Jesus Heals a Blind Man | John 9:1-41

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I have the privilege of introducing our preacher today and want to make a fun announcement before I do that want to backtrack if you guys remember last week maybe you guys were here we got to literally pray over and Commission out a church plant called Providence and one of the lead pastors is Andrew Rutan who was our city like you are in charge of our college ministry Andrew we hired at 22 helped him get a master's he got married and we all got to enjoy his ministry gifts additionally he literally pioneered the college ministry there was no college ministry it grew from zero people to over a hundred we've seen people get baptized and it's been really really fun to see what God's doing but I want to just pause and say one of the things that really allowed us to plant a church with Andrew is that he had a place to get some ministry reps some preaching reps to do some discipleship to lead a team to make disciples and delete interns and now he literally took about half his college ministry and went and planted church that's exactly what we want to see happen we want to raise people up and send them out we think college ministry absolutely matters I got saved in college started to lead my first Bible study in college preached my first sermon in college and it was horrible but I did it and so we want to be able to do that and so maybe some of you guys are asking what who's going to lead the college ministry well I'm excited to let you guys know we found a guy on Craigslist and so under help-wanted he just posted an app and he applied now I'm joking we found a guy named John Randall and can you guys welcome up John Randall with me right now I'm going to talk to you guys about him so John the way we got connected to John is John graduated from college at a Christian school got a Bible degree then he came down to Omaha with an intern under Gavin Johnson while he was doing college ministry for two years you got raised up Gavin taught you how to teach the Bible do some fun stuff and so after two years with Gavin you were like I'm done with him I'm over it let's have the break-up talk no joking it's only a two year internship relax so you went out to Colorado became a pastor at a church about four or five hundred out there and have been there for five six years and you are married your wife Lacey at the time had three kids since there you have three little girls five two and four month old so you've got a full tribe of all girls a little sorority house way to go and so um then we call Jun said hey man we've got this opening would you consider it and John is a guy who is incredibly genuine he loves the Word of God he's a gifted communicator teacher and preacher what you're going to see today and we wanted to bring a guy like you in to give not only leadership to the whole college ministry but to to raise up other interns and future preachers of teacher so John we couldn't be more excited that after praying about it you said yes and you are literally in Colorado about to pack up your u-haul and drive your family here this guy starts in about a week and a half and so so we're excited to have you and your family in Omaha and to hear from you today so let me pray right now so King Jesus I want to say thank you you continue to hear our prayer we are praying that the that you would send us laborers for the work of ministry here in Omaha you continue to provide incredible people to join the story so I'm thankful for John and his wife Lacey that they would hear your voice they would respond to your call on their life and they would be willing to leave comforts and friends and relationships in Colorado to come and be a part of what you're doing here god I want to pray for this man that you have spoken to him this week we know he has a great word but God even on this final hour here would you give him confidence and empowerment to preach the Word of God like it was his first time and so we pray in Jesus name Amen amen could you guys clap for John get this guy low love thanks Chris I need all the prayers I can get I'm not used to preaching three sermons so I got a doughnut I got some coffee recharged ina I just need prayers because our weeks been insane we were at the same conference that Chris was talking about and then we flew over here signed a lease on place I I'm literally leaving right after I preached us not because I quit or because I don't like you I just have to catch an airplane to get home and then we move out in a couple of weeks as Chris said but honestly this is surreal for my wife and I to be a part of the story of City Light we've seen some things happen from afar and it's just been amazing to see what the Holy Spirit is done in and through city light in the city of Omaha and so we're honored super honored to be a part of this story well you got your Bibles open them up to John chapter 9 John chapter 9 I want to kick things off with question the question is this have you ever thought you could see something only to discover later that you couldn't really see it have you ever thought you could see something only to discover later that you couldn't really see it let me give you some examples of what I'm talking about I grew up in Florida and if you're from this state there's a terrible catchphrase that we use to describe this state and it's this it's the place that people go to die it's terrible catchphrase we're terrible people but you will experience this if you ever go driving in the state of Florida because without fail you're probably going to come across some four-foot old grandma who's driving her Buick down the road she can barely see over the steering wheel she comes into my lane causing me to careen off the road she thought she could see but she discovers that she can't see well four-foot grandma's aren't the only people I can't see I have discovered that there are many times where I think I can see but I can't see do you guys remember those 3d optical illusions these computer-generated images they print off on these massive posters there were blurry but they had all kinds of shapes and objects but if you were to like squint at it the right way you were able to see some sort of object right like a cat or a car the space show I'd always claimed I could see something I just make something up because I don't want to be the last kid that couldn't see it while all the other kids are going to play on the playground and Here I am stuff let her left squinting at this photo so not only could I not see now I was lying about actually seeing in the first place one last example for us this morning the modern invention of instant replay in sports is amazing let me set the scene how many of us have ever been watching a football game when a play goes down and we hop up off our couch and we're like that was past interference Ref what are you blind and then we watched the replay and turns out the rest were actually right and we were wrong but we just created that really awkward moment right there by jumping up off the couch and yelling at the TV your wife's is shaking her head the neighbors that you invited over because you want to tell them about Jesus we're just looking at you like what's wrong with you you go into the kitchen you're not even hungry you just want food because just like I got a breakfast awkward tension that I just created in this room in that moment we think we can see but in the reality we can't see this works in a spiritual sense this works in a spiritual sense all of us think we can see spiritually but the truth is we can most of us in this room think we have an accurate view of ourselves we think we have an accurate view of God we think we have an accurate view of the world but as we open up the scriptures we will find out that most of us don't the reality is that most of us think our not that bad and God yeah he's not really that good but as we're going to go through this story this morning my hope and my prayer is that we see that we are far worse often we would want to believe but God is far greater and far better than we would ever dare to dream what we need this morning is spiritual eyes we need spiritual sight as we walk through John 9 I want to give us a working definition of what spiritual sight is so that we can understand the Scriptures better here's my working definition of spiritual sight you can write this down spiritual sight is perceiving your need for Jesus spiritual sight is perceiving your need for Jesus see the Bible confirms that you and I are all born into a world of sin that we are all sinners and when sin comes into play we walk around in darkness here's the novel thing about darkness you can't see anything when you're walking around in darkness how many of us have got up in the middle of the night trying to are not using the flashlight that's on our iPhones to go to the kitchen to get something to eat none of us do that right because if you don't use that flashlight you're going to find yourself three minutes later in the kitchen cursing because you just stepped on a toy that your kid left out right you need a light to see the good news of the scripture is Jesus is that light John 9 unpacks this great spiritual truth this great spiritual truth is this just as jesus healed a man born blind jesus wants to heal our eyes spiritually just as Jesus physically healed a man's eyes Jesus wants to spiritually heal our eyes Jesus wants to open up our eyes so that we see Jesus as the sent one from heaven to us here to save us here to redeem us here to push back the darkness here to undo our root problem which is sin he's here to show us what God is like that we might trust in Jesus that we might believe in his name and have life this matters for us today this matters for us today because I believe right here in this service it's City Light Church God wants to open up some eyes God wants to open up some eyes spiritually so that we perceive our need for Jesus here's the tragic reality here's the tragic reality you can come and sit in a church service you can raise your hands you can get connected with a city group you can get connected on a serving team you can be a part of everything that the city light Church culture offers you can do it all and still miss your need for Jesus you can still not see who Jesus really is the reason I know that is because I used to be one of those people I used to sit right where you sit right now thinking I knew Jesus but I did not see my need for him Church what we need isn't another pep talk another motivational speech that just simply we leave this place just simply observers of the Bible what we need is a radical encounter with the Holy Spirit that we become worshipers of the God that we read about in this Bible so this morning is I'm going to walk through three points and as we unpack John 9 it's again my hope and my prayer that the Holy Spirit opens up our eyes so that we see our need for Jesus point number one is this people are not theological problems to be solved people are real and need Jesus people are not theological problems to be solved people are real and need Jesus the story we heard just kicks off with the disciples and Jesus coming across this blind man and the disciples asked this great theological question to Jesus and verse 2 it says rabbi who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind now those two correlations exist in our culture today do they not how many people believe that if something bad is happening in your life and that means you screwed up somewhere along the way and God is just punishing you right how many of us believe that oh if my car broke down and that means I slept with my girlfriend and God is punishing me for that or likewise the other correlation exists how many people believe that if you have a bunch of issues in your life then somewhere along the line mom and dad screwed up because there's a message in our culture that says you're just a product of your environment so if you're struggling to make it just blame mom and dad those two correlations exist in our culture today but I love how Jesus enters into this question any response in verses 3 through 5 it says it was not that this man sinned or his parents but that the works of God might be displayed in him we must work the works of him who sent me while it is day night is coming when no one can work as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world and then Jesus actually heals this guy he heals this guy first Jesus is saying this he's like guys you're not seeing this the right way you're missing it because it's not always a one-to-one correlation where if things are going bad in your life and that means you either screwed up somewhere along the line or your parents did you're missing the point and a little bit of theology 101 will help us understand Jesus's response all suffering comes from original sin but not all suffering comes from personal sin to catch that all suffering comes from original sin but not all suffering comes from personal sin let me explain this a little bit when God created Adam and Eve Adam and Eve were the first parent or they're our parents or the first humans that were created and they enjoyed perfection with God but then they disobeyed God and when they disobeyed God that was the first or the original sin and from that sin has come generation of generation of generation of sinners and from that sin a curse was created a curse that acted like a ripple effect in our world causing bring throughout the generations so the lesson we learn from Jesus responses this is the source of all that has gone wrong in this world isn't simply bad karma and it's not because your parents screwed up the reason everything has gone wrong in this world is because of sin now sometimes our personal thing can cause physical harm to our bodies but Jesus is trying to say hey that's not always the case now if we're honest with this text and as I've dug into it I've wrestled with the question of why God why do you allow suffering why do you why did you cause this man to be or why did you allow this man to be born blind I'll be honest I can't answer that question I can't I can't answer that question for you this morning but I can answer this question what is God going to do about suffering what is God going to do about suffering his name is Jesus Jesus has been sent into this world to provide healing both physical and spiritual do you realize that the Gospel of John I can tell you why John actually wrote his gospel he says it later on he says that all these things are written that you may believe that means all the works that Jesus does all the works that he displays in and among the people are done for one purpose so that we would see our need for Jesus and respond to him by believing in his name and having life the second way that Jesus responds to the disciples question is awesome it's not a verbal response Jesus actually acts Jesus does an action Jesus responds to the disciples question but actually healing this guy now I don't want to dog on the disciples but one of the things that I find kind of interesting is that when the disciples looked at this man born blind they asked a theological question but when Jesus looked at this man born blind he saw a man who needed his healing touch Church how many of us have looked at people as theological problems to be rather than persons real people who need Jesus back in April I had this gal at our church named Jamie come into my office and Jamie was wanting to go to this healing conference and she was seeking counsel about whether she should go or not Jamie had Lyme disease and this disease had caused all kinds of complications in her life she struggled with sensitivity to light she struggled the sensitivity to electronics she would wear these big hats she would wear huge sunglasses and be covered from head to toe and clothing this disease was so debilitating it literally dissolved her social life it crushed her physically her strength was gone so as Jamie was sitting in my office rather than praying over Jamie rather than seeing what Jamie needed rather than brainstorming ways in which the church become alongside her and help her I didn't do any of that I just went into this huge theological tirade of why she shouldn't go to this conference because actually explained this healing conference to me there were some serious red flags the conference was shady at best and I went into this huge just discussion on theology but it wasn't out of love it was out of me trying to show off how smart I was and why she shouldn't go to that conference well a couple weeks later I was in a church service and her husband Brian was standing in front of me during worship and next to Brian was this blond-haired girl and at first I thought it was his sister but when he put his arm around her and then kind of went down to like the lower back a little bit I was like whoa this is weird what is happening here so I immediately went in like pastoral council mode and was like how am I going to confront Brian dude like you got to love your wife marriage is between man and a woman like you can't bring random girls to church you're married like this isn't going to work but before I could get too far down that road this blonde haired girl turns around and I immediately knew it was Jamie no hat no glasses she's wearing a Sunday dress she's got color back in her face and she looks at me with a smile and says hey John I forgot to tell you God healed me like what I was stunned I didn't know what to say I was just left speechless and it's in those moments that I think the Holy Spirit likes to get a hold of us when we're done talking and the Holy Spirit just brought this question to my mind John do you actually see Jamie what do you see her as a real person do you see her as a real person who needs me not your theological prowess now hear me on this I'm not trying to make theology the bad guy here Jamie and I had multiple conversations even after the conference talking about what the theology was behind this conference and what healing it really is according to the scriptures but as we began to talk our conversations were filled with a lot more prayer they were filled with a lot more praise they were filled with a lot more of me just asking simple questions Jamie how are you doing as a person Jamie how can I pray for you today how can we go before Jesus and ask him for something in your life today now this is a total subjective interpretation of the text but this is what I think happened when Jesus was asked this theological question by the disciples I don't even think he made eye contact with them when he responded I think all eyes were on the blind man in front of him I think all eyes were on the blind man in front of him in that moment and when I was there with Jamie the spirit convicted me that the theology of God had led the father to give up his son because he loved humanity whereas my theology was leading me to be prideful my theology was leading me to be arrogant my theology was leading me to be to show off my intellect city light here's the truth we will never be able to see people as in need of Jesus unless we first see that Jesus looked at us as being in need that we are the blind person in this story and that Jesus didn't look at us as a theological conquest Jesus looked at us as a person who need who needed a healing touch Jesus saw this man's physical blindness and He healed him but here's the reality of the rest of this story is there's a much greater danger than physical blindness there's spiritual blindness as well and it's much more dangerous this leads me to point number two point number two is this knowing Jesus as the Savior is not the same thing as seeing your need for him knowing Jesus as the Savior is not the same thing as seeing your need for him if we pick back up the story the blind man gets healed and then he comes back to his neighborhood and the whole neighborhood gets thrown into a frenzy right which I mean it's crazy what happened it's not every day that a blind man goes to the swimming pool and then comes back and is able to see like that would throw your neighborhood into a frenzy so the neighbors aren't really sure what to make of this story so they say what do we do well they decide to take this blind man to the Pharisees because they want to get to the bottom of the story did this really happen it would be a lot like if you saw a medical miracle and you decided to go to the University of Nebraska Medical Center and you're like hey here's this guy's chart is this real did this happen is this a hoax what's going on here and as the Pharisees investigate whether this miracle is true or not they quickly become divided they quickly become divided if you look at verse 16 there's one half of the Pharisees and they say this how can a man who is a sinner do such signs see some of the Pharisees were essentially saying this guy just opened up the eyes of the blind like that's godlike power maybe we should reconsider the claims of Jesus and additionally to that if you actually look at verse 18 it indirectly proves that the Pharisees could not deny that this man's ha eyes had been open because the parents testimony confirmed it they literally were stuck in a rock and a hard place because they could not deny that this man's eyes had been opened at the hands of Jesus then there's another camp the other Pharisees get all bent out of shape because jesus healed on the Sabbath and so they say this this man is not from God for he does not keep the Sabbath in other words they're saying hey we shouldn't just listen to Jesus because he performed a miracle this guy's not following God's law he's not listening to what God has commanded us to live and so the Pharisees are divided but here's the problem see some of the Pharisees or the Pharisees in general had had created these little rules to help them follow God's law so they said hey we're passionate about wanting to follow God's law in order to do that better let's create these little rules that will help us do that which is so counterintuitive to the issue of the Sabbath because what's the Sabbath a Sabbath is a day in which you do nothing it's a day in which you rest so what do you do when you do nothing in rest I got an idea how about we create a bunch of little rules like that's so counterintuitive to that command it's like trying to create a detailed schedule when you're trying to take a vacation it just doesn't work well one of the rules that the Pharisees came up with was that on the Sabbath you were not allowed to heal a man unless his physical life was in danger you weren't allowed to heal a man unless his physical life was in danger do you guys see the irony in that statement do you see the irony because while this blind man's physical life wasn't in danger his spiritual life was very much in danger the Pharisees were blind at the very root problem of our world and that is apart from Jesus you and I will perish in our sins we will end up in suffering we will end up in darkness apart from Jesus the light of the world entering into our world so that we can perceive our need for him and respond in worship and faith the fundamental problem for the Pharisees is that they had a knowledge of the Savior but they didn't see their need for one see they knew that a savior was coming that was going to open the eyes of the blind that was predicted in the Old Testament but when they saw Jesus they didn't want him to be their Savior see there's a difference between knowing something versus seeing it it's the difference between knowing it and seeing it right like I know that the 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers are the greatest cause ball team to ever play the game right I know that but there's a difference between reading about that in some stats sheet and then actually watching video of Tommie Frazier just run all over my beloved Florida Gators it's not a good year uh there's a difference there's a difference between knowing something and seeing something and this was certainly true in my life because I grew up in the church I knew that Jesus was the savior of the world there was just one problem I didn't see the need for him to be my Savior that he is the savior of my sins and it was until 2009 when I moved to Omaha Nebraska the first time and I met this tall lanky pale dude from Waverly Nebraska he says weird things like Foulkes and mispronounces every word with w you guys track that do you see that when he preaches uh anyway if it lets assist you first Sunday I'm talking about Gavin Johnson and as Gavin began to disciple me in the truths of the gospel my eyes were opened the Holy Spirit opened my eyes so that I was able to see that Jesus isn't just a savior but that he's my Savior now let's get practical here because some of you might want to ask well John that's great what did you see specifically though what did you see specifically this is what I saw specifically I saw the depth of my sin and how grace covered that sin I saw the depth of my sin and how grace covers that sin and how you see that is through the act of repentance and so I do this really quick 10 minute exercise I've been doing this ever since I met Gavin and it's an easy way to categorize repentance and see your sin and also see your how grace covers that so what I do is I take a sheet of paper and I draw a line down the middle and in the left-hand side I write down my sin and in the right-hand side I write how grace covers that sin and so today because I need grace today because I need to see my need for Jesus today because I don't want to walk in darkness because I don't want to have blind spots here are some things that I could write here's one sin that I could write in that column I struggle with parenting my kids anybody been there I struggle with parenting my kids there are so many times where I'm caught parenting my or disciplining my child because I'm annoyed with them rather than because I love them and so this week this is the wickedness of my own heart this week as we were traveling in on airplanes and in hotel rooms and just not a way for a way from the comfortability of our home I found myself avoiding holding my four months old because when she would sit with me she'd get all squirmy she would get fussy and I'd get frustrated and I get annoyed and I didn't know what to do so I passed her off to my wife and and that's that's the wickedness mount heart I avoided holding my own kid now well before I move on shout out to my wife who has been awesome on this trip she's been amazing with everything all the transition and just with our kids she's been fantastic but here's how grace covers my sin in that oftentimes I think we know that God loves us but functionally we think he loves us because he has to and that secretly God's just kind of annoyed with us and putting up with us that's not God's love for us God loves us because he wants to and in Jesus God has actually brought us into his family do you you got to realize this that God could actually save you and still not bring you into the family of God like you could have eternal life you could have heaven you can have Jesus forever and still not be in the family of God or put it another way in order to save you God didn't need to bring you into his family this is like bonus round of salvation what kind of grace is this that through Jesus God would actually bring me a mess of father who doesn't love his kids the right way into the family of God because of the work of Jesus that I may be able to call god father what kind of grace is that when I see this amazing grace that God has granted to me in Jesus it empowers me to love my kids do you see how I see my of sin and how grace covers that sense city light there's a difference between knowing Jesus is the savior and seeing your need for him and I don't care if you've been a Christian for 20 seconds or for 20 years you need Jesus today you need to see your G or see your need for Jesus today if anything we need to continually grow greater and greater and greater as we see our need and you see your need when you see the depth of your sin and you see that how grace covers that sin it's through the act of repentance this is the beginning of spiritual sight and it leads me to my last point point number three seeing your need for Jesus begins with admitting you are blind seeing your need for Jesus begins with admitting you're blind if you wrap up the story of this blind guy it's amazing he appears before the Pharisees again and as he's appearing before the Pharisees this guy clearly never saw an episode of Judge Judy he never got any counsel from a lawyer because it's like dude you you can't respond to their question with another question right you can't when you give your answers keep it as short as possible but but this guy's going to have none of that because he used to be blind and now we can see and in verse 24 the Pharisees tell this guy hey give glory to God what they want this guy to do is to admit that he is a sinner they want them to admit that Jesus is a sinner that he's not from God do you guys see that this is crazy they got the guy who responds in verse 25 with one of the best one-liners he says whether he is a sinner I do not know one thing I do know that though I was blind now I see that's just that's the best one-liner in the scriptures right well how do you respond to that how do you respond to that well the Pharisees try to trap him right there they're saying hey give glory to God and they could they're blind to the fact that this guy literally is a walking talking testimony of the display of the power of God in his life he literally is a display of the glory of God because he used to be blind but Jesus was able to make him see do you realize - like the in which he taught he healed this guy he rubbed mud on his eyes he spit into the dirt and he rubbed mud on his eyes Jesus as the creator of the world how did he create Adam he spit into the dirt and he formed Adam here's Jesus now spitting onto a guy and bringing healing or spitting into the mud and then healing this guy not spitting out of the guy not have been weird spitting into the mud and putting putting the mud on his eyes that the connection between creation and restored creation is here dis just screams that Jesus is here to save and then he sends this guy to a pool that means sent later John's going to give his own version of the Great Commission he's going to say just as the father has sent me I am sending you this guy literally is a sent one to reveal our witness to who Jesus is as the sent one from God again the Pharisees try to trap this guy they want him to admit that he's lying so they asked this guy to repeat the story hoping maybe they can find a mistake in this guy's story but the blind man sees right through it and verses 30 to 33 says why this is an amazing thing you do not know where he comes from and yet he opened my eyes we know that God does not listen to sinner's but if anyone is a worshipper of God and does his will God listens to him never since the world began hasn't been heard that anyone opened the eyes of a man born blind if this man were not from God he could do nothing in other words this guy is saying to the Pharisees you guys are the dumbest smart people I ever met you're the dumbest smart people I ever met you're missing the forest for the trees right like you guys want to complain and argue and get into the detail of where this guy comes from which is ironic because if you look two chapters earlier the Pharisees claimed that they knew where Jesus came from that he came from Nazareth but this blind guy is saying hey use your common sense this guy opened my eyes there's only one person who can do that his name is God therefore Jesus comes from God the amazing thing about this miracle is that no one had ever healed a man born blind the blind man was speaking the truth when he said that you can read all the scriptures you can survey all of history no one ever opened the eyes of a man born blind likewise Jesus and all the miracles that he did the most common one that he did was open the eyes the blind why because he's trying to get us to see our need for Jesus notice this is what happens in the story of the blind man well physical eyes were open the spiritual eyes were beginning to open to who Jesus was in verse 11 he calls Jesus a man it's true that Jesus is a man but he's not just like any other man because he opens the eyes of the blind next he says in verse 17 that Jesus is a prophet later on in the story it's true that Jesus is a prophet but again read the Old Testament you're not going to find a prophet in there who open the eyes of a blind and then finally we get to verses 35 and 38 and the formerly blind man comes to see Jesus for who he really is Jesus is Lord he is Savior any worship 10 the question for us this morning is this do you see Jesus Jesus isn't just a Sunday School answer Jesus isn't just an awesome teacher that gives you principles to live your life Jesus is not just some prophet who does awesome miracles in your life Jesus is God in the flesh here to save you here to deal with the root problem in your life which is sin he's here to reveal who God is to push back darkness so that we would see our need for him and respond and faith now be remiss if I didn't end with this how do we get spiritual sight how we get spiritual sight well verse 39 tells us it gives us the answer for judgment I came into this world that those who do not see may see and those who see may become blind super TV down reverse as Jesus ends John chapter 9 but what he's getting after is this the way in which we get spiritual sight is to admit that we are blind admit that we are Brian see Jesus came into this world to save he came to save sinners he came to save a world that is dominated by sin that implies that we are messed up that this world is a messed up place if I were to come into your world and I would say hey you're messed up that's a judgment right to say that we are in need of salvation is a judgment from Jesus and the judgment that Jesus is trying to get after here is saying hey you are actually blind and you need spiritual sight you need to see your need for Jesus that's a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit city light Jesus is the light of the world Jesus is the light of the world and he's come to show who God is the simple fact that Jesus had to come is a judgment on our world because it exposes us as sinners and that we need a Savior and the truth is we'll respond in one of two ways we'll either respond like a lost guy in the woods who has seen light for the first time we'll run to that light we'll go after Jesus will be able to see grace for what it is we'll be able to see our sin for what it is we will respond to Jesus in faith will begin to see other people not as theological problems but as people who need Jesus will respond that way or will respond like a fugitive in the woods who's just been identified by the light and will run we'll go back to the darkness will reject Jesus we'll think grace is trivial we'll begin to bypass people and we'll retreat to the darkness doing whatever we want may the Holy Spirit open up our eyes so that we perceive our need for him let's pray God I ask that you would do the heavy lifting even now in this third service God that your spirit would move amongst the people today that we would walk out of this place perceiving our need for you and maybe new ways God that we would not see people as Theological conquest but that we would see people as in need of Jesus that we would see ourselves as in need of Jesus God may we come to you not just knowing you as the Savior but seeing you as the Savior and Jesus may we cling to the grace that you have given to us that it covers our sin God what you do a work here this morning so there's something I pray and then
Channel: Citylight Omaha
Views: 4,230
Rating: 4.5744681 out of 5
Keywords: citylight church, gospel, omaha, nebraska, christian, missionary alliance
Id: LrrroDqjrEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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