The Story of Fallout 3 Part 14: Raven Rock & The American Dream

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[Music] in our last episode we uncovered the secret experiments of vault 87 and freed the intelligent super mutant named Fox though he wants us to call him a metahuman with his help we retrieved the ghek but as we were on our way out [Music] we were incapacitated by some sort of device and then in walked the Enclave led by Colonel autumn a man we thought was dead we black out and when we awake so you're awake let's keep this nice and simple you're going to tell me the code for that purifier and you're going to tell me now what the hell is going on here I'll tell you what's going on here you lost the good guys won this one and now we're just wrapping up loose ends we've got the purifier now we just need the code to start it you're going to give me that code now and save us all a lot of trouble maybe I'll even let you go so how about it this is some kind of mistake you've got the wrong person you really think I'm that stupid I know you were there I saw you you're in a heap of trouble kid you're a traitor to the United States government you know what happens to traitors don't you you give me that code and maybe we can work out a deal for you but you need to start talking right now let me out of here now if you tell me the code it might be worth your life but you're really not in a position to be demanding anything are you why do you want this code so badly you know why we can't start the purifier without it the longer the purifier isn't running the more people suffer now I'm running out of patience son I want that code and I want it now screw you I'm not telling you anything I'll be honest I'm running out of patience here and I'm not looking to play games with you you tell me that code or it's going to cost you no seriously screw you why do you insist on provoking me tell me the code now I'll tell you whatever you want just please don't hurt me now that's just what I wanted to hear so what's the code we can make up a code the code is 7:04 very well we'll just verify that now this is Colonel Adam are your men in play soldier affirmative sir standing by for code transmission your code is 7:04 repeat 7:04 confirm and enter copy 7:04 stand by sir entering code now negative sir the codes no good I just lost another man why do you insist on making things difficult maybe I should start shooting how much blood you think you can afford to lose before you tell me what I want to know or we can give him the correct code now neither James nor Madison Lee gave us this code but it's easy to guess after all and what was mother's favorite verse revelation 21:6 I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely revelations 21 6 the code is two one six let's just make sure you're telling the truth this is Colonel autumn are your men in play soldier affirmative sir standing by for a code transmission your code is tu-16 repeat tu-16 confirm and enter cubby tu-16 standby sir entering code now confirm that's the correct code systems coming online now sir I'll have a full report shortly thank you for cooperating I'm afraid we no longer have need of your services [Music] and we just die he executes sus well I think we just learned everything we need to know about the Enclave or we can say I don't know what the code is you lie mr. president I have no time for other matters I'll be with you shortly yes sir [Music] at last I do apologize for Connell autumns attitude he's been under a great deal of stress lately I've no doubt that you know who I am I'm sure you've heard my radio broadcasts his radio broadcasts that's right we recognize that voice we've heard that voice booming from I bots all over the wasteland this is president Eden and I was hoping we could talk this is John Henry Eden the self-proclaimed president of America I'd like to have a word with you face-to-face I think there are a few things that you and I should discuss you'll find your possessions in the locker near the door I'll unlock the way for you and I'll unlock your strengths as well I'll be waiting for you at my office goodies don't carry with that he releases us from her restraints and unlocks a nearby locker where we find all of our gear no matter which of the choices we made in that conversation with Colonel autumn unless we give him the correct code president Eden will interrupt him so that we can escape well put him on my gear I discovered that my power armor was broken Oh No well guess we'll explore this place in my tighty-whities we see a president eden spying on us from these wall cams we can't attack them or damage them in any way and we can't talk to them it looks like he has to initiate a conversation we find ourselves in cell number 4 but as we open the door hold it right there you're supposed to be in that holding cell you're not going anywhere there's a full complement of guards in the next room as soon as I get them you're going back to your cell in a body bag if necessary get out of my way you will stand down and return to your cell at once that's an order 10 caps as I can kill you before the guards get here that's it guards and with that he and the nearby Enclave guards attack but while we are fighting them president eden tells them to stand down this is your president speaking I've invited our guest from vault 101 to my office please do not thank you and then they stop attacking or we can try to bribe this guy 500 caps as you never saw me understand are you bribing me on second thought you're not worth the caps guards in which case he attacks or we can say look here are the caps just pretend we never saw each other well okay hand him over and with that we give him 500 caps hey there see you later bye hey there he is well that we can explore around him or we can pass a speech check to say am i bribing you sure you stay here will I get the caps I'll be right back right here okay don't take too long without he stands right there we can walk by him or walk in the other direction or we can pass a strength check to say take a hike before you get squashed uh of somewhere else to be in which case he turns around and runs away or we can pass a charisma check to say I'm on my way up to see the president how about I put in a good word for ya uh you are I mean you would just make sure he knows I was real strict with you okay and that I didn't have my uniform on backwards this time a park I can't even wear his clothes properly or we can pass a speech check to say whoa whoa let's calm down I'm supposed to be here on whose authority I have no records of that you're supposed to be in a holding cell the president wants to speak with me in his office what no one sees the president except Colonel autumn on your bosses authority so you better let me pass before you get in trouble colonel autumn is the only one authorized to see the president don't move I'm gonna find out what's going on here with that he walks to the hi camera mr. president I'm sorry to bother you this is lieutenant Williams I unauthorized individual here who says he's supposed to speak with you I'm surprised to hear from you lieutenant I don't recall authorizing you to contact me directly yes sir I'm sorry about that I just it just seemed out of the ordinary I apologize apology noted lieutenant yes I instructed a friend to come up to the control room no questions no interference am I understood I understand sir again I apologize for the interruption and report your superior for reassignment lieutenant at once yes sir I guess you'd better be on your way sorry for the interruption and we can walk on by if we kill him on his body we find an enclave officer uniform and hat when fully repaired The Enclave officer uniform has @dr of five but grants +5 two energy weapons and the Enclave officer hat when fully repaired as a dr of two and also grants us +5 two energy weapons The Enclave officer hat is the only piece of headgear in the game that grants a bonus two energy weapons not even that Tesla or Enclave power armor helmets have this bonus making it a pretty useful item for an energy weapons build no matter how we choose to bypass lieutenant Williams as we walk president Eden still comes on the intercom to tell the entire base to stand down attention to all Raven Rock personnel this is your president speaking if we walk south past Williams we find cell number three to the left and inside Nathan Vargas they're not who they say they are get out while you can before they get you too we of course remember Nathan from Megaton all he did is walk around Megaton praising the Enclave and yet we find him here why did they kidnap him he's just a harmless settler or did nathan reach out to them but we can't interact with him we can't talk with him we can't take him with us all we can do is leave him here taking a look at our map we see that both the southern and northern paths wrap around to the west so it looks like eventually we'll be a to do a big loop will continue by going south and then turning west here we find cell number two and if we scared off lieutenant Williams by passing the strength check we see him trying to get in here apparently he can't open doors we can open it for him and it just adds here if you're supposed to be meeting the president then go to it get away from me all right Williams you enjoy yourself continuing west we find cell number one but it's empty moving west we find a sign above an archway sector three a bio lab and cells all right that's where we are we see a door to sector three be to the left and then a map of the facility in front of us raven rock so the enclaves headquarters is raven rock okay so the red dot is where we are 3a are the bio labs and cells looks like by going south and west we missed some cells to the north and the bio lab in the middle of 3a we can get to 3b from here that door right next to this map and it looks like we can get to 3b by exploring the lab in the middle of 3a taking the stairs up to two a which is the tech lab and cryo lab then taking a door from 2a - 3 B the mess hall - way then connects - to be via two pathways one to the north and one to the last to be is storage and quarters and then we go north from to b2 to C which is the war room and which connects to the control room we have to go through the control room south down a hallway to find one B hanger and deliveries which leads to 1c the entrance and the archives and then the exit Wow Raven Rock is sprawling we'll have to tackle this methodically if we turn left we find the door that leads to 3b the mess hall and we find a staircase that leads to a section beneath the walking platform but it's booby-trapped by laser tripwires these are the only laser tripwires in the entire game in order to disarm them we need a repair of 85 or higher or science of 67 or higher if we do we can easily disarm them and this provides a convenient way to bypass all of the enclave in case we managed to anger them somehow at the other end we arrived on the northern side of the Western hallway for three a from here we can turn east to open a door to explore the northern hallway of 3ei where we should find a few more cells sure enough immediately to the left we find cell 6 we don't find anything here but we do find blood spatter on the floor looks like the Enclave has been busy I wonder who or what resisted them here continuing east as we approach cell 5 I know you're in a hurry president Eden but I'm not lost not yet anyway just exploring we can open the door to solve five and this one is likewise empty but it does have another eye camera inside out and continuing east this pathway connects all the way to cell for our cell so we've done a big loop there was one section left of the cells that we hadn't explored retracing our steps back to the western hallway we can go south and instead of taking the door to 3b the mess hall we can turn left and open the door in the middle of the cells to the bio lab moving forward we find an enclave scientist examining something in a large tube we see platforms above us and rooms to the left and right moving into the left room first what's this they have a ghoul in this chamber and to the right of this they have a dismembered Brahmin head so the enclave is running experiments on everyday common creatures of the wasteland there's a footlocker in this room inside we find some ammunition and a power fist turning around and moving south across the hall we find another room here an enclave scientist is examining three more ghouls each in their own containment cell turning east we come back out into a hallway we can move to the center of this room looks like they're examining a super mutant from vault 87 in the middle of the lab the south-eastern room is empty here we find three more containers with two ghouls in a brahmin head and if we turn south we can open a door to a supply room there we find three lockers nothing interesting in them there's a footlocker on the ground with ammunition and an enclave supply crate with flamer fuel inside moving to the northeastern room on this bottom floor we find some lab equipment and three more containment cells with more ghouls and dismembered Brahmin heads to the north we find a staircase leading to the upper platform there's another enclave supply crate on the ground inside we find some microfusion cells heading upstairs we see that the upstairs layout mirrors the downstairs layout a small room in each of the four corners of this large room moving east first this room has a bunch of computer terminals and is patrolled by unclothed scientists and soldiers moving south we find some sort of medical room there are men tats on a table a first-aid box on the wall an exam seat that looks bloody and soiled what did they do to people here at another enclave supply crate on the ground filled with microfusion cells a plasma mine at a stealth boy the room in the southwestern corner being patrolled by a man in Tesla armor has an operating table a privacy screen and more containers the lockers are empty but we do find a first-aid box on the wall as we move to the final room to the northwest the soldiers on the lab take a while to respond to orders but then they turn on us but this is a handy way to get a new suit of power armor remember my winterize t51 be a suit is broken and we can't repair it with other suits of power armor so I'll just wear a fully repaired Tesla suit for now if we loot these guys they do drop fingers so even though they were just following orders they're bad when the lab is clear we can explore this final room there's a locker with electron charge packs inside an enclave crate on the ground with micro fusion cells inside a fission battery and some cigarettes in another Locker a first-aid kit on the wall and an unclothed crate to the left with energy cells inside from here as we learned from the Raven Rock map we find a door that leads to to a the tech lab and the cryo lab on the other side of the door we arrive in an upper room filled with Enclave machinery and we can pair out the windows to snipe at the enclave soldiers patrolling this room with the lab clear we can explore this northeastern room that we arrived in the layout of this lab is almost identical to the last one a large square two storied lab with rooms in each corner the lockers in this room are empty moving south we find an AIA bot in one of these suspension chambers we see wires or cables connecting to it perhaps it's being reprogrammed or repaired the lockers to the northeast have microfusion cells inside and here we find a table with one Mentats and a whole bunch of pencils moving to the southwestern room we see part of a Robo brain suspended in one of these chambers here we find a door we'll head that way in a minute the trunk on the ground is empty moving north we see a bunch of excess chairs and they all appeared to be heavily stained but the staining is identical so perhaps it's rust not blood there are two crates on the ground here one has five millimeter ammunition and the other has missiles and a pulsed mine that's it for the upper floor of this lab we can take a staircase down to explore the lower floor in the middle of the room we find a pills shaped looking technological device with cables sticking out of it turning left we find a door we'll explore that way in a bit the north-western room on the bottom floor has two AI BOTS in some of these pods the south-western room has a Robo brain in an eye bot the south-eastern room has a bunch of stasis pods but they're empty and finally the north-eastern room has a bunch of scrap and tools on a table and a couple of consoles that's it for down here so heading back upstairs we can take the western door towards the rest of 2a here we find that door we saw on the map that leads to 3b the mess hall since we skip the door while exploring the cellblock we'll go ahead and explore 3b now we arrive in a hallway with a stairway that goes down to the right and this leads to a door to the right which opens up into the mess hall and here we find a few enclave soldiers the enclave are a tidy Bunch each of these tables is set out with cups plates and silverware looks like they were getting ready for a meal we find a doorway leading to a supply room to the north we find a combat helmet in a footlocker to the right and then in three lockers to the north we find energy cells and microfusion cells there are pots and pans glasses on a table and then three more lockers with energy cells and a fission battery on the side of one of these lockers we find two first aid kits and then a table laden with all sorts of boxed foods blam Co mac and cheese crammed pork and beans insta mash the lot there's a staircase here that leads to the level below the walkway and as we move through a doorway towards the space beneath the dining room we see a bunch of silverware on the ground aho that's a nice touch the enclave have spent years eating in this room and since the floor is grated the silverware all fell below and they couldn't be bothered to clean it up back up and out of the storeroom we can move to the main dining room where we just find more cutlery and then open a door on the eastern side of the room this leads down a staircase and through a door back to 3ei these are the cells that we can book this is the door we chose not to go through and instead we went to the Landers so we've come full-circle with the missile explored we can retrace our steps and head back towards 2a we already explored the tech lab now to explore the cryo lab of 2a to do so we open a drawer to the north on the other side we see creatures in cryo pods and uncle' of scientists the Enclave scientists we killed are all wearing the Enclave scientist outfit The Enclave scientist outfit has a dr of three and grants plus five to science they look a lot like advanced radiation suits but they have different colors and there are only so many of them in the game they're only worn by Enclave scientists and Enclave scientists don't respond when killed they can be repaired by other enclave scientist outfits with the room clear of hostels we can explore this lab like all the others has the exact same layout in the center of the room we see a deathclaw presumably cryogenically frozen which means it's still a heading upstairs first we see a doorway in the northeastern corner we'll pass through here after we finish exploring the lab turning south we find computers and consoles in the southeastern room moving to the southwestern room we find a bunch of empty cryo pods and in the northwestern room we find one cryopod with a ghoul suspended inside on the ground we find an enclave chest with missiles and a plasma mine scrap on a table another crate on the ground next to it with more ammunition and another plasma mine a locker with cigarettes and an ashtray more mint heads on a table and another first-aid box on the wall with the top floor explored we can head to the bottom floor the northwestern room has two more deathclaw suspended in pods the southwestern room is empty the northeastern room has one yaoguai and the southeastern room has one more ghoul to the west we find a door leading to to be storage and quarters but before going through here let's go back upstairs and take the northeastern doorway to the final section of 2a we arrive at the top of a staircase and have to take it down this leads to a large room with a bunch of concrete and steel pillars inside but there's absolutely nothing here no containers no status pods nothing to leave we turn north to go out a door towards to be storage and quarters we arrive in a long hallway that goes west eventually we see a nuke off to the north with a staircase leading down below the walking platform another opportunity to sneak by if we wanted to we find plenty of laser tripwires down here but no containers or anything else of interest so we'll take the upper walkway moving west we see a sign to be to the south and to see to the north well since to see leads up to floor one will turn south to explore to b4 now this leads to quarters we see an open door to the left it's a barracks four beds each of which has a footlocker and we see more containers blocked off with a blue force field to remove it we need to hack the average locked security barrier terminal once hacked we can deactivate the barrier and it disappears we loot a grenade box which has plasma grenades and a power fist inside a larger armored case which has a full set of Enclave power armor at low condition though a gun case which has energy cells and a plasma pistol the first Foot Locker has shotgun shells in it and the others are all empty we find three lockers against the southwestern wall but not much inside and finally we can loot a first-aid kit above the third one then crossing the hall we can open a door to the next barracks and inside we find what and a Holt you what are you doing here Anna get out of here while you again they'll be here any second get out why on earth would I want to do that I've worked hard to fit in here I've done everything they've asked of me I'm not about to leave now when I finally have access to their labs wait a minute what are you doing here they they captured me brought me here from Project purity I didn't want to help them at first but the technology they have here it's so far advanced from anything I've worked with you've been helping them of course you've seen the kind of technology these people have they want to help people they want to change the wasteland I couldn't pass up an opportunity to work in an environment like this what have you told them they wanted information about dr. Lee about project purity they want to know how to start it up and why it wouldn't work I told them everything I could about the gek about the damage caused by the explosions all of it why would you abandon everything you worked for with dr. Lee look it's not personal really it's not but dr. Lee she's scraping by she's scavenging for parts in the wastes the Enclave has everything it needs they're lightyears ahead of anything dr. Lee could accomplish working here is my best chance to help make the world a better place you've betrayed dr. Lee and my father I'm sorry you see it that way what are you going to do kill me over it you should go it sounds like you're in enough trouble as it is and honestly I don't want anyone to see me talking to you do you know how to get out of here I'm afraid I'm not able to help you with that you should go I don't want anyone seeing me talking to you that's why she wasn't with us when we escaped through taft tunnels she was captured by the enclave it appears converted looks like she really does believe in what the Enclave stands for could they be right are they really trying to make the world a better place but how could they be when their methods are so inhuman we could always kill her but if we do we lose karma she betrayed us but she's not hostile and in her delusion she does think she's doing the right thing so we'll let her live here and a halt stays just like with Nathan we can't convince her to come with us continuing south we find a door to the left that leads to to a back to the cryo lab where we saw all those death claws in stasis so instead of going there again we'll continue south towards storage here we find a bunch of cages some of which are open many of which are disassembled these pieces are interesting they're modular and can make anything from cages to barricades to platforms to the southwest we find a bunch of lockers oh great are we really gonna have to go through each of these okay here we go clipboard and cigarettes ashtray and cigarettes I a great sand mug full of cow cigarettes and clipboard these on climb it just love their cigarettes every single one of these has cigarettes inside of finally one with something other than cigarettes will get microfusion cells from one and the rest herb either empty or have more cigarettes there's an enclave crate Beneatha two bees sign with energy cells inside and one against the northern wall with five millimeter rounds inside but we've hit a dead end so to continue we can head north and open the large door at the end of the hallway we see two doors at the end of this hallway as we're about to enter one the other one opens this door leads to the war room and one a access but before we head that way we can turn around to open the door to the west this appears to be another private room but it's much larger than the others we see three more enclave chests guarded by a force field so microfusion cells in a cabinet and the energy weapons bobblehead on a table you found a vault-tec limited edition bobblehead the inscription on the base reads arrived at peaceful resolutions by using superior firepower your energy weapon skill has permanently been increased by 10 this is the only opportunity we'll have to explore Raven Rock and thus our only opportunity to get this bobblehead we'd better not miss it to the West we find a bottle of scotch and a bunch of cutlery two more lockers one of us has microfusion cells at a first aid kit on top there's an average locked footlocker at the foot of this bed inside we find 10 millimeter ammunition five buffout five Mentats and the Zechs destruct sequence what is that it's a hollow tape taking a listen in our Pip Boy I'm not entirely sure edan can be trusted and I think he knows I don't trust him but I don't think he knows I have the emergency destruct sequence for his console priority override authorization code four two zero zero three two zero nine and boom it had have to be a last resort of course but at least the option is there well look at that looks like Eden's having trouble maintaining the loyalty of even his most senior officers the holotape said this would destroy his console I wonder if that also means destruction of raven rock activating the nearby wall-mounted security barrier terminal we can hack it to disable the barricade blocking us from three Enclave chests one has a small amount of ten millimeter ammunition the other has nine missiles and the last one has a bunch of first-aid in Kem's now we can move east to explore the war room and 1a access after looting the Enclave that we killed we go up a stairs and head north to enter the war room but we don't find any enemies here climbing some steps we can examine a console in the middle of the war room and it appears to be a map of the capital wasteland if we look at it like this I think the red one is the Jefferson Memorial with the Citadel right next to this perhaps north of the Citadel is Megaton but I'm not sure what the others would be if we look at it from the other side then the red one becomes raven rock perhaps but I'm not sure what the others would be the only door in this room is to the west this leads to the Raven Rock control room and on the other side Eden's controlling the robots and he's turned against his own Enclave soldiers sounds like he's waiting for us in the control room on the other side of this door but we're out of time we'll have to meet with president Eaton in the control room in our next episode I published many Fallout videos each and every week on my channel so if you don't want to miss it be sure to subscribe and to click that Bell notification button if you have any feel like you're still missing out on YouTube notifications consider following me on Twitter at ox horn I update Twitter manually with every new piece of content that I publish I have a shirt shop with completely unique designs that you can't find anywhere else my designs come on shirts and a variety of men's women's and children's sizes and in a wide array of colors you can find them on other products as well like smartphone cases pillows posters mugs stickers print set cetera so if interested you can find a link to my shop in the description below or you can click here if you like what I do and you want to support me in a more personal way consider becoming a patron on patreon or a member here on YouTube but more than anything I'm just so glad you're here watching this video with me today thank you so much for watching and I'll see you soon 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Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 594,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, raven rock, fallout 3
Id: Zy6zTdJvHtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2019
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