The Complete Lore of Splatoon part 1

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[Music] the year is 2071 and humanity was destroying itself humans with their violent nature and indisputable desire to conquer have pushed the earth to its limits causing many Civil War than five world wars during the last world war at the enemy an attempt to scare the Allies into submission launched a powerful nuclear warhead into Antarctica at an ally base the launch was successful but nobody knew how bad the consequences would be until O's already too late not for the Allies not for the enemy but all of humanity the nuclear warhead combined with the effects of global warming melted all the ice at the south pole causing land to begin flooding at a rapid pace most land mass was quickly covered and the human population was dealt a huge blow humanity didn't go down easily though without enough land the remaining population retreated on the ground they managed to hold out for a few generations but we're only delaying their eventual demise being underground meant that cooperation with other states and countries was born aligned near and possible eventually everyone was out of everything no food no resources no medicine everything you and I take for granted humanity abused mother nature and took everything she had but you can only push someone so far until there is nowhere left to push and mother nature decided it was time to say enough in order to preserve what was left of humanity a brilliant scientist created an AI called tartar with the intentions to pass down humanity's vast knowledge to the next worthy life-form unfortunately being limited in devices to install the AI into he put the AI into an old phone box the scientists also designed a time capsule to cryogenically seal himself away for 10,000 years along with his trusty assistant and loyal friend Judd the cat unfortunately the electricity he had access to is limited and he can only power one capsule with the heavy heart he laid a sleeping jut into the operational capsule just before injecting with an immortal drug to ensure judge survival with his final words to his best friend being this he gave his cat one last stroke behind the year for what would be the final time and close the capsule door cryogenically freezing Jud the next day humanity went extinct even after the collapse of humanity they still left a huge mark on earth over the course of several years the oceans absorb some of the carbon dioxide that humans so carelessly plumed into the atmosphere raising the assisity levels in the ocean to something akin to tomato juice well for you and me this wouldn't affect us much it was detrimental to the various life still living in the ocean marine life had to escape the ocean they called home for so long was now killing them they were up against huge odds and failing to adapt meant extinction but as usual life finds a way over the course of ten thousand years marine life evolved rapidly arms and legs replacing fins for moving on land and lungs replacing gills for breathing the air most sea dwellers had to scrape by with only the absolute necessities for survival on line leading to Frankenstein abominations being created that looked like they should be still living your water a few creatures like jellyfish and some crustaceans got lucky with evolution and were able to function and flourish on left however there does exist two creatures that not only evolved almost perfectly but evolved a trait no other creature has done before in history those creatures are the squid and the octopus squids gained the ability of shape-shifting upon reaching the age of 14 squids were able to morph their bodies from their older original squid form to a form highly resembling that of a human they were able to do this thanks to their body being composed of 80% ink and having no bones instead having a skeleton made up of a soft and malleable cartilage unfortunately a byproduct of this trait was that their skin was very thin letting in liquids easily and causing the englands to dissolve upon contact with water with this new ability squids became confused on what they were anymore are they kids or are they a squid after much debate they eventually decided to change their species name altogether and eventually settled on their more modern name inkling even more interestingly octopi had a split of Aleutian while most evolved into what we know now as octarians some octopi mutated into a form very similar to Inklings allowing them to transform from an octopus to and a humanoid form almost exactly like Inklings these variants became octolings [Music] over many years all the former sea creatures lived in peace with each other built up a civilization the two sides became good friends with each other establishing trade routes and writing peace and friendship treaties together they discovered a strange kind of catfish that they called the Zap fish these docile fish were able to produce large amounts of electricity with only one zap fish being able to power a neighborhood with these new sources of unlimited and sustainable power there was a boom in the advancements of Technology this boom was only helped upon the discovery of the great zapfish a gargantuan zap fish over 50 metres long that produced enough electricity to power a city is largest Tokyo are on this time the long since dead human scientists capsule opened up and jut emerged the former seed dwellers were baffled when judges walked into town one day they all saw him as a higher life-form and accepted him into their society unfortunately not all good things last forever due to the continually rising sea levels there was a growing level of tension between the Inklings and octarians regretfully both sides knew that eventually there wouldn't be enough land for the two of them eventually the lair of the octarians DJ Octavio instilled a mind-control device on every single Terran intending to take control of the land and great zapfish while also wiping Inklings off the face of the earth just like humans before them this marked the beginning of the great turf war the octarians attacked first the crack of dawn easily taking victory and dominating the Inklings who are used to a life of relaxation were unable to defend themselves so early in the morning the war went on for over a year with the octarians slowly taken more and more land and bringing the Inklings to the breaking point an attempt to stop the octarians a new military group was formed called the squid beaks platoon with the members being an inkling as the leader captain cuttlefish a horseshoe cabba moses shell and or faz the weapons engineer two Inklings and the children of Captain cuttlefish acting as the muscle and Judd who used his talent in seeing who's winning a battle to be an exceptional officer squid beaks platon were able to slow down the advance of the octarians but were ultimately unsuccessful at stopping them the octarians seemed unbeatable with the new invention that great octa weapons and victory seemed all but assured however the octarians became careless and accidentally pulled the plug from the octo weapons extension cords but the octo weapons disabled the Inklings were able to push back against the octarians both sides received grievous losses but after a long hard-fought battle the Inklings were able to emerge victorious partially thanks to their superior number of limbs the defeated octarians with what little numbers they had left retreated underground to the same place as humans holed up before them connecting what little territory they had left with a series of Ketel networks far away from Inklings in a place now known as octo valley deep underground deeper than octo valley and a place called a deep sea metro tartare the AI created by the scientists 12,000 years ago resided its original purpose was to pass on the knowledge of humans to the next dominant life-form and make sure they didn't repeat the same mistakes as the humans however after spending 12,000 years alone with only seeing unworthy life-forms passed by tartar develops sentence and began to question the scientists logic Sigma Inklings and octolings evolved gave tartar a glimmer of hope but as time went on it became more and more disgusted by the cephalopods and how they obsess over pointless fashion and needless Wars tartar decided it was time to take matters into his own hands since then Tartars started luring and trapping on Terrans octolings and any other sea dweller could get his hands on using an oversized blender to mash them into a paste so he could extract their DNA and use them to make the perfect life-form what was left of the blended sea dwellers was but a sanitized husk devoid of any free will or thought serving under the command of tartar and his growing army using the power of the grids a fish jellyfish were able to build what is now the most popular vacation location and England capital of the world inkopolis in particular a place in inkopolis called inkopolis plaza was an especially popular place for Inklings to go whenever they wanted to participate in turf war a sport inspired by the events of the great turf war where two teams of four compete to cover as much turf as possible in their own coloring in confidence was also a place where a ton of businesses started or got expanded to the unrivaled place every inkling went for weapons to use in turf war was ammonites ran by Sheldon the horseshoe crab who inherited it from his grandfather a Moses shell endure a tradition inkopolis has followed since those creative are an event called splat fests once a month a strange fax machine printed out a theme for the month with two sides and clinton's would pick a side and compete with the other side in turf war whichever side won was according to splatfest law better than the losing side but for the most part it was all in fun and games one day to celebrate in complices first birthday the city held a youth folk singing contest where young contenders from all around could show off their singing skills and win a prize one particular contestant named pearl Hazuki ended up being kicked out when her voice sent a shock wave throughout the venue causing glass to shatter and busting the speakers ever since that day pearl took it upon herself to hold her singing skills traveling up to mount 19 just outside inkopolis every day to practice the winners of the folk singing contest went to an unlikely pair too young inkling cousins from the Calamari County and grandchildren of captain cuttlefish Callie cuttlefish and Marie cuttlefish completely captivated a crowd with their amazing singing voices singing the lines of their own song calamari in condition everyone present gave them a standing ovation earning them the prize and getting their dream career off the ground Callie and Marie created a band called the squid sisters despite them actually being cousins a few years later at the age of just 15 they had quite a considerable following however unknown to everyone the squid sisters both had another life they had to live Callie and Marie were ages 1 and 2 respectively in the squid week splatoon like absolute troopers they protected inkopolis from the octarians while making music all the while they had to hold jobs at the walleye warehouse at the age of 17 Callie and Marie auditioned for the role as hosts in inkopolis news where they would report stages of the day splat fests and other going ons in inkopolis Kelly Marie agreed that it would serve as a much better way of receiving income and to further their career not to mention they both agreed it would be a lot of fun during the audition they blew out the competition solidifying them in the role they quit their jobs at walleye warehouse and burned their uniforms happy they wouldn't have to go back there the next day of the squid sisters aired live from inkopolis news and everyone quickly took a liking to them with their great personalities and silly banter with a bit of sibling rivalry in the mix they etch themselves into the hearts of inkopolis and everyone living there their exceptional music anchored itself into the DNA of Inklings with the squid sisters single-handedly become the icons for the young generation of inkopolis times are great for the Inklings and they didn't need to worry much about anything however underground in the octave valley with all the octarians things are taking a turn for the worse resources and the electricity reserves were diminishing no sustainable electricity their world was falling apart with 17% of their empire already being uninhabitable and attempt to save himself and his people DJ Octavio sent out a party of octarians at night while the Inklings were asleep to steal the zap fish and grates a fish their plan was executed perfectly in their carrion party or return without being spotted with the great zapfish in their possession the octarians began to power their homes and weapons preparing to take back the surface world [Music] somewhere outside of inkopolis an inkling girl whose name is unknown just reached the age of 14 allowing her to shape-shift and permitting her to participate in turf war eagerly wanting to play in turf war and participate in splat fests she left her family and moved to inkopolis to move up in life upon reaching and goblets plaza she noticed that every one of us have been uneasy she later found out that overnight the great zapfish and all the Zap fish were mysteriously missing with no trace the city was only running on diminishing power reserves in an attempt to not get too worried but the inkling girl decided to explore the plaza a bit and hope that someone else solves the problem while she explored this place we came across captain cuttlefish who for some reason was looking out from a manhole curiously she followed him down the manhole on the other side she found herself an octave ally with captain cuttlefish waiting for her cuttlefish told her the octarians still Degraves a fish and how critical the situation really was seeing great potential in the inkling cuttlefish recruited her as a third agent in the squid beaks platoon tasked with recovering the great zapfish in protecting accomplice agent 3 set out in octave Alley to recover those out fish as it turned out agent 3 had a natural talent for infiltrating octarians splatting octarians and saving zap fish along the way she met agents 1 & 2 but didn't recognize them as callie and marie because they were in their disguise in an attempt to stop agent 3 Octavio sent out several octo weapons the same weapons used in a great turf war and now upgraded and more powerful than ever a stop her against what seemed like impossible odds agent 3 came out on top each and every time destroying all the octo weapons one by one finally the time came when Eames the three saved all the zap fish and was coming for the great zapfish octavio fed up at this point decided he was gonna put the latest and most powerful off the weapon ever designed to the test while I didn't three was on lunch break Octavio kidnapped Captain cuttlefish and brought him in the great zapfish did the same place to lure agent 3 into a trap Octavia also made sure he had his army in a place where they could safely watch so they could bear witness to the absolute power of their leader agent three arrived just in time to see Octavio in his new octave weapon the octobots king [Music] [Applause] agent 3 fought hard using every ounce of skill she picked up in our adventures only barely able to keep pace with Octavia on the octobot King right as things began to look bleak agents 1 & 2 callie and marie came out of nowhere overriding off the watch beasts with their own piece calamari and containing the notes of the incantation pulsated throughout the entire arena for everyone to hear including the octarians invigorated by the song engraved in her blood agent 3 made one final advance [Music] [Music] with one file soft murmur hero shot agent three Delta finishing blow to Octavia sending him flying like a missile into the Aquabot ping causing the octobot exploded an epic shower of beat you the citizens an accomplice woke up the next day to see that the great zapfish had mysteriously reappeared in its regular spot DJ Octavio who survived the Inc explosion was captured and trapped in a highly secure snow globe for capital fish to keep an eye on ever since that day agent 3 swore her allegiance to the squid beaks platoon watching over and godless and warding any attempts at Octavia's army made to break him out however the events of that day had even greater effects and even the squid beak splatoon foretold [Music]
Channel: Legendarychomper
Views: 45,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon, Splatoon 2, Splatoon story, lore, Splatoon lore, Lore of Splatoon, Legendarychomper, Agent 3, Agent 4, Agent 8, Inkling, Octoling, DJ Octavio, Turf War, Inkopolis, story, The Complete Lore of Splatoon, part 1, Callie, Marie, Squid Sisters, Pearl, Marina, Off the Hook, Captain Cuttlefish, Octo Expansion, squid, octopus, first video, great turf war, Legendarychomper Splatoon
Id: E5bFUCVfFus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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