The Wind-Up Robot | a Lesson in Accepting Differences | GizmoGO! S01 E05 | Full Episode for Kids

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always encouraging friends [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh hi I'm just tinkering around with my alarm clock it ran out of battery so it didn't wake me up this morning and I was supposed to wake up really for something today too it was really important what was that Miss Tina there you are you missed early morning rehearsals right that's it our big number is still in really rough shape and the talent show is tonight I'm sorry guess my alarm didn't go off this morning but don't worry I'm working on a more reliable power source for it really what kind sure yet I'm just kind of making it up as I go you can just do that sure why not [Music] oh boy our wind-up robot toy right sorry the toy is fine come on everyone there is still time to make our mid-morning rehearsals [Music] is he real oh cool our favorite toy is actually a real robot we can actually hang out and be friends with our favorite toy it's a miracle it's a miracle a miracle did he just talk with his nose kind of looks that way that is a strange method of speech why don't you go introduce yourself guys I do not want to speak with him he has a nose talker it might get weird and what about rehearsals our number is still missing it's fine hello I am Gizmo hello I am Gizmo no I am Gizmo I am Gizmo okay this is weird is he some sort of copy but me next hi I'm rig hi I am Gizmo no say rig Miss Tina why is he stuck on my name well I think his name might actually be Gizmo what but my name is Gizmo we do not have time for this we need to rehearse but what about weird Gizmo widget that's terrible well we have to call him something two gizmos will be way too confusing I think we can come up with something better than that yes excellent idea we will do that but can we please do it after the talent show we really need to rehearse you have already missed one Miss Tina okay okay we'll see you soon Gizmo the pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again okay let's go Ready set go ah finally rehearsal okay Shall We Begin excuse me how did you get in here I need to locate Quantum lab you are already in Quantum labs this does not appear to be Quantum lab well Quantum Labs appears many different ways because of its many different divisions perhaps you should explore some of those while we rehearse affirmative I will locate Quantum lab on my own uh-huh sure you do that [Music] you know what area has great Acoustics the lobby we should rehearse in the lobby okay third time is a charm and of course how did he get here so fast walking like that also what is up with that hat is it a bowler hat or a sombrero okay come on now you have a problem with his hat well you do have to admit it is weird Miss Tina yeah and since there's so many weird things about him it just makes each weird thing weirder it's the theory of exponential weirdness by ears you literally just made that up and to it what happened is it something weird it is rig he appears to be frozen in time he probably just ran out of energy so he needs to recharge his batteries mid-walk no I don't think he uses batteries it's probably just that crank on his back we need to wind him up no batteries okay that's even weirder it is not he's a wind-up robot you know that Gizmo why don't you go help him out I would miss Tina but we are running very late for rehearsals the talent show is starting soon and we still have not found our missing Spark seriously come on you guys there's always time to help a robot in need besides maybe he could join our Act help us find that missing Spark all right guys she's officially snapped I thought she was joking she definitely wasn't joking I like jokes what are we going to do he can barely talk how is he going to sing how are we going to convince Miss Tina it's too late for her we gotta go above her head she's pretty tall who's above her head are you sure you don't have time for this it's the only way I'll stall hurry go go Ready Set Go Professor Quantum Gizmo hello come on in you are actually here in person well not quite but I do have a few minutes what can I do for you I am not quite sure a new robot has arrived in the lab and he is a bit strange oh I wasn't aware of any new arrivals well I guess he is actually old he was one of our favorite toys but now he has turned into a real robot oh okay so what's the problem well he talks kind of strange he walks kind of strange he is kind of strange Miss Tina wants to be nice and include him in our act for the talent show but we do not think he will fit in I see how about I tell you one of my favorite parables there was once a man who was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho on his way he was attacked by robbers who beat him up and took all of his clothes oh no not long after a priest from his own country came along the same road ah excellent the priest will help him actually he didn't instead the priest ignored the man even Crossing to the other side of the road to avoid him ah what that is horrible soon after that another man from the same country came along but he avoided the injured man as well no offense Professor but this is an awful story don't worry it gets better do you know what a Samaritan is a charitable or helpful person that's how we use the word now but a Samaritan was a person from the region of Samaria back in Bible times and the Samaritans and the Jewish people did not get along at all why not they were different and both sides looked down on each other because of it each group of people thought their group was better were they well you tell me when a Samaritan man came along he saw the Jewish man and had compassion on him he immediately jumped to help the man bandaging his wounds letting him ride on his own donkey and taking him to an inn where he could be cared for and the Samaritan man paid for it all himself so the Samaritan man helped the Jewish man even though he was different well he was different but only in ways that really didn't matter the Samaritan man knew the Jewish man was another human being in need of help so he helped so we are supposed to love everyone no matter how different they may be exactly so tell me just how different is this new old robot oh well he actually used to be our wind-up robot toy see oh wow it's Gizmo what you know him of course he was one of my earliest Creations an early prototype of you in fact so it is true I am not the only Gizmo well no but I hope that doesn't bother you I love all my Creations just the same you do of course an inventor always holds a special place in their heart for each of their Creations no matter how different thank you Professor Quantum of course Gizmo oh the talent show's about ready to start you better get down there Gizmo what about you or you're not hosting the show this year I am and I need to get out on stage [Music] thank you thank you welcome to the annual Quantum Labs talent show we've got a record number of Acts this year so we're gonna Jump Right In First up Cubit and his amazing impersonations where is Gizmo we're on next I'm sure he'll be here soon if he doesn't show up after all these mandatory rehearsals um no where were you I had to pick up the newest member of our Act Hello friends what Gizmo are you sure about this we were wrong to treat this Gizmo differently just because he is a bit different from us Professor Quantum made him and if he made all of us well we may not be so different after all widget could you please pull up Romans 15 7 the Bible says therefore accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given Glory that's great Gizmo I am sorry for how we acted you can be our friend and even join our act thank you Gizmo wait you want to add another member to your group now oh okay what's the name well I suppose his name is Gizmo that's gonna get confusing well since he's a bit older maybe we should call him Mr Gizmo give me Quantum thank you Cubit I didn't think I looked exactly like that but I appreciate the thought next up our very own robotics division with a special guest enjoy are you ready One for the Money Two For the Show three two get ready and away I go oh boy all people together [Music] [Applause] [Music] still love you we're accepting all different schools [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] since I do [Music] if you walk away [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you were different [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Every Time We Fall Down [Applause] [Music] Ready set go I love protonatron movie Nights only three more to go until ions return sorry I am late we're the others Miss Tina's making the popcorn and rig I don't know haven't seen him for a while hey guys thank you hey rig are you feeling okay yeah why oh I guess you noticed I'm not wearing my protonatron costume tonight it was starting to get a little uncomfortable uh that explains it oh Miss Tina with the popcorn um me too me three I Love Popcorn [Music] I wonder why you don't find this the least bit concerning there's a strange orange robot sitting in the theater waiting to watch a movie with us it's not a strange robot he's rig but he's different now he might look different but he's still our friend we should always love rig no matter what he looks like the popcorn's taking a while do you need more help [Music] what's going on we were just a little concerned about your new orange complexion it is a bit different from what we are used to but Miss Tina reminded us that you are still you and we can love you no matter what Orange oh this is my new wax treatment baby I'm allergic I think you're just supposed to remove it after you're done oh that's better Ready set go all right everyone tomorrow is Miss Tina's birthday and since it is our first one celebrating with us at Quantum Labs we have to make it memorable we should get her a really special gift that is exactly what I was thinking widget we could all surprise her by cleaning and detailing her car okay but that's not really a gift Gizmo we should get her a gift gears what's a really cool protonatron thing that she doesn't have yet oh that's gonna be tough widget cleaning her car would be a wonderful gift a gift is a thing we have to get her a thing we would be getting her a clean car but she already has a car we would be getting her the clean the proton car wait no she probably already has that widget Miss Tina would love it if we cleaned her car end of story but it's just going to get dirty again you said this birthday was supposed to be memorable how's she gonna remember a so-called gift that disappears uh guys widget we are cleaning her car no we are buying her up guys what oh hi Miss Tina I would ask what all this is about but I think I have an idea we wanted to make your first birthday at Quantum Lab special so we were arguing about what to get for you or rather what to do for you or get for you well that's really sweet guys but I really just want to spend time with you really yes quality time is my biggest love language it's the thing I love most that people give me are you sure everyone's as different giz yours is acts of service which is why you want to clean my car Riggs is physical touch gears is words of affirmation it is is that good it's good right somebody tell me that's good and widgets as gifts that's what you wanted to give me an actual thing ah everyone has different Love Languages and to different degrees ways they like to be loved and ways they like to love others all of them are great but sometimes if you really want to love your friends in the best ways you have to love them in their best ways it's just another way we're all different five a special number [Music] five different ways that love shows okay [Music] everybody shows love in their own way it's okay it's okay everybody shows love in their own way it's okay love communication interpersonal language for each boys [Music] well if spending time with you will make it memorable oh I definitely won't forget this do you not have the same collection she has three figures I don't have yet but I'm just excited to see them in person all right cool are you going to open them oh no I keep my collection in the boxes right but these are the shipping boxes you can't even see the actual box yeah and your whole collection is like this yep I call it extra mint condition but you can't see them how do you even know they're in there I just never thought about that okay well thanks for bringing those in is everything okay gears you left a little suddenly I just don't get it how could she leave them in the boxes the shipping boxes I'm not even sure she's a real protonatron fan of course she is Gears you both just express your fandom in different ways sometimes people do things differently even when they are doing the same thing that's just so strange but I guess it makes sense she probably thinks you are crazy for opening yours yeah I guess we're both crazy now bear is something we can all agree on ready set down look how far you come widget you used to be scared of people coming through that door and now you're on the official welcoming committee thanks for reminding me I'm still nervous gears it's fine widgets I've got you back [Music] hello dude hello Ollie welcome to Quantum labs [Music] okay we tried cheers we can't just leave we're the welcoming committee widget how do they talk it looks like they talk with their hands and do you have hands well no but you do yeah but I don't know how to talk with them I was given this golden voice for a reason widget be welcomed gears don't worry somebody else will handle it give me one second Miss Tina I need to learn how to talk with my hands and how to have hands okay and why is that the two new Bots I'm supposed to welcome only talk with their hands and I'm not going to give up on being their friend that's great widget it's actually called sign language I can't do it myself but I have a friend who dies can we call her real quick absolutely hi Tina hey Emma my friend widget needs help talking to some new robots here at Quantum Labs can you help well I think she talks fine the new robot speaks sign language oh I see well this is how you say welcome to Quantum Labs my name is widget it's perfect can you show me more words just a bunch in a row real quick sure [Music] welcome to Quantum Labs I'm Whitten sorry for the delay widget you learned how to sign yep Ollie says thank you and that he likes your light bulb oh thanks I like your wheels [Music] ready your good neighbor too [Music] well I know it didn't go quite like you planned Gizmo but that number did turn out pretty amazing it really did I am so embarrassed we almost did not let Mr Gizmo join us he is very different from us but that difference made our act much better I honestly think his voice is what won the competition is that why you let him carry the trophies assistance required oh boy assistance required oh boy I am okay well it was pretty heavy it's your turn to go and accept others just like God has accepted you we'll see you next time bye Ready Set Go subscribe to our Gizmo Go YouTube channel for more exciting Gizmo Go videos download the Superbook app now at [Music] it's the new Superbook Bible app it's packed with games activities and Superbook episodes that you can watch for free [Music] there's trivia a fun Daily Devotional and answers to your Bible questions plus an easy to understand Bible the whole family will enjoy you can even create your own Superbook characters it's the new Superbook Bible app free downloads on iTunes Google Play and Amazon [Music] [Music] his mouth ready [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's go Quantum lab foreign
Channel: GizmoGO!
Views: 313,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 105, GG105-FULL_EPISODE, GizmoGo - 105
Id: nv7pC7zi_CQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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