The Story Of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Part 2 - Pre Islamic Arabia [BE055]

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[Music] was a human but he is a perfect example of how one can take his human form to be even more valuable and more greater than the angels themselves rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam brothers and sisters in islam was a compassionate merciful the most merciful of human beings the most compassion of human beings the one whose heart is attached to the whole umm in fact the whole world the first thing will remember when he is resurrected on the day of judgment he is you and i he will say my ummah my ummah the heart is in pain to see the misunderstandings that people have if they really knew who our prophet salallahu was that the majority of people really they are ignorant and they listen to their leaders and they listen to these brainwashers they don't know any better and so they are being brainwashed by a small group of evil people the average human being my dear brother and sister listen to me the average human being cannot despise our prophet salallahu if they knew who he was but the problem is they don't know who he is the problem is the image that they're being presented by this group of evil leaders is a very negative image it's the opposite of the truth so our job therefore becomes to educate the majority of these people we need to look at them despite what they say with the eye of compassion with the eye of mercy we need to look at them realizing that the majority of them they do not know the reality of our nebula if they did they would not hate him and so our job therefore becomes that we need to be embodiments we need to be role models we need to translate that he was truly the number one mechanism in order to do this is that all of us study his life and times understand his seerah and his biography and then we live up to those values as much as we can brothers and sisters [Music] [Music] many teachers when they start teaching lessons about the seerah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi they may start with their starting point at the birth of the prophet sallallahu alaihi but to really give a more comprehensive idea of the society that the prophet sallallahu alaihi it's important that we don't start at his birth but we have to start before his birth before we start about the birth of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam we have to talk about the early beginnings of makkin society and civilization in makkah and that traces back all the way to the time of abu lambian the father of the prophets [Music] originally he was from what is modern day iraq and then he went to philistine and then allah subhanahu wa ta'ala commanded him to go from philistine to makkah and to take his wife hajar and his son ismail alaihissalam it is a valley with no agriculture no vegetation no water no nothing no people nothing just an empty barren land remember she was the slave woman of sarah the first wife of ibrahim alaihissalam but sarah gave her as a gift to ibrahim alaihissalam to marry her because she couldn't have children so allah gave ibrahim his name was isma'il and after waiting for 80 or 90 years of his life for this son allah orders ibrahim alaihissalam to do something amazing beyond any person's faculties of knowledge unimaginable he says to ibrahim alaihissalam he orders him that he must take his wife and his only son ismail who has been waiting for for over 80 years into the middle of the desert middle of nowhere far away leave them there by themselves and return back to palestine no questions asked them do not ask why the order of allah came and that's enough and he never explained to them where he was taking them but he or she went with him and did not question the prophet of allah where he is going she followed him and on his way he came to the middle of the desert and he left them there he got up and he walked away salaam stood up and raised after ibrahim said yeah yeah ibrahim and he wouldn't respond ibrahim he wouldn't respond she realized that he's leaving in there a woman and her baby in the middle of the desert they only have a little bit of food a little bit of water how are they going to survive then she questioned him who are you leaving us to and he wouldn't answer he didn't look at her so that he will not disobey his lord he doesn't want his heart to feel compassion and he will not be able to fulfill allah's command it was allah who told him leave him there so automatically you should understand that it is allah will look after you ibrahim kept walking finally came to her senses she stopped and said is it allah who commanded you to do this all he said was one word he said yes and he kept walking at that moment didn't even need ibrahim she didn't even turn to him anymore all she said was this okay then allah will not let us go astray he's going to look after us he will not let us perish so our mother the first thing to note about her is look at her knowledge of allah she says go he will not let us perish so ibrahim alaihissalam goes to a place where they can't see him like he walks he rides away and then when he's out of sight he turns towards the direction of the kaga at this stage the building is not built but ibrahim knows that this is where the house of allah will be so he makes oh lord i have left my progeny in an unvegetated valley there's there's no life in sight there's no vegetation in sight by the foundations of your house and then he says oh lord so that they might establish salah in this place faji al-famil and provide them from with provisions so that they might be grateful to you this is the quality of ibrahim and this is what resulted in him being known later on allah says allah has taken ibrahim as a very close friend khalil is a friend he became a friend of allah because no matter what allah said even if it did not make sense to him he surrendered to it because he knew where it came from so she went back to ismail her son sat there days passed they ate and drank whatever they had and then they ran out of it no more food no more water now comes the reliance upon allah and at the time of reliance and here is a lesson you rely upon allah but you also do what you can now she began to run between these two mountains called safa and marwah she went to the first one and she climbed up it and she looked out like this can she see anyone went to maruwa she looked out like that and she could see could she see anyone now she's getting panicking and she started hurrying between these two hills until finally on the seventh time she landed on marwa so she started on safar and landed on marwa and then she heard a voice or a sound she said to herself it's like saying shh who are you saying to yourself it's like listen i heard something so she came back down and the sound came from where ismail alaihissalam was she went back to ismail alaihissalam and there she found a stream a fountain a fountain of water very wide very big coming out of the middle of the ground jabril alaihissalam had descended and he stamped on the ground and there came out gushing water a spring of water gushing from nowhere she looked at it and she thanked allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala she thanked allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala she sat down and she wanted to gather the water so she created the basin like structure small little basin-like structure with her hands with the muddy sand clay that now became like clay and mud because it was wet and she began to say in the language it means stop stop stop because we want to now take you and drink you so you stop to this day we have this water known as zamzam from the same well and for your information it is gushing at this moment it is gushing at this moment thousands of gallons per hour and millions of people across the globe drink from it so now they have water to drink blessed water and they are able to quench their thirst alhamdulillah now the arabian peninsula at that time it was inhabited in places from different tribes but the original arabs the origin of the arabs it's not from different parts of the arabian peninsula but it is from yemen the original arabs they came from yemen that's where the arabs were first found and they stayed there for a long time and they had a water supply in yemen they had a big water supply in yemen and they built a dam to you know to get the water from the storms and the rain and they built their civilization around that area now eventually something happened and that well was destroyed so they lost that source of water so that is why the arabs they left yemen that's when they left into different parts of the arabian peninsula in search for water because there can be no civilization without water so they started moving around the arabian peninsula looking for places where they could start a civilization but they needed water for that so they would go here and there and different places looking for water so there was a tribe of the arabs the name of this tribe was the name of this tribe was jorhum and they happened to be around the makkah area looking for a place where they could settle and find some water and while they were passing around makkah they saw some birds they saw some birds and the birds you know were going in a certain direction so they thought to themselves there has to be water around here somewhere because there's no way that there can be birds flying around this area except that there has to be water here because birds need water too so they decided to check up on what is happening and they sent someone go and see where these birds are flying to and this messenger finds a woman with a little baby so he went back to his people the people of jerome the caravan and he explained to them they were very very amazed they came they knew this is a miracle so they asked the woman do you mind if we live here why because there's water running from here it's gushing that doesn't happen in the in in that particular desert doesn't happen water gushing from underneath so when they asked her the question she looked at them and responded very very beautifully firstly look at how honest they were they were good people if it was someone else they would have just flicked the two of them off in in that they would have killed them and took taken the water because there's only two in the desert or they would have come and enslaved them and captured them and taken the water but no they asked the female they asked her look can we come and stay here because they understood it's a miracle so from that she realized these people have good character they are disciplined people they are cultured so she said look you can come and stay here on condition that this water belongs to us not to you we'll allow you to drink from it but it's our property not yours so you can drink and benefit but subhanallah it is not yours to this day zamzam is not sold to this day belongs to us all we can drink from it because that zamzam is for the ummah of muhammad and there were original arabs from yemen and they lived around her and ismail alaihissalam grew among them and he learned their language and he became among the best poets now ismail and ibrahim they were not actually arabs they were not from yemen they were not from this place they were not arabs they came from philistine area but when ismail alayhi salaam settled in makkah you know he he got married to a woman from the tribe of jordan as well so the children of ismail alaihissalam are known as arabs who were in arabic they say musta arab meaning they were not originally arabs ismail alayhi islam was not originally arab but he became arab by settling there by marrying into the arabs and by living there in makkah so this was the beginning of civilization in makkah now ibrahim alaihissalam we said he went back to philistine but he would come every so often and visit his son ismail islam so he would come and visit every so often and then go back come every so often and go back and eventually allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala ordered him to go back to makkah and to take his son ismail alaihissalam and to build a house of worship for the worship of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala alone so ibrahim alaihissalam and his son ismail alayhi islam they built the kaaba in mecca surely the first place of worship for the worship of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala alone it was in bakka or mecca so as they began to build it it got a little bit high when it was a little bit high what happened ibrahim alayhi salatu assalam was getting the bricks or the rocks from ismail alaihissalam there was no motor used no cement it was just rock on rock on rock and rock each one was fitting into the other like a jigsaw so what happened as they're putting it up now it's getting a bit high so allah subhanahu wa miraculously caused a specific rock that he was standing on to go slightly higher and he placed it then it would come slightly lower he would get the next one then it would go slightly higher he would place it and it would come low they knew that this is allah it is the house of allah he has shown us one too many times that definitely he is with us that is the power of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and when the house was built there was a corner thought to himself i want to put a proper rock in this corner that fits flush in the corner and he was trying to look for a rock and asking ismail salaam let's put this rock in ismail alayhi salam is looking for something but he couldn't find it and later on ismail alaihissalam came back and he seen a beautiful rock there he says what's this he says allah sent me a rock from jannah from paradise this rock has come and this is what we call today al hajjar it is reported in one narration on narration that that rock at the beginning was of a different color it was white but because of the sins of people it changed color and became black however we know it as al hajjar al-aswad we know it as the black stone and it was placed there so that was another miracle now do you want to hear the third miracle when they were completed they were making a dua he made dua to allah to worship you as you should be worshipped out from my progeny and ummah that will be muslim and ummah that will be [Applause] make us both obedient to you make us submit to you and raise a nation from our offspring so who was with him at the time ismail because his hakul islam hasn't been born yet so when ibrahim alaihissalam from our offspring so that raised an ummat so that ummat was going to be from banu ismail later on allah gave him a son islam who other name was israel so there was that also became a big nation they became banu israel but here is making dua for a [Applause] how many one rasool because ibrahimali islam has done so many sacrifices so that one rasool should be the mighty rasool and that rasool should be a universal rasool and not and when the time came to fulfill that promise of the dua of ibrahim like and the time had now come to make sure nobody was to be ended then allah sent rasulullah the final messenger in banu ismail so rasulullah said ibrahim i'm the result of the dwarf my father ibrahim this ummat owes itself to ibrahim al-islam he prayed for this ummah and ummat which will submit itself to allah do whatever allah commands them so as he's making this dua allah is granting him and he's making more dua and allah is granting him and suddenly the rock he was standing on it softened for a moment just for a moment and his footprint was left on the rock speaks about that footprint in the quran allah says anybody who goes to makkah where the footsteps of ibrahim are literally the physical footsteps you need to fulfill salah for the sake of allah at that point somewhere closely so to this day masha'allah what have they done in order to preserve it they've covered it up so it is protected from erosion and so on and they have placed a metal covering on it and it is known as makam ibrahim the footsteps of ibrahim if you look into the glass box you will notice two feet and that is the imprint of the feet of ibrahim salah to wasallam to this day it is there now once he finished building the kaaba then allah subhanahu wa gave him a command allah commanded ibrahim alaihissalam now call the people to make pilgrimage to this house so ibrahim alaihissalam he was surprised he was saying he said i can call to it i can call but how are the people going to hear me who is going to come who is going to hear me then reply to him surely the call is upon you we are commanding you to make the call but the reaching of that call to the people that's upon us so ibrahim alaihissalam and he goes on mount arafa and then he faces the east and then he faces the west every time he makes the call oh people your lord has made himself a house in makkah rama come and visit the house of your lord come and perform the hud come and perform the um allah come and perform the ibrahim when he made this call not only did allah convey the sound of his voice to all those that were living on the dunya wherever it may be even though they were living thousands and thousands of miles away from the sacred house and the blessed city of makkah turn back no or did only allah convey the sound of his voice to every single person on earth allah conveyed the sound of his voice to all those that were in the heaven allah conveyed the sound of his voice to those that were not even born to those that didn't even come and those that were to come right till the day of judgment allah conveyed the sound of his voice to every single one and when they heard the call and cry of ibrahim they began to according to how many times they responded to the call and cry of ibrahim and allah put in the hearts of the people love for this house love for the kaaba and through this through the people coming from all over you know making the hajj making the pilgrimage to the house of allah the religion of ibrahim alaihissalam the pure monotheistic religion of ibrahim alaihissalam it was spread in this way was worshiped in the arabian peninsula there was complete the heath of the arabs everybody worshipped allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala alone and no one associated partners with him and this went on for many years alhamdulillah after some time as we mentioned jorum was the tribe that inhabited makkah now there was another tribe called was another tribe that came in and lived in mecca and fought against jerusalem in mecca to take over the leadership of makkah and subhanallah for some reason or another huzzah and controlled makkah in return when junhome were defeated what did your home do they covered the will of themselves and no one knew what zamzam is for many years the scholars say even for centuries no one knew with the will of zamzam so this is the payback that jerome did and returned to huzzah because they defeated them they covered the will of zamzam so now they had control of mecca but they had no water supply anymore so they had to actually import water from the outside and bring it inside now the leader of huzzah he was a man named he was the leader of the tribe of so he became the leader of makkah and he was a man who was very well respected by the people nobody disobeyed him if he said anything the people would obey him immediately without question now he traveled at one point in time he traveled up to asham the area of syria and philistine and when he was there ahmad bin luhay when he traveled there he saw a group of people called the amalek and he noticed that they had idols stones that they used to worship besides allah subhanahu wa so he was surprised he never saw anything like this before so he said what are these things that you are worshipping what is the purpose of this they said yeah these are you know these are our idols when we're hungry you know they provide us with food when we are in a state of fear or we are oppressed then they help us when we are thirsty when we don't have anything to drink they provide us with water and they give us victory when we're in war and they get us closer to the lord of the universe that means they used to would believe in one lord but these idols they used to take them as a connection as a connection that will connect them to that one lord [Music] when i heard that he was interested he said can i take one back to my city can i take back one to mecca and get my people to do the same so they gave him an idol the odor was named and was the head of the mecca even to the time of the prophet muhammad [Music] and ordered his people to start worshipping a new lord which was an idol and remember what i said his word would never become twice his people obey the um the tribe of um and they all start to worship these idols and then um did not stop over here but even commanded them to manufacture other idols one is not enough so we need to have a lot more around the kaaba and in the kaaba so they start to do so one for the sun one for the moon one for the air one for the food one for the kids one for the animals one for this one for that and didn't stop over here but even start to command each individual must have an aldol in his house and not only this but he start to even innovate actions he start to innovate actions slaughtering for the idol this cattle for the idol that cattle not to be touched that thing not to be done he start to innovate things innovate worships from there the worship of allah will start to spread from one person to another until the worship of the old was entered every single house nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam he said he is the one that changed the religion of the arab so they start worshiping these idols at the kaaba at the house of allah subhanahu wa and like we mentioned the hajj had been going on from the time of ibrahim alaihissalam's call now it was still going on during the time of amar ibn luhay but he changed the talbiya you know the talbiyah and we still say it today la bake allah bake allah now he added a few words to this at the end he said at the end he said oh allah you have no partner except for the partners that you have but you own those partners and you own what those partners own so he said yes allah is still the highest one but he has certain partners but he is the owner of what those partners own as well and he's talking about the idols here even into the call for hajj introduced shikh into that as well and then he also said to the people if you are ever leaving makkah if you ever have to go on a trip outside of mecca you must take a stone with you from makkah so that while you're outside of mecca you worship that stone you pray to that stone and when you are in makkah you worship the idols that we have here in makkah but when you're out of mecca you must take a stone with you and worship those stones so this is how shirk was introduced into the arabian peninsula before when jorhum was still in control of makkah there was a situation that happened there were a man and woman from yemen the man's name was isaf and the woman's name was na'ilah and they were in love with each other in yemen so isaf went to the father of naila and proposed to her asked for her hand in marriage but the father of naila refused he rejected him so isaf and naila they were very sad about this they really wanted to get married so they made a plan they said okay look everyone is going for hajj every year people go and make this pilgrimage so we will go for hajj as well and when we're in hajj you know there are so many people there we can do whatever we want to do and nobody will know what's going on we can do it without anyone finding out so they made that plan and they met each other in makkah at hajj at the kaaba at the house of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and they did an act of immorality and indecency right there at the house of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala they committed their so to punish them allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala turned them into stones he turned isaf and naila into stones and this was before shirk came into the arabian peninsula this is still during the time of when jorhum was in charge so what the people did with those stones just so that people will have a reminder that this is what happens when you disobey and disrespect the house of allah subhana this is what happens to you to serve as a reminder they took the stone of isaf and they put it on mount safa and they took the stone of naila and they put it on marwa so the people would see these stones and they would remember what happened to these people and they would fear allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala they didn't worship those stones or anything but then when amrit came and he introduced idol worship back into the arabian peninsula what did he do what do you think he did he took those stones and he put them back in front of the kaaba and he told the people worship these ones too so they started worshiping those stones as well so you know which type of society did allah to choose to send his final and his greatest messenger this is the society and this type of attitude of these people it lasted all the way up to the time of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and how do we know that there is hadith of one of the companions and he said that when they would leave makkah if they would ever leave makkah they would take the stone with them so it was still lasting up to the time right before the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam when the prophet saws conquered mecca they were around 360 idols around the cab of various shapes and sizes some idols were in the shape of full humans some were in the shape of animals most of them were in the shape of half human half animal also we learn that the quraish had the theology that allah has daughters and that these daughters are his angels and they would worship the angels they would worship the angels thinking that these are the daughters of allah they believed in superstition if the black cat passes then this is happening if the owl sits on your roof that's happening if a crow comes this way that happens we still have this jahiliyyah in us and allah says those were the pagan arabs they had a lot of superstition they used to go to fortune tellers at the time anything small happens go to a fortune teller they worshipped idols so much so that they made idols out of stones and when they found a better stone they would throw away what they used to worship for so many years imagine the brains of the people and um he actually says as intelligent as he was he says we made a god out of dates and you know we could shape it up much more easily than stone so we shaped it up and it was so nice and one day i was very hungry asking the god for food food no food came i ate the god and then you find one of the habits they had they did not believe in the life after death who is going to give life to these bones after they are decomposed completely and like dust they become and allah says say he will give those bones life who gave them the life in the first place so for allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to create man in the first place to resurrect him is even easier when they were on the ship and when the boat rocks a little bit you know when you at sea they would call out to allah alone and as soon as they come back what would happen they would immediately start engaging in their polytheism once again worshipping the other false deities besides allah subhanahu wa ta'ala as for the politics at that particular time people were divided into two major groups you find the people of the badia the people of the desert and the people of the cities they had something in common very strong lineage they were divided into tribes families and they literally stood up for one another they would fight the other tribe because of a problem that it had had with one particular person one camel goes missing for example and they doubted those people or someone was caught the war lasted 40 years 40 years people died the next generation did not even know why they were fighting but they continued fighting they had this tribalism and they had stuck to their clans sometimes it was used for the good and sometimes it was used for the bad if we take a look at the leadership of these clans was always with a certain type of person and family and usually it fell from father to child or to brother and so on but there was something that could raise a person from nothing what was that if someone's level was very low they just had to come up with some poetry which was so powerful linguistically and full of meaning that it would instantly raise the rank of that individual sometimes to the point of leadership subhanallah why they were crazy about eloquence so crazy they were the most powerful people when it came to speech in fact they were unletted the bulk of them almost 100 percent of them could not read or write but linguistically they were powerful they hardly used slang and nabe as we will see later on as he grew up he never used slang he was always the most powerful it is reported that he never ever made a linguistic error in his life subhanallah nothing that was his gift by allah subhanahu wa and this is why later on we see how they looked at him and they listened to him and they were mesmerized by what he said subhanallah completely shocked so much so that later on the arabic language began to take its rules and correct itself through the quran because that was what muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam came with up to this day the kuffar the christian arabs and those who are non-muslims from amongst the arabs they still use the quran when it comes to linguistics in order to correct their language and to explain to you what is right and wrong subhanallah so if you take a look at them from the angle of their wealth and if you look at them economically what did they have they did not have much in terms of produce because it barely rained and if it did it was all desert but in certain spots they had had the date palm that used to grow a lot and they had a few other things that would grow but very very little a lot of their trading happened to be with the livestock that they had had they had a lot of camels donkeys as well as goats and sheep those who have camels they have their noses high up in the air we have camels and you know it's considered very expensive if you take a look at the caravans they had lots of caravans that would travel towards the north when it came to the summer and towards the south when it came to the winter because the winters up north were too cold for them to handle so they used to go down towards the south towards yemen and this is why the quran speaks about these journeys allah is speaking of the gift of the taming of quraish during both of their journeys that which happened in winter and that which happened in summer in winter as i said they went south and in summer they went up towards the north quraysh was given a gift they used to travel north and south so calm without anyone ever harming them that was a sign of allah to say quraish is a chosen clan they had dealings with some jewish people who taught them how to charge interests and this is why in the people of quraish they began to charge interest and the arabs at large they charged interest islam protected the poor by banning interest because the interest factor makes the rich richer and keeps the poor even poorer they used to fulfill hajj but what type of hajj it came down from ibrahim alaihi salah to a salaam but they mixed it such a way that they began to worship idols during those days and they worshipped idols through the morning and the evenings and they would then remember allah as well allahu akbar at times they were very proud of their lineage and status i am the son of so and so do you know who i am i am this and i am that based on the father women were treated as commodities and nikah or marriage was something very very absurd at that time people used to marry one category of people used to marry correctly where someone wants to marry they go and speak to the the guardians of the female and they arrange it and the nikah has done that remained even after islam but sometimes they used to marry in a very strange way a man owed another man money so he would take his wife along his women along and he would say right you can have these you can impregnate my wife and when she is pregnant you send her back to me that child will hold your name imagine what type of ignorance today on the globe they have something known as swinging where people swap their wives it happens even in the midst of some ignorant muslims they swap their wives for a weekend in order to have fun that is exactly the jahiliyyah of the pre-islamic era may allah never return us to that another way of marriage was a woman who needed a bit of wealth would put a flag up by her home and people would come to her literally as though she was a prostitute and each one would do whatever he would like and thereafter pay her a bit and if she was expecting she chose one of them and she said it's your child and nobody could say no so the child would be called after the man there and she would choose the most honored so that that child could be brought up under the guardianship of some strange man the divorce of a woman oh the men would just come and say okay i divorce you you're divorced and next thing they say no i take you back i divorce you take you back and the woman nobody would say anything because they were so embarrassed to even bear female children that whenever there was a female child their faces would be blackened and they would become angry they would want to hide behind the walls because of the bad news that they had just received and they would take the child one of the sahaba radhiallahu he says in my period of ignorance i buried my daughter she was so beautiful such that she was saying daddy what are you doing what are you doing and she began to wipe off the little sand that was on my beard and as she's doing that i kept on putting more and more sand on her until she realized what was happening and she began to kick and then i covered her completely and let her die so the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam asked him this was after islam didn't you feel in your heart a little bit of mercy subhanallah allahu akbar what was around the persians the bulk of them were fire worshipers from amongst them also we had some who worshipped idols and some who worshipped people hierarchy and there were so many different types of confused people and as for the romans what happened to them may allah protect us if you take a look at the story of jesus may peace be upon him you will find how the romans persecuted him and how they were tyrants after a while when christianity came down you find every king that came he changed the bible and proudly they would say king james version of the bible that means this is a version of the bible which that king made and he brought it forth another man came he changed it that pope came he changed it this is why today we have more than 36 different versions of the bible the christians themselves cannot unite upon one and we say this with due respect it's a fact as things were changed in order to suit the kings of the time there was chaos and confusion people started adding and subtracting until they raised isa alaihis salah to assalaam or jesus may peace be upon him to the level of godhood and made him part of the trinity then you have the wars that took place between the romans and the persians these wars were from a long time and for your information the persians were considered more powerful but each one feared the other and sometimes this one won sometimes that one won and it took place for a long long time then you have the indian subcontinent where we have the hindus and the buddhists and the hindus as you know hierarchies they worship people you have the clergy the brahman right at the top and then you have the others coming down may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala safeguard us from worshiping people allah subhanahu wa allah has sent muhammad sallam to remove people from worshipping other worshipers to worshipping the rub of the worshippers the creator of everyone else so we are not supposed to be worshipping the created we only worship the creator when i put my head down on the ground whom am i putting it down on the ground for only the one who made me no one else in india how a woman was treated she was such that if her husband died there was no chance of marrying again most of them burnt themselves to death because they were taught that in this dismal darkness our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was sent and that is exactly that the process says in a hadith that my lord has commanded me to teach you that which you were ignorant of and then he says and before his coming allah looked at the whole world and he despised everyone he despised them because of idolatry because of jahidia because of paganism illah except for bakkaya some remnants of the people of the book so the prophecism is describing how the world was and that is why we call it and with the coming of the prophet system there will never be another jahiliyyah and that is why allah calls the prophet and allah calls him this is the jahiliyyah society that the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam came into and the reason why we gave this introduction is so you can see throughout the course inshallah how allah subhanahu wa through the prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam how he turned these people from the worst of people to the greatest generation of people that mankind has ever seen how allah subhanahu wa turned them around 180 degrees through his messenger muhammad sallallahu alaihi foreign [Music] allah [Music]
Channel: Islamic Inspiration
Views: 390,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, the story of prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam story in english, Muhammad SAW, The Story Of Muhammad SAW, The Seal Of The Prophets, Greatest Man, Seerah Of Prophet Muhammad SAW, seerah of the prophet, Pre Islamic Arabia, Jahliyyah, zam zam, Jurhum, Khuzah, Amr Ibn Luhay, Ibrahim Dua for Prophet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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