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it's about 2 4 is that third of me [Music] hey yo how are you nice little calf isn't it so that later good morning everyone if you have not already don't forget to hit the subscribe button which is down there ring a little bell you get notifications my videos every tuesday friday sometimes we do the sunday video i'm in a little bit of a rush this morning and i'm meant to be on a zoom chat at 10. well something more in hot important has happened a bit of a disaster on the farm i'll explain in a minute i'm just like i say in a rush [Music] hmm over the road i was just coming back and just run him and said have you got heat lamps they've got two of she's going to take some blood from both cows tomorrow because it could be neospora yeah sorry but that was in a little bit of a rush so what has happened this morning and it happened last week is i've had a cow which we'll have a look in a minute she has carved you can see a date today is the fourth of february is expected carving 22nd of the second she is carved 19 days early we pull them out 10 to 14 days and they come in the milk cows yesterday we got her out we foot bath all the dry cows we cleaned all the dry cows up she was showing no bag we actually picked two heifers out and put them with the dry cows we thought they were bagging up she was showing nothing at the moment i'll show you what she looks like there's your sex semen again happened to me on sunday we had the car in front of the argue it was getting on it was pushing on had a coat on it and unfortunately the day after it wasn't alive in the morning which is really sad it kind of it does hit you a little bit hard you put so much effort into it you try and it was going it was doing and i was excited to see it in the morning but unfortunately it wasn't alive and it was really disappointing so it's happening again just getting some beef stock from over the road and or ah next door might have heat some heat lamps we're gonna i'm gonna invest in some heat lamps but the heat lamps there i think that should be okay they are a little bit warm i wanted to dry up we've shucking her up with loads of straw moving a little bit so she's living which is the main thing but she's definitely premature really small hair i'm gonna lift that up a little bit actually just frizz it up a little bit just take the heat off definitely premature and i don't know why so on the way to go pick the beef stock up what i've done is i run the vet the vet has got a routine vet visit tomorrow so we're gonna take bloods from that cow and we're gonna take bloods from 22 as well and we're gonna have a look at her because something's not going right one you could take two a little bit odd i just want to make sure everything's okay take the blood from the cows that have been issues but um yeah fingers crossed this little girl pulls together hopefully she does um i should show you the cat number 31 obviously we've not bedded up yet this morning this is the cow number 31 you'll see that she has no bag at all we saw her yesterday she had nothing she didn't have that little bit of a tape coming out the back of her what's going on she looks fine they're both second carvers and they're both to sex semen the same bull so i don't know if that's got a correlation with it we'll like say we'll get bloods and we'll have a look and make sure she's okay but the main concern right now to make sure this cob is okay we've had to put all them in together get it dried up and what we'll do is get a coat on it if we get these heat lamps on there we'll keep an eye on it every 10 minutes we'll just make sure the heat lamps are in place but drying up is the main thing she's doing wanna see that's what that's what we want under the heat lamp gonna dry up i might even move that heat lamp a little bit just give her 10-15 minutes and we'll just keep checking up on her and make sure she is okay just pull through she'll need a name fingers crossed everything crossed touch wood late for resume chat it's good lights keys action every dairy farmer has claustrum ready in the arg in the august in the freezer just in case that's ours arg is already on kelly back there mom i've just got a zoom chat so can i leave you with it wish i had a shave and a haircut [Music] sorry guys i've had a nightmare morning how you all doing good fine is my signal okay signal's ruined just got a question for stella but you'd have used heat lamps before you stella or even claire or anyone does anyone use a heat lamp for on land i've got a calf that's premature and it's a bit cold so i've got borrowed i've had to borrow two hate labs for our next door neighbor so how high should they be like it's just a bit flat out it's getting head up a little bit how high two foot so about where your knees would you say so i'd say middle of knee and hip it's gonna be on my youtube channel as well i'm sorry i've already got your answer here though so um because someone's just texted me that's what i'm just struggling with this car and she says she's messing with the lamp at the moment and i i've never used a lamp before so we had it quite low and i felt like it's too low so i've lifted it up a bit so i'll just say two foot high yeah sorry phil so we're currently in the uh webinar moment with the farms guardian business leaders i don't know if we can hear this i was asking a question about our calf that's just premature at the moment stella said we should do about two foot so we're well too low with our current heat lamp and phil says we should use adult duvet i'm sure my mother has an old duvet that i could nick from her which would be absolutely awesome so so we can nick that um yeah so guys um i am youtubing and uh doing at the same time what happened there sorry i'll move myself thank you there we go that is that zoom chat done i've got another zoom chat half twelve i know cause i'm so cool this is the louise hartley foundation sadly she passed away from cancer when she was 24 four years ago talking about resilience it's going to be out on the think the 17th of february evening time so pick that up i'll put the link in the description below but it was great to be on there there's a big thing you like about farming and just in general i said i'm not scared of asking questions so if she's still like i'm phil i've used heat lamps before and they said uh tom too low bring it up to about a fence high or two foot high so i was messaging heidi whilst on it she's done that which is great big thing i was saying about resilience and the team and stuff i have an incredible team behind me that you guys know so they help me out loads heidi's awesome out there my dad you know the family the office staff don't see the office staff very often yeah so really incredible not scared to ask questions any young farmers out there ask questions you better ask a stupid question then do a stupid mistake but if you do make a stupid mistake admit to it and learn from it um great zoom chat great webinar so check that out again on the 17th of feb i'm going to check my calf lift that heat lamp up which is it's already been done paddy's awesome again i've got another zoom chat in eight minutes let's go see helicopter um you've moved hey talking about a cozy cuddle it's a mapping on it hardy's done so bedding up and she's lifted those about two four say that about two four is that third of me about third of me i'm nearly six four i thought ten points done really well they were just saying it was getting uploads which is just amazing so it means it's feeling a lot better i've got the classroom deforming out this is amazing what i'm gonna do this is good [Music] so what i've just done there is lifted the lamps up again because it's getting up i don't want him to hit that at all so they're probably like two and a half feet now but i'd rather be safe than sorry if you put it too low apparently you can dehydrate the carp as well so it's good that i'm not scared of asking questions but hopefully if you've learned something here today i've taken the wires away as well because i just didn't want the wire melting because that would be cool looking a lot better now heads up it's shaking a little bit but that warmth should be helping it should be drying up a little bit which is good mom seems okay as well and i've seen okay this is good zoom chat number two hello jamie i'm here so what have we got here put it to the family which is always creative second zoom done i'm not putting it with looking ten times better now which is awesome um the colostrum classroom's really ready as well nice and warm so what we'll do is bag this car because i don't think it'll drink on its own and i'll show you the bagging process and put the cluster in its belly so it can warm from the inside out and from the outside in and then we're going to put a coat on i don't know i'm whispering but fingers crossed all works out that's what we're hoping we're going to get the best care we can and we're going to have one hell of a name if she gets up trust you that's good milk i'm just putting this could be easier for me to hold here so this is nice and warm i'm going to show you what we do won't be fuming if you saw me in my dungeons in the ass but she ain't going to see until it goes live and you can't shout me two weeks later i don't think so now i need check it running at about 40 degrees i'll do this into here just put the end in the milk just let it warm up a little bit [Music] two liters now it's about half two and i'm going to give the other two liters at six o'clock so it's got a belly full it's only a small car so don't try and give it four liters but the other two liters throwing out that was my mother on the phone she said she's on with throwing the other stuff out she loves this kind of stuff we had the car for the argue today she was mad keem for it she loved it not gonna suck so i would always recommend bagging them so what you do is you go down the left-hand side of the car make sure that's nice and soft nice and easy don't force pull and push pull and push and then just like that i can just see that left hand side we're filling the belly because this car will have definitely had no cluster straight into the belly and then the calf is warm from the inside its belly's just filling up nicely and that's why we have colostrum in store all the time so we've got six liters in there i've got another two throwing out now and the other two just as a spare in the freezer so what i'll do next cow that carbs will take enough for its calf and then i'll freeze some more because it's so important imagine if we didn't have it we'd be waiting even longer to get closer a minute like we've waited a long time because it just takes ages for that classroom to thaw just getting to the end now colostrum is the most important thing for carbs in the world and obviously this calf hasn't had the best start there we go taking it all nothing left belly is full of roller up that doesn't make sense belly is fuller and she should be feeling better now with that over two liters i'll check this calf later on at six o'clock i know so i'm going to feed it but if it still feels quite full i might put a liter in it i might waste the other liter but at least this cough had loads of milk full inside it's not fully dry yet we'll put a coat on it in again about half five tonight and we'll turn these off just because i'm a bit new to these i'm definitely gonna buy one or two of these just in case this happens again fingers crossed it doesn't it's never happened to me ever before but if it does happen we're ready with stays in the box it should stay nice and clean but yeah cough seems okay it's trying to get up which is bang on fuller belly colostrum right we'll leave her a couple of hours keep checking on her and hopefully fingers crossed all is good i carved mums here number 31 we've put the unit on there is no milk on her at all you can see a bag there's not a lot on there at all there that's the sealant that we put in so she now has three red tapes on that means that she's out the tank obviously because she's caught three weeks early the date that she can go in is in 19 days so she's carved 19 days early i've checked my books from last year uh to see look both cows that have carved early there isn't anything to say that they were served the dates aren't wrong on the book they're actually three weeks early we're going to take some bloods tomorrow susie's here on a routine vet visit taking bloods from 31 takes a blessing 22 i kind of see what's going on luckily our car's looking well we'll look at it in a minute dad's just here with the milk that my mum prepared which is awesome because she didn't drop any it's so good we have some in the freezer for that car to get that classroom it's just fingers crossed it doesn't happen again because it's very rare we actually use this best having it just in case then what if we've got a coat ready for her i just put it on the heat lamp so it just gets that chill off it's actually not too cold today so it's it's not bad chatty belly left hand side there we go a bigger cop might take some more she's quite full though i'm gonna take it out we've given her another liter so she's had three liters of clustering cars could probably do with four but she's not a big car so i don't want to overdo it hey here we go i'm gonna get dad's check up on her just before he goes to bed i'll give him i just let him know because obviously he lives on site someone's gonna be saying to me that i should leave those heat lamps on but i don't own those heat lamps so i don't know how old they are i don't know how good they are let's check in every like 10-15 minutes i don't want to take the risk over a load of straw so that's why i'm doing it this will get chucked away i know it's a waste of a liter but happy cough in the morning love hey yeah it's six o'clock in the morning [Music] just to keep a little bit toasty um but she's doing well how are you inside oh you're nice and warm in there oh yeah yeah yeah i know what it is amazing but comes this morning i'm so happy so happy aren't we eh milk is done vetting is done and susie is back she is going to look at my premature calf that we have a name for if she three days three days what are we gonna look for in this premature car just want to double check whether it's got a goiter so that's an enlarged thyroid just make sure that we're not getting any premature carbs due to deficiency in ied and i'll just give it a quick once over as well make sure that there's no other signs it doesn't have a fever there's no evidence of any infections until they're premature because sometimes the teeth haven't fully if they're really premature the teeth haven't fully erupted or maybe the slippers on the on the feet are really well developed all right little one three days of chanel no yesterday so literally 36 hours maybe interestingly enough i text susie when this happened yesterday and she said i had it under a heat lamix one said and she said oh did you look look at my video yesterday and so what oak hill do is they do what would you call it yesterday or wednesday i unfortunately didn't watch it i just put the heat lamp only one yesterday was all about cars we had one of our young farmer series um yeah which is just like an hour long webinar kind of things on cap yeah and it's on cars coincident by chance but i thought it was really cool that oak will do that because i think okay awesome if it is a small car doesn't have a goiter which is good its temperature was normal this is about 38.7 we're not too low we've also not got any evidence of a fever i do just think it might be worth just giving it a bit of an electrolyte drink because i just think that it's um probably because it's it's carving wasn't your normal one because it was early it's just got a bit of acidosis so giving it an electrolyte feed will just help it to get that right and hopefully help get it going okay we can do that great calf is looking okay not the best not the worst okay i'll take that lot better than yesterday i'm gonna take some blood from the cows and then uh hopefully we can get pinpoint what it is if we can't we just gotta keep our eyes on every single cow all the time which we try and do anyway but even more so might be a bit shaky you've got you've got straw you've got poo in your ear how have you got poo in your ear shoes up to the land nice and toasty under there ellie's okay so that coat is on the smaller setting and it's still a bit baggy it's pretty warm i don't think we'll need the heat lamp anymore so strong oh good shake good coffee so it's had some electrolytes with two liters of warm water just to kind of get hydrated oh we did take bloods from both mums to see what is up good morning [Music] milk milk [Music] right in the room [Music] oh thank you the art of destruction our little carp does have a name doing really well i will tell you the name very very soon just give it one more day but she's uh doing so well and she's up she's playing with the mate a little bit this honestly the best part farming is when something goes wrong and you work really really hard to make it right and you see stuff like that i just need to find a coat that will fit because that one's on the tightest settings and it's still too big some good news as well to have this video just got cell count back for this month it was it was cell count was 47. that is a good ass still count but the bad news is look what our friend has done you're naked you're naked you have no clothes on you you're naked naked cough [ __ ] what we need to find a smaller coat feel of doing so much better amazing how much she's gone so that happened thursday today's monday so friday saturday sunday it's like three four days absolutely smashing big day today it is a big day lou is a go she's tagged up doing really well she won't feed off a bucket your feet are fatigue so we've put those up ready for her which is no problem she feeds off deep she's feeding she's on around one and a half two liters we had on one liter of milk to make sure she was kicking and going the three week premature car who's actually due actually due week today so she's two weeks old now is doing so much better and it's obviously kicking about she kicked the rubber coat off so now she's on a nice fresh one and it looks like you're trying to kick that one off as well obviously we decided to call lou because louise hartley memorial foundation that we did for the farmer's garden we did that webinar on the same day that she was born heat lamps were up they're still there and that webinar is about resilience in farming how we are resilient and then the things we can improve on and i just say in that webinar and kind of express that i'm not scared to ask a question we asked the question i got the answer and now look at here you're going now aren't you uh and this card is happy healthy calf which is absolutely amazing that webinar is on tomorrow wednesday at seven or eight o'clock put the link in the description there where i chat with claire stella and phil just about things and about our farming resilience and how we farm and how we do things and it is amazing the stories that those guys have got so go check that out if you're interested thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed today's video happy calves happy farmer this carp is doing fantastically well nice and warm under a coat that's the best thing about these coats put you under a nice and warm and dusty toss it hey um and obviously lou ah what are you doing is doing so well two weeks a bit of love and attention big shout out to hardy she's worked really really hard with this calf and done really really well with her she's pushing on which is just amazing this is the best thing about farming when something goes wrong you work really hard to correct it it's just you can't beat it it's just amazing it's a big team effort and look at she's doing so well and hopefully she has a long she's a long long and proper prosperous prosperous along a prosperous life pemberton's here hey guys hope you enjoyed today's video if you did if you did happy carbs that have been born and doing really really well give it a thumbs up subscribe to the youtube channel you can uh get your tp merch at tom pemberton okay pick up there if you fancy it if you don't that's cool thanks for watching see you next time bye just the end of this video i know it's never going to run this one but i got the results back from susie and i thought it was interesting to tell you so both came back negative for neospora which is absolutely awesome we took a bulk sample of milk and bvd is not there as well so that's amazing because i'm vaccinated against bvd so that would be quite worrying no underlying issues we can't see what's up with them like i say nothing was served beforehand maybe a bit of stress in the drive cows something going wrong no idea but the main thing is the cows are healthy and there's nothing that we can find i'm pretty gonna put down stress calf is good and it's amazing so guys again thanks for watching for your one other results
Channel: Tom Pemberton Farm Life
Views: 650,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cow, simulator, farm, farming, fails, Countryfile, daggerwin, viral videos, cow videos funny, cow videos, cow videos for kids, viral video 2021, farmers protest, farm animals for toddlers, premature, premature birth, premature baby, farm life, agriculture, dairy farm, silage, jcb, farm animals, calf, calf strain, calf pain, calf injury, feel good, baby calf, animal videos, animal videos for kids, animal videos for kids funny, colostrum, colostrum feeding, happy ending, baby calves
Id: 0axit94DdRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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