The Story of Cho'gall - Part 1 of 2 [Lore]

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Hello everyone! When I asked for video requests, one name that popped up was none other then Cho’gall. My favorite hero to play within heroes of the storm, can’t believe we haven’t done a video on him yet so let’s dive right into it shall we?! “We are Cho’gall!” The ogre’s story takes us to the planet of Draenor where he lived a privilege life within Highmaul, where he learned from the most talented ogre sorcerers. A two-headed ogre was seen as an omen of good fortune and he gained an immense following among Highmaul’s common ogres, but not among the higher ups. His arrogance and lust for power put him at odds with the ruling elite, the high-ranking ogres feared that his growing popularity would one day allow him to seize control of the city. They couldn’t let that happen of course so they tried to assassinate him, an attempt which he just narrowly survive and he fled from Highmaul. Cho’gall wanted revenge, but he knew that he needed more power to make it happen. As he searched the world for knowledge and weapon, he came across the Shadow Council formed by Gul’dan who had access to fel magic, more power that he hungered for. This was around the time where Kil’jaeden had found the Draenei living on Draenor and he wanted them dead. They made contact with Gul’dan and manipulated events, promising the orc power beyond his wildest dreams and in exchange he sold his people to the Legion. By manipulating events they pitched the orcs against the Draenei, formed the Horde and had Blackhand to lead it while in reality, Gul’dan and his shadow council were the ones pulling the strings from behind the curtains. Gul’dan was intrigued by Cho’gall’s confidence and lust for power so he made the ogre mage his foremost apprentice and taugt him the secrets of fel magic, even told him of the Burning Legion’s existence. Cho’gall didn’t care, he was only interested in the power and although he pledged his loyalties to Gul’dan, the moment that the orc and the shadow council ceased being useful, he was prepared to turn his back on them. Another that joined the shadow council was Garona halforcen, a half orc half draenei slave who proved to be a ferocious fighter and possessed a keen intelligence and a gift with learning different languages. She eventually escaped and encountered the shadow council. Gul’dan sympathized with her to earn her trust, seeing how they both knew the pain of living as an outcast and the moment that she lead down her guard, the shadow council struck. They placed magical spells on her mind which kept her obedient and allowed gul’dan to see what she saw and they used her as the perfect assassin, taking out the voices that rose up against the changes amongst the orcs. She and Cho’gall would have a lot of story together, but we’ll get to that later on first there’s the war on Draenor. While the horde was rising, the Pale were doing pretty well in catacombs beneath Nagrand and word of their otherworldly abilities reached Gul’dan. The orc warlock cared little for the stories, but Kil’jaeden was intrigued and pressed Gul’dan to ensure victory at any costs. That meant investigating the Pale and finding out if their magic could strengthen the Horde, a job given to Cho’gall. The Pale are orcs that traveled to the Throne of the Elements to seek the spirits’ blessing, their rite of passage of becoming a shaman. When doing so, they enter a trance to attune their minds to the elements while some are found worthy, others are not. When they reach beyond the veil of the physical world, some of them found themselves not reaching out to the elements, but something much darker. These poor souls accidently glimpsed a realm beyond Draenor, the realm of the Void and what the orcs saw drove them insane. The ones who actually survived communing with the dark ones were exiled from their clan, white skulls tattooed on their faces marking them as dead to their people and forced to live in the caves beneath Nagrand. When the Draenei crash landed on their planet, the naaru K’ure had turned from the Light to the Void and was spewing out Void energies, energies that drew the attention of the Pale. They tapped into the Void energies that bled from K’ure and seeped into the ground, through the study of this power, the outcasts were able to speak with the void lords and the void lords were those dark entities responsible for sending out the old gods in the hopes of corrupting a slumbering titan spirit. These monstrous entities responded to the orcs, bombarding them with visions of apocalypse and revealing the secrets of using shadow magic. Over time, the Void energies would turn the exiles’ skin a sickly white, and they would call themselves the pale. So Cho’gall was send to check out the pale and if they proved as mighty as the rumors claimed, he was commanded to bring them into the Horde. Cho’gall stormed into the Pale’s underground caves expecting a fight, but the pale did not resist his intrusion, they were quite eager to share their prophecy of doom which they called the Hour of Twilight. They saw this as a time when shadow would envelop the entire universe and snuff out all life in existence. “Make peace with your end, for the hour of twilight falls” Like with Gul’dan, Cho’gall didn’t really care about what they believed in, their prophecies of doom meant very little. He was far more interested in the power they had, their ability to wield shadow magic, something he had never experienced before. This would serve as a potent weapon for the Horde so to win the pale over, he claimed that the Horde was a means to an end – a weapon by which they could bring about their Hour of Twilight. The pale reveled in this opportunity to serve as agents of apocalypse. They joined the Horde and formed a brand new clan known as the Twilight’s Hammer and as Cho’gall learned to master their shadow magic, he also began to see the truth in the Pale’s prophecy. The war with the Draenei eventually came to an end with their major cities brought low and nearly all of the Draenei wiped out. Blackhand, now officialy in the roll of Warchief, was not done quite yet as he set his eyes on the rest of the world making sure that the orcs dominated the planet of Draenor. The Warsong clan together with the Twilight’s Hammer were send out to topple the ogre bastion of Highmaul. Grommash Hellscream and CHo’gall both took part the siege and both were quite happy with the opportunity to slay the ogres. For Cho’gall, this siege was the opportunity he had been waiting for, the vengeance upon those who had exiled him from the city. He personally sought out and killed the stronghold’s leader, Imperator Mar’gok, both were two-headed ogres, both were very gifted sorcerers but only Cho’gall had learned the secrets of fel magic and the Void. With these powers under his control, he bound Mar’gok to his throne and burned the ogre mage alive. “Your reign has come to an end, the infinite night begins. (Darkness comes!)” “I ... am....king!” So here we are, the orcs have done what kil’jaeden asked of them, they have nearly exterminated the draenei and conquered most of Draenor but it came at a great price. Demon blood was now pumping in their veins, the use of fel magic had corrupted their planet and worst of all...Kil’jaeden had stopped communicating with Gul’dan. The dark titan Sargeras saw the orcs as a great oppertunity, a great weapon which he could unleash upon azeroth to weaken its defenses and get it ready for another invasion from the Legion. He was the one who had ordered Kil’jaeden to remain silent, to not deliver the promised power to Gul’dan since the Horde was flush with victory and that made them arrogant and hard to control. He needed them to become desperate, on the brink of self-destruction, so desperate that they would do anything if it meant saving themselves. Years went by, years with sillence, hunger, orcs turning on eachother, some even falling to madness until the time was right. Sargeras’ spirit had infiltrated the guardian of Azeroth named Medivh, that which was supposed to guard the planet from threats like the Legion had fallen into his hands. Medivh made contact with Gul’dan, showed him the world of Azeroth, a world full of food, space and plenty of enemies for the orcs to kill. They build up the dark portal, connected the two planets and the first Horde invasion could begin, an invasion which Cho’gall and the twilight’s hammer joined. Stepping on to Azeroth, a planet infected by the old gods, the dark creatures of the void was quite an experience for them. The void’s call had become louder and clearer than they ever had, driving the orcs into a state off ecstasy. This was seen as a sign of destiny, they had found the place where they belonged, where they would bring about the Hour of Twilight. Their presence had a profound impact on Cho’gall. He had believed the void was a powerful force, but still didn’t care for the Twilight’s Hammer’s mad ravings of prophecy and dark gods but here...on this planet...he had undeniable proof of their existence. Now hearing these whispers had a bit of an effect on the twilights hammer as they became disobedient and sometimes simply wandered off, never to be seen again. Warchief blackhand thought about making an example out of them by erasing the entire clan from existence, but Cho’gall intervened. He told them that the Hour of Twilight was near and that the Horde’s success would be the best way to bring that moment to fruition. Until then, they needed the Horde, needed t okeep up appearances with Blackhand and obey their true masters in secret. The clan agreed, Cho’gall became their official chieftain and the twilight’s hammer became obedient, effective soldiers while in secret all they did was in the name of their dark gods. The old gods seemed happy with the Horde’s lust for war and destruction so it was no great sacrifice to continue with the conquest of this world. As the weeks passed and Cho’gall attuned himself more to the Old Gods, he branded the Twilight’s hammer’s prophecies onto the skin of some of the pale orcs. Then he cut off their flesh to form pages, to create a book that codified teachings about the Void. This book called the Twilight Canticle would become a source of power and motivation for the followers of the old gods for decades. I tried to find out what happened to this book, but apparently it hasn’t really been used in the story yet so might be a topic for the chronicles volume 3. Despite their guardian secretly being corrupted, conquering the humans was not that easy. Not all of the clans had stepped through the dark portal, the years of war and hunger had weakened them so Gul’dan though back to their time on draenor, thought back to how they had empowered the horde by breaking the world’s elements and infuse their energy into the orcs. Seeing how azeroth also had elemental spirits, far stronger than those on Draenor, he figured that they could do the same here and his shadow council spies informed him about massive elemental activity near a smoldering volcano called Blackrock Mountain. Cho’gall confirmed their reports, but kept some information to himself. He did indeed sense the elemental power within the mountain, but had also discovered that these spirits were in league with the Old Gods. When the shadow council tried to conquer the mountain, they found out that the level of raw elemental might was simply too great. They were burned from the inside by flames as this was the domain of Ragnaros the Firelord, he who commanded innumerable lesser elementals as well as the dark iron dwarves who in ages past, had been foolish enough to unleash his might back on to the world. Before their would be outright war, Cho’gall worked towards peace. His connection to the Old Gods allowed him to step into the mountain and after extensive conversation with the dwarves and ragnaros’ elemental lieutenants, an accord was reached. The dark ones, the old gods were delighted with the work that the Horde was doing and they weren’t against helping, but had no intention of giving even a scrap of power to the Burning Legion puppets. Let’s not forget that Sargeras his whole reason of forming the Burning Legion was to stop the voidlords plans so instead of giving power, they did allow the shadow council to set up a small refuge called blackrock spire, high up in the mountain. If their warlock would stay in that area then they would not be disturbed by Ragnaros or his followers. Gul’dan was of course disappointed that they had failed in conquering the mountain’s power, but a refuge would do. Tensions between blackhand and gul’dan were rising so a place away from their warchief’s eyes was priceless. Blackhand was told about their failure and had expected nothing less. He was more then ready to crush Stormwind city without the help of stolen elemental power, but the city was not without its defenses. As Killrog Deadeyes and Cho’gall were ordered to lead the assault, Anduin Lothar took the bulk of their soldiers behind the Horde’s lines, cutting a massive line through their forces. Bleeding Hollow and twilight’s hammer broke off their attack and tried to push back the knights in the rear, but this only worked to the humans advantage as it allowed Stormwind to open its gates and strike the orcs, like a hammer to Lothar’s anvil. There was no way that the orcs could fight off the assault from both sides so their only choice was to run. It was the biggest disaster the Horde had ever suffered. Blackhand was furious, nearly executed Kilrogg and Cho’gall on the spot, but the Horde was pushed back, for the moment as they had to come up with a new plan of attack. Meanwhile Garona Halforcen had also joined the Horde invasion and had made contact with the Medivh. Medivh felt sympathy for her seeing how she was an outcast and he was intrigued by her intelligence, by her entire existence. It was clear that Garona was no threat to him and thanks to Gul’dan’s endless cruelty, she had no real love for the Horde. He decided that it would be more valuable to have her as an ally or even a friend among the orcs than another spirit haunting his home so he invited her to come back whenever she liked. She did just that, something that Medivh’s new apprentice Khadgar could not appreciate at first but over time they developed a friendship and even discovered that it was Medivh who had opened the dark portal. They quickly escaped the tower to get help from Stormwind and when Gul’dan realized that Garona was in the same room as king Llane, remeber he could see what she could see, he tried to use his magic to force her to kill the king but Garona was actually able to resist this murderous urge. Lothar, Khadgar and Garona then confronted the guardian and in that battle, Medivh assaulted her mind tried to take control of Gul’dan’s mental chains and use her against her allies, but it was only partially effective. Confusion rippled through the half orc and she soon found it impossible to see the difference between friend and foe. She fled the tower and made her way back to Stormwind to inform king Llane of what had happened, but standing near the king, something snapped in her mind. She had resisted Gul’dan’s order to kill the king before, but her fight with the guardian had scrambled her thoughts. The line between friend and foe blurred, her willpower faltered and with tears streaming down her face, she obeyed the command and plunged a dagger into Llane’s heart. Garona escaped the keep in the confusion that followed and without their king, stormwind eventually fell to the Horde, forced to flee to the lands of Lordaeron. While Medivh was taken care of, Gul’dan had been busy trying to search his mind to find more information on the tomb of sargeras, that which was promised to him if he was able to conquer the world. As Gul’dan had been left without reward before, he figured it was wiser to get information on his own, but unfortunately while he probing around in Medivh’s mind, that was the time where they killed him which left the orc in a coma. This was the moment that Orgrim Doomhammer had been waiting for. He had been informed about the corruption of the Horde by his friends Durotan and Draka of the frostwolf clan, thrall’s parents, who both lost their lives for giving this information. Doomhammer had enough and decided it was time to take control of the Horde, he challenged their warchief Blackhand to Mak’gora, a duel to the death to claim the title of warchief. With the mighty Doomhammer in hand, Orgrim was able to secure victory, told all of them that they had been used and lied too and made ready to cleanse the corruption from the Horde starting with the shadow council. As she was fleeing from Stormwind, Garona had been captured by the Horde and was tortured for information to figure out where the shadow council was hiding. She told them about their hide out in blackrock spire and a large force of Horde soldiers stormed the smoldering volcano. None of the fire elements or the dark iron dwarves stood in their way while Ragnaros and the Old Gods kept their presence hidden, eager to see how this violent situation would play out. The shadow council warlocks could do little to save themselves from so many, not even their fel powers were enough to hold them all off, but a few of them were able to survive amongst them Cho’gall. Without him, the Twilight’s Hammer would fall to madness again and Orgrim could not afford to lose their fighting force. He also swore his allegiance to their new warchief claiming that he was manipulated into Gul’dan’s surcive. Orgrim wasn’t too sure if the ogre told the truth, but he also didn’t really care. He needed their fighting power to protect their new lands and Cho’gall had already proven his usefullness to him by introducing him to the dark iron dwarves. The dwarves, secretly commanded by Ragnaros, agreed to let the Horde claim blackrock spire as its new headquarters since the old gods were delighted to see what chaos the orcs would bring to the planet. “Your petty quarrels only make me stronger.” Orgrim also spared Garona. It was no secret that Gul’dan had been cruel to her and her assassination of king Llane had been very helpful. She too swore her allegiance to the Horde and Orgrim gave the job of looking after her to one of his most trusted lieutenants, Eitrigg. So what about Gul’dan? Well he eventually woke up from his coma to see that everything had changed. There was a new warchief, his shadow council was nearly annihilated and Orgrim was just about ready to take his head. In order to save himself, Gul’dan convinced him to keep him around since he would have need of his magics, he would give them new warriors to help with the war, to help with their conquest. Reluctantly, Orgrim gave him a chance and for a while Gul’dan wondered how to deliver on this new promise. He needed to regain a foothold, regain some forces so it was important that these new troops would secretly pledge their loyalty to him so his mind turned towards his fallen shadow council. The members were dead, but their spirits still remained intact. If Gul’dan could bring them back from the grave, he believed that they would be forever grateful to him. He would meld their spirits with the corpse of stormwind’s greatest knights, since using orcs or ogres was out of the question, the horde would never aprove, so Gul’dan and Cho’gal went too work. They conducted bloody ritual after bloody ritual, failed time and time again until they finally succeeded. Gul’dan fused the spirit of his old ally Teron’gor to the corpse of a fallen stormwind knight, necromantic energies surged through the rotting body and raised it into undeath. The shambeling skeley horror became known as Teron Gorefiend and he was the first of what Gul’dan would call the Death Knights. Despite his wishes, these death knights felt no real loyalty towards gul’dan nor to the horde, all they cared about was their own survival. The Horde worked on building up their fleet and going forward with their conquest of the world while the Alliance of Lordaeron rose up to fight against them. When the Horde reached quel’thelas, the kingdom of the high elves, they discovered that there was a magical barrier around the city which kept their use of magic hidden from the outside world while also preventing invaders from using magic of their own. This shield was being maintained by several runestones which presented an opportunity for Gul’dan. He figured that if they would dismantle one of these runestones then not only could they disrupt the barrier, they could also use it to strengthen the Horde by turning one of the runestones into something called an altar of storms. Cho’gall’s people had long ago created a ritual which allowed them to channel raw arcane magic into regular ogres, turning them into the highly intelligent two-headed ogre magi. Orgrim still did not trust Gul’dan, but the orc warlock had done nothing to set him off and they could use the additional power so he allowed them to get to work, which would prove to be a big mistake. Gul’dan had no love or loyalty to the horde, only his own plans his mind and the new ogre magi, in secret, pledged their loyalty to him. Now, all that remained for Gul’dan was finding the right time to make his move. Despite the magical barrier falling, silvermoon and the high elves were not defenseless and they were able to cast a new shield around their city powered by their sunwell. Doomhammer was losing his patience. Quel’thelas had never been their main target, Lordaeron’s capital was and he wanted to move on. Gul’dan reassured him that they had found a new way around the elves shield and would only need a few more days to get through it. Orgrim gave Gul’dan some of their forces and 3 days to finish the job, while the rest of them marched on Lordaeron’s capital city. The perfect opportunity for Gul’dan to betray the Horde as he took his forces, including Cho’gall and his clan to their true destiny, the tomb of sargeras. The power contained within would be his as they used their magic to raise it above the water. When Doomhammer found out about this betrayal, as you might imagine he wasn’t too happy. They had not been able yet to siege the capital and their reinforcement routes were cut off, gul’dan’s betrayel meant that they had failed and had no other option then to retreat all the way back to blackrock mountain. The betrayel would not go unpunished though as Orgrim send out the blacktooth grin clan lead by Dal’rend and Maim blackhand, which you might remember from Upper blackrock spire and they approached the island not long after the tomb had surfaced. Gul’dan with a few his followers quickly went in leaving Cho’gall and the twilight’s hammer behind to hold off their enemies. Inside the orc warlock did not find the power he so desired, only his demise while Cho’gall nearly lost his life. He survived only because his Twilight’s Hammer followers put him on a ship while the winds carried the vessel west into uncharted waters... The war was lost by the Horde as the alliance was able claim victory at blackrock mountain. They would come back for a second invasion, one in which eventually the alliance decided to step through the dark portal and take the battle to the Horde. When they did, Garona halforcen wanted to join Khadgar in their expedition even if it was only in secret. She had been able to escape from Eitrigg, but found that the shadow council still had a dark presence in her mind, trying to bend her thoughts. Slowly, patiently, she fought her way back into control and when she was confident that she could resist their orders, she had sought out khadgar and explained to him what had happened, why she had betrayed them and murdered the king. He believed her, the evidence was right in front of him as he could see their spell work still woven through her thoughts which meant that at least one member of the shadow council was still alive on Azeroth. Over several months, Khadgar secretly met with Garona and carefully unraveled the shadow council’s hold. He was successful and for the first time in her life, Garona was free. In gratitude, she offered to do whatever she could to hunt down the shadow council on Azeroth and when she asked him to join them into Draenor, he convinced her to stay behind and hunt down the council, hunt them down and kill them all. She picked up on Cho’gall’s trail as her journey took her to the mysterious lands of Kalimdor, while Khadgar and the sons of lothar were forced to shut down the dark portal and stay behind on Draenor. Cho’gall and the twilight’s hammer clan knew nothing of Draenor’s fate. Even if they had, it didn’t matter, the whispers of the Old Gods were calling to them. Cho’gall and his followers sailed toward the continent of Kalimdor in search of their dark masters, eager to help them bring about the Hour of Twilight. And that’s where we’re going to end the story for today, next week we’ll pick it back up with trying to figure out what exactly happened between cho’gall and garona since some of the events have changed with the chronicles. There’s also the events during the cataclysm and of course alternate Cho’gall, but like I said, that will be for next week. For now, thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one....and until next time guys.....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 209,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Cho'gall, Gul'dan, Burning Legion, Rise of the Horde, Horde, Draenor, Draenei, Kil'jaeden, War, Invasion, Azeroth, Fel, Arcane, Mage, Ogre, Highmaul, Pale, K'ure, Naaru, Void, Voidlords, Shadow, Margok, Twilight Hammer, Dark Portal, Medivh, Sargeras, Lothar, Stormwind, Garona Halforcen, Llane, Khadgar, Old Gods, Tomb of Sargeras, Kalimdor
Id: Wbf2wFqZKtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2017
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