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right it's towards the morning first job of the day well not really the first job of the day with the first job after the 11th club coffee hit this cover back you give me away no so it's just very good excellent it's absolutely excellent really really happy with it cows are doing very very well you can see the condition on them there in other videos so you can test it all you want the one thing i'll tell you if you say this is good here's your cows all right get this girl started so i have a knack to start my kiss i was looking at farmer p and he just follow him if you're not you should be following him but he has a case it's a smaller version of this it's his father's tractor and i noticed that he was having trouble getting started i sent him a message just to give this procedure a kind of a go and see how it would work and i'm looking forward to hear back from the seated help i hope that it does every charter is different but mine has a little sequence that makes it always start more or less i give it three good jets of diesel till the primer starts to get nice and solid and then i turn the wiper off from the dashing ring last night 18 seconds there we go that works every time it doesn't matter how cold it is it works and it is very very cold it was minus one last night and she hasn't been started since yesterday morning so every tractor has his own routine the massey start no problem doesn't matter what it was like you barely have to heat it and it'll start the only thing about the massey is if the bolts aren't high enough in your battery she won't allow herself to start should turn over and turn over and turn over which one allows ourselves to start with the votes it's a certain height so not time i have to hook this track up to it give it a bit of a boost and start straight away sure look we're all like that some mornings you know yourself [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] now you might say why don't i stack the tires in the lovely front bucket that i got from lakeland machinery the bucket doesn't hold a lot of tires the shear drive will actually hold near as much it's not worthwhile flipping this off to hook on the bucket just to do that job second good reason is exercise you all need a bit of exercise now and again you can be carving clouds you can be cleaning stats but it's hard to beat doing a bit of physical work and you'll actually feel much better for doing it keeps you active and it keeps you fit next thing to know is move this girl out of the way [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so i've had to stop for a second because there's the first water bike gone so get this girl into the cabin pen come on come on oh should we run it right that's her in let her do her business if you guys are following us on instagram you'll see everything that's happened would have been seen but in at nathan didn't have she was in last night she didn't have i put her back in her house it wasn't too long before she started showing the right symptoms first of all the bag's gone she's an old cow when i say old i'll be to most dairy farmers she's still quite young because but i keep my head fairly young i try to keep them as young as possible cows that are that leave here generally go on to other dairy farms because they're still perfectly healthy and perfectly able to make a way still quite young in terms of what other dairy farmers might have me this nancy here this would be our last calf um normally all is through half her calves so she's a good cow very good maker so so we'll check up with her in a few minutes i'm just going to put in a feed here get them all accepted [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so the girls are walking away like trojans up here they're getting sheds ready for calves there's a set of feet coming just sitting there cheering a cod not a bother she's there what's the big fuss she says so it's all a piece of cake i give her a little why longer let her do her thing herself without help she's a big coward he's well fit to do it i don't tend to help cows if i can help it at all i just keep a very close eye on them because you're reducing the risk even i am using gloves and everything you are increasing that risk of infection by handling them at all so if you can leave them alone leave them alone you can look here and see what the guards have been up to here at the chute so right so the ladies are just getting a shed ready here for the cavs good girls jesus spotless that's the stuff we have to plumb up a drinker here we put a new drink in last year so we have to plumb that up and get that plumbed up in a day or so um but we move up a couple of halfway cars here and get them in and jackets on just to relieve a little bit of pressure in the main house we have another house down here where we have nine heifer calves we have the rest of them in here so we're gonna move up maybe four or five get them used to drinking out of a batch feeder and once they get all settled in and done we'll keep moving them up as time goes on and we keep moving calves around especially when we get to about three quarters of the way carved we've turned these two cabin pins into calf pins and then when we're left with only two or three cab we'll actually close off a pen in there and we turn the cameras around face it on there and we have the last of them over there on that corner that's just a knack i'm just peeping around all the time and i'm seeing cows there that are all very very close so last year we were very lucky we had no casualties whatsoever and that doesn't happen too often because there's some things you just can't help so we're just in the caf house here uh calves just after being fed there about half an hour ago they're all laying down nice and comfortable nice and warm these two were born last night bowl and a heifer and these are oldest heifers here you have bow and her gang all just nice and panned out and as happy as larry by far the most popular question i get asked on the channel all the time is about calf jackets believe it or not so i'm just gonna give you my opinion real quick what i think about calf jackets any of you watch our channel from the beginning we'll see last year's calves done really well a lot of these commenters they're really in good condition and they look really well well they put a lot of that down to calf jackets because last year was the first time we ever used them and loads of friends of mine had recommended them because they were seeing huge benefits from using them on their own cars so i said i'd buy a few see how it goes on so instantly i could see a difference on the cows away on the jackets and the calves that weren't and it's just simple because the jacket maintains the cat's body temperature so the benefit i could see from that there was growth the calves were grown but the calves were also far more comfortable those no scours we don't normally get many scours here all we might get is a kind of a white it's kind of like a rotavirus scar but it's not it's just probably a little bit down to too much milk at times so we never really had a problem with scour pneumonia is nearly zero i can't remember the last time we had a calf with pneumonia you'd notice straight away when you take the jacket off and you see how big the calf had filled out and everton so i highly recommend them yeah we bought these actually yesterday jvc ones because they're a full body jacket and another huge benefit to the jfc when you stay there max is these buckles these buckles are completely different than us than any other jacket we ever use they're very strong and the nylon strap is twice the width of any other one as well so we found the first thing that failed on the other jackets was the straps and and that was the main biggest problem with any other jacket we've had a couple of money done the one year which is not good enough for a jacket i want to get several years at a jacket control them in the washing machine type material is they're not going to dirty they're going to be very very easy clean because the muck will dry onto them and the type of fabric that it is will just wash straight off so i really really like them ones very easy to put on as well and the cars as you can see there are panned out they're really content like bow there is only a week old and this house wouldn't be the warmest but you just know the cars are warm and content these cars are still on the sweet maker they will be on sweet make for a long time yet i tend to keep cars as long as they can on sweet mix um because they do tend to do better and they'll get over to make replacer eventually but they'll be on me for another little while yes the spending house cap at the minute so there's plenty of milk there so penny roughed straw this is a crunch musee that we're feeding here so we're just introducing that to them now over to a batch feeder so so five of them are feeding out the one time it's shocking apart the cows get fresh water so what i'm doing at the minute until i get this drinker hooked up now probably tomorrow is i'm coming in with a bucket of water at about lunch time and i'm pouring it in here it's lukewarm water and they're coming down and they're drinking away from that so that's keeping them good that's enough how important especially when they're getting crunch and a straw how important water is any use that aren't followers on instagram just get over there and follow us because we tend to show more cattle walk on instagram and last night we put off about 10 videos as the cows were carving every step so if you like that kind of stuff with cattle you'll see all that on my instagram story so they'll be getting jackets on them now today i have jackets here sitting ready um this little man here decided he would fire his jacket off last night how he got it off is beyond me and it's sitting here that's his jacket so that'll be going back on i don't think i tighten the straps enough and that's what's wrong so he'll be getting his jacket through back on and keeping him nice and warm he's a good healthy buck he's but two days old we'll get our neighbors have a couple more jobs want to get done and i don't want to drag this video too much because there's plenty i want to ram into it right on to the next job late upgrade now do you see this little light up here that spotlight is shining onto these this pen here for the cows to have the calves now we used to have an older camera system um in fact that's one of the older cameras there and we could turn that to face in here if we were in our last few cows that were going to cav and our cabin pens maybe had calves in them or something we used to leave them in here maybe three or four and i could turn that light on at night because the night vision isn't the best on them and i could turn that light on just here and that would shine up the pen and i could see it clearly at night i haven't used that in three years at least and it's just sitting there doing nothing because the night vision is so good on the pt's ed's that there's no need for it this problem with these cameras here compared to the ptz is this exactly what you see here now that camera was cleaned no time ago and you see these cobwebs the spider just keeps building in front all the time and when you get a cobweb in front of a camera infrared will hit that spider web and all you're going to see when night vision is on is just a snow white glare of a spider web and you'll see nothing through it so later on no problem you wouldn't notice it was there so i'm going to clean these cameras down they haven't been cleaned the year but i do always brush this down the front of them but a day or two and it's back again the spiders just love building in front of them anyway that's for another day but today we're going to move this we're going to remove this light it's a great light we're going to take it down and clean it all up it's going to go way over on the stylish pit because there's a light over there that's blown this shines down on the chute and this one here is led where the other one's halogen and this one won't blow that one blows all the time so we're going to swap it out and make use of that one but in this place i'm going to leave this switch there do way with the wire going to that light and i'm going to take two wires one running down along there over that corner and one going straight out to the sheeting out here this is a very dark spot at night no lights and my father has always given out that it's pitch black he says you're going to fall or something's going to happen i'm grand but sometimes he does come out here at night and yeah he's right it's nice to have a bit of light and when you're walking down here especially to the corner it can be a bit of a nuisance it's always pitch black so i'm going gonna put a light there and i'm gonna put a light here the lights i'm gonna put up are these lights i got here i have used these a few years now um you don't have to go with a brand or anything because they're fairly popular i'd say if you went to most of your lighting companies you'd get a light like this the same light actually that i have up on the top of my slide house and for night lights so the photo cell brings them lights on automatically at night and just puts a nice light in the house and they're very easy run because they're led so they take very little power to run check out there these are 18 lumens 20 watt i have these lights sit in the shed for a couple of months now and i just never got around to doing this job now i don't advise you do any electrical work unless you know what you're at um i have done this for years and years but even with that just be very careful if you've never done any electrical work before and you're not confident what you're doing just get someone to do it it's far the safest thing to do there's nothing as dangerous as electricity and you shouldn't touch it if you don't know what you're at [Music] um [Music] always do now is tie this cable up underneath us just with a couple of clips wall clips and that'll just leave it nice and tidy and finished that's one up and just fixed into place nicely they're very easy light to put up there's nothing hard about them now they say you're just supposed to put them again the wall like that there and that's them finished water can't really get in with the way the wire sits in behind the behind the unit but what i like to do is i like to come along with a bead of silicone just a hardly clear silicone go the whole way around and just give that extra bit of seal because when these start working you just have to replace them there's no replacement bulbs around this led so that's why i just go around it seal it off completely and then you know that everything's done and dust and finished [Music] so [Music] so [Music] that's that one going so we cut the old one off uh and of course i forgot to bring up the light with me so the colder way to get the other light that we took off the slide house down there and the two holes more or less should be in the same place we're gonna run two stainless bolts that i had in the shed um in this place these two wires and i'm going to run them into a junction box here because the led light is pre-wired and you don't open it so we get the other led light on now in this place i'm tightening me better [Music] check on these lights now that it's dark i'm going to show you the area first of what it would have been like the gopro is desperate when it's dark but trust me it's pitch black out here let's switch on our light that makes a serious difference it's great to light up places like this that's never been lit up before and it's just so much safer and it's not a big glaring light either it's just nice and safe to walk up here now and you have plenty of light and there we are now the gopro doesn't pick up things as good as they might be but i'm telling you now there's a brilliant light of that so that's another little upgrade makes the thing a lot better it's hard to beat a bit of light this little guy is sitting here that's the bite the backing kind of bar that goes behind the cows you see one on our other farm and that one's been sitting there for the past six months there's no painting sitting in the shed it said tomorrow i'm gonna fit it on the chute where it should be and make use of it starting to pour in again it has been pouring rain all day the weather is just miserable the amount of rain that's fallen fields around here are just soaking they could not possibly be wetter the long term weather is just all rain this girl is kevin i'm going to set you up here i'm going to show you her calvin i'm going to have to help her very big feet and she's just too long now with the calf while the bike busted um we just need to get the calf out and make sure everything's okay she i knew she was very very heavy and she just is time to get this calf out so i'm gonna set you up here and i'm gonna take this car from this cow okay so the first thing we checked is make sure the head's there everything's fine there's nothing really really wrong it's just a very big cap but it might be that big it's just to give me the impression by looking at the feet but it's a nice size cap it's a freezer it's just a little bit long and i don't want to leave her any longer and especially the water bag busted if it wasn't busted i wouldn't be in any rush once the water bag busted the car from the ground so it's usually time when all i'm just doing at the moment isn't put the ropes on the cat's feet inside ropes are all sterilized very important it's also very important to wear lugs don't handle anything until you have them feet out you don't want to be introducing any infection now i'm using the jack i don't hold very hard only helping us so i get it a little bit of pressure just wait just give her time she's not pressed now that car doesn't work so you're not damaging the car in any way and every time she presses pull a little bit of that pressure on again it's only very little give our plenty time give her plenty time another thing you have to watch i never get keeps her closed over so a cow can actually fall when they go to calves we can lose the power on the back legs and just peel over at any time so i watch out for that and the medusa is going to fall i open the chin so when she does fall the gate will just fall out of the way [Applause] [Music] everything's fine everything's perfectly normal i can see the cat's nostrils moving and everything's where it should be sometimes you just weave it down forced in just to get the head out and then everything goes fairly quickly after that the head's about to come out now and just pop out there we go a little bit faster then just keep the whole thing coming and there's no pressure on the lungs i'll do it when i'm taking her out i hold up that catches the calf that's a good thing about the jack so what have we got nice and healthy breathing fine everything's good if you taught a calf was a little bit dull of itself a little bit of cold water into the ear just like that and that's the best way now that just wakens them up straight away i'm going to leave mother and calf together tonight i'm going to put them in next to this house down below and i'm going to be taking this car out here do you see her she's about to put the first water back from her she's the next cow for the night then we have a heifer in this other house that she's gonna carve as well i'm gonna be up all late tonight just keeping an eye on them but it's a good thing everything goes well look at that calf a couple of minutes old now look how lively it is like a great thing so i'm going to bed this house out and let them at it for an hour or so and she'll give that calf a good licking but you see there the calf's mad to jump up already nice and lively that's what you want so myself and nicole are just here now and i'm just after picking up um a lint of perforated pipe this is jfc pipe in here and the idea with this is we're going to be cutting it up and we're going to be turning into curry feeders now the curry feeder you're going to see as we're putting it together is basically the end pieces that can be put onto these pipes that gfc created and turns these into trots which we're going to use we've talked about in other videos before but it's something we're going to use to feed our cattle and over on the other farm we can throw it out in front of the silage feeder cattle in the trots and then take them away when the cattle are done and that way there's going to be no mess in the ground and no boards are going to be tackling the meal that's left over so hopefully that'll work also we have our new tidy bin that we ordered as well um i really wanted one of these just to keep the wrap and things off the yard i might actually get another one as well down the line but for now the one i'll do is just we've wrapping things laying over to the farm and it's all the time blowing across the gates and everyone when there's any kind of wind this should keep it all in order and should work on absolute treat i've seen it in louise crowley's instagram page if you're not following louise you should loads of great ideas she shares from her farm and i've seen her using this in her one of her videos and i said yeah that looks like something will work for us so we went ahead and got one of those too inside but look down there there's all our fittings for our curry feeders inside we have six of them so i'm looking forward to getting these put together now and over another farm because it should do it with all that residue meal and stuff that's laying around especially when you're feeding a mix nuts aren't too bad but a mix tends to be a bit messier especially when it's damp as well um so that should clean that all up and in torn do have a lot of the wildlife and stuff that's coming around and eating any meal that's left over that's it thanks nicole for your handy camera walk as always i haven't used one of these before but they're very popular so it's quite basic you cut your first bale kind of a diagram there how you're supposed to do it so you cut your first bill in a certain way and then you put the force bail the wrap of the force bail inside and kind of use like a bin liner and you put the rope around this here to hold it in place then you put all your wrap into that and tie off your ends when it's full and then you end up with a bail pack full of wraps so it should hold a larger wrap they're talking about 150 to 200 wraps so we make anything from 150 to 300 bills a year so that's going to work well for us it's going to keep things nice and tidy it'll make bringing stuff out and getting it recycled much easier just all more compact instead of just throwing it all into the trailer and even plastic like this here we can get that all into it as well and just get rid of it all in one batch and this video isn't sponsored by gfc we got these items ourselves and we sourced them and got them because a lot of yous guys are watching videos where we had trouble with the boards the crows over to the farm told us that we should get ourselves a curry feeder that they were brilliant so so that's exactly why we went to jfc and got these items just that dirtiness off wrap because it's blowing all over the place over to the farm i was going to use a cage tank down there and cut the top of it and put it onto this the only problem is getting it out of it and that's the biggest issue so this here you can just fill it full i like the idea then you can just lift it up and the whole that's just in one piece cool so it's the day after now i'm just over here at my other farm getting ready here to feed my cattle and um get them sorted for the day it's absolutely pouring rain and it's pouring rain since i put up that lake yesterday and it has not laid up whatsoever and it doesn't look like it's going to stop the day either just hoping that it'll pick up soon so we can start thinking about slurry and things in a few weeks time because at the minute it's so wet it's just so wet anyways before i wrap up today's video i've had hundreds if not thousands of messages ask me about merch i know i haven't given any proper updates since christmas and there's a reason for that it's just that we have been speaking to so many different suppliers and different people and we finally found someone who is absolutely exactly what i wanted and someone that's going to handle everything myself and my wife worked full-time and there was no way that we would have had time to take on something like that and just would not work for us what's happening is we've had a good few zoom meetings and everything has now been finalized and finished a lot of delay it was my fault because i've probably been a little bit fussy on the material and stuff you know the sort of me i probably was a bit of a pain in the backside for the woman to walk with two but i just wanted the stuff to be right we have the right recipe now you can rely on one thing they're going to be wear well they're going to be very suitable for farm use and for good use depending on what you want to wear it for and they're going to wash well not going to fade they're not going to fall apart they're going to get you're going to get your money's worth out of them so what is common is we've got hoodies we've got body warmers that you've seen already we've got a jacket that's actually like that body warmer and which is really nice it's not a big hood jacket it's just a high collar jacket it's nice it's light but it's warm we have kids overalls as well we have t-shirts in a couple of different colors and we have our beanies and our bubble hats i'm not going to say the date i know it what it is but just in case something goes wrong and i don't want to disappoint anybody what i will say is the end of february but i'll keep you updated between now and then and when we get close to that date i will eventually tell you what date it is so they can be ready for the launch when it happens that's it for today's video thanks for watching as always if you haven't subscribed hit that sub button give us a like follow us on instagram or facebook tick tock there as well and keep you updated with what's happening on the farm and until the next one folks we'll talk to you very soon right back to get soaked again lovely
Channel: IFarm WeFarm
Views: 273,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Xho_UVnXdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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