The Story of Fallout 3 Part 13: The Inhuman Experiments of Vault 87 - Finding the Garden of Eden

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[Music] in our last episode we finally found a way into vault 87 either by having Joseph repaired the terminal that opened the back door or by traveling through murder paths there we discovered a horde of super mutants and not easy ones either super mutant masters and overlords what were super mutants doing in lamplight caverns both paths lead to vault 87 but they come from different directions we'll start by exploring vault 87 from the direction of the back door the back door opens up into a small reactor room and we'll leave it by opening a door to the south this leads us to some sort of maintenance room we see large tape reels some primitive data storage devices windows that have no better view than the rock wall of the cave and a terminal on a table next to a stimpak cement ATS and a safe this terminal is Peter Stephens personal journals Peter Stephens technician class 3 inside we find seven entries in the first a o1 data corrupted own great so they don't all work in the next oh six ao2 I don't know what to do my Jason my little boy he's gone my wife won't talk anymore she just sits in this contra second sublevel and stares out of the window at the rock wall as if looking across a sunset meadow or a lazy summertime lake Jason was my life he was my joy my meaning now all of this work seems pointless this was a mistake better we had all died together outside than inside this permanent tomb I'm scared in the next 106 ao3 data corrupted oh six a oh four of data corrupted but in oh six a oh five nothing has meaning anymore every time I'm in the outer tunnels I swear I can hear children's laughter the vault doctors say it's just my mind compensating for the loss of Jason I know I'm not crazy they gave me new pills but pills are for crazy people I refuse to take these pills I am NOT crazy why bring up kids in a hellhole like this why this is a pointless existence and suddenly the pieces clicked together the children's voices he heard outside the vault were the voices of the surviving children living in little lamplight Peter wasn't crazy he really did hear children play and the legend that one of the little lamplighters told us now begins to make sense they said that the original little lamplighters tried to knock on the door of the vault to be let in but whomever was on the other side of that door said you're already dead that person must have been Peter and it wasn't some sort of threat towards the children he thought he was talking to Jason the ghost of his dead son that's why he said you're already dead oh six oh six data corrupted but in the final 106a oh seven can't stand the sounds anymore take the pills they say why I take them I am NOT crazy I am NOT crazy Jason's left her no family gone forever stuck here forever eternity and I am saying I am me I am forever Oh Peter Stephens poor guy driven mad over the grief of losing his boy I can't even imagine we don't find an option in the terminal to unlock the nearby average locked box safe so we got a picket and inside we find some money in ammo we see a toy car on top of the safe and effectively now no Peter had a son gives this toy car some tragic significance there are bobby pins in a suitcase nearby ammunition in a nearby filing cabinet and a pre-war book in a suitcase by the door to continue we need to open a door to the south that at first appears to be blocked with scrap and salvage we arrive in a hallway there's a path to the east that goes upstairs at a door to the south opening the door to the south okay we got a mannequin here wonder why maybe Peter put this year in the box at the feet of the mannequin we find some whiskey bottles a lot of empty whiskey bottles and a copy of Nikola Tesla and Jew okay so this must have been placed here by Peter he was a mechanic hence the book and he was grieving the loss of his son and saw the whiskey the path behind the mannequin is filled in with rocks so we can't go this way so turning around we can go down the eastern hallway at the end of the hallway and at the top of the stairs we find dismembered skeletons and chunks of gore scattered across the floor and blood spattered all over the walls what happened to these vault dwellers but this is a familiar sight turning right we can go south down the hallway and open the door to arrive at the other entrance to vault 87 the one we would have arrived at and we come from the direction of murder pass this is the scene we saw at the end of that path which means we've explored everything to the south of here so to continue we travel north through a doorway into another storage room or a data storage room we find more human body parts just scattered all over the place there are lots of containers but while we're eluding them we get interrupted supermutants holy cow two super mutant overlords and they were fighting radroaches Reef so supermutants got into vault 87 could this explain what happened to the dwellers here while we find their skeletons and their bodies the super mutants must have treated vault 87 like a can of tuna they just cracked it open and found fresh meat and in the western corner of this room holy cow how many skeletons lie here but these look ancient is this where the super mutants disposed of the bones of the people they ate or could they have died a long time ago and had been placed here by the original vault dwellers against a wall we disturbingly find a teddy bear we can take this to give to little Murray and when done looting we can continue through a door to the north along the way we pass by another skeleton with bloody handprints all over the wall and then turned west to take the staircase up a floor we see red ticks on our compass and we hear voices nearby we arrive in some sort of reactor room but before we can explore it let's take care of those voices with the mutants at the top of the stairs dad we can explore this room more piles of fresh gore more dismembered old skeletons and a cart cage but nothing inside we do know the mutants like to use these as traps and lures above ground as a bottle of whiskey buy a typewriter but that's it for this room so heading south we can go up the stairs loot the super mutant we killed and then open the door to the living quarters we arrived in another large room with another reactor with more skeletons on the floor and more blood spatter all over there are two little nooks in this room to the north and the south both of which are empty so to continue we follow the trails of blood on the ground through a door to the east another overlord jiminy crickets good grief I hate overlords moving east we can go up the stairs pass by more ancient skeletons and piles of blood to kill a master back to the staircase we can take it all the way up to the next floor where we enter the vault atrium there are bloody super mutant gore bags hanging from the ceiling above we can move in a clockwise fashion the first room to the left has a bunch of busted terminals a small amount of scrap we do find a pile of darts on one table back to the atrium we see more shopping cart cages around a pillar and then that gun overlords jeez but I think we're clear for now after looting the body we can move into this room looks like it was a classroom we see a projector and something being projected on the wall but it doesn't appear to be anything important we find cherry bombs and some beer in one of the lockers oh you naughty kids back out to the atrium floor we can continue in a clockwise fashion opening the door to the room to the west we see a barrel fire in the middle of this room and a bunch of gore there's a nuke to the south but it's empty a Gore bag on the floor with some skulls inside and a couple of lockers sticking out of some rubble both of which are empty we do find an ammo cannister some lawn mower blades and a first-aid box on a shelf as well as a stack of frag grenades the nuke to the north is also empty on our way out we see another shelf on the other side of the door that has scrap and one more ammo cannister heading out we can move to the center of the atrium many of the hallway doors are broken off and piled up here we see tables and chairs with cutlery and big slabs of meat and in the middle we find dripping gore bags will have to loot those when we get up to that level continuing north we find a supply closet with a bank of lockers one of which has a full suit of combat armor moving out of this room east we can explore the final room just outside we see a bunch of scrap and some booze and inside would discover that it was a bit of a clinic lots of blood all over the floor some operating tables a stimpack on a table a locker with leather armor in it and an operating table with chunks of flesh on it vaguely arranged in the shape of a human perhaps the mutants arrived while a patient was lying here undergoing surgery talk about meals ready to eat when done we can head out and move through a doorway to the east this mirrors the door we used to climb up to this level this one is on the northern side of the room we find our room to the right but it's blocked up with tables and lockers as if the vault residents tried to barricade themselves against a threat we see skeletons lung on the ground in this room they died but at least they didn't get eaten by a mutants way to go continuing East we round a corner and go up some stairs to the top level of the atrium where we find another overlord we have a number of options we'll start by picking the very hard locked door immediately to the left this leads to a large empty room with a door against the southern wall we arrive in a hallway the path goes west and east then down a staircase to the south but while we're deciding which way to go [Music] [Music] good gravy what were they guarding to find out we can head down than now blood-covered staircase to the very bottom and we arrive in a supply room here we find an engineering station on a table against a wall vault 87 engineering section employees only we find six entries in the first service issue entry vault 87 double o to maintenance code RL double o green issue dormitory water dispensers output in water with a foul aftertaste engineer Daniel coaster fixed notes the water filtration system the reclaimer was adding a bit too much chemical rebalance ER solution in the process this gave rise to a buildup of alka lines in the water I've checked with the medical section and the water shouldn't pose any health threat the taste should return to normal in approximately four days in the next one double O three Code RL o for red issue reactor spikes sectional power outages engineer Daniel coaster fixed notes for the last five weeks we've had periodic interruptions to the power grid entire sections will lose power for approximately one to six minutes then returned to normal by installing monitoring meters I traced the issue to sudden immense power spikes in the main reactor my fear was the reactor was having a major malfunction but turns out that it's due to a power draw that the experimental section is creating whatever they are using in there is way over the limit for acceptable power consumption I've temporarily remedied the situation by having the backup reactor kick on when needed I don't like to do this but I have no choice until I figure out what they are up to huh so there was an experimental section of the vault and many vault dwellers at least this guy didn't know what was going on over there in the next one double-o for entry double o for maintenance code RL oh one yellow issue deck chamber radiation purging offline engineer Daniel Koster fixed notes vault-tec scrappy handiwork is at it again I've spent the better part of a month patching andrey patching the radiation purge system that vents excess radiation from the ghek chamber I have no idea why the system keeps failing I suspect the system is simply inadequate and can't handle the amount of radiation it's purging recommend installing a new purging system as soon as I can get one cobbled together from spare parts should have it ready in about a month or so oh great so unless this guy somehow managed to fix the purging system the chamber where the ghek is is flooded with radiation will we even be able to get it and now I think we understand why the entrance to vault 87 was so irradiated it was coming from the ghek chamber in the next one entry double of five maintenance code RL double O green issue tapioca pudding miss color engineer Daniel Koster wow this guy did just about everything fixed notes the mess hall food reconstruction system is outputting the monday night dessert tapioca pudding in an odd bright orange color this was a simple fix the color matrix was simply misinterpreting instructions from the main brain and outputting incorrectly i replaced the interface and the pudding now outputs in its proper hue wish all my fixes or this easy and in the next one entry double o six code are ello for red issue eep chamber failure engineer daniel coaster i was summoned into the overseers office and met with dr. merek who heads up the experimentation section he informed me that one of his devices what he called an e EP chamber was edited or more correctly redacted it was a strange device but I managed to redacted which didn't fix the problem I then tried to ret acted which seemed to bring the device back online I'm not sure what this device is for but redacted e EP chamber failure and in the final one double-oh-seven code RL o for red issue need help engineer Daniel Foster this is the only place I could think of hiding this message in the event that anyone reads this please try and get word back to vault Tec HQ that something very wrong is going on in the experimentation section something they keep referring to as the EEP my wife Murcia was diagnosed by the medical section as having some sort of disease they wouldn't identify she's dead now and those SOPs won't even tell me why from talking to people I've discovered that many are dead or missing checking this with the medical records section gets me nowhere this is getting out of hand it's time to deal with this my way they took my wife from me now I'll take their lives away if I don't get some answers I've hidden some extra help in my safe accessing this message we'll unlock it if I don't come back and grab that stuff and save yourself so his wife was diagnosed with a disease and quickly died and other residents of the vault were either dead or went missing and what did Daniel Koster do backing out of the terminal we can access the safe and all of its contents are still there we find a scoped 44 Magnum a stack of frag grenades and stimpaks so Daniel never came back to his safe to retrieve the stash which means he failed whatever he was planning it didn't work or perhaps he succeeded but died in the process but what did he try to do and what exactly were the scientists in the experimentation section doing what is this EEP after looting a number of lockers and containers down here we see that it's a dead end so heading back upstairs we can continue west to finish exploring this upper atrium level passing the door we came in through we could open the door to the right which again leads back out to the ATM but we find another mutant [Applause] after looting their bodies we can head out to this upper atrium level a fake that's it we can loot each of these hanging gore bags but we don't find much in one I found a stack of about 50 shotgun shells this hallway we were traveling down has a staircase that goes up to yet another level but before we head up there let's cross the hall back to the side where we arrived and finish exploring the rooms over here we see that it too had a staircase leading up to an upper level but this one is blocked up with tables and furniture more evidence of some sort of conflict here in the vault before everybody died moving east we find a bathroom to the north nothing in any of the stalls or urinals and the lockers are all empty so heading out moving east the final room on this section is another bathroom to the north a women's bathroom we find a skeleton in one of the stalls but that's it so heading back to that staircase on the southern end of this upper atrium level we can open the final door on this level it's locked with an average lock inside we find a storage room railway spikes on a shelf to the left a nuka-cola in a box a first-aid kit on a shelf a bank of lockers one of which has some bottle caps inside some darts right away and a nuclear Cola Quantum on a shelf to the west a copy of pugilism Illustrated next to some microfusion cells and an average locked wall safe which has some caps and scotch inside with this room looted we can head out and head upstairs to the next level we find a hallway to the right blocked in with more furniture and out of a room on the other side of this barricade comes even more super mutants whoa hope that's it for this level moving west we see a path to the south and then a path that wraps around to the east heading south first we begin to pick up rads but this section of the hallway is completely caved in something happened deeper in this vault that caused high levels of radiation could this be the way towards the irradiated gek chamber that we read about if so we need to find another way turning around we can move north we find a bloody handprints on a window this guy chased me all the way back downstairs back upstairs and down the path we can round the corner into this room where the mutant sauce we find some scrap a stimpacks and a bottle of radix on a table and there's an average locked wall safe against the southern wall but first let's check this terminal on a nearby table to see if we can find an option to unlock it on the table next to it we find microfusion cells and some rad acts and to access this terminal we have to hack through an average lock sure enough the first option is to unlock the medical safe great and in the next one all employees must read medical records section personnel only to all medical staff any vault member marked as deceased by the special eep section will be tagged and coded in the computer as an unexplained or undefined death this comes directly from the overseer of this vault who will be personally inspecting your reports to make sure they are accurate please refrain from sending inquiries or clarification requests to this office or to the EEP chief physician please print out and give any next-of-kin form dv9 tol if they have any questions oh great so any death that happens from the EEP section of the vault is officially undefined that's handy and the next one we find a deceased listing vault 87 deceased individuals total deceased 93 natural deaths for accidental deaths to undefined and unexplained deaths 87 is that a coincidence the number of people killed in the EEP section happens to be the number of this vault vault 87 and we discover something horrible number 2 Jason Stevens code UD triple o UD triple o is the code for undefined death Jason Stevens was Peter Stevens son the EEP section of this vault killed him continuing down the list on page 3 we find number 33 mercy Acosta but her coat is n double O 9 which is a natural death that's odd we read on the terminal that her husband Daniel Koster thought that the death was suspicious which is why he practically waged war against the vaults but according to this terminal his wife actually died of natural causes but what exactly was code end a below 9 going through the rest of the list we don't find any other names that we recognize we don't find the names of Peter Stevens or Daniel Koster on this list backing out of this one we find a final one death Code definitions to all medical records staff the following are the new revised death Code definitions please update all files to include these codes for faster handling note that criminal deaths / suicides are never listed in these files as such they must be listed under a code a double 8 in accidental deaths as per vault-tec men date so they listed suicides and murders as accidental deaths of vaulteq you never fail to disappoint and here we find the natural death codes we were looking for oh one is microbial agents Oh 2 is radioactive agents oh 3 is toxic agents oh four is allergic reactions 5 as heart disease 6 is cerebral vascular disease 7 is bronchitis emphysema or asthma 8 is liver disease and cirrhosis and 9 is cancer type 1 so Mercia died of cancer and what they just never bothered to tell her husband had they simply told him he wouldn't have gone to wage war against the entire vault 10 is cancer type 2 11 is unexpected organ failure in 12 as aged there are quite a few ways to die in this vault we'll go through them quickly for accidental deaths they've got massive radiation overexposure massive toxin overexposure electrical shock crushing / by a heavy object and elevator mishap drowning mistaken weapons discharge an instant death syndrome this is a double O 8 the one that all suicides and murders should be categorized as so officially every murder in suicide was just a case of instant death syndrome and other is undefined / unexplained this one is the one for most of the Dead vault residents remember there were only four natural deaths in two accidental deaths the two accidental deaths were Marian Hansy & magicka / code we see that she died - electrical shock the other one was Truman West and matching up his code we see he died - a mistaken weapons discharge then for all of the natural deaths we've got Pauline a day she died of old age Mircea Koster Daniel's wife as we already learned she died of cancer Bennett Faust he also died of cancer but cancer type 2 and finally Eve greenwalt she also died of old age so all the normal deaths in this vault are perfectly rational - cancer deaths - old-age deaths a few accidental deaths related to basic vault operations and exactly 87 undefined and unexplained deaths that came from the experimental section inside the safe we find some purified water and a bunch of Medicine and Kemp's now out of the medical room we head east we can loot the corpses of the mutants we shot from the other side of that furniture barricade we see it over there at the end of the hallway the mutants had come out of this room which leads to a staircase that goes up but before we go up let's see what was down this staircase oh and we see that it just leads to the other side of that upper atrium level that was blocked in with furniture okay so turning around we can go through the other door on the other side of the barricade and head upstairs to yet another level of this vault we pass by more skeletons and body parts on the floor and at the top of the stairs would go through a door to the experimental test labs we arrive in a hallway bathed in red light we see a door to the right and opening it there are many broken terminals in this room against the southern wall we find two shelves each of which has an ammo cannister on it one of which is locked with a hard lock we also find some railway spikes in the northwestern corner we find yet another box safe this one locked with an EZ lock and inside we find ammo and caps out of the supply room we can move south here we find a door with a viewing window and a terminal test chamber one peeking in through the window but just then a centaur accessing the terminal FEV test chamber oh one authorized personnel only chamber status check error chamber offline code 98 87 y-you FEV reserves FEV tanks depleted heading inside we can examine the failed fpv subject and it's wearing a vault 87 jumpsuits supermutants didn't invade the vault supermutants came from the vault the 87 undefined deaths we found in the terminal were vault dwellers who had been killed by vault Tec scientists who had been experimenting upon them with FEV that's the fate of Peters son Jason vault 87 is therefore the source of the super mutant infestation in the capital wasteland despite their failures some of the experiments must have become viable and the viable experiments broke free perhaps due to Daniels sabotage maybe after his wife Mercia died to cancer he broke into the experimental lab and released some of the viable super mutants who then killed all of the scientists and went on a rampage through the vault now would explain all of the barricades that we find in hallways and in doorways then from here it was a simple matter of the super mutants escaping they went out into the capital way and kidnapped people dragged them back here ate the weak ones and dipped the strong ones this vault is a super mutant Factory sure enough in the next test chamber chamber 2 we find the door open and little particles floating in the room we see a grate on the ground almost as if FEV was aerosol and sprayed upon the victims in these rooms but this victim is gone perhaps he or she was one of the super mutants who was viable moving out we can peek into the next room but then we hear a noise behind us this was test chamber number 3 opening the door we again find it empty another viable escapee perhaps a rounding the corner we can go into the room with the mutant we just killed this was test chamber number 4 and lying on the ground dead next to the super mutant we killed as another failed FEV subject also in a vault 87 vault suit continuing north down the hallway we find two more rooms neither of which have terminals outside the one to the left is blocked up with more furniture we can't get in but we see a couple of human skeletons back there another case where they barricaded themselves into their own tombs and the door to the right leads to another medical lab we find data storage devices and a bunch of operating tables when as a first aid kit on top we see a bank of lockers to the south and on a table we find the chief physicians terminal voltage 7 chief physicians terminal dr. Wayne Merrick we find five entries in the first entry 87 34 190 the latest subjects in the evolutionary experimentation program EEP are showing some promise after only a single exposure to the modified FEV we are currently testing five subjects two males and three females each one of them is under 24-hour observation as usual we hope to have a breakthrough in the strain as the continual pressure from falltech and the military at Mariposa is becoming most bothersome ha so if they were conducting experiments upon vault dwellers in this vault but at the same time we're being pressured by vault Tec and the military at Mariposa then the only explanation is that the residents of this vault were interred before the bombs dropped in the next one 34:22 for incredible results after only three days subjects b 440 b 164 and d620 for all our female specimens are all exhibiting a unique change their bodies are undergoing severe physical changes losing most of their visible female indicators and transforming into an almost asexual state they are also seeing increased upper body strength and muscle formation in line with males similarly subjects see 376 and a5 41 our male specimens are losing most of their visible male indicators and taking on the same asexual state as the females it seems that the FEV wishes to level the playing field and start with a clean slate as it works well this is something we learned from the lieutenant during the events of fallout 1 the master might not have known it but the lieutenant knew that super mutants couldn't reproduce and it was more than just impotence according to this terminal they're very physiology changed to remove their organs and the next one at 34 23 3 we've had a minor setback subject B for 40 Mary Kilpatrick is now deceased according to my autopsy she died of a massive loss of brain function and was unable to sustain her basic bodily needs this is the usual pattern we see in all the FEV strains we test the brains of the subjects becoming too damaged to support even the most basic human needs eating sleeping etc so far all other subjects are nominal and continue to exhibit physical changes this confirms what we deduce after reading the medical terminal Mary Kilpatrick was indeed listed as an undefined death and will learn here that she was exposed to FEV so all 87 of those undefined deaths diet as lab rats in the next one 34:26 five at ten days we are now noticing that the skin of all of our remaining test subjects is actually thickening and becoming more resilient this seems to be the FEV bringing about some new adaptive this is the kind of result of we were looking for adaptations that could prove useful in combat situations I need to remember to congratulate dr. filo on his skin engineering his coded instructions in this strain seemed to be exactly what he expected so the scientists here at vault 87 working for vault-tec were altering FEV in their own way separate from the scientists at Mariposa and the scientists in West Virginia perhaps this can explain why the capital wasteland mutants are so very different both in temperament and appearance compared to the West Coast variant and in the final one 34 33 5 once again I've hit that dam wall at 14 days all of the test subjects began to exhibit severe bouts of rage and anxiety so much so that they were a danger to my team and this facility I had no choice once again but to order them to be destroyed it pains me every time we do this the same cycle has been repeated in every strain we test we always say superior physical adaptations but the mental changes are their downfall well they never did solve the intelligence issue despite being able to use complicated laser weapons these capital wasteland super mutants are still pretty dense after looting a MedX on a table we can head out and move north down the hallway here we find a split a path to the northeast with more rooms and a path to the northwest but super mutant who can talk rationally accessing the nearby intercom can't however you are quite real I am going quite mad could you actually be a pure human I am indeed but I have no time to discuss these matters yes you do up here a bit hairy and you obviously didn't come into the depths of this place to chat with me you're kind of weirding me out oh yeah I'd better go a friendly super mutant well now I've seen everything must you use that vulgar term yes I was born in the FEV chambers but a super mutant I certainly am NOT I prefer the term suits me better don't you think give me one good reason not to kill you what's the matter with you I assure you I'm under like the others in this dank place well then what are you forgive me I'm not used to pleasantries and more used to grunts thanks talk about by the others my name's Fox I've lived in this cage all my life sorry I've got more important things to do very well if this is what is to be expected from interacting with humans then I'm likely better off in here than out there amongst you and then we'll lose karma but we could always talk to him again back so soon what is it now come to talk the caged animal you belong in that kids you freak I was hoping my first encounter with a human would have proven more beneficial I'm saddened that I was mistaken or we can say very well you were saying I appreciate your understanding I'm used to your kind being less cordial my apologies I appreciate your understanding and your tone leads me to believe you are a reasonable person perhaps we can use this moment to help each other rather than fight each other Fox say that's quite an unusual name it was taken from a historical entry in the computer the name comes from a man who was willing to fight and die for what he believed in I felt it was appropriate given my circumstances he is of course named after a guy Fox it's amazing how well you can speak I suppose it is no one my captors placed me here they were too stupid to realize this room contained it a working terminal I've spent all my life teaching myself to read and speak based on the information stored on the Volks mainframe ironic isn't it yeah surrounded by the world's history and yet my world consists of this tiny room we can pass an intelligence check to say how ironic that the others consider you a mutant of their kind yes indeed it is ironic forgive my astonishment but I hadn't expect to meet someone with such a learning outlook of these things it is a pleasant change why have you been imprisoned because I'm a curiosity an anomaly they don't know why I'm different than they are and I think it fascinates them all the locked rooms in the medical wing contain failed experiments that they created how come they've kept you alive I think when I was created something went wrong and I didn't come out like they planned just like all the other things in this makeshift cellblock were the results of what they would call failed experiments yeah if they were smart enough this is a huge waste of time if you've been here as long as I imagine maybe you can help me perhaps I wish I could stay and chat but I needed to find something important let me guess you're here for the deck am i right the gag never heard of it I read a tape once on how to tell if someone's lying I must say you're a terrible liar why else would you be in this horrible place if it wasn't to get it people before you have tried and failed many times you're in luck I know where it is and best of all I know how you can get your hands on it what do you know about the GAC I know I know how you can get your hands on it good tell me everything you know about it then not so fast quid pro quo my friend if I'm to do this service for you I expect to get something in return release me from this makeshift prison and I will personally take you to the GAC and retrieve it for you how about you tell me all you know and I don't paint the wall with your brains but is it will your kind this is why the bombs fell you know I have no reason to tell you anything you kill me you get nothing so what's the point let me out of this place and no retreat the get for you why would you help me because you can help me let me out of this place I can't take it anymore I can't even recall how long I've been here take me with you and I'll retrieve the gat for you I'm not worried I can mow down whatever's in my way unless your weapons can destroy radiation say that will prove difficult why would I have difficulty getting the gak the chamber in which to get resides is absolutely flooded with radiation you don't make me you'd survive very long myself on the other hand have surprisingly inherited a useful trait from my fellow meta humans I am highly resistant to radiation you let me out of here then I will place the kick safely in your hands how do I know you won't run the second I get you out there's the way to prove it you just have to take my word for it I've already helped you by warning you about the radiation take that as a gesture of good faith so what do you say how do I get you out at the end of the hallway to your right is a maintenance room inside you'll find the fire control console for the medical area trip the alarm on it and I'll be able to get out though a word of warning though trapeese the console activates a fail-safe and will open all the recovery rooms in the medical area so what do you think you do it sorry I have to get going I don't have time for this so be it take your device and leave me here yeah it's what I expected when you give up because you can't get the get and you realize your mistake and we lose karma or we can say okay Fox you've got a deal glad to see you a responsible person now get me out of this place I can't stand it anymore do you know what the GAC does we can discuss this later right now concentrate what do i do once I trip the fire control console stay here until you've cleared a path to me so just be careful some of these have failed experiments are quite nasty I have to go now it is my hope that we will speak again soon peering through the window sure enough he is a super mutant he appears to be wearing a vault suit we find a wall-mounted terminal nearby he is in isolation room number 5 if we hack this terminal we find a few options we can identify the specimen he's subject d6 24 and we can choose to terminate the specimen if we do [Applause] fire flies out of a wall it kills him if we choose this option and then use the terminal to try to unlock the door we get a message lock error call for service so we can't enter this way but let's not kill him and instead explore these other isolation rooms we'll start by moving west we see an empty room right next to his and it's not locked we can head inside but there's nothing here the occupant must have long ago left back to the hallway and across the hall we find another isolation room there's a Gore bag in here but nothing of interest inside the room back to the hallway and then west we find a staircase leading up to another floor ok since this leads away from the isolation rooms we'll turn around and finish exploring this floor first before we move up turning around and passing Fox room we can round a corner to the north we see an isolation room immediately to the right peering through the window we see a bunch of corpses this is isolation room number 1 if we hack the terminal we find all the same options we find on Fox terminal if we identify the specimen we see that it's subject b1 64 which is strange because there's more than one corpse inside therefore I think we can conclude that the specimen number was for the pre-war vault 87 resident but after the war the super mutants have been using these isolation chambers to store their captives from above ground we can again choose to terminate the specimen and fire flies out of a nearby vent there are three corpses in here in the game files we find cut content that explains that these three people were murdered by another person whom we'll meet in a minute back out into the hallway and continuing north we find another room to the left inside we find a dead centaur this is isolation room number four if we hack the terminal we find all the same options if we identify the specimen we see that it's b4 40 and if we unlock the door and head inside we can loot the corpse we just find a baseball glove and a carton of cigarettes there's nothing else in this room out and continuing down the hallway we find another isolation room and peering through the window we see another centaur this is isolation room number two the terminal has all the same entries we discover that this specimen is a five 41 and we can terminate him if we go inside we see that the room is completely empty back out to the hallway we find the final isolation room peering in we see a man standing behind his door his name is Syd this is the guy who killed all the other people in the other room the fallout3 official strategy guide tells us that Syd here lost all of his rational thought as a result of his situation which caused him to go mad and kill the other captives with him the supermutants interpreted this aggression as said being one of the stronger captives so instead of eating him they put him in isolation to turn him into a super mutant after acting the terminal we see his identity is ce 376 we could terminate him here if we want to and inside aside from his body we don't find anything but there is another way to get all of these doors open heading north to the end of this hallway we can turn right and open a door into the final room it's guarded by super mutants inside we find a number of crackling reactors and two objects we can interact with the fire control console Foxx told us about and a wall-mounted terminal called the medical wing maintenance terminal to access this one we have to hack it it's locked with an average lock and if we succeed we find options to individually release each of the doors to each isolation room in this way we only have to hack one terminal and we can clear each room one by one or we can do as Fox suggested and activate the nearby fire control console you've accessed the vault 87 medical wing fire control console once activated the fire alarm can't be canceled we can do nothing or we can activate the fire alarm with that the alarm begins to blare and if we left all of the occupants in this wing in their isolation chamber they begin to walk outside we see Sid walking down the hallway and he starts a fight with the Centaur that was in the other isolation room if we help Sid here [Music] he turns hostile well he did go mad so I suppose we had no choice but to put him down heading all the way back to Fox's room we can watch him walk out I cannot thank you enough for this gift you have no idea how long I pictured this moment in my mind my part of the budget follow me with that we gained karma and Fox leads us towards the Keck and the door to his room is open we can explore it now but there's nothing here which is weird because in his dialogue he said that there was a terminal in his cell that was connected to the vault-tec mainframe it's what he used to educate himself while he was stuck here for all of those years but we don't find it here though we do find a broken terminal on the ground perhaps he read absolutely everything got bored and then destroyed it always the possibility also of note he's wearing a vault 87 jump suit while following him we see the number 80 seven on the back but in his dialogue he says that he was captured and his captors put him here he gave us the impression that his captors were the super mutants who were too stupid to know what to do with him but if that's the case if Fox really is a wasteland er who was captured dipped in FEV by super mutants and then placed in a Cell why then is he wearing of all 287 jumpsuit the jumpsuit makes us think that he's one of the original vault 87 dwellers now there was a series of hollow tapes we would have found in vault 87 that shed some light as to Fox's identity but they were cut from the game those hollow tapes were from a pre-war resident of vault 87 named Chilton dellacroix who was a vault tech security officer as we listen to each tape Shelton slowly begins to discover what the scientists were doing to the other vault 87 residents but let me start at the beginning my name is Shelton Delacroix and I'm a security officer here in vault 87 I'm assigned the laboratory level which sure beats babysitting the reactor room Sykes and costs are drank some unconscious guy from the dorms into the labs I tried to ask what was going on but they just glared at me and after they left I snuck into the containment room and and and I almost threw up I don't even know how to describe it it looked sort of human but it was deformed I could see some of its organs on the surface of its body like they were trying to push through in the second-to-last holotape we find him hiding in a reactor room the scientists are coming for him what the hell am I supposed to do now American his team are obviously experimenting on people someone's got to put a stop to it but how there's nowhere to go and no one to tell [ __ ] oh my god oh my god tell my wife endure me that I love and then in the final holotape you stupid machine how you work this thing this thing is stupid smash it we here Fox now in the game files this holotape does have Fox's name attached to it so we know that this was Fox not some other random super mutant however all of this was cut from the game so even though it's likely that Fox was at one time Shelton we don't know if that's canonical Fox leads us through this upper portion of the vault at earlier levels he's really handy at killing these super mutants but at higher levels he doesn't do a whole lot of damage we eventually arrive at a room with two doors the door to the west is inaccessible it requires a key so we have to follow Fox through the doorway to the north this is a good opportunity to talk about a terminal that was cut from vault 87 it's the overseers terminal and it does answer a few questions for us in the overseers terminal we learned that dr. Wayne Marek the scientist in charge of EEP had vault-tec set up this vault for him and vault-tec was able to get the FEV research from both Mariposa and West Tech on the west coast transferred here to vault 87 in that terminal we learned the overseers thoughts on Daniel Koster the overseer admired Daniel as being an excellent maintenance chief but he was weary of Daniel because Daniel was quote honest to a fault a character trait the overseer worried would become a problem later when he had to reveal to Daniel the nature of the experiments going on when the overseers terminal then has an entry on Peter Stephens and the overseer was initially really impressed by Peter Stephens describing him as an excellent technician but in an updated entry Hiba mode the fact that Peter had a nervous breakdown claiming that his son went missing and that his wife was in deep depression but strangely enough the overseer then says there are no records of Peter having ever been married or his son ever being in the vault and I think this may explain why this terminal entry was cut from the game because in the medical terminal we found his son Jason's file we know that he was experimented upon with FEV though we do get a hint as to his potential fate the overseer ends by saying that he had Peter taken to the test labs for observation and sedation if need be and from this cut terminal we learned why the entrance to vault 87 is so radioactive it received a direct hit from one of the nuclear bombs that devastated the capital wasteland in the great war of 2077 so according to this cut terminal the radiation didn't come from the GECK room but instead is left over from that nuclear detonation but again since this terminal was cut from the game we don't know if this is canonical whether or not vault 87 was directly hit by a nuclear weapon at length Fox leads us to a large room with a working terminal inside he continues through a door to the north but he will wait for us so we can go back into this room to read the terminal this terminal is the lab technician terminal locked with an average lock if we hack it we find an option to unlock a storage room door and we find three notices and the first double o 9 attention all lab technicians the a level storage room has been restocked with riot suits and other radiation dampeners we were able to bring these up from deep storage for immediate use please only take what is needed there is no need to hoard these items there is plenty to go around and to lock the door after you're finished alright so I think we know what to expect inside the storage room then in notice o 12 the radiation expulsion ducts from the ghek chamber are once again venting radiation directly into the area due to faulty seals these seals must be properly maintained and checked on a daily basis there is a clipboard with the maintenance checklist that you must initial when the check is complete in the main laboratory any lab technician skipping their check will be held accountable for their inaction so again we read that the ghek chamber is flooded with radiation but what is the source of that radiation is it all coming from the GAC if so wouldn't it be rather dangerous to hold it and the next one Oh 18 dr. Merrick has ordered the latest test subjects in the EEP to be terminated and then disposed of please make sure that bodily remains are placed in the incinerator as soon as the subjects vitals are flat the entire isolation room is disinfected and any relevant data on the subjects are given to dr. Merrick FEV is very unpredictable and we do not want any contamination to remain when the next strain is introduced to new subjects and that's a smoking gun right there now to find that storage room turning around we see the path we came from to the right and then another path to the southeast this leads to the storage room we read about on the terminal we find a tea bottle caps in one of the lockers some microfusion cells a laser pistol a first aid kit and railway spikes on a shelf then an advanced radiation suit and a bunch of radix and read away on the other shelf right next to this is an average locked while safe with a small amount of caps and money inside heading back to the room with the locked door that required a key we can take this opportunity to loot the gore bags that are hanging from the ceiling the door is still locked however so to continue we have to go all the way back to where we left Fox the terminals in this room were all busted so moving forward we can continue down the hallway and then through a southern door to kill more super mutants [Music] that was barely a fight the lockers in this room were all empty looking through a window to the west we see green puddles on the floor on the other side in that room but Fox continues through a doorway to the south he opens up another door into a final room where we find a first aid kit on a table next to a broken terminal we pass by some lockers all of which are empty and here Fox stops okay you stay here beyond this door the hallways and chambers are flooded with radiation I'll get the case and bring it right back give their eyes open and in my lesser minded brethren band to stumble across us with that he opens the door into the highly irradiated GAC chamber we could stay back or we could follow him inside if we do he walks into the containment chamber activates the GAC storage and takes it or of course if we don't have Fox we can go into the room ourself activate the get container ourselves and then take the ghek you found the vault 87 Garden of Eden construction kit whoops shouldn't that be creation kit what do you want to do we can do nothing or we can activate it are you sure that you want to activate the ghek yes the ghek will collapse all of the matter within its given radius and recombine it to form a living breathing fertile virgin landscape and allow life to begin anew are you certain you want to do this a ticket this is our final warning but yes this is exactly what I want to do and we're done so instead of activating the gak we can head inside and take the keg if we choose to take the get ourselves and we released Fox he says deciding to retrieve the device yourself was foolish when I was at your disposal but so be it and there's nothing else in this ghek chamber we see windows leading to some of the other rooms of the vault that we've already explored but we don't find anything else here or if we allowed him to retrieve it and we waited patiently for him to return yes the GAC our bargain is complete as promised yeah here's the deck I hope it's worth it I'm afraid this is where you and I part company I'll write my way out of this place don't worry maybe we'll meet again somewhere in the wasteland yes what is it you can't come with me sorry not afraid of super mutant wouldn't be welcome in the places you frequent all I would do is cause you undue attention and you probably get you killed alright well thank you and good bye Fox farewell my friend I suspect we may meet again now that we have the GECK we can examine it in our inventory it just shows up in the miscellaneous section as deck and the picture of a suitcase now we need to work our way out of vault 87 and get this thing to medicine Lee as we enter the room with the locked door [Music] [Music] objective is secured sir [Music] good work soldier make sure the deck is secured aboard my vertibird yes sir I'll have the techs come down and remove it immediately sir you're certain she's unharmed yes sir she'll pass out shortly but we can revive her excellent prepare her for transport immediately right away sir Colonel autumn but we saw him die he's the one who murdered Janus Kaplinsky at project purity he was standing right next to our Father when everyone in that room died to radiation how did he survive but thinking back replaying those events in our memory we do recall that he appeared to inject himself with something just before he collapsed to the ground couldn't whatever he injected himself with have saved him from the radiation that killed our Father with that we're out of time we'll pick up right here where we leave off wherever it is we turn up in my next episode I publish many videos each and every week so if you don't want to miss my next episode be sure to subscribe and sip that fell notification button if you have any feel like you're still missing out on YouTube notifications consider following me on Twitter at ox horn I update Twitter manually with every new piece 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Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 1,491,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, vault 87, fallout 3, finding the garden of eden
Id: f_zNzwDfbeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 52sec (4012 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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