the stage which acts as a straight path into the enemy area this was originally a wooden bridge in the first trailer before the test-fire muscle Forge Fitness is a stage based off a gym featuring the extensive rock climbing wall that extends over the stage it features many rough slots are located throughout it also has many steep ramps weeding down to the lower part of the stage the most unique feature of this stage is the raised hill that comprises most of the central area inkblot Art Academy is based off an outdoor art school very similar to that Museum from I'm not saying the name again it has varying levels with the highest being near spawn points and the lowest being on the wings the main plaza is a flat battle area with the main optical being a tall display at the center of the map which can be climbed on this display is also removed during some rained modes starfish main stages based off a concert venue which is noted for its tight corners slopes and obstacles especially in the center this is one of the stages in the first trailer where it was shown during sunset but was eventually scrapped in the final game seriously no one noticed this humpback pump track is a stage based off an indoor BMX track with lots of curvy ups and downs this stage uses more abstract shapes in the center to make it harder to interact with the other enemies the spawn points are located on inaccessible points of the stage which allow a window to access the battleground following the track to the right leads to a drop-off and a raised ramp which allows players to attack from behind and continuing to follow the track leads to the enemy side sturgeon shipyard is based on a ship being built inside a shipyard draw bridges around the stage periodically are raised and lowered modifying the player's navigation options it contains many low areas surrounded by high purchase featuring a few bridges which open and close between a vertical and horizontal position during a battle port macro is returning to splatoon - but now is enhanced with sponge blocks from active ally the containers that used to crowd the centre or absent allowing players to climb on top of them while still having a very close quarters area the last returning stage for initial release was mori towers which I had several new ink rails which help short-range weapons counter chargers more easily there also has been more ground added making falling off more difficult than before in the new game map rotation has been reduced to only two hours instead of four in splatoon - rain has received new change even though that this was mentioned back in June but to recap splat zones has a new indicator for how much the zone is captured tower control has multiple check points and the rain maker uses balls of ink rather than a name Zuka the map changes for the ranked rule set it uses is more noticeable than in the first game like the original game rings start at c- and go up to s + and players can only play against others with the same letter rank so see - players can play with C + but not B - this is an exception for s and s + players who can only be matched with players of the same exact rank however each player now has three separate ranks one for each mode this means that players need to rank up in each mode individually and compete against players at their skill level the rank meter has also changed and received a revamp as well players start with an empty meter and as they win matches their meter fills up depending on their performance however if they lose matches their meter starts to get cracks getting one crack for every one to three games lost this depends on the various factors that may include the team's score the enemy teams power a place position on their team how many enemies they spotted and how much turf they of Inc if there is a fourth crack you will lose your rank and go down lower if your meter is above the ok line you are safe but you still have to regain your meter back squad bow has changed to wheat bail which features the same Moses ranked but rotated differently for two hours players team up in a group of two called a pair or four called a squad and compete with other groups to earn as many points as possible Nintendo essentially removed tri squad from splatoon knowing the risk and disadvantages of players who were put against larger teams at the end the two hours results are shown in a ranking system called week power which is similar to splatfest power groups that rank high enough will also receive bronze silver or gold medals players must be B - or higher in ranked battles to participate in these league battles and on like squad vials a player's rank does not change regardless of what rank they are abilities are now handled by merge a sea urchin similar to spike as he provides the same services as him such as rebuilding super sea snails using ability chunks to add secondary abilities to gear and scrubbing gear which is harvesting via bill chunks for use in a different piece of gear your abilities are special attributes they're placed on wearable gear in splatoon too and they work the same as in the first game with weaker abilities called subs new abilities have also been added to the game and can differ in variety new information about salmon run was shown in the dirac the company is owned by grisco industries as led by mr. Grizz who speaks through a wooden fair statue with a radio antenna attached to it the job is easy work with good pay as you and for other players splat salmonids for their power and golden eggs salmon run isn't always playable online as Crisco industries can sometimes be closed it opens in the regular pattern but can be expected to be available every other day each salmon were notation features one random stage and four random weapons to be assigned to players there is a tutorial on how the mode works for the player trying to learn the mechanics of salmon run afterwards you can play in two stages spawning grounds or marooners Bay which were the only twit launch with more coming soon each player is provided a different main weapon for each wave and two uses of one weapon will last all three these included the ink jet stingray splashdown and the splat bomb launcher the various salmon eight bosses include the steel eel fly fish steelhead drizzler stinger scrapper and mods when a boss salmon is spotted it drops three golden eggs if they're not picked up it's not your peers after a few seconds to retrieve them and each player can only carry one golden egg at the time you have to complete a specific quota to finish the wave without losing there are seven events in salmon run with different variants these include water levels such as high and low tides rush fog Goldie seeking griller quahog charge and the mothership once you complete all the salmon run waves you'll receive an amount of points to get bonuses special rewards that include currency gear ability chunks etc new year would be added every month after release which requires 200 bonus points to obtain salmon Ren also has a ranking system which increases quota and the amount of salmonids for each level Nintendo also revealed a new service called splat net - a mobile app that puts information such as map rotation stats and detailed results of your last 50 battles you can also look at your win rates in stages and modes and look at your lifetime engage which compares your score to real world landmarks gear can also be purchased from the app which is sent to merge for purchasing the service is available through the Nintendo switch online app which can be used by players alongside voice chat which isn't integrated on the console but rather a separate device now the amiibo for splatoon tube was already mentioned back in April and recaps from that direct now these are used to save player settings and can be swapped instantly upon registering an amiibo it will ask to befriend the player who will receive the first gift a piece of headgear 10 victories are needed to unlock the next reward and saving the amiibo in the gear selection screen grants the player all the rewards and the ability to switch to the gear and weapon they have equipped while saving and photos can be taken with the amiibo and safe gear to replace me first Nintendo added a new feature in which you can draw a picture and post it to social media these artworks would also appear as graffiti and valve stages and in inkopolis Square Krusty Shawn's food truck is revealed and it's also known as the crust bucket he now sells various food and drinks which offer various benefits to players his food items can now increase the amount of coins or level points earned during battles by 1.5 X or 2x his selection of drinks increased the odds of rolling certain gear abilities as well as giving a boost to gear experience gained the only way to buy from the crust bucket is by using ticket that can be found in octel Canyon or earned from salmon run bonuses the show is a local multiplayer mode where players can choose a game mode to play locally with each player requiring separate consoles and copies of the game in order to play it is very different from the Ballad dojo where you use the same console but with different controllers the player can either choose to hose these modes or search and join other players lobbies these modes differ slightly from the online counterparts as private battles of the show do not allow for spectators in Wireless local play and there are some extra options for the host while salmon Run has different selectable weapons and the host can set the difficulty outside of the show is the only minigame in splatoon - which is squid beats - a game where you press buttons to the beat of any soundtrack in the game this is also in the original splatoon but you have to like complete the amiibo challenge Nintendo also announced upcoming updates and post release content that would come out in the future this includes a new weapon type called the Brauer they fire a narrow cone-shaped spray of ink each time the trigger is pulled if the player holds down 2-0 button the Brella will unfold providing a protective shield that will absorb enemy attacks the shield can be broken if enough ink is fired at it and if the player holds down the trigger even longer the Briella will detach from the main weapon and propel itself in the direction was aimed eating the ground as it travels it will still protect anyone behind it from enemy fire and who it vanishes but the shield will be disabled for a short time after its launch the first two stages to release after launch would be Matt's Maria and sapper canal respectively though their names were not mentioned a new special called the bubble blower was to come on after release as well this weapon allows players this special allows players to create three large bubbles that slowly move in bounds in the direction the player has fired them as the bubbles move they grow when hit by the users if the player or their team pops their bubble a lethal blasts of ink spots any enemy close to the bubble and inks the area we also plan to release new weapons gear stages and more for exactly a year while you air war they did for longer as well as two years of splat Fez in splatfest the same mechanics are present for the first game as you choose a team and compete in turf war to receive super sea snails to use with merch and now you can join with friends who are also on the same team as you splat Fez also have a special stage called shifty station which features elements among dou Canyon and changes its way out every month there was also one special announcement that basically shocked everyone [Music] squid sisters have been replaced with off-the-hook a dual comprised of pro and marina marina is the first offering in the series to be friendly to Inklings as she is pearls partner pearl is just a squid with the giant forehead which a lot of people complain about when she was revealed Bosley respected as a character in the months following the release of the game off the hook also hosts inkopolis news which announces current map rotations and updates such as splatfest speaking about splatfest nintendo announced the first one called splatoon to splatfest world premiere this was a free demo that was held on July 15th with a theme of ice cream versus cake about a week before splatoon two releases but I didn't have the shifty station that was included in the final game this also included a new tutorial mode which would be in the final product after this announcement it is only time until splatoon 2 is released [Music] splatoon 2 launched on July 21st 2017 in all regions for the Nintendo switch it had 59% better first week sales than splatoon and became one of the biggest launches for a switch game splatoon 2 had better reviews even though its average rating was still around 80% critics say that the game retained what was great about the original while adding new features to keep it fresh people also criticized the accessibility within the game's multiplayer mode such as how the weapons couldn't be changed between matches no split-screen play was possible with the removal of the bal dojo and Sam run is only playable at certain times but they also praised the new weapons in gameplay some even said the game felt more like splatoon 1.5 rather than a true sequel to the original but nonetheless those people complimented the game's new additions once you start up the game you get the customizer inkling and choose your skin tone eye color hair style and leg wear afterwards you start up the game with the same news report about the great zapfish missing and the disappearance of Kalle once you go down the drainpipe you're met with Murray and the quest of the feed the octarians and fine Kalle you take control of agent 4 equipped with a new hero suit and hero shot you have to travel through five different sectors and complete stages to capture the zapfish before great zapfish the gameplay is similar to octo valley as you splat octarians for power eggs but with more enemies harder bosses and new mechanics such as ride rails in force and bounce pads the player is given many different weapon choices from Sheldon to agent for as the story progresses this included the Brella which wouldn't come out until after release armor can also protect you and can specials make it easier to complete objectives in the levels alongside power eggs and sunken Scrolls you can also find Sardinian another collectible used to upgrade equipment and weapons if you complete all the stages you get to do the final boss against DJ Octavio again Cali has been brainwashed by him with Hypno's AIDS which shows what actually happened to her the boss music is a remix of bomb rush blush with Cali singing along compared to the first game BG Octavia only has four faces compared to five is only done on one platform compared to multiple the boss still functions the same - the other weapons and so retains the two fists when the fists rumble you have to spy it so it goes back to him once he has hit multiple times Octavia will jump out of his machine and you have to spot him which then results in the transition to the next phase during the second phase Octavia will throw spot bombs projectiles that look like fried octopus and spinning punches which can't be deflected by the player he will also use a shower attack similar to the ink jet and splash wall to attack you once you bounce back punches and spot him the third phase shows up in this phase Murray shows up with a splat charger to save Kali by destroying her shades once they removed Murray starts singing ty goes out to bring Kali back and to wake her up the gameplay here is still the same but the Octavia performs a dash before a punch making it a bit harder to hit the fists once enough punches are balanced and Octavius bite once again it transitions to the fourth phase Kali jumps back to Murray and I performed a remixed version of the old final boss team from the 1st platoon you are now given the Rainmaker and super jump to a few ride rails and try to bounce back these Octavius punches while avoiding him spinning once after bouncing back his punches his machine will fall down and you have to land on top of em to end off the battle after you win in complex news reports about the return of the great zapfish and Cowie pearl and marina are also given a request to play a new song by the squid sisters called Fresh Start which alternates between parts of bombers wash and use out this is also where the end prints are shown with staff names which can be revealed by in-game afterwards you can complete every stage again using one specific weapon or any other if you manage to finish the entire mode with one specific weapon you get to purchase a replica from ammo Knights which is basically a reskin of the vanilla weapon used in battles with the same subs and specials from the launch of splatoon to at least one new weapon was added to the game almost every week while new stages and game modes were added at different times this included weapons returning from the first game and Sam run would receive its own grisco branded weapons which usually are more overkill in a sense that they are not suitable for regular modes say joy else will also change to make the most difference from the first platoons Nintendo would shut down the stage and add a new change during an update patch updates did the same as in the original game as they bounced weapons and fixed certain bugs and glitches some of the weapons and stages were already in the game's code ready to be unlocked by Nintendo at any time which resulted in multiple data mines and hacks many users such as oatmeal dome have one insights will team twos code to leak new information about sages weapons and game modes which in fact were scrapped eventually new gear would usually come in the larger updates alongside weapons and stages some gear are only accessible using the coping with different source and was region locked to Japan only and you can't even use some of the gear because neither Japanese version of splatoon - just to obtain it the first new weapon type the spottin briella was released in August 12 alongside the hero Braille replica which is only unlocked after completing octo Canyon with that specific weapon August 23rd saw the release of the third samurai on stage lost outposts it features a walled-off building surrounded by various docks directly in front the building lies a completely netted area to the right is an uneven slope down to water to the left are three varying docks and during low tide another dock behind the building was revealed consisting of various walkways and graded paths mats Maria was released a few short days later on the 26th which is a large ship with the spawn points located at the bow and stern of the ship the areas closest to the spawn feature varying heights including steep drop-offs following the path to the right leads to an upper area that oversees the central band of the ship the unique features of the stage include three large mass in each team spaced and at the center of the stage which are accessible by netted walkways which overlook the stage the key point of mount Maria is the offensive and defensive battle around three huge mats with an area covered in netting on September 2nd the bubble blower was released as part of the kit for the forge flying shot pro during the Nintendo Direct of September 13th kelp dome at Teresa's platoon - with minor texture changes and was released under 16 another stage of snapper canal which was released on October 6 the defining features to this stage are two large slope surfaces that descend from the outer portion of the stage to the lower area near the water the spawn points are located on elevated platforms that protrude outwards allowing players to access the right side of the stage easily immediately in front there is a small flat area before the canal descends to a lure point the center of this stage has a large barricade with a wall that can be inked but the top is uh ninka ball on October 28th viola a skatepark caters to splatoon - it is still the same stage but with the spawn area not any more accessible to the enemy team now being on a fairly large race platform [Applause] on November 21st Nintendo announced the first major update to splatoon - also known as version 2.0 this is the first update in which Inklings can now have new hairstyles as opposed to the ones available at launch for unique hairstyles were revealed with two styles for each inkling gender this included new leg wear gear weapons and new stages such as macro Marc Challon darf Institute and the returns of erawan the mall and why warehouse from the first Platoon a new salmon red stage was confirmed for this update as Noah's salmon and smoked yard the stage is a small island with two own structures ramps on each rupture will lead out to the sandbar while propeller platforms connect the tops of both structures and the crevice between the two structures is a long rectangular pool of water salmonids can spawn from this pool but only during fog version 2.0 introduced a new ranked mode called clam blitz in this mode players have to pick up clams which are scattered around the stage and deposit them to the goal near the opposing teams base once a player collects 10 clams it transforms to a power clam which is used to destroy the barrier around the team's goal when it's thrown toward it a player can only hold one power calm at the time and can pick up additional clams while holding it up where that gets flagged while holding clamps drops up to four of them it's possible to super jump to a teammate or squid beacon and keep all crabs intact but if a player returned to respond all their clamps will be disintegrated throwing clamps at the spawn also breaks them after using splashdown or devour the player drops all the clams they were holding this mode was released on December 13th a few weeks after this announcement toon and weapons were announced such as the squeeze rend undercover Brella the Brella has a shield that can open after the first shot is fired while holding down trigger but it can't be launched like a normal Brella the maximum level was increased from 50 to 99 and players can speak to jet after reaching level 99 to give them an option of returning back to level 1 and level up all over again players who choose to start from level 1 again will have a star icon displayed next to the rank so I'm editing this right now and I just realized I forgot something in splatoon to version 2.0 there was a new feature where you can now use any stage to take pictures with your amiibo an option was I had to change gear and continue after finishing battles player selecting this option after a regular battle or rank valve will be able to continue with other players from the previous battle who have selected either continue or change gear to continue to I'm tragic rusty Shaun's cross bucket menu which both increased points in cash by 150% the update was set to come out a few days later on November 24th with Macklemore and salmon in smoke yard coming around the same time a known bug in the update was that the great zapfish went missing again but this was fixing the way to patch Malka barn is a stage based off a supermarket players can either drum straight down up to the accessible battlefield had the left to immediately face in in Korea which takes them closer to the side of the stage or head up a ramp to the far right side after dropping down a large wall provides coverage and a vantage point for the team which can't be accessed from the other side although no no okay no I'm not doing it I'm not doing it the central portion of the stage features a raised area with two large obstacles on each side with a box in the center to narrow hallways line the outer side of this area within cobble walls to get directly back to the center Oh a warehouse was released on December 15th with no stages except adding a few boxes here and there the stage still remains a close quarters one shell door for Institute was released on January 12 2018 and takes place inside the History Museum a large glass roof stretches over the stages Center giving players high ground by limiting the navigation options when they stand on its the unique feature of this age is the two layered dynamic of the Inca bowl over floor and the glass ceiling suspended above which is unning Keable the upper layer can be only accessed from the left path immediately and from the spawn point the one Inca ball display on each team's right side or the ink Grail before entering the central plaza Erewhon the mall was released on February 2nd 2018 and so remains the same as in the first spittoon from March 1st to 16th erawan the mall was not available due to a notable bug when players used Dewey's or the splashdown in certain areas they would fall out of bounds on February 11th new amiibo based on off-the-hook were revealed but no information was given on March 2nd Gobi arena was released despite being announced a month prior is designed after a basketball court with overhead monitors and the hoops are in Kabul and play strategic role in both regular and ranked battles the spawn point is located at the highest point of the stage inaccessible to the opposing team the area of immediately surrounding the spawn provides a large amount of income old turf that is inaccessible to the other team a grade is also present on the Left hallway and the basketball court which is a fairly open area with two basketball hoops attached to income Bowl pillars to the left and right which can be used to get to the opposing team's upper area two small bumpers are on each team's side with a wide bumper in the center of this stage a raised area overseeing the central court is present on each team's side offering a loose vantage point [Music] on march 8th Nintendo released a new direct with another major update coming to splatoon - also known as version 3.0 it is confirmed that this update would come out in late April but more specifically April 25th this update had new gear music and more stages two of which returning from the first Platoon Piranha pit which wasn't released under the 3.0 patch because it came out on the 31st the return of camp triggerfish and a new stage called wahoo world a new rank was created called rank X this is much higher than SRS Plus and is calculated by power instead of a meter similar to what you see in the league battle or splatfest once a month for each of the four rank modes 500 players with the highest X power are announced on Sputnik 2 as well as the players with the highest X power for each weapon at this point the ax power of all players is reset to calculating the calculation period lasting 10 matches determines the players power level going to rank X and the player loses the match while their power is below 1,900 or if their power is below 2000 at the end the monthly ranking period they will drop back to s plus 9 players don't get demoted for not completing the 10 calculation matches by the end of the ranking period a new feature was added to octo Canyon with Cowie now sitting beside Marie while telling two player about their stats and battles and talking to them about a lucky weapon as the video goes on it starts warping slowly fading into black and then a new announcement is made as this announcement starts there's a character resembling an outgoing waking up in the middle of a metro subway station is they revealed that splatoon 2 would receive its next story mode a pay DLC called the octo expansion you take control of agent 8 and not doing whose memories are forgotten and you have to go through 80 missions while completing different objectives which used new mechanics such as special weapons like the Inca and baller in order to regain those memories back all the stages are connected via lines in the train station and can be accessed by paying a fee this entire mouth has more stages than octave Valley and octo Canyon combined which only make up 64 stages for both games Catherine cuttlefish returns to the game alongside pearl marina who helped agent ape with the missions as well other characters appear but are not identified or named except a small part where agent 3 from the first game reappear after he escaped the metro octo inks can be playable in multiplayer matches alongside the Inklings nothing else is really mentioned as the game was still in development and intent of plans released the dlc in the summer with an unknown date for $20 which includes octo themed gear if pre-ordered Piranha pit was released on March 31st a month before 3.0 was released the sage remains the same but the center conveyor belts no longer touch and there is in Keable space between them with the wall separating them being removed sponge blocks have been added to the end of the conveyor belt and are from the spawn also small amounts of turf in the side areas have been removed in splatoon too specifically in Rainmaker the way out of piranhas pit has drastically changed to an entirely new elevated structures are only accessible from two new conveyor belt ramps which have an add on top of the lower area the spawn points are moved on top of these platforms as well as the goal in front of them spawns the Rainmaker is located on an unequal block at the center of the map with the conveyor belt ramps located around it and must be used to grab it all the flat conveyor belts don't function while the conveyor belt grafts are still functional this wasn't the first game at but the way of the stage was the same but with different spawn points as a version people and they'll be released on April 25th Nintendo stopped releasing weapons every week and said we stam impacts along with the stage camp triggerfish was released on the same day and only has the new ink rails without any drastic changes while world was released on June 1st and is designed after an amusement park it features a large rotating platform in the center of the stage as well as extending and retracting bridges similar to museum though alfonzo know the way of the stage is primarily divided into three overlapping circles on each end is a circular area in which the teams spawn point is located at the highest point of the stage this area is comprised of many layers some inaccessible to the opposing team during e3 2018 after a direct in which no splatoon update was mentioned the Nintendo host said the splatoon 2 World Championship in which Nogami announces that more updates would be coming for the next 6 months keep in mind Nintendo only wanted updates for a year as this was going to be the end of that period but I digress tuning weapons were revealed alongside a new stage that would later be called new albacore hotel another video plays and it's the walking waited on to expand in trailer which hasn't seen an update other than the new hairstyles for the outgoings Nintendo shocked everyone by making another announcement after expansion would be released the day after the event on June 13th with release date differing in other regions this also included authoring themed amiibo which had an undetermined date before we dive into the gameplay of splatoon two-on-two expansion it's important to know that like both of the games in the spittoon series this mode had an interesting development it's kind of weird in a sense I didn't include this in the splatoon to development part of this video because I didn't want to spoil you guys off the expansion has actually been in development for a long time drinks between tiers updates in fact uck amano said that the team talked about playing is out doing that the Stars pretentious development always were rejected as it would confuse players if outgoings were to suddenly appear in the inkling world after expansion was made as an explanation a way to make players sympathize with the outgoings and as a way to add off-the-hook to the story Mogami wanted to create the expansion in part to allow players to explore the deeper series war in fact the story Valtor expansion takes place the same time as octo Canyon in the vanilla between two the setting of a subway station was chosen as a desire to have a darker setting to contrast a series otherwise bright and colorful world the levels were designed to have as much variety as possible and feature cut content from the base book tune to release 150 levels were designed for the game which is were cut down to 80 between two out two expansion received generally positive reception with an average rating of 80% when you start the story a poem shows up with a squid sisters song from the first with team playing in the background it says pale summer moon light shimmers on the sea floor an octopus unaware that dawn will bring capture rests within the trap dreaming fleeting dreams the next scene opens up with Captain cowfish threatening to be of the player but we're asked who they are in the next screen you get to choose the type of octo and customize it the weird thing is that this screen has no explanation of what's going on could this be how the octolings were created and the next scene cuttlefish tries to wake up the octo as they have lost their memories he makes a reference to the final boss in the 1st platoon since the song was being hung by the octo your first objective is to go through the shady station and complete a tutorial on the controls and what to do afterwards you go to the main station and be greeted by a telephone who calls you 10,008 or agent 8 as called by captain cuttlefish the telephone tells the player that they would help them reach the promised land but to do so they must collect for thanks before things are correctable scream by the telephone to be necessary for agent Natan captain cuttlefish to escape the station telephone later gives a Junaid to AIIMS a CQ 80 and a CQ cart ought the expansion takes place in the deep-sea metro a dark station locate in the bottom of the sea and contrast in the colorful inkopolis this place is owned by Kamado Corporation a company who is very present in this mode on the train the player meets sea cucumber the main conductor who explains how the CQ devices work the cqa allows the player to select stations to travel to as well as having other functions there are 10 different lives are connected to each other in the deep-sea metro if you complete a stage we an overlapping line that line is unlocked you actually don't need to complete every single mission since the main goal is to collect all the four things the CQ card is to use to store CQ points a type of currency used to enter missions alongside other functions CQ points are obtained by sea cucumber by completing missions collecting power egg or by borrowing a loan from Pearl if the player runs out of points once the player goes into a mission they have to play a small mouth CQ points just to enter then the player can proceed to the stage entering each mission costs a set amount of points for either one three or five lives where then chooses between multiple challenges each with different weapon sets new enemies such as Santa's octarians appear in dr. expansion which are normal octarians but infected with news making them lose all sense of freewill allowing them to be controlled similar to robots depending on the weapons had chosen a different amount of points are awarded after completing a test you're given the mem cake mem cakes are small items model after objects and characters from the worlds well tuned they are said to be the physical manifestations of agent aids lost memories and our penis rewards if enough members obtain in one line the player can redeem gear if talked to this isopod wives are lost not only from being squired but also failing to do certain test conditions if the player fails to complete the test conditions an inflatable balloon of being attached to agent AIDS ink tank will explode and supply them in the process people think nothing I guess ok how do I do this oh ok there it is there's a pop I forgot get it i splatted the right crate you destroyed an incorrect crate test failed you play your you said you wheel in the stream too way too much I test failed please no no no please if the player loses all their lives they may continue from the last checkpoint with all their lives returning by paying more points return to the station for free but still having to pay to reenter the level a battery level and return to the subway or asked help from off the hook to skip the level off the hook can help agent 8 skip a level if they fail at least twice when prompted to ask for help it requires the regular fee to auto pass the level this way marina hacks into quemado system to trick it thinking agent 8 passed the resulting mem cake will be gray with the only quote your guess is as good as mine however if pressed to ask for help the player can press X to tough it out and continue to play the level as normal there was one specific mode called eight ball where you moved the eight ball through the state interestingly this was supposed to be a ranked rule says as uncovered by data miners but was later scrapped from the code later on Captain cuttlefish tells the player about making a missing agent three poster by drawing either an inkling boy or girl depending on what they choose the player can also choose the skin tone in the eye color after progressing through some tests the player can check out marinas chat room where a lot of information is given about the pair and sharing their thoughts along the way also this is the only Nintendo game as far as they know that has this song which literally has swearing on it pearl made the song but was later banned and was censored [Music] bosses are also in other expansions which are more advanced versions of their Auto Canyon counterparts including some new ones whenever the player unlocks a line containing a thing the station will that contains it will be marked in the deep sea metro map each of the things stations are empty railway terminals with the same well but they don't cost anything to enter the only thing to do is to pop the protective bubble and obtain after collecting all four things and completing a good number of stages you get to put all of them together as a telephone insurance agent eight will go to the promised land thanks for together for my blender in which agent 8 and Captain cuttlefish go in only to find out it's a trap to kill them Marina tried everything to stop the blender but nothing worked and suddenly agency appears out of nowhere and punches the telephone which claimed to help agent 8 and cuttlefish escape Marina tells the player to go up to the hole made by agent 3 which begins the long escape the final part consists of eight phases based on the human body in the first phase no I'm not saying --ax the player must go past a series of sanitized octarians without being seen as the player has no weapon I've seen about one of them the player will be quickly surrounded by additional enemies and must escape immediately to avoid being spotted if a player gets spotted they are given a 20% skip charge meaning five spots will end up with a hundred percent skip charge this allows the option to skip the face and applies to the next ones as well in the villa phase agent a has to go through a stage to find the weapon the first room has them luring a sanitized octo seeker to smash crates and get a key to unlock a vault containing a pressure switch the switch then opens the doorway to a room with ink rails and sanitized Auto missiles after dodging them Asian a will have to trick a lone Santa's auto trooper to break a box to give them access to a splat bomb and return to the other secret room they have to ink a switch with a splat bust which give them access to another room with Santa's octo hurlers and platforms with propellers after super jumping to another section with free auto hurlers agent 8 receives the author shot and will be able to climb up the wall pass the octave seeker and finally get to the belly phase in this phase agent a must navigate a series of falling platforms jumping between them before they can descend into the pool of water in the intestinal phase agent a must push forward to a series in there are corridors multiple security wasters that instantly contact our present forcing agent 8 to carefully maneuver through the gaps in the lasers in the diaphragm phrase the player now uses an ink jet to maneuver the stage agent a must find a series of eight data post hidden across a tower to obtain the energy core that Center in the Paris Dallas's face Asian eight must ride a cord driven platform where the energy chord acquired from the previous stage to the end of the level defending it from a long series of enemies and obstacles if the energy core loses all its health agent a must restart from the last checkpoint checkpoints can heal the core but I can't regain health in any other way and a spinal phase something surprising happens agent 3 is now sanitized chopped cuttlefish and comes the attack agent 8 this face comes in four different phases similar to a boss fight and author expansion test the music used is a corrupt version of the trailer music of splatoon from 2014 which has been glitch and samples other songs from DJ Octavio Asian 3 is armed with a hero shot and splat bomb alongside special weapons they'll always enter the arena by super jumping and activating a splashdown when landing an 18-3 can dodge well at any time during the landing similar to Dewey's agent we will use the hero shot in splat bombs in all phases of the fight but uses a single type of special weapon in each phase they're also able to heal themselves over time accelerated if they swim through their own ink in the first phase agency will fight normally and use curling bombs to attack the player in the second phase agent 3 will super jump back to the spawn point on the UFO fighting arena agency will super jump back into this stage and immediately activate the baller trying to corner the player before setting it off the baller can be destroyed with sustained fire however both layers of the ball have much higher health than usual and in the third phase agent will remain on top of the UFO firing the Stingray in between hero shot fire and splat bombs the UFO is difficult to reach with agent to each weapon though it can be reached while standing on one of the platforms and it is low enough to throw a splat ball on top of it agent 3 the final phase will start using splashdown three times in a row there is a period of rest between each flash down where agent 3 is for nerville if not damage is Delta 83 they'll roll out and continue to annex flash down after agent 3 is defeated 18:8 goes up a ladder and finally reaches the end point where the doors are open in inkopolis awaits perla marina meet up with agent 8 who helped them but we're distracted by between peril and captain cuttlefish while agent 8 gets distracted we wrote down to see a platform rising up from the ocean the rising platform is a statue known as the niños statue controlled by none other than the telephone who is now referred to as commander tartar an AI developed 12,000 years before the events of the entire splatoon series it was later revealed that he was the one who created the US which Santa's octarians in agent 3 Tartars goal was to destroy all wife Marina comes up with a solution to destroy the statue by using hyper bombs special bombs that cover much larger area than normal bombs but they were still prototypes the final boss of author expansion is based on turf war and it's three minutes along with the main gulf to splat all the color-coded hyper bombs which are placed every three seconds due to the statues large size the map of the stage is displayed on the screen during a battle which make it easier for the player to locate bombs if the player gets fired or fails to detonate all the hyper bombs in time an image of in cop was getting destroyed by the laser is shown with Kumada well goes then the option to skip the final boss battle becomes instantly available filling the skip charge to a hundred percent once all the bombs are spotted Asianet falls down and super jumps to another platform near pura marina but tartar still charges his weapon even though the statue is completely covered in ink pearl devises a solution by using the princess cannon a strong variation of the killer whale from the first game it was so strong that destroyed this statue entirely while also defeating tartar in the end everyone rejoices with Pearl marina hugging each other and cuddling an agent who smiles in the end as a story about their expansion concludes as the end credits play staff names with neon styles and many others are shown but this time you can't eat the names after the credits and you're now able to play octolings and multiplayer matches and receive an auto shot replica - using matches as well if you go back to the central station you can complete a secret boss called inner agent 3 this boss is similar to the fight from the escape phase and is more difficult after being 18 3 you are given a golden toothpick as a reward in splatoon - out - expansion there's really one thing that stands out to me and that is the aesthetics Pirozhki what is a static - you talking about I don't know what aesthetics are well it's something that holds true to my heart is the fact that audio expansion has vaporwave aesthetics to those who don't know what vape wave is it's a genre of electronic music that started in the early 2010's the music is sample based and uses mood music from the 80s and 90s and our chopped screwed and slowed down its surrounding subculture is sometimes associated with an ambiguous or satirical take on consumer capitalism and pop culture and tends to be characterized by a nostalgic or surrealist engagement with the popular entertainment technology and advertising of the previous decades octo expansion has a few of these vaporwave songs including this one played during the eight ball stages [Music] Rodya what is this after Dylan splatoon vapor waves and statics consists of early technology in ancient operating system such as Windows 95 and old Nintendo consoles which are prevalent in dr. expansion other aesthetics include late 90s the web design which is part of marinas chatroom glitch art animating 3d rendered objects and cyberpunk tropes still don't understand well let me show you the most well known VAP wave song you Kitaj plus a song Lisa Frank 420 modern computing or commonly known as 420 the coverage is from her album floral shop and consists of a Roman statue with a picture of a city during sunset viewed from the ocean does this sound familiar this is the inspiration of the NIOS statue and the setting for the final boss about the expansion I'm not sure that that's accurate or not that's just basically I think there are many more of these eighties references in the game to detest being named after pop culture during that time in conclusion acht expansion was a great addition to the game as it added more challenges in contrast to the bright and colorful world of the game and most of all a new way for players to explore the in-game world [Music] after the release of octo expansion Nintendo still released updates for splatoon - as normal new al-bakr Hotel was released on July 1st and is designed after a rooftop pool on top of a hotel it is a large and open stage with the pool serving as an obstacle when moving through the stages Center the stage is divided into three transverse bands of roughly equal width divided by water channels over each channel are three bridges to interference buttons arrays grate in the left flank a ground-level grate in the middle which is missing inter for and splat zones and a solid ground bridge to the right there are also walls and small obstacles around the bridges each team spawn point is on the race cliff behind and to the right of the nearest band let up by a nun in Kabul crisscross ramp the spawn points five forum has a ramp leading up to it in certain modes to the left of the spawn point is a small pathway encircling a smaller water pit overall the stage is very wide and fairly flat it celebrates 14 tubes anniversary a spot first between the squids and octaves were held this allowed players who haven't bought or complete outdoor expansion to play as the octolings for 24 hours a month later on August 1st anchovy games returns from the first Platoon and would be considered the last returning stage from the first game for splatoon to here the left side of the spawn point were the small square propeller whiff was located was removed and was replaced with a new section featuring a long rectangular propeller wit which has walls and the sides recovered that allows players to drop into the middle area with no means of return the middle section has also been updated the propeller whips have been cut in half are not a lot smaller with raised platforms I had the removed portions however there is now a lot more space to Inc in the middle two pillars have been added to each team's right which can be used to go to a higher elevation aside from the propeller lift the area melee infirmed the base has also been modified the much more space accessible to the opposing team and sponge fogs have also been added to the stage on September 12 during a Nintendo Direct it was announced in splatoon to would get its next and final major update i said final with quotes because that isn't the true final update the trailer is reminiscent of an anime opening and starts off by reviewing a new stage called skipper pavilion increasing acting's are shown with minimalist weapons by Tony Kenza which would be part of a collection boxes also went through major changes by adding two modes normal and pro there poising the previous solo and team mode points for turfed Inc by individual players added to the point earned by the team for winning a battle resulting in the value known as cloud and decided with the most cloud at the end of the splatfest is the winner if a team is on a winning streak the game will try to match them against other teams on a winning streak when weapons gear or general styles of four players and team meet certain conditions a nickname and synergy bonus will be given to that team Pro Mode is similar to the previously available soul mode here players battle solo increased their spots respond by winning and our match against players with a similar splatfest power a spot fest top 100 list continues to be made available in spot net to ranking players with the highest fly fost power players will receive cloud equal to the opposing teams approximate splatfest power beside were the most clouds when the splatfest concludes wins the final splatfest results are decided based on three factors votes and cloud from both normal and pro modes 10x bounce and 100 Xbox will now appear randomly earning players on the winning team a boost of clouds for their side they occur for both Pro and normal divisions when a friend wins a 10x battle of anyone with a 100 X battle that information will be displayed on the lobby screen or in the side and board in inkopolis Square the Mamas Papas power does not increase in these battles new subs and specials are revealed including the fizzy bomb ultra stamp and booyah bomb be up they came out on September 14 which you could the first kinds of question and the swatch vest changes on October 3rd the second part of the update was released with Ken's a question 2 being part of it which included those new substance specials the fizzy bomb is a bomb type weapon dice capable of exploiting multiple times it can be charged up by holding the r button increasing the amount of times that explodes to charge it up faster the player might also shake the controls up and down physically it sprays a thin ink trail behind it as it travels before exploding depending on how long it was charged it may explode up to three times when you the special known as the booyah bomb the user temporarily rises up we're in updates on the ground holding a glowing ball of ink that charges over time once charges can be thrown to make an explosion which is much larger as it charges up the user and their teammates can use the booyah signal to charge up the special faster teammates using this signal will also slightly lift up their own special gauge the charge will take around eight seconds to reach its maximum power without using the Bria button once the user rises to necessary height to perform this special the user will be protected by a shield this special is included in a long-range weapon called a Kansas Bar Shop Pro or Kenseth pros I like to call it a weapon that takes me home to the stage where I belong skipper Pavilion was released in the same day and is a stage that has no rotational symmetry like salt spray rig from the first game the spawn point is on top of the stage I adjacent corners directly in from the spawn point is around that leads down to a platform which has access to another raised platform with a large statue in gradings downward from the main platform is another platform with around facing away from the center which we swim another race platform at the spawn point on the side for this to the center there is a walkway that drops off to the previously mentioned race platform from the middle platform is another layer with a ramp leading to a small area another ramping to the main area the bottom of the center is fairly large and flat saving for a slightly raised section at the very end the center has a pathway going up and to the far end of the stage which leads up to the temple which is large and flat with a pillar in the center this would also be the final stage I'd to split into 4 multiplayer matches on November 7th the final salmon run stage was added after almost a year called ruins of Ark kawaras it features an elevated platform in the center with three ramps leading to the ground two of the ramps provide an additional level between the lower and the top platform the third ramp leads down to a sand bar behind the structure during low tide the water recedes to reveal a shoreline with a central area and the outer sandbar ring separated by Crescent of water another sub and special was released during this time which included a torpedo and the ultra stamp as part of the third kenza question torpedoes are used when thrown near an enemy and the sub changes shape and targets the enemy exploding on impact and sliding ink everywhere when the ultra stamp is used the player holds a big plastic in front of them which continuously stamps ink on the floor while running and provides cover from the front pressing zr swings the mallet and strikes it on the floor and holding it down what's the play moved forward quickly while spotting enemies in their way the last part of the kind of the question another pack of weapons were released it was set to be the last update for adding new weapons to splatoon - as this was the end of the period of the extended six-month period of adding more content after the first year anniversary but Nintendo would prove to be wrong about that statement a few days later on December 7th the oculi amiibo was released and functioned the same as their inkling counterparts and provided new gear On January 27 2019 during a splatoon tournament Nintendo announced that sheldon's pics would return to splatoon - this announcement also contained new renders of the returning weapons which was published later on social media from March 19th - to 25th Nintendo held another demo event for splatoon tube which allowed players to engage in free forum for turf war with other players who own the full game with additions of salmon run and rank battle at scheduled times players who downloaded the demo received a 7-day free trial for the Nintendo switch online service this demo is identical to the full game restricts access to the single-player modes and the shoal entering these modes will prompt the player to purge the full game from the Nintendo eShop players can access the game's features like the Galleria to purchase clothing and weapons in progress from the special demo which can be transferred to the full game children's fix was released on April 2nd and contains ten rescan weapons with the inclusion of Dooley's for splatoon - the sultan's specials are also derived from the kensic collection and these would be the last weapons to ever release on this game over the course of a couple of months or as really nothing new with the exception of splatfest which did add new shifty stations which are you know only play for 24 hours on June 8th after the splatoon - World Championship Nintendo announces the final splatfest a battle between chaos and order the filefast would also run for 72 hours instead of the usual 24 and 48 for seasonal events and would take place from July 18th through the 21st which marks splatoon - second anniversary during this event every shifty station was featured including one on the final day which is based off the final boss from octo expansion but we will get to that later another announcement was made and that after spot fest ended the last content update would come out version 5.0 which made it possible to do private vowels in a splatfest style with access to every shifty station from the past two years you can also change the ink color to a certain spot fast color once the last spot fist was going on the last shifty station was added which is known as MC Princess Diaries this is a large open stage including many curved walls similar to black belly skatepark notably this stage features the hyper bombs and the princess cannon from auto expansion while playing groups of hyper bomb to appear in three waves at 2 minutes and 45 seconds 1 minute 30 and 15 seconds and players can only spot the other team's bombs at 1 minute and 20 seconds off the hooks helicopter flies to the center and with 1 minute remaining a ping cylinder appears and pearl descends accompanied by the text it's the voice to end all voices as she nears the ground her head begins to go indicated her special weapon the princess cannon is ready to be used regardless of what team or weapon the first player to meet her guests use the princess cannon after aiming it with motion and activating it the player moves to the side and pro takes over using her battle cry to fire it like she did to the NIOS statue a day later team chaos won in all categories and this was the end for splatfest - 4 years have led up to now and on July 31st the last content updates with every shifty station was released for private battles after this only balance updates would remain we don't know the future of splatoon we don't know what's going inside in Tendo but we know that splatoon 3 isn't in development no gummy stay that's what toon 3 isn't even in development yet most likely this is because he's working on Animal Crossing new horizons a game from a series which he was known for before splatoon started development this is the first major game of the series since new leaf released in 2012 a year before splatoon star development this doesn't count the other spin-off games that no goblin was involved in we all know how bad they were with that said there is still hope as Nogami did mention that he and the team would like to return their favor to the fans who've been supporting splatoon - and would continue to do so okay okay okay okay okay splatoon was more than just a game it was an experience over the past few years Nintendo has taken time to perfect splatoon and build it from the ground up what started as a tofu concept has now turned into a multiplayer shooter with unique and lovable characters and deep storylines in war and come to think about it splatoon as a whole didn't sell that much copies compared to other Nintendo titles with the first game selling around three to four million and splatoon two only selling around nine million as of June 2019 making it the sixth best selling game on the switch not even top five but that doesn't matter anyway because splatoon is good for what it is not the amount of copies sold or the amount of active players playing right now what really matters is that splatoon has a great community of youtubers streamers artists and many more who all support the game for what it is and how Nintendo took a unique take on a genre that has been popular for years the third-person shooter has been almost the same thing until spittoon changed it for people who just want to have fun so I just want to say to everyone thank you thank you for making splatoon such an amazing game none of this would have been possible without you the fanbase and everyone in the splatoon community this is fire oka and thanks for watching [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: fireroka
Views: 126,359
Rating: 4.9408197 out of 5
Keywords: fireroka, fireoka, splatoon, splatoon development, splatoon history, splatoon 2 development, splatoon 2 octo expansion, octo expansion, the story of splatoon, hisashi nogami, shintaro sato, splatoon tofu, splatoon reveal, Splatoon E3, ranked battle, ranked, turf war, turf, war, agent 3, agent 4, agent 8, octo, expansion, inklings, octolings, rainmaker, splat zones, tower control, clam blitz, octo expansion vaporwave, nintendo, splatoon 2, splatoon beta, nintendo switch, splatoon 3
Id: 5aBviDBHTDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 21sec (7101 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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