The Story Of Simon_12: Herobrine's Secret Brother

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Herobrine Herobrine Herobrine Herobrine Herobrine Herobrine Minecraft's biggest mystery for the past 14 years from becoming the figure that haunted every kid's Minecraft world everyone on the internet knows that there is only one Herobrine but what if there was a second Herobrine about a month ago I came across this Reddit post a user by the name of proud Jaguar 69 6 made a channel to upload videos they recorded back in 2017 they wanted to Showcase their Journey on figuring out how to beat the game but when looking into the channel I found something much different the video starts off with our protagonist in The mindes we can see the date of the recording which possibly means they're playing on 1.12 as the player starts heading down the mines we already noticed they keep looking back as if they think something is following them then they start typing hey guys it's Simon welcome back to beating the dragon we now have a name for our protagonist Simon we also notice Simon's background which seems to be a screenshot of what looks to be Simon and another player called XX Angelo XX 322 remember that name Simon begin strip mining for a few minutes but while mining Simon keeps coming across air pockets something that doesn't naturally happen in World Generation but as the video continues it cuts to a new clip where Simon wants to show us a cool mining technique he found but while mining Simon notices something off Simon notices a large Dugout area inside we don't see anything except this weird object in the distance and by hiring the exposure we can make out what seems to be black pillars for what we don't know but we can also see this black outline which we can't tell nor make out what it could be but before trying to find answers we hear blocks breaking the immediately the clip cuts to Simon running back to the surface but when Simon escapes he's met with a strange occurrence Simon panics he heads to his house and the video ends unfortunately we're left with a lot of questions like what are with the air pockets what are these black pillars what is this black outline who is mining the blocks what happened to all the leaves who is messing with Simon wait what happened to all the leaves we've actually seen these tree trunks before Herobrine is known for messing with people's worlds and one of the many ways he does this is by removing the leaves of people's trees could this be Herobrine we're not too sure but I'm getting ahead of myself we need to move on to the second video fishing. MP4 our next video takes place 6 days days after the last one we start with Simon writing us an odd message I don't want to look under my bed anymore if we want to understand what this means we'll have to revisit it later on Simon then exits his house and goes to the mine but doesn't go any further and instead gazes at the staircase leading into the fog almost as if he's recalling certain memories he then covers up the hole and heads to his pond there he attempts on getting Enchantment books from fishing but moments after Simon sees a Zombie Pigman he kills it confusing inly trying to figure out where it came from and rightfully so we can see the broken nether portal and considering Pigman don't spawn in the Overworld it'd be impossible for them to spawn unless a player had spawned them but Simon brushes it off and heads back to his house and at 4 minutes and 53 seconds we get this the rod appears to be floating Simon obviously freaked out heads to his house but still keeping the rod attached and then it slowly starts going down Simon makes an iron sword and cowardly heads outside but not before writing I think this might be cause of the statue he heads outside to see his pond turned into a giant crater trying to understand the scenario Simon gets hit by a zombie falls and the video ends we're left with a lot of questions so I'll go through everything in order starting off with Simon's message he states he doesn't want to to look under his bed anymore we see right before the video ends under his bed is Cobblestone blocks but we can see the entire floor is made up of grass why go out of your way to place two Cobblestone blocks under your bed because there was never grass blocks under his bed I'll play a clip for my video a few minutes ago tell me what you see Simon panics he heads to his house and the video ends he heads to his house he heads to his who is under Simon's bed one thing's for sure we can see white eyes the eyes of Herobrine but it doesn't look like Herobrine before I go on to that we now know there was someone spying on Simon and Simon probably realized this after looking back at the footage so he covered up his bed to make sure he wouldn't be watched okay but what about the zombie pigman what happened there well knowing that whoever this was under Simon's bed is probably the same person messing with him so he all also broke Simon's portal and summoned the Pigman to freak Simon out which further proves what happened with the fishing rod situation we can also see the way the fishing rod moves is the exact same way it would move when attaching to a player this means that this thing is invisible and the person we see taunting Simon we also notice right before the video ends when Simon is falling we get a glimpse of a sign I tried brightening the image using AI quality enhancer asked many others to make out what the words could be but unfortunately we couldn't figure out what it says but one thing's for sure whatever is written was most likely by the person attacking Simon okay but why why do all of this why would this thing go out of its way to attack a little kid just trying to play Minecraft is it malicious or is there a deeper meaning if we want to find the answer we can't just move on to the next video because this channel only has two videos but if this is where the story ends I wouldn't be making this video when I went back to the Reddit post I noticed something odd I found there about me that said playlist question mark list equals this set of words are actually used in a link for playlist this is not a coincidence they want to be found but hidden at the same time and thanks to a friend they messaged me in important detail and why 512 captions are disabled but in fishing. MP4 they're enabled and when I turn on the captions there was nothing except that 6 minutes and 5 Seconds we get a set of words and numbers and if we combine those terms we get a link that sends us to an unlisted playlist named Simon the story of Simon is just getting started our first video on the playlist is named birthday compared to the other two two videos this one is very oddd for one we can see that there's no Bandy cam Watermark meaning we aren't seeing Simon's recording and instead someone else's they place an obsidian block and the video cuts to Simon's POV Simon is giving an introduction to himself and explaining his process in trying to beat the game the way he welcomes the viewers and introduces the video could imply we're seeing the very first Simon upload he proceeds to test out glitches that he found online but as he moves on to the next exploit he says this is one we found on YouTube that will give us free diamonds and you'd expect a duplication glitch when he says free diamonds but instead he starts building something structur likee as he begins placing the last block just like the beginning of the video it cuts let's recap at the intro we can tell from the sound of silverfish and stone bricks that our player is in the stronghold and we can match the structure we see here is the exact one Simon builds at the end of the video right before Simon builds his message seems a bit odd this so-called free Diamond exploit is something that I've never seen even after researching about it and I think it has something to do with the fact that in his video the first glitch he tests out he says I found this one on YouTube and it's a legit dupe glitch people used to do in 1.12 but then the moment Simon tries out a glitch we've never seen before he says this is one we found on YouTube who is this person and could they be the same person that we saw building the same structure in the beginning of the video I believe whoever this person is might have sent Simon a fake exploit video so they could build this structure if that's the case what could this structure be one thing that we noticed is that it resembles the structures people use to build to summon Herobrine could this structure relate to the alternate Herobrine we saw in the videos I think this next video could solve our questions our next video opens with Simon in a cave as he's strip mining we can hear the sound of another player breaking blocks we are then introduced to a player named Angelo the person we saw in Simon's wallpaper we can see they both seem to be racing for diamonds and after complaining about how long it's been Simon stumbles upon diamonds but Angelo ends up collecting all of them and Simon gets upset dude those were in my line WTF you got to get better l i don't make the rules he covers up the wall and continues mining he then Finds A Min shaft though unaware of what it is and when Angelo informs Simon that it has good stuff Simon starts booking it and falls into a hole with Angelo blocking his exit Simon walks around gets scared by a cave noise and the video Cuts right as Angelo gets killed by a cave spider compared to the other videos there isn't anything weird going on but we do meet Angelo from this video alone we don't really know too much about Angelo this conversation they had before the recording we could tell their friends and could possibly go to the same school still have detention yeah it's like one more day okay considering no one else is ever introduced later in the videos it's safe to assume in the episode birthday when I was asking who Simon was referring to in his message it was probably about Angelo so does that mean Angelo was responsible for making Simon build that odd structure yes but seeing how Angelo treats Simon Angelo probably did it to mess with Simon but Angelo has no idea what's heading his way immediately this video opens in a familiar spot that's because this is Simon's house before it was fully built as we watch Simon build his house everything seems fine Simon's Gathering materials and heading into the mines as he's struggling to kill the mobs but when the video Cuts things get weird Simon is heading into The Nether for the first time to collect glowstone for his base as he heads back to set it next to his bed Simon writes a message and when he goes into F5 all of a sudden the glowstone is gone Simon looks around confused and as he types question marks in the chat the video Cuts wait did Angelo just type in chat that doesn't make sense we can see at the beginning of the video Simon is in single player how is that possible in fact what happened to the glowstone Simon just went an F5 and it was just gone we should have heard the sound of Glowstone being broken well it's obvious the person responsible is this alternate Herobrine with Angelo writing where am I it's obvious this thing is keeping Angelo captive somewhere the reason I know this might surprise you as of now we've watched five videos on the Simon Channel in this order but if we rearrange them in their chronological order things start making more sense the first actual video is where we see Simon building this odd structure remember when I mentioned that it resembled Herobrine's structure earlier in the video I also stated that it resembled a structure people used to build to summon Herobrine this would explain why every odd occurrence takes place after Simon had built the structure because in this video he used the structure to summon this alternate Herobrine which is why it spent all this time haunting Simon but now it's gotten his friend Angelo and Simon has to save his friend our video starts off with Simon in distress as he types in chat hi YouTube can people get into your single player game Simon is aware something's wrong Angelo's message still in chat tells us that Simon never left the game and has been trying to figure out what happened notice how each message Simon types instead of entering it in chat like he normally does he instead deletes the message because he knows someone else is in the game with him he musters up the courage and writes back to who he thinks is Angelo how are you here Angelo Simon gets himself a bow and draws it getting ready to defend himself while staying on high alert he enters the Nether and travels to a nearby portal and when he goes through we see Simon's old house the one we saw in the episode birthday meaning we know this all takes place in the same world Simon looks through a chest but then notices something under his bed when he breaks it a giant hole was dug all the way to the bottom of the world then Simon snaps he grabs his flint and steel and frantically burns his house his reaction seems odd we we've seen him get scared at these occurrences before but we've never seen him destroy his belongings like this I believe that the whole Simon sees under his bed reminded him of what he saw when he went to look under the bed that was used to spy on him they both were probably dug out holes and Simon is now realizing that this wasn't the first time he was being watched after Simon burns his old house he runs back through the portal and heads back to his base there he proceeds to draw his bow again but as he's doing so a message pops up in chat saying there's something here and moments after he then sends another message saying dark and that's where the video ends there's something here dark seems like Angelo is trying to tell Simon where he's at but Angelo doesn't seem to know himself also something I never mentioned in the last video where I said Simon was mining and fighting mobs we could actually see in the footage the air pockets something I pointed out in the beginning of the video it seems that just like Herobrine with his 2x two tunnels Tree Trunks and Redstone torches there are signs that show Herobrine is in our world the same way we constantly see air pockets and Dugout holes under beds in Simon's world could also be signs this alternate Herobrine uses to show he's in the world but going back to the message where could Angelo be seems like dark could refer to something like somewhere far underground almost like like the bottom of a [Music] pit the video opens with a death screen right before Simon respawns we could see a diamond pickaxe and a stack of salmon dropped from his inventory which happens to be the same item Simon had in his fishing video from his death message saying fell from a high place we can tell this video takes place moments after the fishing video ends with Simon falling into a pit but when he respawns his items and XP are gone could have just despawned but what are the chances the moment Simon clicks respawn his items are just gone it seems like someone stole them nonetheless Simon finds himself at the bottom of the world once again we see this deep but short mind out area similar to the one we saw in the beginning of the video except this time there's Cobblestone pillars placed all around the area what makes this more confusing is that Simon finds a trail of cobblestone blocks and as he collects all of them he traces his steps back but can't seem to to find the hole he fell into despite hearing the sounds of rain coming from above meaning this alternate Herobrine covered up the hole as Simon wanders around he sees a player in the corner of his eye when he goes to check it out the player is gone but his attention quickly switches to a sign that he notices when he goes to read it it says Simon Says built a base built it bigger odd but Simon breaks the sign and continues walking he eventually comes to a dead end and uses the wall to continue walking but then Simon notices another sign this time being creepier than the previous Simon Says breaking sign it seems that this alternate Herobrine is watching Simon but when Simon decides to break the sign it becomes obvious when he turns around and sees another sign Simon Says break everything even if these are all messages we can tell this one has a very serious tone this time Simon doesn't break the sign and just walks away but once again while Simon is walking he stops and sees the figure's arm and leg sticking out but when it hides itself Simon checks it out and once again the figure is gone Simon starts sprinting and as things couldn't get any weirder we hear [Music] this Simon boxes himself but then a sign is placed right in front of him saying Simon says my base is my bedroom as he's running away Angelo writes a message in chat I think I see your name as Angelo is walking backwards he accidentally finds himself in a m shaft he blocks up the entrance and the video ends throughout the video there's probably one question we all have what do the signs mean Simon Says built a base built it bigger the term built a base could refer to Simon's old house and then right after saying built a bigger is implying Simon's new house is bigger than his old one then why start the message off with Simon Says could this refer to the children's game known as Simon says well then it would open up new questions what are the chances they're not referring to the game and instead are just referring to Simon himself are they implying this is something Simon said which could explain the Simon says unfortunately there's not enough evidence for a clear answer but then we can tell from the message moments after saying Simon Says breaking sign Simon is being watched and the figure continues to mess with Simon throughout the video placing more signs playing cave sounds and running around invisible but the two time times we see footage of another player in this video could be the alternate Herobrine but they are barely visible on screen not allowing us to have a clear look but despite that Angelo's message tells us that Simon is getting closer and Angelo could be wherever this Min shaft takes him but something interesting about this m shaft is that I noticed it looked very familiar and that's when I piece together that this was the M shaft from the episode that we see Angelo and Simon together but we have to move on to the next episode trick the video opens with Simon still stuck in the M shaft he grabs wood planks and crafts himself a pickaxe to mine his way out as he's digging to the surface Simon hears a weird sound and turns around to see a cobblestone block that he did not place he brushes it off and continues mining when he makes his way to the top he finds himself in a forest with no leaves once again unbothered and he finds his way back to his base but when he returns something's off about his house from the outside it appears to be a lot bigger and when he tries to go inside there are multiple layers of doors that Simon has to go through but for the first time we notice Simon puts text on screen which says I want to leave the world and another one saying but the dragon and a final one I called it beating the dragon moments after we get this clip although this video was short we get important information on Simon's motives realistically why would you put yourself through all of this wouldn't it be easier to leave and make a new world well Simon's messages implies that he wants to leave the world but the dragon Simon doesn't want to leave his world because he wants to beat the dragon and maybe he doesn't want to restart his world because he's never gotten this far in his first video he was me mentioning to us how he's never beaten the game before so if he's gotten this far he isn't going to let some entity stop his progress but we need to move on to the next video which takes place on the 7th of October there seems to be a conversation going on between Simon and Angelo we even see Angelo 6 seconds into the video but unfortunately this isn't the same Angelo that was captured by The Entity this video seems to take place on the 10 of October recorded before Simon's first ever video meaning this footage must be a recap of the past Simon throws an Eye of Ender so we know they're planning on heading to the stronghold they eventually find the stronghold and start digging down when they arrive they start looking for the end room but Angelo's behavior is very odd he keeps trying to get away from Simon and hiding from him eventually Simon loses him and is forced to look for the end room himself eventually the video cuts and Simon ends up finding the end room but with Angelo standing right by the entrance Angelo places down a sign and it says happy birthday dummy then Angelo places a diamond block Simon's very happy and as he mines the diamond block the video ends this video happens to be the strangest out of any other video we've watched we just don't realize for one Simon stated he's never beaten the dragon before but in this video Angelo and Simon are in the process of almost beating the dragon was Simon lying or is there more to the picture well we can tell Simon is the only one with eyes of enders cuz he seems to be the only one throwing them but he only has two which isn't enough to fill in an Ender portal after the recording ended they probably realized they couldn't go into the end and just gave up and Angelo celebrating Simon's birthday could relate to his birthday video but I'll get back to that later also something I want to point out is this video's abrupt ending when Simon mins the block it cuts but not only that if you pay close attention you can see the video quality starts breaking before it ends in fact this happens five times throughout the whole series two times in y512 two times in birthday and one time in the most recent video there is definitely a deeper meaning to this we've seen Cuts happen without the screen breaking down but these abnormal cuts only happen in significant moments of the story in y 5 12 the screen Cuts as soon as the entity starts breaking blocks in birthday the two times the cut happens are both when the structure is fully built does this evidence actually prove anything unfortunately no but with two episodes left we are getting closer to the answer the next video is titled question marks it appears to be up to date with the rest of the playlist Simon is heading to the strong hold this time alone we eventually see Simon stumble upon the same area we saw last episode although for some reason Simon is searching for the stronghold as if he doesn't remember going with Angelo Simon gets the achievement for finding the stronghold a second time meaning he must be playing in a different world this time he's ready as he finds the end room and lights up the portal when he enters into the end it seems to be a normal end fight and Simon is finally ready to end the series but then at 4 minutes and 15 seconds we get this the dragon just disappears Simon confusingly walks around doesn't know what to make of the situation so he quickly ends the video in 0-0 the video continues where we left off Simon is trying to understand what's happening but all of a sudden the Bedrock platform disappears few seconds later air pockets can be seen all throughout the island then a few few more seconds later the air pockets get bigger and in a matter of moments the island is slowly breaking down Simon climbs up a pillar and in the span of 30 seconds he sees the entire end Island gone Simon climbs to the top of the pillar and after a while of Silence he realizes a pillar disappears and then another one and another one and eventually all that's left is Simon in the middle of the Void then we see Angelo join the game Angelo where have you been do you see this as Simon is trying to understand the situation this happens Simon then cuts to him dragging a file to the recycle bin and that's where the video cuts off what did he drag into the recycle bin it was most likely his world file this Theory will make sense in a bit meaning the entity had succeeded and scaring Simon off and finally got what he wanted we also see Angelo for the first first time in a while Simon's message saying where have you been implies that Simon hasn't seen Angelo since he was taken but Angelo doesn't say anything in fact it was quite creepy how Angelo just said nothing to Simon where did Angelo go why is he acting different if we want to know we have to finish the final episode the video cuts to Simon joining a server with Angelo ha you got out too this clip seems to take place a while after everything that had went down what they're talking about is unknown at the moment yeah it's noisy I don't even know them but then Angelo says yo I saw the videos sorry I didn't believe you the video that Angelo could be referring to are the videos of Simon encountering the entity maybe Angelo never believed him until Simon showed him proof Simon says nothing bad's happened after that moment and Angelo insists on celebrating they grab themselves fireworks and Simon says Happy New Year's as he lights off the fire Works which means this video takes place on New Year's but then the conversation gets interesting that lamp you gave me just turned off the one by my bed what lamp the video then cuts to Simon on his desktop again with his recycle bin open hovering over a file that says beating the Ender Dragon the same name we see when Simon shows his World menu he clicks restore and that's where the video ends in the beginning of the video the conversation Angelo and Simon were talking about was most likely a New Year's party Simon also tells Angelo that the lamp Angelo gave him just turned off but Angelo says he never got him a lamp he even mentions that this lamp happens to sit by his bed the same lamp that Simon put next to his bed which means Simon was building his house based off his room but then a sign is placed right in front of him saying Simon says my base is my bedroom how could the entity have known that in fact why does Simon decide to restore the world that he was tormented in isn't it funny how Angelo and Simon both entered the stronghold but for some reason Simon's the only one who gets the achievement for finding it for the first time oh but render Angelo planned this to surprise Simon for his birthday okay but strongholds don't have Spruce planks in the corner of their room why is it there in fact why does this match with the spruce plank that we see in the episode birthday where underneath was a Structure that's used to summon the alternate Herobrine is being built why does Angelo need that isn't it funny how Angelo was the same person who made Simon build this structure and caused all of this in the first place also why do you need footage of what happened to Simon to believe that he was being haunted you got kidnapped by this entity that should be more than enough evidence isn't it also interesting how this entity has the ability to go into single player games and turn into an invisible player what are the chances he can't just type in chat and use a different name what are the chances that the Angela we've seen in every video never existed in fact the only time we have actually ever seen Angelo was in Simon's wallpaper where XX Angelo XX 322 was his real name in the other videos we've seen names like XX Angelo XX X 233 and xx Angelo 233 why are there different names what are the chances that Simon never got his friend back which is why he's restoring the world to go back and save him what are the chances that Angelo never came back and this alternate Herobrine never [Music] left [Music]
Channel: Render
Views: 1,492,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: render, minecraft, minecraft mysteries, minecraft arg, arg, gaming, liminal minecraft, disrupt, corrupted minecraft world, minecraft horror, zeemyth, wifies, deadlies viruses, render minecraft, nexpo, The Story Of Simon_12: Herobrine's Secret Brothe, Disturbing Minecraft Alpha Footage You've Never Seen, Horrifying Discoveries in Minecraft Beta Footage, BEDROCK.ZIP: Solving a Missing Player's Minecraft World
Id: 18f8xhPXzV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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