You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head! - Fort Constantine & Dukov's Place - Fallout 3 Lore

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deep inside the bowels of the underworld we find a bar called the ninth circle inside the bar we find a green haired patron eating a pathetic meal at a table his name is mr. Crowley what do you look at it you'd think you've never seen a ghoul up close before you disgusting brain eater are you comparing me to what a zombie you bigot take your sweaty carcass elsewhere no I've never seen a girl before saying does that hurt no it tickles everyone's got to be a comedian hey actually I'm just looking that trade a drink for some gossip but not sure I know anything of use but I'll take that drink that'll cost you two caps two cabs all right well what can you tell me about the underworld it's a place for ghouls not humans we don't especially like humans Wow that's all you could tell me because I couldn't figure out this was a place for ghouls just by looking at you thanks mr. Crowley well easy now I've got nothing against ghouls is that so even if I call you a milk sucking mutant loving water stealing or milk sucking you shuffle stepping brain eating grave love and zombie another human bigot it figures go mate what a super view well I don't need to stay here and listen to your lame insults that's it run away like a smooth skinned coward I kid I kid everything you said was true except for the part about Britain and the waterer and the horn rest of it that was all I do I like a human that knows his place too many of you think we're all just zombies they don't know or don't care they were just as human as they are inside we bleed we heard we regret and you know what really pisses me off they think the only way to kill us is to shoot us in the head like in the old zombie stories and that'll put us out of our misery hey I know maybe you could help me even the store hmm well actually I think I'll be going I thought so no stomach for hardwood maybe I'll help but I don't know if I can trust you the feeling's mutual smooth skin but that never stopped a business deal all right all right what's the plan not everyone is as sympathetic the ghouls as you are in fact some humans are downright bigots they treat us like zombies calling us brain eaters and shuffle us well I'm gonna make them pay before I get into the details you don't have anything against killing do you I don't think I like where this is headed forget it I guess you aren't the right type actually the day isn't complete until I've killed something well aren't you two bloodthirsty type well killing doesn't really bother me if it's for the right cause or the right money I've got this list of people ghoul bigots real scum I've only got four guys left on the list started with 11 all of them hate ghouls and treat us like was zombies they all deserved to die but it has to be done with a head shot just like the old stories where zombies can only be killed that way I'll give you a hundred caps for each of them if they die some other way I'm only paying 25 though wait you want to kill humans I thought it would just be ghouls no way watch the attitude human right here right now there are more of us than there are of you all right well what do you have against these guys they're cool haters I want them all dead don't you think that's enough now this next two options have the same results we can say that those people don't deserve to live or we can say hey anything for some extra caps excellent take this sniper rifle you'll need it there's a list of the guys in their last known locations word will get around at ten pennies killed but I'll need proof for the others bring me back something personal from each of them is proof like a key of a ring or something and with that we get the quest yeah gotta shoot him in the head but you know there was something shifty about this mr. Crowley guy before we go any further let's ask around the underworld let's see if one else knows a little bit more about mr. Crowley the closest man we can talk to is the bar keeper of the ninth circle a ghoul named Ezra calm well now lookie here we got us a smooth skin that I ain't ever seen before I'm as recall and this this is the ninth circle hey Crowley over there at the tables as you spend a lot of time in here what's his angle if I start telling tales about my customers I lose all up Hey no one will ever know come on Oh what the hell Crowley shows up here last year he's a ghoul just like the rest of us now all of a sudden he's looking for payback against Google haters except I've met do Kong he never insulted a ghoul in his life Duke Ava's got the Fowler's mouth in the wasteland he's a drunk and a womanizer but he's no bigger go ask him yourself hmm so as recall knows Zhukov and he's not a ghoul hater Crowley lied I wonder why heading out the door to the lobby and going downstairs we find a well-equipped ghoul wandering around - named Quinn oh why hello there pleasure to meet you I'm Quinn what you're not gonna tell me how rare it is to see a human in the underworld me no not at all I'm used to your people truth is I spend most of my time away from underworld aah you're ugly oh god I'm out of here suit yourself I'll be here if you change your mind I kid I kid it's nice to meet you Quinn you too stranger I know a lot of people around here don't take kindly to humans wandering around but I've met a lot of your people in my travels so what's mr. Crowley up to I might know something interesting if you're willing to pay for it why should I pay you for gossip I don't give away anything for free besides it's obviously worth something to you oh look I propped these 50 caps in your pockets very funny how about I don't pay you Quinn how about you just tell me okay okay no need to get upset Crowley is running some sort of scam he tried to get me to kill some wastelanders but I wouldn't do it Dave is one of them I met Dave and he's mighty strange but he's no bigot he doesn't hate ghouls any more than I do so Quinn knows Dave and he says that Dave is not a bigot heading to the nearby underworld Outfitters we can talk to the proprietor of this establishment to live Oh a human well hello welcome to underworld Outfitters does Crowley come in here a lot what's his angle I'm not going to rat on a customer unless you you know then is that a hint you want me to bribe you no way wastelanders get Dumber every day wait oh oh a bribe why didn't you just say so here's 20 caps Oh big spender well it's better than nothing Crowley has been outfitting himself for some big expedition he's up to something but he isn't saying what Wow so Crowley is getting ready for some big expedition next to tulip is the town drunk patchwork her back Jesus Christ don't don't sneak up on me like that last fella last fellow to do that damn near lost my arm sorry to scare you patchwork but what can you tell me about mr. Crowley will never buy me a drink that's what well sorry pal I can't spare the Cape's either yours jeepers or a silo and we get the same response no matter which of the next two options we choose we can pass a speech check to talk him down from 10 caps to free here you go patchwork here's some money for a drink deal oh I know is he keeps trying to hire outsiders to do some killing okay well he doesn't know much but it sounds like we are not the first one whom Crowley has approached next we can go to the Chop Shop this is the settlement clinic and the doctor is dr. barrows dr. barrows at your service what brings you to the Chop Shop what do you know about mr. Crowley dr. robbin why what he heard you've heard something haven't you me oh no I haven't heard a thing really that's a relief I'm kidding of course I already know I was just wondering if you've heard Dan Taliban he finally got someone to kill them humans some would believe that pack of lies he's been spreading well I just hope they talk to those poor folk before knocking him off we can then head set Carol's place another pub here in the settlement and we can talk with Carol yeah what is it Oh oh my someone new I'm so sorry you must think me terribly rude welcome welcome to Carol's please hey Carol do you happen to know a mr. Crowley backroom rental oh he's a swell guest so polite - never gets mad at anyone I've been letting that room to him for about a year now oh yeah sounds like a normal guy yes he's much nicer than some of my gifts so he doesn't do anything strange when he does keep talking about how he's going to make his fortune soon he says as soon as he finds some wasteland to do his dirty work he'll be set for life I think it's just the whiskey talking vile stuff the last man we need to talk with is Winthrop he wanders around but we can often find him in tulips shop as underworld then treating you so far smooth skin Winthrop what do you know about mr. Crowley oh never heard of him oh never heard of him gosh darn it another dead end thinks anyway is there anything else you need look don't make me beat it out of you all right all right sometimes he comes by ask me about the security system in stock you know technical details about locks and computers it's not just chitchat either he's angling for something but I don't know what dr. Ezra call up at the ninth circle about Crowley well we've already talked to as or cow and the consensus is that Crowley lied to us none of those people are ghoul haters and yet he wanted us to kill them anyway why did he lie don't you have something to do the word around the underworld is that this isn't about killing ghoul bigots mr. Crowley you're a nosy little bastard aren't you it's true dad penny is a bigot but the other side all I wanted those keys just bring me the keys and I'll give you the full price anyway how about an extra hundred caps to seal the New Deal no way I'm gonna go get those cues but then I'm going to keep them for myself what you bastard I'll kill you he attacks and once we kill him we fail the quest you gotta shoot him in the head well that makes everything we've done a waste of time so let's try a different option instead since he no longer wants us to kill them maybe we can find a peaceful way to get those keys so we can go back to mr. Crowley and say more caps sir you've got yourself a deal good oh and I still want Tenpenny dead that bastard really does eight ghouls oh so we still have to kill Tenpenny that's right hmm well we need to find more information about Tenpenny but first let's head to do Cobbs place we've seen his place before it's right next to the Anchorage War Memorial heading on over we can go through the big metal door to find a rather resplendent interior by wasteland standards Duke of struts around in his evening we're surrounded by two scantily clad floozies who the hell are you never mind you'll need a drink cherry on par stayed over here so who's that redhead over there and why isn't she dressed ha ha Jerri is my Playboy I love my Cherry Pie love it all night long and like a half [ __ ] I like her all naked but she says she gets cold oh my god well I can see why Crowley wanted this one did so those girls they're your [ __ ] hey watch your language clown shoes I don't pay them they take care of me so I take care of them with Rob it's all wrong all night long but at least this guy seems to like the liquor maybe we can bum some off of him hey there can I have some of your hooch and yourself clown shoes grab one from the liquor cabinet I never trust anyone without a drink at the hand of course I never trust one dead girl Xena ha ha so what exactly is this place it's my hidey hole nobody can [ __ ] with me here I got my women and my booze what the hell is is there are you doing all the way out here eating drinking farting and screwing aah out here nobody bothers me I can do whatever I like to whoever I want someone said that you might know a mr. Crowley care to comment he's [ __ ] dead that's what I can tell you feral ghouls ripped is not suffered AIDS and for dinner where did he die a little [ __ ] called Fort Constantine it [ __ ] us up but good we can pass a speech check to get a map marker location for Fort Constantine by asking him where it is it's not we're still here no not a long [ __ ] walk to wine girls like you can't get in though and you need a special set of keys so how did all of you meet then penny higher that's his max he wanted some fancy [ __ ] gun don't know how we got Crowley to sign on Tenpenny [ __ ] hates ghouls certain pony really does hate pools was it just you and mr. Crowley no clown shoes pimp any higher their whole [ __ ] team spray Crowley Tara Dave and me Tara had a pair on a [ __ ] sweet Jesus they were nice aha then please [ __ ] her up more than I did the rest of us went our separate ways after that well do can't you'll be pleased to know that Crowley is alive but he wants some sort of security key that you have so the meat bag is alive huh fine with me just show me the money put your [ __ ] caps on a table and you can have it well what's the key for you'll need all the keys to get through that [ __ ] fourth since I've only got one no point in my going back there if you want that key I need to see your cups on the table clown shoes ha ha you know Crowley paid me to come kill you because you hate ghouls what [ __ ] me sideways no better yet for him I swear I jamming it so far up his ass I got nothing against ghouls ha I even had a good party girl once to see what it was like this is about the keys need the goddamn key if you want it I'd better see some [ __ ] caps on the table clown shows well instead of paying this guy we can stick with Crowley's original plan and tell him that we're gonna put a bullet right between his eyes oh yeah give it your best shot clown shoes I'll be sure what I got on we know somewhere else but on do Cobbs corpse we find do Cobbs special key this is one of the three keys we need to collect now Duke of is clearly annoying and it's a bit of a scumbag but if we kill him will is karma and maybe we don't want to be murderers so another option is if we have the black widow perk we can say how about I let you live and give me something so I can lie to Crowley for your sweet cheeks sure thing now how about I show you I keep my two [ __ ] happy all night long and so firstly we want to kill the sky or if we don't have black widow we can buy it if we don't have enough caps he says what the [ __ ] is this huh you call that money unless you pull two hundred caps out of your ass don't borrow me [ __ ] if we do have enough money we can say can your table even handle these two hundred caps now that's what I'm talking about you just bought yourself a [ __ ] key not take it and get the hell out of here final option is to pass a speech check it's a really difficult one but we can intimidate him and say you can give me the key or I can take it your choice you got some big brass ones you'll know that that and [ __ ] me if I don't think you could do it here take it now go [ __ ] yourself before I change my mind now the two girls we find here are Fantasia and cherry we can go up to Fantasia and introduce ourselves hello honey I'm Fantasia you're not going to be staying alone are you who are you and why are you dressed like that Dookie doesn't like me to wear a lot he says it slows things down what's this do cuff guy like he's alright he can be a real fun guy but he sure knows how to wear a girl out most of all I'm safe here I wouldn't pull out a weapon even just to show him he gets kind of paranoid about that don't get in a shooting match with him he's really good well that lucky jerk he's got a sweet setup here sweet for him maybe I'm just along for the ride he's good with a gun and knows where to get booze so basically you're off or I'd rather be a [ __ ] than dead that's your life your choice damn straight now if you play a male lone wanderer and if you have the lady killer perk we find an option here to try and convince her to get the key for us we can say do cough has a key I need Stella for me how can I resist those what color are your eyes anyway but in my game this is where the options end I wasn't able to successfully get her to steal the key for me it might be because I have a female lone wanderer I had to use console commands to give myself the Ladykiller perk and I'm sure there's some sort of glitch so sadly I can't show you the rest of this option but presumably she would have successfully convinced him to hand over the key another option is to talk with cherry she is the redhead in the nightgown hi sugar I'm cherry do yourself a favor watch yourself with puke off he's all hands why aren't you dressed cherry Ducasse likes to keep it hot ain't no need for nothing else so what's the deal with to cough anyway he's a lecherous old man the only reason I put up with him and his need is because I'm safe here he does to shoot first and ask questions later don't pull out a weapon near him is likely to shoot you and he's really good admit it you're just a [ __ ] up yours it's not like I got a lot of other options the only survival skill I've got is the one I'm using here man I wish I had a setup like this you're a pig you know that I'm only doing this because he can keep me safe he's a lot tougher than he looks I'm not sure how much longer that will be enough though guess you'll just have to live with your life choice hey it's my life butt out well sherry if he's that bad come with me I'll protect you only if you take me to Rivet City this guy is an animal not in a good way but I'm safe here alternatively we can pass a speech check to convince cherry to give us the key cherry du cough has a key I need go steal it for me you've got to do something for me first I can't live like this anymore you take me to Rivet City and I'll get your key how if we say no it's gonna be a while before I go to Rivet City she says screw it then I'm not wandering the wasteland with you and we no longer have the option to take her to Rivet City if we turn her down here we lose the opportunity to take her later instead we can reload our previous save and agree and say rivet City it is let me pack my bags oh wait I don't have any let's get out of here she then walks on over to do coffe and plays him like a fiddle Dookie you brought it to take me to Rivet City to go shopping maybe next week babe we've got enough liquor the last for a while that's the only thing that's important here's the key he never even noticed he was looking right at you you got a smoke in the bud sugar fire of a little Duke Oh rock you to sleep if you know what I mean alright then I think I'm ready to live heading outside we can talk with cherry and we can command her like a companion the sooner we get there the better now we need to find our way to Rivet City this is easier if we've found rivet City in the past we can just fast travel there and cherry will follow us but if not we have to weave our way there and somehow keep cherry alive through all of the fighting if we're successful we can walk across that big beautiful giant ramp and then cherry walks towards the door when we enter she thinks to us yeah yeah you're my hero don't let it go to your head seriously though thank you for getting me away from Duga you're welcome cherry well you kept your promise I really didn't think you would thank you now she walks around in this nightgown for a couple of days but don't worry after two days of in-game time some kind soul rivet city gives her some real clothing and the next time we arrive she's fully dressed but rivet City just so happens to be the place where we need to find Jeff strainer Jeff Strayer was another mercenary that went with Crowley to Fort Constantine and he has the second key now I turn rivets that he upside down but I could not find a Jeff straighter however I did find a Ted Strayer wandering around maybe he's a relative and maybe he knows where Jeff is Ted Strayer you can chill with me if you want dude sounds like a plan man alright you and me just hang in do you actually do anything here in rivet City you mean like fix stuff and that I just hang out dude I've got enough Kim to last a while oh yeah you seem pretty relaxed no point in getting all worked up I get three squares I got a place to crash and nothing's trying to eat me I know your type you're a freeloader and a waste of breath whoa dude you don't have to get all in my face I just make myself scarce we're weird I have a question for you do you happen to know a mr. Crowley whoa that's a blast from the past my dad knew a dude named Crowley I never met him no I think dad said he died when they were checking out some old fort do you know what they were doing at the fort man he said that old man Tenpenny hired him some other guys to go in there but he never said why my dad made enough caps off it to set him up good though what do you know about Tenpenny everybody knows he runs Tenpenny Tower but I never met the dude I swear Ted can you think of any reason why Crowley might want you dead no [ __ ] that dude wants me dead that's right I'm here to kill you and there's nothing you can do about it what no please I'm begging you Ted runs off like a little coward but the guards here in rivet city attack so if we really want to kill him it may be wiser to do so late at night and in a place where there is no security but once he's dead sure enough on his body we find his father's security key but it's not called Jeff's special key it's called Ted strayer's special king but assuming we're not murderous sociopaths we can go back to a previous save and say look the reason Crowley wants you dead is because he wants your father's security key whoa is it like worth caps because I got need man and here we go this guy wants money and well tell you what I'll give you 25 caps for the key oh yeah I'm gonna be flying high tonight oh my god that was painless enough he gives it to us another option is we can pass a speech check to intimidate the guy and say give me the key Ted I'd hate to see you bleed to death ah sure dude I don't know what it's for anyway don't need to get all thug like or if we don't have high enough speech but we look intimidating enough we can pass a toughness check to say just give me that key already Ted don't ask why okay dude don't have a cow here take it you know with that we get Ted's triggers special key we never learned how Ted's father Jeff died and since the fallout3 stretch guide tells us that ted is only 19 and just recently arrived at rivet city we don't know why mr. Crowley would have thought Jeff was that rivet City and when we don't find him there why we were lucky enough to find his son there but at any rate the final key we need to get is from none other than Dave president Dave mind you of the Republic of Dave I did an entire video dedicated to this quirky character which if interested you can watch here now we can get Dave's key a couple of different ways there's an unmarked quest at the Republic of Dave which I walked you through during my video on the Republic of Dave at the end of that quest if you side with his wife Rosie or his son Bob they give you his key but if you sided with Dave or if you haven't done that quest yet we have to go back to the Republic of Dave to get the key from Dave mr. president do you know a ghoul named mr. Crowley there's a name I haven't heard along if all the people elected me president I worked with a mercenary named mr. Crowley we were part of an expedition to Fort Constantine what happened at the fort mr. president two of us died including Crowley the rest achieved the mission goals and were paid how did mr. Crowley die mr. president when the feral ghouls killed Tara Duke off realized that he would get more of the Commission he decided to kill off the rest of us too he locked Crowley into a room with feral ghouls and that was the last we saw of him Strayer and I didn't trust Duke off after that the three of us finished the mission together but with guns drawn so do come locked mr. Crowley in a room filled with feral ghouls thinking the ghouls would kill him I knew there was a reason I disliked that guy well now I'm kind of sorry I didn't kill him but Dave you'd be delighted to hear that mr. Crowley is still alive he sent me to kill you because you hate ghouls me hate ghouls preposterous wait you said you're here to kill me I'm going to have to rescind your diplomatic immunity then I'm going to execute you wait I've changed my mind you have one hour to leave the Republic then I'll execute you well Dave it's time for the Republic to hold a new election and a state funeral assassin we can't kill them oh I wasn't expecting that it was pretty epic and on its puffy we find Dave special key man I need to take a look at my model estat was a little bit too spectacular who or if we don't want the murderous route we can say Crowley is still alive mr. president I'm supposed to bring back proof of your - alive I always wondered he was locked in with a bunch of feral ghouls they won't attack ghouls you see would you consider taking him a personal item like this key and just telling him you killed me mr. president what's so special about this key you need all the keys to get through fort Constantine with only one key there's no point in my going back I'm sorry Dave that's not good enough of course of course I should have you killed but that would be boring mr. Crowley on the other hand honestly I don't really understand that last response but the final option here is to pass a speech check and to say you know a gift of the key would be a strategic diplomatic move mr. president hmm of course it would I knew that I was just testing you to see if you would realize it here take the key it is a gift from the Republic of Dave to the wasteland and with that we have all free keys now we just need to take care of Tenpenny we don't have to do this this is now an optional portion of the quest because remember we discovered that Crowley was lying to us and then Crowley told us that we don't really have to kill these people but he still offers us more caps if we kill Tenpenny because Tenpenny is the only one who really hated ghouls so heading on over to Tenpenny tower we can take the elevator to the top floor and then head out to the balcony where we find alistair Tenpenny sitting in his chair how did you get past the guard what do you want tell me about yourself mr. Tenpenny it was impolite for a gentleman to talk about himself but I hope this magnificent tower would speak volumes quite a tower you have here mr. Tim penny some might say that Tenpenny tower is my crowning achievement but no no my dear girl it is just the beginning do you remember a mr. Crowley the ghoul is dead died 20 years ago good riddance too I hate those shufflers how did he die who cares I hired some mercenaries to get me some equipment from Fort Constantine he was one of them of the five only three survived you'll have to ask one of them if you want the gory details mr. Crowley wants the key now what key oh that key you're a [ __ ] I don't have any of his precious keys in it oh he's right we already have all of the kids we needed we didn't have to come here to get a key from him so I'm not sure while we have that dialog option but we can tell Tenpenny that mr. Crowley is still alive and that we're here to kill him because he hates ghouls he's alive I should have known it's hard to kill those zombies you've got to shoot him in the head whatever he's paying you I'll double it well I think we can guess where mr. Crowley developed his sensitivities about being called a zombie now since Tenpenny is clearly a scumbag we can go along with Crowley's wishes and kill him we can respond by saying I think it would be better for everyone if I just killed you an honest mercenary who would have thought God he calls for the guards but the guards do not arrive at least not in time as he would have shot a ghoul because he thought they were zombies I was obliged to end this fool by shooting him in the head after he died no guards came out looks like I got away with it and on his body we find a sniper rifle his unique suit and ten pennies sweet key yes yes another bigot bites the dust but killing 10 penny locks us out of a couple of really fun and interesting quests I want to do those questions later so I can't kill 10 penny instead we can go back to a previous save and agree to double-cross Crowley 200 caps to spare your life all right 10 Tony I love mercenaries they're so easy to buy you'll be paid after I know he's dead and believe me I'll know or we can pass a speech check to say I want more than that to spare your miserable life 300 caps you mercenaries are so reliably predictable 100 now 200 when the job is done he pays us 100 caps up front with a promise of 200 caps when the job is done this gives us the option to triple cross this guy to go ahead and kill him after getting the caps and then go back to Crowley for the reward or we can go back to Crowley and say I've decided not to kill Tenpenny he made me a better offer what I hired you to kill it I want him dead you double-crossed me I won't get into a bidding war with him I'll lose yes I gotta kill you though if we do mr. Crowley turns hostile and opens fire but the rest of the ninth circle residents do as well so we have to clear the entire place on his body is nothing interesting just a couple of caps a combat knife and some stimpacks we can then go back to Tenpenny tower to tell Alistair tympani that Crowley is dead so Crowley is dead eh here's your pay now don't spend it all in one place unless that place is Tenpenny tower mr. Crowley is many things but does he deserve death I mean he did try and get us to kill three of his former work associates for no reason whatsoever so maybe he does deserve death but then again I really don't want Alistair to get his way either well now that we have the three keys and since we already know the destination fort Constantine we got that from the marks that Crowley sent us we can skip the rest of this quest go straight to Fort Constantine to find out what kind of treasure Crowley was hunting for but when we do once we find that treasure we fail that you gotta shoot him in the head quest so let's see if we can find a way to both complete the quest and discover the treasure at fort Constantine to do so we go back to the Undercity and Telep Rolly that we have strayer's key but we left him alive so long as I get that key I don't care is your caps now that he has one of the keys a speech option opens up for us to convince him to tell us where fort constantine is it's pretty far away northwesterly getting there won't do you any good though not without those keys since we don't have all three keys anymore he doesn't mind letting us know where the fort is we can then turn in do Cubs key but we didn't kill him either okay I've got his key that's all I really want and finally we can turn in Dave's key but he's my dad all I care about is the key which I've taken now now if we tell Crowley that we decided not to kill Tenpenny we saw what happens Crowley turns hostile so instead we just exit this dialogue tree finally I have the keys your job is done and you've been paid so move along I have a trip to blame and we complete the quest yeah gotta shoot him in the head getting all of the caps and all of the experience mr. Crowley turns and walks away and we know where he's going he's going to Fort Constantine and we know the way there you did me a great favor with those keys I know just how to use them he says he knows just how to use those keys but I want to know what he's going to Fort Constantine to retrieve now we have a couple of options here we could kill him and take the keys off of his body that way we get the experience and the caps from completing the quest and we get the keys but he's here in the under city we would turn the entire place hostile we don't want it to that so instead what we can do is follow him out if we follow mr. Crowley as soon as he gets to the mall he begins to jog he runs all the way from the underworld which is in the bottom right hand corner a map to Fort Constantine which is in the top left-hand corner of the map he traverses the length of the entire capital wasteland if we choose to follow him all the way there it's quite a long walk indeed but we are in a lot of experience will discover half a dozen different locations and get into dozens of gunfights it's a fun way to get a great tour of the capital waste once we get close to Fort Constantine and the road starts to climb a hill we see the lights of the fort off in the distance and shortly thereafter mr. Crowley turns around and opens fire on us opening fire presumably he was happy to have our company for the long and dangerous walk from the underworld fort Constantine but once we got close to the treasure he decided he didn't want to share so he turned around and attacked well we can now loot the keys off of his body and since we killed him far away from the underworld there are no repercussions with that settlement we can then go up the hill to enter the fort but let's say you don't want to kill him and we're not really interested in the treasure if we leave him alone he manages to weave his way through fort Constantine and he finds the treasure now I read in many places that if you wait awhile and go back to the Undercity you find mr. Crowley there with the treasure from Fort Constantine but I couldn't reproduce this in my game after giving him all three keys and leaving him alone I waited an entire month before going back to the underworld and mr. Crowley was still not back so I don't think those reports are accurate but if we don't want to kill mr. Crowley but we still want the treasure for ourselves while we're following him and when he gets distracted we can pickpocket him in his inventory we find all three keys ted's do coves and Dave's now we have to have pretty high pickpocketing for this to work because each time we loot an item it counts as an attempted theft which means that if our pickpocket is too low he can discover that we're trying to pick his pocket each time we look at a key if that happens it dumps us out of the trade dialogue and he takes the keys back from us but if we're successful we can loot all three keys he won't realize that he doesn't have the keys until he reaches the fort then we can wait a while and when we're sure that Crowley has gone we can head on over to Fort Constantine coming up the hill from the east we see that fort Constantine is built on a hillside a big building on the north side and then a small crumbled building to the south there's a big wire fence guarding the entire structure going around we can travel north up the road until we pass through the gate entering fort Constantine now there are two buildings here out front the first is a tiny little shack called the CEO quarters inside we find a protector on guarding the place and a little bit of loot in the kitchen we find a nuclear Cola quantum a man with his head in the toilet in the bathroom and a copy of guns and bullets lying on a bed now there's a staircase leading down to a basement but we'll come back and explore this later instead we can go out a back door which leads us back outside we can then head north up the road and go through the big rex building to the right this is the door to the personnel offices inside we find a bunch of protectron x' and on the top floor we find a turret in one of the rooms we find a dead Raider surrounded by ammunition with bloody handprints on the walls there are many powerful robots here including Robo brain we find some upstairs and then more come down from the adjacent rooms below there's a stairway leading up but we'll come and explore this in a minute instead we can finish looting this floor and then take the stairway down this brings us back to the lobby going into a nearby bathroom we find another dead Raider on the ground looks like the pre-war robots did a great job of keeping this place secure that's it for the lobbyists so we can go back up that staircase we bypassed which leads us to a door out to the capital wasteland you're on the roof we find protectron but it's dark so I waited until morning there's some ammo crates on this rooftop but other than that we find a little ramp that brings us to a neighboring hillside on top of this hillside was an interesting circular concrete structure I wondered what it was so I crawled on over and it looks like some sort of missile launch Bay however we can't interact with it this leaves one building remaining after destroying a Robo brain guarding the place we can head through the gate and up some stairs to find a door to the bomb storage but this is locked with a very hard lock we need a lockpick skill of 100 to get through this lock which I don't have but we see that this building is connected to another wing via a sky bridge spanning the two buildings so heading on over to the second building we find another door but it too is locked with a very hard luck and my luck picking just was not high enough to get through these doors but we've already explored every building how do we get in well there was one place that I bypassed and that was the stairway inside the shack does this mean is a tunnel connecting this tiny little back to the bomb storage bay heading in the shack and going down the stairs we find a corpse lying on the ground to the left this is just a random wasteland er we don't know who this is looks like the wasteland er had a little bit of success before he was killed we find a Chinese army special ops training manual underneath is stealth boy I guess this is how he got in he tried to stuff in a whole bunch of caps and pre-war money on the ground which was presumably the contents of this the door of which is open this wastelander was killed before he could finish living to safe because inside we find ammunition and the big guns bobblehead the inscription on the base reads the best way to win an argument is to be the loudest our big gun skills has been permanently increased by 10 the SAF has a whole bunch of bottle caps and the Fort Constantine launch codes here we learned that this was part of the Minuteman 11 defense system the authorisation code for the launch is zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero now part of me thought this was just a horrible joke what military in the right mind would have a bunch of zeros as the authorization code but in doing research for this video I learned that this authorization code is the actual launch codes for ICBMs in the United States arsenal during the Cold War these codes were created in 1961 at the beginning of the Cold War and they weren't changed to legitimate codes until 1977 this means that if anyone wanted to launch an ICBM from the United States Arsenal between 1961 and 1977 all they had to do was type in zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero as a proud patriotic red-blooded American learning that this horrible code was actually real fills me with great shame but the door against this wall is the door to the Fort Constantine bunker we can unlock it using Ted's strayer's special key one door down to the go we find the inside facility guarded with a bunch of Robo brains and other pre-war robots after looting a lot of ammunition and Kem's in the adjacent rooms we go down a hallway to enter a darkened room to find a sentry box - we learned why the sentry bot was guarding this room when we find a terminal on a nearby desk called the Fort Constantine launch control in this terminal we have one option launch ICBM okay wait a minute undo undo can I take that back No well after a brief moment the sirens stopped and the doors open up we were briefly locked into this room and we felt some rumbling the camera shook did we just launch nukes there was that big underground silo it was closed and not filled in with rubble presumably it could open did we just launch nukes at China oh no what have we done if we go back to the terminal we see missile launch error targeting navigation corrupted well thank God at least we didn't start a second nuclear apocalypse in this room we find a stairway leading downstairs to the bomb storage room and we can unlock this door with Duke of special key opening a door to the right I looked around I didn't see any enemies so we must be clear but I was wrong another century bot after destroying this sentry bot we go down the hallway to find the corpse of Tara Tara was the fist mercenary hired by Alistair Tenpenny this is the one that Duke of was so attracted to but Alistair told us that this mission took place 20 years ago her corpse is in remarkably good condition for being a 20 year old corpse on her body is the warhead storage key her body lies against a door we can unlock this using Dave's special key this hallway looked important so before I went down there I wanted to finish exploring this room we find a stairway leading up which we can unlock with the warhead storage key we found on Tara's body after killing a protectron something told me this was the way out so I went back downstairs to finish exploring before we leave against the western wall I found two very hard locked doors connected to very hard locked terminals I had leveled up between entering Fort Constantine and now which means I can now lockpick these doors inside the leftmost door we find a cache of ammunition dozens of ammo crates some of which are locked but many of which aren't which gives us a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of the scrounger perk and behind the second door I found an armory with shelves filled with automatic weapons and a guns and bullets book on a table surrounded by even more ammunition how did the mercenaries get this far and leave both of these rooms unloaded I guess whatever they came here to find was just laying out in this room and they didn't have the necessary lock-picking skill to open these doors well with this floor looted and our exit clear we have one path remaining to go down the hallway near Tara's body at the very end of the hallway is another security door which leads us to a big room surrounded in blue light at the very end guarded by a force field we find a full suit of t51 power armor to access it we open the terminal and disable the status field looting this power armor unlocks an achievement or console trophy it's at 100% condition giving it a dr of 50 making it right on par with the winterized t 51b suit that we get from operation anchorage on a nearby table we find some mini nukes of fat man and a pulse pistol now this pulse pistol is not part of the vanilla game this pulse pistol comes with the eve energy visuals enhanced mod by way Jason and sips kiss you can find the pulse pistol in around twelve locations throughout the capital wasteland after you install this mod and the reason I have this mod installed is because it alters the energy weapon effects in the game of making them look a lot better the reason the mud authors of a visual effects mod decided to include the pulse pistol as a new item in Fallout 3 is because the pulse pistol is very lore friendly we find the pulse pistol in Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics and a version of the pulse pistol in Fallout New Vegas although the new Vegas one looks very different this pulse pistol that comes with the mod looks a lot like the one we find and fallout - since this gun does not come in the vanilla game I may not use it but we'll play with it while I finish lorring Fort Constantine just to see how it works for those of you interested in the pulse gun I linked to the mod in the description below we can now go up those steps through the door that we unlocked using the key we found on Tara's body heading out the door we find ourselves at the bottom of some sort of long factory room a door to the left brings us back out to the wasteland heading up some stairs and across the gantry we eventually come to a door to the wasteland this leads us across that sky bridge that we saw earlier going across the sky bridge we re-enter the bomb storage facility through a door on the other end go down the catwalk to the ground floor which we see is protected by a century by this sentry bot was guarding a huge bomb storage bay these bombs are gigantic these are the high-yield c-23 atomic bombs they are much bigger than the mark 28 atomic bombs that we find at the Sentinel site in Fallout 4 and of course magnitudes larger than the mini nukes we use in fettman this makes Fort Constantin the largest concentration of undetonated pre-war nuclear bombs in the capital wasteland after seeing how interested the Brotherhood of Steel was in this Sentinel site when they discovered that it had such a large cache of mark 28 bombs it's a wonder that the Brotherhood isn't quite as interested in Fort Constantin which has such a huge concentration of these larger high-yield c-23 bombs also we've killed a lot of robots in Fort Constantine but we have not killed any ghouls yet many of the mercenaries we met said that Crowley was locked in a room filled with feral ghouls where is this room filled with feral ghouls additionally how could feral ghouls have existed in numbers large enough to have made the mercenaries thought that they killed Crowley if there are all of these Robo brains and protect Ron's wandering around in the cut content of Fallout 3 there's a note called Terra's final note it's a paper note which has the following message written on it if anyone finds this note stay the hell away from this place if the feral ghouls don't get you the robots will there's radiation everywhere I think they used to make nukes here or maybe they just kept them I don't know Tara this is the only other evidence aside from the dialogue options we get from interviewing the other mercenaries that there might have been feral ghouls here and it's interesting that they cut it from the finished version of the game there's nothing else on this note that would tell us why it should have been cut from the game except for the mention of feral ghouls my bet is that the scope of this dungeon was changed and for some reason they decided that feral ghouls wouldn't fit in this dungeon probably because they couldn't explain why the robots wouldn't have killed them and so they cut the furrow ghouls they cut this note from Tara's body but they didn't have time to cut the already recorded dialogue from the other mercenaries stories and so that's why when we finally get to Fort Constantine we never find the secret room filled with feral ghouls wheredo cough locks Crowley we can presume then that it was the robots and not feral ghouls that finally killed Tara heading back outside we can go back to that missile silo and we see that it's still closed also looking at it it looks like it's jammed the edges are uneven and it's likely that it couldn't even open this may help explain why there was a system malfunction and the ICBM never launched if we allowed Crowley to keep the keys and we never followed him out and killed him when we come to Fort Constantine in the far distant future we find Crowley in this bomb storage Bay wearing the t51 sort of power armor you did me a great favor with those keys how do you like my new armor those Keys led me right to it we can then kill him if we want for the power armor or leave him be deciding that he's earned it but in my game I was still miffed at him for lying to me and for trying to kill the other three mercenaries when few of them deserved it even the Duke of his a scumbag Ted is a wastrel and Dave is a narcissist so I looted the armor for myself and then went back to the underworld to rub it in to Crowley's face if you do all he says is you stole what was rightfully mine get lost and that ladies and gentlemen is the full story of Fort Constantine do Cubs place Allister Tenpenny and his five mercenaries and the quest yeah gotta shoot him in the head this was a fun detailed and highly involved quest did you do this quest the last time you played fallout3 if so which choices did you make did you allow Crowley to keep the armor for himself did you kill him or did you find some way to keep him alive and keep the armor like I showed you here and do you believe that the other mercenaries deserve death of all of them I think Duke of might after all he did try to kill Crowley but I'm interested in what you have to think let me know your thoughts in the comment section below I read through all of your comments and I use your comments as inspiration for my future videos I've got a t-shirt shop folks if you would like a Fallout or oxhorn themed t-shirt you can find a link to my shop in the description below I publish a new video six days a week so if you want to make sure that you don't miss my next video be sure to subscribe and to click that Bell notification button and if you like what I do and you want to support me in a more personal way consider becoming one of my patrons on patreon patreon subscribers can access to a private channel on my discord server as well as a bunch of other cool oxhorn perks but more than anything ladies and gentlemen I'm just so glad you're here watching this video with me today thank you so much for watching and I'll see you tomorrow morning bright and early with a brand new video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 1,384,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxhorn, fallout 3, you got to shoot 'em in the head, dukov's place, fort constantine
Id: LvF0ZjRdtNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 41sec (3401 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2017
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