The story behind viral video of dad picking up daughter from school for the last time

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[Music] I didn't know it would get this emotional I had to keep singing so I wouldn't start to cry even though I was embarrassed for like all the daddy daughter pickups I just remember like it being like dang like this is the last time he's going to come to my high school and embarrass me and I started getting really [Music] emotional don't make me cry I was like I have to stay in character I have to sing but when I saw her she broke me down I was like oh my goodness and then I think once I got in the car I was like all right my pickup videos are they're very energetic they're very spontaneous it involves embarrassment I started doing it in Junior High in middle school but I never recorded it but her friends will record me and I didn't get out the car so I will pull up and drop her off and be like yeah and they be like go Mr Smith go Mr Smith my son one day he had a bright idea and he was like you know what Dad this time do it and get out the car and I'm going record you it's going to be crazy and after I did the first one I said was that embarrassing how do you feel and she was like yeah but it's it's cool originally he didn't really have costumes and he would just get out the car and just embarrass me so I was like okay it's not that bad and then I think once I start to get like a little bit comfortable he adds like another layer of like embarrassment with like either dancing or crazy costumes or wings and stuff like that so I was just like okay I mean it started to get like less embarrassing like this is what this is what he does this is who he is I don't do it for embarrassment I'm a real involved Dad I'm involved in every aspect of my children I have four children in all of their lives I'm at every play she's done every Awards assembly every football game for my son every I'm there all the time so I want them to see and involve that and I picked them up you know I I take pride in picking up my children there's a stigma or there have been a stigma on black men as fathers and I just want them to see that you know uh whatever you thought about a certain uh demographic or a certain race of men that's not true for all black men even though I was embarrassed for like all the daddy daughter pickups I just remember like it being like dang like this is this is the last time he's going to come in my mind I had it planned and I was going to act a fool I was was going to get on the floor and I was going to roll around and say in did it wrong but when I saw her face and those tears oh my God even when I talk about it even when I talk about it um it just really it was special man you know um I'm proud of her and even though I embarrass her um I'm so proud of her and I'm proud of um just all of her accomplishments embrace your parents embrace them if they try to embarrass you is there way of showing you love so I really just say like you know spend more time with your parents like talk to them you know be there because you know they're humans too they love you
Channel: Good Morning America
Views: 328,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: costumes, dad, dance, daughter, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-110998118, pickup, school, sing
Id: U-aS-nuNdrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 53sec (233 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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