The story behind "(Ask The Blind Man) He Saw It All"

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you know every now and then something comes along in your life and it changes your life and and lots of times you are prepared for those moments you know you you graduate school you get married you start a family you start a new job things like that and but sometimes things come in your life that that you're not prepared for that changes the direction of your life and then changes your life forever and and sometimes those are difficult or even tragic but sometimes god surprises you with something that just unexpected in and that's certainly what he did for me with this next home um i was coming back from a concert in north carolina one night late and wrote this thing in about 30 minutes and made a little demo of it didn't give it a lot of thought uh put it on a you know little demo tape sent it out a few weeks later i got a phone call from bill gaither's record company they called me said is this daryl i said yes and he said daryl i'm with bill gaither's record company and uh we've got this group that's just really looking for a a special song and they've heard this song of yours and they've been singing at acapella at their concerts because they don't have music for it and they said man every time they sing it the spirit falls like they have never seen and they just believe this song is is supposed to be their song they would like to record it would that be all right well i fasted and prayed for two or three seconds and uh no i'm just no of course i was tickled i was i was honored you know and uh and i said i'd be honored and so they recorded it and made it the title of the album the first single and in the years since this thing's been out man this song has been around the world i mean i've heard it in different languages and i've heard it in in all kinds of different styles i've heard it done southern gospel style i've heard it done in black gospel i've heard it done in bluegrass you know and in different languages it's been amazing um i mean it it actually made the list as one of the top 35 southern gospel songs of all time but i'll tell you what i never get over and what changed me more than anything else and that's the stories and sometimes the stories are you know are simple and and and they're you know well we sing that at my church or i sing that in my little group that i sing in and i appreciate that you know sometimes they're a little more personal you know sometimes it's things like uh we played that song at mama's funeral because that was that was her favorite song and i appreciate that i really do but every now and then you get a story and it's just i don't know what to do with it's just it's too overwhelming there was a little lady a little lady stopped me one time took me by the sleeve i was walking out the door she said darling i just wanted to let you know that your song got me through chemo i know what to say i just hugged her and cried i didn't know what else to do you know there was another lady that stopped me one time and she said i'd like to tell you a story i said all right she said i was married for 40 years to the meanest man that ever lived i thought boy this is going to be a story she said he did he was mean he didn't want any part of the lord he didn't want any part of church and every sunday morning he'd make fun of me for going she said one day we happened to be home watching television flipping channels and the gaither show happened to be on and that song yours came on and he got to listen to it and she said it got to the second verse and that's when he broke she said he started crying and she'd never seen him cry and she said that was the day his life turned around and he ended up spending the next two years of his life which was all the life he had left here sitting with her and serving god in the same little church he made fun of her for going to well you know i'll never get over those stories you know and the impact that they have in my life but but i think what i have learned from the whole experience with this song one of the main lessons the lord has taught me through this is truly the power of your story you know it's really important that our friends and our family and our neighbors it's really important that they know how god changed saul to paul it's important that they know how jesus restored peter but you know what they really need to know they need to know what god did for you they need to know how jesus restored you and how you depend on him how he gets you through the difficult times and the hard times because they know you and they they trust you and they can they can see you and and they can think well you know what if [Music] if god can change them he can change me too and that's how lives are truly changed so my number one encouragement to you today is whatever your story is whatever wherever you've been in life whatever your walk is now whatever your your job career skill hobby is whatever your story is share jesus through it let other people see jesus in you that changes lives well i'm gonna sing you this song if you've listened to southern gospel music you may have heard this the booth brothers are the gentlemen that recorded it i apologize i do not sound at all like them in fact my version is a little bit different but this is pretty close to what it sounded like when it was first written i was working in town one afternoon attending some business affairs i heard a commotion a couple streets over i wondered what's happening there a young man was running from in that direction he stopped just to catch his breath oh i asked him to please tell me what was the hurry before he smiled up at me and he said i was trying to catch the crippled man did he run past this way he was rushing home to tell everyone what jesus did today and the mute man was telling myself and the damn girl he's leaving to answer god's call oh it's hard to believe but if you don't trust me pass the blind man he saw it all has to find me and he saw it all [Music] here's the good part right here my friend hit the troubles and burdens you carry are heavy and dragging you down you have tried everything you can possibly think of and there's no relief to be found friend that very same jesus that altered the future of a blind man the deaf and the lame oh he is still reaching out in your hour of trouble one touch and you're never the same you'll be trying to catch the crippled man did he run past this way he was rushing home to tell everyone what jesus did today and the mutant man was telling myself and the deaf girl he's leaving to answer god's call oh it's hard to believe but if you don't [Music] trust me he saw it all [Music] oh [Music] amen
Channel: Daryl Mosley
Views: 38,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Booth Brothers, Southern Gospel, Bluegrass, Singer-Songwriter
Id: TrtkYm-cmh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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