The Story of Illidan Stormrage - Full Version 2024 [Lore]

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This video is brought to you in colaboration with duh duh duh duh intro jingle duh duh duh duh Hello everyone! Here’s my story of Illidan in its full glory, started 9 years ago and updated into the current year, 2024. A big thank you once again to WoWhead for sponsoring this video as well as adding a summarised version of the story we’re about to dive into so say that you want to read a shortened version on your own or just dive into some more details for yourself...check out the related wowhead article in the description down below. And with that, sit back, relax....I hope you’ll enjoy... “Betrayer...In truth it was I who was betrayed.” Hello everyone, The story of Illidan Stormrage is a big one and part of his story, the war of the ancients, has been alterd by time travel. That means that some events changed so we have multiple versions of a story so I’ve been aksing around and apperantly the recollection of the war of the ancients trilogy is the version best to go with so to understand the story let me first explain how the trilogy begins. Sometime after warcraft 3, The bronze dragon Nozdormu got caught in a time anomaly and it took everything in him to save the world from being destroyed by this vortex. Desperatly he made contact with the red dragon korialstraz, also known as krasus and he send him visions of wwht was going and that he needed help. Krasus realised that he would need some help with this mission so he recruited his old friend Rhonin to help him out. This time anomaly did not go unnoticed and even the Horde realised that something was going on. A shaman named Kalthar told Thrall about a vision he had and Thrall send Broxigar together with Gaskal to investigate the situation. As the orcs made their way they saw a dragon in the sky and they expected that this had something to do with the visions so they decided to follow it. What they didn’t know was that this would lead them straight to the anomaly which by this time had turned into a massive vortex. Rhonin and Krasus were already sucked up by it and slowly it made its way towards Broxigar. Broxigar told his companion to run, but Gaskal decided to hide between the rocks and the outside of the vortex utterly destroyed him. Broxigar did all he could to run away, but he too was sucked up and send back 10.000 years in the past. To a time where Queen Azshara and her highborn ruled the night elves and were dabbling with magic beyond their understanding... War of the Ancients – Timetravel version: This magical power was granted to them by the well of eternity and by messing aroud with, they drew the attention from the burning legion and their master Sargeras himself. Sargeras wanted to come to Azeroth to conquer it like he had conquered so many planets before and Azshara was excilerated. She saw the coming of Sargeras as a way to make the world as perfect as she was and she was willing to do anything neccesary to make this happen. Her advisor Xavius was the one who had made first contact with Sargeras and he was put on the task of empowering the portal and getting Sargeras to Azeroth. That’s the background of the story and this brings us to Illidan. Illidan Stormrage, twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage grew up together with his brother and Tyrande Whisperwind in the night elf society. Illidan , unlike his brother, was born with amber eyes and at the time, this was seen by the night elves as a sign that a person was destined for greatness. Even with these eyes, Illidan had a lot of trouble finding his destiny while Tyrande whisperwind, their long time friend, had found her calling with the priests of Elune. Even his brother Malfurion had found his destiny under the teachings of the demi-god Cenarius who showed him the way of the druid. Illidan tried to follow the same path, but he never had the patience for it. He prefered the ancient way of his people, the way of the arcane, powers granted to the night elves by the well of eternity. Krasus, Rhonin and Broxigar entering this time period did not go unnoticed. Xavius had his troops scout for Rhonin and Krasus while Broxigar was captured by the moonguard, placed in a cage and put on display until the elders had decided what to do with him. Tyrande saw Broxigar in his cage and she saw that food had been given to him, but someone his size surely would require more substenance. The guards told her that there was no order given to feed the prisoner and that it was a bad idea, but Tyrande believed that giving food or a drink to someone should not require an order. Illidan saw her giving food to Brox and talking him with him and he lashed out. He shot a spell that burned the flesh from Broxigars fingers since Illidan thought that Tyrande was in danger. This was not the case ofcourse, Broxigar could hardly move in his cage and Tyrande was mad. She told Illidan to turn around and step away so she could heal Broxigars fingers. Elune granted her this gift, she healed the wounds but doing this left her drained. She told Illidan that she would rejoin her sisters and left him behind... Illidan was pissed. For hours he had waited outside the temple to talk with Tyrande, to tell her about his feelings for her and his moment was ruined. He became so angry that broxigars cage flared red and the orc began to scream in pain. Luckily Illidan regained control and he removed the spell that he had cast and it was even more fortunate that the guards had protected Broxigars cage with their own spells. If they hadn’t then Illidan’s fury would have slain the orc. Malfurion’s training as a druid aswell as having strange dreams about the palace had him believe that something was up...that something was going on and it wouldn’t be for the better of their people. When Tyrande showed him Brox and Brox told him his story, he realised that Brox coming to their world had something to do with his dreams and what was going on at the palace. The elves would interigate broxigar the very next day so Malfurion had to act fast to get the orc free. He askt his brother for help and Illidan agreed, although Malfurion believed that it wasn’t really to help him, but more because Tyrande askt him. Illidan could never refuse Tyrande and he used his magic to unlock the cage and free the orcs from his chains. They’d planned on leaving Illidan and Tyrande behind so that they couldn’t be blamed for the orcs escape, but things didn’t go exactly as planned. Lord Ravencrest master of Black Rook Hold was on the mission to find Broxigar and bring him back. He recognised Illidan and he knew that Illidan had studied the arts of magic, but he was not part of the moonguard. This meant that he wasn’t restricted by the oaths that all moonguards have to take and that he could be loyal to Ravencrest so he askt Illidan if he would be willing to join him on this hunt. In truth Illidan could hardly refuse an order from such a high standing lord, but helping him could endanger his own brother. Nontheless Illidan joined with the plan to please Ravencrest while at the same time keeping his brother out of jail. Being noticed by such a high lord as Ravencrest is a big deal and Illidan wanted to prove himself. He got that shot when they came accros a group of butcherd night elves. Unknown to them was that the houndmaster Hakkar had send his own felhounds to hunt. Felhounds are capable of draining magic out of living beings and the hounds that had taken out this group were still around. One of them attacked Ravencrest, disarmed him and was about to take his life, but Illidan used his magic to enchant the blade and kill the demon. This earned him praise from Ravencrest and as they returned to town,Illidan was full of pride about his achievement. He thought that he'd finally found his destiny serving ravencrest and he was so excited that he didn't see tyrande's horror and fear as he told about the dead bodies they'd found. He kissed tyrande's hands and told her that he wanted to be worthy of her and soon he would be... What happened next was that Malfurion and Broxigar reached Malfurion's teacher Cenarious and there they teamed up with Rhonin. Krasus had earlier been teleported away to his fellow dragons so he didn't join the group. As they planned to travel to MAlfurion’s house, they were surrounded by night elves, captured, taken to raven hold where they infiltraded Malfurion's mind and extracted the truth. They saw his visions, his dreams, his doubt towards their queen but they couldnt believe it. They loved their queen Azshara so much that they just flat out refused to believe that she would do anything to hurt them. Instead they lay the blame at the highborn and her advisor Xavius who they’d never trusted. The night elves took up arms and prepaired to rescue their queen, while at the palace they were still trying to summon Sargeras. They had managed to summon lesser demons, but for some reason the portal just wasn't strong enough so Azshara came up with the idea to seal the well of eternity from all the other night elves and focus its power on the portal. This left the moonguard nearly powerless, but Illidan was still capable of casting spells while Rhonin nearly didn't feel the effect at all. He was from a different period so he knew how to draw magic out of the world itself and Illidan was drawn to him. Malfurion had Cenarius as his SHAN-DO, his teacher and now Illidan had found Rhonin to take him to the next level of his craft. In order to even have a fighting chance against the legion, Malfurion realised that he would have to destroy the portal and open the well of eternity to the rest of his people. He used the emerald dream to infiltrate the palace and he did his best, but Xavius had magical eyes which were capable of seeing Malfurion even while he was drifting in the emerald dream. He captured Malfurion's spirit in a magical bottle while they continieud to work on the portal. The night elves lead by Ravencrest fought valiantly against the demons, but the moonguard were not up to the ask. Illidan saw how their leader was foolishly spreading their power while he thought that they should just focus what little magic they had and direct it into 1 powerfull spell. He took command of the moonguard, had them placed in position to amplify their magic and he did terrible damage to the demons. Dark tentacles slashed them in two, the earth beneath their feat rumbled and several burst into flames. Illidan looked to Rhonin for his aproval and Rhonin gave him a nod, but he realised that he would have to keep an eye on illidan. Illidan had great potential, but his recklessness was a trap that could create of him a danger in its own way as deadly as the burning legion.Rhonin would try his best to guide Illidan and make sure that his great deeds would be for the greater good. While they were fighting the legion, Malfurion was still trapped. Krasus had found his way back to Broxigar and Tyrande while they were guarding Malfurions body. He made contact with Malfurion's spirit and told him to find a possible weakness that he could exploit and use to escape. Malfurion had already searched for such a weakness, but had been unable to find it. Now he had krasus backing him up so he searched around, saw a minor crack in the spell and he used it to escape. He then faced off against Xavius and by combining his strength with krasus, broxigar, tyrande and even Azeroth itself he managed to defeat the high counceler and open up the well This action did not only empower the magic wielders, all night elves were connected to the well and as its powers were released, they were invigerated. A final push set the demons on the retreat, but they didn't have enough strength left to push them all the way back to the capital. For his actions, Illidan was made the leader of the moonguard and although the day had been won, the war wasn't over... The day was won by the night elves, but the portal was restored. Sargeras was pissed about their failure. he had already send two powerfull minions, hakkar and manaroth, but apperantly that wasn''t enough. It was time to bring out the big guns so he send his LUITENANT archimonde. Xavius was destroyed near the portal and his spirit was taken by Sargeras. Failing the master does not come without a price and it felt like Xavius had felt endless agony. However, Sargeras can also grant second chances and he decided to improve and reform Xavius. Piece by piece he reformed the former highborn creating the first of the Satyr set on the mission to convert more to be like him and to serve Sargeras. The night elves kept on fighting the legion as they were trying to reach zin- ashari and their queen. One moment they were pushing the legion back at another they were pushed back themselves. Krasus realised that they would need more help so he wanted to reach the dragons. Together with Malfurion they flew away on gryphons while the dragons themselves already hatched a plan to save the world. Neltharion the earth wardn had convinced his fellow aspects to surrender a portion of their power and place it within the dragon soul. “It is done. ALl have given that which must be given. I will not seal the dragon soul forever. That terrible glow should that be? For it to be as it must...yes. It is a weapon like no other. It must be like no other.” With this powerfull device they could rid the world of the legion, but what they didn't know was that Neltharion was listening to the whispers of the old gods. They had made him paranoid and convinced him that he couldn't trust anyone and that he should rule the world. WIth Malfurion away, Illidan realised that Tyrande should be his. His brother's actions had made it clear that he wasn't capable of protecting Tyrande like Illidan could, with his crazy idea's of prefering nature over good old magic and Illidan tried to convince tyrande to choose him, but Tyrande had already made her choice. She loved Malfurion and she was appaled by Illidan's words, how could he speak about his brother in such a way after everything Malfurion had done for them. Disapointed, insulted and ashamed, Illidan stepped away and tried to make peace with Tyrande's choice, but Xavius wouldn't let him. From the shadows he whisperd to Illidan dark thoughts about how life could be if Malfurion was gone. How Illidan and Tyrande could be together if perhaps something during the battle would happen to his twin.... “Never he growled under his breath. Not my brother...never.” At first Illidan is disgusted by his own dark thoughts, but the seeds of doubt were planted and Xavius knew that he had Malfurion's brother. Illidan resumed command of the moonguard and as the battle raged on he became more and more careless with his spells. In his recklessness he finally slipped up and killed his own people. Rhonin saw this happen with his own eyes and was about to confront Illidan about this, but up in the sky the dragons had arived. At first it looked like Neltharions plan worked wonders since the powers of the dragon soul desimated the legion's lines, but then his madness took over. He used the disc not only against the demons but also against the night elves and his fellow dragons. Using the demon soul as they would now start to call it did not come without a price and deathwings madness started to show on the outside. This forced him to retreat and fix himself while the legion and the night elves had the pleasure of fighting over who would serve him in his new world. This attack brought chaos to the battlefield and Tyrande found herself stuck between her allies and the enemy. Malfurion dragged her away to a safer spot only to stand face to face with his old enemy....Xavius During the chaos, Rhonin was commanded by Ravencrest to sieze command over the moonguard. Illidan was skilled, but they needed order at this moment not the mayhem that he unleashed. Rhonin told Illidan to step away and this was very insulting, and to add more salt to the wound he told Illidan to make contact with his brother. Illidan believed that his destiny was to be together with tyrande, but that had proven false. Then he thought that serving Ravencrest was his fate, but again he was mistaken. Now he had to figure out where exactly he belonged, but first he did what Rhonin asked of him. He made contact with his twin who was in the middle of a battle with Xavius. Xavius taunted Malfurion, told him how he had manipulated Illidan by using their little love triangle and Malfurion was shocked by this. He had not realised that Tyrande had chosen him and the shock was so great that for a moment he forget about Illidan. Illidan heard Malfurions thoughts and the dark thoughts, his jealousy took over. Despite Tyrande about to be kidnapped by the Satyrs, despite his own twin brother pleading with him to help him, Illidan disconnected himself from Malfurion's mind and left them to their fate. Tyrande would be kidnapped despite Malfurion turning Xavius into a tree and his grief over Tyrande unleashed his potential powers hidden deep inside. A massive storm forced the legion to back off while Illidan captured one of the felbeasts, turned it into his mount and rode off to the palace. If he didn't belong with tyrande or ravencrest, then perhaps his destiny could be found by allying with the highborn, the queen and the burning legion... Illidan made his way to the palace killing any demon that dared to stand in his way. They've never gone into details as to how Illidan got his hands on the twin blades of Azzinoth, but if I had to place it somewhere in the story then this would be the moment. What we do know is that Illidan fought with a doomguard called Azzinoth, won the battle and took his blades. When Illidan arived at the palace he didn't come empty handed, he had knowledge and he had power. First he strengthend the portal and made contact with sargeras. He offerd the plan to track the demon soul with a black dragonscale that he'd picked up and use the artifact to strengthen the portal and bring Sargeras into Azeroth. News of the devasting powers unleashed on the battlefield had reached even Sargeras and he saw how this plan could work. As a reward for Illidan's loyalty Sargeras granted him a gift, something that would mark him as being loyal to sargeras while also helping him with this mission. The soft tissue was seared instantly. Illidan's screams echod throughout the chamber and likely well beyond the palace walls. All trace of arrogance had left his expression. There was only agony, pure and unadulterated... Illidan fell to the floor and Sargeras told Mannoroth to have Illidan send to rest and when he was rested he would begin his task to get the demon soul. Mannoroth still didn't trust Illidan and Sargeras was no fool. He told Varo'then, captain of the high guard to join Illidan and make sure that the night elf fullfilled his mission. When Illidan woke up he found himself in the presence of 3 beautiful highborn females and one of them was lady vasjh. She was busy with washing him and she offerd him a blindfold to cover his eyes. When Illidan tried to look at the world for the first time he almost whent mad. Bright colors and shapes attacked him, but he rememberd rhonin's words. Focus is the key so Illidan used his willpower and forced himself to see. The mark granted by Sargeras gave him new sight and he could now see the magic in the world. He had also gained dark tattoos which amplified his powers and he could see how powerfull the highborn around him were. Lady vasjh was the most powerfull among them, but she was nothing compared to queen azshara. Illidan always imagined that Azshara had need of her highborn to do magic for her, but as she enterd the room he could see that she had not become queen just with her looks. She even tried to hypnotize Illidan with her magic, as she had with so many others before him, but Illidan saw what she was doing and resisted. Together with Varothen he whent on his mission to collect the demon soul, while Malfurion and the rest of the resistance realised that they wouldn't stand a chance unless the dragons returned to help them. The dragons could not risk showing themselves in public as long as deathwing held the demon soul so Malfurion enterd the emerald dream once again. He was able to find Deathwing and the location where he was hiding the demon soul. Despite all odds Malfurion and the rest actually managed to get their hands on the disc, but outside they were captured by Illidan and Varothen. Illidan managed to get his hands on the disc, but he lost his brother and Brox as they were saved by Korialstrasz. This was just a minor victory though since Illidan still had the demon soul though and he deliverd it to Sargeras. There was a bit of a debate as to who would wield the disc to amplify the portal and this part was crucial for Illidan's plan. Illidan was actually a double agent trying to save the world by turning the portal into a maelstrom which would suck all the demons from azeroth and stop the legion's invasion. To do this he would have to be the one to wield the disc, but Sargeras had other plans. He himself would create the portal which would allow him to conquer the planet and he told them to bring the disc to the well of eternity itself. For the first time Illidan's confidence in himself and in his plan deminished slightly, but not all was lost. He could still manipulate the portal, but something unexpected happened before he had the chance. Several highborn did not agree with Azshara's choices and they didn't believe that ringing Sargeras into our world was for the greater good. In secret they had been working against their queen, weakening the portal and now they had decided to break Tyrande out of her prison and join the resistance. Lead by Dath'Remar Sunstrider they charged out of the palace, but Tyrande was picked up from her mount by a doomguard. High in the sky she managed to grab her sword and stab the demon, which released her from his grasp but also had her plumitting to the ground. She would have probably died in that very moment was it not for Illidan who used his magic to safe her life. He told her about his plans, showed her one of the vials that he had taken from the well and he pored the vast magical powers over himself. “Wait I have an idea... Illidan, what is in that vial? What are you doing? What our people could not. Yes...YES. I can feel the raw power of the well of eternity. It is time to end this sharade!” This was strictly forbidden, not even the highborn would have dared to do this, but Illidan saw himself better then them. He tried to manipulate the portal, tried to fullfill his plans but a dark aura surrounded him. The old gods who actually wanted Sargeras to enter our world so that they could escape from their prison, guided Illidan's spellwork and empowered him. Tyrande desperatly tried to warn him but Illidan had placed a spell on her which prevented her from talking so the damage was done. The portal was not reversed, instead it was amplified and Sargeras was that much closer to setting foot on land. In the meantime the dragons had showed up and they carried Malfurion and crew to the well of eternity. Broxigar sacrificed himself to buy them all some time while Deathwing showed up and tried to reclaim his disc. Like I said the old gods wanted this to happen so they did everything in their power to stop Deathwing. “It is too powerful. How dare you touch my creation? It is mine mine mine! Neltharion what have you done? You have doomed us all to the madness of the Old Gods! IT IS MINE!! He is lost to us, sister. He is Neltharion no longer. The power of the Soul is tearing him apart! Nooooo....away..... I WILL NOT BE DENIED! AWAAAAY The old gods protect the soul. " Despite the spell nearly tearing him apart, Deathwing manages to get his paws on the disc only to be slapped by the old gods. He loses his grip on the artifact, is send away while the disc is caught by Malfurion. Malfurions makes a mental connection with Tyrande and when he found out that Illidan was near her...he nearly killed his brother in a moment of fury. He quickly regained controle though and soon enough Illidan and Tyrande were under attack by demons. Malfurion could sense this ofcourse, but he was sitting on top of Ysera high in the sky. Desperatly he wished to be there to help them and before he knew it the power of the demon soul made it so. Simultaniously he was sitting on top of Ysera together with illidan while also being down on the ground fighting demons with illidan and tyrande. He knew that they had to do something about the portal otherwise all would be lost so together with Illidan they became one with the foul disc and they tried to manipulate the portal. Old Gods are not easily defeated and they whisperd through the disc trying to manipulate them. Malfurion almost fell to the whispers, but he quickly regained control while Illidan completely surrenderd. His brother managed to snap him out of it and together they reversed the portal which started to suck all the demons back to the twisting nether. The great sundering which would split the land of kalimdor was starting to happen but Illidan was still down on the ground together with Tyrande. Malfurion urged Ysera to dive down and pick them up and they barely escaped. “Brother. A timely arrival... IllidaN! The well is out of control! Aye. It’s been twisted and turned by too many spells. The fuss we – especially you – made with the portal was too much! The same spell that sent the Burning Legion back into their foul realm now works on the well! it’s devouring itself and taking its surroundings with it! Fascinating, isn’t it? Not if we’re caught up in it! Why weren’t you running? What have you been doing with your hand in the Well? If you’ve a way out of here, we should probably use it! I’ve tried casting myself and Tyrande out of here, but the well is too much in flux! This way! Queen Azshara and her highborn were not so lucky. They were caught by the waters and although azshara tried to use her magic to keep the waters away, eventually they would be crushed. The old gods made contact with the queen offerd her a deal and transformed her and her fellow highborn including lady vasjh into naga. On the mainland the resistance had moved back all the way to mount hiyal. They were now lead by Jarod Shadowsong and they were trying to plan what to do next. A great lake was nearby with plenty of water to substain them, but Illidan reached the lake first. He still had vials with water collected from the well and he poored 3 of them into the lake to create a new well of eternity. The night elves had just fought a war, lost countless lives because of the original well and they were not happy. They charged for Illidan, he lashed out against them, burned a few of them in their skin and he nearly killed Dath´remar and Jarod. Malfurion contained his twin and although the night elves wanted to execute Illidan for his crimes, Malfurion pleaded for his life so instead they decided to imprison him and Jarod's sister Maivh Shadowsong was more then willing to guard Illidan and make sure that this betrayer would never see the light of day again. The dragon aspects decided to turn this curse, this new well of eternity into a blessing and they planted the world tree Nordrassil over the well with their blessing and this granted the night elves eternal life while also saving them from the well. Illidan told them that they were all fools, that they would all pray to him as if he were a god when the demons would return. They had their first bite of azeroth and they´d surely return for a second. When that moment arived they would have need of his skill and knowledge, someone who knew how the legion worked and how to stop them. Into warcraft 3: It would take 10 000 years locked away in darkness, but Illidan would be provenright. The legion would return but before that moment some importend events happend. The highborn lead by Dath´remar Sunstrider joined the resistance in the final moments of the war. Using arcane magic was made punishable by death since the night elves had learned their lesson and they did not want to start another war of the ancients. Dath´remar and his people could not deal with this, magic was such a huge part of their life that they simply couldn´t stop using it. Unwilling to execute so many, they decided to exile the highborn and before they left, they stole one of Illidan´s vials full of water from the well of eternity. Eventually the exiles found their way to the eastern kingdoms, they´d started ro call themselves high elves, they build their city of Quel´thelas and they used the vial to create their own well of power, the Sunwell. Maivh Shadowsong was one of the people who wanted to kill Illidan on the spot, but thanks to his brother they decided to imprison Illidan instead. Maivh offerd herself to guard illidan and Malfurion told her to collected volunteers from the sisterhood of elune. Those that joined Maiev became an organizations known as the Watchers and as their leader Maivh was granted the title of Warden. Over time she would award a select few who had proven themselves with the same title. Her brother Jarod would one day disapear leaving her alone to guard Illidan for millenia. Throughout those years the watchers became her family and Illidan was her main focus. Malfurion, under the teachings of cenarius, had become an archdruid and started to teach other male night elves. The night elf druids, including Malfurion himself, were bound to the Eemerald Dream through the World Tree Nordrassil. As part of the mystical pact, the druids agreed to sleep for centuries at a time so that their spirits could roam the infinite paths of Ysera's Dreamways. Though the druids were grieved at the prospect of losing so many years of their lives to hibernation, they selflessly agreed to uphold their bargain with Ysera. They would wake up from to time and sometimes Malfurion would visit Illidan´s prison in the hopes of turning him from his fatal path. This proved to be unsuccesfull, but nontheless he tried. With Malfurion and the other druids spending their time in the emerald dream, it fell to Tyrande to lead their people. Which brings us to the events in Warcraft 3. Like Illidan said, the legion had returned. Kil´jaeden had send his creation the lich king to weaken the world and get it ready for new invasion. The lich king recruited Kel´thuzad, recruited Arthas, had lordaeron hit by a plague and had Archimonde summoned to our world. “Tichondrius: You see, Lord Archimonde? We need not fear the night elves. The Scourge can-- Tyrande Whisperwind: Archimonde... After ten thousand years, how is it possible? Archimonde: The Legion has returned to consume this world, woman. And this time, your troublesome race will not stop us. Two doom guards kill the two archers near Tyrande. As they go for her, she disappears. Archimonde: Fools! You let her slip away! [He kills a doom guard]. Find her, damn you! Find her and kill her! They run off, and Tyrande reappears. The ability to hide is indigenous to most night elf units when it is nighttime. Tyrande Whisperwind: The day we have long feared has finally come. The Burning Legion has returned! I must cross the river and warn the rest of my sisters before all is lost!” Archimonde had returned and set his eyes on the world tree Nordrassil to drain the tree from its powers. Not only would this weaken the night elves and take away their immortality, this would also boost Archimonde´s power. Tyrande realised she would need Malfurion’s help. Normally the demi-god cenarius would have woken the druids from the emerald dream, but Gromm hellscream and his troops had killed Cenarius so it fell to Tyrande to wake the druids. She claimed the horn of cenarius, pulled Malfurion from the dream and together they moved to awaken the rest of the druids. Along the journey they moved undergroud and they found the path leading to Illidan’s prison. “Furion Stormrage: Oh, no. How could I have forgotten? Tyrande Whisperwind: What is behind this door that worries you, my love? Furion Stormrage: This door leads to Illidan's prison, Tyrande. We should go... now! Tyrande Whisperwind: Illidan? It's been ten thousand years! Could he still be alive? We should free him, Furion! He would be the perfect ally against the undead and their demon masters! Furion Stormrage: No, Tyrande! That beast must never be set free! Tyrande Whisperwind: But he is your brother! Furion Stormrage: Be that as it may, he is far too... dangerous. I forbid it. Tyrande Whisperwind: Only the goddess may forbid me anything. I will free Illidan whether you like it or not. You might wonder where’s Maievh during all of this? Well Maivh and The Watchers' where charged with guarding Illidan, but over the years their duties spread out and they were charged with capturing more dangerous criminals. Just before these events, Maivh was called away on such a mission which is the reason why we don´t see her guarding Illidan. Tyrande kills Illidan’s guards and she sets the betrayer free. “Tyrande Whisperwind: Illidan! Is that you? Illidan Stormrage: Tyrande... it is your voice! After all these ages spent in darkness, your voice is like the pure light of the moon upon my mind. Tyrande Whisperwind: The Legion has returned, Illidan. Your people have need of you once more. Illidan shatters the cell he was being held in. Makes you wonder why he willingly stayed in it for ten thousand years. Illidan Stormrage: Because I once cared for you, Tyrande, I will hunt down the demons. But I will never owe our people anything! Tyrande Whisperwind: Then let us hurry back to the surface! The demons' corruption spreads with every second we waste! 10 000 years in darkness were unable to kill Illidan’s love for Tyrande and for her Illidan would fight the legion. He´s now classified as a demon hunter, the first of it´s kind and for some reason he still has his blades. They’ve never explained as to how Illidan got these weapons or why they were in his cage or why the night elves didn’t take them away from him. to update this, the illidan novel actually dedicates some time explaining why his weapons are with him, it says: He called on his twin blades, the Warglaives of Azzinoth. They had been displayed triumphantly on weapon racks outside his cell, taunting him, but now the ancinet soulbindings linking them to him caused the potent weapons to materialize in his hands. Power flowed through them, illuminating the runes on their blades. His heart beat faster. His mouth felt dry. There was a chance of freedom after all. He clutched the warglaives tight. In the past, they had killed demons. Now t hey would kill elves. The thought did not disturb him as once it would have. He would even take pleasure in it. So they were with him to taunt him and as Tyrande rode in to release him, the binding spells weakend and he gained his powers back. Then the part with Tyrande plays out. None the less, Illidan breaks out to help Tyrande and his brother Malfurion wasn’t pleased with Tyrande’s actions. He says that this betrayer might doom us all, but despite that, Illidan goes out to fullfill his promise to Tyrande... “Illidan Stormrage: I am free after ten thousand years, yet still my own brother thinks I am a villain! I'll show him my true power! I'll show him that the demons have no hold over me! Arthas: Are you certain of that, demon hunter? Are you certain your will is your own? Illidan Stormrage: You reek of death, human. You'll regret approaching me. Arthas: Come then, you'll find we're evenly matched.” Arthas the Deathknight was send by his master Ner´zhul also know as the lich king to point Illidan towards the skull of gul’dan. Ner’zhul and Gul’dan used to be orcs which is a huge story on it’s own, but at the end Gul’dan lost his life in search of more power and Ner’zhul was punished by Kil’jaeden for betraying him. As punishment Kil’jaeden turned Ner’zhuls soul into the Lich King and orderd him to weaken the world and get it ready for the legion’s invasion. Ner’zhul was no fool though and he wasn’t willingly working for the legion. In secret he sceemed behind their back and he had Arthas tell Illidan about the skull so that Illidan could absorb its powers, take out the dreadlord Tychondrius and deal a severe blow to the legion’s invasion. “Illidan Stormrage: Now at least the demons will no longer corrupt the forests. But, if I destroy the skull and claim its powers as my own, I will become even stronger than any of Archimonde's lieutenants. Yes... the power should be mine! Illidan destroys the skull. It transforms him into a demon. Illidan Stormrage: Now I am complete! By absorbing the skull of gul’dan Illidan boosted his powers but also transformed himself into looking more like a demon. Malfurion, as he became a stronger druid, recieved antlers, wings and made him look like the animals aspects that druids represent. Illidan´s actions gave him demonic horns, wings and hooves. He did manage to take out Tychondrius save Felwood and very likely the world, but Tyrande and Malfurion did not aprove of his actions. “ Furion Stormrage: Foul demon! What have you done with my brother? Illidan Stormrage: It is I, Furion. This is what I've become. Tyrande Whisperwind: No! Illidan, how could you? Illidan Stormrage: The leader of the undead has been destroyed, and the forests will heal in time. Furion Stormrage: At the cost of your soul? You are no brother of mine! Begone from this place and never set foot in our lands again! Illidan Stormrage: So be it... brother. Malfurion banishes his own brother from their lands and he together with Tyrande team up with Thrall and Jaina to take out Archimonde. It cost them the world tree Nordrassil and the night elves immortality, but they were able to stop the legion, save the world and in time the tree would heal. Many months after that battle, Illidan recieved a visit from Kil’jaeden himself. “ Kil'jaeden: Illidan, in the past you have been both friend and foe to the Burning Legion. But, by consuming the Skull of Gul'dan, you sealed our defeat in this world. I come to offer you a second chance to serve us. Illidan: What would you have me do, great one? Kil'jaeden: My creation, the Lich King, has betrayed me. He dared to break the pact that binds him to my will, but his spirit still lies trapped inside the Frozen Throne of Icecrown. Destroy it for me, and I will grant you your heart's desire. Illidan: It shall be done, great one. It shall be done. Ner’zhul has become such a problem for Kil’jaeden that he recruits Illidan to take him out. The skul of gul’dan did not only give Illidan more power, it also gave him acces to Gul’dans memories and the last memory of Gul’dan was him trying to get his hands on more power. Specificly the eye of Sargeras, an item which would give Illidan enough power to destroy the lich king from a distance. Getting to the tomb of sargeras and collecting it would require more man power so Illidan used his magic to summon the naga from the deep. It’s never explained how he knew about the naga or why they answered his call, but part of the naga who joined him were lead by lady vasjh. It´s possible that she rememberd him from the day that he recieved his eyes or perhaps they truely believed that Illidan could conquer the world and get them a place on land. They’ve updated this aswell within Warcraft Chronicles volume 3: Illidan Stormrage had heard only rumors of the Highbornes fate. Whether they were true, he did not known. But when he cast a powerful spell to reach the Highborne in the ocean deeps, they answered. A group of naga led by Lady Vashj emerged from the depths, an army of scale and fang. One and all, they pledged themselves to Illidan. The naga did not come because of the history they shared with the former night elf. Nor did they respect his power as a demon. They came because the Old Gods willed it. The Old Gods had taken notice of Illidan. His hunger for power and his chaotic past intrigued them. His quest to destroy the Lich King could spark a new war on Azeroth, one that would likely envelop the undead, the world’s nations, and the Legion. With that kind of turmoil consuming Azeroth, Cho’gall and his cultists could awaken the Old Gods relatively unopposed. Illidan had the potential to be very useful, and the Old Gods had sent the naga to make sure his campaign againt the Lich King succeeded. If the former night elf became troublesome, so be it. The Old Gods would simply command the naga to cut out his fel-corrupted heart. Either way, the Old Gods were confident that they could use Illidan Stormrage to bring a new age of conflict to the world. So, like they tried to use him during the war of the ancients, the old gods once more tried to manouver Illidan to benefit their own plans. Either way, it did make for one hell of a cinematic. “ Illidan: Now go forth, unleash the tides of doom upon all those who would oppose us.” Maivh Shadowsong found out that Tyrande had freed Illidan and she couldn’t believe that they had freed the betrayer. Don’t forget that she had sacrifed millenia’s of her life to keep him locked away, so together with Naisha and her Wardens, Maivh resumed the hunt. Eventually, after fighting with Illidan´s naga and even some Satyrs, she found her way to the tomb of Sargeras and she confronted Illidan “Illidan: Hahaha. So, Warden Shadowsong, you've made it at last. I knew you would. Maiev: You have much to pay for, Illidan. I'm taking you back to your cell. Illidan: Naivete does not suit you. When I consumed the power of Gul'dan's skull, I inherited his memories, especially those of this place... and the dark prize he coveted. Maiev: Yes, the power of Sargeras. You would claim it as your own! Illidan: That power is beyond my reach, little warden. But this... the Eye of Sargeras, contains all the power I'll need to rid this wretched world of my enemies once and for all. Ironic, that you should be its first victim. Maiev: You're insane! Illidan: Isolation can do that to the mind. Now, after all the long centuries you kept me chained in darkness, it is only fitting that I bury you in turn. The Eye of Sargeras causes the tomb to begin to collapse under the water. The night elves are trapped inside of this great hall. As revenge to the one who kept him imprisoned, Illidan decided to sink the tomb back to the bottem of the sea. Maivh manages to escape the tomb with the use of her own blinking ability, but Naisha and all those that followed her inside the tomb parished that day. Outside Illidan´s naga showed up to finish the job and Maivh sends out a messenger to Malfurion while she and the others try to hold their ground. Tyrande and Malfurion arrive just in time to fight of the naga and make their way to Illidan. “Illidan: Tyrande! What are you doing here? This battle does not concern you. Tyrande: I was wrong to set you free, Illidan. I can see that now. You've become a monster. Raw power is no substitute for true strength, Illidan. That is why I chose your brother over you. Still you refuse to see me for what I truly am. You believe me to be a villain – your enemy. But soon now, you will see our enemies are the same! All Illidan ever tried to do was prove his worth towards Tyrande, but Tyrande doesn’t fall for raw power alone. She goes as far as to call him a monster, but when Tyrande faces Illidan one on one, he still doesn’t harm her. “ Illidan: Brother! What are you doing here? Malfurion: I've come to stop you, Illidan. Instead of banishing you, I should have returned you to your cage when I had the chance! I was weak then, but no longer. Illidan: I have sworn allegiance to a new master, brother. I have a great task to perform in his service. I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to stand in my way. Tyrande breaks free of the net and casts starfall. Illidan gets out just in time, but his naga forces are slaughtered by it. Malfurion, Tyrande, and Maiev make it to shore just in time to watch Illidan sail off in a boat. Malfurion: Don't worry, my love. We'll find Illidan wherever he runs. We'll find him. Illidan escapes in a boat just before they´re are able to capture him and he sets sail to the lands of Lordaeron. At this point Malfurion decides to stay behind in the forests of Lordaeron which have suffered greatly under the influence of the scourge. He’s going to comminucate with the land, see if he can do anything for it and that means that Maivh and Tyrande they team up and resume the persuit of Illidan. Along their journey they come accros Kael’thas Sunstrider and his caravan. Kaelthas is a descendant from Dathre´mar sunstrider and his people the high elves now call themselves blood elves in honor of those they´d lost against the scourge and arthas. Tyrande, despite Maivh´s protests, offers to escort the caravan and protect it from the scourge as it makes its journey to safer grounds. In return Kael’thas agrees to help them in their search for Illidan, but the scourge forces prove far to overwhelming. Tyrande stays behind and tries to hold them back, but the bridge that she stands on crumbles and the river takes her away. Kael’thas wants to go after her, but Maivh tells him no. She’s obsessed with finding the betrayer and she doesn’t care what it takes or who she needs to sacrifice aslong as she captures Illidan. In the forest of Lordaeron Malfurion feels the effect that Illidan’s spell has on Icecrown. The land itself screams out in turmoil since the spell is not only going to destroy the Lich King, it would also destroy Northrend. “ Malfurion: I see the frozen land of Northrend, the very roof of the world. The land itself is being split asunder! How can this be? What could cause such devastation? The spirits spin again, they show Malfurion the city of Dalaran. Illidan is there with the Eye of Sargeras. Illidan: It's working! Nothing can withstand the power of the eye! Soon now, my master's enemies will be undone, and I can claim my just reward. The spirits stop showing Malfurion images. Malfurion: Thank you, great spirits. I know what must be done. I promise you, this treachery will not go unpunished! Malfurion quickly makes his way to Maivh’s camp where she tells him the news about Tyrande. She tells him that Tyrande´s been torn apart by the scourge instead of just being dragged away by the river and this infuriates Malfurion. The three of them ride off to stop Illidan from finishing his spell. No the spell is not done “Illidan: No! The spell is not done! It is not done! Malfurion: It is over, brother. Your vile schemes end here. Maiev: Illidan Stormrage, for recklessly endangering countless lives and threatening the very balance of the world, I hereby sentence you to death! Malfurion: Too much blood has been spilled on your account, Illidan. Even now I can feel the lands of Northrend reeling from the spell you cast. Imprisonment will not be enough this time. Maiev: I will execute you myself. Maiev blinks into the area with Illidan. Malfurion traps him in entangling roots. Illidan: Fools! Can you not see? The spell we channeled was meant to strike at the undead, our common enemy! My mission was to destroy the Lich King's stronghold of Icecrown! Malfurion: At no heed to the cost? Because of you, Tyrande is dead! Illidan: What? Kael'thas: Your pardon, Lord Stormrage, but the priestess may still be alive! She was swept downriver, but it's premature to simply assume that-- Maiev: Silence, Kael! Malfurion: You told me she was torn apart! You lied to me! Maiev: The Betrayer's capture was our primary concern, Shan'do. I needed your help. I knew you would go to her and we would lose our chance! I... Malfurion: Just who is the betrayer now, woman? I must go to her immediately. Illidan: Believe me, brother, despite all our differences, you know that I would never lead Tyrande to harm. Let me help you. My naga can scour the river for us! Let me do this, at least. Malfurion: Very well. Maiev: What? After all he's done, you would trust this traitor to... Malfurion removes the entangling roots from Illidan and places them around Maiev. Malfurion: Silence! I will deal with you later. Let's go, brother. Despite everything, Malfurion banishing him, Tyrande calling him a monster, Kil’jaeden who will surely kill him, Illidan still offers his aid to go and save Tyrande, that´s how much he loves her. His naga manage to find her fighting for her life against the scourge, he and his brother save Tyrande and after that it’s time to say good bye. “ Tyrande: You... risked your life for me. I don't understand. Illidan: Whatever I may be, whatever I may become in this world; know that I will always look out for you, Tyrande. Malfurion: Tyrande! Tyrande: I knew you would not forsake me! Malfurion: I thought I'd lost you forever, my love. If not for Illidan's aid, I may well have. Illidan: We have had much strife between us, my brother. I have known only ages of hate for you. But, for my part, I wish it to end. From this day forward, let there be peace between us. Moments later, in Malfurion's base, Illidan prepares to depart. Malfurion: You have brought much suffering to the world, Illidan. For that, you can never be forgiven. However, you saved the life of my love. For that I will let you go. But, should you ever threaten my people again... Illidan: I understand, brother. Lordship over this world was never my aim... only power... only the magic. I've lingered here too long. I must go. By aiding you, I have betrayed my new master. If I am not careful, his wrath will be my end. Malfurion can never forgive Illidan for all the things he has done in the past, but he is willing to let him go for saving the one he loves. Maivh calls them fools for letting Illidan go and she follows her pray through the portal into Outland... The next time that we see Illidan is inside Maivh´s cage. In the meantime Kael’thas and Lady Vasjh they’ve teamed up and also made their way to Outland to follow the one Lady Vasjh calls master. Kael’thas decides to follow her because his people, the blood elves, they feel a hunger for magic. This hunger exists because Arthas destroyed their sunwell, their source of magic, and lady Vasjh tells him that Illidan might have a cure. Besides that, the Alliance that Kael’Thas allied himself with was about to execute the prince and his people so following Illidan was the better plan. They see that Illidan is captured by Maivh so they set him free and capture Maivh in the proces. “ Illidan: You were right to come to me, Kael. I share the pain of your addiction, your hunger for magic. Kael'thas: Can you help us, Lord Illidan? Can you cure us? Illidan: There is no cure, young on. But there are ways to feed the hunger. Follow me and I will grant your people more magic than they can imagine. Kael'thas: So be it, Lord Illidan, my fellow blood elves and I humbly pledge ourselves to your service. Illidan: Then arise, young Kael. you shall be my right hand and the harbinger of my wrath. Kael'thas: What of your plans, master? Illidan failed to destroy the Lich King and he knew that Kil’jaeden would not be pleased. His plan was to hide from Kil’jaeden on Outland and while they were there they might aswell become rulers of the planet. That position was currently in the hands of Magtheridon, a powerfull demon who was using portals to summon vast numbers of demons. To defeat Magtheridon they would have to disable these portals and along the journey, they meet Akama, a broken former Draenei who wants to see Magtheridon dead and take back his temple. One by one the portals go down and even the mighty Magtheridon falls to their might, but Kil’jaeden see’s all... “ Kael'thas: What is this, Vashj? Where did this storm come from? Lady Vashj: Keep your head down, fool! Something terrible is drawing near! The cloud turns into Kil'jaeden. Even with his feet several stories below Illidan's, he still towers over the demon hunter. The planet shakes while he speaks. Kil'jaeden: Foolish little mongrel. You failed to destroy the Frozen Throne as I commanded. And still you thought to hide from me in this forsaken backwater! I thought you to be more cunning, Illidan. Illidan: Kil'jaeden! I was merely set back. I was attempting to bolster my forces. The Lich King will be destroyed, I promise you! Kil'jaeden: Indeed? Still, these servitors you've gathered show some promise. I will give you one last chance, Illidan. Destroy the Frozen Throne, or face my eternal wrath! In a blinding flash of light, Kil'jaeden leaves Outland. Illidan: Perhaps hiding here was not the most prudent decision. Still, the quest lies before us. Will you follow me into the cold heart of death itself? Lady Vashj: The naga are yours to command, Lord Illidan. Where you go, we follow. Kael'thas: The blood elves are yours, as well, master. We will drive the Scourge before us and shatter the Frozen Throne as you command. And so the race to icecrown ison. Arthas and Illidan both tried to reach icecrown first and in the end they faced off against eachother, Frostmourne vs The Twin Blades of Azzinoth “ Arthas: The Frozen Throne is mine, demon. Step aside. Leave this world and never return. If you do, I'll be waiting. Illidan: I've sworn to destroy it, Arthas, It must be done! Arthas: Never! Uhooo it’s fighting time. The one now with a mission to Arthas was origianlly put on the path by Arthas. Frostmourne vs the twinblades with a cute panda face on it. My money is on the panda face. Ow Illidan coming out hard with the swings and the wings, bit cheaty but you see, Frostmourne and Arthas were connected through the soul. Arthas and Frostmourne won the battle and Arthas was in such a hurry to reach the top of icecrown that he left Illidan in the snow to die. Illidan didn’t die though, his allies Lady Vasjh and Kael’thas Sunstrider dragged him back to Outland. Again Illidan had failed his misson so there was nothing left to do, but to prepaire his forces for the inevidible wrath of Kil jaeden. The Burning Crusade: “Imprisoned for 10,000 years. THUNDER Banished from my own homeland. MORE THUNDER And now you dare enter MY realm... You are not prepared. It took 4 years but Doomlord Kazzak would find a way to re-open the dark portal and we found out what exactly Illidan has been doing with his time. The lore during the burning crusade was sometimes conflincting and some parts have been retconned or never really explained so not all of it makes a whole lot of sense, but lets take a look at each zone and see how far we can go. Our adventure begins in Hellfire Peninsula where we find out that the pitlord Magtheridon, the one that Illidan defeated to claim Outland, has been imprisoned and is used to create fel orcs. It was the blood of the pitlord Mannoroth that empowered, but also corrupted the orcs of the first horde and made them slaves to the burning legion. The blood of Magtheridon is used in a similair way only now the orcs follow Illidan’s orders, although some don’t drink willingly. They’re part of the so called fel horde and their warchief is Kargath Bladefist. “Vermin. Leeches. Take my blood and choke on it.” Both the Alliance and the Horde attack their Hellfire Citadel, they take care of the fel horde and their warchief and they even manage to free and slay Magtheridon. “The Legion will consume you all.” In Zangermarsh we find lady Vasjh and her naga who are still loyal to Illidan. They’re working on draining all the waters from the marsh, but the reason behind this is never truely explained. “ is life. It has become a rare commodity here in Outland, a commodity that we alone shall control. We are the Highborne, and the time has come at last for us to retake our rightful place in the world!” Some speculate that it was simply to take control of the water since water means life and controlling it would give them power. Another theory is that perhaps they were storing all this water to create a new well of eternity which could fit in combination with the 2 vials that kaelthas and lady vasjh held. Each of them held one of the vials with water from the original well of eternity and it could fit in combination with what’s going on in Netherstorm. Update: They were indeed just draining the marshland as part of the first stage of the plan to take control of all the waters of Outland and, through them, all its people. The speculation on a new well of eternity turned out to be just that, speculation. The two vials of waters from the well are at the time of writing this, the expansion dragonflight, still in the possession of the bronze dragonflight. “Lord Illidan...I...I am sorry.” In Netherstorm we find Kael’thas Sunstrider and his forces and they’ve taken over the Tempest Keep. This dimensional ship was used by the naaru to travel to Outland and one ship named the Exodar took the Draenei from outland to Azeroth. Kael’thas spend his time in Netherstorm draining mana directly from the twisting nether, but we would later find out that he was no longer loyal to Illidan. Illidan’s defeat at Icecrown had him slipping into insanity and Kael’thas switched paymasters accordingly. He now serves Kil’jaeden himself, but that’s a story for another time. “Energy. Power. My people are addicted to it. Welcome to the future.” The Naaru that traveld to Outland with the tempest keep are called the Sha’tar and their leader is A’dal. They, together with the Aldor took the city of Shattrah back and the Aldor are a group of holy draenei who had been fighting with Kael’thas’s forces. The Naaru are hellbent on stopping the Burning Legion so they would be a very powerfull ally for Illidan against Kil’jaeden. Instead of allying with them, Kaelthas send his troops to attack Shattrah city but instead of fighting, his forces lay down their weapons and actually teamed up with A’dal. Voren'thal the Seer had seen a vision which showed him that A’dal was his race’s only hope for survival. They formed the faction called the Scryers and this was a terrible blow to Illidan’s forces. You have to wonder why exactly he attacked A’dal and turned him into an enemy and again this has never truely been explained. Some write it off to Illidan’s madness and saws himself as the ultimate lord of Outland. He would not want a potential foe gathering troops against him so perhaps that’s the simple reason as to why. Another theory is that Illidan never ordered Kael’thas to attack the city. As we would later find out, Kael’thas had allied himself with Kil’jaeden. What better way to weaken Illidan’s position against the legion, keep the Naaru occupied while Kael’thas served his new master, then by faking an attack and put these two forces against eachother. Warcraft Chronicles volume 3 clarifies that it was Illidan who gave the order to attack: He saw the resurgence of Shattrath as a potential threat to his war against the Legion. If the naaru gathered enoguh strength, they would likely move against Illidan’s holdings and seize control of Outland. Illidan decided to strike while Shattrath was still weak. He ordered Kael’thas Sunstrider to send his blood elves agaisnt the city and take it by force. Kael’thas requested that Illidan’s demon hunters join the assault, but Illidan refused. They had another purpose, though he remained silent about what that was. Illidan’s response angered Kael’thas, but he obeyed the command. Voren’thal then gets his vision and switches sides, sending word to Kael’thas, urging him to join the naaru in Shattrath, but he received no reply. Kael’thas was furious that his army had abandoned him to follow the naaru. Publicly, he condemned the act as treason and an attack on his sovereignty as prince. Privately, he saw Voren’thal’s defection as evidence of his own failure. This incident widened the rift between Kael’thas and Illidan. The prince demanded that the former night elf retaliate against the naaru, but nothing was done. Illidan was so focused on his demon hunters that he paid little attention to Voren’thal’s army. THis only proved to Kael’thas that what Kil’jaeden had told him was true: Illidan did not care about the prince and his people. Kael’thas would not allow Illidan to sacrifice the blood elves as pawns. He lost all faith in the former night elf, and he looked to Kil’jaeden as a new benefactor. what we do know is that A’dal, the shataar, the scryers and the aldor all worked together against the legion and against Illidan. Another ally for the war was found in Shadowmoon valley, the broken Draenei Akama who teamed up with illidan during warcraft 3. “ I remember the Temple as it used to be: a place of worship. I prayed within its chambers and meditated among its gardens. I was happy then; at peace. I remember, too, the day the orcs came. That day marked by cries of war and torrents of blood where terrified women and children huddled in darkened corners. I led many to safety, but many more paid the ultimate price. That day my beloved sanctuary became the Black Temple. There the orc warlocks practiced their twisted magic that corrupted the land and nearly destroyed us all. Do not do this gul’dan. You’ll destory us all. Even after the Horde's reckless sorcery tore the planet apart, my people were unable to find a lasting sanctuary. Cough cough things not going great. I remember the armies of demons that swept down on us like a plague. During these dark times, the one called Magtheridon made the Temple his home. Then came Illidan... The one they called the Betrayer; the enemy of my enemy. Illidan Stormrage: Magtheridon lures scores of hapless demons through them daily. Kael'thas Sunstrider: Then we must seal them permanently. Akama: We helped him seal the portals of Outland and cut off the Legion's reinforcements. Akama: We fought with renewed strength, and together we reclaimed our sacred ground. Akama: I think part of me knew even then, that the Black Temple had only traded one evil master for another. Akama: I prefer to remember the Temple as it used to be; not the abomination it has become. Akama: My soul bears the burden of my misjudgment, but I have been patient; I have been waiting. Akama: And when the time is right, the Betrayer will become... the betrayed. Akama is not happy with Illidan’s actions and he wants to take his former temple back, on top of that Illidan has also decided to enslave Akama’s fellow broken. Surprisingly enough, Maievh still lives as a prisoner guarded by Akama. Together they conspired against Illidan and when the time is right, they’ll strike at the betrayer. This easier said then done though since Illidan has stripped Akama of a portion of his soul and is holding it as a hostage within the black temple to keep Akama and his people obediant. A long attumenent questline explained what was going on and that Akama was actually working against Illidan. In order to enter the black temple we would have to get the Medallion of Karabor. Akama holds all the 4 medallion fragments, but he’s still missing the final piece. Seer Udalo has come to Akama in a dream to announce that he had found the final piece, but Udalo was captured by Kael’thas. We’re send to the Arcatraz in the Tempest Keep to find him and see what he knows. We arive to late though, Udalo is already dead, but before he died he left a single word written on the floor. The writing is barely legible but you recognize the word Atam'al and Akama explains that fel orcs, under Illidan’s command, have guarded an Ata’mal crystal known as the Heart of Fury. We kill the orcs, take the crystal and deliver it to Akama. Only touching the crystal makes Akama feel like he could become the lord of Outland himself, but this was not been part of his vision. He places the crystal within the medallion and tells you to bring the restored medallion back to A’dal. The next part of the questline begins in the serpentshrine caverns where the naga found out that Seer Olum has been working against Illidan. They tried to torture him to make him talk, but he kept his mouth shut so they planned to deliver him to Illidan himself. Illidan has the power to see through flesh, into ones soul so if that would happen all their plans would be in jeopardy! We set him free and return to Akama, but Olum realises that there is only one way to truely keep their secrets safe. “Akama my friend! have you been informed? I was found out by Vashj’s followesr. Our secret is in peril! Olum...old friend. It is good to see that youare safe. Illidan is looking for me?. I am not safe here...none of us are. Illidan will become suspicious...that much is for certain. We will deal with it as we always do. Illidan will find me and when he does,....he will pry the Ashtongue secret from me – such is the power of the BEtrayer! No...there is only one way. My usefulness to the cause has come to an end, I must ventutre into the spirit world! YOu serious, Olum. Your sacrifice has already been too great. My decision is final. I will not be dissuaded. I have devoted my life to our plan. TO jeapardize it now would betray all who have died for the cause long before me. It appears your mind is set then. We will guide you to the spirit world with as much kindness as we can. I thank you, Akama. You honor me by allowing me this moment, surrounded by my brothers. Farewell, friend. Guide our people well. Akama takes out Olum and sends his spirit into the next world. Farewell dear friend. We shall meet you in the next world when our duties in this one are fulfilled. Master! We’ve found the traitor who escaped Vashj! His body lies in front of me....lifeless! You disappoint me, Akama. I wanted to question the treacherous worm myself! I’m beginning to question your allegiance, Broken. You have misjudged my actions... I do have knowledge of someone close to you who plans to betray yo. IT is that dog, Kaelthas! He has allied with Kil’jaeden and intends to replace you as Lord of Outland! I do not sense lies in your voice, Akama. That Kael’thas would betray me does not come as a big surprise – I’m not as oblivious as some would thinkg. That one of your own was involved with him puts your loyalties into question. Send your Ashtongue into Tempest Keep and slay his most prized possession, the phoenix known as Al’ar. I must know that you’re not on his side. Do not think of betraying me, Broken. We both know who owns your soul! It will be done, my lord!” In order to truely stand a chance against Illidan, Akama will need his soul. In a vision he’s shown that Chillwind’s phylactery would be perfect for the job. The only problem is that this battle has already taken place so in order to get it we’ll have to go to the caverns of time, travel back to the battle for mount hiyal and collect the phylactery. “You have won the battle, but not the war.” With the phylcatery in Akama’s possession, the time has come to strike at the betrayer. Akama will set Maievh free and together with his Deathsworn they’ll attack Illidan at his doorstep. “ Now is the time, Maiev! Uleash your wrath! I have waited for this moment for years. Illidan and his lapdogs will be destroyed! Slay all who see us! Word must not get back to Illidan.” The naaru Xi’ri joins the battle at the black temple and together with the Scryers and the Aldor they manage to distract Illidan long enough for Akama and Maievh to infiltrate the black temple. Maievh disapears during that battle so we wouldn’t see her for the rest of the raid, but Akama and his deathsworn remained close to help. Through the sewers we made our way inside and we got a look at what Illidan had done with the temple. During his time on outland he’d allied himself with the dragonmaw clan. This clan had been collecting netherwing eggs and riding netherwing drakes. Netherwing dragons were created on Draenor. Back during the second horde invasion, Deathwing decided that transporting his black dragons eggs to Draenor was a good idea. This way he had his flight on a second planet, another world to conquer so in exchange for his help, the Horde transported eggs to Draenor. The explosion that transformed Draenor into Outland also magically transformed the eggs turning them into Netherwing dragons. That’s the background of the dragons and they were born free, but were now being controlled by the dragonmaw orcs. The nether dragon called Mordenai was not happy about the fate of his fellow dragons so he requested aid from adventerers. We infiltrated the dragonmaw clan working our way up from peon to the first highlord of the clain while along the way messing up as much as we could. At the end of the questline we’re promoted by Illidan himself, but Illidan is no fool. He instantly saw through our discuise and he orderd Overlord Mor’ghor to deliver our carcas in pieces to his lair, but before they could we were rescued and taken to Shattrah. Surprisingly enough, Illidan has also recruited demons into his ranks and these demons were completely loyal to Illidan. During the green fire questline in Mists of Pandaria we found out that Illidan a fount of power within the black temple similair to the power from the original well of eternity. We know that Illidan brought a few of the flasks that he had filled with water from the original well so it’s possible that he used one of these flasks to create this source of power. This power was such a pure energy that the demons gladly switched sides in exchange for drinking from it. By feeding upon it’s power, they were broken free from their addiction to the legion’s magic. Funny enough, Kan’rethad also speculates that this is the original power source Illidan intended to offer the blood elves to free them from their addiction to the Sunwell...but for some reason he didn’t let them near it. Once we’ve defeated the shade of Akama and Akama restores his soul, the Ashtongue Deathsworn stand down and they stop attacking us. The next boss, Teron Gorefiend is the first death knight ever created by Gul’dan. He was defeated by the alliance during the second horde invasion, but we were tricked into restoring his body and after that he joined Illidan in the black temple. It was never explained why he joined Illidan or why Illidan allowed him in, but I’d imagine that Illidan could use all the help he could get and Teron followed power. “The wheel spins again.” The shrine of losts souls, as I mentioned earlier, is the place where Illidan created his pool of power. I wish I could tell you more details about the boss, the Reliquary of Souls, but not much information is given. It’s speculated that this was a vesel used to store souls and since they’ve chained it to the wall, it probably wasn’t that friendly even to its masters. It’s purpose and such is not explained. “Be careful what you wish for.” Next we take out Gurtogg Bloodboil a so called Dire Orc and after that the way to the Den of Mortal Delights opens up. This is in my opinion one of the more bizar areas ever created by Blizzard. The Den is filled with blood elves, humans, sisters of pleasure and pain, servants,’s a den of mortal delights. Any reason or purpose has never been given, but it’s not hard to imagine what this are was used for. Mother Sharaz waits at the end saying things like “So... business or pleasure? Enjoying yourselves? I wasn't finished. The Burning Crusade man...strange time for lore anyways moving on! After Mother Sharaz we face the Illidari council and once they are defeated Akama shows up again to open the door to the betrayer. He isn’t powerfull enough to do it by himself but the spirits of Udalo and Olum, the ones who had sacrifed themselves for the cause, show up and they help Akama with opening the door. “BE wary friends. THe betrayer meditates in the court just beyond. Akama. YOur duplicity is hardly surprising, I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago. We’ve come to end your reign, Illidan. My people, and all of Outland, shall be free! Boldly said. But I remain...unconvinced. The time has come! The moment is at hand! You are not prepared!” During the fight Illidan summons his missions so Akama leaves us alone with the betrayer. “Is this it, mortals? Is this all the fury you can muster? Their fury pales before mine Illidan. We have some unsettles business between us. is it even possible? Ahh, my long hunt is finally over. Today justice will be done!” Maiev shows up near the end of the fight to end her long hunt. “Ah, it is finished. You are beaten. You have won...Maiev. But the nothing without the hunt. You...are nothing...without me. He is right. I feel nothing...I am...nothing. Farewell champions. The Light will bless these dismall halls once again. I swear it. Maievh feels nothing after getting her revenge, Akama swears that the temple will be restored and Illidan lies dead on the floor. So ends Illidan’s reign over Outland, but his story...his legacy is not yet over. Illidan wasn’t the only demon hunter. Kael’thas send 5 of his blood elves to train with Illidan, Three of them died in training, Leotheras the Blind whent mad and became a boss in Serpentshrine Caverns while Varedis was so good that he became even better then his night elf teachers, Alandien, Theras and Netharel. Another night elf demon hunter named Altruis the Sufferer saw that Illidan was not who he once was. His soul had been corrupted by power, his mind had been twisted by defeat. He had become what Altruis sworn to destroy so he helped us with taking out Alandien, Theras, Netharel and Varedis. There are more confirmed demon hunters and very likely that there are more unknown, but the last one I want to mention is Feronas Sindweller. Feronas can be found in Felwood and we’re send out to claim his head by Arch Druid Navarax since Feronas has been killing . Feronas explains that the night elves he’d killed were not actually night elves, but demon in disguise. Even the arch druid is a demon, but more importantly...he shows you what Illidan did for the forest of felwood. How he fought through armies of demons, drank from the skull of gul’dan and how he took out Tychondrius. As a reward for these actions he was banished by his brother and I think this shows how divided people are when it comes to Illidan. Some say that he’s a misunderstood hero, some say that he’s a full pledged villian while others worship him as the savior of azeroth. Those that wish that they had done more or diffirently with Illidan then what they during the Burning Crusade might get their wish. “Will we ever see a redemption or resurrection of Illidan Stormrage as a character with Malfurion and that whole storyline? Boy do I wonna do that. I think that be badass. I don’t think anyone at all has even suggested it or talked about it, not to my knowledge. But I love that shit. I’m a sucker for a good redemption story so....Starcraft.” “Is Illidan still at the top of the Black Temple? You want them back don’t you? Could we? Could we just bring them all back? Chris would that be cool? I wouldn’t say all. Actually we were just in a panel for the broad WoW Q&A and someone asked, are you going to bring Illidan back? So we gotta ask, do you guys think we should bring Illidan back? Cheers Based on that response, I’d say it’s likely. We’ll have to figure it out.” Update novel into Legion: And that redemption/resurrection arc came with the expansion Legion as well as a novel dedicated to Illidan. It’s set up in such a way that while he’s still the enemy that we fought during the Burning Crusade. He’s still the same one who had his allies hoard all the water and caus suffering to Outland, it’s been added that all of that was not his main goal. His main focus since the war of the ancients and learning about Sargeras and the Burning Legion, has been to destroy them... no matter the price, no matter what it took. Even back then he created another well of eternity knowing full well that they were going to need its power if they had any hope of guarding themselves against the demon onslaught. They imprisoned him for it, for life which considering Nozdormu granted them immortality was quite the vindicitive punishment. Even the release of death was taken away from him. Magical enchantments keeping him locked up, kept him alive without the need for water or food. Healed any harm he might inflicht on himself. Millenia in darkness, burried alive, until his warnings came true, until the legion did return and Tyrande set him free. Not out of regret or guilt, but to simply use him, use his aid and the worst of it was...that he would give it. “After all these ages spend in darkness, your voice is like the pure light of the moon upon my mind.” After doing whatever it took to get the job done, he ended up on Outland, preparing his true war while not knowing who to trust. In preparation he trained brand new forces, night elf and blood elf demon hunters who’s transformation was a bit different then his. They weren’t directly empowered by Sargeras after all so Illidan had them go through rituals and trial to re-create his experience. They devoured demons, constantly struggled to maintain their sanity and control, witnessed visions of the legions might, the same things their lord had seen which caused them to rip out their own eyes, all of it until only a few survived the trials and became his mighty Illidari Demon Hunters. “My illidari, now...YOU ARE PREPARED!!!” With his new forces gathered they set out on the mission of locating and building a path into the legion’s homebase. They invaded Nathreza, home world of the Nathrezim, where his forces performed even better then he could have imagined. Amidst the records of the dreadlords, he found what he needed, the seal of Argus, a compas of sorts that would allow him to find Argus in the great dark beyond. He left the dreadlords with a little gift, blowing up the portal they had used to invade the world with all its magical backlash aimed at Nathreza. If his calculations had been correct, that should have caused similar damage as when Ner’zhul opened up all of his portals and turned Draenor into Outland. Being able to find Argus was great, but he would have to gather enough power for a portal and set up some anchors. Within Auchindoun he could find his power source, the souls of the draenei, but this is where he made a couple of mistakes. Going for the holy burial ground of the draenei was a step too far for the broken akama, pushing him to defy the lord of Outland with Maiev, despite having his soul seperated before in punishment. And Illidan made the choice not to bring his demon hunters into Auchindoun, deciding to go only with his fel orc bodyguards. Wanting to reserve the power of his illidari for the final confrontation, not understanding the very real danger that awaited him in the city of the dead. Necromanders, walking dead and spirits fell upon the fel orcs who one by one dropped dead on the ground. Illidan barely managed to get out of there with his filled urn which had taken even a bit of his own spirit which weakened him even weeks later, days before heroes of Azeroth would assault the black temple and bring the lord of outland low. We fought Illidan in the midst of his plans while being depowered. You could wonder why wasn’t he just honest about his intentions? Why didn’t he just tell us what he was really trying to do but part of that is just his character and part of it is not knowing who you cna trust. Kil’jaeden is not claled the deceiver withotu reason. Dreadlords have infiltrated and manipulated countless civilisations. He had to keep his cards close to his chest and so, while the world played right into Kil’jaeden’s hands and rose up to take care of this so called threat, Illidan focused his attention on the true battle. With the seal of Argus he located their homebase and set up anchors which would allow him to forge that portal, but there was another force keeping a close eye on his actions. An elder naaru who has forseen a great destiny for our Stormrage... This was the being that had saved him earlier and Illidan asked him why he was serving kil’jaeden, what he was doing here. The elder naaru informed him that he did quite the opposite, as all Naaru, he worked against the Legion and he had waited for Illidan, for the universe to throw up a champion in the face of those who would destroy it. “It could have perhaps have picked a better one.” The words emerged from his mouth before he could stop them. “I do not think so. You are what you are. All your days have forged you into that. A weapon aimed at the heart of a great demon.” “I would like to think I am somewhat more sentient than my warglaives.” “That is what makes you dangerous.” “So the universe has anointed me to slay Kil’jaeden.” His tone was sardonic, but hope flickered inside Illidan. Perhaps, if what this naaru said was true, there was some chance of victory after all. The swirl of lights indicated a negative. “No. Your enemy is far greater than Kil’jaeden. Greater even than Sargeras and his Burning Legion.” “Wonderful,” Illidan said. “As if they were not strong enough.” The suspicion that this was all a subtle, mocking trap set by Kil’jaeden sidled once more into his mind. -- If this was a trap, his struggle was ended. If it was not, then things were even worse than he had thought. “The Void is a more potent foe by far than the Burning Legion. It is the ultimate opponent of the Light. It will take all the peoples of Azeroth and Outland united to oppose it.” -- Before Illidan could defend himself in any way, a bolt of pure Light blasted from the naaru. It struck his empty eye sockets and filled them with a golden glow. Illidan braced himself for a blast of agony that did not come. -- His vision shimmered and faded, and he found himself looking down on a terrible battlefield. Amid mountains of corpses, a winged figure battled at the head of the legions of Light. A golden glow surrounded his warglaives. He cleft demons asunder with mighty blows. The soldiers surrounding him gazed up in awe and wonder at their leader. It took Illidan a moment to realize that this being’s features were his own, transformed, his eyes glowing fiercly. -- As Illidan watched, the winged figure rose above the battle, defying gigantic entities of darkness, creations of the evil of the Void. A halo played around his head. His body began to glow brighter than the sun, and from his outstretched arms, rays of Light emerged to strike down his foes. -- “You will defy death, “ the naaru’s voice said as the vision faded. “I have seen this. Whatever you were, whatever you are, a champion of Light is what you will be.” -- “You will be a hero, “ said the naaru. “But there will be a price.” “There always is.” He had done it, set up a link between Outland and Argus, but time was running out as Azeroth’s so called heroes and betrayers like Akama, old enemies like Maiev, stormed to the top of the black temple to topple its leader. Illidan realised that he wouldn’t have enough time to finish his portal, but perhaps he could use he gathered power for a portal to somewhere else. Send his demon hunters to the planet of Mardum to collect the sargerite keystone. “Illdan sends demon hunters away cutscene: With countless worlds burning in the legions’wake, you answered the call. Yet these mortals in their ignorance have come to destroy their own salvation. Our time is short. I will deal with these intruders. You must venture to Mardum and retrieve the Sargerite keystone. Now go. But remember, should you fail, all worlds will burn.” The Sargerite Keystone is described as a skeleton key to any and all legion worlds, even Argus itself which has been kept on Mardum. This is a prison world created by Sargeras when he was still the noble champion of the pantheon, fighting his war against the demons of the universe but he noticed how they kept coming back for more. Demons, which he didn’t know at the time, could only truly die within the twisting nether or like massively fell infused places like Argus, so to stop them from respawning, Sargeras decided that imprisonment was the way to go. Eventually he would come up with the idea of purging the universe and form his burning legion. Mardum was shattered, sending its fragment hurtling throughout the twisting nether. His keystone was left in the hands of Brood Queen Tyranna so that’s the target our demon hunters are hunting. Along the way they summon in reinforcements through soul powered gateways. Illidans troops send to help our mission instead of defend the black temple. One of the gateways refuses to open up and is going to require a little bit more juice, a demon hunters soul would do the trick and that’s when we learn something interesting... “Interesting. Like me, you have an immortal demon soul. You cannot truly die. Instead, your soul will make its way to the Twisting Nether. There, you will wait until you can find a suitable body to inhabit. Now get back into your corpse while there is still time and bring me the keystone!” We do just that, slaying any and all that stand in our way while grabbing every oppertunity we can to increase our power. Lord Illidan is going to be so proud, lets quickly use the key and return to the temple. Stop the invaders and save the universe of the Legion! “Akama. YOur duplicity is hardly surprising. I should have slaughtered you and your malformed brethren long ago. We’ve come to end your reign Illidan. My people, and all of Outland, shall be free. Boldly said. But I remain...unconvinced. The time has come, the moment is at hand. You are not prepared! Come my minions. Deal with this traitor as he deserves. Ill deal with these mongrels. Strike now friends. Strike at the betrayer.” “Is this it mortals? Is this all the fury you can muster? Their fury pales beforem ine, Illidan. We have some unsettled business between us. Maiev...How is it even possible? Ahh my long hunt is finally over. Today, justice will be done!” Maiev’s time as Illidan’s prisoner, their rol reversal was not a pleasant one. She’d been spat on, they’d piss in her food, but any real torture to thank her for her gentle care all those millenia, Illidan never found the time for and here she is finally ending her long hunt but as Illidan warned her. The hunter is nothing without the hunt and maiev’s road from here would be a challenge. “It is finished. You are beaten. “Final moments Illidan cutscene. To walk this path requires sacrifice Illidan, something you have yet to understand.... Tyrande......” “No lord illidan has fallen. Illidari. Avenge the master. HIYAAAAAAAA You bear the mark of his corruption. And so the demons blood within you will be your prison. OW SNAP STUCK IN FEL AMBERS Take them to the vault. That’s where they’ll be with the betrayer forever. Elvish “ History did not change ofcourse and Illidan Stormrage is still slain at the top of the black temple during the Burning Crusade, his final thoughts turning to his beloved Tyrande Whisperwind. While the world would be able to push back KIl’jaeden and another attempt of the Legion trying to claim Azeroth, their true threat was still out there. Just as Illidan had promised us, just as Sargeras had shown him, just fighting the legion on our world would lead us no where... “Screams in agony! No matter how hard this world fight, it will fall. Our eyes...deceive us. THe army that marches on azeroth is but a whisper of the legions true strength. Beyond this army is another and another and another. Even if we defeat them here it will mean nothing. We are doomed...unless we find another way to fight them. And I will find that way.” Bit difficult when dead though, but just like his demon hunters, Illidan’s soul went into the twisting nether while his body was imprisoned within the vault of the wardens. There it would remain until the Legion would come back yet again, Illidans warning proved true yet again. The Legion is relentless, unending, unyielding, returned to take yet another bite out of azeroth with the biggest legion invasion as of yet. Alternate Gul’ dan, the one from alternate warlords of Draenor was send over to our reality and time period to do what his counterpart, our version failed to do. Remain loyal to the Legion and their promises of power. He manages to open up a massive gateway at the tomb of sargeras. His next goal waited for him within the vault of the wardens, where Maiev has to make an extremely difficult choice. “years later... Legion marches on the vault The time has come, Cordana. Prove your loyalty Cordana opens the vault anu darini dora The legion has broken the seal. Quickly sisters, defend the vault. Lady Maiev, we need you. There is something I must do first. Illidari. Ive spent my entire life as keeper of the wicked. Thousands of years, my only solace knowing the world is kept from your kind. But I would do anything to save Azeroth. Even if it means releasing you. Throws weapons at us. Will you help us demon hunter?” For the sake of the world, the demon hunters who have sacrificed everything are released by Maiev but the legion is not just causing random mayhem. They’re here for 1 major thing... Assault the broken shore/isles cutscene: “Maiev beams the door leading to Illidans chamber. Illidan Stormrage. At last, I meet the great Betrayer. So HE is the key to azeroths downfall. Soon. The body is cold, but his soul is not done fighting. We have work to do before he is ready. Hurry, then. The Wardens are coming with the Illidari in tow. Muahhaha they ARE desperate., you belong to the Legion. Magics illidan away. His body is stolen by Gul’dan who, as we learn from the dungeon journal, takes it to Black rook hold where he conducts a ritual to sever Illidan’s soul from his body. Again, he has that special immortal demonic kind of soul going on which his demon hunter manage to make contact with: “Ow hai Illidan. I have been expecting you. AH good...Kayn sunfury. My lord. There is little time. Listen closely. I entrusted the duplicitos Akama with planning the campaign against the Legion. He alone knows every detail. You’ll need his counsel if you are to succeed. YOu must also regain the Sargerite Keystone to invade the legions worlds. Find out where the Wardens hid it away. We’ve attracted attention. I must move. You will not be able to contact me like this again. THe Illidari are now yours.” The forces that lord illidan send to Mardum reunite within their order hall. Their orders are clear and as always, they do anything it takes to make the mission a succes and reclaim the Sargerite keystone which has held by the wardens. In the meantime we make contact with, what we presume to be, that being of Light which had promised Illidan his great destiny. Through Light’s Heart, presumed to be the heart of the naaru that spoke to Illidan about his destiny, we learn about the army of the Light which has fought against the burning legion for millenia. Their thousand years’ war is reaching its peak, its time for the child of shadow and light to fullfill his destiny... “Do not be alarmed, mortal. YOur consciousness has been projtected to my astral presence in the great dark beyond. I am xe’ra, one of the first naaru to be forged here during the great ordering of the cosmos. You have come to the crucible of all creation in search of answers. Listen then and find enlightenment. In a time now long past, a great battle was fought that would determine the fate of all worlds. It was in that final battle that the all powerful titan pantheon fell to one of their own: Sargeras. After the fall, none were left to oppose the will of Sargeras. Unfettered, the dark titan and his burning legion would go on to annihilate countless worlds in their burning crusade. From the ashes of those ravaged worlds, survivors arose to stand against the demons. They became known as the army of the Light. But now the golden army teeters upon the prcipice of oblivion as their campaign on argus nears its terminus. Should they fall, the Legion will initate a new burning crusade and with it the cosmos will tremble. I am here now on a mission of desperation, I seek the child of Light and Shadow: The boy destined to end the age of demons. The one called Illidan Stormrage.” Before we can bring Illidan back, we must prepare the vessel for his return by going out and finding echoes of his past. It’s Xe’ra’s retelling of Illidan’s life from the moment he was born to the moment he fell, but what’s interesting is that the prime naaru does not do a 100% accurate retelling. Some critical moments are left out, like illidan’s hunger for power, his arrogance of thinking he can do it all alone as well as moments that are described different then how they used to be, like respect between him and Broxigar. Birthplace – “Illidans was a life full of potential. His destiny forged in the great ordering and cast to the cosmic winds, where at last it would find a home on Azeroth. Within the tiny vessel the great cycle began anew. Cenarius – “ Few have known such failure and rejection. Most would have given up, but Illidan would continue on, guided by the unseen hand of fate. His destiny lay elsewhere.” Illidan & War of the ancients – “Difficult decisions had to be made, but to understand Illidan’s perspective is essential if we are to succeed in our mission. What would you have done differently? Lights heart part 2: Memory at temple: illidans empowerement into demon hunter “With his eyes burned out for seeing the truth, Illidan still didn ot falter. Even under the gaze of the lord of the Burning Legion, Illidan remained resolute and defiant.” Black temple cutscene: “Tyrande...The world is only as meaningful to us as the beings that inhabit it. Even in the end, Illidan saw her as clearly as the first time he laid eyes on her. He never lost sight of this world. YOu must ask yourself how far will you go for yours.” It’s up for debate if it’s Blizzard trying to change Illidan’s story and make it a little bit different, but personally I prefer the explenation that it’s Xe’ra willingly and knowingly lieing to us. Hyping Illidan up with some minor tweaks to the visions so that we would be prepared. You see, it was not the vessel that needed to be ready. We, who dared to strike down the child of destiny, we were wrong in doing so. Now we know the so called truth from the mouth and mind of Xe’ra. Now we are prepared to do what must be done to save our world and all others. Time to bring back Illidan Stormrage who’s soul was plucked from the nether – stolen – and taken to the underworld, a place known as helheim. We craft a soul prism powerful enough to hold his boundless chaotic energies, atleast long enough to transfer it into the piece of the naaru. Quick trip into Hellheim where we took care of business and collected his soul. Khadgar is then given lights heart with instructions: When Gul’dan attempts to tear the sky asunder and bring the dark titan into our world, call forth the power of this vessel and release Illidan’s soul into his body! “ No more distractions! I have work to do... Casts mega beam to open up rift in the sky and open up some weird world location? Surrender. I may yet show mercy. TIme to return the demon hunters soul to his body and deny the legions master a host. I am gul’dan. I am darkness incarnate. It cannot end like this... You topple a pawn and presume to challenge its master? Such arrogance!!! Behold the shadow of what is to come, the endless darkness that shall consume your world. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!!” Instead of Illidan, we saw the demon within pop out of the crystal and I don’t think we have a clear answer as to what this demon within is supposed to be. Is it part of Sargeras’ power that gul’dan managed to transfer over already. Is it a remnant of the demon Azzinoth? Is it the demonic powers bestowed upon Illidan’s soul when Sargeras empowered him? Hard to say, if you know the clear answer by all means let me know! All the same, the demon within has to be vanquished in order for Illidan to return so that is exactly what we do. “How is it even possible... Illidan returns cutscene: Gul’dan goes down on the ground and the rift opened shuts down. Massive explosion causes the crystal that contained Illidan’s body to fall and crumble. This cannot be.... Ow but it can gul’dan, you have failedddddddd. Now get disenchanted like you did to Varian BAWOESJ WIng flap. Illidan ponders his new skull, nope destroyed. You have seen what I have seen. You know what we face, Now Mortals follow me...into the abyss.” Sargeras won’t have a body to host him as the man, the myth, the legend has returned and what an entrance. No time for pleasantries, we have a Legion to kick off our planet. So far they’ve been pooring in through the portal at the tomb of sargeras and we’ve already been working on ways of sealing the portal again. With Illidan at our side and the order halls united, Azeroth returned to the broken shore where both factions suffered tremendous losses. While our forces fight the fel army directly, we join illidan and maiev as a small strike force into the upper chambers of the tomb “Illidan, convey the Aegis of Aggramar to the cathedral. I will descend into the tomb with Khadgar and hunt the monster down. Kil’jaeden’s reign of destruction will soon be ended! Yo are too quick to trust Illidan, Prophet. I will ensure he fulfills his duty. Right we have our orders, good luck.” “Our forces have engaged the Legion on the ground floor. We must place the aegis in the tower before our losses grow insurmountable. Ah, our guests of honor have finally arrived. I look forward to ripping those horns from your skull, betrayer. There is nowhere you can flee that I cannot reach you, demon! Illidan! Curse that impetuous demon hunter!” “DId you really think you could elude me, Illidan? Run again and I’ll shackle you like the beast you are. Posture if you must Maiev, but for now, do what you do best and follow me. We’ve lost. THe legion broke our lines and pushed us out of the tomb. YOu’re all that stand between them and the Aegis. THey are coming! Let them come. Maiev and I will hold them on the stairs below. Forgive me if my glaive finds your heart, Illidan. With so many demons about, it’s hard to distinguish you from the rest of this filth.” Despite all their banter, we do manage to complete our mission and place the first pillar of creation, activating some of the wards left behind by the guardian Aegwynn. You might recall that this is not exactly Illidan and Maiev’s first aventure into the tomb, but this time he’s not searching for the eye of Sargeras nor is she trying to put him back into his cage. No this time we’re united against the demons, fighting our way through some of their most powerful forces, night elf spirits of the past, naga and even the locked away avatar of Sargeras. Azeroth has done it once again. The Legion has been defeated and we could just seal off the portal and call it a day...but that would just delay the inevitable... “It...ends...” “Still you fight us! Still you deny the inevitable! Your incessant resistance is maddening! Why will you not yield?” “Have your countless defeats taught you nothing, Deceiver?” “The vision Sargeras showed you was a lie, Kil’jaeden. Surrender! Let it end!” “Never! Our crusade will never yield! Savor your shallow victory. We will return again and again, however long it takes, until at last we break you!” “The portal is closing! We can seal the Legion’s gateway and end this invasion.” “No! No more running. No more hiding. I must finish this!” “Velen, stop!” ‘Sealing the portal buys us nothing, archmage. Whether it takes a few years or millennia, the Legion will return, Over and over again, until too few of us remain to fight them. It is time to seize our fate. We must use the portal and follow the Deceiver into the abyss. It is the only way!” ”I agree. It is the only way. Go, champions! We have precious little time to save Velen and return before the portal closes.” ‘Come. If we are to die in the Nether, we will take the Deceiver with us!” From our feet firmly on Azeroth to cruising through the Twisting Nether. How far we’ve come, how far Illidan has come to now go toe to to with Kil’jaeden’s and his forces. Throughout the battle the deceiver will gather the shadows around him and apply his veil. From the choking darkness several shadowsouls come at us which would spell our doom was it not for Illidan sharing his Sightless Gaze. None can escape it, even if it does come with the price of overwhelming fel power coursing through our bodies. A small price to pay to lift the darkness and slay the deceiver. “Somehow you survived! No matter. Look upon our wonders, you mortals, and despair! Behold the world that shall be your tomb!” “argus! My beloved homeworld...what have they done to you?” KIljaeden defeated “Our fates are now one.” “Argus will be your tomb.” “At least we will have died fighting.” “Our war isn’t over yet.” “Not while we hold the key to all worlds.” Opens rift between argus and azeroth “Khadgar, take us home.” Kil’jaeden and velen “I was always... envious of you.” “Your gift. Your faith. Your vision.” “I never believed... that Sargeras could be stopped.” “Perhaps you will prove me wrong.” “Everyone! Get ready!” Velen touches the head of his fallen brother, bye now Explosions! BAWOESJ Ahh we made the escape to azsuna “pfoeh, is everyone alright?” Ow no illidan, what have you done?! “What have you done?” “Sometimes the hand of fate... must be forced.” The Sargerite keystone opens a rift between Azeroth and Argus which makes Illidan’s dreams come true. Afterall he worked really hard on setting up a link between Outland and Argus, now he has a direct connection right here from Azeroth. Just one teeny tiny problem...We only just managed to seal off a tiny rift at the tomb, now we are right next to the Legion’s homeworld....Illidan has given Sargeras what he wanted all along. Oh well, lets do what we do best and follow his lead. Not just our demon hunter has reasons to want to take the fight to Argus, Velen and the draenei are also very invested... “Ive never seen the draenei assemble a force of this magnitude. Argus is our ancestral home. We will not see it in the legions hands any longer. Velen is just ahead Fellow draenei...champions of Azeroth...the time has come to invade Argus. We will save our world and put a stop to the Burnign Legion once and for all. The Legion grows desperate. We should strike now while thier attention remains focused on Azeroth. You are right Illidan. This may be our best chance to gain the upper hand. “All forces are on board and accounted for. The vindicaar will be ready to depart shortly.” “After we reach Argus we will meet with the Army of the Light and begin our invasion.” Cloenk, cloenk, cloenk, cloenk oeee look at me. I’m illidan, swoon. Aight best move out of here, he’s gonna be a Illidan. “Does he understand what you’re truly asking of him? Do any of them?” “We follow the path of the Light no matter where it leads.” “He, your faith has always been your weakness.” “When you closest allies fell to darkness, you didn’t stop them. When the Legion swept over your world and took your people, you didn’t make a stand. All you did was watch, convinced you were following the Light’s will.” “The truth is, you failed your people. Their blood is on your hands.” Cloenk “You will never understand what I did to save my people.” “The Light is holding you back. It’s time to forge your own path.” “Prophet, we are ready.” “Proceed.” Pam, paaam pam paaaaaam ONWARDS TO ARGUS. Eyooo argus, we’re hoooooome. Ow my, it’s looks rather green. “Where is your army of the Light?” There they are! Surprise “The Xenedar.” Sooo shiny “SOmething is wrong.” “Ahh...the cowards have come out of hiding. Bring them down!” Oke garrosh, fire ze laser. BAWOESJ, we’ve been hit, ow no, ow no, owww yeaaaa. Perfect landing. ‘The Legion will fire again soon. What are you orders, prophet?” What did illidan say again? Ow yea! “We make our stand. The last battle for Argus...has begun.” Despite being promised that heroic destiny by the Light, Illidan doesn’t put a whole lot of weight into prophecy or the powers that Velen follows. The Army of the Light is there though, just as promised through lights heart, but they’re under attack and we don’t want to be blown out of the sky either so time to get to business. Wipe out legion forces, make some new allies, destroy their siege weaponry, set up some teleports and reunite with long lost heroes like Alleria and Turalyon. Once the Xenedar is secure, the child of light and shadow is finally brought before the Light Mother. All is as it should be, lets get this prophecy going! Cinematic: Here Xe’ra, here’s your heart back. Thanks for sending it over to Azeroth and touch our mind in naughty places. Kneel Turalyon, kneel before your true lover. I’m sure ALleria is not jealous. Oe shiny golden eyes now, behold the beauty of the Light. Behold Xe’ra, your master. “We are blessed to be in your presence once more, Xe’ra.” “Turalyon... you have found the chosen one.” Oi Illidan, she wants you mate. Can I watch? “Illidan. From birth, the light in your eyes held such promise for the future.” AAAAAAA MY EYES OW MY EYES “I sacrificed that birthright long ago.” “Do you not wish to reclaim what was lost? To be whole again?” “The Legion’s end is all I seek.” “My child. You’ve given so much for so little.” “Your true potential, your redemption...lies before you. Let go of your shattered form and embrace the Light’s power.” “I’ve traded my freedom for power before.” “The prophecy...must be fulfilled.” YOINK, mine now. BDSM “Your old life has passed. The Light will forge you a new one.” “It is not yours to take.” “THe Light will heal your scars.” “I AM MY SCARS” “The Light is your destiny.” “My destiny is my own!!!” BAWOESSSSSSSSSSJJJJJJJJJJ, BAD TOUCH, BAD TOUCH. “You doomed us all. BETRAYER!” Not today Turalyon. “Your faith has blinded you. There can be no chosen one. Only we can save ourselves.” The Light, Xera, refused to take no for an answer. Blindly starting at that destiny forseen for our boy Illidan and he in turn refused to give up his sacrifices, his scars, all that made him who he is. While Turalyon, like Xera, is in pieces, and even Velen’s faith is a bit shaken... we still have a legion to conquer. “The Light does not die with the prime naaru, it shines within each of us. We still have our purpose. We still have a world to save. We must press on!” “You are right, prophet. The mission still stands.” We’d spend our time building up our forces, claim more of Argus and empower our ship until we were ready to assault Antorus the Burning Throne. We’ve learned that Sargeras has claimed the titan soul of Argus and has been using its power to, presumably, speed up the resurrection of his demonic forces. Taking out Argus is the key to taking out the Legion but he’s not the only titan spirit around. The pantheon themselves, all except for Eonar, have been captured here, tortured by the coven of Shivara, all with the goal of turning them into a dark pantheon. Corrupted and turned like Sargeras himself. With them at his side they’d be unstoppable, so plenty of schemes and plots to stop while taking down Sargeras’ mightiest forces. “You did it, aggramars essence is free. HE can stand besides his brethren once more. Our victories mean nothing. So long as Sargeras has the soul of Argus to fuel his infinite army, Azeroth remains in grave peril.” “The titans can sever that connection...but not here. They need to bring the soul of Argus to their place of power...the Seat of the Pantheon. The very cradel of creation Their final act will harnest the last of argus’ power to imprison sargeras once and for all. Heroes I can signal the titans to begin but once they start their ritual there’s no turning back.”” Time is not our ally as when we look up at the sky, we can see that Sargeras himself is creeping ever closer to our little world, the so called final titan... Azeroth. With the might of the titans backing us up, we take on Argus itself. Finally it’s time for Illidan’s hunt to end.... “You have done well, mortals.” “It is time. “ “We must gather our strength. Return home, children of Azeroth.” “Illidan! We’ve done all we can.” “Every choice, every sacrifice has led me to this moment to face him once again.” “You...are not coming with us...” “The hunter is nothing without the hunt. Did you not see this fate, Prophet?” “Fate...Our survival was never in fate’s hands.” Smirk and the turn “Light be with you, Illidan Stormrage” Vindicaar is out! Titans energize. Shoot that rainbow beam of holy goodness right into sargeras. “Brother, your crusade is over!” Roaaaaaaaaaaaaar I was right in the middle of something here. “No.” Space devil is sucked back into the seat of the pantheon. “At last...” And there ends Illidan’s story for the moment. When looking up at the sky we can see the red star left behind, the last remnants of the rift opened with the sargerite keystone. He’s out there somewhere, with the titans of the pantheon, making sure that Sargeras doesn’t escape. How proud Maiev must be and I must say, going back into the archives and rewatching the story of Legion, what a treat. What an expansion. Not just for the story of Illidan ofcourse, but keep in mind that once upon a time all Illidan was...was dead. They build up new lore and story for that requested redemption arc and an arc in which they didn’t completely change who he was or the choices he made. There was definatly a reaction within the community when the Illidan novel came out and this prophecy was laid out. Illidan turned into a holyer then though creature, flying over the battlefield? Is this still the Illidan that we requested to get back and then they took that expectation and turned it into their favor. Into one of the most bad ass cutscenes that we have in which Illidan refuses this change, this forced destiny, and says we’ll do it ourselves. And so we did. A lot have wondered what’s up with Illidan now and we can only speculate. We know that the Burning Legion has been defeated, but that doesn’t mean the end of demons in general. They existed before Sargeras formed his legion and so they will exist even after. We’ve also learned that the Dreadlords originate from the Shadowlands, sired by Denathrius so if anyone could reform something like the Legion, I’d imagine someone like Denathrius would be a great choice. I would love to see him come back into the storyline. Then for Sargeras, the whole reason that he formed his Burning Legion and came after Azeroth time and time again was to prevent her corruption. The dreadlords told him what they had learned from the old gods and that fear pushed him into his burning crusade, the need to destroy Azeroth before she would be fully corrupted by the void and would devour all of creation. Disregarding changes to the motivation which they can do at any time, right now there isn’t a whole lot left for Sargeras to fear. Azeroth is supposedly the final titan and she’s been cleansed of the old gods. His fear is gone so could we see the return of the pantheons mightiest champion? Could Illidan help him in some kind of redemption arc? We do know that revelations towards the titans, their true goals with azeroth and their return are on the horizon and I’d imagine that Illidan himself would be traveling with them. Perhaps when he does come back he could finally have a proper conversation with his brother Malfurion and his beloved Tyrande as during this legion arc, there was apperantly no time for them to sit down and have a chat. All we had were these final good byes, messages we were asked to pass on which I’ll end the video with so for now thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscibe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaand until next time...see ya! Illidan Stormrage says: The moment that the way to Argus opened... the instant my gaze fell upon the Legion's home world... I knew I would not be returning from it. Illidan Stormrage says: I will face my destiny, whatever it may hold. Yet... I have left certain matters unsettled... old wounds that I would see mended. Illidan Stormrage says: This crystal bears two messages. One is for my brother Malfurion, the other for Tyrande. I am trusting you to deliver them on my behalf, champion. Illidan Stormrage says: When they have heard my words, leave the crystal atop Mount Hyjal, upon the shores of the Well of Eternity. Illidan Stormrage says: You have witnessed echoes of my past, hero. I ask your help to put these final matters to rest. Malfurion Stormrage says: The crystal... it rings out with a familiar voice. Illidan Stormrage says: Malfurion... Even in the womb, we grappled with one another. Struggle has followed us all our lives. Illidan Stormrage says: The teachings of Cenarius were always your path. I felt... another calling. Illidan Stormrage says: It was power I sought... but not to conquer or rule. It was a means to an end... to save Azeroth from an unstoppable foe. Illidan Stormrage says: You never trusted my intentions... though I suppose I did not make it easy for you. Illidan Stormrage says: But now, as my fate becomes clear, I wish to quiet the strife that has long divided us. Illidan Stormrage says: Even when the Legion is gone, new threats will arise. There is no one I trust to face them more than you, brother. Illidan Stormrage says: You have spent a lifetime fighting for the dream of what Azeroth could be. Now you must fight for what it is. Illidan Stormrage says: Take care of Tyrande. Listen to her counsel. She was always the best of us. Illidan Stormrage says: The road ahead will be long. Whatever comes, bring honor to the name... Stormrage... Malfurion Stormrage says: My brother made selfish choices. Caused pain to so many. His transgressions are... difficult to forgive. Malfurion Stormrage says: And yet... there were times when we fought for a common cause. A shared purpose. Those were good days. Malfurion Stormrage says: But now is not the time to ponder personal regrets. We must see to healing the world, champion. Tyrande Whisperwind (located in Temple of Elune in Val'sharah) Tyrande Whisperwind says: In my lifetime, I have twice witnessed a sundering of the world. Mother Moon, I pray I do not see a third. Horde Though I cannot abide the actions of your warchief, <race>, we must fight together to save our world. Tyrande Whisperwind says: I sense a sorcerer's touch upon this crystal. Illidan Stormrage says: Tyrande... long ago, you trusted me enough to defy Malfurion's wishes and free me from my prison. Illidan Stormrage says: But over time, that faith was lost. And like my brother, you came to believe that the choices I made had driven me to darkness. Illidan Stormrage says: Know that every path I took led toward a single purpose: saving our world. I could abide no half measures. No compromise. Illidan Stormrage says: At those times when I faced doubt, I held true to one constant. One anchor. You. Illidan Stormrage says: You have always embodied the best of Azeroth, Tyrande. Your faith. Your devotion. Through the darkest times, my belief in you never wavered. Illidan Stormrage says: My fate, my duty, are now clear to me. I leave Azeroth's defense to you... and to my brother. Illidan Stormrage says: Take care of him, Tyrande. Though at times I wished your heart had made a different choice, in the end... I know it made the right one. Tyrande Whisperwind says: Contrite words. Yet I must wonder whether he truly meant them. Tyrande Whisperwind says: After Illidan faced defeat atop the Black Temple, I tried to let go of my feelings... my distrust and bitterness. Tyrande Whisperwind says: When I learned that he was alive, leading the fight against the Legion on the Broken Shore... I could not bring myself to speak to him. Tyrande Whisperwind says: The time for talk has passed. It seems he has a duty to fulfill... as do we. Let us be about it, champion. Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal Upon clicking on the crystal, the echoes of Malfurion, Tyrande and Illidan sitting on a bench appear. Illidan Stormrage says: The Well of Eternity. I am not one for sentiment... but if anything embodies my commitment to Azeroth, it is the font of power I created so long ago. Illidan Stormrage says: But enough dwelling on the past. The crystal I left for you to find holds not two messages, but three. The last is for you, champion. Illidan Stormrage says: You have proven your commitment to Azeroth. Your dedication, your sacrifice, rivals my own. But more will be asked of you. So much more. Illidan Stormrage says: Even now, enemies gather... and the shadows grow darker. From this day forward, the defense of our world of all we hold dear... rests with you. The echoes transform into sparkles and dive into the Well of Eternity.
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 95,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, Warcraft, Lore, Story, Illidan, Stormrage, Malfurion, Tyrande, Rhonin, War of the Ancients, Azshara, Vashj, Naga, Old Gods, Demon soul, Well of Eternity, Magic, Elves, Maievh, Warden, Twinblades, Azzinoth, Arthas, Lich King, Kil'jaeden, Sargeras, Archimonde, Mannoroth, Magtheridon, Akama, Black Temple, Outland, Argus, Naaru, Turalyon, Alleria, Velen, Legion, Burning Crusade, Full story, Fel, Gul'dan, Nighthold, Khadgar, Rift, Pantheon, Titans, Magni
Id: 4DuKWd6XP2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 15sec (8715 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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