Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 36 - The Battle of Badr 1 - Yasir Qadhi | 10th October 2012

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I smell aroma raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala sayidina muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in i'm a bad we thank allah azzawajal for the opportunity to gather once again after our break after our hiatus for around two and a half months we're now coming back and resuming the lectures of the serie and alhamdulillah we have covered I think around 35 lectures we have done in which the matki period has been completely covered and we began talking about the medina period and we began talking about the major changes that occurred in the first few months of the medina phase and the most important of these was a new emphasis of the political freedom of the Muslims for the first time the Muslims have political freedom for the first time there is an independent state for the first time the Muslims can act as a political body whereas in Mecca they were a persecuted minority in Medina now they have a the beginnings if you like of a republic I mean these terms are of course not represented what you call the Republic whether you call it a a political entity is really the best type of description and as I had already mentioned in the last few lessons that we did there were two threats facing them one of them internal and the other external and each one of these threats we will discuss in the next few weeks as for the internal threats Medina was not yet unified under the Prophet system and in fact there would always be a group of people who were not happy with the changes and these are of course who are they then will not fill in the hypocrites right the hypocrites did not want status quo to change they wanted the old ways and the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa cedam had to deal with them until the very end of his life sallallahu alayhi wa seldom and of course internally as well we said that there was the other tribes that were not Arab nor were they Muslim primarily these were the yahood tribes and of course in the next four or five years the process will have to deal with them as well this will be another tangent or another important portion of the serie these are the internal difficulties the external difficulties of course primarily right now it is only Mecca right now it is only Mecca but slowly in the next few years the entire Arabian Peninsula will become involved so we need to understand that the animosity at this stage is unique Makkah and Madinah the Quraysh and the Muslims slowly but surely for the first time in human history never before has this ever happened the entire Arabian Peninsula will be composed between two camps and this polarization is the precursor to the unification okay all of this is going to be a disgusting shot in the next few actually which was the very end when we get there the unification of Arabia which never happened in the history of humanity it happened for the first time under our prophet mohammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam so how did all that happen of course primarily through these military expeditions and that is why the history of the medina sierra is almost 80 to 90 percent a history of military battles and this is the reality that we have to deal with that we would like to know so much more information but again the chroniclers only recorded that which was the most important from their perspective and from their perspective the medina phases probably 80% of it is simply one battle after another and we will try our best to try to extrapolate the rest of the incidents as they occur to summarize what we had discussed in the last lesson because we need to understand that before we begin the battle of budget there were some minor skirmishes two or three are extremely important to understand before we get to budget the first of them is the Syria to knock Allah who can remind me what was the Satya to knock Allah who can remind me Satya to knock Allah this was the very last episode that we did the very last Halleck about to zero something happened I like this something happened sometime some Sahaba were sent to find out information outside of Mecca what happened you're getting confused they were not lost two of them became lost but the rest of them got to Mecca yes and then what happened outside of Mecca so they found an unexpected Caravan right and they raided the caravan and they killed one person in the caravan they killed one person and they raided the caravan small mini caravan probably eight nine camels and so complete surprise expedition the caravan was not armed they gathered the the the expedition the boo the war booty and they brought it back to the processor and the process and said I didn't tell you to fight I didn't tell you to kill the people and why was this problematic well it was problematic because it occurred in the sacred months right it occurred on the very last day of the sacred months the very last day yes and then Allah revealed yes Aluna kynesha haha me great Italian feet so this is the Cydia to Nicola the other incident that we need to remind ourselves of is the laws between Russia ah the husband oh sure ah and again this word you discussed this before the last words will Osheaga is the part one of the Battle of butter how so the prophet sallallaahu l'm knew that the caravan of abu sufian is going northwards towards Syria so the laws were to rush era was the intended caravan on the way up and the Battle of Badr was the same caravan on the way down okay so the laws were to rush era set up hospital better the last era is phase one but it didn't happen because by the time the process of God there Abu Sufyan had heard the news and he fled quickly took another route and so la Sierra the process of never actually met the caravan other minor things happened and he formed some alliances and tribal agreements and so there was a success but there was no military like in hospital Shiro and so what happened because of cosmos era Abu Sufian was on high alert these days you can say Code Red now right high alert why is he on high alert because he already knows that the processor was interested in his Caravan and the concept of targeting caravans this is something that goes back even before this and one of the interesting incidents that I didn't mention before because we don't have a particular time when it occurred we have a rough idea that occurred the first year of the after the Hegira when exactly we don't know shows us that the targeting of the caravan was something that even the unsought were thinking about not just the Muhajiroun even the ants are ready to start targeting the caravan what is this incident it is narrated in sahih bukhari that side even more i've and who is cited in marathi is the leader of the Ansar Sahib in Mahad is the most vibrant dynamic leader the up-and-coming leader of the onslaught that's a bit sad even more I've was a close friend with Omaha even enough oh my even colorful maven hot off was the owner of Bilad this famous homemade Nutella he was a close friend of Omaha up in the days of jahiliyyah and the two were business partners so whenever Omaha would go north he would stopover in Medina and stay at the house of sad and whenever side would go to Mecca he would stay at the house of Omaha even Caliph so they had a good friendship from the days of jahiliya one time in the first year after the hijra we don't know exactly one side went down to Mecca perhaps for business trips perhaps for some other reason and it was the custom of the time that they will always do tow off they would always do toe off so sad asks Oh Mia come tell me one should I go to toll off that is going to be a good time so Oh My yes s go when nobody is going to be witnessing so clearly there might be some tension why because sad is now helping the Muslims Sardis now he's now a Muslim but from the incident it appears that his Islam was not known either to Oh Maya and to the people of Mecca but even if his Islam is not known what is known for sure he is helping the prophets awesome he's a supporter he is embracing he has embraced the Muslims he's now defending the Muslims so he asks Omaha when can I go to tow off so that there won't be any any tension any hostilities so Amaya says let's go right in the heat of the Sun when everybody will be asleep so they go at noontime Ajira they call it which is when everybody takes a nap and lo and behold Allah Azza WA JAL wills that they meet the very worst enemy and that is Abuja Abuja has coming back home and he sees these two figures and he asks Oh Maya who is your friend who is your friend he figured something is fishy because nobody does stole off when everybody's going to sleep in this hot Sun and so his side says this society Ben was basically from yesterday and so uh Abu jahil gets angry and he says how is it possible that you are performing tawaf around the house in safety after you have given protection to these renegades he uses the Arabic word sohbat and saba anna saba uh was what they call the muslims that they had become Sabian's they had left their religion right and so as a term of heretic renegade these india these people that have left the religion of their forefathers how can you give protection to these Suba and claim that you will help them and now you have the audacity to come to Makkah show your face and DUPLO off in such safety well la he were it not for the fact that you're a guest of Omaha abou Safwan he called him Omega you would not return to your house in one piece this is a open threat and this is a threat that contradicts everything of their religion and of Islam as you know Mecca was Haram by the time from the time of ibraheem alehissalaam man dakhala who kana amina no one has the right to stop anybody from coming to Mecca and even Abbas narrates that in the days of jahiliyyah one of us would see a person who had killed his own father doing Tawaf and we would not touch a hair on his head they understood that Mecca is sacred land but when he came to Islam the double standards began for the first time and we're getting this hint now how dare you come to Makkah after what you have done what has he done he has it doesn't say he has embraced Islam and therefore it appears Abu jahil did not even know that side is a Muslim rather he is saying you're helping the Muslims and that is enough of a crime that you shouldn't even come to Mecca once I'd heard this he became very angry he raised his voice so that the people of Mecca could hear and he said well I he if you are going to threaten me and you're going to deprive me of mecca of dough off I will deprive you of something that is more painful to you than this and that is your trade routes to Syria he said this in front of the Kaaba so that everybody in Mecca could hear you're going to threaten me now you're going to see what's going to happen and so the concept of targeting the the caravans of the Quraysh wasn't just something that the Mahajan owned the process and told them to do of course up until this time no unsought e has participated but side is feeling the pressure and sad says Kalos tit-for-tat you're going to threaten me now you will see as well what we are going to do and that is exactly what he did so I didn't why that's exactly what he did that he then began to target in the battle the but that as we're going to study the caravans of the correlation the Battle of better the model about the by the way firstly what is better and why is it called better let's get to the the introductory stuff before we jump in butter is an area or a location that is named after a well so is the well of budget that is named after the person who dug the well so butter is the name of a human and many centuries ago he dug up a well and so it was called the well of butter and after he dug up the well of butter the whole plane became known called the plains of better the whole area became known as the plains of butter and this person his name was better even yellowed and he was from the tribe of the Banu Gomorrah and the land of butter or the area of better it is around 160 miles southwest of Medina and 250 miles north of Mecca so it is in between Mecca and Medina shala next class we'll be using some of the charts and diagrams that a very own dr. Bashar has very meticulously done shall the next class will be showing some of those for now all you need to know is that budded is in between Mecca and Medina and it is closer to Medina than it is to Mecca in our times if you go by car you can easily get to bed in an hour and 10-15 minutes an hour and 15 an hour and 10 you will get to bed there by car and those days of course it takes around three days on a regular journey by the way it's also interesting to know this is a symbolic coincidence and of course there is no such thing as a coincidence a lot but that is all there that literally a few weeks before but less than a month before better a very interesting thing happened that we talked about in our last lesson and that is the change of the tabla it's a very significant correlation butter and the change of the qibla the change of the Qibla literally occurs literally probably three weeks before better and this is just too close to ignore the timeframe is too close to ignore and there is no doubt that there is a huge symbolic change taking place that the qibla of the Muslims will now be facing Mecca and then the greatest victory that early Islam ever saw shall be also given to them in other words it's as if it's being said how can you face Mecca and yet not have Mecca in your possession how can you face the Kaaba and yet the Kaaba be polluted by idolatry and so allah azzawajal blessed them with that great victory right after the changing of the Kabbalah it's as if there is an assign or an indication that now that the Qibla has changed and you've won over better slowly but surely eventually Mecca as well will be yours you're not only facing it spiritually you will physically also obtain the city of Mecca and that is of course exactly what happened now now we get to the incident of basically building up the the incidents leading up to the hospital whether the Battle of whether this is called the Battle of Badr the great battle of badr those were to buy the dinner Cobra why because in our last lesson we mentioned another incident called those were two bedded in a soldier ah and this was what abetted in a soul Allah the reason is called method is because it took place very close to better thus overall one not to Cobra but it had nothing to do with the Quraysh the people who were attacked were local tribesmen so this is called butter butter Isola has nothing to do with the I'm of Quraysh it has nothing to do with the caravan of Abu Sufyan what was the last word that was on the caravan Abu Sufyan who can remind me what was the lesoire brochure ah la soie Teixeira and when did it take place who can remind me this is should be in your notes for those who are taking notes oh sure I wanted to take place you don't have your notes with you you have to close it open another file I like that honest yes somewhere else is somewhere in my iPad it's Jew model i remodeled a wall of the second year of the hedgerow remodel what of the second year of the hedgerow the profitsystem went to the land or the area of roshi era he didn't go to bed there by the way the on the way up he didn't go when the sorry when the caravan was going up he did not go to bed that he went to another location and he camped there for a few days this is G module Allah and he stayed there until the very first few days of jihad Hassan II they were the ocular and then he returned back to Medina now when the time came rough time came that they expected the caravan back and this isn't in now the month of Ramadan the Prophet system began sending multiple spies to see where has the caravan reached and we have at least two or three hadith that mention different spies so this means basically that over the course of every few days he spent sending out another few people for example in Sahih Muslim and a cinematic says that when the time came for the caravans return the profitsystem sent a spy to inform him about the advent of the caravan and when the spy returned when this hobby returned the professor made sure that nobody was sitting in the room except for anis and Ennis was excused because at this time he's probably seven years old except for Una's he was excused because he is a child and because he is the personal servant and the Sahaba informed him about the whereabouts of the caravan in another hadith inhibin is happy it is mentioned that the process rooms had sent Paul had been obeyed Allah and sided bin zaid so he sent two of the famous Sahaba to monitor their activities and they waited for the caravan and followed it for a while until Caravan passed them by and then they galloped back quickly to Medina and they reported that the product to the professor Salem that it was under the command of Abu Sufyan that it had almost a thousand camels in its entourage a thousand camels is unbelievable wealth a thousand camels is something that it is said early history books say that the Quraysh had never had such a large Caravan in recent history this was the largest Caravan in recent history why this is the case we don't know but perhaps this is due to economic factors prior to this that they were basically they acquired the Muslims wealth as you know the confiscated Muslim property and land perhaps other things happened that the books of xxx and history don't mention but this was the largest Caravan in recent history in recorded history for the Quraysh and some modern historians and economists have calculated that the net worth of the caravan would be around fifty thousand dinars fifty thousand gold coins fifty thousand gold coins is basically a few million in our times I calculated myself but then the problem comes how much is a dinar a dinar goes from anywhere from 150 dollars to six hundred seven hundred dollars depends on the historic value of the dinar as well early Omega dinars they go for around eight hundred nine hundred dollars some of them if you get a really rare rare weren't from a would even absurd medic you actually go for nine hundred thousand dollars so if you do a thousand dollars P now multiply that by 50 fifty thousand you're talking about 30 40 million 50 million here but other than ours in our times go for like two three hundred dollars so even if you do a hundred dollars even if you do a hundred dollars that's basically how much is that fifty thousand times 100 is five million right five million roughly from our from our currency right five million dollars for the early nasan's Muslim community that had nothing you're talking about changing the entire Treasury really over the early Muslims right so we can understand why the Prophet system was so eager now in our last lesson we had already talked about how non-muslim Orientalists have skewed and have attacked the Prophet system for saying he's a highway robber and this is ridiculous because after what the hora have done this is the least that is to be expected he's only targeting the Qureshi's not targeting anybody else and frankly most of that wealth was directly confiscated from the Muslims anyway that's probably one of the main reasons why the caravan has so much money also even his half mentions that there was hardly any household in Mecca except that they had an investment in that Caravan and this makes it very personal there's hardly any household in that in the kabila of Quraysh except that they had a camel or at least something on a camel that they had sent and again I don't need to remind you this was their main source of income back in those days they didn't have salaries and paychecks you literally got money in bulk once a year twice a year this was their main money everybody who had any money would purchase goods and then invest in this Caravan send it over to Syria purchase other Goods send it back to Yemen this is how the people of Makkah obtained their wealth there are not farmers they are not cultivation is they are people who are trading related schita it will say this is their backbone and livelihood and the processor knows full well that if he were to acquire this Caravan what's going to happen number one he will bring the muck and economy to a screeching halt completely gone every single household and Kabila has invested and number two he will bring all of that fortune to the Muslim economy and of course that is exactly why he was so eager to obtain this wealth to help the Islamic cause so thought had been obeyed Allah said bin zayed they they rushed back to the prophet's asylum and they informed him that abu sufyan is now coming with a thousand camels and that he will be at such and such a place and so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom immediately gathered together the Sahaba and said now here's a little bit of contradiction what exactly happened according to one report in sahih muslim the prophet's assalam did not announce where he is going and he said we have a mission to undertake so whoever has his animal ready should come with me and some of the Sahaba said yo sir Allah my animal isn't ready it's in another place of medina let me go get it ready and the próxima said no only those whose right here and now we're leaving right now so that's the versions a Muslim in a version of it - Huck the prophecies Adam said to the Sahaba that had a brokerage this is the caravan of the but at the ballot Alec was coming back to you and it has in it - the money of the Quraysh so let's just go out to meet it perhaps Allah will give it to you how do we reconcile Allahu Alem is very simple to do that it seems that Allah knows best that when he stood in the Masjid he did not announce who or where or what because in the Masjid there could be Manasa kun there could be hypocrites there could be spies there could be still mock sorry Medina still has idol worshippers Medina at this stage still has idol worshippers as well under styles we'll talk about one of the main one of the main turning points of weather is that after better all of the idol worshippers basically converted to Islam ie not for hold that so exactly what happened right after better when a could not exist in Medina so up until but there are still idol worshippers there are hypocrites there are other groups there so the Prophet system did not make any public announcement rather he said we have a mission whoever wants to go let's go but there's one condition you need to be ready right here and now literally let's leave right now and that is the ultimate surprise tactic not even the Sahaba knew where they're going then when the army leaves Mecca and the process of can see it's now contained who he's with then he announces to them this is the caravan of the Parrish it's coming back let us go and attack it perhaps allah azza wajal will bless you and so Allahu Alem and by the way this is not what most of the books of sido mentioned most of the books Oseary ignore the report of saw a Muslim but the reports are Muslim is very explicit and that is the process some did not mention where he's going whereas the one in his house says he's mentioning where he's going so Allahu Alem the way you put this together which actually makes a lot of sense he didn't mention in the beginning until finally they left the city and then he mentioned and this shows us again and again and again it shows us the me planning of the prophecies and we have seen this in every major incident we've seen this in the hijra we're going to continue to see this we've seen this in the layout with al kaba when he when he did the battle acaba he stationed Ali in one place he stationed hamza in another he has all of this meticulous care taken place even though he's a rasul allah saw sanam and he could put his trust in allah without doing anything but that's against the sunnah you do everything you can and then you put your trust in allah you tie your camel and then you tell what cut out Allah so the Prophet SAW some didn't even tell the Sahaba until they are outside of the city he uses the utmost surprise and caution as Anna said he caused everybody to exit the room when the first spy came back so that only he could hear the news nobody knew where they're going until finally when the caravan is right upon them instantaneously he says whoever's ready let's go he didn't even give them preparation why well because this was easy prey there were only 40 armed guards to this thousand Caravan envoi that's nothing why would what I do this is a good question I don't have an answer to why would they do this because the time is tense you would have thought that there would have been more thoughtful in this regard Allah who Adam what is the reason but the fact of the matter is there were only 40 armed guards if you like there were 40 warriors right guarding this caravan 44 a thousand camels like do the math yourself that's basically one person for how many for the twenty twenty something camels right do the math yourself like that's nothing that's nothing and so the process and realized if we only have you know two three hundred people which is what happened it better that's all we need and they don't even have to be armed to the hilt and so whoever's ready just go home get your stuff and let's go that's exactly what happened and that is why we understand butter was not meant to be a war weather was not meant to be a battle but that was meant to be confiscation of a thousand camels mother was meant to be a quick easy one they would have seen three four hundred men they would have gone helter skelter those who wanted to make a stand would have died there and then the entire thousand camels are taken by the Muslims what is needed is speed and urgency what is needed is that the Quraysh not find out right and allah azza wajal willed other than this for a wisdom that was known to him and we see it clearly after the in the aftermath of the Battle of Badr so this sudden instantaneous message explains why none of the Sahaba really was armed to the hilt none of the Sahaba had their armor on that the animals that were taken were animals that just happened to be there that the entire army only had two riding horses they only had two and that camels were less than a hundred camels for a caravan of 300 something people there were less than a hundred camels why because it wasn't assumed that there would be they would be needing fast horses it would it wasn't assumed that they'd be needing a lot of camels this was easy prey this was you're targeting a sitting duck they just have to go show them 300 people and then take the the the price right and Allah so as as we will find out will something else so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom when he reaches his first encampment and they set up tents they they set up tents the Prophet SAW some first thing he does he takes a detailed survey of everyone who is now participating notice he couldn't do this in medina because he just wants to leave he just wants to get out right once they stop and they in camp now he goes over every single person he makes an assessment now what do I have what do i what do I need to do and he notices that there are two people who are too young to participate and these are Alvaro even ahzab and Abdullah even Omar the both of them are younger than 14 generally the profitsystem would allow these young men who had passed the age of 14 he would allow the 14 was the cutoff point and of course I mean for those times and ages 9-14 was basically what we would consider to be 18 of course 14 year olds and our times we don't want to leave them alone in the house mashallah tavola calda they'd be too scared to stay alone in the house in those days we had eighteen years old Bora and Abdullah bin Rahman they wanted to participate in they were eager to participate and subhanAllah every single major battle we see the same tension that 13 years old 11 years old sometimes they want to participate and the process and tells them no you cannot do that we'll see the same thing in ahead we'll see the same thing later on as well that in their eagerness they wanted to be men right and I always say that will lie we have dumb down our own youth that if we were to treat them like adults that young men would become adults faster but because we have this false age of adolescence where biologically they are men or women but intellectually we treat them like kids then we're going to get these problems right then I firmly believe this that Allah Azza WA JAL has created has made the age of puberty to be the age of intelligence that's the sign of the Sharia and therefore if society were to treat these youngsters the way they deserve with intellectual integrity honesty with respect then these youngsters would grow up faster and we find this again this isn't just Islamic by the way any hundred years ago five hundred years ago in every society when you were 14 15 you were an adult it's not just in Islamic societies right and this is the reality the sad reality we have to live with that there is this teenage years that we ask a lot to protect us against the problems of teenage years play let's get back to the issue of whether so al bara had been added and abdullah bin omar was sent back because the distance was short they were sent back alone just the two of them they can basically go home alone because there is just one one journey one one day's journey the two of them can go back alone and the final count was basically around 315 some books mentioned 313 some books mentioned 315 some mentioned 317 basically 310 and an odd number these were all the volunteers around 83 of the Muhajiroun 62 of the outs and 170 of the Khazraj 83 of the Muhajiroun 62 of the o's and 170 of the hostage the hostage were double the oaths and that is because for two reasons firstly the hazards were more than the oaths secondly the percentage of Muslims in the hostage was more than the and to Muslims in the house who can remind me why the closet eyes were generally the poorer tribe and they also is generally the richer tribe and therefore generally speaking the poor convert before the rich and the hostage embraced Islam quicker than the o'the embrace system and also they were larger in number the two horses I said I already said there were only two horses they belonged to serve a tablet i won and in milk dad even L s Wed and they were less than 100 camels some books mentioned seventy some books mentioned more than this but less than a hundred camels so basically every person had to share a camel with three people right so every camel there were three people taking turns riding the camel you cannot have three people right in the camera at the same time and so what they decided to do was to would walk and one would ride and then it would just take shifts and turns in this manner now we have to point out either there seems to be some significance to this number 310 and something there seems to be some significance because it occurs in multiple places in our religion of them is for example the famous hadith of how many prophets and how many messengers we talked about this way back last year or maybe two years ago right what is the difference with a prophet and a messenger and the famous hadith of Abu Dharr le Fadi ya Rasul Allah come rasool in Orson and come to be in how many Rasul the process em said 310 and something Jamuna Sophia a large quantity how many am BIA 124 thousand so 310 and something that's your brother it is also said that the number of people who were in the army of jalloo pollute and je loot the number of people that were fighting on the side of the wood on the side of David against Goliath were also around 310 and something right and so Allah knows best but there seems to be some type of significance with this number so we said that the Sahaba had to share a camel three people per per camel and so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom was assigned the camel of ali IBN abu talib and along with them was the famous Sahabi abbulu baba abbulu baba you will come across his name from the very famous incident that we'll talk about and the incident of banal pariah abbulu Baba was that sahabi who made a mistake he repented and he tied himself to the messages right as an act of repentance he did something that he regretted we'll talk about that when we get there and he felt so guilty that he went to the message' then he tied himself up and he deprived himself of food and water and he said until Allah forgives me I will not leave this place and he was almost about to die when allah azza wajal basically revealed his repentance in the quran and they said Hallows you are forgiven so he said no until the profitsystem himself comes and allows me to be free I'm not going to be free so the Prophet SAS and himself came and he untied abbulu Baba from that pillar this is abbulu Baba we'll talk about abbulu Baba that story later on so Ali and Abu Baba and the profitsystem they were assigned one camel in Muhammad in his most that mentions a very beautiful incident now can you imagine if you had been assigned the camel with the profitsystem what would you do not take not take what your turn on the camel right can you imagine can you imagine that if you had to share a camel the prophecies of them what would you do he will say ya Rasul Allah trouble you guys you know you you can't you take the camel we will walk and so both Ali and abbulu baba insisted that the Arabs ooh la la we will walk and you take the camel full time basically right as a panel that the response of the Prophet system is so sweet and gentle and profound it's so full of wisdom that you just you just like mind-boggled how could this is of course coming from mish cotton more from the well of prophecy yeah and he could have said yes he could have and while la he if he had said yes who would have objected he is Rasul Allah forget even forget even the religious he is the leader when does the leader do exactly what the private does it even forget the religious side a general in the army right the five-star general never ever travels the same way as the private he this is understood like you work your way up to the top and then after that you're given the red-carpet treatment and everybody accepts it added to this is the religious side that he is on a pseudo loss or some hotter moon Devine say the what did the atom on and on and on right and so if anybody had like done this nobody would have objected that the process in his writing in the other two are walking alternatively he could have said no let's be fair let's share he could have done that way as well just be blunt and say no no I disagree with this let's be fair and let's share and he could have been strict with that but he allowed them to share in a manner that was very sweet and very beautiful he smiled back at them and he said that the two of you are not any younger than I am you're not any stronger than me and I am NOT now this is a double negative in any less in need of the other than the two of you I repeat what he said the two of you are not any younger or stronger than I am we're all equal men here pause here by the way technically that's not true because how old is Adi 20 is a late late 20s oh yeah mid 20s mid 20s by now right and the process um is now how old is the process I'm 55 54 55 so even technically Alec we don't know the age of abou baba guru baba we don't know his age at this time but Danny because he is a middle aged man so technically the processing is the senior of them in age as well but he says the two of you are not any stronger than I am now that might is possibly true in terms of physical strength yes and neither am i in any less need of the rewards from Allah that I will get if I walk and so when he said this to them they had no response to this - how are you gonna respond when he says I'm doing this for the other just like you we're all three men here were all three of roughly equal physical strength right and so I need the edge as well and so he insisted that they take turns on this one camel and that was his way of enforcing the fairness the the equitable treatment and of course I mean it goes without saying and Subhan Allah can you imagine here the psychological repercussions of the prophecies and walking imagine if you were in that army now in that Caravan now the heat the deserts and the thirst the trouble now you see the prophets as I'm walking what are you gonna do but you cannot complain you cannot complain by the prophesies that I'm walking with the army Hollis that's now you are there is nothing you can do now right and again this is the wisdom and this is exactly I mean no doubt he is Rasul Allah SAS Onam but why was he respected well because he acted like rasoolallah system as well right he could have as they say like you know pulled his rank right he could have and who would have complained I mean honestly who would have complained but no and as this is exactly what Allah says you are the role model you are the the the one who is gentle merciful so he walked along with all of the rest of the army and there was nothing different from him than from the rest of the of the Muslims and subhanAllah when you the leader like this what is going to happen Abu Bakr Umar Uthman they lived the same lifestyle when Omar goes and conquers Jerusalem look who is he learning this from right who is Omer learning this from that when he gets to Jerusalem and his slave is on the camel what does he tell the slave it's not fair it's your turn correct and he walks into Jerusalem and the people of Jerusalem think that the slave is robot and Ahmad is the slave because what leader in the world would walk leading in his slave while he is walking where did we learn this from he has the best teacher the best master the best my limb and that is the prophets of Allah Allah he was seldom another interesting pointer as well by the way before we move on again as one of the problems of ceará is that the serie is composed of many small incidents right so we need to draw a larger picture by mentioning disconnected incidents right and then we just try to put them together another disconnected incidents that is a precursor to the Battle of Badr and we have a lot of benefit from this very deep benefit especially for the times in the place and the political climate that we are living in and that is the lack of participation of two people in the Battle of Badr and that is how they finally a man and his father allium an evening heckum these two people heard a familiar man and his father the two of them could have participated in better and they wanted to participate but they were held back because of a promise they had made to the Quraysh today fur and his father were once captured by the Quraysh and the Quraysh were almost going to kill them when finally one of them decided you know what let's just make them promise that they're not going to ever fight alongside Muhammad's awesome as long as they're not going to fight with us then shall I send them back no big deal so they didn't really have her dave was not a mahajan by the way her de fer is neither and this is a longer store they found his father his father and I heard a fir his father is not from maken or Z from Medina he he came to Medina in the days of jahiliyyah because of a crime he had committed so he abandoned his tribe and he basically came to Medina he was adopted by the people of Medina and then he became a Sahaba he accepted Islam and then his son heard Ava accepted Islam so the two of them are neither Macky nor nor Madani quite in this sense they're neither Arashi or not are they ocean has our edge so when the Quraysh capture them they don't have any direct animosity like these are people who are caught up basically so one of them has sympathy and says ok you know what we're not going to kill you even though you're Muslim we're not going to kill you this is of course before the battle about that a few months before the battle brother we're not going to kill you but you have one condition and that is you will never fight us alongside the Prophet SAW sir right you're not going to join the process of them fighting us and so when the professor Saddam heard when they returned back from the Horus and the process I heard this the prophesies and basically did not allow them to participate in any of these aza wat and this shows us that a Muslim is upon his board and promises a Muslim is never a traitor a Muslim is never a traitor they gave their word and once they gave their word even in times of great trial and difficulty they did not take up arms and fight against the Quraysh the Battle of ahead will talk about exactly what happened and we'll eclair off' i some points there but any type of offensive battle that was taking place today offend his father did not participate and therefore they remained back in medina and of course this shows us in our times especially ts have to be respected and honored obligations and duties including duties that are understood such as duties of citizenship let's say right these are obligations these are legally binding contracts and if you are a visa carrier or citizen or whatnot there are certain obligations upon you regardless of what's happening in the world if you don't like it then you don't have to be a citizen holder or a visa holder but you cannot be a citizen and a visa holder and then go against what that entails right you understand the the Islamic rulings here that it is not allowed from the shetty a perspective to break a promise or your word it is not allowed to be a traitor you cannot be two-faced swear that you're a citizen and then do something that will go against the oath that you have given nobody's forcing you to make that oath and if you're not going to uphold it then do not say it and that's what we learned from Haifa and his father that even though one can say hold on a sec they were almost going to be killed but they gave their word in solemn promise right they could have been killed they could have but they didn't they said okay you know what we agree to your condition we're going to go back to Medina and we're not going to fight against you and when the process I've heard this then he did not accept them to fight and they could not volunteer to fight and this shows us that a Muslim is upon his conditions and promised all Muslim una a - luteum this is a hadith and Muslim una Allah should rule to him and the I in the Quran o you who believe fulfill your covenant say alladhina amanu who built our code and you understand the implications and modernity and I don't need to go into this tension and I've spoken about this very explicitly in talks that are related to those issues another incident that occurred that the process amidst is leaving Medina and they still think that they're going to get to the caravan Abu Sufyan that one of the pagans of Medina his name is not mentioned in the early books of serie one of the pagans of Medina who was known for his bravery and fighting skills he marched up to the prophet's asanam he is not a Muslim and he says that I wish to join you in order to get this one Eva I wish to join you the Sahaba were happy to see him because they're getting a strongman tow Sahaba were happy to see him prophecies that I'm said do you testify that Allah is your Lord and I am the messenger so I seldom he said no I'm still a blue streak I'm still the pagan no so the process I'm said in Lannister a newbie mushnick we do not ask for help from the pagans so the man stayed where he was and a few hours later he again caught up with the camp I guess the thought of all of this money one thousand camels and whatnot calm came to him and once again he said that allow me to come with you because he wants to share allow me to come with you again the Prophet says I'm asked him do you testify that I said no so he said in an aside to music and then a few hours later again he rides in and he was gotten the point now basically right so now the profitsystem asked him and he says yes a shadow a lot harsher than tomorrow pseudopod now he accepts Islam and so he was allowed to join the caravan at that point in time I joined the expedition at that point in time and this hadith has been again used politically in our times and it was used and go for one go for two it was using all of these times that is it allowed to ask for military help from a non-muslim or not because the processing said we do not ask help from pagans in that NSA newbie mushrik and this is a classical controversy amongst the for method some scholars say that you can never ask for any such help other scholars say that it is allowed with conditions and frankly this is not the time or place to get into this tangent but you understand this also has political ramifications in the modern world it has caused a lot of controversies in many lands can you get the help of a non-muslim right this happened as you know very very recently many times can you get the help of a non-muslim army to help you against an aggressive army so these types of a hadith were then brought up and this is not the time or place to discuss both opinions but there is a spectrum of opinion there is a gray area for example Imam anoa'i in his commentaries a moment no we says that this this hadith shows that the general rule is that you do not ask help from the pagan army but there are exceptions any mama no we says the prophesies in himself sought the help Abdulla even write it who is Abdullah been elected who is Abdullah even elected the guide of the prophets asana Mindy in the Hegira right mmm no way says the process and himself sought the help of Abdullah bin hey record at a time of great sensitivity mister panel I think about it there's a hundred camels on his head as you know dead or alive and hundred camels is a mini fortune this man whoever gave him in he would have lived comfortably for the rest of his life yet he trusted after allah azza wajal he trusted his life without dollar benefit and so remember no way says if a person has good opinions of islam i either are sympathetic to islam and they can be trusted and the situation calls for it then one can ask the help of mullux against an enemy boy being again this is one of those issues we see over here in this incident the person said we don't ask the help of a mushnick and yet he himself at all time and there are more than this time as well where the process of got the alliances of the pagans he got the help of others for example when abu talib died and abu lahab was going to expel him the proper system got the help of multiband daddy remember this right he got the help of multi-modality and he took Adi it is called a jawar and in our times is basically the visa of multiple Nadi that multi living ID has allowed me to stay in Makkah if I'm has gulab us kicked me out then multiple even Adi has allowed me so the point being you should know that there is a spectrum of opinion and frankly each opinion has some some strength and evidence to it and in my humble opinion it is a case-by-case situation and basis that one such a situation Rises then the scholars of that region in land let them talk amongst themselves and come to a conclusion and this is an issue see how the issue anyway another interesting point here that somehow Allah our religion does not ask us to look into the chests of people here is a man well I have origin' would doubt his Islam correct the time the place the circumstances the whole story once he says no twice he says no finally says you know what ok cos I'm a Muslim but what is our religion tell us judge people by outward and leave the inner to allah subhana wa ta'ala and we'll lie we would be so much better if we simply followed this right leave the inner of fear don't doubt people's intention the process of asked him three times are you a Muslim no are you Muslim no and there's a lot of money to be gained if he's a Muslim so on the third time he goes you know what Collison Muslim and nobody questions his Islam let it be and in fact and I have said this previously before there is no denying that our religion the Sharia gave incentives for people to convert monetary sometimes political at other times why remember is what I said why is there's like somebody says that you know your religion encourages people to convert even financially there are privileges right why why is this the case I said this very clearly I didn't say that but that's a valid point if what I said if they convert for any reason because Islam is true we are confident that they will eventually convert for the right reason and we're so confident of our faith that you know what hollows convert for the money no big deal but what's going to happen slowly Islam and Iman will enter the heart and this is the reality that we see from people to this day and age who convert for secondary reasons primarily in our times for marriage and love right a person will convert because their spouse wants them to end and that person is not a Muslim so the boy is not a Muslim and this girl says you know what if you're not a Muslim I can't marry you so it was call us call us okay I'll be a Muslim yes you know I mean but like I have had people come up to me you know boy meets girl boy falls in love with girl girl falls on boy the boy is not a Muslim they come to the Masjid she's not practicing Islam but she knows one thing she's not wearing and she knows one thing you know I can't marry him if he's a non-muslim so right then and there and I and he asks me I there was an in case he literally asked me I mean there's nothing I can do I have to convert to marry her right like he does not want to convert you know and I said no unless you convert you you cannot marry this person right and so he decided to convert it's not my job to look into his heart is it it's not my job and eventually these people as for this couple didn't keep in touch with them but I have met many couples that eventually the one who converts becomes even more practicing then then the Muslim right well I how many times and this happens to me so many times that you know the let's say the sister converts and then she starts getting more and more religious until finally the husband comes and says can you tell my wife to calm that religiosity down she's kind of you know going a little bit too much now you know I'm saying this is so common now that the woman will convert or the man will convert and then one of them Michele automatically they will go beyond the other so so what if you convert it for another reason we're so sure Islam is true yell love smell whatever your reason is eventually you'll be a true Muslim so we don't question people's motives now this is of course the gen rule there might be some exceptions here and there but here is one of those questions one of those times when it was not questioned so getting back again to the issue of whether the Prophet SAS and I'm looking at the various reports it seems that we can guesstimate that he left Medina on the 12th of Ramadan he left Medina on the 12th of Ramadan Ramadan in the second year of the Hegira and he put in charge of Medina even Maktoum who as you know was the blind sahabi and this shows us that in our religion and will lie it is a very big deal for the time that when somebody was physically impaired they were literally treated as outcasts right when somebody was blind or lame or something they were literally treated as subhuman and the very fact that the prophets ISM chose a blind person and put him in charge of Medina alai we can clearly say that our religion was very forward-thinking for the time right that it did not take these personal faults if you're not false is not a good word but these what's the technical term are forgetting handicaps is the term that it did not take these handicaps as being any problem in the job that you're doing so what if he's blind he can take charge of leading the player he can take charge of the civil affairs of Medina what has this blindness got to do with with this whereas will la Heath for other people at the time to be blind to be deaf to be you wouldn't you would be treated as a crazy person or you would be treated as subhuman as a child and the very fact that even when Maktoum is being put in charge of the city shows us our religion did not discriminate against people who have physical handicaps and so and this is not the only time burger I bonomi Maktoum was put in charge of medina at least a dozen times why because he was a sensible man he was a wise man and his blindness did not come into the way of him being basically in effect the temporary mayor of medina right being in charge of money and that's a very prestigious position and the wisest person they could find was a Bonomi Maktoum in the mean time so the profitsystem left Mecca on the 12th of Ramadan Abu Sufyan is coming back Naboo Sufjan is taking extra precautions to find out what is happening is the prophecies I'm going to attack or not why because he's already he already found out that the husband through Shara just barely missed him by a day the less water Shira he literally skills saved it by the skin of his teeth as they say one day otherwise he would have been caught right and so other a la hospital Shira was the warning for Abu Sufian that was what sent him off his warning bells that on the way back Abu Sufyan took extra precaution so much so he would send spy parties out to spy on the spies there's a spy game going on here right he would send delegations out to find out is anybody spying on us and it is said that even his half mentions that some better ones mentioned that they saw two men spying on the camp of course these are fun hands are either bin zaid right the better ones mentioned that there were two men who were spying on you and so Abu Sufyan said show me where they camped so the better ones took Abu Sufyan to the camp of these two men we are assuming that all hand side who else could they be and Abu Sufyan examined their camp and examined their markings until finally he came across camel dung and in his intelligence and desperation he opened up the camel dung and what do you think he found dates of Medina exactly right but not the dates but the date seats big difference right he found the date seeds of Medina right now I mean obviously it's a little bit disgusting even though technically camel dung is not not just I have to say that your thought wouldn't touch it but still is not legit but still well it shows you these are Scouts these are people who know how to analyze right to open up to crack open a camel dung and to examine what is in this camel dung and then to pick out the seat and say and he said these are the dates of a bit of Yathrib right he recognizes the seed from where it is coming haleh's everything fits into place now and so Abu Sufian panics Abu Sufian panics because he realizes we are being monitored and therefore this panic causes him to go into overdrive mode and he does two things both of which other Allah saved him but Allah smother was also there it brought about the biggest disaster to the Polish right in saving himself he brought about the big disaster to the Haresh that allah blessed the muslims were so he did two things the first thing that he did is that he took an unknown route immediately as soon as he found out this is happening he hired a local guide and he says get us out of here take us from the shore and he went from a much farther out he basically bypassed and Charlaine next week we'll show the maps that dr. Bashar meticulously as drawn or power pointed or whatever that he basically bypassed the entire city so that he wasn't even close to where the profit system would have been and the second thing he did is that he sent for reinforcements he sent for reinforcements and how did he send for reinforcements he sent his fastest rider who had the fastest camel and that is Bom Bom Bom even a morale high fatty he sent bond on to go to Mecca and to announce to the Quraysh that unless they do something their Caravan will be confiscated unless they send reinforcements your money has now been destroyed and so bomb dome immediately proceeded on the fastest a camel possible and really it was very fast because think about it that this is probably taking place probably taking place around the 10th I mean two three days before the processing leaves because again these are the two spies soon as the two spies come back literally as soon as they come back what does he do he goes to the Masjid he says right now let's go somebody said I want to pack my bags no right now let us go right look at the the quickness he doesn't want the news to get to Abu Sufyan so within two three days bomb dome must have reached Mucka Mucka the same day they make the decision within three days they come back and they are at better this is super fast speed and this will discuss in Charlotte in the next lesson we have one more thing for today insha'Allah and that is events happening in Mecca before domdom arrives one thing happens in Mecca before domdom arrives that sets the stage and that is the dream of attica binti Abdul Muttalib ah tikka the aunt of the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sell them and the full sister of Abdullah and Abu Talib she is the full sister of Abdullah and Abu Talib and and therefore she is the full aunt of the Prophet SAW I said and by the way the Attic I accept Islam or not lie seems to be a difference of opinion even his hack mentions that the only aunt of the profitsystem who ever accepted islam is everybody should know Sophia that is by unanimous consensus even as Hawk says the only aunt am M of the Prophet system to accept Islam is Sofia however even sad says that article also accepted Islam this one article were going to talk about and then I'd take a migrated to Medina after this and she died in Medina truth be told even if in hazard finds is skeptical because we don't have a single report about anything from Attica after this dream and had she converted to Islam we would have heard of stories like we have heard from Sophia so Allah knows best maybe she did if inside says that she did that Sophia in an article were the two whereas if it has happened in his help is the earlier and the greater authority if in his house says none of the answer of the profitsystem accepted islam other than Sophia so keep this in mind and Allah knows best whether she accepted Islam or not one thing for sure we never hear of her after this dream this is the only incident that we hear for an after this she is basically what happened and when she died and whatnot we don't have any indication and yeah anyone who can say had she been a Muslim then this would have been preserved with more care but and the end indeed Allah knows best so what dreamed in Attica sea Attica had a dream three days before Dom Dom's a rifle three days before bomb dome arrived in Medina so they have no clue what's going on she woke up flustered and agitated and she called her brother a bast the uncle of the processor she was close to our bus she was the closest to our bus in age and in a bond so she called her a bus and she said that I saw a nightmare I saw a dream that I'm very concerned it's giving it's making me very scared a bus said what happened tell me so she said that in my dream I saw that a crier had come to Mecca and a crier is going to come to Mecca excuse me in three days so she predicted in three days a crier will come to Mecca racing on his camel so she's seeing the crier she's seeing the camel and she's and she knows it's going to be in three days and he first goes to Masjid and he cries out in the Masjid yeah Oh daro you traitors and betrayers people who have betrayed or Pio Oh traitors meet your death in three days from now so six days from the point she's saying this three days and then three days go out and meet your death in three days from when I'm announcing this right go out and meet your death and then she said the crier was on top of the cabin so first he's next to the cab then he's on top of the cab and he says the same thing then he's on top of the mountain of Ibaka base the mountain of a base you still see it in Mecca when you go to Mecca you will find that small mountain that you can see from the harem that is the mountain of Ibaka base he is on the mountain of Ibaka base and the mountain of Ibaka base was the highest peak in the immediate vicinity and many times when they wanted to make a very major announcement they would go to the sometimes Ibaka base mountain and sometimes to suffer and marwah which was closer a basis a little bit farther outward and so he was standing on the mountain a base and he said the same thing so he is saying it three times again what is he saying yeah Hotel what that is the plural of those who are betrayed Hodari is to the worst type of betrayal the worst type of traitors right why are they traitors because they have betrayed the foundation of what they considered jahiliya of what was most important to them and that is blood blood Babita tribes right the one thing they value is tribes tribalism and what have they done for the first time in Arab history they have broken tribes locally and they have not allowed their tribes men to basically live with them this is one reason they're called traitors I'm can also say there's nothing wrong with this there are traitors to the religion of Ibraheem and this is also plausible there are traitors yahuda aute Raiders me sure death in three days go out and meet your death then Ithaca is saying this crier picks up a large rock from the mountain above Aquabase and he topples it from the mountain and Attica saying she sees the rock go down all the way from the mountain until when it gets to the base it splinters and cracks up and then it continues rolling until every house in Mecca gets hit by one of the rocks right so the boulder cracks and then every house is hit by one of these stones now what is the interpretation is pretty obvious the interpretation is that whatever announcement this man will make will cause the deaths of these traders in three days they don't realize it but that's what the announcement will cause that they're going to die in three days and the rock hitting every house is the sign that every house will be struck with the calamity what calamity the death of multiple people in the household not a single household of the haurache was spared in the Battle of butter every household had debts every household was affected and so the crier is predicting and and and that is the rock coming down the boulder coming down that every one of your houses will be affected by this incident that's going to happen and so a bus became very worried as well and he said to Attica he said to Attica that to Allah he this dream is a very dangerous dream and I am worried if you tell it to people you will get into trouble so keep it to yourself don't tell anybody about this dream seems like a very dangerous dream and it is said that Attica used to see these regular dreams and we know that seeing dreams is something that Allah blesses people with seeing dreams that can be interpreted the king at the time of Yusuf saw these dreams right the king at the time of Yusuf was not a Muslim and yet he saw these dreams about cotton semen in yaku Nusa Penida being a Muslim non-muslim doesn't mean these dreams can come to non-muslims as well and so Attica sees this dream so Abbas says don't anybody because I'm worried what will happen if people hear about it yet being the man that he was he could not follow his own advice he tells our ticket to be quiet but he goes and tells his best friend and that is Alwaleed even Ruta and he says all will lead please don't tell anybody else you see where this is heading right and so on woody it says yeah I'm not gonna promise promise I'm not gonna tell anybody and when he goes and tells his father Ruta and he tells his father look our bus made me promise so basically you get the point here within a short period of time the whole city of Mecca is now gossiping about this strange dream you want to keep a secret keep it a secret from yourself and to yourself that's the only way to keep it right you tell to people and that said the secret is out so a bus was the one who opened up the tourists to tell me the secret even though he's the one telling Attica don't tell anybody so a bus still thinks that nobody knows because he has only told and will eat yet within a few hours it spreads and gossip and the whole people of Mecca are now talking about this strange dream of Attica however you want to interpret it there's clearly doom and dread all traitors meet your death in three days that's not a positive dream right and a rock comes and smashes into every house that's not a good dream so you don't need to be an expert in dream interpretation to know that this dream is against the krrish right so the Quraysh are not too happy at this dream a bus doesn't know that they're not too happy in any case he goes to sleep by the time he wakes up everybody in the city is gossiping but he still doesn't know he goes around his business buying and selling then he decides to as he usually does as was the custom of most of the Arabs and Irish at the time to do toe off after all so just going to toe off this was their custom so he goes and he does and he's going to do toe off when he sees Abu jahil surrounded by his entourage his minions and Abu jahil says yeah a bus when you're done come here our bus figures what's going on he doesn't still doesn't get the point that the dream might have reached Abuja he does so off and then he comes to her Abu jahil had called him and Abu jahil says to him that all children of Abdul Muttalib again the banu hashim since when did you get a female prophet tests as well you understand the sarcasm here okay we get the point you think you have a male prophet since when did you get a Nebbia as well a female prophet has a bus says what do you mean it's like Scot now what do you mean and of course Abu jahil is going on and on he's like are you he said yeah yeah Benny Abdul Mutallab Oh children of the Malayalam are you not satisfied isn't it enough that you have men who claim to be prophets but you know you're not satisfied with that you now want women to be predicting the future as well if it is true that a crier will come after three days then it will happen it is true but if it does not happen then by Allah we will write a basically will say a sign in those days and we will place it on the Kaaba the door of the Kaaba that the Banu Abdullah believe are the most lying of the Arabs known to man he is angry Abu jahil and he says if this does not happen then we are going to publicly shame you enough is enough you already claimed to have one prophet now you're going to bring forth another prophet tests a female prophet and a bus narrating the hadith himself later on he says I was caught off guard and so I denied everything this is what happens when you're caught in a lie you just deny no no you're mistaken whoever told you we didn't see she didn't see any dream right he denies everything but the news of what Abu jahil has done to Abbas and humiliated a bus and humiliated the benoît Abdul Mutallab because again Abuja he belongs to which tribe everybody should know now benoît zoom - zoom Abuja I belong to the bottom of zoom so the bottom is Abu Sufyan of them I would you I belong to the voluma zoom so the Banu Maha zoom and the Banu Hashim have their rivalries and the bottom a ADIZ three had their internal rivalries right so the bottom of them has a rivalry so now this Mizzou mite has publicly dissed the motala bites right and so the Banu Abdul Muttalib are now fuming abbas denied everything before he even gets back to his house the women have heard what just took place mashallah how news spreads and when a bus comes back the women began lashing out at him and they literally say are you not a man where is your manhood could you not defend your own women now it's not a matter of dreams it's a matter of tribalism now right forget what Atticus saw where is your man who have you no shame they literally said don't you have moolah have you no shame you were dissed and your sister was dissed and the whole bundle I'm through about it weirdest and you just stand there and take it until finally a bus says I decided that Allah is the next day I have to go back and publicly rebuked Abu jahil and defend the abdomen the lower abdomen planet okay so now it's becoming into a tit-for-tat and a bus says for the rest of the day all the women of the benoît Abdul Muttalib came and had it out with me the old clan came and basically said you have to do something have you no shame this and that so now he is now thinking what can I say tomorrow and so the next day he wakes up and the first thing he does he walks straight to the Kaaba to find Abu Jan and he's narrating this in the first person is narrated in the most of the cover documents the first person and Abbas says that when I came to the Masjid I saw Abu jahil in the distance as soon as he saw me he turned pale turned his back to me and walked away a bus is saying what is the matter with him doesn't he have the courage to face me now now he thinks his bravery has got the better of him right and I went to go face him when I finally saw what had caused Abu jahil to go pale what was that it's now the third day it's now the third day a second day I will jihad rebukes him then he wakes up it is the third day and the crier has already arrived a bus has not heard him yet because he's walking out I would jihad has already heard him and so I would is so embarrassed he cannot even face a lab bus right and the crier is none other than of course bomb dome and to make the effect even more melodramatic even more melodramatic bomb dome had actually mutilated his own camel and one in one narration that he said he chopped its nose off the burner like some mutilation and he smeared the blood over the Hoda camel this would also make the camel panic by the way to make it faster even right and he pour his clothes up he put all of this soot and this dust on himself and he rode the camel backwards all of this to have a melodramatic effect and to give the impression that he himself had also been attacked right and he begins to cry out when he gets to Mecca that all Quraysh your caravan o course your caravan your property and money with Abu Sufyan it is being attacked by Muhammad and his companions right now and you will not be able to defend it unless you act immediately now everything is alive by the way as of yet because he is saying it's being attacked whereas there was a threat of attack right and he is coming as if he has been attacked even though nobody has touched him so there is a a desperation there is a an exaggeration going on here that he's trying to make this melodramatic effect that your Caravan your money will be lost unless you do it now anuja and Nadja help help basically SOS SOS and so he came to the Masjid he came to the Kaaba and he made the announcement of course his announcement was come and fights an attic is already telling them no come and meet your debts you're going to meet your deaths right and this was of course the prediction of Attica and we have come to the end inshaallah of today's next Wednesday insha'Allah Allah will start up from the preparations of the Quraysh and also show you some of the maps and diagrams also over the Battle of Badr there any questions we have we have five minutes of questions in sha Allah Allah Abu jahil am urbanization yes Abu jahil was his Cunha from the very beginning yes Abu Sufyan sent wanton Abu Sufian son bombed on because the he had a said he had that he had the fastest horse and he was the fastest rider and it's clear he was because he got there so quickly sister's any questions brothers yes so this is a question of all solar Filton the question is do does the ruling upon the profits or some differ from the rulings upon the other Muslims the response is there is there are some elements of the Shetty has some aspects of the Sharia where what is unique to him is different than what he legislated upon us so there are certain hadith that have been interpreted in this light that that was unique for the Prophet Salla Salem and it was not something that we need to follow but these are exceptions and not the rules and generally speaking when these exceptions exist he himself points it out and the most famous famous example is that of we saw which is fasting to three days non-stop right or it is explicit in the Quran where Allah says Allah saw telecom in dunya luminance in the Quran special for you only for you and not for the other believers hala Sultan like I mean doing a mini so it is true that this is something that exists in a pseudo fact but we don't invoke this principle unless there is an explicit evidence to show this otherwise the general rule is that everything the Prophet SAW some did and said and approved we are also told to follow it because he is generally he is our SWA he is the US WA now this does plain to fill for example drinking while standing the process of them apparently there's a hadith some acted out for this authentic or not said don't drink while standing but he himself drank while standing this is in Behati as well how do we do this some people's a cost for him the majority say well this shows it is allowed you can do it but it's makrooh to drink while standing urinating while standing as well there seemed to be things that one hadith says he did it and others like he never so how do you reconcile some set his house others said no when there's a need you do it otherwise you don't so there this tension does exist in fifth but it should only be evoked when there is no other means of reconciliation also the fact that he's doing this publicly for the communal benefit right Allah who item this cannot be used in this case Allah knows best yes yes we did mention this in the last lesson which was before I move on which purple you weren't here when we did that the justification one needs to realize a number of things first and foremost that that world is very different than our modern world and the rules and the laws that we are accustomed to were not rules and laws they are accustomed to and it is unfair to read in our ethical values into their time in place it is unfair to assume we have a higher standard than they did which is what many of our people of our contemporary times think no they had a different standard and different a style of living and attacking caravans was something that every group did with another group they didn't have a treaty with there was no government in Arabia there was no unified government in Arabia and this was the law of the jungle that's exactly what Jafar said to the king right when he went to Abyssinia that the strong devours the weak and islam came and brought about a system of government and islam came and said it is haram to do this once the system of Islam is established okay but in that establishment Islam did have to go on the offensive and defensive and the attacking of the Quraysh is both a defense and an offense at the same time the Quraysh are not a neutral tribe the Quraysh have caused all of the sufferings and damage to the Muslims the orange have persecuted the Muslims for 13 years the origin of not allowed the Muslims to live the origin of expelled the Muslims the orange have confiscated the property of the Muslims without paying them a penny in return and that is probably why this was the largest Caravan right so this is a state of war going on and the Quraysh knew it that's why I was so fee and himself is taking precautions okay so there is no treaty that is being broken there is no understanding that is being contradicted rather the understanding is if you can get it you're going to get it both the Quraysh and the Muslims knew this right so really there is nothing problematic at all and that is the least that we can expect after all that the Quraysh has done there is not even according to modern Androids even according to modern standards if you look at what the haurache has done to the Muslims Andy this is a state of war and in a state of war this isn't collateral damage no Annie we don't even need to get into what is happening in modern times and sanctions against countries were hundreds and thousands of children are being killed why because of the one dictator in person and this is what is happening now is much worse much worse under the guise of democracy and and and then what not so frankly there's nothing at all surprising it at what is happening and it is justified even in terms of modern laws and Allah knows best ok yes what yes I had mentioned this before and there is a number of theories the one theory is that Abbas was a sympathetic to Islam but not a Muslim the other theory is that Abbas was a Muslim and the prophecies have had instructed him to stay there to inform and that's exactly what it in the Battle of hood in the Battle of were heard he was the one who informed the Prophet SAW son about what was happening ok out of the whiz by saying the question is what is the wisdom and saying the Quran is Arabic a la item I don't know as anything - with Arabic culture it's rather Allah is speaking to those upon whom the Quran came down and they are the Arabs and Allah is saying that I have sent this Quran in Arabic so that you can understand it so it's not being given to you in a foreign language like we say it's not in Greek so Allah is saying ananza now Quran and Allah be eloquent out they don't write that Allah is saying that and again the Mahato bundu the people that are being addressed are the Arabs at this point in time that the Quran is coming down to the Arabs at this point in time everybody who's listening to the Quran and hearing it is an Arab and who understands Arabic so Allah another question is problematic for the non Arabs and I've been asked this one it is surah yousuf like what do the non Arabs do right and that's a whole different tangent which are asking you're asking what is this question what is the wisdom here the wisdom ear is Allah is saying this is in your language go steady and understand it and a lot challenges them that if you are in doubt as to what we have revealed and bring something similar to it right so Allah is using their own eloquence and their own language and out beating them outwitting them in their own game and Allah is saying if you're in any doubt you think you know the language bring something similar to it and Allah knows best final question from the sisters before we yes go ahead we don't have any details about what exactly is on the caravan on the camels we don't have any details we can only assume from secondary sources and the assumptions are that the buying and selling that takes place is the middleman type of buying and selling for example when a businessman goes to another country he buys the goods of that country he comes back to the country he's living in then he'll sell them to his people then he'll purchase the goods that are not available elsewhere and go back there so ever we already mentioned the genius of the great-great great-grandfather of the process in the fourth generation the fifth generation grandfather the cross system was the data sheet it was life that he made Makkah an economic center he made Makkah an economic lifeline that he goes all the way down to Yemen and from Yemen you will get the imports of Africa Ethiopia of Habashi of the yemeni coast which is a lot of things in yemen and then he brings it up to Makkah in Makkah all of the tribes come for Hetch across Arabia so you buy and sell from every single tribe different furs different spices different Goods everything and then you go up to Rome and then you're connected to the entire Roman Peninsula Mena Peninsula the whole Roman Empire from east to west from north africa all the way up to what is now basically the borders of Iraq you are getting all of these goods in Rome so Makkah becomes an economic capital it is highly doubtful this is my guesstimation that the caravan would have physical goods of the Muhajiroun know they're coming back from Syria so they have the goods of the Byzantines they have their utensils they have their pots they have their spices they have the furs they have the silks they have the cloth that is famous in in the Byzantine lands they're going to come back to Mecca and then in Makkah the Arabs are going to come from across Arabia and purchase these goods because they're not going to go all the way up to Syria they're going to come in hedge they're going to purchase all of these goods get a lot of money and a lot of other goods and then go back to Syria so allahu adam and also what happen is half says everybody had invested in the caravan right so the investment is done basically with a monitor quantity that you have 5,000 10,000 in the caravan I don't think there's going to be a physical good that the maja dressing I wanna get my particular you know something back this does not seem to be the case in a lot so it knows best a lot so it knows you
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 316,889
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Keywords: yasir, qadhi, seerah, authentic, biography, battle, of, badr, madinah, part, madani, era, islamic, calendar, hirah, emigration, medina, ansar, muhajiroon, prophet, muhammed, orientalist, critics, critique, defend, prophethood, mercy, mankind, detailed, analysis, original, sources, greatest, human, being, makkah, mecca, quran, hadith, true, modern, solutions, unity, lessons, morals, 10th, October, 2012
Id: q7P58swk9MM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 37sec (5137 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 25 2012
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